#arcana's watchlist
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2023 Watchlist
Current Watchlist // 2022 Watchlist // 2021 Watchlist // My Favourites / My Art These are all the dramas I finished in 2023. They might not have been released in 2023, but this is when I watched (and finished) them. (Updated 25/09/2023.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Beware, here be spoilers!!
(Everything is subject to change and just personal opinion. My ratings and opinions don't reflect on the quality of the shows at all. Tastes vary!)
----------------------------------------------- Dramas I finished in 2023. (Alphabetical order.) Number of dramas watched so far: 69
3 Will Be Free (Thai BL)
Final Rating: 7/10 I've heard a lot of good things about this show and I do get it. It's fun and there actually being three people in love is fascinating and awesome. However, I was just...not into the plot. I wanted to see more about them and their relationship, not so much the murder and stuff.
609 Bedtime Story (Thai BL)
Final Rating: 6/10 Much like Oh! My Sunshine Night, this show started out looking like fun and I was curious about how all the issues would resolve, but at the end I didn't much care and was just confused by the choices that were made. And, much like O!MSN, I liked the side couple more than I did the main. Which is unfortunate, because I like Ohm and especially Fluke. Alas.
Alchemy of Souls Season 2: Light and Shadow (Korean Drama)
Final Rating: 9/10 I both liked this season more and less than the first one. I loved the conflict in season 1 more and thought the original actress was amazing, but I enjoyed the plot and character chemistry more in the second. Excellent storytelling, a world I'd love to spend more time in, and some gorgeous, colourful characters. (Also, I got to see Minhyun from NU'EST act in such a big production, which made me happy.)
A League of Nobleman (Chinese Drama)
Final rating: 8/10 A story that was a lot of fun and didn't involve any romance. (Well, except for one of the main characters basically having a harem of cute men around him. He was popular as hell!) Had this been a BL, it'd been 10/10 because it involved interesting characters, an interesting plot with lots of puzzles, and gorgeous cinematography. Had they gone with the obvious tension and love between one of the main character and his closest friend, it'd have been perfect.
All the Liquors (Korean BL)
Final rating: 6.5/10
I was really into this drama the first few episodes. It was quirky, the characters had clear motivations (and contrast!) and it was fun. However, at some point it went downhill for me. The restaurant owner went from rigid and set in his way to completely accepting of the initial conflict. He was completely anti-alcohol and his entire life was impacted by it, yet the moment he sees a pretty face he capitulates and now not only accepts it but happily drinks it and serves it in his restaurant. I dislike characters changing their convictions on a whim just because they meet their love interest, especially when it's been established that their family, friends, and the passing of time hadn't been able to change them for a long time. It feels very plot convenient. So, sadly, I didn't feel the same at the end as I did the beginning.
Ameiro Paradox (Japanese BL)
Final Rating: 7.5/10 Really cute little show with an interesting premise and well developed characters. It's short, but cute and I wish it'd been longer. I would have loved seeing these two figure out more mysteries and drama.
A Shoulder to Cry On (Korean BL)
Final rating: 8/10 This show hits all the right spots for me. The characters are well defined, contrast each other nicely, and it's obvious that there are layers to both of them. It's definitely an 'enemies to lovers' drama, though, and one of the main leads is absolutely not likeable at first. I love asshole, broken characters who end up redeemed, though, so it's not an issue for me. However, if bullying and unequal, unfair beginnings to a relationship bother you then maybe skip this!
Bed Friend (Thai BL)
Final rating: 8.5/10 This show surprised me. Initially I thought it would be your average 'friends with benefits turn into something more' story, but it's a lot deeper and darker than that. I love it a lot more than I thought I would, mostly due to the fascinating characters and the ridiculous amounts of chemistry the two leads have. King, especially, just exudes love and green flags. He's exactly what a person as broken as Uea needs. And they're beautiful together. It is very dark, though. So if subjects of abuse and trauma upset you, please be careful about watching this one.
Being Me (Korean BL)
Final rating: 7/10 Very cute and right up my alley. Best friends of many years don't realize they have feelings for each other until a girl and imminent separation force them to. Short, but sweet.
Be My Favorite (Thai BL)
Final rating: 7.5/10 This show was super cute and told a great story about letting go and not being able to control your life. Kawi wants a lot of things and the time travel device allows him a second (and third and fourth) chance at getting the dream, but he eventually realizes that's not what he needs. I'm not 100% sold on either of the two main actors, but they were cute together and it was an enjoyable watch all the way through.
Between Us (Thai BL)
Final Rating: 9.5/10 One of my absolute favourite pairings got their own show and it was amazing. Well written, well acted, with enough callbacks to UWMA but not relying on it too much. Win and Team continued to be amazing together (as are Boun and Prem) and I was excited for every episode. There were a lot of couples and a bunch of new characters, but I didn't hate it at all and ended up very fond of most of them. (WaanTul own series, when??) The depth to their story and the fact that we've waited years for this made it an even better experience. I'm so happy for everyone involved that it turned out so well. <3
Destined (Chinese Drama)
Final rating: 7.5/10 This is a show I didn't expect to love, but I ended up super invested and I binged through the first half like it was nothing. It's actually one which I kept up to date with, which is not something i often manage to do with Chinese dramas. The premise seems common - a woman is forced to marry a womanizer and they eventually fall in love - but the chemistry between the characters is so good and the story has just taken a turn for the dramatic. It's fun and while it dropped it a little towards the end I really enjoyed it.
Destiny Seeker (Thai BL)
Final rating: 6.5/10 I think it's cute, but also a little confusing at times and not super high quality.
Future (Thai BL)
Final rating: 6.5/10 Adorable little show. Not groundbreaking, but super, super cute.
Gone With The Rain (Chinese Drama)
Final rating: 7.5/10 This was a show I tried watching when it first aired, but gave up after one episode because the main character is so full of herself. (She badmouthed a woman who'd ended up on the street and had to beg for money to feed her kid because 'you should just work harder' and I turned it off immediately.) However, after some gifs and word of mouth, I gave it a second try. It ended up being a fun story, but not necessarily because I liked the romance in it. I don't think they were a good match, honestly. And that's sad, because the premise of their romance sounds super fun. (Woman is in love with upstanding warrior but ends up married to a rogue, who she eventually develops feelings for after loathing him for ages.) Idk. Good, but not as good as I wanted it to be.
Happy Merry Ending (Korean BL)
Final rating: 7/10 I gave it a 7 because it's still good, but this is probably the Korean BL that I was least into. I doubt I'll be going back to rewatch it. It's just...meh. Fun enough to watch, but not enough to fangirl over it.
Heroes (Chinese Drama)
Final rating: 9.5/10 Gosh, this drama was painful. I had kind of been spoiled about one of the main characters dying and it was very clear from episode one that another was going to die too, but it still hurt. Excellent drama with great characters and a lot of tearjerker moments. The only reason this is not a 10/10 for me is that I thought the 'powerful evil guy does evil shit behind the scenes' plot was a little weak and that I'd like to have seen more episodes of them developing the brotherhood between the two male leads and big brother Su Mengzhen. That way I would have cried even harder.
HIStory5: Love in the Future (Taiwanese BL)
Final Rating: 6.5/10 Messy, messy, messy. Fun couples with good chemistry, but holy shit the plotline was all over the place. I was waiting for the angst of one of the main characters having to decide between love or family, but that was fixed neatly by the family member already being dead and next to no attention being paid to it. The couples are fun, but don't expect expert storytelling.
Hit Bite Love (Thai BL)
Final rating: 5.5/10 It was a confusing, disjointed show for me. Like many, I was mainly there for Burger and King. They had great chemistry and a nice story, but the rest of the show I wasn't really into. It felt off beat to me, but that could also be because I eventually just fast forwarded to the Burger and King stuff.
