#anyways we use RACK for a reason people. be aware of the risks and understand what youre getting into but don't let these dweebs fearmonger
xxxemilyg1996 · 1 month
How are you going to go into a BDSM subreddit, on a post specifically asking for impact play advice, and then shit on everyone telling them it's all too dangerous and they could "give themselves ugly scars and damage their bodies permanently" when you don't even like impact play/have never participated in it yourself? Why did you click on the thread? Just scroll, it's a judgment free zone that experienced people can educate in, not a space for you to kink shame everyone else
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
Title: Bite
Summary: To say the least, Hange's last month of pregnancy turned out a little bumpier than what Levi would would have liked it to be.
A New Year's piece of Levihan Domestic Fluff. Happy New Year everyone!
Link to cross-postings: AO3
Notes:  I know I've been writing a lot of fluff lately but yeah, just me coping with this being my first ever New Year's stuck at home with our family not together this year. Sorry for my French but Fuck Covid.
The house was quiet.
But that's how Levi wanted it. Hange was eight months pregnant after all. When she was carrying a fragile growing mini person inside her, he would rather she stayed quiet anyway. The peace and calm of the household was an improvement from the clack of rock to wood and her humming. It was a sign at least that Hange was finally getting the well needed rest that came with carrying an extra human.
But it was just a little too quiet. Too quiet for it to ever be comfortable for Levi. Levi had to note that it was past noon and Hange should have been up, playing around with whatever rocks she had on the workbench or at least sitting on the sofa reading a random book from the bookshelf in the dining room.
She probably stayed up late last night. Levi thought to himself. That thought was quickly shot down when Levi recalled that she had actually slept much earlier than him.
Of course, she's eight months pregnant. Levi attempted to scramble for other reasons for that silence as he started to give in to the nagging worry. When Hange was home, she was always making noise. Levi found it almost eerie that the noise levels were down to when Hange was out for work. All he could hear were the clatter of pans as he placed them on the sink and the simmer of the fire as he started to prepare lunch.
After I finish making lunch I'll check on her. Levi promised himself.
Levi had been up since five and had not entered the room again since then. It was for good reason. Hanger was notably crankier than usual, particularly in the mornings. Carrying an extra human to term had her having rough days every day and Levi just wanted to be a little more careful with his cards.
He turned on the radio by the kitchen window. Having an extra voice at least even if it wasn't Hange worked to alleviate some of that discomfort. He had started on reorganizing one of the cupboards when the radio whirred to life.
Hearing the man on the radio was oddly comforting. He never did leave the house as often as Hange so the radio had been his anchor to real life. With Hange home more often, he never needed to turn it on, Hange always had her own personal talkshow going on when she wasn’t asleep. Either that or he was too busy worrying about her to even have time to focus on the happenings that day.
For the first time in so long, he had the time. Enjoy it while you can. Levi told himself as he started to ponder what the news of the day would be. Having lived a long life constantly being chased in the underground that eventually evolved into a life killing man eaten giants, Levi found listening to the societal problems that plagued Paradis almost calming.
He had been dubbed ‘humanity’s strongest soldier’ and had been fighting man eating beasts and preventing the fall of humanity for a huge part of his life. Yet at present, most problems that made their way to Paradis were at least solvable by the average conscripted soldier or the average office worker. More than half the time, no one was actually in danger of dying. A significant improvement from the Paradis he grew up in.
Listening to the happenings on the radio, he was reminded of the joys of retirement. He indulged himself by listening to the last few parts of a radio drama and news on preparations for the fireworks festival that night.
The world is so peaceful. Levi had been daring enough to think that statement to himself.
“Breaking news!” It was as if the radio had sentience and read his mind, wanting to prove Levi wrong as if to say ‘the world will never be completely peaceful.’ “We just received word of a hostage situation in one of the warehouses in the Southern port.”
A wave of panic ended up running through him. It could have been from the tone of the reporter or Levi’s own instincts. Calm down. You’re not a soldier anymore. This isn’t your problem. It wasn’t at all new for Levi to react like that internally. He had an unnaturally strong sense of urgency having lived a life of danger for too long. He willfully brushed it off and attempted to focus instead on cutting the vegetables for the soup he was making for lunch.
“More information is coming in…”
Having spent most of his days alone in the house with nothing but a radio for a companion, Levi had mastered the art of multitasking, being able to pick up all the details of the radio article over the sound of the pots and pans, the sound of plates being stacked or the whistle of the kettle.
A gang car jacked one of the buses on the way out of the Southern port.
Gang holds hostage in the port fireworks which were slated to be sent to the capital for Paradis’ first ever New Years Celebration...
The fireworks were ordered more than a year ago…
Levi knew enough at least to understand what would have pushed people to steal them. Hange had mentioned it once during one of her rambles. She had been the one who had suggested they buy fireworks from Marley and celebrate New Years more than a year ago. It was apparently a highly anticipated festivity every year in Marley and having been so excited at the idea of celebrating it in Paradis, Hange went overboard with the organization. They had sent people to Marley to train with handling fireworks and had gone over multiple displays before deciding on one, which ended up being one of the more expensive options.
But it will be beautiful. Those words echoed once again in Levi’s head. He recalled seeing stars in her eyes as she said it.
Eventually Armin had taken over and with Hange’s hand out of the project, Levi had forgotten about it until he heard the details of the hostage situation over the radio. I wonder what Armin’s doing about it. A food for thought he reflected on while he prepared the ingredients for boiling.
“The police are assessing the situation as we speak.” Levi was aware they couldn’t give the exact details, the hostage takers could be listening in.
Another report came in a few seconds later. "The escaped hostages have confirmed the hostage takers do not have a radio on site. No chance of them listening in." 
Levi found himself silently commending the escaped hostages for noting such a small detail. He hadn’t expected civilians to be that sharp especially in such a stressful situation.
“We escaped through the vents with one brave woman’s help but she had to stay behind.”
“How many are left inside the warehouse?”
“Just her.”
“Couldn’t she escape with you?”
“No sir. She doesn’t fit.”
“Doesn’t fit?"
“She looked like she was at least eight months pregnant.”
A pregnant woman in a hostage situation? Levi’s ears perked up at that. His thoughts flew to whoever that woman’s poor husband could have been. He had his own pregnant wife after all so he was quick to sympathize. Despite not believing in a god, he found himself sending prayers to that phantom husband. I hope someone at least informed him.
Levi kept his attention on the radio news as he mixed the ingredients and the spices for the soup.
“We have to get her out soon then.”
“She said she’d be fine. She even called the hostage takers amateurs.”
Levi was familiar with hostage situations though to know it was in their interest to keep their hostages alive. When taking the risk though, losing meant losing a life and Levi found himself sympathizing with whoever was left. Maybe I should call Armin? After I wake up Hange.
“But she could end up dead.”
“She said they wouldn’t.. On the off chance they did, she could defend herself.” Despite having just come out of a hostage situation and seeming concerned about a pregnant companion they had left behind, the woman talking on the radio seemed convinced that the pregnant woman could take care of herself.
How can an eight month pregnant woman defend herself though? Levi was starting to get a little more interested in the identity of the pregnant woman. There were two possibilities, she was a pregnant woman with a screw loose in her brain or she was an actual genius, Maybe he could ask Hange to ask Armin about it and they could learn a thing or two from her.
“She used to be in the military… And apparently had dealt with worse situations before."
So she was from the military? The military was a small community and Levi was sure he should know who it was. Was anyone pregnant though… Other than Hange?
Levi had racked his brain for a few seconds considering all the possibilities. Except one.
He did not know how many minutes he had spent considering the other possibilities before moving on to the exception. Yet that possibility was just outrageous. So outrageous that Levi had to ask Hange even if it meant waking her up from her nap.
Sorry for interrupting your sleep Hange, I just heard about an eight month pregnant woman who used to be part of the military and got taken hostage in a warehouse by the port. Just wanted to make sure it wasn’t you. Levi rehearsed his lines quickly as he made his way to the bedroom. It sounded ridiculous the second time he repeated it to himself. At that point though, it seemed worth it.
Levi’s heart started to beat faster as he entered the room, he could almost hear it. It could have been from the fear of waking up that lump on the other side of the bed or the fear of finding out it was just a pillow.
He never found out where that fear came from. It turned out the pillow was just a lump. Before Levi could even process his bodies’ reaction to the suspense and that harsh realization, his body went into survival mode. It came as a torrent of unintelligible emotions reminiscent of his fights against the beast titan and the invasion of Marley.
Just like it did then, his survival mode switched on and his instincts took over. Levi’s body was moving much faster than his brain. He called a taxi to take him to the port.
It was an option ten times more expensive than the shuttle but the price was the last thing on his mind.
The crowds on the port were large and Levi was disappointed to find out that many of the people there were uniformed policemen. He pushed his way through the crowd clutching one of the men in the front by their collar. “Why the hell are you not moving? You probably outnumber the hostage takers at this rate!”
“But sir… we don’t have orders. And there’s one more civilian inside.” The uniformed policeman who had answered Levi seemed a little too unsure and inexperienced that just listening to him made Levi miss his comrades in the survey corps all the more. That man looked like he had never fought in his life.
“Fuck this, I’m going in.”
“Sir are you sure? I think those men inside are armed with some very high end guns. We can never be too careful.”
Armed with what? Levi had been pitted against guns, thunder spears, man-eating giants and the king of all these founding titans. Despite the big ham the policeman was making those weapons out to be, Levi was not nervous at all.
