#anyways. don't mind me proposing extremely OOC scenarios. but it would be funny to throw omega into therapy and see what happens
generic-sonic-fan · 9 months
Fics I'll never write:
Shadow and Omega get into a fight one day and Shadow ends the fight with "why are you so angry and unreasonable all the time, huh? Everyone says I needed a therapist, why don't YOU go see a therapist?" To which Omega laughs, of course, until Shadow says "I bet you wouldn't even last one second in a therapist's office."
So of course, E-123 "can't say no to any sort of challenge from the ultimate lifeform" Omega parks himself in the office of the specially-licensed GUN therapist the next morning.
And then the rest of the fic is from the baffled perspective of this poor therapist trying to figure out robot psychology. Both she and Omega are in agreement at first that therapy probably won't work on him since he's just a robot and that it'd be better for him to see a programmer-
-until the therapist starts to see some behaviors that look an awful lot like abandonment issues. And she has to convince both Omega himself and everyone else in her department that she's onto something and that talk therapy might actually increase his efficiency on the battlefield.
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