#anyways. if i'm wrong you all 100% have permission to come yell at me
Where did you hear the owl house leaks were fake?
OK. WELL. SO. full disclosure: i'm not... 100% sure that they're fake. i have a lot of reasons as to why i think they're fake but if i'm being honest i'm only about 90% sure. my post was, admittedly, somewhat wishful thinking.
so! why do i think they're fake? [spoiler-free edition]
i'll start with the reasons that don't have to do with the images themselves. namely, i've seen several different posts of people talking about the leak, and the gist i've gathered is: someone on reddit/twitter (not sure which lol) claims that they have the full "thanks to them" special... but hasn't posted the actual full episode anywhere, and has only posted a couple of spoilery screenshots. i've also seen a few people in the toh tag asking for links to the full special (not cool guys) and none of them seem to have any luck so far. all of that leads me to believe that the special hasn't actually been leaked, and the images are fake.
now, i'll talk about the images themselves - putting this under a read more just in case (the images won't be under the cut btw, just my speculations about them)
so! i took a closer look at the images and they definitely look fake to me. in particular, hunter doesn't have his haircut; his hair looks the same as it was back in season 2 (with maybe a little bit of growth). several other people have thrown in their two cents, so from what i can tell, these images are just speculative fanart? or fake screenshots, which people do love making lol.
admittedly, the only leaked images i've seen are: the two of belos-possessed hunter (one with flapjack, one with luz), and the one of everyone gathered around hunter as he... dissolves? or, flapjack does?? well. ok then. anyways.
the first two, of possessed hunter, look pretty fake to me. hunter's hair, as i mentioned, is the same as it used to be, with maybe a little growth (i can see a fanartist drawing it like that to account for a possible timeskip). oh, and he's wearing a wolf graphic tee, which i can see being a reference to dana's art of hunter and hooty together (also possibly speculative from a fanartist's pov)
luz is in her luzura fit i think? which goes against what we've seen of the special so far, i don't think there's been a single image of her in that outfit (also it doesn't really match her vibe of the season of, um. depression lol). also! in the one of luz and possessed-hunter, luz is holding what i'm assuming is her palisman staff... which conveniently has the palisman itself hidden behind hunter's head lol. idk about you but that screams fake screenshot to me.
AND THEN... the third image. everyone gathered around hunter as he... dissolves. or, flapjack is dissolving on top of him and hunter is just conveniently passed out.
i gotta say, this one made me pause for a second. everyone's designs are updated - except for hunter, he still has his old hair, and luz, who's still in her luzura fit from the previous "screencap". but what you have to remember is that these leaked after the new footage was released on oct. 6th. i can absolutely see a fanartist hurriedly editing their fake screenshot to incorporate the new designs before posting their images.
if these are real, then... i could maybe, possibly see it. hunter getting possessed by belos, duh, i can picture that 100%. luz could be in her luzura outfit instead of one of her depression fits to symbolize her getting back into the game and regaining her determination or whatever. hunter's hair could be back to its usual look because belos, while possessing hunter, somehow made it grow back to what he's used to hunter having, to show that hunter will always belong to him or whatever. maybe hunter will die and that will allow a portal to be opened, so everyone can go back - or, flapjack sacrifices himself to bring hunter back, as one last act of love.
i kiiiiinda doubt it though lol. that shit is depressing.
but if i'm wrong then [points at possessed hunter] Fucking Called It, and [points at dying hunter and/or flapjack] lol rip
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I'm not the anon who asked about Purim but what is the Purim story?
ALRIGHTY *cracks knuckles* I got off mobile and on desktop for this so you know it’s serious.
Purim Story: They tried to kill us, we survived, let’s eat. 
The year is 367 BCE. The town is Shushan, Persia. The scene zooms in on a large castle in the middle, big, decadent, just the right amount of finery and prestige for a king who’s a complete asshole. The king Ahashverous is sitting on his throne, lording over his subjects in the way only a completely pompous and detached king can. His wife Vashti is off in her rooms, chilling, doing something, enjoying her queenly life. King Ahashverous decides he’s in the mood to party, so calls up all his dudebro friends, they’re chilling, dancing, drinking, having a great time, when King A gets this great idea to call his wife Vashti down for a little entertainment, a little dancing for his guests. Wearing only her crown. So, for reasons obvious to all but the most entitled frat boy (Ahashverous), Vashti declines and refuses to do as he asked. He gets super pissed by this and demands her killed, which is promptly followed out. Vashti is out of the picture and villianized in children’s purim skits for eons to come. 