He ran towards the building and in that few seconds vacillated between breaking through the window and bursting through the door. He had to act fast. Behind him, he could hear soldiers and policemen screaming at him to stay back and if he allowed himself a brief moment to stop and consider the situation, they might actually catch up.
Levi took a glance at one of the windows as he ran. The guns were on the table. Their guard was down. Levi found himself all the more disappointment at the policemen as he did. How the fuck is anybody not noticing that.
He crashed through the window where he had seen the guns on the table.
He never gave them time to pick up the guns. Even during that small moment Levi had allowed them as he took stock of the situation, they did not even attempt to dive for a weapon.
Levi and Hange did not have many things that could have served as a weapon in the house. Having only allowed himself a few seconds to get ready, Levi used the time to turn off the stove and cover the pot he had used to cook the soup. The only thing that he had managed to grab then was the vegetable knife that sat on the board he had used to cut vegetables that morning.
Levi though had worked with knives for years. He had also mastered the art of looking menacing even with the most mundane household objects as weapons. Even if he didn’t look menacing and the five hostage takers weren’t frozen on the spot, Levi was sure he still had enough agility left inside him to slit all their throats before they could shoot the gun. Preserving life had always been part of his principles though and he found himself giving the men the luxury to talk.
“Please! Don’t kill us!” One of the men begged as he fell to his knees. The others soon followed suit.
“You take hostages and you expect us not to attack?”
“We just needed money. Just give us money for the fireworks and we’ll be off your backs.” The first man who had kneeled explained. He looked to be their leader.
Levi kept his eye on the weapons on the table as he listened to the men. “This is a crime. I should be turning you in.” He had expected that to at least provoke the men. Alas, he had expected too much from them. All they did was kneel on the floor in defeat, their eyes downcast.
He approached the guns on the table and he could hear the men whimper as he did.
“The guns are broken,” one man said nervously. “We couldn’t get them to shoot.”
Of course you won’t get them to shoot. They need to be loaded first. Levi knew those guns too well. They were the guns Kenny and his police used after all. He had been at the end of that muzzle enough times to last a lifetime.
These hostage takers are amateurs. Levi had to admit, Hange probably would have been fine in this situation even if he didn’t show up.
“Where are your hostages?” Levi did not need to focus on the guns. Even if the men dove for them, Levi was sure they wouldn’t be able to shoot them.
Levi heard a kick behind him and one of the men nervously made his way beside Levi. “Over here… er sir.”
He was led to a dark room at the end of the hall. He kicked the door open, not bothering to wait for the man next to him to get the key.
The door opened to a room with many empty chairs lined up, one of them occupied by someone, someone Levi recognized almost instantly by the large belly and the fact that he had been seeing that face everyday for the past five years of his life.
Hange was there, sitting on a chair her hands tied behind her. As she looked up at them, Levi could see she had a face of overexaggerated terror for a while. For that split second, she was faking it. Levi had known her enough to know that. Within that second, it had twisted into something else, guilt and possibly actual terror.
“Levi… it’s nice to see you here,” She said. Levi had been with her enough to see that was the terror she exuded when she knew she had done something wrong.
“Why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be at home?” Levi kept his voice cool, calm, feigning an expression of fake surprise. He was sure Hange would see through it. In fact, he wanted her to see through it.
“I would have been home by noon.”
“Answer the fucking question.”
Hange avoided his gaze. “The fireworks. I wanted to make sure they got to the capital safely.”
“You are an eight month pregnant woman on fucking leave. Why the fuck can’t you leave this to Armin.” He asked in the form of a statement. A statement he very much wanted her to reflect on.
“Armin and Mikasa are on a business trip to Marley. Besides, these are the expensive fireworks I ordered,” Hange explained. A shitty explanation which Levi refused to buy.
“The expensive fireworks Paradis ordered. We’re going home.” He approached Hange, ready to cut up the ropes behind her only to see there was nothing tying her to the chair. Of course. The others had gotten away. And the only person who could have helped them was Hange.
He noticed their means of escape in the form of a vent. It was closed yet, somehow Levi could tell it had been disturbed by its relative cleanliness when compared to the room that was covered in a layer of dust.
For a second, he had considered going out through there. The layer of dust and the large belly of Hange only made it a not too appealing option. “We’re going out through the front door and----”
And we’re leaving the rest to the police. They should be competent enough to arrest them at least. Levi would have wanted to say. That was until he heard the sound of gunshots.
Not the gunshots from the old military police guns. Those are the police guns.
“We surrender!”
The next thing he heard was an explosion then unfamiliar pops.
“The fireworks!” It was Hange who had answered that question of what that popping was. From seeing her crestfallen face, Levi was sure she had not intended to answer his question.
“We’re going out through the vent then.” He pulled Hange from her seat, making a silent apology to the baby inside her. “Can you hold your stomach in?” A dumb question to ask his pregnant wife but Levi was desperate.
It turned out though she didn’t need to squeeze her way through. The vent had been big enough for her to fit through without having to hold her stomach in.
And Hange should have known that. Hange wasn’t an idiot. In fact, Levi was sure she had better spatial reasoning skills than him, seeing as she had been in charge of the recent infrastructural developments over the years.
When he had carried her far away enough from the fire and the consequent blast, he had started to understand why she had been so adamant not to leave in the first place.
“The fireworks!” Hange was kneeling on the grass, a safe distance away from the blast and sobbing. “We paid so much for this Levi… This was supposed to be our first New Years celebration…” The intelligible words devolved into babble and Levi wondered whether that kind of emotional stress would be good for the baby.
At least, the hostage takers had gotten out safely. Levi thought, a desperate attempt to see light in the situation.
“So let me get this straight. You stayed behind on purpose?” It had been a good few hours since the incident and it still took Levi some effort to talk to her calmly. Levi understood at least that he had a duty not to cause her any more stress especially right after what had happened.
She had shut herself in the room for a good hour or so as soon as they had gotten back. Levi had made sure to check on her a few times since then since she was almost as quiet as that pillow that had pretended to be Hange that morning. By evening, her face was still red and her eyes swollen.
To Levi’s relief, she had replied, a significant improvement from her catatonic state. “We were looking forward to some grand festivities and those fireworks were expensive.…” Hange mentioned the cost of the fireworks and Levi was sure that amount was the fund of the survey corps for one year.
With the price of the fireworks, he was somehow starting to sympathize at least. “You sure we don’t need to go to the hospital?” He asked, his voice a little gentler.
“No, it’s okay I’m fine.”
Levi did believe her. She had little to no scratches on her and she was still walking normally at least. It was her almost catatonic state which troubled him. He could give that until the next day. “We still have next year for fireworks,” he said, an attempt to comfort her.
A moment later, he started to hear the familiar popping. “Is that fireworks? I thought they got destroyed?”
“Yeah, those are the normal fireworks. The ones I wanted to see were the expensive ones I ordered last year.”
So we had fireworks already? Levi found himself moving to the kitchen mechanically, with the one goal of making himself a cup of tea. If he allowed himself any emotion then, he probably could have strangled Hange at that moment. “If you wanna see the fireworks, you can go down.” Just another precaution, he set for himself so at least he was a safe distance from her
The kitchen was near the window and although they were in one of the upper floors, he should be able to hear Hange’s footsteps as long as the windows were open and he concentrated enough.
The tea was calming and it kept him more alert to Hange’s footsteps. Just in case she did something else stupid. He wasn’t at all feeling trusting that particular night.
He had expected to hear footsteps, leather on wood or cement. For a few minutes, that was what he was hearing.
A few minutes later, he heard something he hadn’t expected to hear at all. In fact it was something he probably wouldn’t have had to listen closely to hear.
A loud squeak then a surprised scream from Hange.
The last place Levi would have expected to spend New Years was in the hospital.
He had expected Hange to have done things during her pregnancy which would have ended up with a hospital visit. Never in his life would he have thought that it would have been from a rat bite and it would have been eight months into her pregnancy during New Years day.
“I tried to sit on the dumpster because it had the best view and there was a rat there...” Hange explained to the doctor from her bed in the emergency room.
Levi had stayed silent as Hange went into detail. He tried to tune it out himself, knowing ‘bitten by a rat’ was all he needed to hear for his whole body to shudder. Being drenched in titan’s blood seemed like a better alternative.
“I recommend you stay overnight. We’re uhh… going to have to talk to some doctors in Marley about this. I don’t think we’ve ever had a case of a woman getting bitten by a rat in her third term. We’ll have the nurse set you up with a room.” With that, the doctor left and it was just Hange and Levi together in that little corner of the emergency room.
Hange lay back on the hospital bed, her belly making a giant hill on top of her. It was so unnaturally large that Levi realized he wouldn’t be too surprised if the baby came out at any moment.
“You know Levi, I think he enjoyed today. He was kicking my belly back in the warehouse,” Hange quipped playfully as she rubbed her belly. Levi noted that the line that connected to Hange’s hand must have been some sort of painkiller or sleep drought. Hange’s smiling face was a brief respite from her crying face that afternoon, even if it was medicine-induced.
“Or maybe he thought you were a complete idiot.”
“You know… When I heard the window crash, the baby kicked harder… I think he knew daddy was coming to save us.”
“Or maybe he knew mommy didn’t need saving after all.” Levi returned her playful smile with a glare.
“Hey, you had fun. It was just like the old days...”
Fun?  Levi wouldn’t have used that word at all. Getting shot at and being almost eaten on a regular basis wasn’t fun. Not knowing when you would die wasn’t fun. As Hange had mentioned the word ‘old days,’ Levi did start to realize he had been a little disappointed to see the men hadn’t shot at him.
