#anyways yall can ignore me im just feeling so many things about them rn :')
antiwhores · 2 years
Jealousy is Ugly - Bakugou x reader
Bakugou has a new partnership and the leader of the agency has a thing for him even though he’s been dating reader, his secretary, for several years. Will this secretary ever give up?!
⚠️ Not proof read, fighting, jealousy, blah blah blah
Hi bitches, I see your requests and just know I’m working on it but Im like hella depressed rn LOLL. Also I got lots of work and shit. Bare with me here. I am working on it.
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She makes you so fucking mad. The way she walks, the way she talks, the way she breaths, the way she flirts with your man. The way shes better at flirting with your man than you.
She was apart of another agency, almost 3 years older than you and Bakugou. Your agencies merged the heros for a promotion or reason on something you couldnt remember through your seething anger.
You were at first optimistic when she was chosen as a partner with you and Katsuki. As his assistant, you thought I’d be a good opportunity since shes supposidly very good at what she does. Too bad shes not good at taking a fucking hint.
Katsuki and you had been secretly dating for almost a year. You had liked each other long before but with the both of you being dense when it came to feelings, it took yall a while to figure it out.
Her shiny, bright hair falls into her palm as she gave your boyfriend puppydog eyes. Not a hair out of place on her head, fucking bitch.
She hummed methodically, rudely interrupted the meeting at hand. “Hmmm, you’re pretty impressive for someone so new. You have your own agency and your climbing the ranks so fast! I wasn’t good like that at your age at all.” Fucking cougar bitch, find some desperate guys your age to harrass.
Bakugou clicked his tongue at the comment, sending her a harsh glare. He ignored her though, he’s heard that compliment so many times but out of her mouth it sounded digusting.
She laughed, sickeningly sweet. Your eyes trailed her hand as it went up to caress his bicept. You wanted to tear every single one of those decorated, clean nails off her fingers. Bakugou quickly pushed her away, “Can you fuck off-“ You called your hands together, “Okay! Can we focus please?”
The evil, perfect bitch turns your way as if you were nothing but dirt to her. She looks you up and down slowly, mean girl attitude dripping off her like snake venom.
You return the look right back with a slight rise of your lip. It was a silent challenge, an invitation to take this outside if she wanted to. She giggled with such a condescending tone you almost gagged before sitting down in her chair once more with her arms crossed. Mhm, thats what I thought.
When you finally broke eye contact with her you were sucked into Bakugou’s eyes. He was staring at you with a questioning look. A ‘whats going on?’ translated easily through his eyes to you. You couldnt help yourseld from side eyeing him too. It probably wasn’t fair to be angry at him too but you couldn’t help but be mad. Maybe if he wasnt so used to getting hit on he’d actually be more firm instead of brushing them off.
He looked back at you with his eyebrows furrowed. ‘What?!?’ was an easy translation from his face.
You continued anyway, lightly tapping on your clipboard. “Well, the companies partnership has gained popularity online. It has also promoted more partnerships and brand beals within the community.”
The guy from the other agency, whom you forgot was here, revealed the line graph of benefits. He pushed up his glasses, “Yes, and whilst it brings in more money, it has lessoned crime in our selected area by 2%. Doesnt sound like a lot but for that much to go down in day in our city is certainly an achievement.”
You think the other guy told you to call him Yol. He was rather handsome and well spoken. You almost giggled, does everyone in their agency have to be pretty? This girl was crazy.
After he was done with his statistics and shit, it was your turn to go on about whats next for the program.
“As for the next step, we’ll temporarily paid heros in Mr. Dynamite’s agency and Ms. Mowqua’s agency. We’ll pair based on quirk compatibility, not on how well you know each other. Yet, we will except complaints and make changes if you do not feel comfortable with your partner in able to promote a safe enviornment.”
Everyone in the meeting nodded to themselves to take in the information. There were some heros but most of them were higher up staff. “Any questions?” You asked. A couple hands went up but they were all interrupted by the improper edicate of not waiting your goddamn turn.
Mowqua’s lips twisted into a seductive smirk. She hummed, “I have one!” You put on the most professional style you could muster as she spoke. “Can I be with Dynamite since we’re both the owners of the agencies?” Your boyfriend scoffed, “I don’t need a fucking partner and I don’t want one.” You wanted to tear your fucking hair out. He was your boyfriend and even you didn’t dick ride like this.
Your temporary partner, Yol, looked at you to discuss. “That would be ideal, the two owners of agencies working together as partners would bring in a lot of talk.” You shook your head at him lightly, “Wouldn’t work out.”
Just as you were about to elaborate Ms. Bitch clicked her tongue at you. “Why not?” She whined. “I’d love to work with such a strong and handsome hero!” You’re gonna be working with a bloody lip if you don’t shut the fuck- “Your quirks are not compatible enough to be put together. You have a quirk that installs moisture and water into the air, Mr. Dynamite perfers not to be around anyone that could slow down his heating process for explosions. Water could affect how he acts in the battle field.”
You had to hold back a satisfied smirk when she glared at you. “Well, I can put out any fires he causes with his explosions.” “Well then I’ll just assign you to be a firefighter instead if thats what you wanna do Ms. Mowqua. Would you like that?” The tone of just sarcasm and mockery that came out of you was surely unprofessional but entirely worth it.
Seeing Bakugou smirk at that made your heart jump. He rolled his eyes in a playful way. You send him a quick smile before turning around to answer the many questions around the room with Yol.
As you wrapped up your presentation you could feel two eyes burning into you with a glare that just seemed too ugly for her.
You ate lunch with Katsuki in the cafeteria on the 6th floor. It was almost always unoccupied so it where the both of you chilled out and discussed either work or just normal things at home.
You took a bite of the bento he had made you. “I had to stay up late to make those pairings. I paired you with some guy with a teleportation quirk.” He scoffed, “I don’t need a partner, ill be better without one.” You rolled your eyes, he was so stubborn. “Yeah, I believe you. But we need to to diverse our audience.”
You pull your bento away from him when he tries to grab half of it away with his chopsticks. “Ill give it to you for 1500 yen.” He gives you a fake offended look, “I made it! And its worth way more than that.”
“Heeeeeeeey!” The sickly sweet voice made you want to vomit all the food onto the floor. “Dynamite! What a coincidence. I was actually just looking for Ms. Y/n!-“ “L/n.” No way was she gonna call you by your first name like you were her friend. She bit back a glare, “Ah yes, sorry!”
She sat down across from you and Bakugou with her arm holding her chin. “I actually wanted to talk about my partner.” Oh my fucking god. “I just really want it to be Dynamite!” Bakugou and you share a side eye that almost makes you laugh.
“Everything’s already finalized-“ “I knoooow but can you just make an acception?” “No-“ “I wouldn’t wanna have to make a report about your behavier.”
You were taken aback for a moment, is she being forreal? “The fuck? Report her for what? Showing you that the world doesn’t revolve around you?” She must’ve thought he was joking cause she did her flirty laugh. Bakugou slid a hand on your thigh, you weren’t sure if it was to ground you or him.
“Make the complaint.” You challenged. “Do it.” A dramatic sigh rangs through her mouth. You steal some of Katsuki’s food while it happens. “Well, its your job not mine boo.” You laugh, “Okaaaay..?”
You decide to just ignore her at this point. Girls like her hate when someones unbothered by their actions. It seems that Katsuki had zoned out after the last thing he said too. You quietly offer Bakugou a napkin to which he uses to wipe off his face.
The tapping of her nails against the wood gets progressively louder the more the both of you brush her off.
“So are you free this weekend Dynamite?” “No.” “Well what’re you doing?” “Im gonna be with y/n.” “Youre gonna be working?” “Do you every shut the fuck up?”
“Hey l/n~!” “Mhm?” “Do you think I’d be a good marketing plan if me and Dynamite publicly dated?” “Nope, dont think so. The people like the mystery of it most the time.” “Ew, gross. I’d rather die.” “Youre so funny Bakugou!”
“Dont you think that lunch has too many carbs and fats l/n?” “Maybe.” “Are you not worried?” “Nope.” “But you’ll gain even more weight! You’ll look almost as hideous as that lunch.” “On god? Thats craaazy?” “I made that lunch.” “Oh.”
“Is that outfit really appropriate for work?” “Only for me.” “You should go shopping, you can’t go out in public like that while we’re working together.” “Shes not working with you, shes working with your assistant. She does not give a single shit about you. Shut the fuck up.” “Hehe you know I’m just kidding!”
“So do you have a boyfriend l/n.” “Yeah.” “Reeeaaally? Thats suprising, you aren’t lying to me are you?” “Nope.” “Cause you don’t seem like the type to be… loved.” “And you dont seem like the type to go farther than friends with benefits. We’re such twins.” “Heh.”
After the constant shut downs she starts to get frustrated. You can tell by the way her smooth forehead scrunches and her lips twist. You make it your mission to ignore her and it seems Bakugou’s already on the same page.
“So~” Mowqua twists her hair, “Dynamite, do-“ “Let me have some of that.” He points at your food as Mowqua’s mouth hangs open from the shock of being completely ignored.
“No. Its mine and you have your own.” “Well I want yours.” “No.” “I made it.” “Okay?-“ You flinched at the sound of fists meeting the table. You both looked up at her, you in astonishment and him in annoyance.
“What the hell?!” She yelled. Her perfect face was now scrunched up into an ugly look of jealousy. “Ive been trying to flirt with you for so long but you keep IGNORING me!” Her hair fell unkept as she stomped over to you. “And YOU!” She grabbed you by the collar and dragged you up to her face. “You are such a weird bitch for trying to get in the way of us! You’d never even have a fucking chance! You’re probably just a slut trying to sleep with him to get a raise!”
Before you could even think about it your palm connected to her face. The loud crack of your hand to her cheek bounced off the walls. And the next thing you knew her hair was balled up in your hand as she scratched at your abdomen.
Right as you landed another hit to her face you were pulled off of her by strong hands. Bakugou pulled you behind him with a hand securing your wrist to make sure you wouldn’t jump back out.
“You bitch!” She laughed, “You’re that jealous that you would fight me? Try not being so ugly and maybe you’ll have a chance with him!” You grabbed Bakugou’s hand and yanked it off of you. He grabbed you just as you were about to jump back at her.
“Im his girlfriend you dumbass bitch!” You yelled. She giggled through her gritted teeth, “Delusional whore!” Bakugou clicked his tongue, “Get the fuck out of my building. Our collab is done and if I see you here again I will put you behind fucking bars.” She winced at his harsh tone, “W-what?” “You fucking heard me! Take your shit and leave!”
She looked confused and betrayed for some unknown reason. “All for your secretary?!” “Thats my fucking girlfriend you dipshit! And if shes prettier than your ass will ever fucking be, you walking jump-scare!”
She stutters on her words for a little bit with a deep blush. You were finally satisfied when you took a good look at her. Her cheek was swollen red, the other flushed with embarrassment. Her perfect hair was now disheveled and matted from how you pulled her. Her usual calm expression was replaced by devastation. The only ugly one here was her.
Tears built up in her eyes as she turned around and ran out of the room.
After, Bakugou made you get checked out, even though you insisted that you were okay. Bakugou was true to his word and every single tie to her agency was cut. He reported her to the police and she was put on public news for attacking civilians.
You didn’t care too much about all this, you were too engrossed in Bakugou. You knew you had nothing to worry about anymore when it came to jealousy. He would always love you more than the next. And you the same.
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minquiec · 8 months
🎶 itsssss beeennnn 🎶 a hotttt minuuutteeee 🎶 sincccee iveeee went insane on here so let's just get into it yeah
Yall already know what it is
jia + the archer x not strong enough
When the trend first like got popular I was like eeehhhh that's not rlly jia
Haha lol
the archer:
'screaming who could ever leave me darling, but who could stay'
the spiderman curse
Or smth idk HAUSHA the canon events and everyone dyinnnggg
And also her own personal life like her parents didn't even stay soooo
And while jia isn't like uhhh how do I put it
She's not insecure yet she's also deeply insecure at a more ??? deeper level??? Idk how to say it
Like it's more like "I hate the way I have become because of things I cannot control and the way it makes me FFFFUUCCKING LONELLLYYYY"
but in a sadder way HAHSJS idk she copes by ignoring her problems (js like me fr)
So while at the same time she's like yeah I'm just a person I'm good with it 👍 she's also like what, could anyone possibly see in me to stay (side affects of distant parents!!!! Side note: THISNISNT TRAUMA DUMPING IM FINE)
'cause they see right through me'
They as in all the people she's known and don't know
That doesn't make sense gimme a
Like they as in the people of her city, people within the hq probably, people shes acquainted with, friends with, etc etc etc
They as in all people other jia herself sees right through her and fail to see just *her* per se
And it's probably her own fault tbh I mean she kinda like
Masks it so who's damn fault is that girl 🤷🤷 DAMN
But despite them never truly seeing the her that's incredibly lonely, she'd much rather prefer to keep it that way which then rolls onto the topiccc offffff
'can you see right through me'
okay this is kind of personal interpretation and changing the lyrical meaning to fit her lore BUT IDDDCCCCC IM RUNNING THIS SHOOOWWW LET ME BEEEEE
Y'all already know who this is directed at hirjejkejejkejekejejejjejejejks
Like the last one I said she'd much prefer to keep her self under wraps and ignore the problem
But obviously since I'm FUCKING delusional and SOOOO fucking CRIMGEE ofc he's an exception HHHHHRHBBBHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRB&-!-!
And because he's the only one who's ever really gotten underneath that layer
She was
Fucking confused by it
And because she's never addressed her issues properly, she's not used to this and so this line would almost be like
She's BEGGING him to just pllleaaase be like the rest
Please just see through her because this kind of thing has never happened before and she's SCCCCARREEDD to care too much and what if he leaves too and what if it's all for naught and what if what if what i
Girl we get it
But anyways the last line was
'I see right through me'