House of Stars (Thai BL)
Final rating: 6/10 This show is such a mess. And I'm not just talking about the subtitles. It reminds me a little of War of Y, but a little more confusing in writing and acting. (And subtitling. Did I mention the subtitles are a pain sometimes? They are. Some characters have had like 10 different names according to them.) I was kind of curious to see where it went, though, and I actually liked the Gun character. That actor did his best and is one of the shining lights of the show for me. Also, the messy Korn/Pawin relationship was fun to follow along to. I kind of gave up trying to keep track of what was happening, though, so I'm not sure if the final episode was an actual ending or a sign that there'll be a season 2.
Individual Circumstances (Korean BL)
Final rating: 8/10 A very soft, well produced show about close friends who are torn apart by misunderstandings and feelings they don't think are returned. Which leads to one of them running away. (2023 is full of shows like that, for some reason?) I am a sucker for 'longtime friends eventually realize there's more there than friendship' and 'angst leads to longtime separation', so this drama was perfect for me.
Island Part 2 (Korean Drama)
Final rating: 7.5/10 I felt a little disappointed by this drama, because the plot and characters had such potential and the first few episodes had me very excited. Unfortunately it didn't quite reach up to the potential I saw. It's well shot, the cgi is great, and still really fun, but not quite what I had in mind. It might be because I didn't find the main male lead very interesting and I questioned his chemistry with the female lead. It's hard to enjoy a show that banks on the starcrossed lovers theme when you don't really feel like there's anything there. Still fun and nice wordbuilding, though!
I Will Knock You (Thai BL)
Final Rating: 7.5/10 Look, this drama is silly and takes a while to actually BL, but it's so cute and I warmed up to this pairing gradually but strongly. At first it may seem overly weird, but in the end it was worth it for me. They were super cute.
Jack o' Frost (Japanese BL)
Final rating: 7.5/10 Holy shit, this show hurts. In a good way, though. It perfectly showcases how painful relationships can be when both parties don't communicate and consider each other's feelings. And what can happen when these things aren't fixed. And then, just after they break up, one of them loses their memories and they're given a second chance at falling in love. However, is it really love when one party is clueless and the other lying through his teeth just to keep the person he initially fell in love with?
Jun & Jun (Korean BL)
Final rating: 7/10 Look, it was cute and the leads definitely had chemistry, I just...didn't find one of the main characters all that appealing? And the other main lead had so many guys fawning over him that I got fed up with it. Add that I was super into the second (hinted at) couple that then barely got any time towards the end and was just haphazardly thrown together and... :(
La Pluie (Thai BL)
Final rating: 9/10 This show!!! I was very hesitant going into this, because I'm not huge on soulmates and someone being predetermined for you. (Or predetermined things in general. I hate Chosen Ones for the same reason.) However, this show is so good and unlike some other shows it went just as I hoped it would. The message was that it's not who your soulmate is but who you choose that matters and <3 <3 <3. Tien, my boy. He's so good and he's suffered so much, but eventually he got what he deserved and it was a blessing.
Laws of Attraction (Thai BL)
Final rating: 8/10 Really good show with a fun plot and the main leads definitely have chemistry. (But we already knew that.) The only reason that it didn't pass the 8 mark for me is that I thought they could have had more and longer animosity between them. Their begrudging attraction was fun. I think the show was a little short to put all that in.
Love Between Fairy and Devil (Chinese Drama)
Final Rating: 7/10 Gorgeous story with gorgeous characters, a great plot, and very good cgi. I absolutely loved some parts of it - especially some characters, such as RongHua and ChangHeng - and would definitely have rated it much, much higher if that wasn't countered by some characters I absolutely didn't like. Orchid was way too obnoxious and clueless for me to handle in the beginning and I really had to power through. Also, the secondary couple didn't do it for me. Probably because I couldn't stand JieLi. The stories in my head are 10/10, though. The world itself is worth revisiting.
Love Class Season 2 (Korean BL)
Final rating: 7/10
Super, super cute. The only reason I have it listed so low is that I wasn't feeling one of the main actors and so was stuck fastforwarding through one third of the show.
Love Syndrome III (Thai BL)
Final rating: 6/10 This show is a fucking mess. From the storyline to the messed up relationships (plural!), the characters being terrible friends, and the amnesia plot, I was just stuck skipping huge chunks of every episode just to say I finished it. I like Lee Longshi as an actor, but this was just not the show. For him or anyone else.
Love Tractor (Korean BL)
Final rating: 8/10 For a show that started out feeling like it was going to include murder - what was that first introduction?! - it's incredibly adorable. It's a feel good show with beautiful scenery and beautiful men. And our little (well, big, his shoulders are huge) farmer boy is the cutest. I always felt happy after watching episodes, so I'm sad that it's done.
Low Frequency (Thai BL)
Final rating: 6.5/10 Look, I really liked the premise and thought the first episode was cute, but I just couldn't really get into it later on. I didn't really see the chemistry between the two main leads once they got together and while the plot was fun I didn't like the execution. I also didn't really see where/when/how Mon fell for Thames.
Marry My Dead Body (Taiwanese Movie)
Final rating: 7/10 An amazing premise, but the slapstick/humour side of things just isn't for me. Still fun and touching and it made me sad, but it didn't live up to what I had in my head.
Midnight Museum (Thai Drama)
Final rating: 7/10 It's fun, combines my love of fantasy with suspense, mystery, and otherworldly characters, and has fascinating characters. (With actors who have a lot of chemistry.) It feels like a BL but isn't 100% confirmed to be one and has lots of funny cameos by various GMMTV actors.
Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 (Japanese BL)
Final rating: 7/10 I hate having to rate it this low, because I loved the first season and was really into the second season and then... They added an amnesia plot that completely halted any progress Minato had made. (Only for them to 'makes it easy!' fix it in a few minutes and give him yet another way out later on.) We're back where we were at the start. At least the secondary couple remained cute throughout.
Moonlight Chicken (Thai BL)
Final rating: 10/10 This is one of the few dramas I'd confidently give a 10 out of 10 to. EarthMix are always a comfort pairing for me and they definitely delivered here, as did the entire cast. The show felt rich, comfortable, and had plenty of layers. As an older queer person, it resonated with me a lot. Jim, with his painful, difficult past, felt very relatable. It was great to see his walls come down throughout the show. The excellent side pairing of Heart and LiMing also provided a hopeful, positive, and sweet iteration of (a first) queer love. Apart from the cast, the show was well written and beautiful to look at. Worth checking out!
My Blessing (Thai BL)
Final rating: 4.5/10 I very recently watched this and already don't remember most of what happened. I know it's low budget and I should give it some slack for that, but it just felt...all over the place and confusing. Meeting a supposed angel who turns out to be your one true love sounds like fun, but I just wasn't into it?
My Journey to You (Chinese Drama)
Final rating: 7/10
Beautifully shot and acted with some compelling characters and a really exciting premise. Unfortunately I just ended up predominantly into the secondary characters. The mains did next to nothing for me. The main female character was badass but mostly just there, speaking quietly and completely forgiven for being a spy and assassin there to kill them all (through the power of love). (Which somehow spread to everyone around the main character too? They trusted her just because she got his dick hard? Idk man.) And then you have the main male character, who became leader through a fluke and just made the wrong decisions and was a completely incompetent leader throughout the entire show, yet was somehow redeemed in the last few episodes and loved by all? Over the dedicated, qualified, competent older cousin/brother? The poison brothers were right all along, is all I'm saying.
My School President (Thai BL)
Final Rating: 9/10 Such a cute and charming drama. You'd think that a high school romance story would be overdone and boring by now, but MSP shows that if done well it's still amazing. The main pair is adorable and the side characters diverse. Definitely worth watching. Only negative is not enough TiwPor.
Mysterious Lotus Casebook (Chinese Drama)
Final rating: 10/10 Congratulations to Mysterious Lotus Casebook for making it to my very limited list of shows I think are worth 10/10. Excellent storytelling, great riddles, beautiful scenes and people, and a huge amount of engaging, fun characters that I grew to love. That ending was painful yet super fitting and just open ended enough that all the characters I adore can live on happily inside my heart and mind. (And no one can convince me that this entire show is not one huge love story, even if China would never.)
