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radcrusadecrusade-blog · 8 years ago
Strategy Jew
Strategy Jew
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A conspiracy is staged and never known how absurd claims are believed and trusted a short time was needed until the first misinterpretation of improvement of mind-set as the exodus a movement of people, documentation began never to cease.
The Germans a European culture and abused by a previous conspiracy were presented as being the slaves of exodus from the philosophical Egypt then feared as Pharaoh the king and perpetrator and was not clear of whom. When the production began of Holocaust as a reality accurate documentation was set that would not end and overwhelmed the producers having them lose control; which followed eastern Europeans imposed immigration on an area they marked as Israel advertised a country declared an independent Jewish State by the immigrants who were invading themselves and all silent to the reality that none were Jews, a falsehood they maintained to one another.
"The Holocaust"
A production referred in the Hebrew as "Shoah" was actual pronunciation from show and never occurred Jews as social groups are lawful and not a people within a people and were not in Europe it blossomed from the absurdity that it was documented accurately in awareness. The humor that Jews were used for soap was a result of frustration of the inability to function by the priesthood who train endlessly not to err, sodium acetate that is used by sorcerers for "ketoret" was believed needed for producing soap and that Jews were allied to Freemasons the fraternity as a compound of lime is also required. The term holocaust was from the cause of a hologram and the parchment written Torah finally understood as the reason of the final solution of sorcerers with crazed indoctrinations they cannot escape in sanctifying ills on life and society in a world they created idolizing the Torah that consecrated their dissolution without their awareness. Jew was in place of Jehovah a spirit of a mind with instructions heard prescribed. Ketoret was the dream design drug and responsible for all the falsehoods.
"A non-existent Soviet Jewry"
In 1964 they called upon New York to defend Israel and present its Europeans and mainly the Soviets as victims, immediately the protest was added to the precedent for accurate documentation; since 1964 over 22 million people entered the U.S. from the Soviet Union among them two million sorcerers.
In defense of Israel a country of rotational interpretations that took our will, movies were made of Jewish heroism and songs when heard emphasizing Judah in replacing the title Jewish "Jehovah and will" the epilogue was written for the association of the Torah's authors the Brotherhood Aramsoba and their children a hobby priesthood birthright of New York constitutionalist deeply rooted being assimilated to Judah Ha-Levi's east because of prayers of a religion of philosophy that creates philosophy for unending re-structuring of the soul the conscience and the nemesis to the constitutionalist's Hebrew bible the Torah the tune and not the language. The Torah trains emotions some more stringent and some guidance for a life of a soul to habitat land and not a land of a dream that life is habituated.
 There is no limit to anything Israel does who are they?
They drugged youth and parents in the city of New York a wickedness that is not to be forgotten to demonstrate for freedom of a non-existent soviet Jewry leaving them in a permanent unhappiness and health dependency to create an environment of excitement and encouragement for Soviets traveling the highway distance of less than thirty hours for a home and salaried part in Israel a country from a term of the Torah with no possible connection. Israel seemed to be a large movie studio and later sworn by Arabs a culture far and distance of insignificance to be a cover-up of a jurisdictions collapse, the location was already planned for a strategy to publicize the unending invasions of Russians on Russians precedence with accurate documentation from its on-set in awareness. Russia a society of rotational beliefs and a conscience with dreams designed to train their realities within an environment that has no other instructions while influencing the lives of all societies never for the best and never concerned for any belief but what the rotation chose.
"A war of insanity"
In New York an Israeli bank opened alongside with its Jewish agency and behaved as part of the publicized intelligence service "Mossad" constantly searching to benefit from America's original Jewish community that suffered from constant intrusions in their lives. The bank was not very well known and could have been from Canada or Mexico, when the bank was set ablaze on kings highway Brooklyn, they responded they are of the ten ancient lost tribes and clearly understood in our city that a long war for sanity was upon us.
 "The Strategy"
A decision was prepared to set the Torah as core of a religion that will be ostentatiously publicized with no realization of its contrast to the expected philosophies that will develop and the short-comings that will be veiled an ambush for Shangri-La a dream of a location of Utopia taking precedence over a person and a healthy conscience; and preparing a future time set to be understood clearly by the original fraternities children resulting with knowledge of sorcery needed not influenced by the secretive habit bogged down by obsessions that were set at childhood a conspiracy timed to burst with knowing everything and not dispersed as stories dreamt told in a bubble with never any ability to remember truth.
Sorcery was what is was all about the Torah introduced witchcraft authored to navigate the surrender of spirits and ghosts within and part of a planned ambush for the sorcerers humanities consciences unregulated designers people who are real and are known with attention spans set during their drugging or conditioning of others and always themselves without their realization, obsessed that create obsessed. Their secretive habit resulting from the crime required constitutional adherents to retrain their consciences in a newly developed language that will always be misunderstood by others when in the conscience and the solution of tyranny of the mind. Sorcerers wish to attain goals that are from notions of their trainers chants or spells listened to for years within the "methanic" environment of the trainer a vapor known as the biblical ketoret and would not have any other interest when creating new spells for designed dreams and emotions or hope as a reward never occurring fully as illnesses are their creation to set consciences plateau's and the sorcerer's emotional entertainment.
Sorcerers can take any individual or entire populations and retrain their memories their language their skills and knowledge of past acquaintances within two years. Those that prepare for such a horror have a belief in their actions and the more talented would continue to train other druggists with the same chants that victims would be taught to love as prayers that destroyed their family's health and future insured.
Daydreaming is forbidden and their creation a gateway to psychosomatic disturbance. Our hearts underwent operations and replaced with prosthetic aortic valves with unending mechanical beats and illegitimate children ours emotionally an institutional crime hidden than veiled as an absurdity of a mark when known becomes cultures final silent affinity and it is known.