Would obviously be referring to her own denial to see herself by ignoring 🧚🧚 herrr fuckingnnnn problemmmsss and feeelinngggsss 🎶🎶 cause hey. Why be sad when u can be glad and very very silly
Anyways the next part
'always an angel never a god'
I feel so strongly abt this line rn
Obviously I'm on,
Jjk tok and so I kind of got the train of thought from there but
Always an angel never a god cause she can save as many lives as she tries but she can never save all the lives she cares about
Always an angel never a god cause despite being blessed with a power that gives her the parallel of an angel she can never save her world that will inevitably be destroyed by its own deity that granted her that power (since ig angels work under god/gods and so she'd be that angel working under the deity which would be the god and do you get what I mean)
yeah okay that's all and this is all just personal interpretation btw so it might not match up to its original meaning but HEY
im gonna go draw them hugging now or smth idk bye bye
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literally dropping in here to rant, so feel free to ignore!! omg girl, school is literally kicking my ass rn. its currently 1:20 am and i have my neuroscience final tmr at 4:30 and i've only gotten through reviewing two units bc theres just so much information. and when i was studying in the library earlier, there were so many people and everyone was talking SO LOUDLY! like please, its a library, do yall not have finals that you need to be studying for?? and that just stressed me out so much more, i was on the verge of tears. so then i went to this study thing w my friends, and one friend gets it bc shes also stressed out of her mind, but my other two friends arent really worried for their finals, so they were just kinda nonchalant about studying, which was kinda frustrating bc they kept asking me to go walk around with them. and im like queens, as much as i would love to, i literally cannot afford that right now. and then they were talking about what they were doing before my stressed friend and i were like hey can we leave we are so tired and need to go home, and they were like 'well yall couldve joined us' and atp i was getting pissed off bc we have had a long day and have done nothing but study and they didnt seem to get that. to me, the least they couldve done was be like fake sympathetic. anyway, i was like well actually we couldnt because some of us have hard classes that require a lot of review for finals. and they were like well, you still couldve taken a break. like girl i havent taken a break all day and im still nowhere near being done with studying. idk im just very frustrated and stressed out and needed to get this out before i actually blow up on them. hope you are doing well queen!! - from a very stressed, very tired, and starved 🏁 anon
omg hi babe. hope you’re looking after yourself!! remember, your brain needs food and water and sleep to function properly. that’s all part of preparing for an exam too!!
let me know how you think it went!! wishing you all the luck in the world. you’ll smash it <3
having friends who don’t have the same work ethic as you is really exhausting actually. I had the same situation when I was getting my degree, and it’s tough. it sometimes really does feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle, and sometimes like you’re the only one that actually cares to do well. you just have to get your head down and do what’s best for you. if that upsets people, so be it. it’s your future after all <3
you’re stressed and exhausted because you care so much about your education. and that is something to be very, very proud of. I promise you.
you know where I am if you need me. sending you all the luck and positive energy <3
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psychicbergara · 2 years
also when shane purposely misled ryan to think that the walkie was in the body chute instead of the 4th floor, ryan said it made him so angry that he couldn't even feel fear. i think it's sweet in a way that even though shane was pulling a prank, ryan still had some sense of security and comfort in his anger so that he could walk through waverly without feeling too scared. if that was shane's intent idk, but ryan did feel a little grateful for it and it makes me soooo soft
and when ryan pushed through and found the walkie, shane called him darling :')
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tobiosmilktea · 4 years
hiii can i request tsumu, kenma, oikawa, and kuroo where they’re in a secret relationship and the reader feels like they’re hiding her bc they’re ashamed of her ? like a hurt too comfort type of thing? thank u bb 🥺🥺
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secret relationships w/ atsumu, kenma, oikawa, and kuroo
a/n: i have so many angst requests,, yall must like getting hurt 💀 also this wasn’t as angsty as i thought it was gonna be since im going through writers block yet again and i can not handle pain rn (also not proofread, so read with caution lmao)
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— m. atsumu
it honestly surprised you at first, the way someone like miya atsumu returning your feelings the moment you told him you liked him near the start of the school year
there wasn’t that instant gratification though, knowing that one of inarizaki’s golden boys still felt out of your reach
despite being in a relationship with you, it wasn’t like anyone knew of it besides osamu and your closest friend
of course you didn’t really mind as you’ve always thought couples who were obnoxious with their relationships 24/7 and constantly making out in the hallways wasn’t your cup of tea either, so you get why atsumu wanted to keep it a secret
besides, with a guy so popular like him, you really just thought he was sparing you from the harassment (not that it would be bad if all the girls crushing on him new)
you get that he was just trying to protect you, and yet the more you thought of it, the more than it was simply just an assumption and you really didn’t know why your relationship was kept secret
it wasn’t like either of you would get backlash in any way, so what was the problem?
you weren’t exactly the type to be the most insecure either
sure, you were aware of the flaws you had, but it wasn’t something you were ashamed of as you learned to get used to it
yet it’s hard to fully love yourself when your boyfriend isn’t even comfortable with the fact that no one knows you two are even together
you hated jumping to conclusions, but you couldn’t help but to think the worst case scenario—was he ashamed of being with you?
you honestly thought the idea was impossible
if he was seriously ashamed of the thought of being with you in public, why would he even waste all those months dating? were all those dates and nights sneaking out to see each other for nothing?
it was like this for weeks with the way your own thoughts sabotaged you as you stood next to him during lunch
in moments like this in school, surrounded by your classmates and acquaintances, you and atsumu were only friends who sat next to each other occasionally and shared conversations that only friends would have
only friends
god, you hated the way that atsumu wouldn’t even look at you the way that he would when you two are alone
was he that embarrassed to be with you?
you didn’t want six months of all your hard work and effort of making time to be with him for nothing,, you had to do something about it
everyday, you, atsumu, and osamu would walk to school together with osamu typically walking ahead of you and your boyfriend
most couples would hold hands as they walked together, but atsumu had made it explicitly clear as the closer they get to school the farther they had to be from each other to avoid suspicions
thinking of it now, it sounded wrong to begin with and you had no idea why you even agreed to do such a thing
the school was close, maybe a block away and instead of slowing down your pace to create a gap between you and atsumu, you stubbornly stayed next to him to which he flickered you a weird look
he shrugged it off but the moment you two passed the gates and into campus, you slipped your hand into his
without missing a single beat atsumu immediately pulled his hand away from you with a look on his face that held all the questions running through his head at that very moment
“what are you doing?” he asks, almost in a harsh whisper
a frown melted upon your expression at how quickly he pulled away, almost as if he was disgusted by you. “i um, didn’t know you hated the thought of people seeing us together so badly.”
you didn’t know where all your strength went as it disappeared the moment you needed it the most
yet as you were about to walk away, atsumu tugs at your wrist lightly and pulls you into his embrace—his warmth and comforting scent of chamomile from  saved you from the embarrassment that was tainting your cheeks red
“no, no it’s not that,” he mutters, lips tickling your forehead. “i just wanted to keep you to myself a bit longer.”
— k. kenma
you honestly weren’t surprised at the fact that kenma wanted this relationship to be kept secret
he never seemed like the type to be in a relationship let alone get the attention of being in one in the first place, yet it irked you to the core
it was fine at first; acting like you two were just friends while at school or at volleyball practice and it wasn’t at all weird or out of the ordinary
maybe that’s why you were okay with it in the first few months of your relationship with kenma as you were always near him the majority of the time
yet you constantly had to fight the urge to not be so touchy with him from wanting to hold his hand to leaning your head onto his shoulder—you often had to stop yourself especially in front of your friends and his teammates
you were good at keep secrets, but it was absolute hell not being able to even tell kuroo considering you always hung out with him too (it was a given obviously but you digress)
kuroo is a bit curious in his closest friend’s antics so his constant teases of how you and kenma would be such a cute couple annoyed you to your core
he laughs as if you and kenma being together would be absolutely impossible and wouldn’t happen in a million years, and yet here you two were, pretending to laugh at his jokes and agreeing and it would be, in fact, impossible
as mentioned before, you’re more annoyed at keeping your relationship secret rather than angry
your actions were more abrupt and cold rather than your usual warm self and kenma definitely noticed
despite his usual calm and collected expression that he has on a daily basis, it covered up his own emotions of blatant insecurity and worry that you were losing your feelings and losing them quick
the last thing kenma wanted was for everything that happened between the two of you to be wasted over his own fear of being judged for being with you
you were his first in everything and he certainly wasn’t going to let you become his first heartbreak either
he worried about this for a few days, overthinking while he played video games with kuroo, lev, and yaku that they noticed how quiet he was being over the call
it was then did he impulsively asked kuroo to go on a separate voice channel with him just so he could blurt out, “i’m dating (y/n).”
and to his surprise, all his best friend said was: “yeah, i know. (y/n) told me.”
“what? why?” kenma asked with confusion evident on his visage
“she had no one else to go to vent.” kuroo answers, his amused laugh echoing through kenma’s headphones. “don’t worry, i won’t tell anyone.”
“thanks, but... i think (y/n)’s angry at me and i don’t know what to do.”
“she told me that she was getting tired of keeping your relationship a secret. she asked me if you felt embarrassed or even ashamed of being with her.” he explained.
confusion and a bit of worry washed over kenma as his words suddenly faltered, “i could never be ashamed of being with her,”
“then i guess, you should tell her that.”
“what should i do?”
his best friend lets on a smirk (not that kenma could even see it, anyway), “i’m so glad you asked.”
you weren’t exactly sure what you expecting to be honest
you knew there was something going on between kenma and kuroo as if they were planning something intricate, but you weren’t bothered to even ask
perhaps you were still in that petty mindset of giving kenma the cold shoulder after having to keep your relationship on hold all the time that stopped your curiosity
sure, it was a bit childish, but you were planning on talking about it with kenma the moment he came back into the classroom after going off somewhere with kuroo
which by the way, where the hell were they? lunch was ending soon and you needed to talk to you boyfriend asap
the timing was almost perfect the way the thought of him entered your mind was at the same time as his familiar blonde hair walked back into the classroom with a melon bun and a canned drink in his hand from the vending machine—your favorites
“i noticed you didn’t eat lunch, so i bought you this.” he says, placing them down onto your desk.
“is this supposed to be your way of apologizing to me or something?” you mused at him.
there was a faint smile on kenma’s face when you did. this was your usual self, one that constantly smiled at him rather than deadpanned and cold. “no,” he simple put it. taking in a breath of confidence before pressing his lips on the corner of yours. “but i was hoping that would.”
with wide eyes, your eyes scanned the room to see if anyone noticed, afraid at the fact that you broke the first rule. despite being a blushing mess from a minuscule peck on your cheek, there was an inkling of confusion still evident within you, “why did you do that?”
“kuroo told me everything.”
“i knew that guy couldn’t keep a secret,” you mutter as you tried to ignore that infamous feeling of butterflies in the pit of your stomach. “i don’t think people saw, so they won’t think we’re together—”
“what if i wanted people to know we’re together?” ded asf
— o. tooru
you honestly should’ve known oikawa was going to keep this relationship between the two of you a secret since the moment he confessed his feelings to you
what else could you have expected from aoba johsai’s most popular boy wonder with an actual fanclub full of naive girls
perhaps you’ve become naive yourself considering you dealt with months of having your relationship constantly being swept under the rug, psyching yourself out that he was doing this for your sake
and you understood that
it was the reason why you even agreed to keep your relationship on the downlow considering how annoyingly notorious oikawa’s fangirls were, they wouldn’t have let you see the light of day if they were to find out
if you were in fact being honest, there was a period in time near the beginning of the relationship how cautious you were being—barely talking to oikawa unless it had to do with school, avoiding his gazes during class, and even swallowing your pride by just watching his fangirls flirt with him and there was nothing you could do about it
you honestly had to give yourself a pat on the bat for dealing with six months of this treatment
you figured it wouldn’t be that bad, especially after schools where you and oikawa could finally have alone time to yourselves, but even those times alone with him there was a lingering feeling of tension and unease
the thought of someone from school even finding out of you two being  together even affected your relationship outside of school hours
you were tired of waiting outside the school gates for hours just for him to come out of volleyball practice and apologize that he couldn’t walk you home yet again
you figured that oikawa had grown far to used to seeing you waiting for him all the time that it was practically common sense that he was going to reject you again and again