Naked Dinner (Japanese BL)
Final rating: 7/10 The premise is so weird, lmao. And towards the middle and end the premise about him eating naked doesn't even feature into anything. However, the actor playing Mahiro remains adorable and great (I went into this super excited because I remembered him from Cherry Magic) and the story is cute.
Never Let Me Go (Thai BL)
Final Rating: 6/10 As much as I wanted to love this show, I just...didn't. The premise was good and I really enjoyed the first few episodes, but then the hype just...died out. I'm not sure if this was due to me not vibing with the actors or the story, but I just...didn't love it. I spent most of the time wishing we'd get back to Chopper and Ben, whom I did like. It's a shame.
Oh No! Here Comes Trouble (Taiwanese Drama)
Final rating: 8.5/10 I'd heard a lot of good things about this drama and I get why. It has interesting characters, a good plot, and some really nice stories being told. I think I'd watch a second season if they made one.
Our Dating Sim (Korean BL)
Final Rating: 8/10 This is everything I want in a fluffy, light, fun show. Best friends who develop feelings, but then misunderstand each other and don't see each other again for years, only to reunite and finally realize they feel the same way. It's simple, but it's my kind of angsty happy ending and I love it!
Our Skyy 2 (Thai BL)
Final rating: 7/10 Had this just been the Bad Buddy x ATOTS crossover, it'd received much higher, but unfortunately I wasn't super into some of the shows or scenarios they presented for the other ones. Like I've said before, I'm not usually into established pairings, so I have to have a really strong connection to them or enjoy the storyline/drama that ensues. Also, Pawin's character in the Star in my Mind episodes deserved a romance. (I felt like they hinted at it with Typhoon and then it didn't happen? I was so sad! XD)
Rak Diao (Thai BL)
Final rating: 6.5/10 The writing is silly, the laugh track obnoxious, and one of the main leads is the most obnoxious individual I've ever met. If it hadn't been for my headcanons being so good, I probably wouldn't have been able to finish it.
Remember Me (Thai BL)
Final Rating: 6.5/10 This show was such a shame. I was super excited about the first episodes. They were amazing and the show felt comfortable. It felt like things were going somewhere and I was especially fond of the pairing of Em and Name. A boy who didn't speak, but who had a friend who didn't care and understood him completely. Boys who would eventually realize it was not just friendship, but something more. I was so ready for all that. And then they completely ruined both that friendship and how they handled Name. I almost felt personally insulted with how that was done. He doesn't speak, but if you guilt trip him hard enough by ignoring him he'll talk and eventually even thank his mother for her treatment of him? Nah, fuck off. Such a waste. :(
Sing My Crush (Korean BL)
Final rating: 8/10 I went into this knowing nothing about this show, because I just randomly stumbled upon it when all episodes were already out. It's super, super cute and hits all my favourite 'friends find out there's more to their relationship than just friendship' tropes. Not particularly original, but still super cute and worth a watch.
Star Struck (Korean BL)
Final rating: 7/10 The premise was, once again, friends realize there's something more. Complete with the 'one realizes their feelings first and pulls back in fear the other will notice' scenario. Sadly, there have been better shows that told the exact same story this year. Still cute, though.
Stay by My Side (Taiwanese BL)
Final rating: 7.5/10
Is it the best acted series ever? No. Is it a little slow paced and clearly low budget? Yes. Is it adorable as hell? HELL YES. They're cuties and this was cute.
Stay With Me (Chinese BL/Bromance)
Final rating: 7.5/10 Look, this story is a lovestory, okay. Don't tell Chinese censors. It's such a good story and they main characters are so sweet. I really hope we get a second season.
Step By Step (Thai BL)
Current rating: 7.5/10 A great show with great representation, great conversations about queerness (in the bl industry), and actual mature characters. (And immature ones, but that's Jaab's charm.) It's so good! Look, I have to admit neither of the main characters are 100% my type, but they're fun and the fact that the older, stoic one is the one breaking down because of feelings is just amazing. He cried in his baby brother's arms!! I want more shows like this, even if it's not 100% for me. (It is for about 75% though, lol.) My only gripe is that they seemed to completely give up on the Jaab/Jane relationship towards the end? What happened there??
The Blood of Youth (Chinese Drama)
Final rating: 10/10 One of the few shows I've given a 10/10 to. This show gripped me from the very beginning and unlike most Chinese dramas, I never felt like fast forwarding through scenes. (Chinese dramas are long, okay.) All the characters were distinct, gorgeous, and had very clear convictions. The main character was interesting and his relationships with the other characters seemed genuine. Also, some of the side characters were amazing. I especially loved the jade diety and the main character's oldest brother. Watch this if you're into adventure, subterfuge, and colourful, amazing characters.
The Day I Loved You (Pinoy BL)
Final Rating: 7.5/10 Super, super cute. I saw it compared to Heartstopper and I totally get what they mean. I binged this and enjoyed it immensely.
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner (Korean BL)
Final Rating: 7.5/10 I think if given a bit more time and meat to it, this BL could have been everything I like in a drama. It could have been a perfect blend of fantasy, historical drama, and BL. As it was, it wasn't given more than 10 episodes but it was still really cute and I enjoyed it.
The Eighth Sense (Korean BL)
Final rating: 8.5/10 Wow, was this show a ride. It started out dark and gritty and real and continued that way throughout the show. Excellent storytelling and chemistry with some painful backstories and some equally painful episodes. The ending was mostly satisfying and one of hope, though. I could have done without the one dimensional, jealous, conniving female antagonist, though Also, warning, if things like depression and death upset you then please be careful about watching this.
The Journey of Chong Zi (Chinese Drama)
Final rating: 7/10
This drama got a lot of criticism and I feel conflicted about that. On the one hand, I get it. The main actress tries very hard but doesn't quite live up to the setting (and her co-stars) and it is quite annoying that every man who so much as looks at her falls in love with her, but on the other hand I enjoyed the story, the broken male love interest, and pretty much all of the (evil) side characters.
The main male lead starts out as a beacon of righteousness. A rolemodel and leader of the good side. But gradually you start to realize that the good side has just as much evil and subterfuge in it as the demon side does and that the main male lead isn't this paradigm of light either.
Throughout the story he unravels and breaks and turns into quite the dark, fascinating character. (Even if the show doesn't always portray him as such? I think they still see him as in the right at all times.)
Apart from that, the show has some amazing side characters. (Especially the ones by fan favourites Li DaiKun, Gao Han, and Wang ZhouCheng.) And they're all stunning to look at.
The Legend of Anle (Chinese Drama)
Final rating: 9/10 Holy shit. Not only does this show have Dilraba as the main actress, you have Gongjun and Liu Yuning to back her up? I'm in heaven! Add to that a badass female character with a fun plot - so far - and lots of scheming and I'm sold. This show had several relationships that broke my heart - LinLang, AnNing, you both deserved better!! - and while it's a happy ending overall I thought about the pain and those characters for a long time after.
The Luminous Solution (Thai BL)
Final rating: 5/10 This show isn't for me. I finished it because I might as well finish, but I wasn't into it at all and as a result I felt confused and skipped sections I didn't care about. It was supposed to be somewhat supernatural or something? I just...didn't care enough to pay much attention to it. I'm sorry.
The New Employee (Korean BL)
Final Rating: 7/10 Cute and set in an office. Included queer representation and a main character who is older yet new to dating and romance. It was a fun watch. Nothing spectacular, but still cute.
The Warp Effect (Thai Drama/BL)
Final Rating: 7/10 I wasn't as hyped about this show as a lot of people were - I thought it was a bit messy and all over the place - but I can't deny that it had great diversity and representation. I may have skipped some scenes, but most of the pairings were great together and the chemistry great.
The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity (Chinese Movie)
Final rating: 9/10 A really good movie and a really good love story. (That wasn't explicitly written as a love story because, lol, China.) Excellent plot, characters, cgi, and actors. Everything was beautiful and while some of it went too quick and was too obvious (because of time constraints) I still really enjoyed this.
