#apparently if you put a word in angled brackets in a tumblr post and save a draft... it will remove the entire word
softgrungeprophet · 1 month
Radiant Black Rundown
(aka: Nadia is going to make a rec post for something that isn't Spider-Man or Spider-Man adjacent for once)
(aka "Please read Radiant Black")
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(Radiant Black #10)
This is all subjective, obviously, but for me...
All the characters are adults, ranging from their 20s (Eva), to 30s (Nathan, Marshall, Satomi), to 50s or 60s (Wendell)
The characters are specific. They have specific personalities, backgrounds, priorities and expertise. They are people with emotions and flaws and lives.
The main characters (Nathan and Marshall) are codependent vaguely homoerotic best friends with a slightly imbalanced dedication to one another (unrequited love?), plus some jealousy (drama!)
Despite occasional clunkiness, does a decent job at mixing humor and seriousness, angst, drama, etc. "Are you an angel?" "No, ma'am, I'm a millennial" did make me laugh.
Diverse characters and creators: Some co-writers include (but are not limited to) Cherish Chen, Melissa Flores, streamer Meghan Camarena, and Chicago local Laurence Holmes, and they're all very skilled at collaborating with each other and with Kyle to breathe life into the characters and their motivations.
And all of the Radiants are brunettes! (lol)
Not a lot of crossovers (basically none) despite being part of a larger universe (the Massive-verse), and not a ton of issue hopscotch (still some).
The stakes are often very personal (most of the time). These characters may have to save the world but they're also all kind of fuck-ups in some way, and are still mostly dealing with their personal and private lives and loved ones, which grounds it.
"Officially," only Eva is queer (afaik) but to me, Marshall also reads as pretty strongly gay or bi-coded, and Satomi gives off some kind of gender thing (to me). With a mix of actual queer WLW/lesbian romance in Radiant Pink and some interesting subtext in the main Radiant Black comics, plus whatever Radiant Red's got going on, I think there's a lot to sink your teeth into in that regard, or at least to go "AUGH" about LOL
Also there's real cool art—
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(Radiant Black #17)
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(Radiant Black #10)
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(RB #10 again — issue 10 whips ass, okay? I have the UV-reactive fluorescent ink printing of this issue... and I don't own a blacklight, unfortunately 😂)
(Costa is the main artist for all of the above panels, with colors by Triona Farrell (#17) and Igor Monti (#10), but I'm a big fan of Ferigato's pencils on the Marshall-focused issues too, plus Lafuente and Muerto's work in Radiant Red is killerrrrrr)
All the Radiants' eye markings are animated/emotive (except Yellow). Personally, I'm mixed on expressive masks and helmets. (Big shock, I know 😂) I don't dislike the animated eyes, and I get why they're useful, but I prefer the less animated helmet "faces" so far.
Cosmic world-saving stuff — If you know me, you know I tend to prefer street-level superhero stuff, but I think the high-stakes action works in Radiant Black because it's still grounded in the personal and still has that street-level element, so I'm not too bothered by this. (I also like sci-fi, which helps)
Some people over-emphasize just how groundbreaking and different Radiant Black actually is. Like I get it, hype it up, but sometimes it is a little funny to be like "this has never been done before!" and it's like, idk about that 😂
Occasionally it does lean a little into referential humor and quips, but it's got plenty of actually funny jokes, and the dialogue flows naturally most of the time and isn't just a vessel for snappy one-liners, thank God. But if you're like me, sometimes you may roll your eyes.
It takes some time to find its feet (imo), but even then it's still generally engaging. To me, issues 9 and 10 are where it really hits its stride and not long after that is where it takes off running.
There is some issue/series hopping — While there's not a ton of issue hopping, there are some minor details that make more sense if you have read some of the auxiliary issues/miniseries. Luckily, it's not a huge amount of reading.
Prison is where you go to atone 🤡 I didn't like it in Spider-Man: Redemption and I don't like it here lol but Eva seemed unimpressed in volume 4, so I'm hoping it'll have some nuance as I catch up.
Wonky numbering. It's not too bad (and if you read the trade paperbacks, it's a non-issue) but there is a plot thing that happens that means all the issues after #24 (until #30 and #30.5, afaik) have special numbering
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(Radiant Black #11)
Radiant Reading List:
Note: here is a really great, in-depth, incredibly precise Massive-verse reading list put together by a fan — It has issue-by-issue and page-by-page instructions for the real chronology sickos out there, and is just a generally fantastic resource/timeline reference.
But here is my personal (way less precise) reading list for Radiant Black plus its auxiliaries, minus all the other stuff:
Radiant Black v. 1 (#1-6)
Radiant Black v. 2 (#7-12)*
Shift #1-4 (not #5)*
Radiant Red (#1-5)*
Supermassive (2022)**
Radiant Black v. 3 (#13-18)
Radiant Black v. 4 (#19-24)
Radiant Pink (#1-5)***
Supermassive (2023)
Radiant Black v. 5 (#25-27.5)
Radiant Black v. 6 (#28-30.5) (issues #30 and #30.5 will be out in October 2024, so volume 6 tpb probably not until the holidays if I had to guess... unfortunately for me 😂)
Shift #5****
Supermassive (2024)****
*Okay, so.... parts of Shift and Radiant Red technically occur simultaneously w/ each other and also overlap some w/ Radiant Black #9 and #10, so you probably actually want to stop at Radiant Black #9, then do Shift and Radiant Red, and then return to Radiant Black at #10, but in my opinion, all that really matters is you read Shift before Radiant Red, whether you slot them between Radiant Black issues 9 and 10, or just read whole trades at a time, whichever you find more practical or convenient. I... did both lol
That being said: don't read Shift #5 until… later, as it was a very recent addition for the Shift collected edition and takes place significantly later in the main plot.
**Supermassive 2022 is a pretty simple single issue crossover mini-event/annual with Inferno Girl Red and Rogue Sun, and doesn't really require reading the others' stories nor does it really affect any real plot, but it does offer a tiny bit of context to Radiant Black's main storyline that I found kind of crucial lol — like is it Necessary? No. Does it clarify one (1) little detail? Yes.
***Radiant Pink can probably be read at any point after Radiant Black issue #12, but I happen to be reading it in this order lol
****The in-depth Massive-verse reading guide I linked earlier says to read Shift #5 in the middle of Radiant Black #28.5 and Supermassive 2024 between Radiant Black #29.5 and #30, so ideally... during volume 6, but since 30 and 30.5 aren't even out yet... well. Good luck!
After 30.5 is out I believe the Radiant Black team will be taking a hiatus iirc, which is reasonable.
There is not yet a Radiant Yellow mini, and idk when one will be released. There have been a couple of delays in the Massive-verse over the past year or so, for a variety of reasons (it's massive!), and I'm guessing Yellow's solo got pushed back. Hopefully it will be out sooner rather than later but we'll see! Obviously the teams creating all of this have been working their asses off so, you know, it happens LOL
Personally I'm subscribed to Kyle's newsletter, which is probably one of the best ways to get updates. It can and often does contain spoilers, but you can do what I do and just scroll really fast past them lol
In practice you can just mainline Radiant Black and ignore everything else and be fine, but I think the other Radiants, Shift and Supermassive offer useful context as far as character motivation and juicy stuff like that goes— Especially since Shift deals with the origins of multiple antagonists, and Radiant Red has some main plot implications for Satomi. Useful to know, etc.
Anyway. That got long, but hopefully not too long to be useful.
Stay Radiant ⦵
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(Radiant Red #3)
49 notes · View notes
staircasttext · 3 years
Ep 10 Transcript: Fireheart Learns to Code
Episode 10
[intro music]
PAZ: Hi, everybody. Welcome back again to Stairway to StarClan, a Warriors Cat reread pawdcast. I'm Paz.
JULIAN: I'm Julian.
LIZ: And I'm Liz.
PAZ: And we're back again this week reading Fire and Ice, chapter eight through 10, if I am remembering correctly.
PAZ: But before we get into the chapters, we have some updates on the Barnes and Noble saga that I want to share, because they're all incredible. So a lot of these are just like additional comments to the Tumblr post that we read last week. I guess we can just go in the order through like how you sent them, Julian, because that's how I pulled them up.
JULIAN: Sure. I can read the first one.
PAZ: Sure, go ahead.
JULIAN: All right. Tumblr user melthedestroyer says, "I used to work at Barnes and Noble. And I need you all to know, when you pulled up a book in the internal system, it gives you a couple of top reviews from bn.com on the page. Imagine now my coworker Sal, a 60 year old Italian man with a flip phone, pulling up one of these one day. It was an interesting shift for Sal and I." Imagine having to introduce your coworker to the concept of roleplay, Warrior Cats roleplay.
PAZ: Yeah, not any roleplay. I love that.
JULIAN: I mean, I'm sure if he worked at Barnes and Noble he was familiar with the Warrior Cats phenomenon.
PAZ: Yeah, better be. Yeah, I'll read the next one. This is by Tumblr user diatribe. "I was part of a different circle of this for three-ish years in the early 2010s. Most of us had super controlling parents and weren't allowed internet access. The BN book reviews were broken af, completely unmoderated. Multiple books often shared the same reviews. And you didn't even have to own the book to write a review."
LIZ: Lawless.
PAZ: "It started with people just shouting out in these popular books, wondering if anyone else could see them. And then when people could reply, it spiraled. Also, we used BN's e-reader, so it just looked like we were reading." So Julian, you were like 100% correct.
LIZ: That's amazing.
