#anywayyyyy i love imagining them all together
vakarians-babe · 1 year
tagged by @ava-du-mortain to do this lovely picrew made by @eatingyarn and I could not resist. Wayhaven gorlies (gender neutral) incoming.
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🖋️Niamh O'Driscoll, Reporter (she/her) - Adam du Mortain
🔥Anabelle 'Billie' Butler, Firefighter (she/he/they) - Farah Hauville
🔎Mina 'Minnie' Harker, Private Investigator (she/they) - Morgan
🧪Amrita Kohli, Forensic Specialist (she/her) - Nathaniel Sewell
tagging @merry-harlowe @brother-genitivi @ottobooty
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somegrumpynerd · 7 months
Okay, now I can't stop thinking about Cross and Killer, bc as much as Killer could take Cross under his wing (and how good it is, I'm gonna have brainrot over your tags for weeks) it might go a totally different way, could you imagine? Nightmare brings home a new recruit. Why though? Wasn't Killer doing a good enough job already? Why does this goody two shoes perfect soldier have to come in Killer's home and take all of Nightmare's attention?
He could feel replaced, especially since I think Cross would be very serious and closed off when he joins, he's a professional everything Killer isn't with his sharp edges and jokes, then it'd be more like an enemy to friends situation, where Cross doesn't understand why Killer's giving him so much shit and Killer needs to learn more about Cross to chill out
Anywayyyyy I love those two :3
Asdkugjdjgsj are you inside my brain I love this!!!
Like 100% Killer feels replaced, or at the very least like it's competition (I wanna do a whole thing for my truce au about this being how he was when Dust joined) and maybe by the time Cross comes along he's chilled out to the idea that Nightmare just likes building a team and Killer's still his favourite. Or maybe Cross is just a bit too close to his own position for comfort. Dust and Horror follow orders sure, but Killer is the one who does it fastest and the best. When Nightmare says jump, Killer's the one who asks how high. Killer is his right hand, so why does he need a left?
Maybe he falls right back into that mindset that he has to prove he's better, so he starts trying to show Cross up. Except Cross just joined, he's only known a demanding perfectionist father and harsh royal guard training, so he has to be the best. He doesn't know how to settle, so he competes with Killer right back, he has to impress Nightmare to prove he's worth keeping around! And it just falls further and further out of control until they're fighting in the castle when there is no mission, just because they both have something to prove.
(Catch Nightmare seperating them like a teacher breaking up a playground fight lol)
Maybe Nightmare says no more jobs for either of them until they can work together like a team, which makes both of them antsy because Killer needs to have a purpose and Cross has never had permission to just exist. His castle probably gets half destroyed in the meantime but maybe they finally just talk, see where the other is coming from and that there's enough room for both of them on the team (I had a more elaborate thing written out but this is already too long I'm sorry I didn't realise I had so many Killer and Cross thoughts in my head lol).
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yonemurishiroku · 9 months
Hiya yone! Recently my brain has been infested with bugs that want me to make a Circe Nico AU (Nico is Circe?? Kinda.) You are the glorious fanfic writer who can conjure up anything from anything, so please do your magic.
I'll try my best, however I only know like. 2 stories about Circe at best? So please don't put too much trust in me lol 😅😅
The first one is when Odysseus visits her during his return voyage to Ithaca. I forgot most of it (typical me) except that she turns his crew into animals, which Odysseus managed to convince her to undo and if I'm not mistaken, they live together for a while?? Let's just go with it.
As for this story, I think it would fit best with Jasico? Mainly bc they have that sort of enemies-to-lovers air (Jason distrusted Nico at first). Jason is best fit to be a returning hero, too. Though the Cupid debacle is like heaven and earth with mere convincing on Odysseus' part, I reckon we can work around it with enough maneuver. Why does Nico accept to turn them back? - Maybe he's feeling generous, maybe he's a petulant lonely witch who wants people to stay but never knows how to voice it, and ppl often run at the first sight of him, so he just turns them into animals to keep them by her side.
In the end, Odysseus leaves Circe. This aligns well with the fact that Jason just dropped dead shortly after he and Nico became friends. Which is a funny (and depressing thought) if you put thoughts into it. Which I can't atm lmoa.
Anw. think of it as a piece of quiet Jason has given Nico in the expanse of his loneliness. That, though he was swept away by the natural order of things at the end, Jason did try his best to alleviate Nico's pain. So I reckon there should be a little bit of affection - if not love - in there.
The second story is, well, Circe and Scylla. And the male lover whose name I forget.
This is a classic case of jealousy - so who fits it better than Percy, the canon epitome of every jealous trope in the history of fiction?
sorry that was my pettiness talking. Anywayyyyy, I suppose I don't need to talk about this... I mean it's pretty clear who is who and how the story transpires: Circe is in love with that-something-sea-god, who is in love with Scylla, so Circe turns her into a monster. The only difference between Circe and Nico in this is that he doesn't do anything to Annabeth (even refuses to hate her still. gosh).
But that wouldn't be Percico, is it? So I say just say fuck it and make Percy a sea monster or something Idk. A witch living secluded in an island with his beloved sea monster? I'm in.
Another choice would be to make Annabeth the bad one but I'm in no position to make that propose.
If you still want to keep the story, and if you're any of an unhinged person like me, just make Nico the villain. Well, Circe is the villain in this story, yeah? Embrace it - Nico as the powerful witch, whose loneliness-induced jealousy wreaks havoc on even a sea god. What's left is not love - because love is the last thing Yone needs in fanfics srsly - but an impression of terror, of how disastrous Nico's love can be.
The concepts mix well in this case btw. I remember a painting of Circe pouring a plate filled with poison into the sea. Just imagine it - a blinding blackness spreading rapidly across the lapping water with just a touch of Nico's dainty finger. The shadows overlap with the roaring waves - the black undercurrents raging all the same - and darkness swallows all those whom he call enemies. If Percy's the sea and Nico's the lightless bottom, dark, mysterious, and full of threats.
That's everything I have atm, I guess. Sorry for not being able to help much :(((
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greenandhazy · 1 year
I am getting like seriously obsessed with the idea of an AU in which Meng Yao, Wei Ying, and Xue Yang meet as children and grow up to be sworn brothers/an Abhorrent Triad (not sold on that exact adjective but w/e)
Wei Ying doesn’t get found/adopted by the Jiang clan, but a nice older boy who lives in a brothel helps him hide there when he’s scared of a dog and they become friends. Meng Yao doesn’t have much food to share, but he does what he can, and he does have books and that’s worth just as much. A few years later Wei Ying stumbles across a boy who has been walking for days trying to track down Chang Ci’an, despite the fact that he’s practically delirious from the pain of an injured hand. Meng Shi is ailing by that point and maybe Meng Yao is reluctant to take on another brother, but Wei Ying brings Xue Yang inside just to give him cool water and bandages at least and Meng Shi insists they help, and Xue Yang is already nursing a vicious streak that becomes really useful as the brothel becomes more of a hostile place to live.
A few years later, Meng Yao goes to Jinlintai. Gets thrown out of Jinlintai. But Wei Ying and Xue Yang are there to say fuck the Jin, we’re your family, and they swear it in an informal little ceremony in the cheapest room of the only inn they can afford. They go to the Nie. At some point, Jiang Fengmian comes across Wei Ying, realizes who he is, and insists on sponsoring his education with the Lan. Xue Yang is already kind of resentful because being a minor vassal for the Nie does NOT suit his temperament, so not being able to accompany Wei Ying is the last straw and he runs away. Neither of his brothers see him again until he’s slaughtered the Chang Clan—although I think this version of Xue Yang, where he has some family he can rely on from an early age, softens him just enough that he is a little more discriminating. He leaves the children alive, at least, and when he’s captured, his silver-tongued Da-ge can make an argument that he was enforcing some kind of justice.
Not enough to convince Nie Mingjue, but enough that Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan (who accompany the group to Qinghe this time because they’re obvi not letting this criminal’s brothers have absolute custody of him) are somewhat swayed. The three brothers end up escaping together—I’m going to say Wei Ying still ends up in the Wen indoctrination camp because he still managed to piss of Wen Chao, but I can’t decide if it makes more sense for Meng Yao to remain as the Wen spy or for Xue Yang to get that job? 🤔 Anyway ONE of them takes it, but regardless Meng Yao also is like “war is coming, that means civilian casualties, that means famine” and sets up like a proto-watchtower system with the help of XXC, SL, and other rogue cultivators.
Wei Ying still turns to demonic cultivation. Xue Yang still turns to demonic cultivation. By the end of the war, the major clans are still calling for their heads but they’re heroes and no amount of propaganda is going to convince the common people that the Abhorrent Triad deserves death, not after they saved so many of the lives that the major clans didn’t seem to care about.
Hand-waving the end of the war a bit because I’m not sure exactly how the Nie/Jiang relationships with WY and MY would change things, but. Imagining Xue Yang having a full screaming meltdown when Wei Ying dies, Meng Yao can just barely keep him from jumping over the cliff to catch him. Meng Yao asks Lan Xichen to promise that if they’re going to be executed, they kill Xue Yang first, because Xue Yang is practically catatonic and he can’t bear to leave his didi alone, even for a few minutes, not after all of this.
ANYWAYYYYY. I think the class and family politics of these three characters makes for a fascinating contrast and I would like it to have even more angst and love and the particular angst that comes from loving others more than you love yourself thnx bye.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Apologies that I'm just now talking about your recent Mags fig (amazing btw). I'm literally screaming my lungs out! Barry and Oliver already exist! Ahhh! The possible chapters are literally movie-ing(?) in my brain rn. I love how Mags is finally the bad bitch she is!! Ha! Take that Gotham! And Jim? You are sooo getting a spanking 😑 Like- how could you??? Are you that dumb?!?!
Anywayyyyy.. I am utterly convinced that [name] is just going to be batman/woman/non-binary hoe in this story and take Maggie as like a Robin? And I'm just imagining her passing the bat down to Maggie, and Maggie passing it down to Bruce. Yk wut? I'm gonna write a headcanon about this cause I love Bad bitch Maggie!!!
And Victor, you are also getting a spanking. And not the good kind:) Better make sure [name] likes your kid or the kid is getting yeeted out the window~
Oh, Jim is totally getting his ass beat when he heals from his gunshot wound. If there is one thing Maggie learned from her brother, its how to give a good speech. She's going overprotective, ex-girlfriend on his ass. She'll tell him to stop being a hero all the time, and prioritise himself.
But, Maggie is also about to get her ass beat by Basil. The fact that she kept her business with Ivy a secret for so long, everyone is going to be mad. But she'll con her way out of it because everyone loves her. I love the idea of her being an evil robin and training Bruce and possibly even Selena. Maybe that is where he gets the idea to have a robin from.
I'm imagining future Maggie coming back to Gotham to see Bruce all grown, and meeting all his little Robins. She would adore Jason and Damien so much.
I feel like Y/N won't mind Victor's kid. She's self-sufficient and doesn't feel the need to connect with her father. So she won't get in the way. She can protect herself physically cause she knows how to fight. So neither of them would have to worry about her. She is also quite witty and sassy like her father, so she probably causes mischief with Oswald. Which would make Y/N amused by her. Van probably hangs out with Basil and Maggie more. Omg, Imagine Mags introducing her to Bruce. They could train together. Like Victor is Van's father, but she just lives with bruce and is raised by Alfred.
She just comes and visits her dad when she wants to cause some chaos, or visit Maggie.
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liliplayschoices · 4 years
Do you have any headcanons for your ILITW MC?