you had to stop waiting for him at some point, but there was an inkling inside that for once, just for once, he would look at you with a smile so sweet that he would finally go with you
but not once has it happened
was he really that afraid of people finding out of his relationship with you that he’s willing to disregard all your hard work to even make this thing (whatever is was) to even happen?
if you were truly being honest with yourself, the only reason why this relationship is still up and active for this long is all because of you
you’re the one always asking him when he’s available during the weekends so you two could finally see each other, you’re the one always texting him first, you’re the one always being the most understanding of the situation
and yet it’s almost like oikawa isn’t even batting an eye at how difficult it has been for you
you absolutely hated jumping to conclusions and thinking of the worst case scenario and yet here you were, suddenly drowning at the possibility that the only reason why oikawa wanted a secret relationship was because he was ashamed to be with you
it was a thought that kept you up at night, tainting your optimistic thoughts of hope that this relationship would actually work out to decimate into thin air
the more is simmered in your head, the worse it became—what if his feelings that he confessed to you was a lie?
you hated overthinking
but if you really thought about it, even before you and oikawa dated, neither of you two were close. just two acquaintances in the same class that occasionally shared answers with each other just by the convenience of sitting nearby
you even went as far as believing that him dating you was just a joke, that this whole goddamn relationship was just some mindless prank just because he was bored
six months of wasted time. you were over it
the next day at school, you didn’t even look at him, you didn’t smile or even acknowledge the way he said good morning to you (as a friend does)
you figured he’s probably too dense to even notice, but he did. the usual glow you had each morning when you said good morning back to him was gone
he already missed the way your gazes would meet and how he would constantly find himself lost in your irises, but now you couldn’t even look at him in the eye
the only person who’s aware that you and oikawa were dating was iwaizumi. it was a given as who else would oikawa ramble on and on and on about how pretty you looked or how smart you are if it wasn’t his best friend?
if anything, iwa was the only guy oikawa could complain about how you were ignoring him
“maybe she’s bored of you for once,” iwaizumi cuts straight to the point. there was really no point in beating around the bush
offense was written all over oikawa’s face, utterly surprised, “how could she?”
“you can’t keep your relationship with her a secret forever, you know.” his best friend goes on to explain, “with the way things are going with you two acting like you’re nothing but acquaintances, (y/n)’s bound to lose her feelings.”
“but i don’t want her to lose feelings for me! and it’s not like i can suddenly tell all my fangirls that i’m dating someone, they’ll freak!” whines oikawa.
“why do you care about your fangirls’ feelings more than your own girlfriend? seems to me, it doesn’t even look like you care about (y/n) at all the way she’s constantly waiting for you after practice only to be rejected.”
it’s obvious iwaizumi wasn’t here to sugarcoat
“i just don’t want them to harass (y/n)...” oikawa reasons, trying to ignore the way his heart drop at iwa’s words like a gripping poison
“then that’s your job to tell those girls to back off.” he suggests, “they literally treat you like a god, surely they’ll listen if you tell them to leave her alone.”
the following day, you came across oikawa waiting outside your door, dressed in his uniform with his gaze lingering about to occupying his attention
“what are you doing here?” you ask him as you close your front door behind you. he’s probably here to break up with you, you thought to yourself
you had to force yourself to ignore the way your heart dropped at your own self-destructive thoughts
taking a deep breath as you approached him, you readied yourself for harsh news to come your way
but it never did
instead, you were greeted by oikawa’s infamous smile that made everyone at school to fall in love with this guy (including you)
he takes your hand into his, intertwining his calloused fingers that dwarfed yours in size. you don’t remember the last time you held oikawa’s hand, but it felt so familiar and warm
it was like home
you couldn’t help but feeling the ends of your lips tugging into a smile as you looked up at him, “what if someone at school sees us?”
you were expecting some kind of excuse, but all he did was shrug. “who cares?”
— k. tetsurou
when you and kuroo started going out, you certainly wasn’t expecting it to be like this
if anything, ‘going out’ would be a stretch if you count late night dates and sneaking out at midnight just to see each other as dating
it certainly wasn’t your usual definition of dating either as you yearned greatly to be able to do normal couple things with your boyfriend—like actually going out on dates during the day, eating lunch together, hell, even just holding hands!
it almost seemed laughable how normal things done in relationships were something you never even experienced with kuroo even after a few months of being together all due to him wanting to keep the relationship a secret
and if you were truly being honest with yourself, you never really understood why he wanted to keep it on the downlow in the first place
you never really questioned it as you just that much of an understanding person, but at a certain point it just wasn’t adding up
it wasn’t like he had girls going after him 24/7 despite being at the top of his class, popular, and nekoma’s volleyball captain
it wasn’t like oikawa who had an actual problem with hoards of girls surrounding him and tracking his ever move, so what was the big deal of letting your relationship public?
it was then did it hit you
the suddenly downpour of insecurity within your own loving boyfriend that you trust so much was getting the best of you
“what if he’s embarrassed to even be with me?” you contemplated in a harsh whisper to your best friend
it was in the middle of lunch and you two were sitting alone on a bench in the school’s courtyard chatting while eating—well, more like overthinking in your case while you friend just sat there and nodded
“if he actually felt that way, then he would’ve broken up with you already.” your friend stated in between bites, “besides, if i didn’t have feelings for someone, i wouldn’t put in the effort to sneak out just to see them.”
you hummed, not sure what to say as she did have a point
but could you really blame yourself for wanting an actual relationship rather than one that’s forced to go unnoticed?
“i should talk to kuroo about it...” you sigh out.
“talk to me about what?” an oh-so-familiar voice calls out to you and your friend
kuroo’s figure approaches the two of you as he give you a curt smile with hidden meanings that you weren’t able to even notice. you were too caught up in your own meddling thoughts that you also didn’t notice the way kuroo frowned slightly at the way you avoided eye contact with him
“nothing,” was all you said before standing up and throwing your trash away. “lunch is almost over so we should all get to class.” was all you said before briskly walking away
kuroo’s brows furrow in confusion as he looks over to your friend, “what’s up with (y/n)?”
“she thinks you’re too embarrassed to be with her, that’s why you hide your relationship.” she cuts straight to the point (homegirl just wants to eat her lunch in peace ffs)
“what?” your boyfriend huffs out in shock, almost offended at the fact that you out of all people would believe such a thing. “why does she think that?”
your friends shrugs, “not sure. that’s something you should be asking her, but if it were me, i would want a normal relationship as well.”
kuroo doesn’t say another word before walking away. and yet his walk quickened so he could catch up to you before you could get to class, footsteps echoing through the hallway in patters as he sees your familiar figure near your classroom 
“(y/n)!” he calls out to you as you slide the classroom’s door open. it was sure to catch the attention of the rest of the students already in the classroom as you turn towards him, brows furrowed in the same confusion
as he neared you, there was almost no sign in him stopping, sending your heart beating in a frenzy as you parted your lips to tell him to slow down
but before a single syllable could even fall from your lips, your boyfriend’s own pair press against yours harshly. it was sweet like caramel and you swore everything moved in a slow motion when you suddenly realized where you two were
he stole your breath away when he pulled apart from you, eyes immediately scanning the room of his own classmates staring at him in awe
“since when were you two dating?” matsukawa asked rather loudly, it seemed that others were interested in knowing as well.
panic suddenly coursed through you as you gave kuroo a look, gravely ignoring the way yoru heart was thumping against your chest and the dozens of unanswered questions running through your head
“w-we’re not actually dati—”
“we’ve been together for a few months actually.” kuroo cuts you off, sending you a wink before entering the classroom
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delicrieux · 4 years
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extra meaning non-canonical occurrence; can be placed anywhere in the “make you say oh” timeline after couple (cha. 14) and before the final “oh”. 
pairing—corpse husband x f!reader warnings—tinder profiles, tw: men, swearing.  word count—2.6k. format— written. ─── ❥ req by nonnie​:  y/n makes a youtube vid/live stream where she's just swiping through her tinder acc and corpse literally blocks her lmao
author’s note—akldsljfs this was such a funny idea i could not not write it lmao
ultimate masterlist. myso masterlist
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You have pulled the biggest brain move by setting up both a facecam and a screen recorder on your phone. All is beautifully displayed and visible during the stream. Your fanbase is particularly intrigued on what exactly are you planning on doing today, seeing as your tweet of “strea” had been a bit vague, if not downright ominous. No emojis. No elaboration. You couldn’t even be bothered to finish the word. Truly, a mystery. Everyone tuned in and are currently waiting with bated breath.
A few of your fans must sense upcoming doom because the overall mood in the chat turns from optimistically intrigued to...evil. It’s an entity all on it’s own now, clawing at you through the screen with various renditions of laughter and devil emojis. A few eggplants thrown in there for good measure, accompanied, naturally, by the scandalous water drops. At first the common consensus is that you’re biting the bullet and going through your camera roll on stream. Definitely an idea worth considering, though you frankly don’t know what lies at the start of the 11k photograph journey, and you are afraid to check in public. Could be a harmless meme, could be a salacious pic you had saved of an OF star. It’s really a gamble. Either way, you would definitely get banned. You might still get banned. Why do you insist on doing shit like this?
Because it’s funny. Because you’re kinda stupid. Because it’s just so absolutely laughably easy to do.
A smile quirks your lips, and while it is not explicitly smug, the look in your eyes sure is, “Greetings,” You utter lowly, dimming the lights--the budget for this stream! Ugh, you went all out, “my children.”
mother i crave violence
sensing evil energy rn!!
i do not claim the energy in this video for myself or anyone else watching this 💖💖
^with peace and love shut the fuck up
“I know y’all lowkey hoes-” Upon your words the chat splits into two: one side eagerly agrees (even shares a few OF accounts! How helpful, supporting small businesses!), whilst the other feverishly insists on innocence. You make a face stuck somewhere between offended and bewildered, “Now c'mon now-I know you. I know you all. We’re the same, don’t-what was that?”
You try to scroll back to the comment but it’s loss in the sea of incoming messages, “I swear to God I just saw-”
Corpse_Husband: i love late night streams it’s not like i have anything better to do.
rip headphone users
i cant feel my face when im with you by the weeknd but instead of face its my fucking ears
yall think full vol on pc is better?my parents woke up 😭😭😭😭
To think he’s spending his last waking moments for today with watching you (he probably still would have anyway, because you do not posses an ounce of shame or self-control and pester him relentlessly)! It makes your heart sing, and suddenly, a traitorous, fun hating idea barges it’s way through the crowd of incoherent buzzing and states: don’t do this. For some reason it also has the voice of Rae. As if that would work in guilt-tripping you- Rae never succeed, and her fictitious rendition in mind won’t fare much better either.
Still, you thought about it. That must count for something. Corpse will understand, won’t he? Why don’t you want to upset it in the first place? Men look so funny when they lose their shit, like hello, don’t you have anything better to do? But the image of Corpse just sitting there, hurt, distraught, leaving you on seen because he’s in his sad boy hours leaves a sour taste in your mouth. 
queen rly went from  🥺😊 to 😕 u ok bbgirl?
Corpse_Husband: no pouts cutie
akjdjoeijdfse cUTIE??? deadass boutta r.i.p.
Well that succeeded in eliminating everything from mind, doubts included. If this was an anime, the scenery would shift into something roseate, with flowers and bubbles and sparkles all around you along with a halo or two. Alas, not an anime, rather reality. The led-lights, however, seemingly possessing a will of their own, slowly turn from deep violet to pink. You smile brightly, like the absolute dumbass you are, and you are met with a ray of heart and blushing emojis. You are just so cute, a real cutie! Still in your disguise adorable state, you swipe your finger on your phone screen, the grin never leaving your lips.
There, among the plethora of apps, nestled sits a red square with a white fire plastered on it. The delicate calligraphy on the bottom reads: TINDER.
The mood changes once again- you’re giving the roaches emotional instability by how quickly everything flips over- and the chat spams eggplants vigorously; some, of course, bravely fight against the thirst.
nooooooo i thought y/n is gonna stream in a god honoring way!!!
^pack it up girl defined
“So, Charlie and I-” You note a few awfully curious comments and squint, “-yes, we talk a lot. Charlie is a really good friend of mine. We’re best friends. Brothers. Sisters. Cousins. The whole fucking family tree-no, that sounds weird. Delete. Anyway, Charlie, being the absolute fucker he is, said, hey, you know what would be funny? And I was like, nooo, what would be funny, Charlie? And he says to me, he says, says, making fun of men on Tinder. And if y’all need any more proof that Charlie and I are platonic soulmates, then dunno, my children, my roaches, I dunno-I dunno what more to give you.”
You can’t be bothered reading the comments, there’s too damn many. You also need to save your reading comprehension for the actual bios. It has a time limit, that darn thing. 