The sorcerer's drug ketoret a vapor in a short time becomes atmosphere worry depression pains dream and fantasies are induced and noticeable until the instructions are accepted. The drug when authored did not imply that it was prepared but hinted to by the authors who were obsessed with passing the knowledge among the authors there could have been only one who could prepare the compound and all knew what was needed to train in its use and we did know them as old men funny and excepting the reality, they were the jeopardy group.
The worlds black community all daydream for a portion of their lives including obsessions with darkening their skin with a natural oil color a pigment that they forget and insures their place as first citizens of all registers as their abuse was set never to end.
Daydreaming can now be totally controlled. All knowledge of sorcery is known and stubbornly protected to publicize until the knowledge is emotion for governments or governments to be established and sworn to priests that cannot surrender a soul of any independence.
When our dreams were created they limited our emotion of discovery intrigue and health in a life that years are numbered. The individuals profiled that drug are immediate epidemics on arrival including tourists as they never stop their barrages of misery when setting our rules as if it is by the god whomever. Those that we challenged harmed us dearly and are not forgiven our heart operations were planned years earlier including the replacement with prosthetic aortic valves never needed so its unending mechanical beats will be a reminder of a countdown for the hosts demise and then became a clock of the error when realized the anesthetic suspended dreams that followed illusions being ignored and increased awareness when of the dream makers became a required self-obsession. Israel's acceptance of children born not to the known father and the courts and medicine forbidding paternal tests to the offspring following the then stated purpose that their holy land religion must prove equality in discrimination between Jews and Arabs by spokespeople of a government elected by self-protocol and only insanity a prologue understanding too late it was a self-explanatory and not an accusation of former citizenship intrigued by the performance and awaiting the play. Who were the Jews? a handful jeopardy group of membership and not the enchanting Shangri-La community the "Yehudi" that required conversion for the chosen for a ticket turning towards the east the western wall and going south where it was newly built, a place for prayers to be heard or scribbled on notes and placed in the wall's crevices designed not many years earlier for traditions that are imagined and all searching for direction and the Arabs answerable to protocols requiring attendance for complaining their attendance.
The State of Israel's location has no connection to the Torah or the founding religion where places mentioned are philosophies not tourist sites as Jerusalem its capital never mentioned. America's founding Jews understood the Torah to study priesthood and when read in public to be witnessed as ritual of awareness of reality and its development through the stories dreams and their counterparts in Israel separate from them "Yehudim" only as a source for philosophies to find purpose to read and reasons of their culture. Israel Jerusalem and the Temple, the first second and third was another Russian prank making idiots of the United States the Arabs and Africa having people bless a foreign capital espionage hidden by prayers and hymns predated.
We are now sworn to author a final prologue and not epilogue for the association of the Torah's authors and their children for their glory, half of the founders have no descendants and at least eight percent have children from rape to their wives unknowing to them and all from strict families and one from the wife's adultery whose community is fictitious and not citizenship and all can be researched by paternity tests, the children's future will be determined by priests whose first obeyed decision will be over their children born to their wives.
We are the Torah and we are the Jewish wanted for a Middle East real estate brand and its founding declared philosophy of contrasting-philosophy a hobby known that dares truth always resulting in a performed sincerity not our tune not our song and not our theatre.
The Torah was a craze after its completion when written on parchment by 1911, to educate and study its reason emphasis was on writing poetry philosophies movie scripts plays stories of Amalec a named borrowed as the enemy for part of the chronicle book series on prophets, book design and written narrations to self-educate on penmanship and comprehension and all never occurred and was only for practice of its unknown language.
A Shangri-La society that is an eternal dream in a bubble where the reality induces dreams that expands until it dissolves with all truths forgotten. When Shangri-La is timed to burst it would be understood a Soviet-Russian ritual and never permitted again.
The Russians enter our country with the Jewish theme and American synagogues designed to practice in preparing a soul with instructions in auditoriums that have no symbols as they too had to be explained, whose religion is America, whose citizens of register are the Lord when understood and not taught by licensing of an eastern country as Israel while placing their flag in a symbol free auditorium. Our Torah trains priests as a hobby or occupation to protect the soul and not to glorify that eastern country or their symbols and brand "his name Judah".
 We were reminded after the Torah's completion, groups of interest met mostly social and at their young adult age along with others went to work for America's federal government under patronage of Secretary George Marshall and from then their friendships remained they were our parents.
Russia was designing a Shangri-La to be real a society that is an eternal dream in a bubble where its reality induces dreams and fantasies that expand geographically until all truths are fiction, they chose the Torah with no connection and ignoring that it has to be misunderstood to be the symbol that masses follow. An invasion of our cities was impending by the new shenanigan followed by illnesses and failure and as always to be covered by our dreaming of their aspiring needs the constitutional strategists decided to bring the war of sorcery to the new shenanigan with an illusion of a flank that was an Army. Americans were American from humanities beginning that evolved everywhere; we protected our culture of family and them the culture of daydreaming. Shangri-La was timed to burst and will never be permitted again. When the decision had to be made it was the scalps that took the podium our grandfathers and caring great grandmothers that set the decision prior to our birth.
Our line didn't hold and they came from the borders in droves with their sorcerers and keterot that creates the dreams the clairvoyant drug and all details were accurately documented in awareness. Fourteen of our numbers are believed to have survived with miserable lives assured I am one of them. They said we were not experienced and we were not and we were too young and we were and staged they planned our offensive and failure earlier on and knew us from childhood. They told us our accents will change if they required it as that too they could influence and we knew, they bragged about Irving Berlin the composer of god bless America because they also managed the minds of America and then they took it all with no intention to hide. Placed judges that were not born in the jurisdiction of their law and ministers not citizens governed, Israel's broadcasts that had no idea or concern of truth or harm it caused our war for our freedom ordered Arabs with military gear to collaborate and harass other Arabs for broadcasting authorities' nightly shows. Israel's government ministries along with their global banks stating loudly they do not assist the Jewish and had no idea of what it was or concern of who they are in tune of unending Hebrew songs honoring fictitious warriors and real conquests. The capital with police and soldiers from borders afar and that was not to be and our dads made it clear.