He put a hand to his forehead. “Do I actually miss fighting?” He pressed harder into his forehead as if that action was enough to push some sanity back into his brain. No one should be missing a war. “Hey Hange, do you miss it?” He wanted to search for some assurance at least that he wasn’t the only one slightly insane.
He looked back at Hange to see the latter had dozed off, her face fixed into a warm comfortable smile, her hand resting on her belly.
He didn’t know how long he had been staring. It could have been minutes or hours. His trance though had been broken by one greeting of “Happy New Year!” then a few soft cheers and some light clapping. Levi wasn’t too worried that Hange would wake up. She looked to be in a deep sleep.
Levi put his hand on hers, and even with one hand beneath his and the belly, he still felt it, a light small kick. He’s coming out soon.
He leaned close to her ear, taking in the rare sounds of her relaxed breathing before he whispered his own greeting. “Happy New Year… Next year we’ll see the fireworks together, all three of us.”
It was a promise only he would have remembered. But it was a promise he vowed to keep.
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tsipasce · 4 years
Same Difference, Ch.11
A/N: Couple easter eggs in this one. Definitely one of my favorites since.. things are happening~ Also, TW: for some graphic violence per usual. Let me know what y'all think and thanks for reading as always <3
Chapters: 01  |  02 |  03 |  04 | 05  | 06 | 07 | 08 |  09 |  10
AO3 | Fanfic
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With the first round of sampling completed, they were able to establish a few facts to be true, “One,” Nanami began as she stood at the whiteboard, “Though we’re aging, our health isn’t declining. It seems like our growth patterns are relatively normal, but overhaul seems to be preemptively fixing any of the normal degradation that comes with aging.”  
“Sounds too fantastical. It almost implies the quirk makes us immortal.”
“Well, considering the world we live in, nothing seems too fantastical anymore, really. I mean, I personally know a guy with a dog head.”
“Point taken. However, this type of ‘immortality’ is better described as ‘quasi-mortality’.”
“Is that even a thing?”
“You and I exist so I’d say it is now. Our aging may be drastically slowed if not halted, but it would be a stretch to say we’ll never die.”
She shrugged in acceptance as she wrote the new term on the board. “Two, our blood had some odd property to it that I haven’t seen before. Like there’s some extra protein-coated cells/structures just floating around—I have no idea what they do. We’ll have to compare more in the next round of control samples from people with high-level quirks, but I didn’t see it in the last batch of control samples, so I’m betting this is unique to us.”
“’Protein-coated structures’? Sounds like a vi…”
“Don’t…” She raised a hand, bringing it to rub the bridge of her nose, “Don’t say it.”
“You’re right, the data speaks for itself. Continue, doctor.” He replied smugly, Nanami letting out an exasperated sigh. If she heard the v-word one more time out of him today, she was sure she’d lose it.
“ANYWAY, onto three: there are no anomalies or strange reactions between us.”
“False. In fact, it’s time you held up your end of the bargain.” interjected Overhaul.
Feigning innocence, Nanami continued writing on the board, “What ever do you mean?”
“Don’t play games. Teach me how you negate overhaul.”
She still wasn’t very excited to teach someone who was already dangerous how to become even stronger, but a deal was a deal. “Fine, I’ll bequeath you some of my vast knowledge,” she said as he rolled his eyes at her, “and immediately after, you’re going to teach me a new move.”
“…Fine.”  He relented.
“Perfect. Roll up your sleeves and let’s head to the arena.” She strutted over to the coat rack, hanging up her garment, wearing a sleeveless blouse underneath.
Once in the room he raised his brows expectantly, “Well, start bequeathing.”
“So, I was equally confused when it first happened but after trying to replicate my reaction while monitoring my vitals, I noticed a blip but couldn’t explain it at first. Then I heard something interesting while they were rerunning one of those old hero documentaries: ‘Whole-Hog’.” He listened intently, beginning to piece together where she was going with the explanation. “It sounds a bit silly, but what it really means in this context is a full body application of your quirk. In essence, when you... attacked me,” at this she could see the slightest bit of regret in his features as he shifted his weight, glancing away when her voice became small, remembering the incident. “when you attacked me, my fight or flight response was triggered, and so was my quirk.”
“But nothing happe… Oh.” He said as he caught her drift.
“Exactly! They cancelled each other out. You can’t disassemble something that’s already disassembling and reassembling itself.”
“Hm. I see.” He said, nodding, his interest now very piqued. “…You know what my next question is.”
Taking a deep breath, Nanami composed herself, “Well I didn’t wear this shirt for nothing. Let’s do this.” She said, holding her arms out, palms facing upwards. The Nanami from a couple of months ago would have doubled over at the irony of willingly offering her arms up for his experimentation, but even she had to acknowledge things had changed. She could defend herself, and though his motives were still a up for debate, she was certain that they were equal allies in this. Though his word was reason enough, he was logical above all else and to be frank, hurting her had become… counterproductive. He took a step forward, closing the distance between them taking off his gloves. He paused, inspecting her arms, “and yes I sanitized them thoroughly before this.” She responded to the question he hadn’t voiced yet.
Waiting for a final nod from her to ensure she was ready, he grabbed both of her forearms, “On three, activate it. One… Two… Three.”
She felt him grip slightly tighter at three, yet nothing happened just like before. She looked up at him triumphantly, now confident it was a tried-and-true method. “Now, it’s your turn—If you don’t mind me touching, that is,” she quickly corrected. He had allowed her to touch him before, but it felt wrong to take it as precedence. What if he’s changed his mind and finds it unbearably repulsive? She would be the first to admit she didn’t understand the mysophobia, but knew if she had it she would want people to at least try and be respectful, Hardened criminal or not, trauma’s still trauma~.
A look of gratitude flashed across his features before he could suppress it, his face returning expressionless as he offered his forearms to her, mirroring her gesture. He was seldom surprised, but she managed, frequently. Very few people had willingly shown him consideration. To be given it without inciting fear or threats—it was foreign, but far from unappreciated. It was a respect borne from a place he’d never been to. Realizing she was still waiting for a response, he shook off the moment, responding simply, “Do what you must, I shower immediately after all of our sessions anyway.”
“Great, I’ll give you a countdown, ok?” She said, trying not to take his comment personally.  “One… Two… Three…” She said as he winced ever-so-slightly. If they weren’t so close, she might not have noticed. “Hey, nerve fibres, remember? It doesn’t have to hurt.” She encouraged. He studied her for a minute before giving a subtle nod. “Let’s try again. One… Two… Three.” This time, it worked, neither of them feeling a thing. She looked up and caught a glint in his eyes Is he smiling under there? She found herself wishing she could see it fully, committing the features she could see to memory. His messy brown hair, the squareness of his jaw, the subtle wrinkle between his brows from frowning so regularly, his piercing gaze as he was looking right back at he—omg how long have I been staring she realized, now a bit embarrassed. She quickly looked away, letting go of his forearms, resisting the urge to maintain contact.
He studied her for a beat longer before slowly lowering his arms and clearing his throat, neither aware that the urge had been mutual. “Now, for my part. Go stand in the corner.”
“I swear if you do another pop culture reference, I will lock you in here until Monday.” He said sternly, though the threat was meant to be playful.
She flinched ever-so-slightly at thought of being confined, a genuine look of terror in her eyes for a split second before she could remember to respond normally, It was just a joke. Calm down. No one is ever going to do that to us again… We’re safe now. She thought, shaking off the memory his joke had triggered, “Ok, Negative Nancy.” She said rolling her eyes as she walked to the other side of the room.
He silently took note of her reaction, now curious. Deciding it was best not to pry, he began, “This is useful for both evasion and combat. It’s relatively simple, but the scale is large so be mindful of your stamina when using it. Watch and study the structures carefully.” He walked back to the opposite side of the room, turning to face her as he neatly pulled up his pant legs to kneel. Inhaling deeply, he pressed his hands to the ground and dozens of very large spikes erupted from the floor and across the room, stopping a safe distance from her. She walked up the one of the structures, studying it with her hands to gauge its dimensions. They looked simple enough, but she could tell they were modeled after wave breakers; one intertwining to reinforce the other. She walked back to her spot, and he deconstructed his work and waited.
Focusing, she mimicked his movements, quickly realizing he hadn’t been exaggerating the stamina requirement. After creating the first 5 or 6 she began to feel the fatigue.
“Take your time. You can pick up speed once you’ve mastered the first dozen.” He coached.
Wait, was that… encouragement? She commented inwardly. The thought that he might be manipulating her crossed her mind as it always did, but this interaction felt different. Enjoying this side of him and not wanting to risk him clamming up again, she accepted the encouragement in stride. She nodded thoughtfully, practicing again and again and again. She figured he’d be too impatient to wait for her to get it right since it only took him two tries to learn her technique, but instead he regarded her quietly, giving hints and critique when needed.
After an hour of this, she was finally able to fully replicate his example. He gave the structures an appraising look before nodding in approval. Nanami deconstructed them, reverting the room to its original state. Breathing heavily, she knew she was exhausted enough to pass out then and there, but still wanted to press on and return to the lab to work.
Exhaling, she began to walk back to the lab as he followed behind. Once in the main room, she went to the large sink at one of the lab benches to scrub her hands, realizing she’d been rubbing her hands on the floor for the past hour. He came beside her, doing the same, but of course more vigorously. As he stood beside her, she wondered why he decided to be so close. He’d seemingly tolerated the proximity before, but never sought it out. As they continued to scrub in silence, she accidently brushed up against his hand with her own. “Oh, I’m so sorr—”
“It’s fine.” He said cutting her off, though it didn’t feel rude.