JULIAN: Yeah, I was talking about this with Han after the podcast. And they also mentioned that Barnes and Noble's website probably also wouldn't be blocked on a school computer. So people might have been doing it from school computer labs. But a lot of the comments mentioned like doing it specifically on the Nook. So it looked like you were reading which is, oh, I'm really glad that these kids had somewhere to roleplay Warrior Cats that their parents could not control.
PAZ: Right? And just like, instant message, because we saw some of those as well. The creativity of children when they want to RP cats with their friends is endless. And I have nothing but respect.
JULIAN: Yeah, another update was someone saying that there was also a big Warrior Cats roleplay community on Khan Academy, which again, tracks.
LIZ: That is just incredible to me. That's like saying yeah, I used to RP on like Wolfram Alpha, or whatever that math site is.
JULIAN: Does Wolfram Alpha have a comment section because if so there might be Warrior Cats RP there.
LIZ: Wolfram Alpha forums. Let me check. Yes.
PAZ: Oh my gosh.
JULIAN: Oh yes.
PAZ: Search Warriors.
JULIAN: Community.wolfram.com/groups.
LIZ: Wait, search Warriors, please.
JULIAN: Oh, I'm doing it. I'm doing it.
LIZ: Cats, anything.
JULIAN: Oh, no, I'm not seeing anything, unfortunately.
PAZ: Oh no. Maybe it's too moderated.
JULIAN: It might be too moderated. It seems like it's pretty moderated.
PAZ: Tragic.
JULIAN: It's also like a whole company.
LIZ: Well, the framework is there. You could get past that. Listen, we saw some territorial disputes in the Barnes and Noble comments section.
JULIAN: We really did.
LIZ: So if anyone needs to branch out, I bet-- you know, there has to be someone who can hack a little bit.
PAZ: Yeah, Wolfram Alpha? Yeah.
LIZ: To get around this.
PAZ: Who wants to read the other final update that kind of dove into the questions we had about like, moderation and stuff?
LIZ: Is this the very long one that's like a screenshot?
JULIAN: Yeah, it's the one I had to screenshot because it was a reply, so I couldn't link to it.
LIZ: Okay, I can do the first one because it is pretty long. Okay, "here's a breakdown for you guys. You'll find people RPing in classic books because they're multi rez, which means multiple books link to the same review section. You can only post one review per book and posting in it erases your original review. So multi rez books are obvs desirable if you wanted to RP more than one character. Or if you wanted to leave a post up for someone who wasn't online at the moment."
JULIAN: "If you posted a bad word, you'd get locked out and wouldn't be able to post in that particular book anymore, which also made multi rez books desirable. You can get around this by putting open angle bracket underscore close angle bracket after the first two letters of a swear word, and then posting it would make it look like you hadn't censored it at all. Warrior Cats books were the most popular, but I remember Percy Jackson RPers hung around in like the Athenian constitution books."
PAZ: Yeah, so I remember we'd noted that like you could see the review counts of people and it would just say like one. And I think the explanation for that phenomena is here.
LIZ: Incredible.
PAZ: Because apparently it'd just delete if you reviewed more than once.
JULIAN: Yeah, so that makes sense, though, because it's like, if people are basically waiting for someone else to be online and then kind of RPing back and forth, but each of their new posts erases the old post, we only see the last one.
PAZ: Yeah, it's really tragic that there's no archive, though, because of that.
JULIAN: It's all gone. And the odds of it being on like Wayback Machine are very low if it replaced that quickly, unfortunately.
PAZ: It's truly the epitome of like, touches ground, something happened here.
LIZ: God, I hope someone has at least like saved or archived or screenshotted somewhere like just a moment of this. Like a slice in time to put in a museum in 3021.
PAZ: Yeah, I hope somebody was like copy-pasting into a Word doc somewhere.
JULIAN: Right? Ugh.
LIZ: I mean, how else are you gonna remember what's happening if you're RPing?
PAZ: Right?
JULIAN: I mean, you depend on the encyclopedic memory of an eight year old for like trivia.
LIZ: That's true.
JULIAN: They don't have to remember how taxes work so they can remember every detail of what Umbrellastar from BloodClan told them.
PAZ: I wish that was me.
LIZ: God, if only.
PAZ: But yeah, I guess that's the updates we found. The fact that it was somewhat moderated is extremely funny, but like not moderated enough that they're like we're gonna not allow this RP to happen.
LIZ: You just can't say fuck.
JULIAN: Like we can't stop you from RPing on this forum but you can't get horny about it.
LIZ: For some reason, we can't stop you.
PAZ: I so badly want to find someone to talk to who was in charge of the Barnes and Nobles website in some capacity and be like, what happened here?
JULIAN: I want the email chain where someone was like, Hey, my boss. You got to know about this. What do we do about this?
LIZ: CEO voice, you know, it's interaction. It's engagement.
PAZ: Yeah. They're probably like--
LIZ: We need to get those Hamlet numbers up. The kids do not care about Hamlet. This is as close as we're gonna get. If Shadowfur wants to RP with an assassin cat or get into a territorial dispute with the Percy Jackson RPers, we let them.
PAZ: Yeah, we need those clicks. That's all that matters.
JULIAN: Honestly, I wonder if they were so laissez faire about it because Barnes and Noble really, really wanted people to like use their Nooks. There was like a big push for them to like-- they were pushing Nooks versus Amazon's Kindle really hard. And so if they were like, well, at least people are using the review section with their Nook devices.
PAZ: Yeah, I mean, I guess if you're a kid who wanted really badly to RP with their friends and you could convince your very strict parents to buy you a Nook, it works out in Barnes and Noble's favor, so.
JULIAN: I mean, honestly, I wonder if it was just like, you know, I borrowed my mom's Nook because she never used it. And I didn't know about-- I was also too old for RP at that point and was just bulk downloading fanfiction to the Nook. But like if I had been slightly more sheltered and a little bit younger at the time, I definitely would have been-- I would have done this.
PAZ: Did you guys do that thing where you would print out fanfic?
LIZ: Yes. Mm-hmm.
PAZ: And then either read it in bed or take it to school?
LIZ: Yes.
JULIAN: I did not print out fanfic because I was mortified that my family would find out about it. So instead, I copied and pasted it from a particular Doctor Who fanfic archive into Word documents. I had like one Word document that was like one genre and then another Word document that was like a different ship, and they all had like little secretive acronyms so that...
PAZ: Oh my god.
LIZ: This is so intricate.
PAZ: Wow.
JULIAN: It was so much. Because this is before Ao3.
PAZ: I don't think I was smart enough as a child to do that. I would just like to try and throw out all the fanfic I'd printed out before people saw it. Because I would read it in bed because I didn't have a phone I could read it on.
JULIAN: Oh yeah.
PAZ: If I wanted to get cozy in bed and read my, I don't know, Kingdom Hearts fanfic, I had to print it out.
JULIAN: When I finally did get a phone my senior year of high school, I spent pretty much that entire summer reading fic. And so my mom was like, oh, what are you doing? And I was like, Oh, I'm-- someone had posted about this on Tumblr and I stole it. I was like, Oh, I'm reading unpublished stories by authors online.
PAZ: God.
LIZ: Not untrue. You're just supporting new writers.
JULIAN: It's accurate.
PAZ: It's what people on Twitter want to think, so.
JULIAN: It's literature. It's literature, Mom.
LIZ: God.
PAZ: Yep, classic. You know, getting fan content, it was bad. It was hard back in the day.
LIZ: It was hard.
JULIAN: We didn't have tags. You had to just pick a pairing and hope that the fic was good.
PAZ: Right? Oh my god. Yeah, it was all summary based, like good fucking luck.
LIZ: It did have genres. Like fanfiction.net did have genres. It was like romance.
PAZ: I vaguely remember that.
LIZ: Comedy, poetry, suspense.
PAZ: God. What was the fanfic that I would... what was the fandoms that I was in reading fanfic on fanfic.net? I know it was Kingdom Hearts. I think Ranma 1/2, probably Naruto fanfiction.
JULIAN: Yeah, it was just Sherlock and Doctor Who. I'm so sorry to tell y'all this.
PAZ: That seems kind of... Sherlock seems kind of late for fanfic.net though. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong.
JULIAN: It was... I like started out fanfic.net. It was like right when Ao3 was becoming a thing. But the wait for Ao3 was like six months at that point.
PAZ: Oh right.
LIZ: I used to read Sherlock fic on Livejournal.
PAZ: Also definitely read Invader Zim fic on fanfic.net.
JULIAN: My Invader Zim phase was before I realized that like fanfic was a thing that existed outside of me writing fanfic in my journal. So unfortunately, I did not stumble across that.
PAZ: Maybe, maybe, fortunately.
JULIAN: Maybe good. I also probably would have been reading a lot of iCarly fanfic.
PAZ: It wasn't like ship fic though. I don't think I understood the concept of that at the time. It was just like-- I read a lot of like OC self insert fic when I was much younger. I don't know.
LIZ: You just loved the character building.
PAZ: I did, I loved the worlds.
LIZ: Yeah, well, what an intricate like beautiful universe you've created.
PAZ: I think I remember a fic like that was like a crossover with Alien.
JULIAN: Oh my god.
LIZ: Like Alien-alien?
PAZ: Yeah, the movie Alien with like the xenomorph.
JULIAN: I love that. That's wonderful.
PAZ: It was powerful.
JULIAN: Oh all right, sorry, Chickpea is screaming. Let me see if I can feed her and then she'll stop.
PAZ: Okay.
LIZ: I'm just thinking about that fucking like Sherlock Livejournal community that we looked at with the graveyard with all the broken Photobucket links.