Till The End Of The Moon (Chinese Drama)
Initially this was everything I like in a show. Painful, tortured characters with equally sad storylines who eventually (hopefully?) have a happy ending. The worlds they inhabit are stunning, so is the cgi, and every single character is beautiful. Look, if you have Bai Lu and Leo Lu as your main actors you can't go wrong. (Also, how gorgeous are Sun Zhen Ni as Pian Ran and Deng Wei as Xao Lin? I'm way too bisexual for this show, I swear!) Could have done without the show killing off so many of my favourite characters, though. (Some repeatedly.) Also, towards the end the show becomes a little repetitive in the 'they are forced apart and have to reconcile again' sense. (And you might want to pretend episode 35 is the last.) Current rating: 8.5/10
Tin Tem Jai (Thai BL)
Final rating: 7/10 Look, is this a very good show? No. It's a bit all over the place and a bit (a lot) silly and the actors try very hard but it's not always enough. It's a mess and I shouldn't enjoy it. However, I just love the kind of pining that the main character does. (Even though that's not really portrayed in the show, as he's always happy and smiley.) How painful is it when everyone knows how you feel about your crush and you've made it so very clear, yet he doesn't feel the same way and barely even acknowledges it? Tin is just tragic to me, okay. He's silly and loud and very obvious, but realistically speaking it must be painful to not even be considered. He's literally called 'son' or 'kid' by the person he's in love with, who he's always around, and everyone knows. It's an open secret. It's probably going to turn out even messier and end up a terrible show, but in my head the storylines and characters are good, at least? Edit: it ended up messier and Park out of nowhere realized he has feelings for the guy he's been turning down for years. But, hey, my headcanons are still great! As is the side couple!
Tokyo in April is... (Japanese BL)
Final rating: 6/10 Going in I assumed this would be a cute, feelgood stories about estranged friends reconnecting and finding out they liked each other all along, but it turned a lot darker. Sadly I'm not as into it as I thought I would be. Be careful about dark, triggering subjects, my friends!
Unintentional Love Story (Korean BL)
Final rating: 8.5/10 Such a fun, eventually heartwarming story. You could see the two main characters fall in love - one aware of it, the other completely oblivious - from the very first episode and it was both exhilarating and painful because you knew about the secret one of them was carrying around with him. This is everything I like in my Korean BLs and it was just lovely. And, hey, if they want a second season the secondary couple is right there! That's the only thing I missed about this show, a clear resolution for them. (And maybe a kiss?)
Utsukushii Kare Season 2 (Japanese BL)
Final rating: 7.5/10 It was a blessing to see these two characters again. Their unconventional, fascinating relationship is just as good in this season as it was in the first. However, in general this season doesn't live up to the first season for me. It was never going to, though, because I love angst and the struggle of falling in love, not so much the happily ever after. (Not that you could call what they have perfect, of course.) Established relationships aren't my thing. I'm there for the journey, not the destination. (If that makes sense at all.) That doesn't mean this wasn't great, though. The actors have great chemistry and Kiyoi remains one of the most interesting characters out there. (Also, that pout!)
Wedding Plan (Thai BL)
Final rating: 7/10
One of the most unlikable main characters in ages. The only reason the grade is so high is because their chemistry was amazing and the other main character was so cute. They somewhat redeemed Lom towards the end of the show, but not enough to make him anything other than an asshole. Just explain the situation, man, for fuck's sake.
Why R U? (Korean BL)
Final rating: 7.5/10 Really cute show. One or two of the actors were a bit stiff, but other than that it was a cute remake and I really liked the secondary couple. The main couple was fine too, though. <3
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Hello there! Call me Lamb! I'm 23, I use she/her pronouns, and I've been writing since about 2010. I'm always looking for new people to write with (and I'm not replacing anyone who I'm currently writing with!). This post will be a bit about me, my interests and fandoms, and I hope to meet a whole lot of new writers! Please note that I will not write with anyone under the age of eighteen.
About The Writer (cont.)
※ I write using Discord! My username will be dropped at the bottom of this post. ※ My time zone is CST, or GMT -6. ※ I am very active AND a yapper. I love to share headcanons, songs, and all ideas that crop up.
※ At this moment in time I am looking for OCxCanon and OCxOC ships. I am happy to double up if you'd like, though this is not necessary! The canon characters I'm looking for will be disclosed in the plotting stage. I do not write CanonxCanon. ※ I write M/F, F/F, M/M ships, as well as ships including nonbinary characters. I will always ask for M/F and F/F ships for my side, but I'm happy to write M/M for you. I am more than happy to write poly ships for you in return for the same. ※ I am a master at doubling up, and I pride myself on the utmost accuracy for any canon character that I write. Come at me with all your craziest ideas, AUs, crossovers, etc. I put the same amount of energy and love into both sides of double-up threads, and I only write with others who do the same!
※ My writing style is third person, past tense, with about 3-6 paragraphs per post. I mirror my partner's post length to the best of my ability. ※ In order to keep interest, I ask that my partners be able respond at least once every other day, though I understand that life happens! I will do my best to communicate such things as activity drops or events that might keep me away from writing.
※ My favorite things to write are plots that mix angst, drama, fluff, smut, all of it! ※ NSFW will more than likely come up in my threads. I prefer a 60/40 or 70/30 plot-to-smut ratio. ※ Triggers and no-goes will be discussed beforehand, privately, in DMs. ※ I will most likely ask you for a small writing sample. Here is a link to a Google Doc that has a writing sample of mine!
※ American McGee's Alice & Alice: Madness Returns ※ Arcane ※ Blue Eye Samurai ※ Boyfriend to Death 1 & 2 ※ Creepypasta ※ Detroit Become Human ※ Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared ※ Gravity Falls ※ Happy Tree Friends ※ Hellsing ※ Inside Job ※ IT (2017/2019) ※ Lackadaisy ※ Lies of P ※ Mouthwashing ※ OFF ※ O.K. K.O.: Let's Be Heroes! ※ Over The Garden Wall ※ Portal & Portal 2 ※ Resident Evil games ※ Silent Hill 1, 2 (+ remake), 3 ※ Stranger Things ※ Squid Game ※ TellTale's The Walking Dead ※ The Arcana ※ The Boys ※ The Fall of The House of Usher ※ The Haunting of Bly Manor ※ The Haunting of Hill House ※ The Owl House ※ The Price of Flesh ※ The Wolf Among Us ※ Transistor ※ Warriors (cats) Watchlist: - Beastars (watching) - DoroHeDoro (haven't started)
Thanks for reading! The easiest way to contact me is to DM me here on Tumblr or Discord (@/cxtpxke). Please introduce yourself with what you want me to call you, the pronouns you use, if you wanted to double up, and which fandoms you were looking to write. Thank you!
#oc/canon#oc/canon rp#fandom rp#discord rp 1x1#arcane rp#blue eye samurai rp#bes rp#btd rp#gravity falls rp#inside job rp#lies of p rp#mouthwashing game rp#off game rp#ok ko rp#ok ko lets be heroes rp#otgw rp#portal rp#portal 2 rp#resident evil rp#silent hill rp#squid game rp#twdg rp#the owl house rp#toh rp#tpof rp#the price of flesh rp#twau rp#transistor game rp#wcrp#tfothou rp
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My annual Shocktober watchlist is here 🕸️
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master list // fandoms I write for
🌼 anime
jujutsu kaisen
bungou stray dogs
fairy tail
black butler
balance unlimited
brand new animal
angels of death
blue exorcist
death parade
demon slayer
death note
pandora hearts
ouran high school host club
yuri on ice
vampire knight
toilet bound hanako kun
my hero academia [up to s2]
moriarty the patriot
[ on my watchlist: haikyuu, attack on titan, great pretender ]
🌼 animated tv shows
she-ra princess of power
carmen sandiego
hazbin hotel
helluva boss
avatar the last airbender
miraculous ladybug [new seasons not included]
gravity falls
🌼 games
mystic messenger
the arcana
genshin impact
🌼 movies
harry potter
the hunger games
star wars
[nolan's] batman
dc universe
marvel universe
the hobbit
🌼 tv series
game of thrones
peaky blinders [up to s2]
american horror story
//you can request...