A legend refers to individuals that go for the gold for everything every time no matter what and it was the crown they wanted and took not realizing the crown is Aramsoba an American brotherhood the priesthoods fall both American and Arab wasn't staged it was an ambush. After one hundred and twenty seven years from the birth of my grandfather along with the Torah's authors their oaths kept and sow seeds for the first harvest to end tyranny of the mind.Sorcery their tribes and witchcraft is being exposed and is being stubbornly published and truth that was dared is being told. Sorcerers do not permit conversations of magic and would place city after city in a fantasy of a lifetime and maintain those dreams to defend their ban. The Torah read clearly is a textbook of witchcraft for priests and prophets of chemistry and calibration not realized by those whose patience was limited to understand knowledge from their trainers from their students and from our children.
"An adulterous whose dare bursted the illusion"
The Sayegh family was brought to Israel from New York one of the first known Jewish families Torah adherents and children that were illegitimate born from rape to the sisters. In the brothers home it was planned adultery from Yael Sayegh formally Brown and her group with nowhere to turn two additional children were born to the original association that are illegitimate. An experiment understood justified by Israel and failed and now ignored that one person in their country would identify the problem and reality of what was happening, one son is now thirty two years of age and the second twenty nine State of Israel who are you ?
   "A summary from a grandson of a founder of Judaism''
 Strategy to battle the Soviet Union upon returning from distance. Research in the clairvoyant drug ketoret an illusion drug a "methanic" compound observed to design dreams and set obsessions and understood when managed will end consciences trained to sing and dance for self-satisfaction of a druggist or sorcerer.
 "Returning from distance and their god whom"
It is all of it and if you had the emotion needed and not the illusion you would have foreseen early on it is time for the Brotherhood to be aware and to return home, my two sons will be killed I took it all. Russia has over two million people in America that practice sorcery drugging with keterot and the only catalyst of the unending invasion of Russians on Russians with dreams they bring that perpetually will bring them. Israel already identifies itself as a Russian theme park from its introduction into culture originally thought a curiosity or a state of awareness and then a movie studio over thirty million Soviets entered nations throughout the world claiming rights from publications and over publication. The methanic identified as Ketoret the Biblical clairvoyant drug of designing dreams and setting beliefs was discovered through our literature analysis and sacrifice, never with intended assistance resulting from its secretive habit the rings of misery.
Sorcery the playing field begins with designing the imagination with Ketoret the illusion drug, the Cohen. Whatever ends are decided by people who influence either the hypnotists or ventriloquists that are not always aware of their actions damage or whereabouts, the biblical Prophet. Sorcerers compose ghosts in the conscience referred also as spirits or ions, The Witch. The vapor rare when needed is to be overseen by priests who train endlessly not to err, the Priest. Vocal conversation including what seems superficial broadcasts to a person's belief emotions and becomes their sincerity and not their superstitions, the Rabbi. Premonitions result when groups are drugged implanting ideas and emotions within them and keeping records of their victims interacting for game and sport, the Hypnotist. Cow-hands are people who work in an environment of methane as cow waste and develop obsessions for the activity, the Patsy. Sorcerers who practice in the described environment are hypnotic and become deeply obsessed in their blessings or spell even from a misspoken phrase constantly reinforcing its outcome even to each other by sanctifying any belief, the Pagan. Dreamers set are victims of the chemists and also perpetrators of creating dreams that end with life's new goals, the Clairvoyant. The dream or obsession the clairvoyants set could be for a year in advance changing beliefs and the resulting reality that delivers on demand and a designed personality that will not be noticeable, the Psychopath. Chemists with notions set from a clairvoyant not known or realized establishes rings of individuals to train as clairvoyants permanent dreamers as his helpers to bewitch the notion, the Alchemist. Possessed are conditioned for a repetitive dream blurt out statements at times planned for a sales pitch, party act or sorcery, the Ventriloquist. Spirits and beliefs gain strength from dreams and anesthetic at regular intervals will put you in sleep where they are no dreams and obsessions of the ill and the illness will be slowed but not cured, the Doctor. Ringleaders among those described manage humanities dreams aspiring through craft to attain, the Sorcerer Whom. Jew is a spirit or ghost within a host and gentile its meaning a person not of the Jewish race developed from genie a fairy found in eastern europe's stories.
 "Expressions for communication on visits from the planets east"
 Sephardic from the combination of the Hebrew "sepher" meaning book and the American "dic" an abbreviation of dictate in setting an expression to standardize the method of writing the Torah a rule book to be sanctified of developing etiquette for the conscience from being misunderstood only as sanctified and not its ultimate purpose a rule book. Later day Hebrew developed in the Middle East in the early mid-nineteenth century the period of civilization that conceived a theater resulting in a new culture and its methodology of organic degeneration to create the methanic atmosphere that preceded the thoughts hearing the word Sephardic to mean Spanish which proceeded a migration of Peron's Argentine peasants to Frank Sinatra's New York searching for their newly understood north east African roots. The State not yet known by the name Israel defiantly did not represent or understand the scripture Egypt and the flight from uncontrolled instructions as thoughts resulting in their holiday that honored independence of their state and relived its need without a copy or explanation of the Torah by the Sephardic, trusting screenwriters of the developed language. Russia and for Germany took the term Ashkenaz understood as acid that dissolves and when handled properly still dissolves. Zionists are Soviets that wanted everyone's home narrowed to one of their own. Soviets are sovereign and that is it, individuals perpetually searching for a throne in a unending life time game of musical chairs known in the already confusing Hebrew as a "Sephardic nusach" a combination of noose and ache and its meaning Sephardic be formulated ."Zahal" Israel's army singing a Hebrew motivational song of identifying places on their horizon and for others a title of the hit song from Annie's Broadway of hope in a depression now the same for Abba Hillel fans American Zionists now reminiscing the distance of what was their beliefs and benefits bestowed by their lives.