PAZ: I'm kind of... I don't know why I never got into Sherlock fandom like seriously, but I'm happy I didn't.
LIZ: Bullet dodged. It was something. We should look for Warriors Livejournal stuff. I bet there's some good graphics if...
PAZ: Yeah.
LIZ: If it ever made it there.
PAZ: No, I'm sure there were Warriors Livejournals. But Livejournal was after my Warriors period so I wouldn't know from personal experience. Definitely read a lot of Doctor Who fanfic on Livejournal though.
LIZ: I actually didn't. I was big into it.
JULIAN: Alright, hello.
LIZ: I just stuck around for icons and stuff. Hi.
PAZ: Hi, welcome back. We were saying there's probably like Warriors communities on Livejournal, like old ones somewhere.
JULIAN: Oh my god, I bet there are.
PAZ: Yeah, we should look into that in the future.
JULIAN: Yeah, we should do a hunt there.
PAZ: There's so much content out there. Even on Barnes and Nobles.com.
LIZ: I don't think people are RPing in like Goodreads reviews for Warrior books. But wouldn't that be something? You can reply on those things.
PAZ: Are you sure people aren't doing that?
LIZ: I don't know. Maybe.
PAZ: Now that you've said that, that seems like an obvious situation to do it.
LIZ: Put it on the docket. We've got so much research. God.
PAZ: We're going to become scholars of Warrior Cats RP communities.
JULIAN: Great news. Uh.
PAZ: Yeah.
LIZ: Yeah?
JULIAN: There are... Goodreads: Group. Show Tag RP.
LIZ: [gasp]
PAZ: Oh my god.
LIZ: Fuck yeah.
JULIAN: We have 1825 roleplay groups on Goodreads.
LIZ: What?
PAZ: Oh my god. Is this just Warriors, or like everything?
JULIAN: Oh, this is everything.
LIZ: Oh, okay. I was like damn, Warriors. Can you give us a little tasting board of this?
JULIAN: No, don't make me login. So let's see. Just a little something. We have Percy Jackson and HOO– I guess that's something about Olympians– roleplay group. Have you waited for your satyr all your life but it never came? Well, welcome to CHP, where all demigods are accepted. You can create your own character and talk to other half bloods. We are here to have fun, sing songs on the fireplace, play Capture the Flag, volleyball, and of course go on lots of quests.
LIZ: This sounds fun.
JULIAN: Yeah. I haven't seen any-- oh, here we go. Warrior Cats: A New Fall. Yep, we've got three separate Warrior Cats RPs on the first. So we'll have to dig into this a little bit.
LIZ: Thank god.
PAZ: This is so exciting.
JULIAN: A lot of this is like... a lot of boarding school RP. Like people have made up-- this roleplay is tagged as semi-advanced. What does that mean?
PAZ: I guess your reading level has to be... I don't know.
LIZ: Middle school and above.
PAZ: Eight plus.
JULIAN: Oh, I'm so glad people are just out here on the Goodreads forums RPing.
LIZ: Good. Fuck it up.
PAZ: This is a better use of Goodreads.
JULIAN: Yeah, it is. I hope Amazon has to read all of these.
LIZ: Yeah, get wreckt.
JULIAN: It'd be good for them.
LIZ: Humble them a little. We should look into those. I bet there's some new innovations going on if it's still active.
JULIAN: Oh yeah, no, these are sorted by the latest activity. So the three ones I found, last activity six hours 25 minutes ago.
LIZ: Oh my god.
JULIAN: Yeah, so we can really dig in here.
LIZ: We need to check out that semi advanced style. I wanna know what that means.
JULIAN: I can't tell, but they have their own gifs. Like there's some really nice graphics.
PAZ: Wow, you can post gifs on Goodreads?
LIZ: Wow.
JULIAN: It's like a fully fledged forum here.
PAZ: Wow.
LIZ: Yeah I think you can post like reviews and then that you have like, here's my Marvel GIF about reacting to... I don't know. Twitches.
JULIAN: I think there's like... because there's like a Groups function.
PAZ: Oh my gosh. Yeah, this is just a forum.
JULIAN: That I think is intended to be like for book clubs. But is, in this case for--
PAZ: This is a book club. What are you talking about?
LIZ: Oh, yeah, these things. I joined one for exactly one reason. It was to ask what book this was because I didn't remember the name, title, or character, or author, or anything. And they were mean about it.
LIZ: They were like, everyone has asked what this book is. Did you not read the FAQ?
PAZ: Oh, no.
LIZ: And I did. So anyway, Goodreads is bad, but I'm glad people are using it to RP.
PAZ: Good on this random boarding school roleplay for saying no racist, homophobic, discriminatory, etc. comments.
LIZ: Yeah.
JULIAN: The Warrior Cats: A New Fall RP's number one rule is "no bullying. We make exceptions for in the roleplay."
LIZ: Wow.
PAZ: Gosh, perfect. Well, this is an exciting possibility world before us that we will have to revisit in the future. But I guess now that we're done with that update, we should go into our chapters.
LIZ: Beautiful.
PAZ: So this week, we read three chapters, chapters eight through 10. And I'll just dive right into the summaries. So chapter eight continues from the scene of the RiverClan warrior Whiteclaw's death. Leopardfur, the RiverClan deputy, warns ThunderClan that this has now gone beyond a border dispute and leaves. The WindClan cats leave as well, thanking ThunderClan again. And Sandpaw is freaked out from her near death, and Graystripe is shaken and disturbed from accidentally causing another cat's death.
Once they are back at camp, an angry Tigerclaw takes Fireheart and Graystripe back to Bluestar and informs them both of WindClan's rescue and the RiverClan death Tigerclaw believes seeing ThunderClan with WindClan cats will push RiverClan and ShadowClan together. Bluestar, while disappointed, is not as angry. She decides Graystripe and Fireheart should take apprentices to train to prepare for future hostilities.
Later that night there is a naming ceremony for the apprentices. Fireheart takes Cinderpaw, an energetic cat, as his apprentice, and Graystripe takes Brackenpaw, who is more serious, as his apprentice. The chapter ends with Fireheart thinking about how he wants to be a good warrior and mentor and that it feels like Tigerclaw is waiting for him to fail.
In chapter nine, Fireheart takes Cinderpaw out into the forest for her first day as an apprentice. Graystripe declines to join them and is still depressed. Fireheart and Cinderpaw travel various places, with Cinderpaw bounding ahead and not listening to Fireheart closely. Fireheart teaches her some things about scents, hunting, and owls. Cinderpaw then runs ahead towards Snakerocks before Fireheart can warn her, but comes back once he makes the danger clear. They then visit the Thunderpath and eventually go near the Twolegplace, where they spot a pregnant kittypet. Fireheart gets an inexplicable feeling that this cat isn't a threat and gives away their position so she runs away. Back at camp, he dreams about when he was a kitten and realizes the kittypet he saw was his sister.
In chapter 10, Firepaw gets an intense longing to see his sister after seeing the familial familiarity amongst the clan cats. He asks Graystripe to take Cinderpaw for the day and heads back to the Twolegplace. He waits until the sister comes into the garden to reveal himself. She is frightened at first, but once he remembers her name, which is Princess, and remembers who he is, she calms down. When she asks why he came to see her, Fireheart simply says, because you are my sister. He asks about their other family, who all still live in the neighborhood. They talk for a while and Fireheart tells her about the clans. Princess eventually has to go inside and Fireheart returns to the ThunderClan camp after hunting.
Back at camp, Tigerclaw confronts him about leaving Cinderpaw with Graystripe. Fireheart apologizes and says he will focus on her training. Graystripe still seems disturbed about the RiverClan encounter. The chapter ends with Fireheart watching Cinderpaw and her brother, and thinking about how he has felt lonely within the clan, as none of his family is there. And that's the end of our reading this week.
JULIAN: My first note for chapter eight is Graystripe killed a man.
PAZ: Yeah. RIP Whiteclaw, our beloved friend. Yeah, Graystripe, you did kind of kill a guy. This was like, the first time I'm like, damn, I just agree with Tigerclaw because it really is like Fireheart's fault completely. There was no reason to go into RiverClan territory. And he is also partly responsible for a death.
JULIAN: Also Fireheart being like, Oh, it was a special mission, just like Highstones. So it's okay for us to-- like, no, it's not. You knew it wasn't.
PAZ: Yeah, you had to convince everyone to do it. Because everyone was like, I don't think that's a great idea. I feel bad for those poor WindClan cats who just... they just had a horrible two months, and now this bullshit.
JULIAN: Well, and like Tigerclaw is, for once, worst person you know just made a great point.
PAZ: Exactly.
JULIAN: He's like, yeah, this is gonna solidify RiverClan and ShadowClan's alliance. And he's right, it will.
PAZ: Yeah. This is the worst thing that has come out of Fireheart's lack of brains by far. And he seems like he doesn't have any lingering guilt about it.
LIZ: No.
JULIAN: Yeah, Graystripe is like, tore up about this. And Fireheart is just like, Why doesn't he want to eat with me?
LIZ: Isn't there that part in like, that part where he's like, aw Graystripe doesn't want to hang out. Oh, well.
PAZ: Yeah, I mean, I think I think Graystripe's having the appropriate emotional reaction. But I don't know why he's the only one having that reaction.
JULIAN: Yeah, I am still unclear on like, when it's okay to kill another cat. Um.
PAZ: Yeah, it's very, extremely unclear. Because I really feel like people die all the time. But then it's like, we're sad when people die. Also, sometimes maybe it's dishonorable? Question mark?