🦋nsfw + kinks
#fairy tail#bungou stray dogs#demon slayer#potc#harry potter#the arcana#mystic messenger#hannibal#sherlock#the walking dead#peaky blinders#kakegurui#miraculous ladybug#rick and morty#hazbin hotel#helluva boss#batman#harley quinn#dc universe#marvel universe#star wars#the hobbit#death note#inuyasha#balance unlimited#studio ghibli#castlevania#hellsing#black butler#game of thrones
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2022 Watchlist
Current Watchlist // 2023 Watchlist // 2021 Watchlist // My Favourites / My Art These are all the dramas I finished in 2022. They might not have been released in 2022, but this is when I watched (and finished) them. Year total: 76 dramas watched. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Beware, here be spoilers!!
(Everything is subject to change and just personal opinion. My ratings and opinions don't reflect on the quality of the shows at all. Tastes vary!)
Dramas I finished in 2022.
(Alphabetical order.) 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us (Thai BL) Final rating: 8/10 This show was painful but beautiful. Painful in that I knew from the very first episode that it wouldn't have a happy ending, but the writing and acting and cinematography were still gorgeous to look at. Wang falling in love was tragic, because it was never going to work out. He was the very image of his father, stuck between his (love for his) mother and (his love for) In. Except where his father was on an even setting with the both of them, he's still seen as a child. Him trying to convince the world that he's not was more of a struggle in this show than him being attracted to a man was. He represented his mother and In's greatest fears and regrets. And as a result he was never going to get what he wanted with In, because In was never going to risk making the same mistakes and destroying someone the way he destroyed himself. Beautiful, but painful. So be careful if you watch this.
21 Days Theory (Thai BL) Final rating: 7/10
A cute show that surprised me. I was expecting it to be, well, worse, but it was actually rather cute and I didn't even hate the side characters. I don't really have strong feelings about it, though, which means it was good enough to have me look back on it fondly, but nothing really stood out to me at the same time.
8.2 Byo no Hosoku / The 8.2 Second Rule (Japanese BL) Final rating: 6/10 A short little series with a main character who finds himself being the match maker for cute guys but never finds one who likes him. Or does he? It's short and not really much of a BL, but it's cute?
About Youth (Taiwanese BL) Final rating: 7/10 I have to admit that I don't remember much from this show. I remember that I thought it was cute and that I was surprisingly into the secondary pairing, but that's all. I may have to rewatch it at some point to be able to give a better review. Ai Long Nhai (Thai BL)
Final rating: 6/10 Oh boy, this one was messy. The two main actors try their best and do have chemistry, but the storyline was a mess and I left the show feeling confused. I finished it because I felt like I had to, but I wasn't really enjoying it. (And this is coming from someone who actually really liked Tonhon Chonlatee and was excited about this somewhat related show, so my taste is obviously flawed.)
Alchemy of Souls (Season 1) (Korean Drama) Final rating: 8.5/10 I really, really enjoyed this show. It's the perfect mix of other worldly fantasy mixed with adventure and great characters. The two main characters were both interesting, the plot a lot of fun, and I actually looked forward to every new episode. Worth a watch if you're into action/adventure fantasy shows set in a beautiful world.
Bad Buddy (Thai BL)
Final rating: 9.5/10 Bad Buddy is already a classic. Every person who's into BLs at all should watch this one, because it's the perfect example of what a good BL should be. It uses, creates, AND circumvents some staple BL tropes but it does it in a great way. The two main characters are awesome together, the actors have comfortable chemistry, and this show has one of the best first kisses known to man. (Also, the moment when Pat and Pran have a sleep over and talk about whether they have a crush on Ink will forever make me cry. Pran's reaction when he realizes that the guy he likes is into someone else is devastating and played so, so well. Heartbreaking scene.)
Be Loved in House: I Do Final rating: 8/10 I actually really like this show. It has a fun - albeit somewhat silly - plot that makes for some great tension between the two main leads. Their characters are opposites in many ways, but gradually you see that they also have some things in common and compliment each other. They make the other better people. Also, the final confession is great. Behind Cut (Korean BL)
Final rating: 7/10 I feel like this show had a lot of potential and I really enjoyed the first couple of episodes. The tension was there and I liked the contrast between the two main characters, but once they got together I wasn't super into it. I thought the best friend of one of the main characters was actually the best thing about the show. He was fun and tragic and his jealousy made for some entertaining moments.
Big Dragon (Thai BL)
Final rating: 7/10 I feel very conflicted about this show, because on the one hand it didn't give me what I'd initially imagined it would, but on the other hand the chemistry between the two leads was great and the story was still very entertaining. The push and pull of the main couple's relationship was a lot of fun and while I'm not 100% sold on the story, the pairing and chemistry from the actors I'm absolutely behind.
Blueming (Korean BL) Final rating: 8.5/10 I always think back fondly on this show. It's one I've watched more than once, mostly because I like how comfortable the main characters feel and how pretty it's shot. As an artist, I just love looking at pretty shows that make me want to draw and this is one of those. It's cute, well produced, and the actors mesh well together.
Cherry Blossoms After Winter (Korean BL) Final rating: 8/10 Much like Blueming, this show is just gorgeous to look at. It has great use of colours and always has a dreamy atmosphere about it. I'm not usually one for step-brothers kinds of relationships, but I actually really like this one. It adds conflict to everything. Also, the younger character being the tallest and more confident of the two is cute. They're just cute, okay?
Choco Milk Shake (Korean BL) Final rating: 9.5/10 If you'd told me a year ago that one of my favourite shows from 2022 would be one about a cat and dog reincarnated as humans, I'd have told you you were crazy. In fact, initially I wasn't going to watch this because it just sounded too silly for me to suspend my disbelief. But, then I saw it was a Strongberry production and I gave it a shot anyway. And, oh my god, was it charming. Somehow the silly premise works and somehow it ends up both breaking your heart and mending it. The chemistry between both pairings is excellent and I still adore how heartbreaking and beautiful the Uncle/Milk pairing is. I still headcanon about them sometimes. <3
Close Friend Season 2 (Thai BL)
Final rating: 7.5/10 I actually like this one better than season 1, which is surprising because this involves established relationships instead of the journey getting there. Is it phenomenal? No. Does it showcase how cute Ohm and Fluke can be? Yes. Also, I was very into the second/main pairing that this season introduced, which probably helped make it less 'established relationship'y.
Color Rush Season 1 (Korean BL)
Final rating: 7.5/10 Color Rush has an amazing premise and is absolutely stunning to look at. The use of colour is both important to the storyline as well as the production and you can tell. The main characters have great chemistry and the story is painful, dark, and colourful all in one.
Color Rush Season 2 (Korean BL)
Final rating: 8/10 Much like the first season, this season is gorgeous and there is a surprisingly interesting plot to it. I was skeptical at first because one of the main characters/actors had been replaced, but it worked well and there is something hauntingly tragic about this relationship where one person has spent a lot of time waiting for the man he loves to return while his new lover must now be terrified of that actually happening. Let's just say, if this ever got a third season I wouldn't be opposed to it. Cupid's Last Wish (Thai BL)
Final rating: 8.5/10 This is my least favourite EarthMix show and it's rated 8.5 out of 10. Can you tell how much I love EarthMix as a pairing? XD It's a bit of a wild story, but I was willing to go along with it for the famous comfortable EarthMix chemistry. (Which is funny considering how volatile those two sometimes are together in real life, lmao.) I wasn't even opposed to the inclusion of the sister. It made everything more tense. 'Is he in love with me or my sister?'