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My giiiiiiiirl 😍
I have a ton of headcanons for her ^^ most of them also include Andy though I gotta be honest so he might pop up a lot here 😂 also this is absolutely ramble-y because I just dumped all my thoughts here so... sorry about that lmao (also im on mobile so I can't use a read more, sorry xD)
Okay so I know in the events of the book, we don't see her interacting with other people at school but I think these weeks aren't representative of what her life looks like normally. I see her as an introvert, she won't enjoy big parties often or anything but she still has a really amiable nature so people tend to be friends with her easily.
I think Devon is a pretty artistic girl. She loves to read fantasy and sci fi, she loves to cosplay, maybe she's a theater kid, too. I think she draws too, but I don't know what kind of art she prefers (as in, digital, street art, painting,.... I don't know haha)
When the story starts she's had a crush on Andy for a little while now. Nothing major, mind you, but yeah, teenage crush, blushing when she sees him, that kinda stuff, you know ^^ so when they start hanging out again it comes naturally between them pretty fast.
When Andy is in the hospital after the events of the book (and after that when he's stuck at home until he gets better), she comes to hang out with him a lot. More often than not, Tom is there too, so the two of them become pretty close, they realize they have a lot in common so they hang out at school too and become close friends (yes I am ignoring the ILB canon that Tom doesn't know her well. I don't care.)
Anyway so the three of them play a toooon of video games during that time which leads to a tradition of game night for the three of them and it gets pretty intense, cause Andy gets super competitive 😂 ( @the-unconquered-queen and I talked about game night a few times and now I can't let go of this HC ^^)
And of course there are also a lot of times when Tom isn't there, so they basically have little date nights together, watching movies and shows. Devon brings junk food to him when he's in the hospital (the nurses know but they let it happen lmao) and she curls up on his bed and they watch movies on her laptop (cause the hospital tv never has anything interesting) and it's soooo cute cause they didnt really... get official at that point you know, but then they just start dating and falling in love and all 😍
Anywayyyyy back to Devon. So I think she never truly heals from what happened. She always felt like Jane's death was her fault, and even if rationally she knows that what Noah did isn't her fault, she can't help but feel guilty over it. So that's why she starts going into the woods again.
I think she never really held Noah responsible for what happened, because of her own guilt. Like, objectively she knows what he did was wrong but she also feels like it's her fault if Jane is dead so that's why she forgives him for his actions pretty quickly
She starts doing a lot of research into how she could help him, and the Power in general. She doesn't go to college after high school, but she starts working at the local library pretty soon and gets a little obsessed. After a while, she does starts college (to study graphic design), but she doesn't seem to be able to move on from Noah and wanting to free him. She doesn't focus much on studies because she can't get rid of her guilt and obsession to make things right.
She ultimately tells the rest of the group and it does not go well. Especially with Andy. They've been dating for years at this point but this is the biggest fight they ever have. I think Andy is the kind of guy who holds a grudge so he would still be pissed at Noah, and there's the added layer of him feeling like Devon didnt trust him and put herself in danger needlessly and he's scared that he might have lost her without knowing it. They do work it out after a while because ultimately they love each other enough to work through it but yeah, that happens and it's a pretty big fight.
I feel like most of the rest of the group are mad but they come around to helping her at some point. Ava is immediately jumping at the chance to help Devon with all the supernatural research and stuff.
Dan has another approach. He can see that what Devon does is pretty unhealthy because of how she's clinging to the past, so he tries to help her work through her guilt and her trauma. It does help, and she becomes less obsessed after a while (she's still hell-bent on freeing Noah's spirit but she also starts moving on in other aspects of her life, paying attention in class, thinking about the future,...)
Oh total change of subject lmao but you know how Andy is in college on a basketball scholarship? Yeah so I think Andy would be a total frat bro 😂 like, he'd go to frat parties and do keg stands and stupid harmless dares and stuff. You know the type of guy. So Devon goes to frat parties because she knows he loves it despite it not reslly being her scene ^^ but she stills ends up having fun and does make friends with Andy's friends too
Also she gets into the habit of stealing and wearing his basketball jacket ( I got @kingkangs on board with this one and i will get the whole fandom to accept Devon wearing Andy's basketball jacket) and he says he minds, but... you know... He really doesn't ;)
To be honest, I feel like Devon would never truly be able to move on while Noah was still trapped, she would still feel obligated to help him. So I imagine that after a long time, they do manage to free his spirit (I don't know how okay I'm not writing IL3 😂 let's just say they do!)
So after that, she starts truly thinking of the future. She starts looking for a long-term job, Andy and her move in together after college.
They still have game nights with Tom on the regular (Harper, my ILB MC, joins them cause her and Tom are dating ^^) and Andy is still super competitive cause that hasn't changed 😂
Devon still loves cosplay so she convinces Andy to go to conventions with her and he's like "....fine I'll do it" begrudgingly but once he's there he's having a blast 😂
Anyway I think that's pretty much it for now! I rambled a lot, sorry... But you did ask! That was super fun so thank youu for your ask!!!
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oikawasass · 5 years
shinsou taking care of his girlfriend when she’s sick? pleaassse
my first shinsou request…
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drink the cough medicine!
‣ pairing : shinsou x reader.
‣ oneshot.
‣ synopsis : y/n lands herself a cold after deciding not to wear her jacket in the snow, and shinsou does his best to help her feel better.
‣ wordcount : 1.1k+
‣ warnings : light swearing.
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“I told you to wear your jacket y-”
A small sniffle came from the girl in front of him, wrapped up in a pile of soft blankets like a fluffy burrito. Y/n stuck her bottom lip out in a small pout, avoiding eye contact with her purple-haired boyfriend.
See, it was currently the middle of December, just about it the most bitter time of winter. Y/n and Shinsou had decided to go out the day prior, looking at Christmas decorations around the city and whatnot since the holidays were just around the corner.
Y/n decided not to wear her jacket, as it, “Didn’t match her fit.” in her own words. Despite all the protests of her boyfriend, and the boy attempting to give his jacket to her in the cold, she refused.
Now here she was, stuck in bed with a cold.
“It wasn’t even that cold out…” She retaliated, rubbing at her red toned nose with another tissue, tossing it in the full trash can beside her bed when she was finished.
Shinsou shook his head and playfully rolled his eyes. “It was cold enough to get you sick, obviously.” “I’m not sick!”
The violet haired boy cocked a brow, folding his arms over his chest before pointing to the thermometer on her bedside table, the trash bin full of tissues and empty juice boxes, and finally to the hermit that was his girlfriend. “Right, you’re not sick. You just take your temperature and blow your nose till it’s red because you’re bored.” He said sarcastically, a small smirk tugging at his lips whilst he spoke. Y/n opened her mouth to speak, only be interrupted by another loud sneeze echoing through her dorm.
“…..Okay so maybe I’m a little under the weather.” she pouted some more, crossing her arms under her cocoon of blankets. Hitoshi chuckled softly to himself, making his way to the door of her room.
“Go take a shower, I’ll make you something to eat for when you’re finished.”
“What if I’m not hungry?”
“Get hungry then, you need to eat.”
“I can make something m-”
Before she could vouch for herself, Shinsou exited the room.
“I’m not drinking it.”
“You’re gonna be sick a lot longer if you don’t.”
“Good, I’d rather die.”
"Drink the cold medicine.”
“Not gonna happen.”
“Not even a little bit.”
Shinsou sighed heavily, dropping his head to look down at his crossed legs. He’d been trying to get her to drink this spoonful of medicine for a solid five minutes now, and she wouldn’t budge. And Hitoshi was getting frustrated.
“I’ll give you a kiss if you do?”
Y/n seemed to consider it for a moment, before sticking her nose back up to the liquid the same way she’s been doing it all along. “You’ll give me a kiss anyway, I know you can’t resist me.” she joked, smirking slightly.
She’d been allowing the boy to take care of her without argument up until now, showering like he said, getting fresh blankets and pillow cases, eating the soup he’d warmed up for her, and she honestly enjoyed it. Shinsou was a very sweet and caring boy behind closed doors, and it especially showed when he was looking after her like this. So, of course, she allowed him to practically baby her, after some stubbornness of course.
But she drew the line at the spoonful of purple cold medicine.
He’d tried everything! But she wouldn’t do it. He offered her kisses, snuggles, to let her braid his hair like she always begged him to, he even offered to adopt a kitten for her, but nothing was working. So, he took one last jab at getting her to down the medicine she needed to drink.
“Hey, y/n?”
“What, Hito-mm!!”
When she went to pronounce the ‘o’ in his name, Shinsou stuffed the spoon into her mouth, finally forcing her to swallow it. Her face shriveled up as she tensed, forcing the liquid down her throat.
“I hate you so much.” “Don’t be so dramatic.”
Finally, things had calmed down, and now y/n and shinsou were peacefully curled up together in the girl’s bed. The cold medicine had finally made her drowsy enough to get over Hitoshi forcing her to drink it, which is the only reason she agreed to snuggle up to him once she fell tired.
Y/n had her back up against her boyfriend’s chest, laying her smaller figure between his legs while she struggled to stay awake, the way Hitoshi’s fingers softly ran through her hair, massaging her scalp and braiding small strands of it not exactly helping her fatigue.
With the struggle beforehand, you wouldn’t imagine that the couple actually shared soft and sweet moments like this quite often, enjoying each other’s company in comfortable silence while cuddled up to each other.
Hitoshi gently reached forewords to feel the cold cloth that rested atop his girlfriends head, feeling that it was no longer as cool and had started to dry in the air. He gently went to lift her body off of him so he could go re-wet it to keep her fever down, but the h/c haired girl whined softly, turn around so her head was now against his chest and held onto his shirt, tossing the damp cloth somewhere onto the bed beside them.
“’m comfy, don’t…” her voice was quietly muffled, burying her face into his chest as she hugged him tighter.
“It’s just for a minute, love. I need to-” The violet haired boy was cut off by another whine coming from his girlfriend. “mm mm.”
Her sleepy and soft state of being was enough to make him cave. With a soft smirk gracing his lips, he leaned down to gently place them atop her head, giving her a sweet and chaste kiss on top of her h/c locks.
“Fine, but only if you try to get some rest, okay?” She nodded softly against his chest, eyes remaining peacefully shut as she felt her body pull her into the soft lull of sleep.
The girl yawned quietly, nuzzling into him.
“Love you…”
Shinsou felt himself smile softy, wrapping his arms loosely around her shoulders and resuming his fingers running through her hair.
“I love you too, my kitten.”
yuuuhhhhh this is so rushed but I hope u like it anywayyyyy
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dottie-wan-kenobi · 5 years
They're sort of a fandom but Batfam!