LIZ: They say like that it's just a border dispute, which is why like, the murder was, I guess, like, too much, but it seems like all of their disputes are border disputes.
JULIAN: Like what else do they dispute about?
LIZ: Yeah, what?
PAZ: I don't know. Maybe there are periods of active warfare. I don't know.
JULIAN: Yeah, like maybe it's okay to kill another cat like, if they're in your camp or something.
PAZ: Yeah. Or like they stole your children.
JULIAN: Yeah, I remember-- in Warrior Cats roleplay, we would like schedule battles. And I'm trying to remember whether that is based on the books or just useful for RP scheduling purposes.
PAZ: Yeah, I don't really remember from later books. So I can't really say. But I do like how this whole situation sets up like Sandpaw's changing thoughts on Fireheart. Like, her appearances in the rest of these chapters is her being like, very, like, shaken that she almost died and also like, seeming to be thinking thoughts about Fireheart, so.
JULIAN: Yeah, it's very like... you can tell that she's sort of thinking about like, Oh, you know, damn, kittypet did save me.
PAZ: Have I been wrong? Who knows. I do still feel-- damn. Dustpaw and Sandpaw have it bad, though. They're still apprentices and fucking Fireheart and Graystripe are getting their apprentices. Can you imagine sharing the apprentice den with these little tiny babies?
JULIAN: With these babies that are like, technically still too young.
PAZ: I hope they become warriors soon. They don't deserve this.
LIZ: I don't know. You'd think that since Fireheart and Dust-- nope, Graystripe are getting apprentices so early, that Bluestar would also make the other apprentices warriors by now too, just like, gotta keep moving.
PAZ: Right? She's like, we need more warriors. I'm just gonna make these babies apprentices and not promote these older cats for some reason.
LIZ: Who have seen battle.
JULIAN: Right? They're also like, at this point, they're like super seniors.
PAZ: Yeah, I assume they're at least a couple months older than like, Graystripe and Fireheart.
JULIAN: Just like, oh, yeah, I'm gonna keep taking classes.
PAZ: This is so sad.
JULIAN: I was really happy to see that there was some sort of like criteria to become a mentor, because Bluestar says that Runningwind would make a bad one. So at least they are thinking about it a little bit.
PAZ: I think her judgment is off because she decided Tigerclaw would make a good mentor, but I guess, at least there are considerations. Yeah, the other thing from the beginning of this chapter is I know we said we'd keep a Fireheart/Onewhisker alert out. Yes, here it is. "Fireheart meowed a quiet farewell to Onewhisker as he passed. Onewhisker glanced briefly at him and walked on."
PAZ: It's there. It's real.
JULIAN: Oh my god.
LIZ: This is all those posts about tender yearning, you know.
PAZ: Exactly.
LIZ: It's about glances... and they don't have hands, so paws.
PAZ: The nose touches. The tail touches at their annual ball dance.
JULIAN: The jellicle ball.
PAZ: But yes.
JULIAN: God-- oh sorry. One more Bluestar thing. Um, she does tell Fireheart to pass on everything that she taught him. And I just have a note that's like, you didn't teach him shit.
PAZ: Right? There was something-- like there was like a part in like, a later scene with Fireheart and Cinderpaw that implied she did more than one thing with him. Because it said something about like, Bluestar teaching him about owls. But I'm like, when in the world did this happen? This did not happen. They had one fight.
LIZ: Is it just like... is it like a retcon to imply that like more time passed than we saw?
PAZ: Yeah, maybe?
LIZ: Or I guess so. It just would have been nice to see like, if not just one, maybe two or three, and then you can just say it kept happening. I don't know.
PAZ: Right?
PAZ: It really felt like it was only one. But yeah, but speaking of time passing and timelines, I was trying to figure out the timeline for like, how long they were actually warriors before getting apprentices. I think it was like three days, because--
LIZ: Oh my God.
PAZ: Because, right? So they became like, apprentices after-- they became warriors after their vigil. And I think it was the day after that that Bluestar's like okay, you gotta go find-- I don't know. When was the Gathering?
JULIAN: Let's see. Pull up my ebook.
PAZ: I forgot there was a Gathering in between. Maybe it's like five days.
LIZ: Well, how long did the WindClan retrieval take?
JULIAN: I feel like three days, I think?
PAZ: That was like two days.
JULIAN: Two or three?
PAZ: They slept two nights. They slept a night before finding WindClan and then they slept a night on the way back with WindClan. So yeah, I guess it was like three days.
JULIAN: Yeah, they sleep a night on the way back, and then they come back, go through RiverClan, go back to ThunderClan. And then that night they get apprentices. I think the Erins are really relying on the fact that children have no idea what timelines are.
PAZ: Okay, so, checking back to the beginning, it appears there was the day after they became warriors. And then the following day was the Gathering. So that's like two days. And I think it was the day after the Gathering that Bluestar is like, Okay, you got to go on this journey. So that's like another day. And then there's the day of the journey. They sleep. Day of finding WindClan, coming back. They sleep. Then they're back. So that's six days, I think.
JULIAN: What are we at? A week?
PAZ: I totally was not counting. Yeah, like a week, about.
JULIAN: Oh, you know.
LIZ: Oh my god.
JULIAN: They are cats. A week is a long time if you're a cat and have no real sense of short term memory.
PAZ: I guess.
LIZ: What's a week for a cat?
PAZ: But I mean, cats don't live like-- cats can live until they're like, 20. They don't... I mean, not outdoor cats, I guess. But it's not like they only live to be like five years old. I feel like it should be at least a month.
LIZ: What's a week to a cat? Like, a month?
PAZ: I don't know.
LIZ: Two weeks? Three weeks.
JULIAN: I'm googling cat sense of time. But I don't know. That might be a rabbit hole we can't fall down.
PAZ: I feel like cats don't... Cats wouldn't have a concept of days, though. Because they just sleep whenever.
LIZ: I mean, not these cats.
JULIAN: I mean, pet cats have a really good sense of time because like, they do get onto a...
PAZ: Yeah, they know when they get food.
JULIAN: Right. They get on to a rhythm. And if their rhythm gets disrupted, they get very upset.
LIZ: Yeah, they have to have their breakfast at 5am.
PAZ: And they have to run around the house at 3am. Very strict schedule. Well, anyway, yeah. Timeline is weird, but they get their apprentices. I couldn't remember any cat named Bracken-something. I feel like maybe there was like a Brackentail. But I'm like, I don't know. I don't know if this guy's gonna make it.
LIZ: Maybe he's destined to just be like--
PAZ: Pouring one out.
LIZ: -- inoffensive side character.
PAZ: Yeah, that might be the case.
LIZ: That's the life you want. You don't want to be like a fucking Firepaw. Look at that shit he's going through.
PAZ: I didn't look it up because I'm like, I'll just see.
JULIAN: I did look it up and spoiled myself, but I will not spoil y'all.
PAZ: I know what happens to the other two apprentices so far in this book, which is why I'm like who the fuck are you, Brackenpaw? I don't know him.
JULIAN: I mean, in his defense. Well, not in his defense. He hasn't really established much of a personality yet.
PAZ: I know.
JULIAN: You know, sometimes you're the quiet sibling, and your sister is real boisterous.
PAZ: Yeah, is their other sibling Swiftpaw? Or like, am I getting confused?
JULIAN: I thought it was just Brackenpaw and Cinderpaw. I didn't think there were...
PAZ: Was Swiftpaw a different litter? Maybe. Because that was the one who got promoted to apprentice at the beginning of this book.
PAZ: Or wait, at the end of last book? I don't know. Recently.
JULIAN: Um, yeah, no, Swiftpaw is a different...
PAZ: Okay. That makes sense. Cause he's older.
JULIAN: Yeah. Different litter. The stuff with Cinderpaw is very cute.
PAZ: It's so cute.
LIZ: It is.
PAZ: But I'm also like, Oh, God, don't go to Snake Hell please. Listen to the adult.
LIZ: She got so close to Snake Hell like immediately.
PAZ: Cinderpaw needs to be on like a child leash.
LIZ: Uh-huh.
JULIAN: I am a little bit like, watching Fireheart mentor her is very much like when you have a teen babysitter take like a bunch of children to a pool. Or like to the zoo. It was just like, Oh, this was a mistake. You all need an adult.
LIZ: Bluestar, why did you do this?
PAZ: Right? Once again, worst person you know makes a good point. I think Tigerclaw was right when he was like, they're too young to have apprentices.
JULIAN: Fireheart like fully does not know what he's doing. He's just like, uh, I'm gonna take you around. We're gonna go to the Thunderpath. That sounds like fun.
PAZ: Yeah, no one gave him the like, teacher's manual.
LIZ: No, he's not certified. He's a teen boy.
JULIAN: Fireheart, your union contract.
PAZ: This is really just like in high school when you have a, like, junior college student come in and be like the assistant teacher for their like college credit courses. And it's, like, so obvious to you as a senior. It's like, Oh, wait, we're actually pretty close in age. What are you doing here?
LIZ: Don't worry. Cinderpaw [inaudible]
JULIAN: I fully respect Graystripe wanting to be alone and not be near Fireheart right now because Fireheart does not seem to understand that he did anything wrong. I also think that he should have stuck with Fireheart because two adults and two children is much more manageable than one adult and one child. Especially when one of the children is like... like if you have a rambunctious child and like a very calm child, that's much better than one rambunctious child.
LIZ: Graystripe even says so, right?
PAZ: Mm-hmm. But Graystripe is having a crisis so I'll excuse him.