Cutie Pie (Thai BL)
Final rating: 7.5/10 I'm torn on Cutie Pie. On the one hand it's well made, has a unique storyline, and great chemistry between the characters, but on the other hand it has some toxic 'I'm lying to you and making decisions for you for your own good because I am older and more mature and know better' attitudes that I just can't get behind. If you ignore that then it's a fun show, though.
Dear Doctor, I'm Coming for Soul (Thai BL) Final rating: 7.5/10 I have to admit, at one point I didn't like this show and stopped watching it. It took me months to go back and finish it. In the end, it had me crying. It's a weird kind of 'I like it but I don't' show for me, where I'm not huge on the chemistry of the main couple - mostly because one of the characters is a literal angel of death and he's stiff and otherworldly for most of the series - but the story still makes me cry. A timeless, immortal being having to watch their loved one grow old and die will forever break my heart, okay?
DNA Says Love You (Taiwanese BL)
Final rating: 7/10 This is a show that does a lot of things really well. At the same time, it took me a while to get invested. I think it was the big reveal that cemented it as 'this one is decent' for me. And it does say some meaningful things about what love means and whatnot. It just...didn't do as much for me as some other shows do.
Double (Japanese BL)
Final rating: 6/10 I don't...remember much about this show other than what the basic plot was and that I wanted to like it more than I actually did.
It had everything I like in a show, complete with angst and pining, but I just...didn't feel it? Eien no Kinou / Eternal Yesterday (Japanese BL)
Final rating: 8/10 God, this show hurts. Imagine finally realizing your feelings and maybe having those feelings returned and then suddenly your happiness is taken from you. Only, that person is not actually dead. They're still with you, but everyone forgets about them and they're slowly dying in front of you. I know this sounds super tragic and sad - and it is! - but it's also beautiful, because love and affection are why that person was able to live just a little longer. He was able to show his love, talk about what he felt, and just live while being loved. Even if it was just for a little while, that was beautiful. This show made me so sad and yet I'm glad that I watched it.
Enchanté (Thai BL)
Final rating: 7.5/10 Oh boy. I know a lot of people aren't hugely into this show and I do agree that the writing could have been stronger. (Also, Theo...my man. Decisions were made. Talking would have sufficed, okay?) However, I actually rather like this silly show. The two main characters are very different, but that's the fun thing about them and there are enough interesting side characters to put these characters in various fun situations. Also, ForceBook just have good chemistry and it makes it enjoyable to watch.
Even Sun (Thai BL)
Final rating: 6/10 Look, this show just has me so mad. BounPrem are better than this. So much better. And the sad thing is, this show being bad has nothing to do with them. I don't know what the writers were on, but...it either was way too much or not enough. What the hell was this? I actually really enjoyed episode one and then after about two or three episodes it just went down the drain. The story made no sense - Prem's character is there to get his money back from Boun's character even though it's apparently the other way around? and legally that somehow works? And then Boun's character basically kidnaps Prem's character even though earlier he was trying his best to get rid of him? - and the side pairing was cute but was so disconnected from the main story that it felt like two different shows. BounPrem deserve better. Honestly. I'm so glad they got Between Us.
Fahlanruk (Thai BL)
Final rating: 6/10 Failanruk, more like. Oh my god, was this show a mess. Like a lot of other shows before it, I was fine and kind of interested after episode one. Not so much after episode three or four. Basically, my headcanons were fun and fascinating. Two playboys hooking up and having a friends with benefits situation before gradually realizing they've fallen for each other and having to navigate a situation - genuine affection and an actual relationship - they've never been in before sounds great. But no, one of the playboys just falls in love after day one for absolutely no reason and the other somehow falls in love too after being hounded and pestered for a while. Why anyone would be at all attracted to Fahlan is beyond me, because he is one of the worst (non-criminal) human beings I've had the pleasure of seeing in a BL. He's rude, obnoxious, toys with his own boyfriend and judges him for cheating when he himself has done nothing but cheat on him, harasses a guy who's made it clear he only wants a one night stand, is an asshole to his friends, and is over the top jealous/possessive of his boyfriend several times. Sherbet can't even give or receive affection from his long time best friend when he's injured without Fahlan being mad. This show drove me crazy!! (The side couple was cute, though.)
First Love Again (Korean BL) Final rating: 7/10 Cute but nothing special. The chemistry is okay, but nothing amazing. The story, however, is cute and the tension between the two characters is believable. Imagine waiting thousands of years for your one true love and then they're nothing like you've expected them to be? And imagine having to live up to the expectations of someone who's been waiting for you for that long? Let's just say, my headcanons were epic.
Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai! / Unlucky-kun Has No Choice but to Kiss! (Japanese BL)
Final rating: 7.5/10 Is it silly? Yes. Is one of the characters basically using the other for his personal gain? Yes. Is it still cute somehow and worth watching? Also yes.
Ghost Host, Ghost House (Thai BL)
Final rating: 8/10 This show pleasantly surprised me. I figured it'd be a ghost story with some comedy and basic chemistry, but it ended up being kind of heart wrenching with a great main pairing. These two have amazing chemistry and the attraction jumped through the screen. The story itself is also pretty good and interesting. If you're not watching for the chemistry between the main leads, then watch it for that. (It's not as scary as it promises to be, btw. The ghosts are generally good people.)
Hard Love Mission (Thai BL)
Final rating: 5.5 Look, I liked the actor playing Yoshi. He tried his best and was cute. That's about it. I can't even headcanon with this show because everything was just...lackluster or downright terrible. Ridiculous plot with sudden villains and next to no chemistry between the main pairing. I liked one actor and that was it. Sorry.
Kimi no Koto Dake Mite Itai / I Want to See Only You (Japanese BL)
Final rating: 7/10 Very cute show with pretty cinematography. It's short, which is both its advantage and disadvantage. Things aren't hugely fleshed out, but it's sweet and relatable and feels like your first (summer) love. Like the first time you looked at someone and felt butterflies.
KinnPorsche (Thai BL)
Final rating: 10/10 I might as well just link this post where I talked about it.
Kissable Lips (Korean BL)
Final rating: 6.5/10 This just wasn't my show. All the things I liked - the chemistry between the characters and the two main actors' performances - I got (and better) in the second show they did together. Vampires just aren't my thing, I guess.
Love Class (Korean BL)
Final rating: 8/10 I could have done without the main character's obnoxious friend, but other than that this show was fun and I'll probably give it a rewatch soon.
Love in the Air (Thai BL)
Final rating: 7/10 This show is...questionable. Both relationships have fairly toxic beginnings - one starts out through subterfuge and repeatedly ignoring 'no' while the other is just built on not taking no for an answer - but do end up with clearly mutual attraction. If you can ignore the part where both of the older characters completely refuse to take their future boyfriend's word at face value, it does end up quite cute and with some very nice, steamy scenes. I just...had a hard time doing that. The rating is based purely on the chemistry between the actors and not at all on the story being told or the characters.
Love Like the Galaxy: Part 1 & Love Like the Galaxy: Part 2 (Chinese Drama)
Final rating: 7.0/10 & 7.5/10
I was super excited about this show when I first started watching it, because it has my probably favourite actress - Zhao LuSi - in it with an actor whom I really enjoyed in The Long Ballad. And the storyline did seem very promising going in. However, I sadly didn't end up liking it as much as I thought I would. The main female character is fun, but at times she's also a total bitch and gets away with way too much. (All the important, good characters immediately love her even though she's everything a girl in those times would be expected not to be.) And the male character is just...boring. He isn't even near her for huge parts of the story and their chemistry disappointed me. I thought she matched much better with the actor playing Luo Yao. (Whose character I also liked better. He seemed a much better match.) So, yeah, fun show but not as good as I expected it to be.
Love Mechanics (Thai BL)
Final rating: 7.5/10 This is another show that has a toxic relationship as the main focus. However, the difference is that it being toxic is part of the story. We know that Vee is an asshole to both Mark and his girlfriend. (Of course, his girlfriend also ends up cheating on him to offset this. Convenient!) That's something he has to work on throughout the series to eventually win Mark over. Had I been Mark I would have dumped his ass ages ago, though. The chemistry between the two leads is obvious and carries most of the show.