“Okay, so I made a profile earlier, but I hadn’t swiped on anyone yet-” Despite the fact, Tinder helpfully informs you that already 99+ people have swiped right on you, “So, this is me,” You show the pictures you have of yourself, and damn, not to be a conceited narcissist, but you look really good. Like if you saw yourself on Tinder, you’d super like instantly. “Uhm, so, my bio-my bio says: let’s sauce in the tub together, ya dig? splishy splashy, giggle giggle.” 
i cant believe we are witnessing y/n trying to form a coherent sentence live 
shes trying give her time
ya dig??? y not capeesh
what scene from the godfather is this lol?
“My anthem, is,” You laugh, covering your lips with your hand, “Corpsie, this is form you-” Proudly, you show that indeed, Corpse’s E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY FUCKING LIFE is listed as your anthem on Spotify, “Hehe.” Yes, you say that aloud.
Corpse_Husband: you’re killing me Corpse_Husband: thanks baby Corpse_Husband: now delete tinder ❤︎
You ignore his last quip, deciding it’s finally time to get this show on the road, “Right, let’s do this shit. I’m not actually going to swipe on any guys that look, uh, decent? Yuck, can’t believe I just said that, uhm, because I-because I feel like some actually deserve a chance with someone? I don’t wanna get anyone’s hopes up, as I am currently in a long distance relationship with Chrollo. So I’m just gonna swipe on, like, frat boy assholes. Because I don’t care if I hurt their feelings. Quite frankly I don’t think they possess them in the first place.”
The chat voices their agreements. With the ground rules set, you, giddy, click on the first profile.
Does Tinder know what you’re doing, your plan? The FBI agent watching you through your phone must be working overtime, bless his heart. They must, because the the first guy to meet you is named Jason, and there he is, blond hair and blue eyes, holding up a fish the size of his torso. Marginally adequate in looks, pretty good muscles. A solid 7 bordering on 8. He’s the same age as you, 15 miles away, and he studies at some college you don’t care enough to look up. Bio reads:
I like to drive fast. Fishing is my passion, but if you can’t catch me by the ocean, you’ll catch me catching waves, bro! Love a good gym date. You do squats, and I’ll keep a close eye to make sure you’re doing it correctly ;) You probably saw me at a party. Leader of the The Phi Kappa Psi. I’m a Gemini, if that matters lol.
You, of course, read it aloud, dramatically; provide some constructive criticism-he seems nice, but he’s a Gemini, so naturally, you can’t trust him at all! Also, that gym date session leaves little to be desired. With your rant done, you swipe right, and shocker! (not), it’s an instant match.
“Okie, I still wanna swipe of some profiles, so I’ll see what he’ll text later-” For a second you wonder the legalities of this stream, but you’re having too much fun to think of it further, “guys, I won't get sued, right?”
NOW she considers it
if you do, we’ll kickstart your lawyer dw <3
Onto the next profile. Kevin, 25, is seen fixing his car- or, you assume he’s mid-fixing it, you don’t really know why else he’d hold a wrench and be covered in oil. He’s shirtless, and the caveman part of your brain echoes something closely resembling AWOOOGA!, but...but!...blonde hair, blue eyes. You pout again, “I don’t...I don’t really like blond boys, ya know? With the blue eyes and all, it’s just not my thing, uhm, unless it’s like-like...Armin from Attack on Titan. Else I don’t care.”
Onto the bio:
You have to treat a car like you treat a woman: go on long rides, take the lead, but most importantly, keep her oiled up 😜 
“What the fuck did I just read?”
The chat is equally confused. You swipe right anyway- another match. Too easy.
The stream continues without incident for a solid thirty minutes- all of your matches, expect a few that genuinely looked like normal dudes that really couldn’t write a decent bio to save their lives, had been blond hair blue eyed gym rats with ranging forms of misogyny. Some opened with asking for nudes out right, some asked about your day first before asking for nudes. You prefer the former. Straight to the point! You admire the gall. 
But then, down the forty-five minute mark a profile popped up that made you still by your phone, your smile dying as your eyes bulged. Dear God. Lord in heaven. Who is this demonspiit lookalike and why is he so fucking hot? The neck tats, the skateboard, the clothes- holy shit, you gotta close your mouth before some drool dribbles out.
No bio, just his name, Tyler, and that he’s 23.
“He boutta be 23 in me.” You mutter, swiping right with lightning speed.
tyler is y/ns karma for relentlessly mocking that one guy that had a whole ass list on what his “female” partner should be
^he deserved it and also tyler seems like a typical fuckboi y/n grow a braincell
look at mom 🥺 her eyes are sparkling
It wasn’t a match right away. You somehow expected as much, but it still upset you. Simp behavior, pathetic. The stream continued bravely, and when Tyler messaged you a simple “yo” you totally didn’t sequel. You didn’t manage to text him back on stream: texting all those guys that you didn’t really find all that attractive was easy, but this...You’re a sucker for a man who radiates red flag energy. His whole profile is a red flag. He might just be a red flag himself.
What can you do? Suddenly becoming color blind is not easy. Once the stream ends, you unmatch with everyone expect Tyler. He you chat with for a bit, but a sudden craving for different company makes you abandon him, too. You don’t feel too heartbroken for him- you’re certain there’s already too many girls in his dms. You wish them luck.
Happily, you delete Tinder. You go to Twitter, notice you’re trending again- look at you go! Queen shit- and as you compose a thank you tweet, something strange happens. You go to text Corpse, but when you click on his profile you grow cold.
YOU’RE BLOCKED. You can’t follow or see @/Corpse_Husband ‘s Tweets. 
...Pardon? You hop onto Instragram and-also blocked. Seriously? And you thought you’re one petty bitch. Corpse is seriously prissy about everything. Damn, if he didn’t like your stream, he could’ve just said so. Didn’t need to, like, block you from his internet existence. So not cool.
You try texting him but no text go through. Well how will you let him know you deleted Tinder just like he asked? You relieve your frustrations by punching your pillow a few times. Later, you apologize to her, you didn’t mean to hurt her, it’s not her, it’s you. Fuck, 5 minutes of exile and you’re already loosing your mind.
“Raeeeeeeeeeeee!” You whine loudly. It’s roughly 2am now, but you don’t care. You’re too heartbroken to care. There’s a thump from her room, but nothing else, “Raeeeeeeeee!!!” You wail, wallowing in self-pity on your bed. You hear a very loud, very annoyed sigh from her room, followed by angry marching. Your door is abruptly thrown open, and in the dim, colorful light you see her scowl.
“What?” She grits.
“Can you please tell Corpse to unblock me from everything?”
“What did you do now?”
“I made fun of men on Tinder.”
She pauses, “...That doesn’t sound so bad.” She surmises, voice laced with suspicion, “What else?”
“...There was one really hot guy that I kinda sorta talked to after--”
“-But I totally deleted Tinder and honestly he was pretty boring, so, like, uhm, please?”
She sighs, the servery of which implies she is holding the weight of the world on her shoulders, and instantly you know that you won. She taps away at her phone, “You owe me one.” She states, and before you can reply, she exits your room and slams the door behind her.
Grinning, you text his phone again. The message goes through, oh gosh, you’re so relieved you feel like crying. This has been, officially, the worst five minutes of your life.
You Y DID U BLOCK ME LOSER!!! MAJOR LOSER ALERT!! I DELETED EVERYTHING IT WAS A JOKE r u still mad at me? y u always mad at me i never do anything:(
my husband You’re my baby, how do you think I’ll react when I see you publicly simping for some asshole on Tinder?
Oh no, he used the words, he delivered the killing blow. You’re finished. Your heart can’t take such a workout. 
Not that you would ever admit it to him, though!
You hehe ur jellyyyy u always dis jealous hehe?
my husband Not jealous.
Yeah, you might not be the brightest tool in the shed, but even you know that’s a lie. You send him an array of kissy emojis that he doesn’t have the decency to reply to. Then, completely unprompted and dead serious, you send him a simple voice memo, saying: “You really have nothing to worry about, you know? You’re my favorite, Corpsie.”
He responds via text, reiterating that he’s not fucking jealous and that he just doesn’t like when you show such outward interest in anyone but it’s not like he cares or anything. It’s just really, like, weeeeird to see his baby simping for another man like that totally ruins the whole dynamic!!! It was only natural that he should block you on every social media platform, including his personal number (which, like, was completely necessary! Doesn’t matter that his viewers can’t see it, it’s gotta be super believable!), and inform his followers of that, because it’s all a joke, like, for the dynamic, that Youtube grind, you know? Ya dig? No personal feelings were involved at all. He totally wasn’t upset that you found someone else cute, no way!
my husband I’m not jealous. Lol.
You ik u repeated tht like 50 times  u trynna convince me or??? lmao
my husband No comment. ...You don’t actually talk to anyone else like we’re talking, right?
You no one else calls me their baby if thts wat ur wondering at least not to my knowledge lol im all urs
my husband That makes me very happy to hear:)
Yeah, it makes you very happy, too.
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hope you liked it!! xx
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smol-grey-tea · 3 years
I was gonna write the romo attraction thing today but honestly i dont feel like doing it bc im just rlly upset about smth that im sure a lot of ppl can relate to
So my irl friend groups are very... well they dont know much about these kinds of things, i had to be a walking encyclopaedia for them about my identities like nb stuff bc they didn't bother to just... look it up.
When i told them i was trans they would say "omg are you actually trans?? I have a trans best friend!!" Yikes
Instead they would ask me to explain it. Which is fine, i kinda hate having to explain for the 5th time that no, using the correct terms and pronouns is not a fucking burden, and that yes, dysphoria is awful and wont just magically go away.
and when i tell them to yk, not use pronouns for me and just use my name instead, not 1 person did that. They just... misgendered me and used she/her when i explicitly told them that it makes me dysphoric. I then told them to use coo/coos/cooself instead bc i quite like it, but they still didnt use it.
Then i gave up and told them to use they/them since it doesnt make me dysphoric even tho i lowkey hate it. They still misgender me but said "they'll try to get used to it". Its not that hard guys what the actual fuck???
Anyway, i was actually going to talk about aspec stuff. So i only told one of them that i was demiromantic demisexual, and they said "wtf is that" which yk is not a nice way to react to someone coming out, but i have thick skin so i just explained it bc again they couldnt bother to search it, and they said "ok ig" and changed the subject when i wanted to explain my attraction???? I've never had anyone that i could talk to about my complicated feelings with being aspec and just when i thought i could i was shut down.
I thought it was over and done with, until they started to... ignore my fucking identity??? Which i would say is way more important and personal to me than my bisexuality??? They never did any of that bs with my bisexuality probably bc they were pansexual themself, but jfc is it that hard to not make jokes about me being horny or having a crush or joking about setting me up on blind dates??? It legit made me so uncomfortable and i have no idea what to say.
Bc remember, they didnt exactly respect my pronouns and kept using gendered terms to refer to me even more after i came out??? I swear it feels like its on purpose every time they called me a girl but whatever
Istg they forgot that im demi bc they keep making these jokes and ignoring that i dont feel sexual or romantic attraction like that and keep acting as if i want to date ppl or fuck them when i say they look pretty??? I spent way too fucking long mistaking my aesthetic attraction for sexual for ppl to once again reinforce this idea and im done with it. Please for the love of god stop it.
I said i liked wilbur and thought he was rlly cute and they then proceeded to, you guessed it, act like im in love with him or that i want to fuck him. First of all, hes a real person on the internet that i do not know, 2nd of all, fucking eww, and 3rd of all, hes a whole ass adult and we r both in high school. Yikes again.
Ofc i didnt tell them these things and just said that i dont like him that way and just thought he was pretty and nothing else. They completely ignored this and thought i was just embarrassed or smth or that i was in denial. Yikes again again.
So yeah. The only lesson i learned is to never come out as aspec to anyone irl ever again. Tbh i kinda want to tell them that im not bi and that i dont feel any kind of attraction. It would be a lie but christ i wish they would stop. They can validate my bisexuality but not my nb or aspec identities? I knew that queer sexualities were more normalized now which is awesome but why cant they do that for trans ppl or aspecs? Why does it have to stop there?
Sorry for venting like this but i thought this might be relatable for yall. Ive never had the experience of feeling "broken" bc of any of my identities, im very confident in them. I just wish other ppl other than my online friends would feel the same.
Also sorry for delaying the romo attraction thingy i just rlly dont feel like it rn. Idk when i will write it but hopefully if i feel better i will finish it today
There's no pressure to write it up dude it's cool :) whenever you're ready ❤
And those ppl do not sound like good friends- idk exactly how old you are but ik I'm older, and I can tell you for certain that you will find better friends one day. It's guaranteed :) they don't deserve your friendship and I am glad to validate and help you in any way you need ❤❤
Yee I've never felt broken either! I think an element of that is that I thought I was allo for a very long time? But on the other hand I was bullied in my childhood for not having attraction so idk why that hasn't manifested into a phobia of romance but eh I'm better off this way whether it makes sense or not.
It makes me happy as well cuz a lot of ppl in the community seem very pessimistic abt how we're treated but it's nice to know that not all of us feel broken cuz the 2 of us are living examples of that :)
But unfortunately yeah, your experiences above are things many ppl can relate to. I'm sure almost everyone can remember a time where they came out to someone and weren't met with good responses,,
Let this be a reminder that this is not right and we deserve more support for something so personal. Even if you don't understand someone's identity that doesn't give you the right to dismiss or ignore them. Our identities are very important and personal to us and supporting them is basic respect.
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im just bored so umm Ima just put what hetalia character I think my family including my cousins (Nara, Naila, and Humza) would be ok starting off first!
my father: tbh I think he would be grandpa Rome! He has the humor of him, he jokes around a lot and tries to act like he is the most legendary person ever (I forgive him for not accepting me being bi) he just has the personality of grandpa Rome so if I ever adopt or have kids when Im older dad I’m gonna have to have them call you grandpa Rome 😁