JULIAN: God. And then Fireheart is like, well, I'm just gonna ditch my apprentice with you for a day. Is that chill?
LIZ: Yeah, like the second day.
PAZ: Ah, God. I gotta say though, all the internal thoughts about family Fireheart has in these set of chapters is very good.
PAZ: There's just so much more internal life than in the first book. It's like, it's very noticeable.
LIZ: Yeah. He's really going through like-- he has not become dad, but he thinks he is. Like, he's looking at Cinderpaw like, Oh, God. Oh, God, what do I do? Oh, god, no, no, she's going to Snake Hell. Wait, come back. Oh, my God, children. So he's also like, just a young guy. But it's very funny.
PAZ: Yeah. And his like, anger and worry about being a former kittypet continues to be like, a thread running through this. Which is... I don't know, it's just good to see that they're keeping that like personality trait consistent in this book.
JULIAN: Yeah. And like the tension between like, found family versus birth family is like, nice to see explored here.
PAZ: Yeah. And like how he feels like he's-- even though he really likes his found family, how he still feels alienated because, I mean, like, they still see him differently.
JULIAN: Yeah. And like, even through that, you know, there's a bit where he's like, yeah, you know, I do wonder if I would have closeness with my birth family. But also I know that like, you know, the closeness that Princess has with her siblings who she sees occasionally is not the same as like, the closeness that the cats in the clan have.
PAZ: Yeah, he like, thinks some thoughts about like, you know, would my life have been different? Like, what am I missing?
LIZ: And he still does feel like, like that level of remove, and he's like, lonely. Like, damn, I wish I had someone who knew exactly like where I was coming from and had the same experiences.
JULIAN: Yeah, that moment where they both-- like he and Princess talk about like, the bedding that their mom had when they were kits is really sweet and like, poignant.
PAZ: Yeah.
JULIAN: Because he doesn't have anyone in the clan who remembers how he grew up.
PAZ: And like, what they think of his childhood is just like, really mean to kittpets because they're all xenophobic. So he can't even really talk about it I think is one of the points. Like he can't tell anyone like he saw his sister or anything. And it stresses him out and it's just, yeah.
JULIAN: Also the bit where he doesn't remember her name is awful.
LIZ: Oh, yeah, that was bad.
PAZ: Aw, I know.
JULIAN: Like, initially, he can't remember it and he's like, Oh, I'm Rusty. And then like, finally does remember it but like, it takes him a bit and that's just like, ah. Aw, buddy.
LIZ: Aw.
PAZ: I hope he finds, you know, something where he feels like he can be his whole self. I also got to say, Rusty, do you think your balls really would have been stolen? Because apparently nobody spays or neuters their cats here. Because your sister's just pregnant. She obviously didn't go get the-- what the fuck.
JULIAN: The snip?
PAZ: The cut. Think he might have had balls still.
JULIAN: Like she's pregnant, which clearly means that like A, she didn't get neutered and also, like, whatever cat is the father didn't get neutered either.
PAZ: What is up with this neighborhood?
LIZ: Did you catch the part where-- I mean, like, she says that all the siblings are still kind of nearby too. So do like-- I just want to know if a cat gets pregnant in this neighborhood, do they just distribute the kittens to neighbors, or do they just keep all of them? Cause I know that happens but that can't be regular.
PAZ: When our cat Maria kept having kittens before we could get her to the vet, we would just post free kittens sign. People would come and check out the kittens. I don't know. But it wasn't just like our immediate neighbors.
LIZ: No.
PAZ: No, not at all.
JULIAN: The HOA where it's like, to live in this neighborhood, you must accept every fucking six months or whatever.
PAZ: Oh god. Yeah okay, so let's go through our list of kittypets so far. Princess, wasn't fixed. Their mom, Nutmeg, obviously wasn't fixed. Jake, still had his balls because he fathered children at some point. I guess Henry is the only one we got confirmed to...
JULIAN: Smudge. Smudge got neutered.
PAZ: Oh, yes. Smudge got neutered. Okay. I don't know.
LIZ: So two out of like, what? Six, seven? Probably more.
PAZ: Yeah. I don't know. I don't know what's going on here.
LIZ: They're really just lax about it over in England, huh.
JULIAN: I mean, is it England or is it just this book?
LIZ: Is it just this one neighborhood in England? Like oh yeah, that's cat city.
JULIAN: That's cat hell.
PAZ: Maybe it's some sort of weird hippie community.
JULIAN: You know what, maybe that's why all the Twolegs they run into are so awful to the cats because it's like you know...
PAZ: Oh, it's just overrun.
JULIAN: The neighbors are really nice, but like anyone who comes and visits this park is like, oh fuck. It's the fucking cats again. It's all the horrible cats.
LIZ: It's like that one island they always talk about on clickbait articles that's like, oh yeah, this is the city of cats. And they're just everywhere.
PAZ: Oh, the one in Japan? Or near Japan.
LIZ: God, yeah.
JULIAN: I want to read a Warriors book set with the feral cat colonies that live in the Colosseum. That's all I want.
LIZ: Yeah.
PAZ: Oh fuck yeah. They'd all be Italian. Cat mafia.
LIZ: The Meowdessy.
JULIAN: You already have a clan structure.
LIZ: The Kittyad.
PAZ: On the day of my daughter's naming ceremony. But to go back to that point about Fireheart's character exploration in this segment, like the second to last sentence in these sort of chapters was just really nice. It was just a good sentence. It was, "He had found the closeness he had missed, but it had given shape to a sense of loneliness that until now had lain vague and nameless in his heart."
JULIAN: Aw buddy.
LIZ: Aw.
PAZ: That was a good little sentence and evocative of a feeling. And just wanna give him a little hug.
LIZ: He's just a little guy.
JULIAN: He's just a little guy.
PAZ: He's a little guy, but also now a responsible teacher.
JULIAN: He's a little guy and he's also a father.
PAZ: And an accessory to murder.
JULIAN: I mean, manslaughter. Graystripe didn't mean to kill him. It wasn't premeditated.
PAZ: Yeah, sorry, Graystripe.
LIZ: Has Firepaw killed anyone yet? Fireheart, sorry.
PAZ: No.
LIZ: I don't think so.
PAZ: He wanted to kill that one ShadowClan cat but then I think Whitestorm was like, no, we do not kill, apparently.
LIZ: The emphasis on it, and I mean, the emphasis on Whiteclaw dying and like the almost murder from the last ep, I wonder if it's gonna come to a head at like the finale of this book.
PAZ: Yeah, maybe. I just... I know in later books cats die so much, but murder seems to be like... so far the only like onscreen murder slash manslaughter we've seen is Oakheart. Is that the guy? I don't know. That RiverClan cat who got killed by Redtail. And then all of Tigerclaw's murder victims, but that was obviously evil. And then there's accidental death. But I know these cats are killing each other in later books. So I don't know. Maybe it's just like a change that happens.
JULIAN: I feel like there is some-- there is like a shift. But I don't remember when it happens.
PAZ: Yeah, I'll be curious to see if it happens like within the first series, or if that only really starts happening like, second series onwards.
JULIAN: There's definitely murders in the first series.
PAZ: Okay.
JULIAN: Unless I'm misremembering what happens in the first series.
PAZ: No, I mean, there's like murders. I know there's murders of like the other evil group. But I'm talking like interclan murders.
JULIAN: Oh, gotcha.
LIZ: What other evil group? Hold on. Wait.
PAZ: Don't worry about it.
LIZ: Okay, sure.
PAZ: We'll get there.
LIZ: Hmm.
PAZ: Yeah, I don't know. We'll see.
JULIAN: Yeah, there have so far been no war crimes, I would say. At least in these chapters. I think this book has also been pretty low war crime.
PAZ: Yeah, I feel like the war crimes might be coming up, though.
JULIAN: Yeah, I probably shouldn't call it. We're only on chapter 10.
PAZ: Yeah, I think we're gearing up for war crimes.
JULIAN: I guess hunting on WindClan's territory after driving them out could probably be construed as a war crime.
PAZ: Yeah. Breaking treaty, breaking word also. So there were war crimes. Couldn't go 10 chapters without some war crimes.
LIZ: Well, it is Warrior Cats. Not like non Warrior Cats. I think I've made this joke but better before. These are some fighting cats.
JULIAN: Cat fight.
PAZ: They sure are. I don't know. I don't have anything else really for these chapters. I don't-- does anyone else?
JULIAN: Yeah, I don't either.
LIZ: As a note, I think it's very funny that in like these chapters Tigerclaw he's being put on like, the sensible side of the argument or whatever. Yeah. It's just like, he's just acting normal guy now, but he's still evil.
PAZ: Yeah. He was so normal guy these chapters, noticeably.
LIZ: It's very funny.
JULIAN: Yeah, I feel like it's like trying to set us up for like, a twist when he goes mask off again. But.
LIZ: But what if he does-- what if he does just become normal? He's like, Oh, yeah, Vice President. This is good enough. I'm retiring my evil ways. I'm still mean, but from now on, I'm just going to be critiquing your teaching style.
JULIAN: Which frankly, needs it.
PAZ: Fireheart, have you considered murdering your apprentice as a motivator?
LIZ: Oh, no? Well, have you considered taking notes?
JULIAN: Fireheart, have you thought about taking some continuing education classes? Some workshops?
LIZ: Night classes.
JULIAN: Personal development? Professional development?
PAZ: Needs to get his education certificate.
JULIAN: Yeah. Fireheart, where's your MA?
