#anyways yeah she's grateful they weren't like *runs off* and she has to rescue them somehow...the amount of times that does happen...
shiningstages · 1 year
"Thank you for accompanying me, Alice", well, accompanying was probably the wrong word (bodyguarding might be closer to the truth), but the words and feeling is genuine, if not slightly apologetic. There's a small bouquet in their hands, carefully plucked and arranged to the best of their ability of wildflowers, and the reason for why they had asked for her help. Even if some of the monsters close to the village were peaceful, that couldn't be said for all of them (and Akira didn't want to accidentally anger any of them either). Now, all they hoped was that Shino would forgive them for their small argument. "I'll treat you to dinner as thanks—um, if you're fine with that, of course."
"It's no problem at all, Akira! I'm just glad you asked me to tag along; the woods can still be pretty dangerous, even among the safer areas." Not that Alice was...particularly hinting at anyone going off into dangerous territories on their own to do god-knows-what and then get surprised by some monster or fiend. Priscilla springs to mind when the ranger looks over the flowers Akira had picked, though. She was just glad that Akira the towny was such a responsible citizen that she didn't have to worry as much about...And yet their reasoning for their outing is of course on her mind. "Oh, you don't have to do that. Helping out a friend in need is enough for me." She starts with a smile, finally returning Akira's gaze again. "...I'm sure Shino will like these, though, and then you two making up will be more than enough payment too. But if you two need anymore help, don't hesitate to ask, okay?"
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humbughana · 3 years
warnings: boys that don’t know what no means, drinking, cursing. 
words: 1.8k
Lola has a run in with an ex.
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“Get away from me,”
“Oh c’mon lo, don't be like that.”
Lola was currently seated at a bar, sipping on her fourth- no maybe fifth, drink and was happily humming to the songs in the background waiting for her friends to return from the dance floor. Rafe was out with his own friends that night and she missed his presence. He always let her lean against him when her world started to tilt slightly and she seriously needed it right now as she twirled on the spiny bar stool. 
But the annoying voice she was trying to ignore was one of her ex-boyfriend leaning next to her, in her personal space.
“So now you don’t speak?” he smirked and leaned further into her side as Lola grimaced and also leaned away about to topple off the high stool, “go away, Logan.” Lola narrowed her eyes at him before going back to her drink mindlessly. The history between the two of them honestly didn’t get far, she had met him in her freshman year seminar class and she clung to the first friendly face. Moving away for college was never easy, especially when you didn’t know anyone. But anyways, she fell for him and when he found his footing, he found new girls to keep him company while they were still together and Lola experienced her first real heartbreak.
Okay, so maybe their history went a little farther than she let on.
Now being a junior and dating Rafe, she felt nothing but contempt for the boy next to her. Lola had a slight problem with never letting things go and this is one of those things, not that she missed him, but that she wondered why he did what he did all these years later. 
“You always had so much to say when we were together.” Lola gripped her glass harder in her hands as she chewed on the inside of her cheek. Reeling in her anger she turned to him and smiled, “Until you fucked half our class when we were ‘together’.” She made air quotes over the last word and he rolled his eyes, “You can’t still be mad about that, Lo.”
“You’re disgusting. And don’t call me that.” she spat at him. Logan stepped in closer now that she was facing him. Looking at him Lola could still feel the way he made her feel, the way he made her feel crazy and told her as much. How he had excuses for everything and she would cling onto every single one, waiting for him to come to her dorm at night only when he was in someone else's bed. 
“I’m sorry, Lola. Is that what you want me to say?” Logan placed a hand on her knee and she looked down at it before blinking up at him and shoving it off, “You’re two years too late.” Lola rolled her eyes, “I could never see you again and be fucking grateful.” She was determined to see him flinch but he only let out a laugh, “I don’t think you could ever forget about me, Lo.” he leaned a palm against her cheek before backing away and disappearing into a crowd. She let out a shaky breath before finishing her drink and ordering another. 
About an hour later she was sufficiently drunk and having a much better time, now mingling with strangers all over the bar with her friends when a hand wrapped around her waist and tugged her back. Lola looked over her shoulder to see Logan once again, with a drunken grin, “‘’ve been lookin’ for you” he slurred and leaned into her as she cringed away from his head.
Lola tugged at the arm around her, “get off me, Logan,” she tried to stay steady as he shook his head and desperately spoke frinatically, “I loved you! I miss you so much, lo.” He kept walking them further away from her friends and the crowd, finding a wall next to the door that was relatively secluded.
“I don’t care.” she yelled at him, “I don’t care how you feel! I want to get away from you!” She laughed at the hurt expression on his face, completely not stable enough for this conversation as she drug a hand through her hair.
“You don't mean that-”
“I hate you.” she stepped closer to him as she spoke with venom, “let go of me.” his hand was now only wrapped around her wrist and he shook his head, “But I can’t stop thinking about you.”