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thanks guys!!! this got so long omg, I’m so sorry dsjkfhdskajh
my favorite female character: CASSANDRA MFING CAIN. She is simultaneously one of the most badass characters I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing about, while also being just……….so adorable. Like, I love that she can be the scariest and most competent Bat (she is absolutely 100000% the next Batman I do not take criticism) but also, she’s such a sweetheart. She really loves people (Steph and Duke especially so), she’s an amazing friend and sister, and she is just so authentically herself and does what she wants when she wants, and she works so hard for everything, and I just. Oh my god I love her so much.
my favorite male character: this is so difficult but I have to say Dick Grayson. I Must. He’s basically what started all of this!!! I mean yeah okay Bruce was first, but Robin/Dick is what made Batman interesting and was the first member of the batfam, the one that made it a real family. In addition to that, Dick is just??? So interesting?????? He was the first kid sidekick, he lead the Teen Titans teams, he’s always kind of existed in this place of being the lighthearted one with the Batfam, but the serious one in most other contexts. HE REBELLED FIRST. Nightwing is a fuck you to his dad!!!! I love that! Plus he’s beautiful and has some of the best love interests (I’m talking about Kory and Roy here folks). He’s imperfect and has such depth and I love him kdsjfhjkdshfah
my favorite book/season/etc: I actually really like all the stuff that comes after Bruce “dies”? Seeing them all struggle and fight with each other and everything is really interesting. I love Tim here especially, just bc he’s so fucked up and such a teenager. When characters seem to be having two totally different conversations are SO INTERESTING and that’s what was kind of happening here with Tim and Dick – Tim feels betrayed and hurt, Dick feels stressed and like Tim is ready to move on. And Damian is just an adorable little asshole ksdjfshkjhakjh
my favorite episode (if its a tv show) issue: look I’m a sucker for Dick & Jason feels and I really enjoyed their moments (however few there are) in NTT/Tales of The Teen Titans/etc. They’re pretty small but so cute – it’s really nice to see them trying to figure out how to be brothers!!
my favorite cast member: David Mazouz!!!! Perfect perfect perfect Bruce. I also did like Batfleck, more for the look of exhausted 40 year old man than the story/characterization, but David takes the cake. He does all the different facets of Bruce – traumatized child, obsessive teenager, Brucie the party animal, etc – so well, PLUS THEY HAVE THE SAME BIRTHDAY. It’s meant to be yall
my favorite ship: most of my Batfam ships are one batfam member/one non member (like Dickkory/Dickroy, Dinahbabs, Timkon, etc). the only one fully in the fam would be Bruce/Talia. When written correctly, they are so sweet and so tragic. The star crossed lovers trope has never looked so good as it does when its them. 
a character I’d die defending: Damian!!!! Admittedly I do get annoyed by him,,,, a lot,,,,,, but really. He’s a child who’s been abused and manipulated and lied to. He was raised in such a dangerous, traumatic environment, and I fucking hate when people act like he’s always going to be the annoying, murderous brat he was when he was first taken away from that environment. He has to heal, and he IS healing. He loves animals so much, he learns to love Dick (and at least get along with the others), he makes friends, he doesn’t kill anymore. He is doing better. There’s no fucking way he ends up as cruel and cold-hearted as some people insist he will. If you don’t like him, just shut the fuck up
a character I just can’t sympathize with: Babs. It’s not that I can’t sympathize with her, it’s more that I just don’t like her lol. I find Batgirl!Babs really boring and regressive for literally everyone involved. The way Babs became Oracle was gross but it gave her such GROWTH and she got to be her own character as Oracle (and also tell people off for pitying her bc she’s in a wheelchair). Batgirl was passed on to Cass, who is both Asian and disabled rep, then to Steph, in a way that was much healthier for the Batgirls than how Robin was passed down. Babs being Oracle gives even more rep to disabled children/girls in wheelchairs, and she isn’t stuck in Gotham! She isn’t part of the Batfam, she’s a Bird of Prey!!!! So much more interesting!!!! Plus D*ckB*bs is boring as fuck and does a disservice to both of them. Let them grow and be their own people and stop making me see Batgirl!Babs alongside Robin!Damian. DC, that’s illegal!!!
a character I grew to love: Talia. I was sadly infected with the Grant Morrison bullshit when I first joined the fandom and I hated Talia. But I’ve read more comics and metas about her and I just. I LOVE HER. She is such a badass and I find her motives (when well written) to be really interesting!!! She’s loyal to her dad but wants the best for Damian, and does have genuine affection for Bruce and Jason. She’s not the heartless woman some people/writers make her out to be, she has compassion and drive. She doesn’t care what people think about her. I want to marry her sdkjhfjksah
my anti otp: Jason/Roy. In any context other than RHaTO, it makes no sense and does a disservice to both characters. Jason and Roy would not want to be together in most reboots of DC, because of the connection with Dick. Would you want to date your asshole older brother’s ex/best friend? Would you want to date your ex/best friend’s little brother? Would you like to date a man with that history who is also struggling with severe trauma/addiction issues (respectively) and doesn’t get help for it because of bad writing? Imagine Roy looking Dick in the face and saying “yeah, I’m fucking your little brother, who I sort of knew as a pre-teen”. In RHaTO, this is mostly fine bc Roy and Dick have no relationship at all, and Jason needs someone to take care of, and Roy is so incompetent that he fits that bill. But ANYWAYYYYY point is, I refuse to read fics with this ship in it thank you goodnight
send me a show/movie/fandom and I’ll answer these questions!!
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mss4msu · 5 years
“Do I Wanna Know?” (Chapter 4)
Summary: On a visit to a local nightclub, the lounge singer catches your eye. Soon becoming a regular at the club, the way you look on the dancefloor gets his attention. You begin to hear stories about the notorious crime lord who owns and operates the small nightclub. When your friends worry that you’ve gotten mixed up with a mobster, you wonder if it’s better to be left in the dark and find yourself asking, “Do I wanna know?” if you’re getting involved with one of the most revered mobsters in the city.
Pairing: Mobster!Bucky x Reader
Words: 2708
Warnings: Language, Sexual Tension/Innuendos
A/N: This chapter uses another Arctic Monkeys’ song (peep the summary for a hint as to which one). I don’t want to work on my thesis bc I have research writers block, so here’s a chapter instead bc this is more fun to work on.
Read the Full Story Here
The song in this chapter can be listened to here
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You were in a daze as you went inside your apartment. You laid on your couch and turned on the tv, choosing something random on Netflix before opening up your phone and scrolling through The White Wolf and the Howlers Instagram again. At 5:00 you jolted up and realized you should probably get ready. You turned on your shower, and stared at your closet while you waited for the water to heat up. You felt like a zombie as you went through the motions of showering, combing your hair, blow drying it, and putting on your makeup, as your mind was preoccupied thinking about James Barnes and the night ahead. You finished your makeup and returned to your closet, continuing to just stare at it. You wanted to wear something sexy, but not blatantly sexy, and you wanted to wear something that would accentuate your curves, but not overly draw attention to them. Your heart began to race as you imagined seeing James that night and hearing him sing again. You grabbed your phone and opened your group chat with Jess and Rachel.
Me: Guys idk what to wear tonight
Rachel: Clothes?
Me: Haha. Funny
Jess: Just throw on a dress or something? Why does it matter? Also when is dinner again? Ya gurl is already hungry
You stared at your phone. You hadn’t told them about everything that had happened that week. Actually, you hadn’t told them about anything that had happened this week. You had meant to text them as soon as you got to your desk, but then the White Wolf account had started liking all of your pictures, and then James had come to talk to you, and then Tony had piled work on you, and you had just forgotten.
Fuck, you thought to yourself, your thumbs hovering over the keyboard, trying to decide how to explain yourself.
Me: Um….so…..you know that band from the club that we went to and we’re going to again tonight?
Jess: Yeah, what about them
Me: Shit. Ok so you know how I followed them that night? Well on Monday the lead singer was in my office and meeting with Tony and liking my Insta pics and then he messaged me about coming to the show tonight and then he got me out of work and gave me a ride home and now I need to look nice tonight and help
After 30 seconds you got simultaneous messages from both Jess and Rachel:
You laughed to yourself as you began to respond:
Me: Ok yeah, that’s my b for not telling you guys sooner. But anywayyyyy, WHAT DO I WEAR???
Rachel: Wear that off the shoulder burgundy dress?
Jess: Oooh yeah that one makes your collarbone look guuuuud. Also where for dinner??
Me: Yasssss that dress is perfect! And dinner at 7? Do we still want those burgers or we could do that Italian place in the middle of all our apartments?
Jess: Ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli
Rachel: 🍝 YEET
Me: I’m ded, ok see y’all there at 7
You pulled the dress Rachel had suggested out of your closet and nodded your approval at it. You checked how long it would take to get to the restaurant, and seeing that it would take 30 minutes, you quickly got dressed, brushed through your hair one last time, and grabbed your bag before rushing out the door. As you stood at the bus stop, an anxious feeling began to creep over you as you noticed the sun beginning to set. The bus arrived and you quickly got on and took a seat where you could see the driver in their mirror. You felt anxious until you arrived at the restaurant, thanking the bus driver as you departed the bus.
You were the first to arrive, and let the host seat you at your table. You pulled out your phone and texted Jess and Rachel that you had arrived and were seated. They both came in together 5 minutes later.
“Ok, so dish. You’ve actually met the singing angel?” Jess asked as she sat down.
You blushed, “Yeah, I have. I actually was rude to him at first because I didn’t realize it was him. I was at the elevator and he said something from behind me and I snarked at him and then looked and realized who it was.”
“And he’s been liking your pics?” Rachel looked at you over her menu.
“Yeah he has, I think he liked all of them through last October.”
“Daaaang!” Jess winked at you.
Dinner consisted of more discussion about your interactions with James all week and reading into them more than you should have.
“Shit, we should probably be going!” you exclaimed, checking your phone and seeing it was almost 8:30.
“Oh, how the time flies when there are exciting mens to discuss,” Jess replied, wiping her mouth with her napkin and placing it on the table.
The waiter came to the table and you all quickly paid your bills. You all went outside and waited for the bus. You were too excited to be nervous about possible gang activity on public transportation. The ride consisted of Jess and Rachel teasing you about James and guessing how the night would go.
You arrived to the club and departed the bus. Jess and Rachel got to the door first and were asked for their IDs by the doorman before going inside. You fumbled in your bag for your own ID and tried to hand it to the doorman.
“Go on in,” the doorman said, waving away your ID.
“You don’t need to check this?” you asked, confused, thinking back to your first visit and how intensely your ID had been looked at.
“Nope, you’re good to go, (Y/N).”
You double took the doorman, “Um thanks,” you awkwardly walked inside.
“What took you so long?” Rachel asked.
“The door guy knew my name.”
“Yeah, so? It’s on your ID,” Jess laughed at you.
“But he didn’t look at my ID…” you trailed off as the hostess walked up to the stand in front of your group and looking at the book on it.
“Table for three,” Rachel said.
“Oooh sorry, all the tables are booked up,” she replied, not looking up.
“Are there any seats anywhere?” you asked, stepping forward.
The hostess looked up, annoyed, but her expression changed upon seeing you.
“Oh, wait, we do have one open. Sorry for the confusion. Follow me,” she said, leading your group to the very front of the club.
The hostess apologized again before walking away.
“Ok, that was weird, right?” you asked, sitting down.
“Think your boyfriend stepped in?” Rachel replied, emphasizing boyfriend.
“Very funny,” you replied as a waiter came to your table.
“Three tall boys, on the house,” the waiter set down a beer in front of each of you and walked away before you could thank or question him.
“Oooh, your boyfriend def stepped in,” Jess laughed, drinking from her beer.  
You were thankful for how dark the club was as your face burned from how much you were blushing.
As you began to relax, the spotlight hit the stage and a voice announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, The White Wolf and The Howlers.”
The curtain opened and you couldn’t help the audible sharp intake of air as you looked up at him.
Stop making the eyes at me, I’ll stop making the eyes at you
What is it that surprises me is that I don’t really want you to
James was looking you straight in the eyes. Jess kicked you under the table and Rachel let out a high pitched squeal. You licked and bit your lips, your heart rate escalating.