LIZ: You know, Fireheart, they have some courses on LinkedIn that you can take. About seven hours each. You get a little certificate at the end. That's how I got mine.
JULIAN: Fireheart learns to code. Fireheart goes to boot camp. Comes out with a Udemy badge.
LIZ: Are we good for these chapters?
PAZ: Yeah, I think we're good.
PAZ: It was only three chapters. And it was a lot of like, internal stuff.
JULIAN: Right, they're a lot less eventful than the last ones.
LIZ: Everyone's very sad.
PAZ: Yeah. Yeah.
So, in honor of meeting Princess these chapters, I decided maybe we should look at all of the canonical kittypet names and rate them and see what the kittypet names got going on, because I think we were pretty positive on Nutmeg last week.
LIZ: Oh, yeah.
PAZ: So we're gotta see if there's more where that came from. So I'm pulling up the list of canon kittypets on the Warriors wiki. Okay, I'm just gonna go down them and we can give our thoughts. How about that?
JULIAN: Sounds good.
LIZ: All right.
PAZ: So the first that we have is Algernon? Is that how you say that? Al-grr-non?
JULIAN: Al-jer-non, yep.
PAZ: And Bess. How are we feeling about that?
JULIAN: I like them, but only as a duo. Like you got to have Algernon and Bess. They really play off each other.
PAZ: Yeah, I agree.
LIZ: They sound like a separate pirate duo in Black Sails.
PAZ: Yeah, I agree. They have to be a pair. Okay, next we have Hal.
PAZ: Pretty boring.
LIZ: Yeah.
PAZ: Pixie.
JULIAN: Very good.
PAZ: Eh. Yeah, I think it depends on the cat. I have to visualize this cat.
JULIAN: That's true. This is a fluffy white she cat, which is like a less good-- I hear Pixie and I'm biased by our friend Erin's very good cat who is a little tabby freak.
LIZ: Pixie should be a freak.
JULIAN: And this doesn't... this cat does not sound like a freak.
PAZ: No. Freaks only. Okay, the next cat is Red.
PAZ: Uh, it's okay, I guess.
LIZ: We've got a good ginger cat already. And Fireheart really got the protagonist name thing down.
PAZ: Yeah.
PAZ: Okay. Next cat is Marmalade.
JULIAN: Excellent.
LIZ: 10 out of 10.
PAZ: This is fantastic. He is described as a large ginger tom.
PAZ: I am a huge fan of this name. Then we got Jay.
PAZ: It's okay.
LIZ: It's all right.
PAZ: I do like-- a very old black and white she cat. I'm just picturing Chloe.
LIZ: Yeah.
PAZ: Then we have Jake. I feel like we already discussed his name, but I'll just reiterate. I love when a cat is just named a guy.
JULIAN: Just a human man.
PAZ: Then we have Twig.
JULIAN: Very good.
PAZ: That's pretty good. I like the energy that brings. Then we have another duo. It's Cherry and Boris.
LIZ: Very good together.
PAZ: I love Boris so much.
JULIAN: That's another human man name.
PAZ: Right? It just sounds like some Russian, old Russian man. I don't know.
JULIAN: Who is out here naming their cat Boris? I love it.
PAZ: I don't know but they chose right.
LIZ: I mean--
PAZ: Um-- yeah, go ahead.
LIZ: No. Our good friend does have a cat named Putin. Short for, if I'm remembering correctly, Rasputin, so.
PAZ: Exactly. Then we have Echo. That's okay, I guess.
LIZ: Nice Friends at the Table reference.
JULIAN: Next cat name is Fourteen Fifteen.
PAZ: No, if only. Hutch. I don't know.
JULIAN: It really depends on the cat.
PAZ: Yeah.
JULIAN: I feel like.
PAZ: It's original, I guess.
LIZ: Yeah.
PAZ: I'll give it points for that.
JULIAN: "Hutch is a dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes and hard paw pads." Why do we know that his paw pads are hard?
PAZ: Oh no.
LIZ: You mush them.
PAZ: How am I gonna squeeze his beans?
JULIAN: Give him some coconut oil.
PAZ: Okay, our next cat is Oscar. Once again, love just a normal human man name.
LIZ: I know I shouldn't be looking at the descriptions of these cause they're probably really spoilery.
PAZ: Yeah, don't do that. Stop.
LIZ: But this one's really funny. I won't remember it by then.
PAZ: Okay, you can read it.
LIZ: But if anyone's worried about spoilers, cover your ears. This says, "an unknowing descendent of SkyClan who chooses not to live in SkyClan because he believes clan ideas are stupid."
PAZ: I agree with Oscar.
JULIAN: That's a real Oscar-- Oscar would.
PAZ: Classic Oscar. Okay, the next cat is Bella. It's boring, I guess. I don't know. Another duo, Rose and Lily.
JULIAN: It's fine. It doesn't have the same energy as our previous duos.
LIZ: No.
PAZ: No, I don't... they're not bringing the same heat. I guess at least they have a theme, which is flowers.
LIZ: I want these to be like really out there cats, if it has to work, like real fancy or really evil.
JULIAN: Yeah, I just want like a cat with a flower name that's like really fucking-- like, where's my cat named Hydrangea?
LIZ: Yeah.
PAZ: Fuck yeah. Okay, next cat is Hattie. Feel like that's cute.
LIZ: Yeah.
PAZ: Sounds like it should be like a little, little old cat. Next cat is Velvet.
LIZ: Very decadent.
PAZ: Yeah, just makes me think of the Velveteen Rabbit.
LIZ: Aw.
PAZ: Which I guess is a vibe. I don't know. Okay, then we have Benny.
LIZ: That's cute.
PAZ: It's pretty good. It's not as good as the other man names but it's cute. Then we have Brandy.
JULIAN: Brandy feels like such a 90s name to name your cat.
LIZ: Yeah. Like you're definitely thinking of like Brandi, capital B Brandi, right?
JULIAN: Oh, yes.
LIZ: I guess these did come out around that time.
JULIAN: Like that cat needs to bring that energy.
LIZ: This is a cat with a rhinestone collar.
PAZ: I think the name is better conjunction when you see that his sibling is Minty.
LIZ: Aw.
JULIAN: Oh, that's good.
PAZ: I think that's a good pair of names. So another one where I think a duo really brings out that energy.
JULIAN: The next one is also a duo. Or like, half a duo.
PAZ: Yeah. So it's Frankie. And then Jesse.
LIZ: Very cute.
PAZ: Those are just like, those are solid names. (laughing) The next cat is O'Hara.
JULIAN: Oh boy.
LIZ: Uh.
JULIAN: Bad, but it's not her fault.
PAZ: Yeah.
LIZ: No.
PAZ: Oh, God. Okay, next name is Parsnip.
JULIAN: Excellent.
PAZ: I love that.
LIZ: 10 out of 10.
PAZ: This is a perfect cat name.
LIZ: Wow.
PAZ: I'm gonna keep it in mind for future cats, I think. It's powerful.
LIZ: I think Parsnip should have like a little vegetable clan and it should just be like, here's my deputy Carrots. Here's my other deputy, Rutabaga. And my [laughs] I don't know, my apprentices, like, Cabbage and... I'm running out of vegetables.
JULIAN: Peapod.
LIZ: Potato. Peapod, yeah.
PAZ: Polly. Eh.
JULIAN: I like Polly, but I think I'm mostly biased toward it because it's my grandma's name. So I'm just envisioning like a very like old, cheerful cat.
PAZ: That would be good. Then we have Riga, I guess? It's unique.
LIZ: It's probably a person name or something?
PAZ: Yeah, I don't know.
JULIAN: I think it's a person name.
PAZ: Points for not being a common name. Scarlett.
LIZ: No. Hold on a second. Are Scarlett and O'Hara a duo?
PAZ: Oh, no.
JULIAN: Oh, I'm very afraid that they might be.
LIZ: I don't like that. No.
PAZ: They both live in the same place apparently.
LIZ: Bad.
JULIAN: Hate it.
LIZ: Not their fault. But bad.
PAZ: No, but I'm looking at Scarlett's wiki page. It doesn't mention O'Hara anywhere, so. Maybe not.
JULIAN: That might be an Erin Hunter badness.
LIZ: Oh, no. Okay, wait. It says they're hostile. [laughs]
JULIAN: Well, then the name is perfect.
PAZ: Yeah, I don't think they're together. They live in the same neighborhood. I think that's about it. Thank God. Okay, then we have Victor.
JULIAN: Excellent.
PAZ: That's powerful.
LIZ: Mm-hmm.
PAZ: Then we have Webster.
PAZ: I like-- I love that.
LIZ: Yes.
PAZ: That's a little, like, nerd cat.
LIZ: With glasses.
PAZ: Exactly. Then we have Ziggy. That's also cute.
JULIAN: I think the four here are just really good kind of in conjunction, where it's like Victor, Webster, and Ziggy.
PAZ: Yeah, that's a great combo. That's a little like, YA friend group.
LIZ: They all sound like, like in that book, they would be the little nerd group that's going to go on like some sort of robotics competition thing. And it's about friendship.
PAZ: Exactly.
LIZ: And accepting who you are.
PAZ: The next name is Betsy.
PAZ: It's a good name for an old cat. Gonna skip some of these names. Max. Eh.
LIZ: Can we go back to one? Just one because it's--
PAZ: No, we gotta skip them.
LIZ: Aw, but the one before that is so...
JULIAN: It's really good.
PAZ: Okay, I don't think that counts as a real kittypet name.
JULIAN: This was clearly not chosen by a human but Harveymoon.
LIZ: Can we give it a shout out?