Love Stage!! (Thai BL)
Final rating: 6.5/10
A cute story, but there's not really much to it. Both leads are very pretty, though, and they did have decent chemistry once things actually started happening. Minato Shouji Coin Laundry (Japanese BL)
Final rating: 9/10 Look, as a grown up and a teacher do I approve of student/teacher relationships where one is a grown ass man and the other a teenager? Absolutely not. Does this show tell a great story and did I enjoy it? Yup. Because it's a fictional story, I was able to get over that and ended up really enjoying the tension and angst and the eventual happy ending. But had this been real life...no way in hell.
Mirror: A Tale of Twin Cities (Chinese Drama)
Final rating: 8/10 It's been a while since I saw this show, but from what I remember I was really into it while watching it and for a few months after. The main female lead is a lot of fun and not as obnoxious as a lot of cdrama leads tend to be. Fun, action filled, pretty to look at show with good actors and great characters.
My Only 12% (Thai BL)
Final rating: 9.5/10 This show was made for me. Had the characters been a bit older and not teenagers, this would have been 10/10. Best friends who eventually realize - through a bunch of angsty, painful, beautiful episodes - that they love each other is my aphrodisiac. I love that shit. This show actually made me cry both sad and happy tears. It's comfortable, loving, gorgeous, painful, and heartwarming all at once. Earth and Santa work so, so well together and I actually liked them a lot more than I thought I would.
My Ride (Thai BL)
Final rating: 7/10 This is one of those shows that I kind of didn't care for the first time I watched it, but then liked it a whole lot more the second time around. It has a very likeable main character and the other main character actually being into someone else for the longest time was rather interesting. Plus, older queer character representation!!
My Secret Love (Thai BL)
Final rating: 7.5/10
This show is a little messy and the plotline goes back and forth a little, but it is cute and it has some great secondary pairings. I was especially into Tim/Mai for the longest time - they took the longest to develop and had the most angst, okay, I'm a sucker for that - and still have active headcanons for those two.
My Tooth Your Love (Taiwanese BL)
Final rating: 7.5/10 This is a really good show. I don't have it rated that high because I didn't completely feel the main pairing, but that doesn't take away from that it's a good show and there is a lot of chemistry. Also, like many shows the secondary pairing was fascinating and I wish it'd gotten more of a conclusion.
Not Me (Thai BL)
Final rating: 8.5/10 Not Me has become a BL staple and rightly so. It's a very good story with some amazing characters and it deserves to be considered one of the best and most popular BLs in recent years. And Gun deserves so many accolades for how distinct the two characters he plays are. The only reason that it's not rated higher for me is that I was one of the few people who wasn't hugely into the secondary pairing.
Ocean Likes Me (Korean BL)
Final rating: 6.5/10 Was it cute? Sure. Did I feel the chemistry? Not really. I love Holland and really liked his co-star in other shows I've watched, but I wasn't 100% convinced on this one. I also thought the storyline was on the weak side. Pretty shots of the sea (Ocean?), though!
Oh! Boarding House (Korean BL)
Final rating: 6.5/10 I may have to rewatch this show, because I only have vague memories of it. To the point where I sometimes come across videos on youtube that have characters from it in them and go 'oh, hey, that show seems interesting. how have I never seen that be- wait, it's oh boarding house...'
Oh! My Assistant (Korean BL)
Final rating: 7.5/10 A little weird, but cute. One of the main characters has the personality of a houseplant, but I think that's kind of the point? He's still very pretty, I guess. It's short but sweet.
Oh! My Sunshine Night (Thai BL)
Final rating: 7/10 This show broke me. It had so, so much potential and I was so invested in it for about half of the show and then it turned into murder plots and helicopters and completely abandoned what it had initially been about. Look, this show was supposed to be about Ohm and Fluke being tragic and sad because Fluke's characters had a heart condition, but in the end his heart problems didn't even matter to the story at all. I was so mad at the end, because I'd been so excited about everything - especially the secondary pairing - but everything they'd set up got thrown aside for literal murder and subterfuge. The rating is purely for the side pairing and the potential the show had. If you can ignore the last bunch of episodes and just headcanon what a normal show would have done, you're good.
Old Fashion Cupcake (Japanese BL)
Final rating: 10/10 One of the few shows that I've given 10/10 to. As an older queer person, this show resonated with me a lot. It's about older people realizing they are still able to fall in love and discover things about themselves. Alongside that it's a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing tale of cupcakes and adoration. It takes short but sweet to an entirely new level. Please watch it. (Also, Togawa is unreasonably pretty.)
Paint with Love (Thai BL)
Final rating: 7.5/10 I actually really liked the main pairing. They were different, but that made them fun. It's also really funny that I watched this before I knew who most of these actors were. Looking back I'm going 'wait, Tae? Yoon? YACHT??!' It's also kind of an office romance show, which is currently all the rage. Ahead of its time, I suppose.
Plus & Minus (Taiwanese BL)
Final rating: 8/10 The kind of suffering and pining that LiGong does throughout most of this show is exactly the kind of thing I live for. Like I've said several times before, best friends who come to realizations is my jam and one of them pining for the other for decades is right up my alley. My interest kind of tapered off towards the end and the secondary pairing was a little weak - Yuki is pretty but... - but it's still a really good show.
Roommates of Poongduck 304 (Korean BL) Final rating: 9/10
This is what happens when you give the Kissable Lips boys a better story and it's a blessing. The tension between the two main characters is fun, the arguing amusing, and the chemistry is just undeniable.
JiWoong and SeoBin are so good together and I'm trying very hard to be happy for JiWoong and not sad that we'll deprived of this pairing now for a long time if not forever.
Secret Crush on You (Thai BL)
Final rating: 7.5/10 SCOY is a bit of an acquired taste. It took me two tries to get past the first few episodes - look, I'm not into people falling for their creepy stalkers and Toh breaks a lot of boundaries that never should have been broken - but once you get into the meat of it it's a charming show with amazing chemistry between the pairings. Nuea/Toh is one of the few pairings that actually feel like they'd bone in public if common decency wasn't an issue. I think it's the sounds and the grinding, to be honest. Also, Sky is a green flag kind of character before that kind of thing was cool. Sky/Jao forever.
Semantic Error (Korean BL)
Final rating: 10/10 One of my 10/10 BLs. Even if you've only seen a few BLs I'm sure you've come across this one. It was even famous in non-BL circles in Korea and it made both of the actors verified superstars. The story is one of contrasting personalities clashing until they eventually realize that they actually work really well together. It's blue versus red. Reason versus emotion. Calmness versus passion. Just watch it. You won't regret it.
Senpai, Danjite Koidewa! / Senpai, I'm in Love! (Japanese BL)
Final rating: 7/10
Not my favourite Japanese BL, but that doesn't mean it's not good. It's an office drama and very cute. It takes a while to show the chemistry between the two leads, but once it does it's pretty good. And the main character is just adorable.
Shining Just for You (Chinese Drama)
Final rating: 7/10 I watched this solely for Peng Xiao Ran, whom I loved in Goodbye My Princess. She's great in this too! I'm not hugely sold on the male lead, but the story and Xiao Ran's performance are good enough to have made it an enjoyable watch regardless. It has some similarities to GMP actually, as it starts out in similar settings. Not nearly as heartbreaking, though!
Sword Snow Stride (Chinese Drama)
Final rating: 8.5/10 This show had such a pretty first episode that I ended up drawing three watercolour pieces for it before I even hit episode three. I knew Zhang Ruo Yun from several previous shows, so I knew he'd be good and I thought the story overall was a lot of fun and was super pretty to watch. Some of the characters - especially the female ones - were badass. I thought the romance aspect was weak, though.
Something in My Room (Thai BL)
Final rating: 8.5/10 When I watched this it was mere months before watching an influx of ghost related shows and this still remains one of the better ones. It's interesting, the characters work well together, and parts of it were painful. I like my shows to hurt a little sometimes.