alrighty next is my mum this is gonna be interesting 🧐
m wouldbe Englignore
(ignore the part above that was a mistake and I can’t erase it) she would most definitely be Great Britain bc she is extremely stubborn, mean, demanding and a know-it-all I feel like Britain and her would be best friends 👁👄👁 that’s all I gotta say
alright next is the oldest brother Isa: he would be im Going to be straight here EVEN THOUGH IM NOT ok that was cringe 😬 anyways Isa would definitely be Germany bc he is extremely scary and demanding he needs everything to be perfect and clean if one thing is out of place he will kill you ... 😔 sadly with your own mustache and a grape! (I’m pretty sure that’s the correct line?)
ok my homophobic rat brother Samer the middle child: I think he would be ummm this one is hard... but he would be..... ok Nara has made her decision that he should be A GARBAGE CAN FULL OF SHIT hahahahahahaha yesss I agree by 1000 or wait ima just call him this since he call me it ok here it goes PEICE SHIT SUCK NUT BITCH or what I like to say SUCK IT LOSER!!! That reminds me of the scene where prussia says to Austria “hey Austria is must suck balls to be defeated by ZE great Prussia!” Yeah in this scene I’m prussia and Samer is Austria ohonhonhonhono
ok next is nara (Im going to be last bc I’m so awesome sike!) ok Nara would be Norway not bc he’s her favorite it’s just bc she matches his personality she is quit the introvert when she comes on Friday and we all have a family meeting like the nordics have meetings yeah she can also sometimes be socially awkward and that’s ok with me bc I’m the same she also likes to keep to herself to she does have a weird side sometimes
ok after Nara is Naila: right off the bat Naila is very mean stubborn weird and annoying she is also very rude when it comes to anime hey it runs in the family what can I say anyways she would right away be a mix of Romano and Greece bc she can be very quit and weird...
alright humza: he is very sensitive he gets hurt easily and is also socially awkward so I can’t say much he would be hmm.. also a mix of Iceland and Canada bc he is quite when it comes to public areas and he keeps most things to himself
hahahahahahaha the moment you have all been waiting for me! Ze awesome me!!! im not that cool let’s get it over with I’m tired: I would be a mix of be prepare there are many of characters about to come a mix of... denmark, prussia, America, Germany, Russia, and Iceland... ok don’t describe myself as these characters bc I like them it’s bc I can relate to them and I have their personalities u would be mix of Denmark, America, and Prussia bc I an extroverted when it comes to people I’m close with such as my cousin Nara and can be very...very...very...very... LOUD! I’m a mix of Germany and Russia bc I can be really stubborn and demanding in the morning like Germany I could also be very extremely creepy like Russia I will pop out of no where and just talk about creepy things I can also be Iceland at som times I do become sensitive sometime. that’s all the post for today I’m going to bed after this it’s currently 10:40 rn and I very tired my fingers also need rest and sorry if I didn’t really describe anyone else that good it’s bc I don’t really have much to say hope that doesn’t offend you im also to lazy to put tags rn gn peeps love yall
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tsukishitstain · 4 years
can I have a matchup pls 🥺 ive always wanted to ask for one but never found any bloggers that had them open 💔 so um,, im 5’4” with short brown hair. I edit and like to read, dance and play with hair. im a straight female (she/her pronouns). and im an aries and um idk if I took the right test but it says im a mediator and ‘INFP-T’ 👩‍🦲 take your time or even ignore this entirely if you want to hakxbzj
awe you seem so sweet (人゚∀゚) and i’m honored to be your first matchup writer!! also don’t worry you took the right test💞 n e ways i hope you enjoy this i had a lot of fun writing it😙
i match you with...
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Yuuji Terushima
okok i’ll start off with the physical stuff first
he’s 5’9 so like not that tall but the height difference is like perfect between you two
this is what the height difference would look like
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like look at that and tell me it’s not the perfect height difference i dare you😠😠
okay anyways moving on
i see him as the type of guy who would prefer short hair over long hair😙idk if that’s canon or not but let’s pretend it is😸
now this is how you two would meet
so you two would probably meet somewhere at school since you two probably would have very different preferred hang out spots prior to the relationship
he sees you and is like 😳shes 100% my type and approaches you
you’d be all shy about it at first like when he comes up to you to say hey you’d look around and be like “me😳?”
he’d come off as super blunt and it honestly shocks you for a minute
if you don’t think he’s serious about his confession literally like seconds into meeting you (i mean he do be giving off f boy vibes doe), he’ll show you that he’s like legit serious about wanting to get to know you by asking you to go on a date w him
at first you do feel kinda awkward bc like it would seem like y’all have no common interests
but the more you get to know each other, the more you realize that even tho you thought he was just a flirty jock, he actually has some interesting interests
like for example, you’d find out what his favorite genre of music is and even tho you’re not really into it, you still find it interesting bc like he starts showing you so many new things that you didn’t really pay attention to or care about before
ok now let’s get into the relationship dynamics
he’s more of a ‘live in the moment’ type of person while you’re the type of person who thinks about the pros and cons of doing something before you do it
this actually ends up being perfect for the relationship
you slow his actions down a little bit (in a good way) and he speeds yours up
what i mean by that is like
say he’s like “babe lets go swimming even tho the pool is closed”
and you’re like “uh...isn't that technically trespassing? and it’s midnight, how about we stay in a watch a movie instead”
at first he’s bummed out but then he’s like okay that doesn’t sound that bad
you keep him out of trouble
and then on the other hand
if he notices that you’ve been cooped up in the house reading books all week he’ll show up at your house without even texting you before hand and is like “you’re coming with me, we’re getting you outta here”
now i could see communication being a common issue in the relationship
he’d be straight forward with his thoughts and i feel like you’d express your feelings in a more abstract way? like when you express your feelings it may not sound as simple as “i am sad” but maybe more like “i’m just not feeling the best rn :///“
this issue can easily be overcome tho
eventually he’ll learn to pick up on your mannerisms and he’ll know what you’re feeling by the small hints you give out
and in return, you’d learn to be more straight forward with him and just tell it how it is
a great aspect of the relationship would be yalls love languages
because you’re an INFP, i feel like you might need more vocal validation and positive affirmations
which is perfect because he’s so blunt and feels absolutely no shame in praising you
if he sees you dance he’ll shower you with genuine endless compliments
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
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anon: The artist @franeridart answers all of their asks in one mass post with a read more link so maybe you could try that as well. That way you could answer everyones ask but not spam anyones dash with all of your replys
you genius anon, and you genius artist! I just feel like as of late I have been getting a lot more things in my askbox, and I dont want to overwhelm anyone with spam. so, I will be creating these! unless it’s for y’all thirsty hoes asking for extra parts or whatever from very recent posts, expect this to happen every so often! the rest will be below cut. also first time using photoshop? how’d I do yall??? and also like.... let me know if you like this idea??? if not i’ll just resort to spam :)
oh season four episode one, you may have been a filler, but you made me so happy to watch. honestly ngl, I was pretty surprised when he said kiri, not because he has no potential, but because it seemed like the top 4 from the sports festival, bUT FUCK YEAH KIRI AND TOKOYAMI!!!!! IN A DIFFERENT WORLD IT COULDVE BEEN THEM!!!!!
anon: Makeup smut for villain Deku should be good. 100% tender, no chicken
honestly, my favorite thing at this point is seeing you all crumble in fear if i’ll even give you a happy ending, and tbh idk if it will be for villain!deku >:)
@ohmycolie: So it’s Saturday night and I’m just sitting at home 🤦🏼‍♀️ could you maybe do a scenario where Bakubaby and Kiri decide to bring Kami into their sexcapades and after their little adventure Kiri is like “can we keep him?” 🤤💕
hi bby, while I can imagine something of this sort I am only a “x reader” blog :( so while its good thirst, I won’t be writing anything about it, sorry :( ily tho!
@michealsheep: Honestly is shiggy ended me after an intense nut like that I’d just thank him
honestly, I want shiggy just to end me??? whatta way to go. death by fucking nut.
bigdickkiri: I don’t get ship wars. Why do people wanna be so mean? It’s so easy to not be a part of any a that.if everyone appropriately tagged their posts, blacklisted rags they don’t like and didn’t act bitchy then they wouldn’t be an issue. - bigdickkiri
neither do I honestly. they’re just people looking for drama at this point, and it’s like... come on... you’re 25... stop
bigdickkiri: What a fantastic evening to tell my favourite writers that I adore them and that they're amazing! Look after yourself and have a gorgeous day! ❤️💙❤️💙 - bigdickkiri
I’m literally the worst. but um, I adore you so much, and I think you’re amazing!!!!! its 2am rn, but I can’t sleep anyways
🍒💥anon: Girl, your blog is having a glo up!!! I love it!! So pretty 👌 How are you doing today? Are you taking care of yourself? *sending good vibes and virtual hugs your way* -🍒💥
teehee, thank you for noticing!!!!!! i’m not 100% happy with it rn, but I haven’t had the time to get it perfect!!! wait a few more weeks and when I have actual down time, im fixing it >:) also, I am doing well, a lot of caretaking today! I never take care of myseld! *accepts the good vibes and virtual hugs because I am touch starved*
anon: I'm part of the protect uraraka squad!!! ♡
me too boo! you wanna fight me on my mochi loving girl meet me on the corner of my fists and in your faCE!!!!! (is this considered cyberbullying?)
this was in regard to my fic “because of you” which I posted because I was in a crying mood. HAHAHAHAHA YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO FEEL SAD I WINNNNNNNN
@joyfullydawn: I just wanted to say you're heccin' amazing??? The fact you named that roommate one "And they were roommates" I just--yes. This is more than ok. This is excellent. Please keep being awesome aaaa
and they were roommates was the first series I had, and the thing I did in celebration for 100 followers.... jesus that feels so long ago and not in fact less than two months ago!!!!!!!!!!! maybe I should reblog my old works so you newer lovely followers can read them!!!!!
anon: would u ever do a part 2 to under the mistletoe with aizawa? its so sad and i just want them to be HAPPY
I am planning on doing it!!!!! it’s in my requests, so no worriesssss ;)
hermana anon: hermana that todo angst 🥺🥺you’re literally the best angst writer jdjdbd
okay but for real do I write actually good angst??? asking for a friend..... and HGAIGHJIAORGHUOG THAKN YOU FOR THAT COMPLIMENT!!!! PLEASE RECOMMEND ME ANGST FICS BECAUSE I LOVE CRYINGGGG
🍒✨ anon: this has literally nothing to do with anything that’s on your account right now but do you think that dabi sends shoto happy birthday messages? i like to think he does because even if he’s a villain, he still lowkey care about his siblings - 🍒✨
this was from a very long ass time ago, and im sorry I never responded to you sparkle cherry anon, but I definitely do believe that he sends birthday cards. with his baby bro’s increase in his fangirl club, he now is unafraid to send shouto a card. its always the only one that catches shouto’s attention when he goes through them because they’re weirdly personal. shouto, being a smart yet dense idiot, believes its someone in the class pranking him.
~ I won’t be posting these messages, but they were from awhile ago when I was hitting a rough patch with my insecurity as a writer and my ability to give my all to you. there are many of you, 19 messages in total, where you told me why you loved my writing. I never responded to them because they make me cry even now looking back at them. to each and every anon, I thank you for saying those kind words. to @saladsharkz, @thecryingsombra, @olivenight17, @shutupwylow, @expressyourstarstruckrebel, and @awkward-theaterkid thank you as well. there is another non anon, but they asked not to be revealed. thank you so sososo much.
~ I will not be posting these as well, because again, drama from awhile ago. but this was in regard to the anon who did not like the kinklist I had created for kinktober. while now I think I am doing a pretty damn good job, and no one has said otherwise, to the 2 anons, @connors-my-boy, and bigdickkiri, thank you for fighting an anon that was never your responsibility to take <3
@w0w-s0-3dgy: u make me uwu so much🥺❤️ I LOVE YOUR PAGE BABE I HOPE YOU’RE DOING WELL!
anon: You followed me and idk if it was just to be nice or if you want to be friends or what hdhakanskenebdhsiq
im starting to follow back people that make me happy. it’s been awhile since ive been on a followspree, but I follow you back when i see kind messages from you, when I see that you’ve liked so many of my horrible posts, when you reblog my things with the most amazing tags. I follow you because I want to be your friend, you’re always welcomed to be my friend!!! hell you can literally be like “bitch listen to this” and never once having spoken to me I will respond with “give me the fucking chisme my queen”
anon: *gives u an encouraging and comforting yeehaw*
now.... now I can conquer the world, thank you
anon: Hi! I love the way you're writing things for kinktober, and I'd personally love if you could reblog what you're writing multiple times because I'm at uni most of the day so I miss out on a lot. Pd. I absolutely adore your writing! Please keep up ❤
heathers anon: Its the anon who sent the Dabi heather au. I send it because i know your popular and a lot of popular blogs check your blogs. And I honestly struggle with other blogs because they ignored most of my asks.
teehee, I appreciate you thinking im a popular blog and that other popular blogs check mine, but thats not true!!! sorry for never responding back, but i’m sure they’re not meaning to ignore you on purpose. there’s just so much happening things get buried!
@sinnaminsvga : we're both alyssa so it's really interesting to see the nicknames u use bc i see you use lyssa and i got the nickname ari and i think that's pretty neat how we both have the same name but wildly different nicknames
it don’t matter, we be alyssa twinsies!!!!!!!!!!
anon: I was just going through your master list, cause I’m in a stunning mood and why not make a good mood better? and I saw bakugous “sickness and that word I can’t spell” got hella happy for a sec CAUSE YES THAT WAS SO ADORABLE AND I LOVED IT. Then I remembered the heart shattering angst that came with Todos side. So like. Ily but you a meanie.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA WE LOVE SUFFERING!!!!!! I just... really have a thing for angst it seems... don’t tell my followers though, im in denial over it...