So the King is sitting there, having just disposed of his unruly wife, when he realizes he needs a new queen. Well shit, how’s he gonna get one on such short notice? He calls up his right hand man, his advisor Haman (BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO), and tells him to go fetch all the women of Shushan, as he will hold a beauty contest and whoever wins will have the blessing of being the King’s wife. 
Enter Esther, a young Jewish girl, orphaned at a young age and who has grown up with her uncle Mordechai (THE JEWISH GUY), who works in the Palace. She’s young, sweet, innocent and pretty, so of course she’s a prime subject for the King’s beauty contest. She shows up, struts her stuff, and lo and behold, the king has a new wife! They get married, and she’s trapped in a world of pompous royalty and anti-semitism. Oh yeah, no one knows she’s Jewish. 
Meanwhile, Mordechai, on his daily trip to the palace, overhears two guards, gossiping about how they’re gonna murder the king, just gonna kill him brutally and painfully and all that good stuff. So, let’s be real, the king probably deserves this, but that’s besides the point. Mordechai is shocked and appalled, and rushes immediately to notify the court of this impending murder plot, the guards are taken and executed, and life goes back to normal. 
Mordechai continues his walk around his Shushan town, when he happens to cross paths with Haman (BOOOOOOOOOO). Haman, being the asshole he is, insists that everyone who he walks past must bow to him. Mordechai, being the Jew that he is, refuses. Now Haman fucking hates this. If Mordechai won’t bow to him, then all the Jews won’t bow to him, so he must not be the most important person in the world and that’s simply not permissible. So he sidles up to his personal pal the king and is like “hey. hey bud. hey my dude my pal there are people who don’t respect my authority or yours. They won’t bow to me what kind of filthy rats.” and the king’s all “holy shit there are people who wont bow to you we gotta do something!!” and H*man smiles and goes “yeah dude i got the perfect solution. Let’s just kill them. Kill them all. There’s no way that could go wrong.” And the king, (who’s probably still drunk), is like “Yeah dude sounds cool!!”, and willingly signs off on the order to murder all the Jews. Now, H*man is a little bastard who doesn’t give a shit about what he’s doing, so in order to decide when he’ll commit this mass murder, he rolls some dice, called Purim, to choose a date. (Hopefully you see the obvious connection to the holiday). The dice land on the 14th of Adar, the decree is made and sent out into the city, and the Jews of Shushan collectively go “oh fuck we’re gonna die.”
Back to our good pal Mordechai, who’s walking around Shushan again (he seems to go on a lot of walks), when he notices one of the posters declaring the murders of the Jews, and is like SHIT SHIT SHIT WAIT my niece lives in the palace. She’s the gotdamn queen. She’s gotta have some sort of power, right? So he runs over to visit Esther, and is like Esther sweetie babe please go talk to your husband please make him reconsider mass murder maybe? Thanks? and Esther’s all “what the fuck i haven’t seen my husband since the wedding if i enter his quarters without an invitation i’ll be fucking murdered” and mordechai, who’s had enough of his niece’s wishy washy shit, goes “YOU”RE GONNA GET FUCKING MURDERED ANYWAY IN CASE YOU FORGOT YOU ARE ALSO A JEW” and Esther’s like “okay yeah i’ll see what I can do.”
Zoom in on the king, who’s trying to go to sleep in his big kingly beds, and just can’t fall asleep. So instead of suffering through insomnia like the rest of us plebians, he calls for someone to read to him from the royal records, cause they’re so fucking boring they’ll have to put him to sleep. So one of his servants is doing so, and he stumbles upon the time when Mordechai saved his life. He realizes that Mordechai never actually got an award for all that snazzy shit, so calls in his boy Ham*n. “Hey. Haman. My dude my bro my man. If there was someone I really liked, who did a huge huge favor for me, like, yaknow, really helped me out, how should I reward him?” Haman, the stuck up brat that he is, of course things Ahashverous is talking about him, and so says “well…. i would dress him in the king’s finest robes and put him on the king’s finest horse and have someone parade him around the streets of Shushan yelling “THIS IS A MAN THE KING WISHES TO HONOR LOOK HOW GLORIOUS HE IS” and Ahashverous is all “dude you’re brilliant. Okay tomorrow afternoon, get that Mordechai dude and have this done to him. You’ll be leading the horse and yelling.” Haman realizes he fucked up. Haman reaaaaaaaaaaaaally hates Mordechai now. He hates him so much in fact, that he builds a set of gallows specifically for murdering Mordechai alone. 
