#anyways writing these next to each other is. Lowkey funny bc its like taehun's just some silly teen with mild angst
spaceyflowerswriting ยท 2 years
I was contemplating if I should send in a request so if you are too busy or school has started then please ignore this but ....if not then...can I ask for a fic or one-shot or whatever (I don't really know the difference) of Taehun and Seongjoon's s/o reassuring them about their relationship with them(the boys). Maybe something happened or the boys have been over thinking about why their s/o is with them when they could be with other better people. Things like that....
JunTae anon
reassurance (taehun/seongjun x reader)
details: fluff with some angst oneshots, gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, general canon au, reader has been dating character for a while
summary: you give him some reassurance after he expresses worry.
a/n: happy to see u again juntae anon, thanks for another request :] and dw as long as i have requests open, i'll do my best with any i get despite stuff like school ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’–
also one shots are what i write! they're basically long scenarios (short ones are drabbles) while fics are chapter long and have a plot, rather than a simple scenario ^_^
He was famous for being overly jealous and not at the same time--that was Taehun's thing. The catch was he was only jealous about petty things.
Exhibit A: glaring at anyone who expressed interest in you, even if it was in the most completely platonic way.
Honestly though, even that was kind of an act. A neverending joke, if you could call it that. It was just funny embarrassing you when he acted overbearing by blurting out he was your boyfriend or being overly touchy with you to express that he was your boyfriend.
Point was, he was too confident in himself and you to have any insecurities that would fester into feeling unsure about the relationship between the both of you.
"So why the HELL have I been feeling weird lately?" His million dollar question of the week. For reasons unknown (or unacknowledged...) by himself, he had been bothered by words he overheard you telling a friend of yours the other day.
"I wish my boyfriend was as nice as them."
They were words he easily laughed at and brushed aside at the time, yet they've been lingering in his mind. It wasn't as if it was the first time he heard you say something like that, which made it even more confusing for him. Now that he thought about it though, maybe it was the fact that he overheard you say it.
It was different when you were saying it in front of him because it easily came off as a joke, but behind his back...? He had to admit your tone was lighthearted, but still. Maybe you meant it more knowing he wasn't around? Does that even make sense...?
He grumbled and ruffled his hair up before leaning back on the couch. Before he could shut his eyes, the sound of your voice made him turn his head.
"What're you upset about today, huh?"
"Mind your business," he huffed, moving to wrap an arm around your shoulders as you joined him on the couch. "Where have you been, anyway?"
"I was helping your dad outside with some stuff?"
The abrupt end to the conversation resulted in an awkward silence, but it didn't take long to melt into a comfortable one as you both went on to do your own things. You busied yourself with your phone and Taehun just tried to enjoy your presence. Occasionally he glanced down at your screen and asked what you were doing, or you would start small talk.
It was nice, but not enough to dismiss Taehun's thoughts. He figured maybe he was overthinking and spending time with you would reassure him of your feelings for him, yet the words, "I wish my boyfriend was as nice as them," continued to circle in his mind.
"This is stupid."
"Hm?" You looked up at him, eyes full of innocence.
Taehun stared into them for a moment, as if there was an answer for his question in your eyes, and then sighed after finding nothing. He just pulled you in a little closer and laid his head on top of yours.
Confused, some fumbled words came out of your mouth before you managed to say, "If something's bothering you, you can tell me, you know."
"Yeah, but how do I say it without getting fucking embarrassed?" Red was already beginning to color in Taehun's cheeks. He only forced himself to reply after you nudged him with an elbow.
"I'm nice to you, right?" Yikes. That came out all wrong. What the hell kind of question was that?
"Uh..." Understandably, you became even more confused. "Yeah?"
Well, since Taehun already put a start on this thing, he decided he'd keep moving forward--he'd just have to hope he didn't crash and burn.
After a quick few seconds of thinking, he replied, "Okay, but if I..." He grit his teeth, hating the cringe he was feeling towards himself crawl up his spine. "Ever make you mad. Or sad. You have to tell me."
You went quiet and now dread began to fill Taehun up. He was being as vague as possible, there was no way you were connecting the dots.
"No way... is THE Taehun Seong worried about being too mean?"
Great, you didn't connect the dots, but also damn you for still teasing him.
He pulled away to frown at you. "Shut up, I'm being serious."
You laughed and moved to give his cheek a peck. "Relax, I know. And don't worry, if you ever upset me--" On the same place you kissed his cheek, you gave it a pinch and he squinted an eye. "--I'll let you know. Otherwise, you don't have to feel bad. I know most of what you say isn't meant to be taken personally." The soft smile on your face turned into a grin. "Besides, if I couldn't stand it, why would I date your rude-ass?"