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coquettish-rap · 5 years
i actually forgot that i can talk to you here. oh hello! i was so happy to see new update but i still didn’t read because. well it’s hurts and it’s my favorite story. but im here because of your last tags. WTF WHY YALL CANT STAND THE IDEA OF TOP HANBIN??!! Still can’t believe that DB nation can’t accept topHanbin. Not just topHanbin but portraying him as fragile and weak eww Like its KIM HANBIN he is the strongest person i know!
(ask continued) But Jiwon the softie, said himself that he loves when he led, seeks and calls Hanbin when he is left alone or has solo shed. And he definitely has praise kink 🌚 and Hanbin fvcking knows that! he praises him for every chance he gets and tells him how he loves Jiwon 🥺 And Jiwon gets so flustered and shy 🥺🥺 In short, you are all tasteless and simply not ready for topHanbin! *cries in the corner * ahi forgot! i love your story so much!!! because Jiwon is loved here. tbh i don’t remember how many stories i read where i felt it. maybe yours is second but i think it first. it’s sad because it’s writers mostly concentrated on Hanbin or its me can’t felt it. anyway thank you!! hope writing is still fun for you) and i m sorry if i somehow upset you 🙏 also sorry for my english im not sure you understand me or not, plus im sleepy rn :,) bye! have a good day!
first, your english is FINE, never apologize. Like, have you seen the typos in my fics? I am not one to judge lol. I understand you so no worries~
But yes! spam me all you want here xD I am around. No rush on reading the update, I know it’s a lot of angst at once but you get a few soft moments and humor to break it up. The next chapter is probably what everyone is really waiting for. But you still gotta get through some other things, the snarky king and shrimp included 👀and omg asdfghjkl, it wasn’t that they said that Hanbin couldn’t top (though I’ve heard that said elsewhere, and like to each they’re own but I just believe it’s ignored that Bobby wants to be bridal carried and treated like a princess). But in regards to what I was referring to., and since you didn’t read it, in the bonus there’s a moment captured where Bobby is physically topping Hanbin, but even as a bottom Hanbin was still a “top”. You’ll get it when you read it lol. So I was just laughing because I finally showed them switching but like really... the dynamics stick no matter who is doing who.... which is what I’m going for tbh. That they’re so into each other and have that trust and openness for it come easily to them.
And thank you!! I love that you can feel the emotions like that because they are loved and I try really hard to capture those feelings and not make it all about the sex 😭💕
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scummy-writes · 6 years
Anyway, aside from my mountain of salt with the damn fandom sometimes-
I still got a couple of more messages to answer that yall sent, and they are very sweet and kind exactly like the folks who sent them. Thank you, I haven't ignored them, I've just been a bit busy and tired and haven't gotten to them.
But, a lot of you guys were very very supportive about me doing, basically, whatever I want with this blog. Which I'm very thankful for! A constant theme was basically "this is your blog, do whatcha want!", which again very thankful for, but it was also nice because I was fully expecting losing like. 500 followers immediately. At the mere mention of this possibly becoming a multi-fandom blog.
I mean, yeah I've lost a decent amount of followers, but its like. Its not a big deal to me? Like even if I had lost 500 immediately, I'd prob crack a few jokes about it, but thats it.
But, reason for me uh, bringing in numbers, is that I'm surprised that one, not as many people unfollowed, like not even near 100 people unfollowed even, and two. Big two, is that so many of yall said you were sticking around for me? Like jesus
Not to sound Vain, or anything, but after having the notion that a majority of my followers only cared about the content I produced, and then getting messages stating that like yall stuck around for me nearly, you know. Maybe made me start crying a bit. Like a baby bitch. Suskf
It's just nice and very comforting to hear, in a moment of Blatant Honesty, after how bad IRL has been for me for a while. There's reasons I haven't been very active, and while I love yall, its hard for me to open up about so I hope you guys don't mind me. Not diving too deep into it.
I'm still debating on what to do with the blog, because as many of you pointed out, it is ultimately my decision, but I do feel much more confident in doing something else with this blog and not being shit on for it. You guys were very kind and supportive, and I appreciate that.
The only Big Issue rn is that, I am a bland and busy bitch and the only other thing I'm Halfway Into rn is Sally Face- I haven't been able to find anything else thats sticking with me? Like even with Sally face its. Like yeah maybe I'd like to write one (sfw) fic potentionally but otherwise im. Just enjoying content
Like I've been trying new phone games when I have time, but a lot of otomes deal with people in highschool or. Young. Which is Not My Thing At All. Or the plots are extremely not my thing.
If you guys have recommendations, I wouldn't be opposed to hearing any, but good lord I've devoted so much energy and time to MM its hard to find anything else that can retain my attention.
Wheeze I've lost my train of thought
Anyway, tldr: thank you guys for being so kind and supportive, and I hope you can understand that it really does mean a lot to me. Thank you guys for hanging around this past couple of years and bringing me a lot of joy, even if I didn't always express it on this blog a lot.
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survivorbehemoth · 4 years
Episode 13: “The new strategy is to ignore me unless they want to use me.” - Chips
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Vocaroo 2
Vocaroo 3
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So I assume everyone is voting me this round. Just like I assumed last round.
The new strategy is to ignore me unless they want to use me. So thats fun.
Anyway i was told at the last minute rhe vote changed to Brandan and... lol it did? Poor Brandan and whoever probably was either not let in or was scared of his idol.
Anyway, I was told to vote Seamus this round and I would be okay. Im putting my faith there.
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this confessional is gonna be messy and i dont wanna cry on camera so here it goes. im basically just copying and pasting from my DR.
EARLIER IN THE DAY: ive made an executive decision that im going to be loyal to daisy and szymon and i don’t care if i lose to them at the end i dont have the heart in me to betray them it’s not worth it i wanna win and if i get to the end and they ask why? when you know it’s a good game move? The Winning Move? bc i think sometimes winning ain’t everything and i think getting to the end ad losing to someone worthy is fine!!! and maybe one day i’ll be able to like be ruthless in games but !!! LMAO today is not that day and it won’t be ever u know — plus they both have to know they both win to me? right? so yeah i just don’t have it i me and ill defend that in jury and also cop to it like i’ll OWN it i fucking get it but if i could still get to the end at all that should be recognized a bit and yeah maybe i’ll lose but idk it’s not worth it i don’t like how i feel rn and i don’t want to make another person feel that way bc let’s face it i can’t hinge my games on winning things ive won nothing myself this whole game it’s okay but i can’t center shit around it but i think ive played a good game and it’s different than theres and there’s so many times when they have both come to me there’s a lot ive done too
instead of chips we're cutting seamus. which fits into my boot order and what i wanted to do anyways since f9. but. daisy it not happy and i tried to explain it to her like this:
okay a few facts 1. im loyal to u and szymon first and foremost 2. next to either of u at the end i will not win 3. im okay with that at this point bc i cant really emotionally justify cutting yall and not going to fire for either of yall + i doubt ill win fic if its a f2 between the two of yall but i want to do SOMETHING game wise u know and yeah idk, i know u and seamus are close and i do feel like bad about this especially on an emotional level but i know that either way if i get to the end with either of u im losing but i wanna say at least i could make a move that showed some foresight game wise idk i hope that doesnt come off as like GUILT TRIPPY OR WHATEVER IM JUST BEING REALISTIC at this point bc i know i have my loyalty and i know it something im not good at breaking and if i get shit on it at the end if i make it, so be it, but that doesnt mean i didnt know what moves needed to be made and idk yeah and i get it if u dont feel the same way especially after this or anything but thats where my head is at.
anyways im going home tonight i feel it i really do i promise i wont throw a fit ive already been crying about another org and how dumb i am in games bc im too loyal but it is what it is and thats how i am and its not gonna change to win an org like i know this is all on me but yeah like i said to szymon if ive made daisy angry i voted for chips last round chips/daisy/seamus vote for me to go 3-3 revote dylan flips i leave period i know its over i just feel it i really do and maybe its just bc i felt the same way literally 24 hours ago in survivor week in another and i had my closest ally saying ur not going home i promise ur not going home and etc and just literally playing mental gymnastics and now mind games and using her TAROT CARDS AGAINST ME basically like the irony isnt lost on me that szymon is telling me the same thing im just calm about it im sad but im calm bc i know its happening im sad bc i dont want it to end i dont wanna go but its the end
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so brandan went home and ive been nervous all round. i finally feel kinda comfortable with my 5 and yet i don't. so i didn't have time to really try on the challenge because i went out with friends and had work all day so i had 30 mins to do the challenge. sorry i don't wanna use my only free time in my day to try hard on it i actually have a life. so nOW everyone wants me out bc apparently i was playing the middle and throwing challenges. like NO BING BONG. MY GAME HAS NOT BEEN THAT GOOD AND IM FINE ADMITTING THAT. the real reason they r voting me is bc daisy is immune. that is a fact.
so all day no one speaks to me and iM LIKE IK SOMETHING IS WRONG. and finally daisy calls me and tells me jules/dylan are leading the charge against me and everyones voting me. so we whipped up this plan to pull in chips and force a tie. or rocks. either im fine with. and szymon just now 20 mins before tribal tries to bs me how theres nothing he can do. so hopefully this shit ties or jules GOES HOME.
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ugh all the outside of game stuff going on doesnt really matter but yeah sorry for no videos once again <33
i feel like this vote is really going to solidify whether or not i sit in the end or as one of the last jurors and it has me really stressed out. if i can use my extra vote this round to make a play against seamus it doesnt even matter if i win immunity at f5 bc i have an idol to play. it's really crazy to imagine myself in f4 and be like, just 1 step away from potentially winning the game
i feel like if i can stick with szymon, jules, and daisy at the end i have a good chance of making final tribal and from there it just depends on who i can beat. it is going to be hard going up against helgamine people in an all helga jury for the most part but i feel confident in the game that i've played thus far and i know im capable of speaking well so, hopefully i can convince people to see that my game is a winning one and that im not just being dragged along for the hell of it!!! newayyssss SEE YOU IN FINAL 4 <33
Seamus is voted out 4-3. He becomes the 6th member of our jury.
Watch the Cast Assessment Below:
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hansolosbi · 7 years
honestly i had a Thought thats making me feel a lot less awful about All This
canon as a concept isnt really that set in stone, and i think canon gets kind of hard to define when its something that can span literally decades/generations like star wars (or sherlock holmes or dracula or all these other things that have been adapted and interpreted a thousand times at a thousand different levels of what would be considered SOME sort of canon) and especially like
the Whole EU used to be canon and then they were like “actually everything between rotj and tfa is fake, its still Official Content but tfa is retroactively writing over all of that.” some people consider the newer books/comics to be canon, some people dont, some people KINDA do, some people kinda take them into account when it comes to how bad tlj did their characterization and some people think of it more like Fun Bonus Content. some people completely ignore the prequels as anything that actually happened the same way people completely ignore age of ultron. some people really dont give a shit either way but just like watching the movies because theyre fun
and w something like star wars, which has changed hands so many times, and w the new trilogy literally didnt even have an actual plan aside from “you do this movie, you do this movie, you do this movie, go nuts.” its starting to feel like one of those games where you write out a sentence and pass it to the next person, and by the time it gets around the circle its completely off topic from where it started lol
but anyway like..especially w such a huge franchise like star wars, its not really like you have one person who can say This Is Whats Canon And This Is What Isnt. the creators have their own interpretations of all of this and so do fans. mark hamill took the “its never explicitly stated in canon” bit (wrt luke being gay or trans) a step further with “so if you think hes gay, then hes gay!”
if the person who, as far as im concerned, basically created lukes character bc the dialogue and direction he was given was so bad says “if you think that he is this, he is this” i dont see it as that much of a stretch to apply that to more than just lukes sexuality or whatever. we know who luke is because mark hamill showed us over the course of three movies which he did spectacularly. we know who leia is. we know what star wars is, and we know it has a heart that tlj just didnt.
like yall know how i feel about george lucas and its really not all that positive but he is still the creator of star wars, and his vision for the new trilogy was Very different from what we got. it was all new people making this movie which really just feels like a fan video that got way out of hand, and thats how im going to think about it at this point. if the guy who created star wars AND the guy who essentially created luke skywalker fundamentally disagreed with basically everything thats happening rn, i dont see why that has to be held to the same level of canon as the OT
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starrykiwis · 7 years
i was tagged by @thepinkufo to answer this 92 truths thingy thank uuuu agatha my love,, well i did it quite a while ago but here i am again. hope u had a nice day.