“Oh. Ok.”
Clearing her throat, she continued washing, biting her lip as she tried to think of something to say. Usually the silence wasn’t a big deal, but today, there was a tension in the air. She felt hyperaware of him and that they were alone as she could feel him stealing glances in her direction. She went to grab a paper towel to dry off, deciding to try and fill the air, “I know it was a trade, but thanks for being so patient with—” she stopped short realizing they’d turned towards each other at the same time, making them much too close, her nose almost brushing against his chest. Against her better judgment, she craned her neck to look up. His eyes boring into hers as he remained silent. She felt her heart racing as they stayed seemingly frozen in place, close enough to feel the other’s body heat. There was a shift in the air, his expression unreadable, but far from blank. Nothing was happening at present, but she felt whatever situation they were in was coming to a head and the thought of the outcome had her heartbeat creeping up her throat.
“I should go home and get some rest.” She blurted out.
“Yes, you should go.” He responded, but it wasn’t as convincing as it should have been.
What the hell is going on here… she thought incredulously though they were both equal participants in the tense exchange, whatever it was. Composing herself, she gathered the strength to look away, hurrying over to dry her hands and create distance between them. She hurriedly gathered her bag and notes, rambling as she went about various lab work and their schedule for next week. She began briskly walking towards the door, continuing to fill the air with words, his eyes never leaving her.
“… and then we can move to the next set of samples for testing and—”
“Watanabe.” She immediately got quiet upon hearing him say her name without the usual formality and in a tone she wasn’t used to.
“…Yes?” She cautioned a glance to see him struggling to respond, his usually calm expression now conflicted.
“… Never mind. It’s not important. I’ll see you on Monday.” He said, seemingly trying to convince himself. Of what, she wasn’t sure.
“Oh, alright. See you then.” She managed to get out. Why do I feel…disappointed? Whatever…This is just one of those awkward moments. I just need a nap. She reassured herself before promptly leaving intent on ignoring the warmth coming to her cheeks.
Rushing to her car, Nanami tried her best to take her mind off of whatever the hell that was back there… she thought, shaking her head. Turning up the music in her car, she began making a weekend checklist of all her errands. She was planning on eating in more so she’d have more control over her diet, wanting to maintain the great shape she’d gotten in since training with Rappa. After their second life or death battle, he’d come to respect her and they became like workout buddies. Workout buddies who almost killed each other a couple times, but hey, at least he’s upfront and a great spotter.
Considering what she’d been through, Nanami thought she would have gone mad already, but found herself adapting instead. Maybe it was because her career exposed her to a lot of brutality on a regular basis. Being a doctor in a world with quirks meant the injuries and illnesses grew more inventive and vicious with each generation. Or maybe it was simply normal human adaptation, and consistency informed her new “normal”. Either way, she promised herself not to let it change her for the worst. She’d been through too much to give in now, or ever. She confirmed to herself.
Lost in thought, she had arrived home in a flash. Walking up to her door, she felt something was off and immediately went on guard, glancing around for any signs of disturbance before she opened the door. Thinking it was best not to be in the open if her feeling was correct, she hastily grabbed her keys. As soon as she turned the lock, someone large came up from behind, covering her mouth and forcing her inside, the door slamming closed after them. She was dragged in, thrashing about as the hand on her mouth continued to stifle her.
“This her?” asked the man restraining her.
Another man had followed them inside. He scanned her up and down before pulling out his phone, looking between her and a picture he had of her on his phone. “Yup, definitely her… Clip her wings. She’ll travel easier that way.” He said, a smile creeping across his face.
“I’d love to. Those Shie Hassakai bastards are gonna  regret underestimating us,” the man from behind her began before whispering in her ear, “I dunno what your quirk is, but the boss wants you something fierce. Be a good girl and cooperate and it won’t hurt…too much” he chuckled. “Now hold her arms out.” He asked the other man as he approached.
Nanami knew if she let panic set in, it would be over. So instead, she chose rage. It’s just like biting a tough carrot…In the next moment, she opened her mouth wide behind the assailant’s hand, clamping down like a vice. Blood gushed into her mouth and as the other man lunged forward, she did her best llama impression, spitting the thick, coppery substance into his eyes. She ducked as the men toppled over each other. She saw them both clearly now and was able to size them up. They both wore black jumpsuits and black knit caps. She didn’t recognize them, but they certainly had an idea of who she was.
“You bitch…”  one seethed as he was rubbing the blood from his eyes, the other still writhing on the floor. He went to grab her and she dodged, quickly grabbing and transforming her kettle, landing a blow under his ribs, hearing them crack under the pressure... Someone her size usually wouldn’t be able to cause so much damage, but she’d made metal gauntlets on the fly to mimic Rappa’s, adding another layer of force. They weren’t nearly as fast as her workout buddy and she landed another to his gut, causing him to double over. Just as she was about to strike again, the other man began to charge at her having given up the search for his fingers for the time being. He was twice her size and his quirk gave him the look of a rhino with a large horn and stocky built; she knew taking him head on was out of the question. As he charged, she redirected his momentum, moving aside as he landed harshly on the couch, breaking it in half under his weight. Both men arose, now very angry with her. She was trying to strategize as they stalked closer backing her into a corner by the entrance. Panic was beginning to set in until the door blew off the hinges and into the assailants, knocking them across the room and into the kicthen. Hyperventilating she didn’t know who would be at the door, but a sense of relief like she’d never felt before came over her as she saw her least favorite lab partner. Overhaul glanced over at her, and she tried to steady herself against the wall to rise and continue fighting. Giving her a grave look, he commanded” Stay right there.”
The men groaned, trying to shake off what had to be severe concussions from the impact. A look of recognition, then fear came across their features as he stalked towards them, removing his other glove. As he reached out to touch them, Nanami found her voice, “Wait! Don’t kill them. Please.”
“This is not the time for weakness.”
“Not wanting to kill people is not weak, j-just stop and think for a second.” She pleaded trying to figure out how to best reason with him,” you can’t interrogate dead guys!”
He paused. “Which one spoke the most to you?”
Trying to answer the question quickly she stammered,” I—I—The rhino-looking one?”
“Be certain.”
Clearing her throat, she was beginning to calm down,” I’m sure. It was that one.”
“Good. Now look away.”
“But I—“
He turned and gave her a look that said negotiations were over. She hesitantly turned away before hearing the other man “No, no, n—” then a splatter and silence.
She heard Overhaul exhale before discarding his gloves and pulling out a new pair. He speed-dialed someone, calmly explaining he needed some “garbage picked up”. In the next couple minutes, a van arrived driven by some familiar faces she’d seen around the hideout as they nodded to her, dragging out the other man who was now gagged and very traumatized. After they left, he turned to her, walking over calmly. From behind him she could see the corner completely covered in blood. She was grateful not to have seen it happen.
“What are you doi—why did you come here?” was the first thing that came to mind. She knew he knew where she lived, but never imagined he’d make a casual house call.
He went back by the door, bending down to pick up a mass of white fabric, “You practically ran out of the lab today leaving your jacket. I was going to ignore it, but then your phone started ringing. Your carelessness saved you.”  
“Pfft..haha.. hahaahahahahahah. Oh my gosh…bahahaa”
“… What’s so amusing?”
Catching her breath, Nanami tried to stop laughing. It was probably partly exhaustion, but the whole situation was just so bad she had to laugh. “It’s just… I almost got kidnapped by a couple dudes who wanted to ‘clip my wings’, my lab partner is a yakuza head, and my apartment is trashed. It’s not particularly ‘amusing’ per se, but I just had a brawl in my living room and I gotta clean some dude off my wall now. And it’s just… it’s just a lot and I—I don’t know how to react. I’m not like you, I’m not used to this” She ended, swallowing heavily.
He studied her for a beat, “Where is your bleach?”
“Nothing can be done about the other things you mentioned, but your apartment is filthy. Let’s start by fixing that.” He replied plainly.
Sniffling, she agreed, “Under the sink, to the left.”
For the next hour Nanami fixed her furniture, the sound of scrubbing and the presence of another person the only things keeping her together. Looking around, the place was good—well better than new. Examining the wall, she couldn’t find a trace of evidence that a man had been splattered across it earlier.
“Wow you’re really good at this, how’d you know how to get out blood stai—Ah. Forget I asked"
He gave a quick huff, and she made a B-line to her bag, grabbing her planner and a pen. He narrowed his eyes at her in disapproval. “Is now really an appropriate time for that? I didn’t even laugh.”
“One, that may not count as a laugh for a normal person, but it certainly does for you. And two, I feel like just for tonight, we can set aside the pretense of ‘appropriateness’.” She hummed, marking down another tally mark. Suddenly realizing it could be taken another way she corrected, “I mean as far as joking and stuff, not like…”
“Like what?” He asked innocently enough but she remembered their weird moment earlier that evening and suddenly the room felt much smaller.
“N-Nothing. Nevermind. I dunno what I’m saying.”
Suddenly a car honked from outside and Nanami flinched like she’d been hit. She was taking it well, but she’d be lying if she said tonight hadn’t been jarring. Regaining her composure, she took deep breaths, trying to hide how shaken she’d been from the attack. Being alone sounded terrifying at the moment, but she knew she couldn’t ask him to stay. Accepting reality, she decided to rip off the band-aid.
