#apologies if some parts dont make sense! didn't reread and english isn't my first language!
480pfootage · 6 months
If you don't mind me asking, what's so appealing to you about Kate The Chaser and Nurse Ann?
Well there's not really a concrete factor that appeals to me from the both of them.. they're both really interesting characters on their own right and it'll be hard to just pinpoint it into something that they have in common so I hope you don't mind a little.. rant
I recall knowing both these characters from way back when the fandom was in its prime. I wasn't very interested in them as a kid due to the lack of content they had.. Kate was really just there to act as the "girl in the group" for the proxies and Ann didn't have anything canon to her except that she was against Judge Angel and whatever else was in her reference sheet... Kate was the one that got to me first when I came back into the fandom. I had some spare money and bought Slender: The Arrival and Kate's story was so.... awesome
Even in the context of my own canon Kate is one of the only proxies that regrets what she has done/what she's doing other than Tim (the writings on the walls b4 the radio tower shows her admitting her guilt). Brian's apathetic and Toby likes the hunt. Yet she's still forced to keep doing it which we can see with her sort of rabid act in her levels in STA. What I find really interesting about her is her relationship with the other characters in her story, especially with CR (as much as I hate him). She's tricked into believing that the radio tower was safe when all CR wanted was to lead her to her death. The guilt she must've felt after fleeing from CR once she heard of his Alex Kralie-like plan and leaving him to get mauled by Charlie. The guilt she feels when she gets moments of clarity and realizes that she's making Lauren go through the same thing. And when it's all over and she's left a burnt shell of herself.. stumbling and doing whatever she's asked to do without the need of force.. Her and the side of her that growls and bites are one of the same.. awesome
Now Ann.. She appeals to me in the way that her tits bounce and she's dead joking I think I really got into Ann after seeing a drawing of her done by @/fatheroplants ... I understood that she was dead and she kills only to make sure her body stays working and all that but actually seeing it drawn... Stitches falling apart.. her insides showing.. wowwww... Of course I had to make up some parts for her since she doesn't really have anything i could go off on.. but to me she's a ww2 nurse that made a deal with slender to keep on living during so she could keep healing to the best of her abilities. I feel like Ann is a much needed character in the pasta universe due to her being kind. Not like those who think they're doing the right thing with their killings, but someone who is genuinely kind.
okay rant over I'm sorry for not going into too much with ann but this post is long enough! TLDR they're awesome characters and girl pastas need more attention and analysis done on them!
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