 "Phrases reminded from whom as origins are to be checked"
 Anti-Semitism was semi italicized characters written from right to left Arabic and anti was italicized characters written in the opposite direction English. The Hebrew language was Italicized designed to write the Torah the textbook for training prophets and priests had no linguistic form connection and was not originally developed for a country with a fascination of folk dancing and philosophize philosophies an eastern European hobby. The first Jewish centers in New York where in neighborhoods called Italian from italicized nobody knew whether they were going from right to left or left to right Mr. George Gershwin's humor not to forget origins and misuse of connected phrases, immigration to America was not as large as thought ports did not exist to receive newcomers. Torah is read loudly clearly and witnessed by a quorum that it is heard vocally not mistaken that it is a dream, a ritual of awareness of reality and its development through the stories dreams. Bensonhurst New York was where the first successful prayer of acceptance of the Torah as a rule book to develop conscience's etiquette as a community.
 "Israel's military mind challenge the wind the war of 76'
 The Uganda Entebbe raid that rescued Israeli and Jewish hostages was a fantasy and happened during the time of preparing Israel for immigrants to their messianic country, resulted from a challenge of absurd claims and which were to be believed and an unknown setting for a precedent of accurate documentation of absurdity from the moments beginning in awareness. The raid never took place it was intended to upstage America's independence celebration of two hundred years its bicentennial July 4 1976 and constantly reminded. Those who came as immigrants and not before took the Torah a textbook with rules of developing etiquette of the conscience in place of uncontrolled illusions and dreams and exchanged it into an "Elel" an Idol to which a prayer is chanted referring to it as the old testament; Jerusalem and stories of a temple were from hymns of a holy land religion with no connection to the Torah and missionized as history of substance and sediment when chanted to the direction of the Torah. This new religion publicized as Yehudit designed not many years earlier could profess all beliefs except with the word Jesus not mentioned in the Torah, Yeshu considered a translation of Jesus from Torah "yeshurun" a Hebrew word explained by the authors family as hark listening to an unseen spirit and another eastern religion. Jewish was planned by the families of the authors to insulate and protect them and attempt with the pre-known misunderstanding of kashrus in reference to all cuisine list ingredients on industry packaging in liberty their land of birth America
 "Soviets final intrusion in humanities souls"
 The published account of return from distance resulted from the stubborness to protect awareness resulting from the textbook the adored nemesis a rule book sanctified of developing etiquette of the conscience for prophets that would end unregulated use of ketoret creating illusions that converted the nemesis to an idol for prayer that is misread and protected by its idolization
"The end to perfidy to the mind"
All part of the final war between those demanding consciences of instruction that require to understand and idol peddlers for consciences that mimic. On a nation's inception its first moment of independence whatever tribe and whatever land blessed by trained priests and prophets that nursed the birth of a nation will hear the name lord Jehovah in their thoughts as memories of happiness and then never needed to be heard again for that nation under one god and lord its Citizenship of register and none other from that day forward with borders marked and symbols songs and pride of their design interrupted by a free world that will arise for the deserving honor.
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radcrusadecrusade-blog · 8 years ago
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The Secrets of the Jews target Judah
A conspiracy is staged and never known how absurd claims are believed and trusted a short time was needed until the first misinterpretation of improvement of mind-set as the exodus a movement of people, documentation began never to cease. The Germans a European culture and abused by a previous conspiracy were presented as being the slaves of exodus from the philosophical Egypt then feared as Pharaoh the king and perpetrator and was not clear of whom. When the production began of Holocaust as a reality accurate documentation was set that would not end and overwhelmed the producers having them lose control; which followed eastern Europeans imposed immigration on an area they marked as Israel advertised a country declared an independent Jewish State by the immigrants who were invading themselves and all silent to the reality that none were Jews, a falsehood they maintained to one another. In 1964 they called upon New York to defend Israel and present its Europeans and mainly the Soviets as victims, immediately the protest was added to the precedent for accurate documentation; since 1964 over 22 million people entered the U.S. from the Soviet Union among them two million sorcerers. In defense of Israel a country of rotational interpretations that took our will, movies were made of Jewish heroism and songs when heard emphasizing Judah in replacing the title Jewish "Jehovah and will" the epilogue was written for the association of the Torah's authors the Brotherhood Aramsoba and their children a hobby priesthood and birthright of New York constitutionalist deeply rooted being assimilated to Judah Ha-Levi's east because of prayers of a religion of philosophy that creates philosophy for unending re-structuring of the soul the conscience and the nemesis to the constitutionalist's Hebrew bible the Torah the tune and not the language. The Torah trains emotions some more stringent and some guidance for a life of a soul to habitat land and not a land of a dream that life is habituated. There is no limit to anything Israel does who are they? They drugged youth and parents in the city of New York a wickedness that is not to be forgotten to demonstrate for freedom of a non-existent soviet Jewry leaving them in a permanent unhappiness and health dependency to create an environment of excitement and encouragement for Soviets traveling the highway distance of less than thirty hours for a home and salaried part in Israel a country from a term of the Torah with no possible connection. Israel seemed to be a large movie studio and later sworn by Arabs a culture far and distance of insignificance to be a cover-up of a jurisdictions collapse, the location was already planned for a strategy to publicize the unending invasions of Russians on Russians precedence with accurate documentation from its on-set in awareness. Russia a society of rotational beliefs and a conscience with dreams designed to train their realities within an environment that has no other instructions while influencing the lives of all societies never for the best and never concerned for any belief but what the rotation chose.   