“Hey… Thank you. You know you don’t have to –“
He ignored her, surveying the place, “I’m going to check for bugs and any tracking equipment. They seemed to have been watching you for a while to have timed this so well.” He glanced, giving her a once over, “In the meantime, you should take a bath. You’re filthy.”
Looking at the bloodstains on her clothes and general dishevelment, she wasn’t in a position to disagree, “Sounds logical to me,” she responded quietly as she made her way to the bathroom. She stopped in the doorway “And when I get out…”
“I’ll be here.” He said simply though his gaze was softer than she was used to.
She nodded, giving him a small smile, grateful to have a partner.
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lefaystrent · 5 years
Could you write a short story where Virgil is out at a store, Deceit and Remus spot him. Virgil is like F social interaction. Then is only rude because he really didn't feel like being noticed by people who recognize him. (Patton could be another costumer, Roman a cashier who is working there when not acting, Logan getting supplies for a science class at school)
A Storm Rolled into Town
Fandom: Thomas Sanders,Sanders Sides
Pairings: none
Summary: It’s not likeVirgil meant to become famous anyway. It just sorta happened. And now he’sshopping in some small-town mom-and-pop store on a weekday morning. Despitewearing the hood of his jacket up and perhaps looking the more conspicuous forit, he can sense that someone somewhere in this store is watching him.
Word Count: 2150
Virgil Storm was born with eyes inthe back of his head.
Not literally. It was mostly justanxiety and paranoia working in tandem to create a 360° zone of caffeinated caution.A necessary skill when you became part of the famous crowd. All it took was onecrazy person with a knife screaming about how you’re meant to be together, andthen you’re fucking dead.
Not that Virgil had been assaultedby anyone.
He has had experiences witha couple of stalkers before that were quickly handled. It’s amazing how whenmore than a handful of people know your name and can buy your merch, theirsense of entitlement turns you into a thing to be owned.
It’s not like Virgil meant tobecome famous anyway. It just sorta happened.
And now he’s shopping in some small-townmom-and-pop store on a weekday morning. He had to make a pit-stop on his longdrive back home to Florida. Sure, he could have gotten home faster if he’dridden in a plane. He could also set this store on fire or go jump in a lakewhile strapped to an anvil. Doesn’t mean he’s going to.
The point is, Virgil is very awareof how famous he is, and despite wearing the hood of his jacket up and perhapslooking the more conspicuous for it, he can sense that someone somewhere inthis store is watching him.
Virgil glances down the aislebehind him, but there’s nothing. Again.
He lets out a huff of air andcontinues to peruse the candy section. He’s got a craving for something sour,but he’s not looking to get accosted here.
He swipes up a packet of gummy wormsand goes around to the chip rack next. Virgil subtly peeks around the store,noting the two guys manning the register counter. They look young, maybe aroundtwenty. They’re more talking and laughing rather than working. Other than them,there’s this one nerdy looking guy in a tie and glasses over by the stationary.The store seems empty otherwise.
Virgil picks up a large bag of sourcream ‘n onion and nearly screams when there’s a mustached face poking out inthe space left behind.
“Boo!” the man says.
“Fuck off!” Virgil growls andthrows the chip bag right at the face.
A series of snickers come back fromthe candy aisle that Virgil had just vacated. Pissed off and heart racing, hewhips his head around to see some guy in a bowler hat.
“I do believe the phrase ‘got you’fits this scene well,” Bowler Hat says.
“You didn’t ‘get’ anything,” Virgilhisses.
“Oh? So you didn’t just jump likeyou’d seen a ghost?”
“He definitely jumped, Dee! He evenpeed his pants!” Mustached Man cackled, coming out from behind the chip rack.
“I didn’t—” Virgil went to defendhimself but found it pointless. These guys just seemed like assholes. “Justleave me alone.”
“Oh poo, have some fun would you?”
“Now Remus, let’s not annoy him toomuch. Wouldn’t want him to storm out.”
He made it very clear that he knewVirgil’s last name. If the pointed pun didn’t say as much, the smarmy grin onBowler Hat’s face surely did.
Virgil tried not to show how muchthat got to him.
“So what? You know who I am. Bigdeal. Buzz off and let me shop in peace.” If these two kept harassing him orworse, Virgil could always threaten to call the cops. Then again, cops took afew minutes to respond, and it only took less than a second to die.
New plan. Virgil could throw downthe chip rack and then run for his life. And if that didn’t work, he carriedpepper spray on his person for a reason.
“What brings someone such asyourself to our neck of the woods?” Bowler Hat questioned, not leaving Virgilalone in the slightest.
Mustached Man jumped up beside hisfriend, leaning an arm against his shoulder to loudly whisper, “I bet he needsto hide a dead body!”
Virgil’s eye twitched. “Yeah,because that’s the only reasonable explanation, right?”
Mustached Man nodded in agreement. “Nothingelse to do around here.”
“It does get rather dull here,”Bowler Hat mused. He brushed his gloved fingers over his chin.
Seriously, who the hell were theseguys? And were they intentionally being low-key threatening? Perhaps not, butthat’s how they were coming across anyway.
“That’s nice.” Virgil smiled in away that showed his utter contempt. Better than showing his fear. “Now if you’redone bothering me, I’ve got things to buy.”
He would have liked something morethan just the gummy worms, but he no longer felt hungry enough to risk hislife.
Virgil walked away, his stepspicking up speed as he heard Mustached Man barking at him.
He was never stopping anywhere everagain.
Roman sat at the register counter,bored out of his mind.
“Patton, my loyal companion. Remindme why we’re here again?”
“Because we get paid to be here.”
“Ah.” Roman nodded, eyes narrowedin deep understanding.
Then he slumped over with a whimperingwhine. His head banged against the countertop.
“Awww, cheer up Ro-Ro! We’ve only gota few more hours left of our shift!”
“My shackled soul is unmoved byyour comfort. They are but mere words in the face of unforgiving oppression.”
“…so what you’re saying is that youneed a pun, right? Or maybe a hug. A combination of the two? A pug. Oh!Doggy!”
Roman snorted as Patton’s train ofthought derailed. He sat up to stare at his coworker and long-time friend.
He snapped his fingers. “Focus,Puffball.”
“Oh, right,” Patton said,refocusing. His expression became determined. “Go on and get all the angst out,kiddo. I’m all ears.”
“Retail suuuuuucks,” Roman concluded.“My creative spirit yearns for a place I can spread my wings and thrive! I ammeant for bigger and better stages. You see this face? You hear this voice? Alltoo good to be squandered away in Backwoodsville, Tennessee.”
“We don’t live in Tennessee.”
“My point is that I am a work ofart, and yet I am left collecting dust in grandma’s attic. It is a crime! Theuniverse should give me a break already.”
From the stationary aisle, afamiliar voice contributed to the conversation, “Perhaps if you put nearly asmuch effort into publicizing yourself to the entertainment community instead ofwhining, you wouldn’t be stuck where you are now.”
Roman slammed a hand on thecounter. “No one asked you, Microsoft Nerd!”
Logan smirked and resumed hisshopping. They knew each other of course. It was hard not to recognize everyonewhen you worked in one of the only stores in town. Plus all three of them hadgone to high school together.
Patton patted Roman’s shoulder insympathy. “I think what Logan’s trying to say is that you’ve got loads of potentialand I’m sure someone’s going to notice one day.”
“That is not what I said at all,but go off I guess,” Logan stated.
Roman flipped him off. Somehow, despitehis back turned to him, Logan must have sensed it and returned the gesture rightback to him.
Patton swatted at Roman’s hands. “Don’tbe ugly!”
“That’s impossible for someone likeme.” Roman grinned.
Patton sighed. “What am I going todo with you?”
“Love me, of course.”
Patton giggled.
“Hi,” a clipped voice cut in. Romantore his attention away from the agony of his life to regard the customer athis counter.
Roman hopped up from his seat andshifted flawlessly into his customer service spiel. “Hello! Ready to check out?”
“Yeah,” the man nodded, his hoodfalling back a bit at the movement.
Roman smiled. He recognized thejacket brand and was about to compliment the customer’s taste.
Their eyes met briefly and Roman’sheart exploded.
Virgil Storm.
Virgil freaking Storm was standingat his register counter.
No. No it couldn’t—
“That’s it,” Virgil Storm said,tossing a pack of sour gummy worms onto the counter. He briefly glanced overhis shoulder as if to look for something. He wasn’t really paying attention toRoman, so he didn’t catch being ogled.
Oh god, Virgil Storm was standingat his register. No matter how many times Roman looked, Virgil Stormstood there, and all Roman could do was ogle him.
Roman suddenly found the candypacket very interesting.
If he kept his head down, nothingbad would happen, right?
“Uh . . . that’s it,” Virgil saidagain, and Roman realized that he’d been standing there frozen.
Willing his limbs to unthaw, Romanmechanically reached for the candy and ran it over the scanner. A beep sounded,and with a stiff arm, he punched for the total.
“Your total is . . . a number.”
Roman couldn’t even look up farenough to check the screen. How could he? When one of his idols stood beforehim. He owned all of this man’s albums, for God’s sake!
“Yes,” Roman said, as if thatexplained everything.
“Okay . . .” Virgil said. Heshuffled, presumably getting his wallet out or something. Internally, Roman wasscreaming to Patton for help, but sadly his friend had never mastered telepathy.In fact, he had no idea what Patton was doing right now. He wasn’t sayinganything, that was for sure. Did he even recognize the celebrity in their storeright now?