And your shoulders are frozen (Cold as the night)
Oh, but you're an explosion (You're dynamite)
Your name isn't Rio, but I don't care for sand
And lighting the fuse might result in a bang, b-b-bang-oh
I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
I don't know if you're looking for romance or
I don't know what you're looking for
I said, I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
Dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984
Well, from 1984
James looked at you and began to move his hips to grind on the microphone stand as he sung. You crossed your legs and squeezed them together as you began to feel a fluttering in your stomach.  
I wish you'd stop ignoring me because it's sending me to despair
Without a sound, yeah, you're calling me and I don't think it's very fair
James looked right at you and gave you a toothy grin. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him and felt yourself beginning to breath heavily.
That your shoulders are frozen (Cold as the night)
Oh, but you're an explosion (You're dynamite)
Your name isn't Rio, but I don't care for sand
And lighting the fuse might result in a bang, b-b-bang-oh
As he sang the “bangs” he deeply grinded into the microphone stand, causing you to squeeze your thighs tighter.
I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
I don't know if you're looking for romance or
I don't know what you're looking for
I said, I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
Dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984
Well, from 1984
And no there in't no love, no Montagues or Capulets
Just banging tunes and DJ sets and
Dirty dancefloors and dreams of naughtiness
He licked his lips and stared deeply into your eyes. He blew you an air-kiss before looking back out into the audience for the end of the song.
Well I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
I don't know if you're looking for romance or
I don't know what you're looking for
I said, I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
Dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984
Said, from 1984
They finished playing and James gave you a wink as the curtain closed. Your heart rate was finally going down.
“Holy fuck, (Y/N)!!” Jess playfully slapped your arm, “He’s really fucking into you!”
Rachel just kept looking from the stage to you with her mouth open wide.
“Knock it off, I’m sure it’s nothing,” you said, but inside you were praying you were wrong.
“It fucking looked like something,” Jess said, looking you up and down with a side eye.
“Mhhhmmm,” was all Rachel could say.
You quietly sipped your beer in response.
The announcer called out the next group and the curtain opened again, distracting Jess and Rachel from making fun of you. Just as your breathing was regulating from the set, you felt a tap on your shoulder, you looked up and saw him.
“Hi doll, glad you could make it,” James gave you a mischievous smile.
You were surprised Jess and Rachel didn’t snap their necks with how quickly they turned to look from the stage to him. He snapped his fingers and a waiter appeared with a chair for him.
“Mind if I join?”
You gulped and the three of you nodded your heads ‘no,’ none of you able to speak.
“So, what’d you think?” James asked as another waiter appeared with a drink for him. “Need another round, ladies?”
Rachel nodded yes, and Jess was able to mumble out a “yes, please.”
“Thank you, James,” you managed to finally speak.
“No problem. So, what did you think?”
“You were great. More than great, fantastic,” you gushed.
“Oh, yeah?”
“So good,” Rachel blurted out.
James looked to her and Jess, “We haven’t met. James Barnes, it’s a pleasure to meet friends of (Y/N).”
He extended his hand out to shake those of Rachel and Jess. Rachel let out a squeak as he shook her hand and you could see Jess melting.
You were finally regaining your composure as he turned to you again, “Beats a night with Stark, doesn’t it?”
“You have no idea,” you caught yourself, “But it’s a great opportunity that I am very thankful for.”
“Don’t bullshit me, doll. I’m going into business with him, I know how Tony is. Shows how strong,” he paused and looked you up and down, “you are to be able to put up with him,” he growled.
You were again thankful for how dark it was in the club as you blushed intensely, “It would be nice to not be doing his grunt work, for sure,” you smiled back at him.
“Not big on grunt work, doll?” he licked his lips at you.
“I….uh...I...that’s not what I…,” you were thankful the waiter appeared with your new drinks, creating an opportunity for a change in topic as you took a long drink.
“Care for a dance, (Y/N)?” James asked, extending his hand to you.
“Oh, I’m really not big on dancing,” you replied, taking another long drink and begging for some liquid courage to kick in.
“Are you kidding? (Y/N) is a great dancer,” Jess chimed in, her shock having worn off.
“She really is! She was getting doooown at my sister’s wedding last year,” Rachel added, regaining her voice.
“Who invited you two out?” you asked through a fake smile.
“You know, I sang that song for a reason, doll,” James winked at you, offering his hand again.
“Well in that case, how can a girl say no?” you replied, rolling your eyes to hide the fact that you were internally screaming.
You put your hand in his and let him whisk you away to the dance floor. He readjusted the grip on your joined hands and gently put his other hand on your waist, pulling you into him. You rested your other hand on his shoulder. He led you across the floor, other couples making way for you.
“I hadn’t even realized there was a dance floor here,” you were glad you had worn heels so you were level with James’s ear.
“Too busy staring at me, doll?” James low voice rumbled in your ear.
You blushed, “That may have been the reason.”
James pulled you even closer to him, “Good.”
He continued to dance with you through the next three bands, all of which had at least two songs to perform. Your feet were getting tired, but you were enjoying yourself too much to care. As the last group ended, you felt a tap on your shoulder.
“Excuse me, not trying to cut in, but James, you have to go backstage,” a blonde man said.
“That time of night already? Thanks, Stevie, I’ll be right back.”
“James,” Steve gave him a knowing look, “I’ll escort (Y/N) back to her seat.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be there in a minute,” James rolled his eyes and took his hand off your waist. “Well, doll, duty calls. I’ll see you after the show? By the way, you do look good on the dance floor,” He kissed your hand and went through a door, which you figured led backstage.
“(Y/N)?” Steve offered up his arm to you.
You put your arm through his and let him lead you back to your table.
“Thanks, Steve. And nice to meet you!” you said as Steve nodded and walked away into the shadows of the bar.
“Omg, (Y/N)!! Who was that???” Jess demanded.
“His name is Steve. I don’t really know? He seemed to know James though.”
“Oooooh, Jamesssss,” Rachel poked fun at you.
“Oh shut up! Plus I think they’re starting again,” you motioned to the closed curtain where the spotlight had just come on.
“Ladies and Gentleman, I am pleased to announce our final song for the night. Put your hands together and welcome back to the stage The White Wolf and the Howlers!”
“That sounded like Steve. That must be how they know each other,” you told Jess and Rachel.
The curtain reopened and there stood James Barnes, looking right at you, a grin on his face.
Do I Wanna Know? Tag List:
@mrooks0205 @shann-the-artist-moon @ashtheteenagewitch @abschaffer2 @nuclearuniversalrage
Bucky Barnes Tag List:
@basementcafe @ria132love @courtmr
Permanent Tag List:
@sophiealiice​​ @mrsdeanwinchester19​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @ailynalonso15​ @221bshrlocked​ @hazellnut94 @libbymouse @nerdypinupcrystal
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The Lies and Truths of the RFA
This is my first story, so sorry if it’s not the greatest but I just loved this idea that I came up with.This story is told thru the chat and app of the RFA, which will include the chatroom, phone calls, and private messages of our leading lady Katelyn Cage. The story also includes some oc’s that I’ve come up with to spice things up.
Katelyn “Lynn” Cage has recently joined the RFA after an incident that lead her to help out the members in time of crisis. The story follows the months after the incident and we get to see how Lynn is adjusting to her new found friends. Is she ready to tell them the truth about what really happened that day? Or will she let the secret live on despite the oncoming threat?
Chapter One: Start of a Normal Day
*Lynn has entered the chatroom*
*707 has entered the chatroom*
Lynn: Oh hey.
707: Heyyyyyy
707: weird seeing you on here so late
707: lololol
Lynn: Yeah I couldn’t sleep so I came to see if anyone is on.
707: lucky for you God Seven is here to help
Lynn: Gee I’m so thrilled *deadpan*
Lynn: lololol
Lynn: *rolls eyes* Stop being dramatic.
707: lolol
707: dramatic is my middle name
Lynn: Maybe you should hang out with Zen less.
Lynn: He seems to be rubbing off on you.
Lynn: lolol
707: Aghhhh you have hurt me again!!!
Lynn: I’m pretty sure that’s a bigger dig to Zen lol
707: lolol
707: How come you couldnt sleep?
Lynn: I could ask you the same thing.
707: huh??
Lynn: Well your also up at 3am
Lynn: So that also must mean you can’t sleep either
707: Nopeeee
707: God Seven doesn’t need sleep when he is working none stop.
Lynn: Wait your working on something?
Lynn: What are you working on so late?
707: My lips are sealed Ms. Lynn
707: I’m just thrilled that for once you weren’t right
707: Woohoo!!! One point for God Seven
Lynn: Yeah like Seven- 1 and Moi- 100000
707: *sad face*
Lynn: lolol
Lynn: got a lot of catching up to do
707: Since I’m working what is “Ms. I know it all” doing up so late
Lynn: lol on that name
Lynn: But I told you, I just can’t go back to bed.
Lynn: I woke up and couldn’t fall back asleep.
707: God Seven has a sneaking suspicion that there is more to this???
Lynn: Well as Ms. I know it all I can assure you nothing is going on
Lynn: Now then why don’t you tell me what you’re working on if we are trying to spill secrets.
707: Nope my lips are sealed
Lynn: Fine then your new name is now Mr. Mystery if we are giving out names
707: ohhhhh how about Mr. Mysterious instead
707: it sounds a lot cooler
Lynn: Nope!
Lynn: Your new name from now until you die is Mr. Mysteryyyy
Lynn: lolol
Lynn: Even changing it in my phone.
Lynn: You’re so childish lolol
707: I can be more childish then!!
Lynn: ?? Seven what do you mean
Lynn: Seven????
707: lol just wait and seeeeee lololol
Ms. KnowItAll: What-
Ms. KnowItAll: Omg!! Seven change it back!!
707: Nope lololol
707: It’s a perfect fit lol
Ms. KnowItAll: Seven! I swear change it back!!!!
707: looks like I have to go!!!
707: Duty calls!!!
707: See ya ;)
*707 has left the chatroom*
Ms. KnowItAll: Seven wait!!!
Ms. KnowItAll: Ugh…..
*Ms. KnowItAll has left the chatroom*
NEW CHATROOM: Christina, Jaehee
*Christina has entered the chatroom*
*Jaehee has entered the chatroom*
Christina: Morning, Jaehee!!!
Jaehee: Good morning Christina. Have you’ve seen Mr. Han this morning?
Christina: I just got off the phone with him. Did you need him for anything?
Jaehee: Well he’s running late for a meeting and he wasn’t answering my calls.
Christina: Sorry!! That was my fault we talked longer than we thought! I’ll make sure hes on his way for you!!
Jaehee: It is fine and thank you.
Christina: Omgggg
Christina: I just read last night’s log and those two are so cuteeeeee
Jaehee: I guess. Though it was really rude of him to change her name and then leave.
Christina: Yea… but they seem really cute when they are together!!
Jaehee: Can’t imagine anyone being able to put up with Seven’s antics
Jaehee: I wonder what Seven was working on though that late?
Christina: Idk probably something for his job or whatever that he forgot to do
*Ms. KnowItAll has entered the chatroom*
Ms. KnowItAll: …. I’m going to murder himmmm
Christina: Lololol Think it’s very fitting
Ms. KnowItAll: CHRIS!!!!
Christina: Okay, okay lolol
Jaehee: Good morning Lynn, I see you had a restless night I hope you got some rest.
Ms. KnowItAll: Morning! And I did get some thanks!
Ms. KnowItAll: Had to plan my revenge before I went to sleep though
Jaehee: Revenge??
Christina: Lynn what are you planning??
Ms. KnowItAll: Just wait and see…
*Mr. Mystery has entered the chatroom*
Mr. Mystery: WHAT IS THIS
Jaehee: Oh god…. I thought I was going to have a good morning  
Christina: Cheer up, Jaehee!!