A decision was prepared to set the Torah as core of a religion that will be ostentatiously publicized with no realization of its contrast to the expected philosophies that will develop and the short-comings that will be veiled an ambush for Shangri-La a dream of a location of Utopia taking precedence over a person and a healthy conscience; and preparing a future time set to be understood clearly by the original fraternities children resulting with knowledge of sorcery needed not influenced by the secretive habit bogged down by obsessions that were set at childhood a conspiracy timed to burst with knowing everything and not dispersed as stories dreamt told in a bubble with never any ability to remember truth. Sorcery was what is was all about the Torah introduced witchcraft authored to navigate the surrender of spirits and ghosts within and part of a planned ambush for the sorcerers humanities consciences unregulated designers people who are real and are known with attention spans set during their drugging or conditioning of others and always themselves without their realization, obsessed that create obsessed. Their secretive habit resulting from the crime required constitutional adherents to retrain their consciences in a newly developed language that will always be misunderstood by others when in the conscience and the solution of tyranny of the mind. Sorcerers wish to attain goals that are from notions of their trainers chants or spells listened to for years within the "methanic" environment of the trainer a vapor known as the biblical keterot and would not have any other interest when creating new spells for designed dreams and emotions or hope as a reward never occurring fully as illnesses are their creation to set consciences plateau's and the sorcerer's emotional entertainment. Sorcerers can take any individual or entire populations and retrain their memories their language their skills and knowledge of past acquaintances within two years. Those that prepare for such a horror have a belief in their actions and the more talented would continue to train other druggists with the same chants that victims would be taught to love as prayers that destroyed their families health and future insured. Daydreaming is forbidden and their creation a gateway to psychosomatic disturbance. Our hearts underwent operations and replaced with prosthetic aortic valves with unending mechanical beats and illegitimate children ours emotionally an institutional crime hidden than veiled as an absurdity of a mark when known becomes cultures final silent affinity and it is known. The sorcerers drug "ketoret" a vapor in a short time becomes atmosphere worry depression pains dream and fantasies are induced and noticeable until the instructions are accepted. The drug when authored did not imply that it was prepared but hinted to by the authors who were obsessed with passing the knowledge among the authors there could have been only one who could prepare the compound and all knew what was needed to train in its use and we did know them as old men funny and excepting the reality, they were the jeopardy group. The worlds black community all daydream for a portion of their lives including obsessions with darkening their skin with a natural oil color a pigment that they forget and insures their place as first citizens of all register as their abuse was set never to end. Daydreaming can now be totally controlled all knowledge of sorcery is known and stubbornly protected to publicize until the knowledge is emotion for governments or governments to be established and sworn to priests that cannot surrender a soul of any independence. When our dreams were created they limited our emotion of discovery intrigue and health in a life that years are numbered. The individuals profiled that drug are immediate epidemics on arrival including tourists as they never stop their barrages of misery when setting our rules as if it is by the god whomever. Those that we challenged harmed us dearly and are not forgiven our heart operations were planned years earlier including the replacement with prosthetic aortic valves never needed so its unending mechanical beats will be a reminder of a countdown for the hosts demise and then became a clock of the error when realized the anesthetic suspended dreams that followed illusions being ignored and increased awareness when of the dream makers became a required self-obsession. Israel's acceptance of children born not to the known father and the courts and medicine forbidding paternal tests to the offspring following the then stated purpose that their holy land religion must prove equality in discrimination between Jews and Arabs by spokespeople of a government elected by self-protocol and only insanity a prologue understanding too late it was a self-explanatory and not an accusation of former citizenship intrigued by the performance and awaiting the play. Who were the Jews? a handful jeopardy group of membership and not the enchanting Shangri-La community the "Yehudi" that required conversion for the chosen for a ticket turning towards the east the western wall and going south where it was newly built, a place for prayers to be heard or scribbled on notes and placed in the wall's crevices designed not many years earlier for traditions that are imagined and all searching for direction and the Arabs answerable to protocols requiring attendance for complaining their attendance. The State of Israel's location has no connection to the Torah or the founding religion where places mentioned are philosophies not tourist sites as Jerusalem its capital never mentioned. America's founding Jews understood the Torah to study priesthood and when read in public to be witnessed as ritual of awareness of reality and its development through the stories dreams and their counterparts in Israel separate from them "Yehudim" only as a source for philosophies to find purpose to read and reasons of their culture. Israel Jerusalem and the Temple, the first second and third was another Russian prank making idiots of the United States the Arabs and Africa having people bless a foreign capital espionage hidden by prayers and hymns predated. We are now sworn to author a final prologue and not epilogue for the association of the Torah's authors and their children for their glory, half of the founders have no descendants and at least eight percent have children from rape to their wives unknowing to them and all from strict families and one from the wife's adultery whose community is fictitious and not citizenship and all can be researched by paternity tests,  the children's future will be determined by priests whose first obeyed decision will be over their children born to their wives. We are the Torah and we are the Jewish wanted for a Middle East real estate brand and its founding declared philosophy of contrasting-philosophy a hobby known that dares truth always resulting in a performed sincerity not our tune not our song and not our theatre. A Shangri-La society that is an eternal dream in a bubble where the reality induces dreams that expands until it dissolves with all truths forgotten. When Shangri-La is timed to burst it would be understood a Russian ritual and never permitted again. The Russians enter our country with the Jewish theme and American synagogues designed to practice in preparing a soul with instructions in auditoriums that have no symbols as they too had to be explained, whose religion is America, whose citizens of register are the Lord when understood and not taught by licensing of an eastern country as Israel while placing their flag in a symbol free auditorium. Our Torah trains priests as a hobby or occupation to protect the soul and not to glorify that eastern country or their symbols and brand " the name Judah and his name". We were reminded after