PAZ: Harvest Moon sequel, Harveymoon.
JULIAN: Is that what they're calling it now that they can't use the Harvest Moon trademark anymore?
PAZ: Yeah.
LIZ: Harveymoon, friend of Susanclaw.
JULIAN: Now I'm gonna be imagining them as an elderly couple.
PAZ: That's perfect.
LIZ: Oh my god.
PAZ: Okay, um, Ajax.
JULIAN: Excellent, real powerful name.
LIZ: Mm-hmm.
PAZ: That just reminds me of dogs because I read a book about a half-dog half-dingo named Ajax, but that's my own bias.
JULIAN: Can I just read his description real quick?
PAZ: Yes.
JULIAN: "Ajax is a kittypet and friend of Rose and Fuzzball."
LIZ: Aw.
PAZ: Yeah, I was waiting to get to Fuzzball on this list to rate that, but Fuzzball is a 10 out of 10 also.
LIZ: All three of those together are just... what a wonderful friend group. Powerful.
PAZ: Then we have Pickle.
LIZ: Beautiful.
PAZ: Perfect.
JULIAN: He has a squashed in face.
PAZ: Aw, Pickle. Imagine Pickle and... what was it? I've already forgotten it. Yes, Pickle and Parsnip together. Imagine that.
JULIAN: Oh yes.
LIZ: Oh, yeah.
PAZ: Yeah. Powerful.
LIZ: Wait, wait, wait. Do you think Pickle used to be Cucumber when he was younger and then as he aged he became Pickle?
PAZ: God.
PAZ: Then we have Yew.
LIZ: Oh, me?
PAZ: Yep. Then we have Bumble.
LIZ: Beautiful.
JULIAN: That's very good.
PAZ: I like to picture this as the cats, you know, with like the balance like condition.
JULIAN: Oh yeah.
PAZ: Where they wobble.
LIZ: Aw.
PAZ: Yeah, it'd be a cute name.
JULIAN: I do think it's a cute name. I do think about the dating app unfortunately.
PAZ: Oh no.
JULIAN: But it's fine.
PAZ: I forgot that existed. Um, there is a cat just called Tom.
LIZ: Yeah.
PAZ: Here's Tom's description. "He is hostile to every cat he meets and is a mean bully."
JULIAN: Good for him.
LIZ: So this is an old man.
PAZ: Who wrote this? Then we have a cat, Flower. Eh.
PAZ: I don't know about--
JULIAN: She is said to be frightened by strange cats.
PAZ: Who isn't?
JULIAN: So I'm picturing a very skittish creature.
PAZ: Yeah. Um, we got our boy Rusty. I think that was a pretty good name, but could be better.
LIZ: Yeah.
PAZ: Yeah. Then we have Smudge. I think Smudge is a cute name.
JULIAN: Smudge is very good.
PAZ: We have Princess.
LIZ: Classic.
PAZ: That name didn't do much for me.
LIZ: In context, it's very good.
PAZ: Yeah.
JULIAN: Right, when you know that Princess is the daughter of Jake and Nutmeg.
LIZ: Yeah.
PAZ: Yeah. Um, then we have Henry.
LIZ: The best.
PAZ: We love Henry. Henry is 11 out of 10. Fantastic.
LIZ: I'm looking at Henry's page wondering if there have been any hot Henry updates.
PAZ: No, I think we already established this.
LIZ: There's a pretty good image of him. He doesn't look as big as I imagined him, though.
PAZ: Yeah, it's like the stock Warriors wiki for kittypets.
LIZ: Aw.
JULIAN: I want him to be like a real chongus.
LIZ: Yeah.
PAZ: Okay, moving on. We got Purdy. I think that's a great name.
LIZ: Mm-hmm.
JULIAN: Mm-hmm.
PAZ: Cody.
LIZ: That's just a boy. That's just a guy. A lad.
JULIAN: Cody feels like a dog name to me.
PAZ: Yeah.
LIZ: Yeah.
PAZ: Yeah, if you told me there was an animal named Cody, I think I would assume a dog. Then we have Sasha.
PAZ: It's okay.
LIZ: Also feels like a dog name, but like a sort of big furry one.
PAZ: Yeah, kind of.
JULIAN: Mm, I can see that.
PAZ: Then we have another duo. Jacques and Susan.
JULIAN: Perfect.
LIZ: Yes.
LIZ: Oh my god.
PAZ: Jacques is such a good cat name.
LIZ: And with Susan, though, that's like...
JULIAN: Yeah. I'm picturing like, you know how kids cartoons have like, sometimes just a very stereotypical French character.
LIZ: Yeah.
PAZ: Yeah.
JULIAN: I'm picturing like a little cartoon where it's like, I'm Jacques. (high-pitched creaky voice) And I'm Susan.
PAZ: Yeah, Jacques has a little beret on.
JULIAN: Yeah, he's all stripey.
LIZ: I've seen this and it's the cooking show that Jacques Pepin had with Julia Child. This is just what it is.
JULIAN: Perfect.
PAZ: We have, um, Jingo. I have to say, don't name your cat that.
LIZ: Mm-mm.
JULIAN: Yeah, I think the cat right after is also bad.
PAZ: Yeah.
JULIAN: It's like Jingo and Huss-er. Or Hussar. I don't actually know how to pronounce that word.
PAZ: Yeah.
LIZ: Bad.
PAZ: Yeah, it's like a cavalry person. Really leaning on that theme. Then we have Snowdrop.
JULIAN: Perfect.
LIZ: Cute.
PAZ: I think for a little kitten, that would be a very cute name. We have Jigsaw.
LIZ: I love puzzles. That's the only reason I'm laughing.
JULIAN: I think it's a very good cat name.
PAZ: Yeah. Is Seville how you pronounce this next one?
JULIAN: I think so.
LIZ: Yeah, like with the oranges?
LIZ: Seville oranges.
JULIAN: Unless you're being super like, "suh-veal" or "suh-vee" or something. But like I don't think anyone...
PAZ: No.
JULIAN: That's like people who say "cwossan."
LIZ: Oh god, can I get another read on that? That was very good.
JULIAN: You want me to...? "Cwossan."
LIZ: Name a cat that.
JULIAN: But you have to say it exactly like that.
PAZ: Uh-huh. Next up we have Bob.
PAZ: 10 out of 10. Fantastic. Then we have Zelda.
LIZ: Great cat name.
JULIAN: Can I just read this list of like the next like three or four, kind of all in conjunction?
PAZ: Yeah, go ahead.
JULIAN: So we have Bob, Zelda, Max, and Loki.
PAZ: Wow.
JULIAN: Just a real--
PAZ: One for the Marvel fans there.
JULIAN: That's another YA book friend group.
LIZ: Yeah.
JULIAN: You have Zelda, your sort of token girl. And then Loki, who clearly chose their own name.
PAZ: Loki's just LARPing. I think we already rated the next two, which is Velvet and Fuzzball.
JULIAN: Fuzzball is still so good.
PAZ: Fuzzball's still fantastic. Okay, everyone brace yourself for the next two. It's Eggs and Bacon.
LIZ: Perfect.
LIZ: Best ones.
PAZ: And Eggs and Bacon are the sons of Pancakes.
LIZ: Oh my god, they're siblings. Of course they are.
PAZ: This is 100% the best names on this list.
LIZ: Pancakes, you've done it.
JULIAN: Pack it up. What else can we do?
LIZ: We can't go on.
PAZ: It's so good.
LIZ: Fuck.
PAZ: Oh my god. Okay, um, we got Millie... eh.
PAZ: Also, Liz, don't look at these descriptions. I'm covering your eyes.
LIZ: Okay, can I-- I'm covering the half that has the descriptions and I'm just looking at the names.
PAZ: Uh-huh.
LIZ: These... these mostly look like people names going forward.
PAZ: Yeah, yeah. We got Millie, Duke, Ruby, and Socks. I think Socks is cute.
LIZ: Socks is cute.
PAZ: Socks is a classic.
LIZ: Yeah.
PAZ: Quince... Okay.
LIZ: So a fruit?
JULIAN: I think it's a fruit.
LIZ: Yeah.
PAZ: You little fruit.
LIZ: Tigerclaw.
PAZ: We have Shnuky.
JULIAN: Oh, that's good.
PAZ: That's a powerful name.
LIZ: Oh, when did that book come out, with the Shnuky in it?
JULIAN: Shnuky's in the mangas.
PAZ: Yeah. Then we have Patch. That's cute.
PAZ: Then we have Harry. Once again, that one's just a guy.
JULIAN: Can I just post real quick an image of Shnuky?
PAZ: Yeah, please.
LIZ: Yes.
JULIAN: From the wiki? That may be from the official art. Um, this is not a cat.
LIZ: Wait. Wait a second.
PAZ: Oh my god. That's definitely from the manga.
LIZ: That's a man. Or that's some sort of human.
PAZ: This is a human man who's been cursed to be a hairless cat.
JULIAN: He looks like those paintings.
LIZ: This cat has the eyes of Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid.
JULIAN: The legs are also all wonky. They're like--
PAZ: They look like arms.
JULIAN: I'm like... so I assume this is, because I don't want to make fun of it if this is like a child's fan art.
PAZ: No, I think this is the manga for sure.
JULIAN: Oh god.
LIZ: I think it is. It's got that screen tone.
PAZ: Yeah.
JULIAN: Yeah, I think oh, it does have screen... Yeah, no, this was drawn by an artist. These are human eyes.
PAZ: Yeah, it's kind of scary.
JULIAN: I hate to look at this.