Ms. KnowItAll: Lolol
Mr. Mystery: Change it back *sadface*
Ms. KnowItAll: Eh no?!?! Not till you change mine back!
*Saeran has entered the chatroom*
Saeran: … jeez
Mr. Mystery: Saeran!!!!! Look what Lynn did!!
Ms. KnowItAll: lolol leave my accomplice alone!!!!
Mr. Mystery: Accomplice??!
Mr. Mystery: Saeran how could you!!!
Saeran: I’m not dealing with you two…
*Saeran has left the chatroom*
Jaehee: I have no idea how he can put up with Seven every day.
Christina: I feel bad for him.
Christina: Before you two dorks battle this out
Christina: Seven have you’ve heard from V?
Mr. Mystery: Eh No? How come you want to know?\
Christina: Well we’re trying to plan another party and need his confirmation??
Jaehee: It is weird that he hasn’t reached out to anyone in the past month.
Christina: I don’t think even Jumin has been able to reach him.
Mr. Mystery: No need to worry! He told me he would be back by the end of the month
Ms. KnowItAll: Thought you said you haven’t talked to him?
Mr. Mystery: eh
Mr. Mystery: lolol
Mr. Mystery: I forgot we talked last week
Jaehee: Well that’s good news.
Christina: Yea! That means we can move forward with the next party!
Ms. KnowItAll: Yea…
Mr. Mystery: Yep
Mr. Mystery: Anywayyyyy
Mr. Mystery: You outsmarted me Ms. Lynn and got my own brother to betray me so ill give you your name back lolol
Lynn: yaaayyyy lol
Lynn: I let Saeran decide if he wants to change it back XD
Mr. Mystery: Noooooo
Christina: Awwww you two are so adorable!!!!
Jaehee: You two seem to make such the odd pair
Lynn: What’s that supposed to mean????
Christina: Uh… your hopeless
Mr. Mystery: … Anywayyy I gotta go back to the world of 1s and 0s!!
Mr. Mystery: Farewelll!!
*Mr. Mystery has left the chatroom*
Jaehee: I have no idea how he has so much energy
Christina: Yea but I’m glad we can have the next party soon!!
Lynn: Yea just have to wait for V to get back from wherever he is at
Jaehee: Well I must get back to work
Christina: Oh! Jumin should be there in like 10 mins!!
Jaehee: Thank you Christina!!
Lynn: See yaaaaaa
Jaehee: Good bye.
*Jaehee has left the chatroom*
Lynn: Seems like you and Jumin are getting closeeeeee
Christina: Lynn!!!
Lynn: Omggg
Lynn: So when is the wedding? XXDDD
Christina: Lynn!! Stop it!!
Lynn: Okay, okay lolol
Lynn: What are you doing today
Christina: Working on some of the clothing for the fashion show and photoshoot next week
Lynn: ooooooh sounds exciting!
Lynn: Can’t wait to see it
Christina: Yea about the photoshoot…. :)
Lynn: …. What do you want?
Christina: Well I was wondering… if you could be the model for the clothes?
Lynn: Chris!
Christina: I know you don’t like doing stuff like this but you would be perfect!!
Lynn: Chris you don’t have to have me to do any of this. You could hire an actual model.
Christina: Yea but I trust you more and I know everything will look amazing on you!!
Christina: Pleaseeeeee
Christina: For your bestest friend *pleading face*
Lynn: ugh…. Fine
Christina: Omg yaaayy
Lynn: But just this once!!
Christina: Yea okay… Omg I can’t wait!!!
Christina: I’ll let you know the time and place by tonight!!
Lynn: Okay, but I mean it Christina just this once!!
Christina: mmhmm
Christina: Well I gotta go
Christina: See yaa
Lynn: Bye, Chris
*Christina has left the chatroom*
*Lynn has left the chatroom*
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fezrus · 7 years
A dog person - Young!Sirius x Reader
Warnings : nope, maybe the GIF that personally makes me weak
Words : 2.8k
Request : yes
Note : it's the imagine that I wrote a few days ago and that was deleted somehow, I'm sharing it again now. I know some people had the same request but anywayyyyy (thank you to the ppl who told me to post it again btw❣️). I just imagined a Patronus for Pettigrew, don't mind it if it bothers you. I loved this request and got a bit carried away, it was just so damn cute.
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Even at Hogwarts everybody hated monday mornings, as they symbolized the end of the weekend, the return in class and especially, implied a lot of exhaustion. In fact, everybody except the 6th years, because to them Monday morning meant Defense Against the Dark Arts. Here you were, at your usual seat next to the wall on the first row. The classroom 3C had probably the biggest windows out of all the Turris Magnus, unfortunately you were too short to observe the view -everybody was- but you still tried to take a look everytime. You were on tip-toes, taking advantage of the fact that your teacher had not yet arrived to make another attempt.
« You know Y/N, I really enjoy the view you're offering me when you stand up like this in front of me, but I think you should just sit down as our dear Professor is here. » whispered Sirius behind you. Your cheeks turner red as you did what he said, sighing in exasperation and trying to focus on the tall man standing in front of the class. Sirius knew his little seduction game made you feel a bit flustered and that was exactly why he liked doing it so much, he didn't want you to be uncomfortable, he was only joking and you knew it. Out of the four Marauders, you spent most of your time with him or Remus, who actually introduced you to the others after meeting you at the library.
« Today I will try, and please notice that I said try, to teach you something that I know most of you have been waiting for. » said your teacher solanemly, holding his hands together behind his back. « The majority of witches and wizards are not able to produce it for it requires patience, concentration and determination. You probably guessed it already, I am talking about the Patronus charm, one of the most powerful defensive charms that exist.»
Immediatly, everybody started to whisper enthousiasticly to their neighbors, and even Lily who usually was the definition of the model student seemed hysteric. You smiled when you saw her, her dazzling hair flying in the air while she turned around towards the boys, already beginning to discuss on the shape their patronus would take. James had already managed to produce one and it was a deer just like his animagus. He could be turbulent, sometimes even insolent, but nobody could deny that he was an incredibly talented wizard just like Remus who was sitting next to him. Strangely, he stayed away from the general euphoria which spread in the class, playing almost nervously with his hands. You frowned, ready to ask him what was going on when your teacher knocked two times on the desk with his fists. The noises stopped and everybody looked at him once again.
« To produce a Patronus, it is necessary to concentrate on your most beautiful memory, and only this one. Find the memory that warms your heart the most and say clearly, wand in hand : expecto patronum. » Suddenly, a silver eagle flew from his hand and in the classroom. It was both beautiful and captivating. « This requires training, today we shall satisfy us with approaching the theoretical side of it and in the next class, I hope that you will be ready. Just know that it is difficult to obtain a corporeal patronus, and that its purpose is not to be beautiful, but to protect you from Dementors. Whether it is a rat, cat or lion, its power will be the same : the partonus is a shield, a messenger and a protector. »
He kept speaking during the whole following hour, adding that even if the animal shape the Patronus took did not define its strenght, it could mean something important for the wizard. Leaving the class everybody had only an idea in head : discover what their patronus was. The four boys, Lily and you had mutually decided to train together by the lake this afternoon. But right now you were going to eat, Sirius and James led the group speaking loudly and walking way too fast. Behind and standing by your side, Lily seemed to explain to Peter the details he had not understood. You left them silently to join Remus who walked at the back, alone, head low and dragging his feet. He raised his head when he saw you were waiting for him and turned the gentle smile you were giving him back to you. Interlacing your arm in his, you jumped at the opportunity to be alone with him to ask him what was wrong. Remus sighed, he seemed embarrassed and you strated to worry. He looked around to be sure no one was listening and then he bent a little towards you.
« I'm afraid my corporeal Patronus gives too much away, if you know what I mean. I already tried with James and it almost worked, and I swear I saw a long hairy tail before the light went off. » He whispered, biting his lip « With you guys it doesn't matter, but if anyone else sees it... » He didn't finish his sentence but you knew what he meant. Remus had always suffered because of his lycantropia, his parents and him had a nomadic life before he came to Hogwarts thanks to Dumbledore. Everytime someone started to be suspicious, they left and the little Remus never got to make friends. Even now that he had friends, really good ones, he was still afraid someone would found out. Taking his hand in yours, you squeezed it gently so he knew he wasn't alone and you were here for him.
« We can practice alone another day if you want to be sure, you don't have to do it today if you don't want to. »
« I think that's a good idea, thank you Y/N. »
Around 4pm, you sat in the green grass which lined the lake, between Sirius and Peter who seemed strangely concentrated into tearing away the petals of a flower one by one. You turned around towards Sirius who was already looking at you. You felt your cheeks burn a little when he did not look away which made him laugh, revealing his white teeth and his dimples.  He was a handsome young man, really, and you never knew if you just found him attracive or if it was something more. Anyway, you came back to reality when James showed up, back from his Quidditch session. A proud smile could be seen on his face as per usual, and it grew even bigger when a bunch of Gryffindor girls passing by stared at him like he was a piece of art, or a piece of meat. It always made Sirius giggle but Lily just rolled her eyes every single time.
« Did you mess your hair up on purpose again just so you can look like some Quidditch rock star ? » suggested Remus, looking quite amused. 
« You'll be authorized to criticize my hair when your furry little problem will be solved, Moony chéri. » teased James, winking before he spoke again while turning around « Let's get started folks, why don't we let the Lilliputian try first. »
Eveybody laughed, James flirting with Lily was the funniest thing ever, especially when he came up with these strange nicknames but you had to admit that for once it wasn't so bad. She stood up, pointing her wand towards him which caused him to slightly move to the side.
« In fact I'm two months older than you Potter, show me some respect. » Remus, Peter and Sirius giggled while James seemed outraged, but before he could come back with anything Lily exclaimed, her wand pointing to the sky « Expecto patronum ! »
You held your breath just like the others while slowly but very clearly, from the tip of her wand, a bright silvery light started to burst before fading out. She tried again multiple times with James giving her advices and finally, a tall and gracious doe was running in the air, following the rythm of Lily's laugh. Her green eyes were wide opened, she seemed proud and happier than ever. You all applauded, Peter even took a bow.
« It's strange, isn't it ? Your patronus is a doe and Potter's one is a deer. If it isn't a sign, I don't know what it is. » teased Sirius, winking to Lily. Her cheeks turned bright red before she exlaimed « Simple coincidence, that won't make me go out with you any sooner Potter. »
Finally you formed little groups, James and Lily stayed together, Sirius was with Peter and Remus with you. This way, the others didn't pay attention to the fact that Moony wasn't really trying to practice and he was pleased about it. You tried to remember all the informations your teacher gave you this morning, and took a deep breath. You hoped it would work but as Lily said again and again, it was a difficult spell and it was normal if you didn't succeed on your first tries. For what felt like an hour you persisted, repeating the two little words again and again, sometimes managing to produce a little shiny light at the end of your wand. But no animal, nothing. Frustrated you sighed noisily, which caught the attention of Remus, Sirius and Peter. The two others seemed too busy arguing about who-knows-what, and anyway they did not really need to practice anymore. Seeing your disappointment, Sirius smiled softly before suggesting to the boys to train together and that he would help you. After all if that did not work so well that way, you could try.
« I can't do it either, you know. Maybe it's because you distract me. » he suggested, teasing you once more with a grin on his face.
« That's not funny Sirius. » you whined, a pout on your lips.