the Torah's completion, groups of interest met mostly social and at their young adult age along with others went to work for America's federal government under patronage of Secretary George Marshall and from then their friendships remained they were our parents. Russia was designing a Shangri-La to be real a society that is an eternal dream in a bubble where its reality induces dreams and fantasies that expand geographically until all truths are fiction, they chose the Torah with no connection and ignoring that it has to be misunderstood to be the symbol that masses follow. An invasion of our cities was impending by the new shenanigan followed by illnesses and failure and as always to be covered by our dreaming of their aspiring needs the constitutional strategists decided to bring the war of sorcery to the new shenanigan with an illusion of a flank that was an Army. Americans were American from humanities beginning that evolved everywhere; we protected our culture of family and them the culture of daydreaming. Shangri-La was timed to burst and will never be permitted again. When the decision had to be made it was the scalps that took the podium our grandfathers and caring great grandmothers that set the decision prior to our birth. Our line didn't hold and they came from the borders in droves with their sorcerers and keterot that creates the dreams the clairvoyant drug and all details were accurately documented in awareness. Fourteen of our numbers are believed to have survived with miserable lives assured I am one of them. They said we were not experienced and we were not and we were too young and we were and staged they planned our offensive and failure earlier on and knew us from childhood. They told us our accents will change to Russian if they required it as that too they could influence and we knew, they bragged about Irving Berlin the composer of god bless America because they also managed the minds of America and then they took it all with no intention to hide. Placed judges that were not born in the jurisdiction of their law and ministers not citizens governed, Israel's broadcasts that had no idea or concern of truth or harm it caused our war for our freedom ordered Arabs with military gear to collaborate and harass other Arabs for broadcasting authorities' nightly shows. Israel's government ministries along with their global banks stating loudly they do not assist the Jewish and had no idea of what it was or concern of who they are in tune of unending Hebrew songs honoring fictitious warriors and real conquests. The capital with police and soldiers from borders afar and that was not to be and our dads made it clear. A legend refers to individuals that go for the gold for everything every time no matter what and it was the crown they wanted and took not realizing the crown is Aramsoba an American brotherhood the priesthoods fall both American and Arab wasn't staged it was an ambush. After one hundred and twenty seven years from the birth of my grandfather along with the Torah's authors their oaths kept and sow seeds for the first harvest to end tyranny of the mind. Sorcery their tribes and witchcraft is being exposed and is being stubbornly published and truth that was dared is being told. Sorcerers do not permit conversations of magic and would place city after city in a fantasy of a lifetime and maintain those dreams to defend their ban. The Torah read clearly is a textbook of witchcraft for priests and prophets of chemistry and calibration not realized by those whose patience was limited to understand knowledge from their trainers from their students and from our children.
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radcrusadecrusade-blog · 8 years ago
The Secrets of the Jews end judah
A conspiracy is staged and never known how absurd claims are believed and trusted a short time was needed until the first misinterpretation of improvement of mind-set as the exodus a movement of people, documentation began never to cease. The Germans a European culture and abused by a previous conspiracy were presented as being the slaves of exodus from the philosophical Egypt then feared as Pharaoh the king and perpetrator and was not clear of whom. When the production began of Holocaust as a reality accurate documentation was set that would not end and overwhelmed the producers having them lose control; which followed eastern Europeans imposed immigration on an area they marked as Israel advertised a country declared an independent Jewish State by the immigrants who were invading themselves and all silent to the reality that none were Jews, a falsehood they maintained to one another. In 1964 they called upon New York to defend Israel and present its Europeans and mainly the Soviets as victims, immediately the protest was added to the precedent for accurate documentation; since 1964 over 22 million people entered the U.S. from the Soviet Union among them two million sorcerers. In defense of Israel a country of rotational interpretations that took our will, movies were made of Jewish heroism and songs when heard emphasizing Judah in replacing the title Jewish "Jehovah and will" the epilogue was written for the association of the Torah's authors the Brotherhood Aramsoba and their children a hobby priesthood and birthright of New York constitutionalist deeply rooted being assimilated to Judah Ha-Levi's east because of prayers of a religion of philosophy that creates philosophy for unending re-structuring of the soul the conscience and the nemesis to the constitutionalist's Hebrew bible the Torah the tune and not the language. The Torah trains emotions some more stringent and some guidance for a life of a soul to habitat land and not a land of a dream that life is habituated. There is no limit to anything Israel does who are they? They drugged youth and parents in the city of New York a wickedness that is not to be forgotten to demonstrate for freedom of a non-existent soviet Jewry leaving them in a permanent unhappiness and health dependency to create an environment of excitement and encouragement for Soviets traveling the highway distance of less than thirty hours for a home and salaried part in Israel a country from a term of the Torah with no possible connection. Israel seemed to be a large movie studio and later sworn by Arabs a culture far and distance of insignificance to be a cover-up of a jurisdictions collapse, the location was already planned for a strategy to publicize the unending invasions of Russians on Russians precedence with accurate documentation from its on-set in awareness. Russia a society of rotational beliefs and a conscience with dreams designed to train their realities within an environment that has no other instructions while influencing the lives of all societies never for the best and never concerned for any belief but what the rotation chose.     