#apparently she had a scholarship to a d1 school for soccer so that did give me a bit of an ego boost i won't lie
greenwith-ivy · 3 months
thinking about the first (and only) yellow card i've ever gotten is when i was chasing down someone and our feet got tangled up and we both fell. but the other team sucked and started complaining to the ref so i got carded for it which was kinda cool (my first card!) but also super annoying (literally i've done fouls way worse than that if i'm gonna get a card let it be for like. me actually trying to foul her). and then on the free kick right after i was marking another girl and you best believe i take marking seriously. she kept trying to get past me and obviously i wasn't letting her because that's my job and she told me to "stop riding [her] dick" which. lol okay. anyways she was shoving me and since she was like half a foot shorter than me i just kinda stood there and took it while doing this exact pose
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arms up and everything (to ensure i had plausible deniability because i may or may not have been shoving her too just a little but also we were right next to the box so i wasn't gonna do anything stupid). the ref came over to us and was like stop doing that! and she huffed and puffed and stopped but then immediately started again as soon as he walked away. i was the very picture of innocence with my hands in the air like that so i didn't stop anything i just kept on doing what i was supposed to! anyways as soon as her teammate took the free kick i did trip her because she was pissing me off
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