He looked at them for a bit too long before coming back at your eyes. Finally he stood behind you, his chest pressed against your back. You were thankful he was behind, at least he couldn't see your burning cheeks but it wasn't finished yet because you could now feel his strong hand taking yours, holding your wand with you while the other one was placed on your hip. Your heart was racing and you were probably shaking too because he laughed soflty, speaking soflty.
« Maybe you're not thinking about your happiest memory. Close you eyes, the first one to come to your mind is probably the good one, focus on it. »
Even if his body pressed against yours and his breath crashing on the thin skin of your neck did not help you at all, his soft and low voice was relaxing and you now thought of nothing else. You no longer heard the sound of the wind in the trees, nor the murmur of the water of the lake, you did not see your friends staring at you a little farther : it was his voice and his body near you that occupied all your mind. You closed your eyes as he had suggested, and with trembling lips you pronounced the two words « Expecto patronum. » You opened your eyes slowly, just in time to see a magnificent light spraying out, more powerful than what you had managed to do until then. It grew larger, Sirius's hand still held yours and guided the movements of your wand. After a few seconds, you saw it. In front of you stood a brilliant, tall and perfectly formed dog. But it was not a common dog, you had seen this one several times already and you recognized it immediately. You understood that Sirius did too when you felt his fingers release your hand smoothly and his body move back slowly. Your concentration broke and the big dog disappeared. You did not dare to turn around, both shocked and mute, because you finally knew what your patronus was. And it was him. It was Padfoot.
You stood there, sitting on your bed without knowing what to do or even what to think. After the events of the afternoon you quickly ran away, stammering that you did not feel well and that you were going to rest. But everyone had seen the same thing as you, and everyone knew that your patronus was none other than Sirius Black himself, or at least his animagus form. You tried to convince yourself that it was just a simple dog, but you knew what you saw. Maybe it didn't mean anything at all, maybe it did. It probably did. Sirius and you had been friends for years and even though he liked to tease you all day long, it had never been more than a platonic relationship. As you kept thinking about this, images started to come to your mind. The day you met, how funny you found him, yet annoying. The first time you sat together in class, and how you spent the hour drawing stupid things on each other's books. That time in 4th year when he punched a guy who insulted you, and definitely got a detention for it. When one of his pranks hurt you and he brought you chocolate and flowers to make it up. The time he hugged you so tight after Gryffindor won the house cup that you thought he was going to choke you. Maybe he wasn't just a friend after all, and it took you a couple of years and a patronus to realize it. A knock on your door made you lift your head up, the person did not let you any time to answer and entered the room.
« Can I come in ? » asked the black haired boy. « A bit too late to ask, isn't it ? »
Sirius did not answer, he just closed the door leaving you both alone in the dorm. He sat next to you, your knees barely touching, but not a word was said. You looked at the floor for a few seconds before you saw him turning his head to you from the corner of your eye. Slowly, you looked at him too, your heart skipping a beat when you met his dark grey eyes.
« Why did you leave earlier ? You missed something, we learnt that Peter's patronus is a mole. » « You know why I left. » you said, smiling slightly at the end. « You don't have to be embarassed about it. » he shrugged « But I have to admit that I thought it would be something else. » « Like what ? » « A penguin. »
You scoffed, clearly not especting that answer. Sirius looked at you curiously, he didn't seem to understand why you were chuckling but he still smiled when he heard your laugh.
« What ? They're cute and funny, everyone likes penguins. » he smirked. « Nope, you're probably the only person to fancy penguins that much. » « Well I don't try to hide it. You shouldn't either. »
His last words were whispered in your ear before he placed a soft kiss on your shoulder. You knew what he meant, and you couldn't act as if the butterflies flying in your stomach weren't here. He bent down to give you another kiss, on the cheek this time, but the weight of his body made you both fall back on the bed. You laughed as he found himself lying on top of you and for the first time since you met him, you saw a light shade of red on his cheeks. You stayed like this before he kissed your forehead, and then your nose. You smiled and he looked at your lips, and back at your eyes again. Your hands made their way to the back of his neck as he brushed your lips with his own, without ever pressing them together. Your heartbeating probably echoed throughout the entire room, or maybe it was his own. He smirked again when he saw the look full of frustration and desire you gave him, biting his lip and kissing the corner of your lips and then your cheek, before whispering in your ear again.
« I always knew you were a dog person. »
And after that he finally pressed his lips against yours, tenderly, as if you were the most precious thing in the world.
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endlessarchite · 7 years
How To Repair Broken Or Cracked Inlay (And The Fateful Tale Of A Craigslist Dresser)
Guys, meet the dresser of my beach house dreams. Perhaps you’ve already been introduced on Instagram, but let’s dive into our love story (think: The Notebook, but with a dresser and a person instead of two people).
I actually found this amazing piece of furniture on Craigslist. YES CRAIGSLIST! Sorry I’m screaming, but you can imagine how shouty this entire experience made me. And dancey. And weepy (I tear up over beautiful furniture when I feel like it’s fulfilling its furniture destiny). Yes, I just typed the words furniture destiny.
Anywayyyyy, it’s safe to say this is the best Craigslist score of my life since I got it for $400 and the exact same dresser currently sells for $1,829 (!!!) at Restoration Hardware. The woman selling it on Craigslist originally listed it for $650. She had purchased it for $1200 at HomeGoods and even had a photo of the price sticker that was still on the back of the dresser in her listing. And as much as I loved it (OH HOW I LOVED IT) I just didn’t have that in the budget for any dresser at the beach house – which is where it felt destined to live.
So I did one actionable thing to help myself get over it, which was to email her and say “your inlay dresser is so lovely but I’m afraid it’s out of my budget – I’m sure someone will snatch it up, but if you don’t happen to sell it and ever decide to lower your price please email me as I’d LOVE to buy it!” She sweetly emailed back and said “yup, not willing to lower the price yet but I’ll keep you posted.” I stifled a few tears and tried to accept the fact that I’d never feel the warmth of this dresser’s embrace.
But if you know me, I’m incapable of moving on when something in the back of my head is banging around (I call these “persistent ideas” and sometimes John calls them “being in denial”) so I refused to buy any other dresser for that nook in the bedroom because I wanted to hold out for the beach house dresser of my dreams (I also call this “patience” and John sometimes calls this “being stubborn”). But then, miracle of all miracles, over a month later I got an email. And it was my dream dresser’s owner, saying “Ok, no nibbles on the dresser for $650 so I’ll do $400.”
Now $400 is probably the most I’ve ever paid for anything secondhand in my life, and she mentioned a few of the inlay pieces needed repairing, but I’d easily pay around $250-300 for a dresser for that nook from some other place like Target or Ikea and this is an extra special solid inlay dresser that sells for nearly $2K at Restoration Hardware. I made the same case to John, who was actually really into it too.
So that’s how this beauty came to live with us at the beach house (trust me I was tempted to keep it at our house, but we didn’t have the perfect spot). And then came the second obstacle in my dresser love story: repairing those cracked and shattered pieces. You could hardly notice them in the shots I posted on Instagram, but this was the corner of the dresser as we bought it. Looking pretty rough, eh?
If you’ve ever come across an inlay mirror, tray, or furniture piece in a store with a nice little “as-is” discount (like at HomeGoods) it’s usually because something has been popped out or cracked or smashed… which might deter you from taking it home. But wait. Don’t give up on them just yet.
I did a little research and learned that many inlay pieces are filled with plaster between the tiles, so I pretty quickly made the mental leap that some joint compound (aka: spackle) would be a good, easy DIY option to fill those cracks. It’s sandable so you can get it pretty smooth, and once it dries you can paint it to match. So that’s exactly what I decided to try. Here’s how things looked after I spackled the cracks to fill them in.
Next, I just used the paint we had on hand and attempted to match the colors as closely as I could. Remember: paint always dries darker, so you want to aim for a color match that’s ever so slightly lighter than whatever you’re painting.
The blue-gray was actually pretty easy to match with the colors we had on hand (the dark blue we used for the tub and our soft sand wall color mixed together to create almost an exact match) but we didn’t have anything yellow enough on hand to match the missing inlay piece in the front right corner, which is why you see that bottom “tile” looking a little whiter and rougher in the photo below:
It’s not perfect yet – but now that I know this method works, I’m planning to bring some yellow paint the next time we go to Cape Charles so I can mix up a closer match for that area. You’ll also notice I painted that missing inlay circle on the side (see how it’s gone in the picture below) so I’ll touch that up too. Spackle tends to shrink a little as it dries, so I also realized after painting it that it could have used a second coat to smooth things out even more, so I think I’ll do one more “plaster coat”, sand it smooth, and touch up the paint so it matches even better once I have that yellower paint on hand.
But even as it looks right now, it’s a whole lot better than it was! You really have to be looking for the patched areas to even notice that there has been some work done on this piece in person thanks to the busy pattern, which is really quite forgiving!
sconce / similar mirror
You also may have noticed that we hung a mirror over it (remember this one from our second house’s guest room?!) and added curtains, which we still need to steam (these are Lenda curtain panels from Ikea – we just cut off the tabs and used ring clips to hang them). With those touches, this front bedroom is really really close to done. There are even coat hangers in the closet! Just don’t look too closely at the art in those frames yet (it’s still the stock photo that comes with it).
bench / rug / blue blanket / frames / curtain rods / curtains
I love the airiness of this room. It feels interesting thanks to the high contrast bed frame and the dark curtain rods, yet soft and soothing thanks to all the textiles (the curtains, the bedding, the rug), and the little details – like the spool legs of the side tables, the geometric pattern on the lamp base, and the large framed art piece – add just enough “something” to keep things from feeling flat.
art / headboard / rug / blue blanket / side table / lamp
But I still have to hand it to the real stars of this house – like the gorgeous heart pine floors that we had sanded and clear-sealed and the doors that we stripped back to their original color. They’re such a nice balance with the cooler beachier colors in the room.
Look at that solid wood knob and the little keyhole under it. Is it weird if that makes me want to tear up too?
P.S. Want to know what paint colors we used or where a certain item in the beach house came from? We created a full source list right here for ya. And if you wanna see more pics & posts about this beach house renovation, we’ve shared dozens here over the past year. 
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post How To Repair Broken Or Cracked Inlay (And The Fateful Tale Of A Craigslist Dresser) appeared first on Young House Love.
How To Repair Broken Or Cracked Inlay (And The Fateful Tale Of A Craigslist Dresser) published first on http://ift.tt/2qxZz2j
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statusreview · 7 years
How To Repair Broken Or Cracked Inlay (And The Fateful Tale Of A Craigslist Dresser)
Guys, meet the dresser of my beach house dreams. Perhaps you’ve already been introduced on Instagram, but let’s dive into our love story (think: The Notebook, but with a dresser and a person instead of two people).
I actually found this amazing piece of furniture on Craigslist. YES CRAIGSLIST! Sorry I’m screaming, but you can imagine how shouty this entire experience made me. And dancey. And weepy (I tear up over beautiful furniture when I feel like it’s fulfilling its furniture destiny). Yes, I just typed the words furniture destiny.
Anywayyyyy, it’s safe to say this is the best Craigslist score of my life since I got it for $400 and the exact same dresser currently sells for $1,829 (!!!) at Restoration Hardware. The woman selling it on Craigslist originally listed it for $650. She had purchased it for $1200 at HomeGoods and even had a photo of the price sticker that was still on the back of the dresser in her listing. And as much as I loved it (OH HOW I LOVED IT) I just didn’t have that in the budget for any dresser at the beach house – which is where it felt destined to live.