LIZ: They're human eyes and they're begging you to set him free from this cursed form.
JULIAN: God, and the back legs. One knee bends forward like a human's knee. And then the other knee is bending back.
PAZ: God.
LIZ: This is an animorph mid-transformation.
PAZ: Oh god. Okay, we're almost at the end here. Let's get haulin'. Myler.
JULIAN: I... sure?
PAZ: I don't know. I guess.
JULIAN: I don't know how I feel about that.
PAZ: Yeah.
JULIAN: It feels like a... like a Kayleigh. Like a Michaela name.
PAZ: Yeah, I don't know. It's a name, I guess. Um, Crystal? She's just like, a blonde.
LIZ: That's the name of my old boss.
PAZ: I don't know.
JULIAN: Yeah, it's like, the problem with Crystal is that it is a human name. But it doesn't have the same kind of human name energy that like... Susan--
LIZ: Yeah.
PAZ: This is no...
JULIAN: --has because it's also an object.
PAZ: This is no Boris.
JULIAN: Yeah, no, not a Boris at all.
PAZ: We have Violet. It's fine.
PAZ: Riley. Also fine, I guess.
JULIAN: Yeah, Riley's cute I think.
PAZ: Yeah, depending on the cat, I think. Then we have Lulu.
JULIAN: Lulu's very good.
LIZ: Good.
PAZ: That's what my dad calls my cat Loo, whose full name is Waterloo technically.
PAZ: Heck yeah.
JULIAN: I didn't know Loo was short for Waterloo. That's really cute.
PAZ: Then we have Madric. I feel like that's something, but I don't know what that is. Okay, googling it just showed me soccer players so I don't know. I guess it's a--
LIZ: This is a jock.
PAZ: Oh my god, this cat's homophobic.
LIZ: What?
PAZ: "He is an antagonistic kittypet who acts hostile towards Ravenpaw and Barley--"
JULIAN: Fuck off, Madric.
PAZ: "--and accuses them of trespassing."
LIZ: Fuck you. Get out of here.
PAZ: Madric's just some fucking straight boy in those like knee length shorts in winter on the football team.
JULIAN: Ravenpaw and Barley don't respect your land borders.
PAZ: No. And then we have Pasha. I don't know why this is the second cat named after historical military officers, but okay.
JULIAN: Isn't Pasha also like a diminutive for like Sasha?
PAZ: Is it?
JULIAN: I thought it was.
PAZ: I believe that, yeah. It probably is. Oh my god. Okay, I just have to read this description. "A dark tabby. He is one of the kittypets tormenting SkyClan."
LIZ: Oh no.
PAZ: Oh god. Okay, that's all the kittypet names.
JULIAN: We did it.
LIZ: I think there's some more.
PAZ: No, I think that's all of them.
LIZ: No, if you click on the-- did we miss Gremlin?
PAZ: Where is this?
JULIAN: Oh, there's-- if we go into List of kittypets, there are more kittypets.
LIZ: Oh my god.
PAZ: Liz, I don't want you to-- stop clicking around. Please.
JULIAN: Here, I opened it up. There's no spoilers on this list. And we don't have to read them all because there are--
PAZ: No, Liz, close the list. I'm holding a gun up.
JULIAN: 155.
LIZ: I'm closing it.
JULIAN: Um, but I just want to call out a couple of really good ones.
PAZ: Yeah, please.
JULIAN: Bigteeth. Bugeater. Buster.
LIZ: They're good.
JULIAN: Cheddar.
PAZ: Oh god.
LIZ: Oh my god.
JULIAN: Oh, we do have a good-- Daffodil.
LIZ: Aw.
PAZ: That's cute. Diesel.
JULIAN: Yeah. Um, Gremlin, as mentioned.
LIZ: Perfect.
JULIAN: We have not only Hal, Harry, Harvey, Hattie, and Henry, all of which are good.
LIZ: Oh my god.
JULIAN: Macgyver. Oh, Miss Mama Cat. Hello?
PAZ: Oh my god. That is incredible.
JULIAN: I must know more. Oh, Miss Mama Cat is a different name for a cat who has a separate name.
PAZ: Oh, yeah. Don't click.
LIZ: Spoilers, huh?
PAZ: Look away from this list.
LIZ: I'm not clicking. I'm not clicking.
PAZ: Holding up the gun.
LIZ: I've exited. Don't worry.
PAZ: Okay.
JULIAN: Um, let's see. Raindrop, very good. Scraps.
PAZ: Aw.
JULIAN: Shanty, Snooky.
PAZ: Tiny.
JULIAN: I can't be fond of Tiny because I know who Tiny is.
PAZ: Oh yeah, fuck, I forgot. Yeah, you're right.
LIZ: Oh, that's very ominous.
PAZ: Yeah. That bitch Tiny.
JULIAN: But apparently there are two Tinys. So maybe I can be fond of one of them.
PAZ: No, it says graphic novel.
JULIAN: Oh, they've listed it twice.
PAZ: Yeah.
JULIAN: They just haven't sanitized this list well. Um, but yeah, there's some good ones on here. I think we-- oh, Little Mew. I missed Little Mew.
PAZ: Aw.
LIZ: More cats should have little titles.
PAZ: I agree.
LIZ: Like imagine if--
LIZ: I don't know, Nutmeg was like Miss Nutmeg.
PAZ: Aw, that's very good.
JULIAN: Little Mew is the kit of Husker and Moss and kin to Splash. Their siblings are Pad, Raindrop, and Birdy. And they all live in a barn besides a Twoleg nest.
LIZ: Wow.
PAZ: Aw, that's so cute.
LIZ: They're in their own book. This is some like Beatrix Potter shit.
JULIAN: Oh my god, Little Mew has anime bangs.
PAZ: Oh my god, please. Please please please. Oh my. They're horrible.
LIZ: Oh my god.
PAZ: Little Mew has 90s boy like middle part anime bangs.
LIZ: Little Mew looks exactly like a little boy in Pathologic Classic.
JULIAN: Here's the screentone version of Little Mew so you can see the bangs better.
PAZ: The bangs are colored differently.
LIZ: Little Mew's frosted tips.
JULIAN: Little Mew's center part.
PAZ: Oh God.
JULIAN: Little Mew's Edward Elric haircut.
LIZ: No!
PAZ: It also kinda looks like Yugioh hair.
LIZ: No.
JULIAN: I love the Warriors manga. I love that it exists and that it gave all the cats anime bangs.
LIZ: But not the ones we wanted.
PAZ: Okay, well, that's all the kittypet names. I think there's some pretty good ones here.
PAZ: So good job, Erins.
LIZ: 98% good job.
PAZ: Yeah.
JULIAN: Can I share one more art from the manga?
LIZ: Yes.
PAZ: Oh yeah, please.
JULIAN: This is Birdy.
LIZ: Holy shit. What the fuck.
PAZ: Does she have eyeshadow on?
LIZ: What the... who...
JULIAN: I just, I love that for the manga they appear not to have gotten like furry artists or people who were particularly good at drawing cats.
PAZ: No.
JULIAN: They got some like regular manga artists and were like, hey, you're good at shoujo manga, right? Um, can you draw cats? Don't worry. It's just like people.
LIZ: This cat looks like one of those old cats in the Cats musical.
PAZ: Yeah.
JULIAN: This is Grizabella the glamour cat. But this is before she really went downhill. You know? She's got her eyeshadow. She's looking fierce.
PAZ: Uh-huh.
LIZ: This is her in her prime.
PAZ: Yeah. Got her side face fluff styled to perfection.
LIZ: I don't like this expression that the artist has drawn.
PAZ: No.
JULIAN: She looks really vacuous. It's kind of scary.
LIZ: Don't look at me with those big old eyes.
PAZ: Oh gosh. Okay, well, I think that might do it for us. It's been a while. It's been a journey.
LIZ: I think we can agree that there are three really good categories of kittypet names. So there's one, just stuff in the kitchen. Two, just human names. And three, which is just kind of like a cutesy descriptor.
PAZ: Yeah. I agree.
LIZ: Fuzzball, you know, can't top that.
JULIAN: Socks.
LIZ: I think for the new generation of Warrior Cats as a series, if they have more kittypets, there should be cats named Toaster and Tax Return. That seems to be what millennials are doing now, right?
PAZ: No, it's for the children. It has to be like TikTok and, um...
LIZ: This is my cat Fortnite.
PAZ: My cat Fortnite. Exactly.
JULIAN: Name your cat after memes that are like three years old. This is my cat Doge.
PAZ: Oh god.
LIZ: Name your cat Bean Dad now to be already out of date.
PAZ: My cat Milkshake Duck.
LIZ: No.
JULIAN: This is my cat Warrior Cat. I'm sure somewhere there is a cat rescue that is naming their cats after memes.
PAZ: Oh, absolutely.
JULIAN: Ensuring that everyone who adopts the cats will immediately rename them.
PAZ: Mind games. Okay, I'm gonna call it here. Great list, some great names. But we'll be back next week reading chapters 11 through 14. And as always, you can follow the show on Twitter @staircast and send in any questions or anecdotes to [email protected]. I can't remember if there's anything else to plug. Oh, I don't know if I ever mentioned it on the podcast but the episode summaries like written out, I'm linking them in the episode description. If anyone wants to look at that, they're there. Other than that, I think that's it. So until next time, may StarClan light your path. Bye.
LIZ: Bye.
[outro music]
Let's podcast. Sorry.
JULIAN: We have to get that MeUndies money.
PAZ: Ugh. MeUndies wishes, but they'll never get us. They won't corner this market.
0 notes