Star and Sky: Sky in Your Heart (Thai BL)
Final rating: 7/10 This show was always going to have a tough time ending up as one of my faves because it reminded me too much of A Tale of Thousand Stars and it was never going to beat that. So, it started out on the back foot. However, much like ATOTS it did have beautiful scenery and I wasn't averse to the story being told. Very similar, but still cute. I'd be interested to see if this pairing could do well with a different setting.
Star and Sky: Star in My Mind (Thai BL)
Final rating: 7/10 Much like the other Star and Sky episode, this show was fighting immense odds. School related shows are plenty and some have been way better made than this one. However, I don't dislike it as much as some people seem to do and actually think the main pairing is very cute together. Frustrating sometimes, but cute. Also, after watching their Our Skyy 2 episode I now need Typhoon/Maitee to happen.
Takara-kun to Amagi-kun (Japanese BL)
Final rating: 8.5/10
This is such a soft, pure show. It just exudes first love.
It's very pretty to look at at times and the characters are just adorable together. The ice prince who's been crushing on the innocent dork has kind of become a BL staple, but it works so well here. It's just cute, okay, much like My School President is cute. And soft. And adorable.
The Autumn Ballad (Chinese Drama)
Final rating: 7.5/10
I don't remember much about this show, which is surprising to me because it has two of my favourite male actors in it. I do remember it was pretty and that the two leads were entertaining together, but other than that...?
The Blue Whisper: Part 1 & The Blue Whisper: Part 2 (Chinese Drama)
Final rating: 8.5/10 & 8.5/10
Any show that has Dilraba in it is guaranteed to do well. That's just a given. This show is no exception. It has some amazing worldbuilding and a great, powerful main character with equally great supporting characters. Hell, one of them even circumvents the 'rival turns evil' trope and makes actual, sensible decisions. Good on you, Hao Qing! Very pretty show that will make you root for the main pairing. Might seem long due to two seasons, but at 42 episodes combined that's less than your average (single season) cdrama. The Eclipse (Thai BL)
Final rating: 8.5/10
The Eclipse is one of the most popular BLs released recently and proved First/Khaotung to be an excellent pairing. And it's deserved, because the show is great and the two actors have a lot of fun chemistry. My only gripe with this show is the ending. Having the perpetrators all be queer characters while the story is supposed to be about how oppressive regimes/governments/etc are and how they hurt those very same people just doesn't sit right with me. Like, all the people responsible for the curse were gay. And they were oppressing the out queer characters and putting them in actual danger. Really? That's what we're going with? The Love of Winter (Thai BL)
Final rating: 5.5/10 I...remember nothing about this show. Which makes sense, as it's only 2 episodes. Whoops? The Tuxedo (Thai BL)
Final rating: 6.5/10 I know a lot of people dislike this show, but I didn't think it was actually that bad. Okay, I didn't give it a high rating, but it had a unique concept and I actually liked the way the characters developed. (And this is coming from someone who loathes 'he got better through the power of love' scenarios.) Not earth shattering, but still cute. Till the World Ends (Thai BL)
Final rating: 6.5/10
Just...not really my show. The storyline was all over the place and one of the main characters was just completely unlikable for most of it. Like, actively lying to his love interest, whom he pretty much got killed. And that's not even including the time he hit him over the head so hard that he ended up with amnesia. I like Art as an actor, though?
To My Star Season 2: Our Untold Stories (Korean BL)
Final rating: 8/10 It's like this show knows that I don't enjoy established relationships, so they broke them up and went through the pain of bringing them (back) together all over again. And I loved it. Was it painful and tragic and frustrating? Yes. But that's what I loved about it. Because in the end they suffered through all of that because they need each other.
To Sir, With Love (Thai BL)
Final rating: 7/10 I have a weird relationship with this show, because on the one hand I love the relationship Tian and Jiu and I loved Tian's brother, but apart from that I had absolutely no interest in the storyline or the other characters. Like, it wasn't fun to me somehow and so I spent half of the series just fastforwarding to the good bits. And, no, that did not include magic mushrooms. I know a lot of people loved it, though, and I can see why. It just...wasn't for me. Only that amazing relationship. Hell, those amazing relationships because the love between Tian and his brother was just as deep and important. Triage (Thai BL)
Final rating: 7.5/10 My issue with Triage isn't that it's not a good show with an original plot and good acting, because it's all of those things and I did really enjoy it, but that I didn't think the chemistry - which is there plenty, don't get me wrong - is realistic when it comes to two characters who basically meet for the first time every single day. At least from Tol's point of view the first time around and then the doctor the second. And initially Dr. Tin falls for someone who only ever gets introduced to him and has only known him for a day, basically. Like, how do you fall in love with someone who doesn't know you at all? Who will treat you like a stranger every time you meet him? My brain just...wasn't dealing with that. Still a really good show, though! Unforgotten Night (Thai BL) Final rating: 5/10 Oh, Unforgotten Night... What a mess you were. Supposedly dark and gritty, but in reality just silly and repetitive and throwing away any and all potential. I like Yoon, but I don't think he was right for this. Though I do think he and Ton work well together. The only thing I was really interested in at the end of this show was the relationship between the bodyguard and Baiboom. Which, in true tragic BL fashion, they did nothing with and it had no resolution. Truly cursed. Vice Versa (Thai BL) Final rating: 7.5/10 A really good show with an interesting premise and great main characters. I don't know, it's just a good show. It doesn't really hit my favourite tropes - there could have been more angst about not knowing what the other looks like, etc - and I still don't get why Puen didn't tell Talay who he was, but still a really good show.
War of Y (Thai BL) Final rating: 6.5/10 This show is tricky, because it was basically a collections of shows. Some I was really invested in - well, one, maybe two, I was really invested in - and the others I just...watched because I could. Billy and Seng have such amazing chemistry that I enjoyed the first one quite a bit, but after that it got to be less and less. It also became repetitive. Everything was about 'this thing bad for everyone involved, but the love is real guys!' (Not to mention the contradiction of making a show about how the very shows they're creating are bad and shouldn't be supported while wanting fans to support you.) So, yeah, this show is weird to judge. What Zabb Man! (Thai BL) Final rating: 6.5/10 One of those shows where I find nothing really wrong with it, but I also wasn't invested in it. I was most into the side couple, honestly. I'd like to see those two in more shows together. Who Rules the World (Chinese Drama)
Final rating: 9/10 Look, if you put Zhao LuSi in a show I will watch it and if you add YangYang, an amazing story, and an equally amazing world to it? With a badass main female character? Then I'm sold regardless of what happens. This is one of those shows I'd recommend because it's just so much fun and has some great characters with a compelling, entertaining story. Why You… Y Me? (Thai BL) Final rating: 7/10 I primarily watched this because there was such an uproar about Shogun and Maito on tumblr and I get why. I do. They're cute. But in the end my angsty brain just felt bad for Green. Idk, I'm weird. You're My Sky (Thai BL)
Final rating: 7.5/10 I've seen people talk bad about this show, but I don't really get it. Yes, it's not ground breaking and there is some repetitiveness in the issues they deal with, but overall it had three pairings that I really enjoyed and that were different enough to keep things interesting. It was cute.
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Arcana's Tracker

(First drawing done in watercolour and coloured pencils. Second in Ohuhu markers and coloured pencils. Find my art here.)
Currently watching:
Cdrama ~ Fangs of Fortune ~ Kill Me, Love Me ~ Snowy Night Timeless Love
Total Cdramas I've finished: 72 Total Cdramas I've made art for: 68
(I make art for every cdrama I finish. Eventually.)
Art WIPs
~ The Princess Royal ~ Heroes Future Art ~ Story of Kunning Palace ~ Dashing Youth ~Melody of Golden Age
My tags:
#arcana's art #arcana's gifs #arcana's 10/10 #arcana's watchlist #arcana's unfortunate bl rickrolling
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