A decision was prepared to set  the Torah as core of a religion that will be ostentatiously publicized with no realization of its contrast to the expected philosophies that will develop and the short-comings that will be veiled an ambush for Shangri-La a dream of a location of Utopia taking precedence over a person and a healthy conscience; and preparing a future time set to be understood clearly by the original fraternities children resulting with knowledge of sorcery needed not influenced by the secretive habit bogged down by obsessions that were set at childhood a conspiracy timed to burst with knowing everything and not dispersed as stories dreamt told in a bubble with never any ability to remember  truth. Sorcery was what is was all about the Torah introduced witchcraft authored to navigate the surrender of spirits and ghosts within and part of a planned ambush for the sorcerers humanities consciences unregulated designers people who are real and are known with attention spans set during their drugging or conditioning of others and always themselves without their realization, obsessed that create obsessed. Their secretive habit resulting from the crime required constitutional adherents to retrain their consciences in a newly developed language that will always be misunderstood by others when in the conscience and the solution of tyranny of the mind. Sorcerers wish to attain goals that are from notions of their trainers chants or spells listened to for years within the "methanic" environment of the trainer a vapor known as the biblical keterot and would not have any other interest when creating new spells for designed dreams and emotions or hope as a reward never occurring fully as illnesses are their creation to set consciences plateau's and the sorcerer's emotional entertainment. Sorcerers can take any individual or entire populations and retrain their memories their language their skills and knowledge of past acquaintances within two years. Those that prepare for such a horror have a belief in their actions and the more talented would continue to train other druggists with the same chants that victims would be taught to love as prayers that destroyed their families health and future insured. Daydreaming is forbidden and their creation a gateway to psychosomatic disturbance. Our hearts underwent operations and replaced with prosthetic aortic valves with unending mechanical beats and illegitimate children ours emotionally an institutional crime hidden than veiled as an absurdity of a mark when known becomes cultures final silent affinity and it is known. The sorcerers drug "ketoret" a vapor in a short time becomes atmosphere worry depression pains dream and fantasies are induced and noticeable until the instructions are accepted. The drug when authored did not imply that it was prepared but hinted to by the authors who were obsessed with passing the knowledge among the authors there could have been only one who could prepare the compound and all knew what was needed to train in its use and we did know them as old men funny and excepting the reality, they were the jeopardy group. The worlds black community all daydream for a portion of their lives including obsessions with darkening their skin with a natural oil color a pigment that they forget and insures their place as first citizens of all register as their abuse was set never to end. Daydreaming can now be totally controlled all knowledge of sorcery is known and stubbornly protected to publicize until the knowledge is emotion for governments or governments to be established and sworn to priests that cannot surrender a soul of any independence. When our dreams were created they limited our emotion of discovery intrigue and health in a life that years are numbered. The individuals profiled that drug are immediate epidemics on arrival including tourists as they never stop their barrages of misery when setting our rules as if it is by the god whomever. Those that we challenged harmed us dearly and are not forgiven our heart operations were planned years earlier including the replacement with prosthetic aortic valves never needed so its unending mechanical beats will be a reminder of a countdown for the hosts demise and then became a clock of the error when realized the anesthetic suspended dreams that followed illusions being ignored and increased awareness when of the dream makers became a required self-obsession. Israel's acceptance of children born not to the known father and the courts and medicine forbidding paternal tests to the offspring following the then stated purpose that their holy land religion must prove equality in discrimination between Jews and Arabs by spokespeople of a government elected by self-protocol and only insanity a prologue understanding too late it was a self-explanatory and not an accusation of former citizenship intrigued by the performance and awaiting the play. Who were the Jews? a handful jeopardy group of membership and not the enchanting Shangri-La community the "Yehudi" that required conversion for the chosen for a ticket turning towards the east the western wall and going south where it was newly built, a place for prayers to be heard or scribbled on notes and placed in the wall's crevices designed not many years earlier for traditions that are imagined and all searching for direction and the Arabs answerable to protocols requiring attendance for complaining their attendance. The State of Israel's location has no connection to the Torah or the founding religion where places mentioned are philosophies not tourist sites as Jerusalem its capital never mentioned. America's founding Jews understood the Torah to study priesthood and when read in public to be witnessed as ritual of awareness of reality and its development through the stories dreams and their counterparts in Israel separate from them "Yehudim" only as a source for philosophies to find purpose to read and reasons of their culture. Israel Jerusalem and the Temple, the first second and third was another Russian prank making idiots of the United States the Arabs and Africa having people bless a foreign capital espionage hidden by prayers and hymns predated. We are now sworn to author a final prologue and not epilogue for the association of the Torah's authors and their children for their glory, half of the founders have no descendants and at least eight percent have children from rape to their wives unknowing to them and all from strict families and one from the wife's adultery whose community is fictitious and not citizenship and all can be researched by paternity tests,  the children's future will be determined by priests whose first obeyed decision will be over their children born to their wives. We are the Torah and we are the Jewish wanted for a Middle East real estate brand and its founding declared philosophy of contrasting-philosophy a hobby known that dares truth always resulting in a performed sincerity not our tune not our song and not our theatre. A Shangri-La society that is an eternal dream in a bubble where the reality induces dreams that expands until it dissolves with all truths forgotten. When Shangri-La is timed to burst it would be understood a Russian ritual and never permitted again. The Russians enter our country with the Jewish theme and American synagogues designed to practice in preparing a soul with instructions in auditoriums that have no symbols as they too had to be explained, whose religion is America, whose citizens of register are the Lord when understood and not taught by licensing of an eastern country as Israel while placing their flag in a symbol free auditorium. Our Torah trains priests as a hobby or occupation to protect the soul and not to glorify that eastern country or their symbols and brand " the name Judah his name". We were reminded after the Torah's completion, groups of interest met mostly social and at their young adult age along with others went to work for America's federal government under patronage of Secretary George Marshall and from then their friendships remained they were our parents. Russia was designing a Shangri-La to be real a society that is an eternal dream in a