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upwards-descent · 1 year ago
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As always, gotta make gijinkas :3 Archiater Gozu belongs to my loverly partner
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kuurankaiho · 2 years ago
Clone OCs, pencil sketches
I sketched these half a year ago for my Galactic Horde fic(s). Mainly character concepts for future digital works. They are rough-ish, and no exciting action poses. 😂
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Hordak's cadre of Brother-Knights. My pre-banishment Horde (the Holy Order of His Immortal Majesty) was inspired by Knights Templar and Arthurian legends, and features differently engineered clones from several generations. Young Hordak/Light-Bringer serves as Prime's second-in-command during a time when greater individuality for the clones was allowed. Characters from right to left:
Warmaker: chief weapons-master.
Lore-Gesith: Hordak's mentor. Close to the end of his life span at around 3400, he can no longer fight. Hordak, whom Prime originally created as a companion or the equivalent of a son as an experimental clone, was decanted with a juvenile mind in the body of an adult. He needed some common sense and manners hammered into his skull. Reprogramming was rarely practiced in the Order.
Left Hand (of Light-Bringer): programmer, one of the best fighters in the cadre, and sports a questionable sense of humor. C. 500 years old. He was not originally decanted as a Brother-Knight, but gradually rose from the lower ranks.
Light-Bringer, c. 200 here.
Right Hand (of Light-Bringer): grumpy military tactician, possibly a Horde priest. Over 3000 (changed his age recently), yet still an agile menace on the battlefield.
Victualler: chief supplier of materiel.
Archiater: chief physician.
Yes, two of them have beards. 😂 The entire generation of Lore-Gesith harbored genes for facial hair growth. Victualler is much younger, but emerged from a small experimental patch whose DNA was mixed with older genetic material.
A possible outfit design for Lore-Gesith.
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Circle-Closer is a Horde mortician. Also Wrong Hordak in a previous, much darker existence, before he was reprogrammed over and over again after Hordak's exile and lost his old personality. He's either a lower-ranking Brother-Knight or belongs to the Brother-Captains, which is the tier just beneath.
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crazy-so-na-sega · 4 months ago
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Pochi lo sanno, ma nel 142 d.c., venne istituita, in tutto l'Impero Romano, per ordine di Antonino Pio, la professione del medico municipale, chiamato archiater, ovvero il medico pubblico cittadino, insomma il medico della mutua degli antichi romani. Naturalmente il medico stava in città, per i villaggi invece i cittadini malati dovevano raggiungere la città più prossima, il municipio più vicino. Il medico privato invece era chiamato medicus.
Ne ebbero diritto tutti i cives romani, pertanto esclusi gli schiavi e gli stranieri, ma vigeva per tutto l'impero romano, da occidente all'oriente, dal settentrione europeo al meridione africano. Mai stato fece opera tanto grandiosa. L'architater faceva diagnosi, dava le erbe e le medicine, operava chirurgicamente, curava i denti e le ossa rotte.
I Romani infatti avevano medici, medicine, chirurghi e dentisti, anche se non si conoscevano nè batteri nè virus, scoperti solo nel 1800, per cui erano sconosciuti il contagio e le cause di molte malattie.
Tuttavia i medici romani, anche se non sterilizzavano, tenevano in gran conto la pulizia, tanto che avevano bende pulite e cofanetti e cassette ove tenevano gli attrezzi ben puliti e, se erano di ferro, ben oliati con puro olio di oliva.
Anticamente la medicina proveniva dalle erbe, e la loro ricerca era affidata alle donne. Anche se teoricamente doveva essere il pater familia a prendersi cura della famiglia e pure degli schiavi, in realtà erano le romane a prendersi cura dei familiari con impacchi, decotti, impiastri e tisane dei malati in famiglia, ed erano sempre le donne a fare le levatrici.
Catone si irritò molto per l'uso di valersi dei medici, soprattutto quelli greci che avevano invaso Roma, trascurando i buoni usi antichi e ci ha tramandato che la medicina domestica si basava essenzialmente sull'uso del cavolo, del vino e sul pronunciamento di filastrocche magiche (formule o invocazioni). Egli sintetizza così la cura del pater familiae:
 "Forniti di una canna verde, si reciti la formula "motas uaeta daries dardaries, asiadarides una te pes" e si canti ogni giorno "haut haut istasis tarsis ardannabon" e si guarirà così ogni male"
(Marco Porcio Catone, "De agri coltura", 160)
Per fortuna però c'erano le donne della famiglia e poi i medici, e per ciò che riguardava invece le malattie più gravi o la chirurgia, gli uomini che ne avevano possibilità andavano a studiarla nei paesi più progrediti in materia, in Grecia e in Egitto, ma esisteva anche una progredita medicina etrusca.