“Here,” Virgil offered a five-dollarbill.
Roman blinked at it. Wasn’t VirgilStorm rich? Why was he using cash when he could use a card?
Carefully, lest he mess up andforever embarrass himself, Roman reached up and took the bill from him. Theirfingers weren’t even close to touching, but Roman still felt like he’d steppedon a live-wire, a shock racing through his system.
Roman had dreamed many a time ofcasually running into his idols. He imagined nearly daily of becoming likethem, of leaving his mark, of impressing those that he looked up to. He wouldbe suave and graceful and witty, a dazzling star in the making who would sweepthem off their feet.
Instead Roman hunched in on himselfand began to cry.
“Oh shit, are you okay?” VirgilStorm asked him, and that somehow made everything worse.
Roman covered his face with hishands and sniffled. “I’m just feeling a little emotional right now.”
How mortifying.
A hand rubbed at his back. “Sorry,he’s having a quarter-life crisis,” he heard Patton explain.
Roman threw up his arms,tear-streaked face be damned. “PATTON! That’s not why I’m crying.”
“It’s okay Ro, it happens to a lotof people. It’s nothing to be ashamed about.”
“I knew retail work was hell, butgeez,” Virgil commented.
Patton nodded in sympathy. “Hereally wants to be on Broadway someday.”
“Patton,” Roman gasped in admonishment.“You can’t just be telling V— telling people about my silly dreams.”
“Why’s it silly?” Patton asked. “You’reso talented! You’ll make it, I know you will. You’ve just gotta keep trying.”
This could not be happening rightnow. Roman wanted to curl up in the employee’s bathroom and die.
“Broadway, huh?” Virgil asked.
Screw going to the bathroom. Roman coulddie on the spot.
“Ridiculous, huh?” Roman tried tolaugh at himself. If he laughed at himself first, it’d hurt less when everyoneelse did.
Virgil shrugged. “Not really.Someone’s got to do it, right?”
No rejection.
Just a practical sense of hope.
Someone’s got to do it, and thatcould be him.
Roman blushed and gazed down at hisfeet. “Thank you . . .”
“No problem. Just uh, feel better Iguess.”
It was clear Virgil found this situationawkward but was trying to be considerate. For that, Roman was extremely grateful.
“Dee! Remus! What are you doing inhere? You know you’re banned!” Patton hollered, moving around the counter. Hehad his stern face on and a broom in hand. The two troublemakers would do wellto run while they still could.
They watched Patton chase Dee andRemus off.
“Does that happen a lot?” Virgilasked Roman.
“Only about every other day.”
Virgil didn’t say anything, soRoman went ahead and finished the transaction.
“Here’s your change,” Roman saidmeekly, handing the correct amount back to him.
“Thanks,” Virgil said, pocketingthe money. He picked up his gummy worms yet hesitated.
“Something else?” Roman wondered.
Virgil scratched the back of hishead. “To be honest, I wanted to get more stuff. But those guys were beingcreepy . . . But they’re gone now, so . . . would it be weird if I went to getmore stuff?”
Roman’s lips twitched up into asmile. “You didn’t judge me, so I’m not going to judge you.”
Virgil smirked. “Thanks.”
General Tag List: @spectralheartt @a-pastel-pan @notalwaysthevillian @rose-gold-roman @ijustrealizedhowdumbmynamewas @katie-the-noble-fangirl @yourroyalydramaticanxiousness @aroundofapplesauce @merlybird500 @beach-fan @jemthebookworm @whats-going-on-kiddos @randomsandersides @gamerfreddie @unring-this-bell @analogicallythinking @lilygold23 @levy-the-b00kw0rm @tacohippy56900 @accio-hufflepuff-power1 @just-another-rainbowblog @georganabanana @grey-says-heck @crookedlyoptimisticdestiny @thesynysterunknown @idont-know-what-im-doing @idioticsky @fadingglowcloud @whizzie72 @theinvisiblespoon @greyyy523 @opaque-puppet @just-fic-me-up @wowimsogoddamnoriginal @sos-fandoms @loganeatsbooks @trust-is-overrated @theitalianalchemist @im-crunchie @mourning--star @4amanxiety @hogwarts-my-love @enby-phoenix @justanotherpurplebutterfly @internet-or-sleep @absolutesandersidestrash @seaspider10 @nonasficcollection @satanblessi @an-absolute-failure @analogical-mess @noisyeggpizzapatrol @hamilsandersfam @cefinitely-rolo @thgjclw @knight-shives @no-no-no-no-6 @savingshae @rabbitsartcorner @buddypallady @midnight-tragedyy @007ardra @fandomloverangel @dorkoverse @mirrorz-n-starz @idunnosong
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bettydgunter90 · 4 years
I Just Paid Off My House. Am I Smart or Stupid?
I just paid off the mortgage on my house this week.
My wife and I now own our home free-and-clear.
This is one of those huge life goals I’ve had since long before I even owned real estate, and now that we’ve finally checked this item off our list, it feels pretty great!
The Story
Back when we bought our first house – we got locked into a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage at 4.72% with a local credit union.
At that time… I was well-aware of Dave Ramsey’s advice about how it’s better to get a 15-year fixed mortgage, but we opted for the 30-year plan anyway, to give ourselves a little extra financial breathing room each month.
I was convinced I could easily pay it off in 15 years if I just put a little extra money towards the principal each month?
To nobody’s surprise, I was wrong. I never ended up making ANY of those extra payments. Not once.
Life always got in the way, and there were always other things that seemed more important than throwing hundreds of extra dollars into a seemingly bottomless hole of DEBT each month.
So the years passed, and we found ourselves with very little progress made towards paying off our house.
For a while, I thought we’d end up riding this thing out for the whole 30-year term, paying the smallest possible monthly installment (and the highest amount of interest along the way).
Luckily, our financial lives took several opportune turns in the right direction, with a lot of intentional decisions about how we would use our money.
We’ve been able to create several sources of income that gave us the ability to invest more and pay off debt.
We had the cash, and we had the goal and the timing was right, so we finally decided to pull the trigger to knock this thing out.
Is It Smart to Pay Off Your House?
For the longest time, I would’ve told you this is a stupid question.
OF COURSE, it’s smart to pay off personal debt – right?
If you have the money to eliminate your personal debt and the monthly costs that come with it, why wouldn’t you do that??
Well… this is partially true – but it’s not quite that simple.
When you start looking at your financial life through the lens of a real estate investor, you’ll realize there’s actually a massive opportunity cost at stake here.
Keith Weinhold illustrates this pretty well in his book, 7 Money Myths That Are Killing Your Wealth Potential, where he says,
To be wealthy, control is more important than outright ownership.
One example of how I do this is by minimizing the amount of equity in our family home (primary residence). That way, those equity dollars can instead be invested in more income-producing rental properties.
In fact, I have the ability to pay off our home right now, but I won’t. That would be one of the more reckless financial decisions that I could make!
Instead, I keep the maximum debt on our primary home. This way, I have more dollars available for down payments on income properties, and then I actually take out even more debt to get loans on those income properties.
In the book, he goes on to explain the math behind these statements (and it actually does make sense), but I won’t get into that here.
The point is… if your goal is to create more wealth and financial freedom, you’ll forfeit a lot of earning potential if you choose to plow your dollars in a free-and-clear home, rather than investing those dollars in more income-producing real estate.
On paper, it makes perfect sense – but this idea of “don’t pay off your mortgage, even if you can” has been a difficult idea for me to embrace. It TOTALLY goes against the advice I was given by the personal finance experts and wealthy family members in my life. The conventional wisdom on “bad debt” (i.e. – the kind that doesn’t pay for itself) has always been to get rid of it ASAP.
Why I Paid It Off Anyway
The idea of leveraging every available penny to rack up more “good debt” (i.e. – the kind that pays for itself AND makes me an income) instead of paying off my house seemed to check out… so what did I do?
I paid off my house anyway.
Why would you do that Seth?! You know better than that!
After talking over the issue with several important people in my life, I came to the conclusion that even though investment decisions may seem black and white – there are a lot of decisions in life that have nothing to do with making more money.
Every person needs to look at their personal values and definition of success and make decisions based on what ACTUALLY matters (hint: ‘making money’ isn’t at the top of everyone’s list).
RELATED: Freedom Calculator
When you dig deep and understand what your real priorities are in life… you’ll probably realize the same thing I did – not all decisions are financial.
I’ve always had the personal goal of owning my home, free-and-clear. It’s a huge point of pride for me – and something I’ve dreamt about for years. For all the obvious reasons (e.g. – no mortgage payment and the peace of mind from knowing a bank cannot take my home under any circumstance) I’ve decided that this little piece of security is a goal worth achieving and maintaining. It’s one of the many checkboxes in my personal success formula.
Even if everything else in my financial life turns upside down (say, if there’s an unexpected disability, loss of income, or I just want to take my foot off the gas for a bit), my family will still own the roof over our heads.
As I look around at other wealthy, financially literate people I know, I realize I’m not the only person who values certain things more than making more money.
Some people send their kids to expensive private schools when a public school would’ve done just fine.
Some people buy houses that are WAY bigger than they need. Why? Because they want a nice house.
Some people own an expensive car, even though an economy car will get them from A to B just the same.
Some people go on expensive trips and eat out at expensive restaurants when they could use that money to invest in something.
To me, the value of having ZERO personal debt is something that’s worth the opportunity cost – however much that is.