Those few words were all Taehun needed to get his weighted worries off his shoulders and suddenly he felt stupid worrying about something so small. Well, he thought it was stupid in the first place, but you were really solidifying the feeling.
He couldn't help but laugh at himself. Fortunately, it made sense to in the conversation as well so you hummed along, and he was content to roll with it.
But first he gave you a kiss and then proceeded to ignore any of your questions for the reasoning behind it.
Jealousy was a rare feeling for someone like Seongjun. After all, what could a man as rich, powerful, and smart as him have to be jealous of? Even seeing you spend time with other people never made him blink an eye. Who was he to stop you from hanging out with the people you wanted to, anyway?
Yes, indeed, he was a good man and a good lover.
To you, at least.
Ironically, that was the same thing that haunted him. Outside of you, he wasn't sure anyone else who knew him personally would call him... nice. Because he wasn't.
He had already wrestled with what little good his heart had left, so that wasn't what bothered him. He mostly made peace with who he was now and who he wanted to be, it was just when it came to you that he felt a little unsteady.
Changing such a major part of himself for someone wasn't something he feel like he'd do, no matter how much he loved the person. Thus, the heavy choice fell to you.
It was your decision, whether or not to stay with someone with hands as stained as his. He wouldn't blame you if you left, the same way he questioned why you stayed. He just knew he was gently holding your hand, and you were holding his in response.
Hand in loving hand. For now. Mostly. Maybe?
Every once in a while, doubt clouded his vision and he wasn't sure he could feel your hand. Some days he loosened his grip, thinking, "Today's the day they come to their senses and leave me." Other days he comfortably held on, eased by the warmth from your hand.
But sometimes even that wasn't enough, and now was one of those times.
He hated how his stomach churned as he watched you finish up one last conversation with a coworker on his way to pick you up from your workplace. He hated how he couldn't even be mad, because you had gotten so close to your coworker, even he got to know the person a little and they were genuinely really nice. Much, much nicer than him.
Walking home with you, holding your hand, he couldn't help but think you would be better off with your coworker. Safe and comfortable, with someone more normal. Hell, it didn't have to be your coworker, just someone like them.
"Is this jealousy...?" Seongjun shook his head. "No, it's more like... insecurity. A really pathetic and self pitying feeling of insecurity." He sighed, immediately regretting it when you turned to raise a brow at him.
"Something the matter?"
He plastered on a smile, but you saw through it too easily and frowned. "It's nothing--"
"Come on, you know you're not very good at hiding things from me."
Seongjun paused for a moment before chuckling and looking off to the side. He hummed, trying to see how long he could derail the conversation. It wasn't that long, unfortunately. Still, he hesitated before clearing his throat to make sure he could sound as lighthearted as possible before asking, "Promise you won't make fun of me?"
"Promise," you replied in a singsong voice.
He laughed a little, though it trailed off and became awkward. "Well... I think I might be jealous."
Not exactly the truth, but it was the best way he could communicate his feelings without being too honest. He wasn't sure he was ready for that kind of conversation yet, and it would definitely be better to have behind closed doors, not in a public space.
You gasped somewhat playfully. "Of my coworker?"
"Wow, right on the first guess~" Seongjun was still trying his best to keep the conversation light.
"Aw, you're so cute!" you cooed, making him feign a bit of anger.
"Hey, you said you wouldn't make fun of me."
You only hummed in amusement. "I know, but I couldn't help it." You gave him a grin and batted your eyes. "May I politely ask why you're jealous?"
Seongjun thinned his lips. "I just think... that your coworker is nice." You tilted your head at him, prompting him for more details. It took a few tense seconds before he eventually got himself to add, "Wouldn't you want to be with them instead of someone like me?"
The tense seconds came back except they were longer and more stressful because the silence was now coming from you. Seongjun glanced your way, caught by surprise to see you staring intently at him. Almost as if you were seeing right through his current act, and it nearly made him feel ashamed. He tried to stay strong anyway, and smiled at you.
You reflected the expression back, but it looked a little sad. After giving his hand a little squeeze, you said, "You know I'd never want to be with anyone else than you, Seongjun. I believe you'll always be someone I'll love."
He let out a breathy chuckle, unable to hide the bitterness in it. "And what if one day I stop being that person?"
"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." A simple and straightforward answer, but full of love. "Don't worry about 'what ifs' and just focus on our happy present. If you don't stop worrying, you'll only give yourself gray hairs."
Seongjun nearly stopped in his tracks in surprise at your sincerity. The joke at the end made his smile grow into a more genuine one and he ended up just laughing. His heart was swelling and he didn't know what he could ever say or do to express how happy he was to have you in his life.
So, for now, he just leaned in to give you a kiss, not caring about what anyone around would think.
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