Nell'ambulatorio veniva attrezzata una piccola farmacia dove le sostanze semplici erano collocate in scatole di legno o vasi di terracotta o di ceramica sigillata (aretina) con l'indicazione del contenuto. Anche nelle case si attrezzarono minuscole farmacie, con cofanetti in metallo, osso o avorio, con diversi scomparti, con bende e medicinali di base per un pronto soccorso.
-Romano Impero
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Covid, archiviazione a Roma per Speranza, Lorenzin e Giulia Grillo
Il tribunale dei ministri di Roma ha archiviato le posizioni degli ex ministri della Salute Roberto Speranza, Beatrice Lorenzin e Giulia Grillo relative al troncone dell’inchiesta partita dalla procura di Bergamo e legata alla gestione della pandemia. Un parte dell’inchiesta era stata trasferita, per competenza territoriale, al tribunale di Brescia dove sono state già archiate le posizioni di…
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catherinedefrance · 2 years ago
Abraham Bäck (1713-15 mars 1795), he was a royal court physician/Archiater.
He studied in Uppsala and was abroad for five years before he became a court physician for Fredrik I (he was also a physician for Adolf Fredrik and Sofia Magdalena). Mr Bäck was also a friend of Carl von Linné.
This photograph was taken in 1921 and was then a part of a private collection, the painter is Johan Stålbom (1712-1777).
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lexiconjure · 8 years ago
n. a person who is considered to be an archdeacon.
archistry n.
late Middle English: via Latin from Greek arkhistra, from arkhein ‘to count’ (see ARCHIATE).
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kevlo75 · 4 years ago
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Andromachus (#greece🇬🇷 🇬🇷  Ἀνδρόμαχος; 1st century) was the name of two Greek physicians, father and son, who lived in the time of Nero. Andromachus the Elder, was born in Crete, and was physician to Nero, 54-68 AD. He is principally celebrated for having been the first person on whom the title of "Archiater" is known to have been conferred, and also for having been the inventor of a very famous compound medicine and antidote, which was called after his name Theriaca Andromachi, which long enjoyed a great reputation. Andromachus has left us the directions for making this strange mixture in a Greek elegiac poem, consisting of 174 lines, and dedicated to #nero .Galen has inserted it in two of his works,[and says that Andromachus chose this form as being more easily remembered than prose, and less likely to be altered. #pharma #discoveries #biotech #medecine #research #apothecaries #chimist #drugs #nantes #heritage #loireatlantique (à Archives départementales de Loire-Atlantique) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQPCN2pg8t2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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marialilllitharrowwild · 4 years ago
doctor (n.)
c. 1300, doctour, "Church father," from Old French doctour and directly from Medieval Latin doctor "religious teacher, adviser, scholar," in classical Latin "teacher," agent noun from docere "to show, teach, cause to know," originally "make to appear right," causative of decere "be seemly, fitting" (from PIE root *dek- "to take, accept").
Meaning "holder of the highest degree in a university, one who has passed all the degrees of a faculty and is thereby empowered to teach the subjects included in it" is from late 14c. Hence "teacher, instructor, learned man; one skilled in a learned profession" (late 14c.).
The sense of "medical professional, person duly licensed to practice medicine" (replacing native leech (n.2)) grew gradually out of this from c. 1400, though this use of the word was not common until late 16c. The transitional stage is exemplified in Chaucer's Doctor of phesike (Latin physica came to be used extensively in Medieval Latin for medicina).
That no man ... practyse in Fisyk ... but he be Bacheler or Doctour of Fisyk, havynge Lettres testimonyalx sufficeantz of on of those degrees of the Universite. [Rolls of Parliament, 1421]
Middle English also used medicin for "a medical doctor" (mid-15c.), from French. Similar usage of the equivalent of doctor is colloquial in most European languages: Italian dottore, French docteur, German doktor, Lithuanian daktaras, though these typically are not the main word in those languages for a medical healer. For similar evolution, compare Sanskrit vaidya- "medical doctor," literally "one versed in science." German Arzt, Dutch arts are from Late Latin archiater, from Greek arkhiatros "chief healer," hence "court physician." French médecin is a back-formation from médicine, replacing Old French miege, from Latin medicus.
Phrase what the doctor ordered "just the thing" is attested by 1914.
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shipwreckkarpathos · 7 years ago
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We have been a little quiet for the last couple of weeks. Unfortunately we did meet our presale goal so the for the time being no vinyl. We have nothing to be upset by though, we made new friends, learned some lessons for the future, and really got a lot of support while as we went through the process. Keep an eye out for news from us soon including shows starting again this fall/winter. In the mean time check this out! We are honored to be included in the second volume of "Open Language", a post-rock comp including our dudes @ianxduvall aka ARCHIATOR, @thispatchofsky @longhallways and about a million other incredible bands from all over the world. Get it FOR FREE at athousandarms.bandcamp.com and huge thanks to @athousandarms and @zeidlerdavid for including us and being seriously solid dudes!
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