Esther, meanwhile, is trying to build up courage to go see the King and explain the whole “I’m Jewish please don’t kill my people” issue. First, she fasts for three days to be ready, and asks all the Jews of Shushan to fast with her. Once those three days are up, she figures she can’t just waltz right in to his quarters and say “don’t kill me”, so instead she dresses up all fancy, and waltzes into his quarters with some fancy (skimpy) clothing on and an invitation to a party. The king is thrilled to be invited to a party, and manages to overcome his instinct for murdering his wives to accept the invitation. At the party, they’re chilling, they’re laughing, they’re having an all around wonderful time. when Esther goes to make an announcement. “Hem hem hem” she coughs. “I brought you here today for something very important.” Everyone is paying attention. “I’m having another party tomorrow night and you’re all invited!!!! And so is that Haman dude. Make sure he’s there. Really.” Well of course our frat boy king is delighted and agrees that he and Haman will absolutely 100% be there. 
Cut to the next night, where they’re at the party and Esther goes to make an announcement. “hem hem hem.” she says. The king gets ready for another party announcement. He loves parties “Someone” says Esther. “Someone, in this very room, is trying…. TO KILL ME!” Shock! Terror! Awe! Emotions! The party guests are very confused, until Esther gives the full explanation. “I’m a Jew… Haman’s a dick… etc.” So of course the King is so distraught, because he can’t have his lovely wife that he loves so very much (that he thinks looks hella hot) be murdered! But he’s also in a bind. Cause here’s the thing about kingly orders, like the one about killing the Jews. They can’t be undone or retracted. Looks like the Jews are still screwed. That is, until Mordechai gets this great idea. More murder. “Look.” he says. “People have been given legal permission to kill us. I propose you simply do the same. Write out a little kingly decree, saying that the Jews have the legal right to kill anyone who attacks them, and can fight for their lives. Then, it’ll just be a battle of the strongest and of course the Jews will escape just fine. We’re good at surviving.” The king, who’s really just a pawn at this point, is all “well that’s a MARVELOUS idea! Let me write up this order immediately, I’ll get right to it!” This second kingly order gets written, the decree goes out, and the 14th of Adar rolls around.
There’s mass murder. Everyone is fighting or killing or dying. Mostly goyim are dying though. The Jews successfully manage to protect themselves, keeping their culture alive, turning what was supposed to be a day of mourning into a day of wildly happy celebration, the Purim festival we know now. They also found and seized Haman, hanging him upon the gallows he built for Mordechai. And to this day, we eat hamentaschen to mock this fool’s hat/ears/pockets. Whatever we’re mocking, Haman was a dick who looked ridiculous. And we’re still here bitch, so ha. You lost. 
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kinetic-elaboration · 7 years
Prompt 100 bellarke: "I'm mad at you because I love you"
I’m sorry this took so very long, anon; I hope you still see it. I’ve been sitting on this for a while, but a lot of Life has gotten in the way of me polishing and posting it.
Bellarke, Canon-verse, ~1200 words, from this list.
On AO3.
Miller, leaning backin one of the plastic Dropship chairs, enjoying his off-shift hours in casualconversation with Roma and Mbege, is the first to hear them. It’s Clarke’s sharp “No!” thatalerts him to trouble. Or intrigue, or both. 
He knows that voice. He knowsthat exact tone, in fact, from an Earth Skills project they worked on togetherwhen they were twelve. Even though six years have passed since then, he stillfeels a sharp jolt when he hears it—some combination of fear and annoyance andexasperation—like a ghost passing all the way through him and leaving himshivering in its wake. He holds up a hand and Mbege stops talking,mid-word.
“Did you hear that?”he asks, and tips forward in his chair again.
“You’re going tohave to come up with a better argument than just stomping your foot at me,Princess,” Bellamy’s voice sneers, and Miller glances over to his friends again.
Roma just shrugs.“Bellamy and Clarke are arguing. So?”
It’s true thatthey’ve fought before and probably will again, but they’re usuallysemi-discreet about it. They’re both too proud for public scenes, and even moreso since they claimed de facto leadership status of the group. This fight issomething else, verbal combat on a whole new level. And pretty soon the wholecamp is going to hear it—probably some Grounders too, at this rate, a thoughtthat makes Miller’s jaw clench. 
“So, you’re not atall curious what it’s about?” he asks.
“No, not really,”Roma answers, and rolls her eyes so dramatically up toward the sky that Millerknows she’s lying through her teeth. A fight this loud is bound to end inswinging fists or hate sex and he wants as much of the story as possible, forfuture reference. When he levels her with a disbelieving stare and she just crossesher arms and bites her lip, he figures she does too.