The value is hard to quantify… because it’s not just about dollars and cash flow, it’s about increased certainty, lowered risk, peace of mind and added happiness.
There’s something about getting this mortgage monkey off our back and having one less thing to worry about each month that goes a long way.
What do you think? Is it better to pay off your home or invest that money into something else?
The post I Just Paid Off My House. Am I Smart or Stupid? appeared first on REtipster.
from Real Estate Tips https://retipster.com/paid-off-house/
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The Jim Bell System
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The Jim Bell System
The Jim Bell System
As I write this article on July 3, 2002, I am already hearing out my window the occasional pops of micro-explosives enthusiasts getting a head start on their annual excuse to play with things that go bang and supposedly celebrate their freedom. Tomorrow, libertarians across the country will use the holiday as an opportunity to grouse to disinterested relatives around the barbecue grill about how little freedom we actually have left, or really ever had. LP lifers often say there is no magic bullet to get the kind of society we want, and it will take decades of hard work in the political trenches, and of course, many many donations to the party, before we ever see progress. Conversely, I propose that a nutty guy named Jim Bell has already designed the magic bullet; it just needs to be forged and we will start seeing dramatic positive change immediately.
Since this is a fairly controversial topic, I will start with a psychological self-analysis as a disclaimer.
My primary long-term goal is to live forever. I’m convinced that the exponential improvements in medical technology will curve upwards to infinity within the next century. This means surviving the relatively primitive period between then and now is the major stumbling block. As an atheist, I am faced with the conclusion that this is the only life I have. Therefore I have an enormous incentive to minimize risks to my health and well being, just as a Christian has incentive not to sin; we both would be gambling our presumed eternal life, an unacceptable wager. One such risk I will choose to decline is taking up arms against the United States government. Thus the powers that be who may read this article can rest assured that I will be exhibiting more or less cowardly behavior for the next 75 years or so, and present no security threat whatsoever.
I am simply predicting what will happen and am no more responsible for the outcome than an astronomer who reveals that an asteroid is on course to wipe out DC. Hopefully, the destruction of this particular doomsday rock will be localized around the tyrants.
With that said, I present the following dangerous idea.
My secondary long-term goal is to live free. By that I mean living in a stable, secure, anarcho-capitalist society. The obvious obstacle to this goal is the existence of the State. The problems I face generally in eradicating this persistent pest are that:
The State is actively retarding the progress of science, thus making my immortality timetable more and more dicey.
There aren’t a whole lot of capital resources or individuals enlightened enough to be on my side.
If I die in the process, either from fighting a revolution or from allowing the state to last too long, stalling out science, it will all be for naught (from my perspective anyway)
The challenge then is to devise a plan to remove this obstacle, balancing the considerations of speed, cost, and safety.
In a recent article John T. Kennedy made the excellent point, using the example of a porcupine, that in order to avoid being eaten, one need not necessarily be anywhere near as powerful as the predator, only become an overpriced meal. The historical example of Switzerland in WWII comes to mind. Clearly, with a concentrated effort, the Nazi war machine could have decimated the small neutral country. In fact, Hitler boasted early on in the war that he would “be the butcher of the Swiss.” However, the Swiss militia system was able to mobilize a half million trained riflemen within 48 hours of that pronouncement. Once entrenched in foreboding Alpine terrain, they were ordered to defend the border “to the last cartridge.” The Fuhrer decided to pass on that challenge and instead waltzed through Denmark and France, countries with little to no civilian gun culture.
For our purposes, the State is the predator, and we are the prey. Kennedy mentioned (with appropriate caveats) that Assassination Politics would be one possible method to grow some quills, and raise our price beyond the power monger’s ability to pay. Briefly, the AP system, as I envision its probable implementation, would operate something like this. You come across, say, “www.jimbellsystem.com” and see a long list of names next to dollar amounts. You are then invited to select a name and then submit a guess as to the exact date this person will expire, in exchange for some standard betting fee, like $1, via some as yet undeveloped digital cash scheme. Your dollar is then added to the total on the master list. You can repeat this process as many times, on as many names as you like, or even submit a new name. Strong cryptography protects your anonymity in all cases.
Then when someone on the list inevitably is reaped, the site operator examines all the winning bets (if any) and divides the prize evenly among them, after taking a small percentage as commission. The prize money is then forwarded to anonymous digital cash accounts that the winning bettors indicated when they submitted their entries. In other words, it’s just a standard betting pool system except with paranoid security, and a rather macabre theme. However, the catch is that once a particular name gets some serious cash associated with it, say $1M+, there will be a strong motivation for an unscrupulous bettor to tip the odds dramatically in his favor via direct intervention in the subject’s death. The further catch is that many of the average, non-homicidal bettors will be aware that such unscrupulous opportunists exist and will play the game without any real ambition to randomly pick a correct date, but instead place bets to drive up the prize on persons they despise. The theory goes that politicians will be high on everyone’s shit list, and be the first to rack up attention-getting prize pools. To be wildly optimistic, it is proposed that there will be so many people with a pet peeve against a specific politician, whether they are consciously anarchist or not, that the system will foster a niche industry in assassination, and the collective actions of the market will thereafter make it incredibly dangerous for anyone to seek positions of power. Thus, the people who currently constitute the entity known as government will either die or fearfully resign en masse, and the State will disintegrate.
The fully idealistic conclusion is that this will result in permanent, defensible anarchism, since AP can be just as easily applied to any neo-statists who show up afterward, or any foreign aggressors, assuming there are any states left lacking sufficient internet connectivity to have previously ousted their own rulers.
That’s the summary, I will now debunk the many criticisms of the system, which fall into three broad categories:
Practical failures
Moral failures
Strategic failures
In the first category are objections along practical lines for its basic operation. First of all, is it technically feasible? I am not a programmer, nor even done much homework in the area of encryption/digital cash, however, there are people out there who are certainly experts who seem to think that both of those concepts have a very strong future. For further information on relevant technical matters, I direct you to J. Orlin Grabbe, who does not to my knowledge endorse any form of AP, but does treat the reader to some creative selections of soft porn.
Since I am under-educated in this field, I, unfortunately, will have to pass on any specific technical objections. Logically, though, it seems reasonable to compare the operation of this system to something like a drug cartel. South American drug lords are well known for having top-notch computer systems to keep track of their own affairs, as well as keep tabs on what competitors and Federales are up to. Such cartels are historically very good at surviving against ever increasing law enforcement budgets and political pressure. Since AP’s main business is in computers, and it will most likely be very profitable, it leads me to think that electronically evading cops by similar means may not be a hopeless task.
The second practical objection I will cover is a worst-case scenario, where, in its desperation, the state retaliates against AP by banning non-governmental digital cash entirely. Feds shuts down Paypal and anything like it, and only allow e-cash that’s connected to the magnetic stripe on your National ID, and every transaction monitored.
This unfortunate news bulletin can be handled several ways by AP’s patrons. To go back to our drug cartel analogy, keep in mind that many millions of people around the world flout the law daily to buy, sell and consume illegal pharmaceuticals. Distributors of drugs are everywhere if you know where to look. It is not so hard to imagine an identical network of underground suppliers could meet the demand for anonymous currency, for any number of purposes, not just AP. This could take the form of cash servers completely off the fed grid, or front companies that accept government e-cash and launder it for discreet uses. Depending on the exact nature of whatever new authoritarian legislation gets handed down, any number of solutions could present themselves, and those same millions of current lawbreakers will no doubt solicit them just as eagerly. And the added bonus is there is no physical evidence to be unconstitutionally searched and seized, as is the threat in the drug trade. A few kilobytes of data are probably easier to hide than a trunk full of plant extracts.
In the same vein, the State might get extremely paranoid, and attempt to ban all encryption lacking FBI backdoors. Assuming that civil libertarians are not sufficiently “concerned” to prevent this, more important is the basic impracticality of enforcement. Analogy: It is 2050 and in an understandable appeal to public safety, the Feds outlaw recently invented personal invisibility cloaks. Stormtroopers arrive at my apartment building and question my neighbors. “We have a warrant for the arrest of Robert Vroman for the alleged possession of an illegal invisibility cloak. Have you seen him? No? Hmm.”
Again my technical ignorance may get in the way, but if I can hide the content of my message, how hard is it to hide the source and destination? Internet-savvy outlaws will undoubtedly provide encryption services under the Gestapo’s nose, just like their outlaw digicash cousins, and their outlaw drug peddler ancestors.
But then what if the State, facing imminent destruction, lashes out blindly and tries to shut down the whole friggin internet? Or what if they establish martial law in the scariest uber-polizei-stadt since Adolf was dancing jigs? These and other Orwellian nightmares are possibilities. However, one must consider that any path to anarchism will eventually take us to a point to where the State is cornered and crazed, and thus this is not the fault of AP. On the bright side though, if it is AP that takes us to that juncture, any measures the State take will be short-lived and futile. While they may be able to hold off an armed rebellion or mass non-compliance and make our lives miserable for an indefinite period, AP will march along inexorably chowing down on their human resources and scaring them off, until there’s simply no one left to give orders or receive them.
The third practical objection wonders if anyone will actually put money into AP, above or below ground. Clearly, there will have to be a significant and constant cash flow to keep the wheels turning and the heads rolling. Finding customers is probably the least of our worries. First, on the list are the usual suspects of political extremists.
Hardcore lefties in all their myriad flavors: commies, left-anarchists, eco nuts, feminazis, etc.