She tried to flinch away when his grip tightened painfully on her and she used her other hand to slam into his shoulder, “bitch,” he mumbled and grabbed her other arm painfully as her heart rate sped up not from the alcohol this time but fear. She hated the helpless feeling in her gut as his face morphed into rage.
“Hey!” They both looked over, Lola’s eyes wide with fear and unshed tears to see the bartender that was serving her all night followed by two bouncers, “Is there a problem here?” He looked towards her as Logan just laughed lightheartedly as if his fingers weren't leaving bruises on her arms, “Everything's fine.”
And she froze for once in her life, not being put in a situation like this ever put her at a loss. The ever so headstrong and confident Lola Brooks was nowhere to be found. 
“You need to leave.” The bartender was staring at her still as the two men behind him closed in. Logan sneered, “You can’t kick me out,” Lola yelped when he grabbed her waist this time, squeezing her side painfully as they pried him off of her, “Let go of me!” he yelled as Lola was finally safely removed from him and he was dragged out. 
“You okay?” the bartender was at her side as she nodded even though her hands were visibly shaking and she was on the verge of a complete breakdown, “I can walk you out if you have a ride?” he asked as a question and she shook her head and pulled out her phone. 
Finding his number was as easy as ever and she pressed the phone to her ear, “Hey baby,” his easy going drawl made her close her eyes.
“Rafe, where are you?” She asked straight to the point, praying he was sober and could come get her. 
“The house. Are you having fun with the girls?” He asked distractedly, Lola could tell as she looked at the ceiling in distress.
“Have you been drinking?” She asked quickly and he snorted, “I wish. I had to drag Max out of-”
Lola cut him off with a shaky voice, “Can you come pick me up?”
There was a pause, “Yeah. Yeah of course. I'll be there in five minutes. Are you okay?”
Lola bit down on her bottom lip, “I’m fine. See you in a little bit.” She hung up before he could respond out of fear she’d cry or something he had really never seen from her cold front. She had maybe cried once with him and it was over a movie so it didn’t really count.
“Someone coming to get you?” The guy asked and she nodded, “Yeah, he’s on the way. Thank you.” She nodded at him, thankful that he was watching her. He even led her back to the bar and snagged her a stool to sit on at the end closest to the walkway behind the bar as she waited, bouncing her leg anxiously.
The bartender slid her glass of water and then as a few minutes passed nodded behind her, “Is that one yours?” Lola looked over her shoulder to he Rafe pushing through the crowd taller than most people and a red had on his head that she loved making him stand out even more.
Lola nodded and finally he caught sight of her and smiled from afar and tried to get to where she was and pulling her towards him when he was in arms length, kissing her on the cheek, “Hey baby,” he grinned but then did a once over of his ‘center of the action’ partier girlfriend sitting in the corner with none of her friends in sight, “What’s going on?” he frowned as she grimaced slightly, “nothing, can I stay at your place tonight?”
“Yeah,” he nodded slowly but was frowning at her still and the bartender rolled his eyes as she narrowed her own at him. 
“Some asshole wouldn’t leave her alone,” Rafe turned towards the boy as he continued, “had to physically remove him from her and the bar,” Lola looked down feeling nervous and embarrassed as Rafe thanked the man quickly while paying her tab and placing a hand on her back as he guided her out of the bar. She faltered when she walked outside, half expecting Logan to still be here but Rafe just looked at her in concern, “C’mon, i’m just around the corner.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders in the cool night air and into his side.
The drive back was quiet and she grabbed the hand on her thigh, interlocking their fingers and squeezing him just thankful he was there; Rafe didn’t miss the gesture that was never like her. They got all the way up into his room before he asked her what happened.
Lola opened her mouth but had a harder time coming up with a real story to tell him, “I- my ex he grabbed me,” she stuttered, looking down at her raised hands and Rafe saw the red lines on her skin, “he wouldn’t listen,” she blinked rapidly as her lip wobbled and Rafe wasted no time in pulling her into him as she finally cried. 
Rafe just held her, sitting down on the edge of the bed and pulling on onto his lap as she tried to collect herself hidden in his neck. 
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, sniffling as she pulled back all red with wet cheeks, “I don’t know what's wrong with me,” 
Rafe lifted her hands up between them and traced the marks that would probably bruise as angry filled him, “Not a thing,” he pressed a kiss into each of her wrists and relished in her letting him finally comfort her for something. Lola smiled softly at him and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, “Thanks for the rescue.” 
Rafe rested his forehead on hers, “Anytime baby,” he paused for a second, “I’ll kill him the next time I see him.”
“You don’t even know who he is,” she couldn’t help but let out a little laugh at his words that were so like him as he huffed in disdain, “You’re ex?” Lola nodded with a frown. 
“We don’t have to talk about it tonight but we will eventually.” Rafe pressed a kiss to her own lips and Lola nodded, “I know.” she mumbled as he pulled back satisfied with her answer.
“Now let's go get ready for bed, baby. I missed you today.”
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