So I did one actionable thing to help myself get over it, which was to email her and say “your inlay dresser is so lovely but I’m afraid it’s out of my budget – I’m sure someone will snatch it up, but if you don’t happen to sell it and ever decide to lower your price please email me as I’d LOVE to buy it!” She sweetly emailed back and said “yup, not willing to lower the price yet but I’ll keep you posted.” I stifled a few tears and tried to accept the fact that I’d never feel the warmth of this dresser’s embrace.
But if you know me, I’m incapable of moving on when something in the back of my head is banging around (I call these “persistent ideas” and sometimes John calls them “being in denial”) so I refused to buy any other dresser for that nook in the bedroom because I wanted to hold out for the beach house dresser of my dreams (I also call this “patience” and John sometimes calls this “being stubborn”). But then, miracle of all miracles, over a month later I got an email. And it was my dream dresser’s owner, saying “Ok, no nibbles on the dresser for $650 so I’ll do $400.”
Now $400 is probably the most I’ve ever paid for anything secondhand in my life, and she mentioned a few of the inlay pieces needed repairing, but I’d easily pay around $250-300 for a dresser for that nook from some other place like Target or Ikea and this is an extra special solid inlay dresser that sells for nearly $2K at Restoration Hardware. I made the same case to John, who was actually really into it too.
So that’s how this beauty came to live with us at the beach house (trust me I was tempted to keep it at our house, but we didn’t have the perfect spot). And then came the second obstacle in my dresser love story: repairing those cracked and shattered pieces. You could hardly notice them in the shots I posted on Instagram, but this was the corner of the dresser as we bought it. Looking pretty rough, eh?
If you’ve ever come across an inlay mirror, tray, or furniture piece in a store with a nice little “as-is” discount (like at HomeGoods) it’s usually because something has been popped out or cracked or smashed… which might deter you from taking it home. But wait. Don’t give up on them just yet.
I did a little research and learned that many inlay pieces are filled with plaster between the tiles, so I pretty quickly made the mental leap that some joint compound (aka: spackle) would be a good, easy DIY option to fill those cracks. It’s sandable so you can get it pretty smooth, and once it dries you can paint it to match. So that’s exactly what I decided to try. Here’s how things looked after I spackled the cracks to fill them in.
Next, I just used the paint we had on hand and attempted to match the colors as closely as I could. Remember: paint always dries darker, so you want to aim for a color match that’s ever so slightly lighter than whatever you’re painting.
The blue-gray was actually pretty easy to match with the colors we had on hand (the dark blue we used for the tub and our soft sand wall color mixed together to create almost an exact match) but we didn’t have anything yellow enough on hand to match the missing inlay piece in the front right corner, which is why you see that bottom “tile” looking a little whiter and rougher in the photo below:
It’s not perfect yet – but now that I know this method works, I’m planning to bring some yellow paint the next time we go to Cape Charles so I can mix up a closer match for that area. You’ll also notice I painted that missing inlay circle on the side (see how it’s gone in the picture below) so I’ll touch that up too. Spackle tends to shrink a little as it dries, so I also realized after painting it that it could have used a second coat to smooth things out even more, so I think I’ll do one more “plaster coat”, sand it smooth, and touch up the paint so it matches even better once I have that yellower paint on hand.
But even as it looks right now, it’s a whole lot better than it was! You really have to be looking for the patched areas to even notice that there has been some work done on this piece in person thanks to the busy pattern, which is really quite forgiving!
sconce / similar mirror
You also may have noticed that we hung a mirror over it (remember this one from our second house’s guest room?!) and added curtains, which we still need to steam (these are Lenda curtain panels from Ikea – we just cut off the tabs and used ring clips to hang them). With those touches, this front bedroom is really really close to done. There are even coat hangers in the closet! Just don’t look too closely at the art in those frames yet (it’s still the stock photo that comes with it).
bench / rug / blue blanket / frames / curtain rods / curtains
I love the airiness of this room. It feels interesting thanks to the high contrast bed frame and the dark curtain rods, yet soft and soothing thanks to all the textiles (the curtains, the bedding, the rug), and the little details – like the spool legs of the side tables, the geometric pattern on the lamp base, and the large framed art piece – add just enough “something” to keep things from feeling flat.
art / headboard / rug / blue blanket / side table / lamp
But I still have to hand it to the real stars of this house – like the gorgeous heart pine floors that we had sanded and clear-sealed and the doors that we stripped back to their original color. They’re such a nice balance with the cooler beachier colors in the room.
Look at that solid wood knob and the little keyhole under it. Is it weird if that makes me want to tear up too?
P.S. Want to know what paint colors we used or where a certain item in the beach house came from? We created a full source list right here for ya. And if you wanna see more pics & posts about this beach house renovation, we’ve shared dozens here over the past year. 
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post How To Repair Broken Or Cracked Inlay (And The Fateful Tale Of A Craigslist Dresser) appeared first on Young House Love.
How To Repair Broken Or Cracked Inlay (And The Fateful Tale Of A Craigslist Dresser) published first on http://ift.tt/2r6hzQy
0 notes
truereviewpage · 7 years
How To Repair Broken Or Cracked Inlay (And The Fateful Tale Of A Craigslist Dresser)
Guys, meet the dresser of my beach house dreams. Perhaps you’ve already been introduced on Instagram, but let’s dive into our love story (think: The Notebook, but with a dresser and a person instead of two people).
I actually found this amazing piece of furniture on Craigslist. YES CRAIGSLIST! Sorry I’m screaming, but you can imagine how shouty this entire experience made me. And dancey. And weepy (I tear up over beautiful furniture when I feel like it’s fulfilling its furniture destiny). Yes, I just typed the words furniture destiny.
Anywayyyyy, it’s safe to say this is the best Craigslist score of my life since I got it for $400 and the exact same dresser currently sells for $1,829 (!!!) at Restoration Hardware. The woman selling it on Craigslist originally listed it for $650. She had purchased it for $1200 at HomeGoods and even had a photo of the price sticker that was still on the back of the dresser in her listing. And as much as I loved it (OH HOW I LOVED IT) I just didn’t have that in the budget for any dresser at the beach house – which is where it felt destined to live.
So I did one actionable thing to help myself get over it, which was to email her and say “your inlay dresser is so lovely but I’m afraid it’s out of my budget – I’m sure someone will snatch it up, but if you don’t happen to sell it and ever decide to lower your price please email me as I’d LOVE to buy it!” She sweetly emailed back and said “yup, not willing to lower the price yet but I’ll keep you posted.” I stifled a few tears and tried to accept the fact that I’d never feel the warmth of this dresser’s embrace.
But if you know me, I’m incapable of moving on when something in the back of my head is banging around (I call these “persistent ideas” and sometimes John calls them “being in denial”) so I refused to buy any other dresser for that nook in the bedroom because I wanted to hold out for the beach house dresser of my dreams (I also call this “patience” and John sometimes calls this “being stubborn”). But then, miracle of all miracles, over a month later I got an email. And it was my dream dresser’s owner, saying “Ok, no nibbles on the dresser for $650 so I’ll do $400.”
Now $400 is probably the most I’ve ever paid for anything secondhand in my life, and she mentioned a few of the inlay pieces needed repairing, but I’d easily pay around $250-300 for a dresser for that nook from some other place like Target or Ikea and this is an extra special solid inlay dresser that sells for nearly $2K at Restoration Hardware. I made the same case to John, who was actually really into it too.
So that’s how this beauty came to live with us at the beach house (trust me I was tempted to keep it at our house, but we didn’t have the perfect spot). And then came the second obstacle in my dresser love story: repairing those cracked and shattered pieces. You could hardly notice them in the shots I posted on Instagram, but this was the corner of the dresser as we bought it. Looking pretty rough, eh?
If you’ve ever come across an inlay mirror, tray, or furniture piece in a store with a nice little “as-is” discount (like at HomeGoods) it’s usually because something has been popped out or cracked or smashed… which might deter you from taking it home. But wait. Don’t give up on them just yet.
I did a little research and learned that many inlay pieces are filled with plaster between the tiles, so I pretty quickly made the mental leap that some joint compound (aka: spackle) would be a good, easy DIY option to fill those cracks. It’s sandable so you can get it pretty smooth, and once it dries you can paint it to match. So that’s exactly what I decided to try. Here’s how things looked after I spackled the cracks to fill them in.
Next, I just used the paint we had on hand and attempted to match the colors as closely as I could. Remember: paint always dries darker, so you want to aim for a color match that’s ever so slightly lighter than whatever you’re painting.
The blue-gray was actually pretty easy to match with the colors we had on hand (the dark blue we used for the tub and our soft sand wall color mixed together to create almost an exact match) but we didn’t have anything yellow enough on hand to match the missing inlay piece in the front right corner, which is why you see that bottom “tile” looking a little whiter and rougher in the photo below:
It’s not perfect yet – but now that I know this method works, I’m planning to bring some yellow paint the next time we go to Cape Charles so I can mix up a closer match for that area. You’ll also notice I painted that missing inlay circle on the side (see how it’s gone in the picture below) so I’ll touch that up too. Spackle tends to shrink a little as it dries, so I also realized after painting it that it could have used a second coat to smooth things out even more, so I think I’ll do one more “plaster coat”, sand it smooth, and touch up the paint so it matches even better once I have that yellower paint on hand.
But even as it looks right now, it’s a whole lot better than it was! You really have to be looking for the patched areas to even notice that there has been some work done on this piece in person thanks to the busy pattern, which is really quite forgiving!
sconce / similar mirror
You also may have noticed that we hung a mirror over it (remember this one from our second house’s guest room?!) and added curtains, which we still need to steam (these are Lenda curtain panels from Ikea – we just cut off the tabs and used ring clips to hang them). With those touches, this front bedroom is really really close to done. There are even coat hangers in the closet! Just don’t look too closely at the art in those frames yet (it’s still the stock photo that comes with it).
bench / rug / blue blanket / frames / curtain rods / curtains
I love the airiness of this room. It feels interesting thanks to the high contrast bed frame and the dark curtain rods, yet soft and soothing thanks to all the textiles (the curtains, the bedding, the rug), and the little details – like the spool legs of the side tables, the geometric pattern on the lamp base, and the large framed art piece – add just enough “something” to keep things from feeling flat.
art / headboard / rug / blue blanket / side table / lamp
But I still have to hand it to the real stars of this house – like the gorgeous heart pine floors that we had sanded and clear-sealed and the doors that we stripped back to their original color. They’re such a nice balance with the cooler beachier colors in the room.
Look at that solid wood knob and the little keyhole under it. Is it weird if that makes me want to tear up too?
P.S. Want to know what paint colors we used or where a certain item in the beach house came from? We created a full source list right here for ya. And if you wanna see more pics & posts about this beach house renovation, we’ve shared dozens here over the past year. 
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post How To Repair Broken Or Cracked Inlay (And The Fateful Tale Of A Craigslist Dresser) appeared first on Young House Love.
How To Repair Broken Or Cracked Inlay (And The Fateful Tale Of A Craigslist Dresser) published first on http://ift.tt/2qCHnUt
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billydmacklin · 7 years
How To Repair Broken Or Cracked Inlay (And The Fateful Tale Of A Craigslist Dresser)
Guys, meet the dresser of my beach house dreams. Perhaps you’ve already been introduced on Instagram, but let’s dive into our love story (think: The Notebook, but with a dresser and a person instead of two people).
I actually found this amazing piece of furniture on Craigslist. YES CRAIGSLIST! Sorry I’m screaming, but you can imagine how shouty this entire experience made me. And dancey. And weepy (I tear up over beautiful furniture when I feel like it’s fulfilling its furniture destiny). Yes, I just typed the words furniture destiny.