[1] drink: water

[2] phone call: my sister i guess

[3] text message: my sister

[4] song you listened to: landslide by fleetwood mac thank u agatha for sending me that audio i loved it

[5] time you cried: like... a month ago or a few weeks ago

 [6] dated someone twice: nope

[7] been cheated on: nah

[8] kissed someone and regretted it: i havent reaaally kissed anyone... ever

[9] lost someone special: yep

[10] been depressed: idk tbh i’d say . . .almost or maybe

[11] gotten drunk and thrown up: no omg i h8 throwing up ugh,,, not to be random but i recently found out i like beer.. .  no one asked but i’m saying it anyway bye

[12] purple

[13] yellow

[14] orange

[15] made new friends: i did i’m happy bout it

[16] fallen out of love: noooo  oo 

[17] laughed until you cried: thanks lord i have it’s gr8

[18] found out someone was talking about you: idk really idc

[19] met someone who changed you: yeah i guess so

[20] found out who your true friends are: hm no

[21] kissed someone on your facebook list: again, no

[22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: basically everyone i don’t have too many people on my fb

[23] do you have any pets: one dog, my angel

[24] do you want to change your name: no i don’t

[25] what did you do for your last birthday: hm i watched the olympics on tv and yeah spent the day with my family at home doing nothing at all i don’t really like birthdays tbh

[26] what time did you wake up: today at 10am i’ve been sleeping a lot lately

[27] what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping

[28] name something you cannot wait for: finding myself somehow? also coming out as a lesbian (i guess?) bc i’m fucking claustrophobic in this closet binch narnia can choke bye

[29] when was the last time you saw your mother: i live w her and she’s in the same room as me <3

[30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: not a lot actually? it’s not abt my life at all, it’s me ..my life is okay

[31] what are you listening to right now: the tv but i’m not paying attention as usual

[32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: i don’t think so lol

[33] something that is getting on your nerves: myself (leaving agatha’s answer here)

[34] most visited website: lately i’d say youtube and tio google mesmo

[35] elementary: nice

[36] high school: it was okay a bit messy but okay

[37] college: i’m about to start uni next month send me good vibes

[38] hair colour: brown

[40] do you have a crush on someone: atm i don’t think so (((and btw agatha i love u)))

[41] what do you like about yourself? i can easily see beauty in stuff

[42] piercings: just the ears and i dont like it but it wasnt my choice

[43] blood type: A+ (i spent a lot time thinking it was O+ wtf)

[44] nickname: isa, ing, indie

[45] relationship status: *sighs* i’m single and gay

[46] zodiac sign: leo don’t judge me

[47] pronouns: she/her

[48] fav tv show(s): everything and every type of stuff? okay then pll, criminal minds, madeline, friends, fresh prince of bel air, voltron. . .idk i forgot something whats my name where am i oh hi

[49] tattoos: i want flowers!!! but i have none atm rip

[50] right or left handed: right handed

[51] surgery: i took some teeth out

[52] piercing: ears

[53] best friend: julia i guess she was my neighbour

[54] sport: swimming

[55] vacation: i cant rmr rn lol

[56] pair of trainers: cant rmr

[57] eating: hm i guess fruits

[58] drinking: milk from my mother surely (leaving agatha’s answer again)

[59] i’m about to: sigh

[60] listening: nothing specific

[61] waiting for: watch dunkirk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11khkshjskfhdjJHSKJASHKJ

[62] want: to meet the sea again during the night and feel the fresh wind in my face and the sand through my toessss

[63] get married: i don’t plan on that & can’t really see this happening

[64] career: well idk??? but.. . probably a librarian

[65] hugs or kisses: idk hugs i guess maybe both

[66] lips or eyes: idk??yeah

[67] shorter or taller: idc

[68] older or younger: my age or older

[69] romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous

[70] nice arms or nice stomach: idc

[71] sensitive or loud: hm idk whaTAT

[72] hook up or relationship: probs relationships?? idk

[73] troublemaker or hesitant: idk.. . man these were hard i’m telling you

[74] kissed a stranger? no

[75] drank hard liquor? yeah

[76] lost glasses/contact lenses? no i dont wear them

[77] turned someone down? yep

[78] sex on first date? nein

[79] broken someone’s heart? i hope not :// idk

[80] had your own heart broken? no wow

[81] been arrested? oh no

[82] cried when someone died? yes

[83] fallen for a friend: nevah

[84] yourself? sometimes...