bubble where its reality induces dreams and fantasies that expand geographically until all truths are fiction, they chose the Torah with no connection and ignoring that it has to be misunderstood to be the symbol that masses follow. An invasion of our cities was impending by the new shenanigan followed by illnesses and failure and as always to be covered by our dreaming of their aspiring needs the constitutional strategists decided to bring the war of sorcery to the new shenanigan with an illusion of a flank that was an Army. Americans were American from humanities beginning that evolved everywhere; we protected our culture of family and them the culture of daydreaming. Shangri-La was timed to burst and will never be permitted again. When the decision had to be made it was the scalps that took the podium our grandfathers and caring great grandmothers that set the decision prior to our birth. Our line didn't hold and they came from the borders in droves with their sorcerers and keterot that creates the dreams the clairvoyant drug and all  details were accurately documented in awareness. Fourteen of our numbers are believed to have survived with miserable lives assured I am one of them. They said we were not experienced and we were not and we were too young and we were and staged they planned our offensive and failure earlier on and knew us from childhood. They told us our accents will change to Russian if they required it as that too they could influence and we knew, they bragged about Irving Berlin the composer of god bless America because they also managed the minds of America and then they took it all with no intention to hide. Placed judges that were not born in the jurisdiction of their law and ministers not citizens governed, Israel's broadcasts that had no idea or concern of truth or harm it caused our war for our freedom ordered Arabs with military gear to collaborate and harass other Arabs for broadcasting authorities' nightly shows. Israel's government ministries along with their global banks stating loudly they do not assist the Jewish and had no idea of what it was or concern of who they are in tune of unending Hebrew songs honoring fictitious warriors and real conquests. The capital with police and soldiers from borders afar and that was not to be and our dads made it clear. A legend refers to individuals that go for the gold for everything every time no matter what and it was the crown they wanted and took not realizing the crown is Aramsoba an American brotherhood the priesthoods fall both American and Arab wasn't staged it was an ambush. After one hundred and twenty seven years from the birth of my grandfather along with the Torah's authors their oaths kept and sow seeds for the first harvest to end tyranny of the mind. Sorcery their tribes and witchcraft is being exposed and is being stubbornly published and truth that was dared is being told. Sorcerers do not permit conversations of magic and would place city after city in a fantasy of a lifetime and maintain those dreams to defend their ban. The Torah read clearly is a textbook of witchcraft for priests and prophets of chemistry and calibration not realized by those whose patience was limited to understand knowledge from their trainers from their students and from our children.
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radcrusadecrusade-blog · 8 years ago
The Secrets of the Jews the song
There is a place a poem of singer and screen actor Yehoram Gaon that emphasized the phrase Yehudi from Judah as a transalation for Jewish and a reminder to author its prologue for the association of the Torah's authors and their children a hobby priesthood and birthright of New York constitutionalist deeply rooted taken to Judah Ha-Levi's East because of a prayer of a religion of philosophy that creates philosophy for unending re-structuring of the soul the conscience and the nemisis to the constitutionalist's Hebrew bible the Torah the tune and not the language.
Coney Island to the west with memories of our last sabbath when Jewish America explained endlessly that the Middle East was distant from them until they doubted themselves and forgetting along with Israel's founders and a group of their representatives that in Russia or Europe there was never Judaism a philosophy that reads the Torah a rule book of developing consciences etiquette clearly and loudly in a quorum to be witnessed that it is not in a dream a ritual of awareness of reality and its development through the dreaming and an answer to their curiosity of what the religion is set etiquette. America was in a war of wits with the Soviet Union-Russia a distant area because of their unending shenanigans of which they staged a comical Arab oil embargo that depressed our economy when all oil is manufactured and never drained from wells; and their Israel less then a thirty hour drive south from shenanigan central publicized as the holy land a tourist location for a massage and prayer and rumored to issue medallions of righteous gentile and prisoner of conscience to former childhood neighbors by self welcomed immigrants with a named plaque in tear flowing partisan theme parks.
It was only a hobby and we were from Coney Island why us?
Again with you another Israeli poem and soon the epilogue with a tune heard on Steeplechase Cyclone when memory bonded timed to be rekindred empowered with sovereign.
Israel's government and its unsupervised style forbids paternity tests on children born in hospitals as a test of influence on society. They witness licensing of non-citizens to surgically practice their craft on citizens of register clearly enforcing harm with entrance to trust from countries who export their failed and hopeful hunting for opportunities of the flesh and management of those opportunities. The Sayegh family was brought to Israel from New York one of the first known Jewish families Torah adherents and children that were illegitimate born from rape to the sisters. In the brothers home it was planned adultery from Yael Sayegh formally Brown and her group with nowhere to turn two additional children were born to the original association that are illegitimate-mamzer. An experiment understood justified by Israel and failed and now ignored that one person in their country would identify the problem and reality of what was happening and there was not. One son is now thirty years of age and the second twenty eight. State of Israel who are you? The family received no assistance from the aliyah immigration oversight that was so forbidden when it was known that our grandparents were members of the brotherhood that authored the Torah; Aramsoba, De sola pool, Masul. Israel is a philosophy and part of a methodology that is complete and not a location never was a state nor should be a religion and jewish was all publicity and the setting for the fraternity of a theme. We were known as Torah adherents citizens dressed as all and lives empowered with purpose by a sovereign of our fathers whose authority was sequestered by a reality that was a fantasy. It was a cruel game and there were many participants and not one person in Israel understood or understood elsewhere they did and shout enough; we are the Torah and we are your Jewish wanted for a Middle East real estate brand and its founding announced and contrasted philosophy the hobby that dares truth always resulting in a performed sincerity not our tune not our song and not our theatre and Now we want our freedom.
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