Anywayyyyy, it’s safe to say this is the best Craigslist score of my life since I got it for $400 and the exact same dresser currently sells for $1,829 (!!!) at Restoration Hardware. The woman selling it on Craigslist originally listed it for $650. She had purchased it for $1200 at HomeGoods and even had a photo of the price sticker that was still on the back of the dresser in her listing. And as much as I loved it (OH HOW I LOVED IT) I just didn’t have that in the budget for any dresser at the beach house – which is where it felt destined to live.
So I did one actionable thing to help myself get over it, which was to email her and say “your inlay dresser is so lovely but I’m afraid it’s out of my budget – I’m sure someone will snatch it up, but if you don’t happen to sell it and ever decide to lower your price please email me as I’d LOVE to buy it!” She sweetly emailed back and said “yup, not willing to lower the price yet but I’ll keep you posted.” I stifled a few tears and tried to accept the fact that I’d never feel the warmth of this dresser’s embrace.
But if you know me, I’m incapable of moving on when something in the back of my head is banging around (I call these “persistent ideas” and sometimes John calls them “being in denial”) so I refused to buy any other dresser for that nook in the bedroom because I wanted to hold out for the beach house dresser of my dreams (I also call this “patience” and John sometimes calls this “being stubborn”). But then, miracle of all miracles, over a month later I got an email. And it was my dream dresser’s owner, saying “Ok, no nibbles on the dresser for $650 so I’ll do $400.”
Now $400 is probably the most I’ve ever paid for anything secondhand in my life, and she mentioned a few of the inlay pieces needed repairing, but I’d easily pay around $250-300 for a dresser for that nook from some other place like Target or Ikea and this is an extra special solid inlay dresser that sells for nearly $2K at Restoration Hardware. I made the same case to John, who was actually really into it too.
So that’s how this beauty came to live with us at the beach house (trust me I was tempted to keep her at our house, but we didn’t have the perfect spot). And then came the second obstacle in my dresser love story: repairing those cracked and shattered pieces. You could hardly notice them in the shots I posted on Instagram, but this was the corner of the dresser as we bought it. Looking pretty rough, eh?
If you’ve ever come across an inlay mirror, tray, or furniture piece in a store with a nice little “as-is” discount (like at HomeGoods) it’s usually because something has been popped out or cracked or smashed… which might deter you from taking it home. But wait. Don’t give up on them just yet.
I did a little research and learned that many inlay pieces are filled with plaster between the tiles, so I pretty quickly made the mental leap that some joint compound (aka: spackle) would be a good, easy DIY option to fill those cracks. It’s sandable so you can get it pretty smooth, and once it dries you can paint it to match. So that’s exactly what I decided to try. Here’s how things looked after I spackled the cracks to fill them in.
Next, I just used the paint we had on hand and attempted to match the colors as closely as I could. Remember: paint always dries darker, so you want to aim for a color match that’s ever so slightly lighter than whatever you’re painting.
The blue-gray was actually pretty easy to match with the colors we had on hand (the dark blue we used for the tub and our soft sand wall color mixed together to create almost an exact match) but we didn’t have anything yellow enough on hand to patch the missing inlay piece in the front right corner, which is why you see that bottom “tile” looking a little whiter and rougher in the photo below:
It’s not perfect yet – but now that I know this method works, I’m planning to bring some yellow paint the next time we go to Cape Charles so I can mix up a closer match for that area. You’ll also notice I painted that missing inlay circle on the side (see how it’s gone in the picture below) so I’ll touch that up too. Spackle tends to shrink a little as it dries, so I also realized after painting it that it could have used a second coat to smooth things out even more, so I think I’ll do one more “plaster coat”, sand it smooth, and touch up the paint so it matches even better once I have that yellower paint on hand.
But even as it looks right now, it’s a whole lot better than it was! You really have to be looking for the patched areas to even notice that there has been some work done on this piece in person thanks to the busy pattern, which is really quite forgiving!
sconce / similar mirror
You also may have noticed that we hung a mirror over it (remember this one from our second house’s guest room?!) and added curtains, which we still need to steam (these are Lenda curtain panels from Ikea – we just cut off the tabs and used ring clips to hang them). With those touches, this front bedroom is really really close to done. There are even coat hangers in the closet! Just don’t look too closely at the art in those frames yet (it’s still the stock photo that comes with the frame).
bench / rug / blue blanket / frames / curtain rods / curtains
I love the airiness of this room. It feels interesting thanks to the high contrast bed frame and the dark curtain rods, yet soft and soothing thanks to all the soft textiles (the curtains, the bedding, the rug), and the little details – like the spool legs of the side tables, the geometric pattern on the lamp base, and the large framed art piece – add just enough “something” to keep things from feeling flat.
art / headboard / rug / blue blanket / side table / lamp
But I still have to hand it to real stars of this house – like the gorgeous heart pine floors that we had sanded and clear-sealed and the doors that we stripped back to their original color. They’re such a nice balance with the cooler beachier colors in the room.
Look at that solid wood knob and the little keyhole under it. Is it weird if that makes me want to tear up too?
P.S. Want to know what paint colors we used or where a certain item in the beach house came from? We created a full source list right here for ya. And if you wanna see more pics & posts about this beach house renovation, we’ve shared dozens here over the past year. 
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The post How To Repair Broken Or Cracked Inlay (And The Fateful Tale Of A Craigslist Dresser) appeared first on Young House Love.
How To Repair Broken Or Cracked Inlay (And The Fateful Tale Of A Craigslist Dresser) published first on http://ift.tt/2BedaSe
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yesterdaysdreams · 7 years
How To Repair Broken Or Cracked Inlay (And The Fateful Tale Of A Craigslist Dresser)
Guys, meet the dresser of my beach house dreams. Perhaps you’ve already been introduced on Instagram, but let’s dive into our love story (think: The Notebook, but with a dresser and a person instead of two people).
I actually found this amazing piece of furniture on Craigslist. YES CRAIGSLIST! Sorry I’m screaming, but you can imagine how shouty this entire experience made me. And dancey. And weepy (I tear up over beautiful furniture when I feel like it’s fulfilling its furniture destiny). Yes, I just typed the words furniture destiny.
Anywayyyyy, it’s safe to say this is the best Craigslist score of my life since I got it for $400 and the exact same dresser currently sells for $1,829 (!!!) at Restoration Hardware. The woman selling it on Craigslist originally listed it for $650. She had purchased it for $1200 at HomeGoods and even had a photo of the price sticker that was still on the back of the dresser in her listing. And as much as I loved it (OH HOW I LOVED IT) I just didn’t have that in the budget for any dresser at the beach house – which is where it felt destined to live.
So I did one actionable thing to help myself get over it, which was to email her and say “your inlay dresser is so lovely but I’m afraid it’s out of my budget – I’m sure someone will snatch it up, but if you don’t happen to sell it and ever decide to lower your price please email me as I’d LOVE to buy it!” She sweetly emailed back and said “yup, not willing to lower the price yet but I’ll keep you posted.” I stifled a few tears and tried to accept the fact that I’d never feel the warmth of this dresser’s embrace.
But if you know me, I’m incapable of moving on when something in the back of my head is banging around (I call these “persistent ideas” and sometimes John calls them “being in denial”) so I refused to buy any other dresser for that nook in the bedroom because I wanted to hold out for the beach house dresser of my dreams (I also call this “patience” and John sometimes calls this “being stubborn”). But then, miracle of all miracles, over a month later I got an email. And it was my dream dresser’s owner, saying “Ok, no nibbles on the dresser for $650 so I’ll do $400.”
Now $400 is probably the most I’ve ever paid for anything secondhand in my life, and she mentioned a few of the inlay pieces needed repairing, but I’d easily pay around $250-300 for a dresser for that nook from some other place like Target or Ikea and this is an extra special solid inlay dresser that sells for nearly $2K at Restoration Hardware. I made the same case to John, who was actually really into it too.
So that’s how this beauty came to live with us at the beach house (trust me I was tempted to keep her at our house, but we didn’t have the perfect spot). And then came the second obstacle in my dresser love story: repairing those cracked and shattered pieces. You could hardly notice them in the shots I posted on Instagram, but this was the corner of the dresser as we bought it. Looking pretty rough, eh?
If you’ve ever come across an inlay mirror, tray, or furniture piece in a store with a nice little “as-is” discount (like at HomeGoods) it’s usually because something has been popped out or cracked or smashed… which might deter you from taking it home. But wait. Don’t give up on them just yet.
I did a little research and learned that many inlay pieces are filled with plaster between the tiles, so I pretty quickly made the mental leap that some joint compound (aka: spackle) would be a good, easy DIY option to fill those cracks. It’s sandable so you can get it pretty smooth, and once it dries you can paint it to match. So that’s exactly what I decided to try. Here’s how things looked after I spackled the cracks to fill them in.
Next, I just used the paint we had on hand and attempted to match the colors as closely as I could. Remember: paint always dries darker, so you want to aim for a color match that’s ever so slightly lighter than whatever you’re painting.
The blue-gray was actually pretty easy to match with the colors we had on hand (the dark blue we used for the tub and our soft sand wall color mixed together to create almost an exact match) but we didn’t have anything yellow enough on hand to patch the missing inlay piece in the front right corner, which is why you see that bottom “tile” looking a little whiter and rougher in the photo below:
It’s not perfect yet – but now that I know this method works, I’m planning to bring some yellow paint the next time we go to Cape Charles so I can mix up a closer match for that area. You’ll also notice I painted that missing inlay circle on the side (see how it’s gone in the picture below) so I’ll touch that up too. Spackle tends to shrink a little as it dries, so I also realized after painting it that it could have used a second coat to smooth things out even more, so I think I’ll do one more “plaster coat”, sand it smooth, and touch up the paint so it matches even better once I have that yellower paint on hand.
But even as it looks right now, it’s a whole lot better than it was! You really have to be looking for the patched areas to even notice that there has been some work done on this piece in person thanks to the busy pattern, which is really quite forgiving!
sconce / similar mirror
You also may have noticed that we hung a mirror over it (remember this one from our second house’s guest room?!) and added curtains, which we still need to steam (these are Lenda curtain panels from Ikea – we just cut off the tabs and used ring clips to hang them). With those touches, this front bedroom is really really close to done. There are even coat hangers in the closet! Just don’t look too closely at the art in those frames yet (it’s still the stock photo that comes with the frame).
bench / rug / blue blanket / frames / curtain rods / curtains
I love the airiness of this room. It feels interesting thanks to the high contrast bed frame and the dark curtain rods, yet soft and soothing thanks to all the soft textiles (the curtains, the bedding, the rug), and the little details – like the spool legs of the side tables, the geometric pattern on the lamp base, and the large framed art piece – add just enough “something” to keep things from feeling flat.
art / headboard / rug / blue blanket / side table / lamp
But I still have to hand it to real stars of this house – like the gorgeous heart pine floors that we had sanded and clear-sealed and the doors that we stripped back to their original color. They’re such a nice balance with the cooler beachier colors in the room.
Look at that solid wood knob and the little keyhole under it. Is it weird if that makes me want to tear up too?
P.S. Want to know what paint colors we used or where a certain item in the beach house came from? We created a full source list right here for ya. And if you wanna see more pics & posts about this beach house renovation, we’ve shared dozens here over the past year. 
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post How To Repair Broken Or Cracked Inlay (And The Fateful Tale Of A Craigslist Dresser) appeared first on Young House Love.
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