[85] miracles? hmmm...maybe

[86] love at first sight? não

[87] santa claus? i never really did

[88] kiss on the first date? ?? w?w?it happens??obvs

[89] angels? i do

[90] current best friend’s name: i don’t have a “main” best friend. my friends are the best people ever i love them

[91] eye colour: brown

[92] favourite movies: oh omg idk im lazy rn bye!!!!
idk who to tag so yeah i’ll do it randomly @walkingintheamm @fairylightsstyles @harrystylesgotmefuckedup @magic-view @stardustsharry @harrysera @androgynoustyles (i hope u come back soon) @cheshirepuddin @eyy-jenny @mizpahes @latelatestyles @sweetcreatured ignore it if you don’t want to do this! hope yall had a nice day
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Cat & Mouse (Roman Reigns): Chapter 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Read it on Wattpad Writing Masterlist
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Warnings: idk, none really? Asshole!Roman(i guess?), p much smut free im sorry ): there’s one bit that gets a lil gay w/ Lyra and Naomi, that’s all I can think of tbh. I swear tho, next chapter we will get Roman/Lyra smut. RN they’s just gettin ready to go clubbing
Word Count: 1960
A/N: We finally get the Bloodline together, bless, but also i feel like i royally fucked their characters up so like please dont judge me too hard (but if you got any pointers or like corrections feel free to let me know).
Tag List (if anyone wants to be added, let me know): @m-a-t-91 @mrsamberlopezgoodanoai@simulated-heat @greatbreadwizard @hoodgirl163 @sabrina-the-champ @thiickreigns @alexahood21@ii-love-roman-reigns @queenreignsempire @flawlessglamazon @not-that-kinda-gurl08 @x-fivefoot  @finnbalorsdemonqueen @romanempirefics @rocketgirl2410 @sausagefest1996 @vebner37@macfizzle @cute-face-chubby-waist @wwefoever70 @horcruxhunter5972 @cool-snowball-22-blog​ @designrwriterchic @metaldeedsblobfish @inkedirishbbydoll-blog-blog (I got a nasty feelin that I didn’t @ someone, im sorry yall)
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As she lay in her bed, she scrolled through her phone one last time to check what had interrupted them, only to find that it was a spam email. Muttering to herself in annoyance, she silenced her phone and set it down on the nightstand before pulling the covers up around her. If there was such a thing as angry sleep, that’s what she was going to be doing that night.
It was well past noon when Lyra finally stirred from her slumber; Roman had let her sleep in. Yawning, and stretching, she slowly got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash up.
She groaned to herself when she saw the little bruises that trailed across her neck, courtesy of Roman. Good thing the weather’s kinda chilly today, she thought to herself, there’s no way I can cover that up with makeup, I’ll have to use a scarf.
She took her time getting ready, pulling on a pair of black jeans and a white shirt that had a quote from Game of Thrones on it; that show was one of the many things Lyra and Roman bonded over, and the shirt was a Christmas gift from him.
She sent Naomi a text, asking her if she wanted to get lunch before heading over to the venue. While waiting for a reply, Lyra put on a little green eyeshadow, eyeliner, and some dark pink lipstick. She was wrapping a dark green scarf around her throat when Naomi finally replied.
Naomi: I’m down for some pizza, the boys will be coming along though. You mad enough to skip out on pizza or nah?
Lyra: I’ll be damned if I let HIM stop me from getting pizza 🙄
Naomi: That’s the spirit 😂 I’ll meet you in the lobby in 15? Bring your bags, might as well check out now
Lyra: 😂 Yeah sounds good, I’ll see you downstairs
Slipping her phone into her back pocket, she packed away all the things she’d used. Roman had already taken his stuff down, she assumed, earlier in the day. She pulled on her boots and did one last sweep of the room to make sure that neither her nor Roman left anything behind.
Lugging her bags along, she made her way down to the lobby to check out. She’d just finished up with the receptionist when Naomi and Jimmy walked in through the entrance. Lyra walked over, giving them both a hug before they started walking to the parking lot.
“G'morning, sleeping beauty,” Jimmy teased, earning a dirty look from her, and a jab in his ribs from Naomi. “Ow, baby, what was that for?”
“Leave my girl alone, you didn’t even get up today until I started-,” Lyra was chuckling as Jimmy stopped Naomi with a hand over her mouth. Naomi knocked his hand away, glaring up her mate.
“Baaabe, c'mon, don’t do me like that,” he grumbled as they arrived at the car.
“You’ll be lucky if I do you at all, tonight,” she joked, getting into the backseat; Lyra tried not to laugh when Jimmy gave his mate a slightly panicked look. Lyra shoved her bags into the back then joined her friend in the backseat as Jimmy started the car.
“Aren’t we waiting for Jey and Roman?” She questioned.
“Nah they’re already there, probably eating half the pizzas,” Jimmy replied as drove them out of the lot. ————————- They walked into the restaurant ten minutes later to find Roman and Jey sitting at a table, digging into a pizza each.
“Told ya they’d be gettin a head start on the pizzas,” Jimmy grumbled as he sat next to Roman, swiping a slice from his pizza, making the older Alpha growl. Jimmy simply rolled his eyes in response, and told his cousin to shove it.
Lyra decided to pretend that nothing happened the night before as she sat next to Jey, Naomi squeezing a chair in next to her. Roman eyed her for a moment, she could’ve sworn a slight smirk flashed across his face when his gaze landed on the scarf around her neck.
It took every ounce of her will power to not glare at him, she was still a little pissy about being sent to bed like a child.
“Chill out, we got more coming,” Jey informed them as he picked up another slice. He turned to Lyra with a little frown as she scooted closer to him to give Naomi more space; she gave him a weird look when he leaned in and took a deep breath.
“Can I help you, Jey?” She asked as he straightened up, his eyes flitting back and forth between her and Roman before a smug smile stretched across his face.
“So, y'all finally fucked, huh?” He stated, Roman promptly choked on his drink while Lyra felt her blood rush to her face as she gave Jey’s arm a punch. “C'mon, his scent’s all over you.”
“That’s not, w-we didn’t,” she scrambled to try and come up with something as Naomi and Jimmy stared at her with raised eyebrows. Roman was still coughing and wheezing in his corner.
“Then how’d you explain them hickies,”  Jey shot back, pulling her scarf down to reveal the bite shaped bruises that trailed down into her shirt. Lyra smacked his hand away and hurriedly readjusted her scarf while Naomi gave her an indignant look as if to say why the fuck didn’t you tell me.
“I-we-yknow what, Roman, why don’t you explain, you did this after all,” Lyra huffed, turning the attention across the table to the large Samoan still trying to catch his breath.
“Um, we was just fuckin around last night, nothing happened, it was nothing,” he replied, Lyra fixed him with a piercing glare, but he refused to look at her.
“Damn, is it just me or did it get colder in here,” Jey mumbled as everyone turned back to the food.
Lyra knew she shouldn’t care, it’s not like they were dating or anything, but she couldn’t help clenching her fist under the table as Naomi gave her knee a comforting pat. ———————- Days later, Lyra was still salty. She had successfully managed to ignore him for the past few days despite traveling with him and his family. Occasionally she’d catch him staring at her with a weird look on his face, but she pretended not to notice.
It irked her even more that he never actually tried to talk to her, and she certainly wasn’t going to confront him about him basically saying that their connection, relationship, whatever it was between them, meant nothing to him.
She figured that if he had cared enough he would’ve either apologized or at least tried to make up some bullshit excuse for what he’d said. Instead he seemed mostly content with being ignored, and ignoring her.
She knew she had to move on, why should she sacrifice her happiness and wait around for some idiot who wouldn’t even give her a chance. Besides, she had the perfect opportunity coming up.
They’d arrived in Pittsburgh earlier that day, the Royal Rumble was taking place the next day. Naturally, that meant that everyone would be going out that night.
Lyra knew it’d be the best time to find someone to keep her occupied or at least numb herself with alcohol; either way, she was determined to forget about Roman for a few hours and have a good time.
That, however, was easier said than done. Not only would Roman be accompanying her, Naomi, and the Usos for drinks, but when Lyra stepped out of the shower she began to feel feverish, her senses heightened even more than usual, to the point where she was hyper aware of anything touching her.
She grumbled to herself about it as she pulled on some black panties and a matching bra. Digging through her bag she chose to wear a pair of black jean shorts, and a tank top that had a pentagram design on it.
After she was dressed she downed two Advils, then walked over to join Naomi in front of the mirror to do her makeup. She decided to do brown smokey eyes, winged eyeliner, and finished it off with a bright red lipstick.
“Damn girl, you look real good,” Naomi said, running her eyes over her friend’s reflection as she applied some mascara.
“You look pretty irresistible yourself; planning on getting laid tonight?” Lyra replied with a suggestive smirk; Naomi was dressed in a tight red dress that showed off her gorgeous body, there was no way Jimmy was resisting that.
“You know it babe, not that I don’t love rooming with you, but it’s been two days since Jimmy and I did anything  and it’s got us all wound up,” she laughed. “But, damn, the way you look and smell tonight, I’m willing to bet you ain’t going to bed alone. What perfume are you using?”
“I’m not using any perfume, not yet anyways,” she replied, looking a little puzzled. “I’m feeling a little feverish, it could be that?”
“No, no, I’ve never smelled anything like it before, you smell really good,” Naomi mumbled, stepping closer to bury her face in Lyra’s hair and take a big sniff; Lyra blushed and shivered a little as that simple movement made her squeeze her thighs together. “I-oh no, oh girl, um you might not wanna go out tonight.”
“W-what, why?” She nearly whimpered as Naomi pulled away; what the hell is going on with me, she thought to herself.
“Um, I, uh, I think you’re going through your heat, or it’s just starting, I don’t know,” replied Naomi, Lydia’s blush deepened as her eyes grew wide. “But like it probably ain’t a good idea to be around a bunch of hotheaded Alphas and Betas.”
“B-but I thought heats were an omega thing, I’m not even a werewolf,” she protested, wrapping her arms around herself defensively, of course something like this would happen to her.
“I mean I’ve heard of shifters getting their heats too, I think it’s the only time they, you, can give off a mating scent or something; it usually starts in your teens or not at all though, didn’t your parents tell you about this stuff?” Naomi questioned, frowning at the younger girl who looked beyond flustered.
“No, my dad’s human, and my mum doesn’t really talk that kinda stuff with me, hell, she probably thought I wouldn’t even get my heat because I’m only half-shifter,” Lyra said, groaning internally as her friend gave her a sympathetic look; she knew she should stay in, but she also really wanted to get drunk off her ass at that moment. “Yknow what, fuck it, Ima still go, all this does is makes me wanna get even more drunk.”
“Bitch, NO, I can’t let you do that,” Naomi insisted, crossing her arms when Lyra pouted and tried giving her puppy dog eyes. “Don’t do that, I can’t, with a clear conscience, let you go.”
“Buuuuuuut I’ll be with you guys, besides what’s stopping me from going out on my own? I’ll be much safer with you there to keep an eye on me,” Lyra begged. Naomi groaned and rolled her eyes.
“Fine, fine, I guess that’s some good points,” she sighed exasperatedly as Lyra gave her a big smile. “But you’re going to wear one of my jackets, hopefully that’ll mask you scent a little.”
“Yes, mom,” Lyra replied, walking over to Naomi’s bags as the older girl rolled her eyes, and turned back to the mirror to finish up her makeup. Lyra went through her stuff until she found a black leather jacket that she had been meaning to borrow.
Once they were done, they grabbed their phones, and hid their credit cards, IDs, and keycards in their bras before pulling on some shoes. Naomi wore a pair of tall, black pumps that made her ass look even better than Lyra thought possible, and Lyra wore a pair of black high heeled, thigh high boots.
Finally around 9pm, they headed out of the hotel to meet the men in a club a couple blocks away.
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