“It’s toodangerous!” Clarke yells back. Her voice is frayed around the edges,frantic, like she’s scrambling desperately for some sort of counter. A few morepeople turn their heads. Even those who are pretending they can’t hear a thinghave pretty much stopped talking or moving.
“Too dangerous?” Bellamy mocks.“Every time any of us leaves the camp it’s dangerous. What’s differentabout this?”
“He’s not wrongabout that,” Jasper mutters. He’s standing not far away from Miller’sgroup, doing supply inventory with Monty, but it’s pretty obvious neither ofthem cares much about working anymore. Monty nudges his arm againstJasper's—either his idea of comfort or a sign to keep quiet, Miller’s not sure.
“You know whyit’s different!”
Miller huffs out a breath quietly. That was a weak answer,and she took a while to come up with it. Griffin’s obviously losing, but the entertainmentvalue of the conversation is definitely increasing. Someone needs to be running commentary onthis. 
“Explain it tome anyway,” Bellamy dares.
Harper and Monroeexchange curious glances, and Mbege crosses his arms and tilts all the way back in his chair,eyes steadfastly on the sky. This pause is even longer than the last one, andit’s so awkward, the whole camp can feel it.
“You’rejust—you’re so infuriating!” Clarke yells, finally. Not a bit of the tensionin the air dissipates. 
“She doesn’thave an answer,” Miller whispers. “She knows she’s losing.”
“She’s justtrying to take control of the argument again,” Roma answers. 
“I thought youweren’t interested.”
She rolls her eyesbut doesn’t answer, because Bellamy’s voice, loud and disbelieving, rumbles outfrom the inside of the Dropship again, interrupting whatever response was righton the tip of her tongue.
“I’minfuriating? I am? You’re the one standing there trying to dictate what I do. You’rethe one who thinks you have the right to do that. I’m going on this mission. Iknow it’s dangerous—”
“Not justdangerous, Bellamy, suicidal. It’s stupid—”
“I’m stupid?”
“Going out there is stupid. You’re nottalking about a hunting trip, you’re talking about—you know if you go, youprobably won’t come back.”
The silence, then,both inside the Dropship and without, takes on a new quality. It isn’t justthat no one is speaking anymore, that the words tripping over words andsentences cutting off sentences have died out. It’s a silence so complete andso certain that Miller can all but picture the scene inside the ship: twopeople staring at each other, staring each other down; two people facing atruth, now cruel and sharp in the open, that they’d silently promised to keep unsaid.
Outside, a fewpeople shift from foot to foot, a few dare to look at eachother, but most just look down at the ground.
“Someone—”Bellamy’s voice says at last, quieter, but still audible in the utter silenceof the camp, “someone has to go.”
“But don’t letit be you,” Clarke answers, pleading.
“Why not me?”
It’s impossible totell without actually being able to see them, but Miller imagines Bellamystepping forward, subtly starting to get into Clarke’s space.
“If I’m so stupid and so infuriating, then why not me? Idon’t get it. I come in here, I tell you I’m going on this mission—which I do not need your permission todo, by the way—and you start up this argument with me and you won’t evenexplain—” He cuts himself off, probably huffing out breaths through hisnose, now, trying to control himself. 
Miller can’t pictureClarke anymore. Is she starting to back down? Or still as stubborn and angry asever? Is she staring him down like she’s twice his size or is she about to falteragainst the sheer weight of his incomprehension, his questioning, his ringingvoice?
“You know I’mright,” Bellamy tries again, “Why are you so mad at me about this?”
A pause of only afew beats follows (long enough for Mbege to murmur “This will be good”)and then Clarke yells, a sudden burst of words that sends half of the camptilting forward in their chairs or backward on their feet: “I’m mad at youbecause I love you! I don’t want you to go because I love you!”
Monty’s eyebrowsrise up toward his hairline, and Harper shades her face with her hand. “Oh shit,”Jasper whispers.
But from inside theDropship comes only silence.
The silence lasts so long that a couple ofpeople start walking closer to the entrance, overwhelmed by their curiosity, sodesperateto find out what’s going on now thatthey don’t stop to think that they already know. That kind of silence can onlymean one thing. 
“I guess I washalf right about the hate sex,” Miller whispers. He didn’t mean anyone to hear, and when Romaasks him if he said anything—just around the time a loud crash sounds frominside the Dropship, like something falling to the floor, or getting pushedroughly aside in a heated, passionate moment—he just shrugs. “Nothing,” he answers. “Ididn’t say a thing.”
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