Then your hardcore righties: militia psychos, pro-life zealots, Klansmen, dirty cops, uber-moralists, etc
Following with miscellaneous baddies: well heeled foreign terrorists, cultists, sleaze corporations, garden variety sociopaths, drug lords, etc
And that’s just the fringe. I propose that humans as a whole are not very good people. If they were, surely we would not be in the prevailing unacceptable state of affairs. Fortunately one of the main selling points of libertarianism is that it’s the superior system given any level of general morality. In the short term though, AP is well served by the relatively low level evidenced by reality. I predict that given a consequence free chance to hurt someone they despise at low monetary cost, a large percentage will sign up. American citizens donate many millions to political parties every year; clearly they take this stuff seriously. How bad do they want their guy to win? Remember, no one will ever know if you place that bet. You can protest the senselessness of it all in public, wring your hands over the latest poor public servant killed in the line of duty, and then go home and secretly sign the death warrant of that Congress asshole who wants to cut your kid’s daycare. Seriously, look at the kind of people around you, who wouldn’t jump at the chance at that kind of power?
Practically anyone with any political opinions at all can name some office holder they’d rather see gone. It should be no challenge to get enough people with the same name in mind to bet a few bucks and reach a tempting pot.
These people may not be betting against the worst statists in the order an Ancap might prioritize them, but the point is, it doesn’t matter who they bet on, as long as they hit any power holders, because most likely the success of AP will not come from systematically executing every politician, but instead drive them into hiding from fear of their name rising on the list. No matter what direction the fire is coming from, it will keep everyone in Washington’s head down.
But just to drive the point home, forget about Americans who might unexpectedly turn uniformly patriotic and override their petty partisan proclivities. For an easier challenge, let’s toss AP into the mix of some stormy banana republic below the equator. Giving AP to practically any 3rd world country would be like letting the rival faction leaders duel with grenades in a shower stall. Every wannabe El Presidente will openly encourage their followers to bet against the competition and undoubtedly receive the same in return. If you find Somalia encouraging, imagine the entire developing world forced to go the same route.
So I think I’ve established that there will be sufficient demand, the other side of the coin is of course supply. Again, we are well stocked. Last I read, the home of the brave here has some 2 million people imprisoned, 40% of which are deemed ‘violent’. Furthermore, approximately 1% of all violent crimes result in a prisoner. This says to me that there is an abundance of dumb mean folks in this country. One characteristic of the violence prone is they tend to be poor. I imagine that few such criminals actually enjoy risking their life and freedom day after day in robbing random people for watches and wallets. How many would gamble on that One Big Score, if payday were a sure thing?
To name a few, we’ve got the obvious examples, Mafiosos, Hell’s Angels, Islamo-fascists, McVeigh acolytes, etc, plus a virtually bottomless supply of standard small time thugs and starving junkies.
In other words lots and lots of people who wouldn’t think twice about killing anyone for the right price or cause, all being simultaneously offered heaping mounds of cash with no names being mentioned, no questions asked, and no one to have to trust. All guaranteed and anonymous. And the best part is, there’s no need for the ideologically pure to go fling ourselves against leviathan in some ill conceived revolution. I’m sometimes disturbed by the martyrdom complex some Ancaps seem to exhibit; holing up with their favorite rifle and apparently just waiting for the JBTs to show up someday and take down as many with them as possible. Much safer to just pay otherwise worthless people to do the dirty work instead.
To wax poetic, the great melting pot of human society has got scum floating on the top, and scum settled on the bottom. It sure would be great if we could let them thin each other’s ranks, with minimal bystanders getting plugged.
Then again, why count on the competence and boldness of American crooks? Watch the experiment unfold south of the border and see who takes the gamble. In parts of the world where life is cheap, AP might be a chief industry, and provide an excellent test pad for its 1st world conquest.
If there are other practical failures I have missed, I will have to address them in a follow up article. On to the alleged moral failures.
I do not think my audience will contest the notion that tax is theft, enforced regulation is aggression, and basically everything the government does, from bombing foreign kids, to propagandizing local kids, is wrong. Libertarian logic goes on to say that you have a basic right to defend your person and property from aggression, and that if a given level of force is insufficient to deter that aggression, you may justifiable escalate without bound until the aggression is so deterred. Furthermore, you are fully within your rights to contract out your defensive needs to other parties. If the aggressor you are facing is so overwhelming that you can neither personally defend yourself nor openly seek protection services, then it becomes necessary to devise clever systems like AP.
Still, some are concerned that indirectly paying someone to preemptively kill a politician is dangerously close to initiation of force, even if the institution he represents is admittedly oppressive.
First of all maybe you hate the state and have a T-shirt to prove it, but bear no ill will to the lowly 9-to-5er in the local bureaucracy with no real decision making power. Surely that misguided paper shuffler does not deserve to get axed along with the household name tyrants. Fear not, because AP only recognizes the power of the dollar, and unless someone, somewhere is willing to part with a small fortune in order to doom the government peon, he is probably just as safe as every other person listed in the phone book.
The stronger complaint is that no politicians deserve to die, and we should instead get the backing of legions of converts and politely present our leaders with one way tickets to somewhere far away and leave them be. If that were plausible, I’m all for it. Since its not, there’s no reason to protest the forceful alternative.
I am not obsessed with justice or vengeance. I would be perfectly happy to let every reigning politician resign without further punishment, even those that knowingly ordered or caused innocent deaths. For example, I have no desire to expend energy exhuming FDR’s corpse and dragging it around the town square, as my grandfather often insists should be done. In other words, out of sight, out of mind. The only thing that matters is that the rulers leave power, their offices dismantled. Going back to my earlier criteria, I will back whatever method of eviction is the quickest, cheapest, and safest (for me), regardless of the consequences said method brings down on the evictees. If AP is the Q, C, and S, then I shed no tears over however many leaders get snuffed before the rest discover their positions cannot protect them. If any of you have a soft spot for some politician who is “really an ok guy deep down, he just doesn’t get it yet” then hopefully he will be among the first to ‘get it’ and work his damnedest to disappear from public consciousness as fast as possible.
Imagine this scenario: You just went to considerable cost to move into a nice new neighborhood. The day after you move in, you receive the following note in the mail:
Your options are A) pissing away your down payment and leaving, only to find Vroman’s relatives run similar scams in every other neighborhood B) coughing up the 2 grand every year, and futilely trying to convince your sheeple neighbors to petition Boss Vroman to leave you all alone C) killing a few thugs and eventually going down in a hail of lead, D) spend your 2 grand hiring someone to snipe Boss Vroman when he least expects it.
So which will it be, Ex-pat, LP, Waco, or…AP?
Whether you buy that as sufficient excuse or if instead, you buy into Bob Murphy’s pacifism plan, is actually quite irrelevant. Here is the clutch argument. Why Ancaps should not oppose AP is that the fate of anarchism and AP are inextricably entwined. It is obvious that if the system works at all, it will be very profitable to the operators. In Ancapland there will be no law enforcement per se to crack down on a proposed AP operation. Thus it is inevitable that some profit-seeking anarchists, with no fear of state reprisal, will eventually start one or more AP servers.
No matter what route is taken to anarchism, peaceful evangelism or other, the end result will be a society devoid of central authority, and with an AP system in existence, due to simple profit motive.
Furthermore, even if the consequences of AP are a hell on earth comparable with the worst examples of grotesque statism, that is also irrelevant, because AP is unstoppable. Even if we all converted to minarchism so that we could have the benefits of pseudo-libertarianism, while still having a violence monopolist to counteract AP, that changes nothing. AP can destroy any state, minimal or monstrous. No matter what the ultimate outcome wrought by AP, there are no steps we can take that will avoid it. Even embracing the current police state, if that were a serious option, would not provide significant long term resistance to the looming threat of AP. There is nothing short of 100% popular refusal to participate that will prevent AP from tearing down every political office in the world, and given human psychology, that 100% won’t materialize.
Thus the only question is whether AP is useful enough for transition purposes that someone develops it now, or uses other methods to destroy statism first, and wait for AP to show up on its own.
It’s like this. Person A is holding person B hostage at gunpoint. You, being a pacifist, would like to save person B, without killing bad guy A. Unfortunately for your humanitarian plans, person B is a part time ninja, and as soon as the immediate threat of the gun is gone, he is going to snap A’s neck instantly. You also have a gun. So whether you shoot A yourself, or somehow non-lethally disarm him and unleash B’s hands of death, A will die. Thus given the certainty of A’s death (and deserved at that) the primary concern should be the other two people in the equation. If you attempt to disarm A, you could get shot, leaving B still trapped and you dead. Or you could just easily shoot A, saving both yourself and B, but troubling your conscience.
That’s all I have to say about moral issues.
Lastly, there are the criticisms that claim that AP will successfully kill politicians, moral or not, but the real problem is that the system will result in something no better than the current regime. There are common cries that AP will get ‘out of control’. I see two ways this could happen. Foremost is that the operators of AP will somehow appoint themselves de facto rulers in the resulting power vacuum and twist the tool to assassinate their personal enemies at will. This is clearly impossible because if they were able to operate their servers despite the pressure of a state, clearly someone else can operate a competing server despite the pressure of the rogue AP-ists, and if said rogues build themselves a personality cult in a bid for world domination, they make themselves ridiculously easy targets for AP v2.0.
The better reason this is impossible is because ideally the AP system would be so well designed that it would run autonomously, so as to avoid there being any actual operators for the state to arrest. Thus there are no operators to go bad in the post-state world either.
The other possible unintended consequence, opposite that of crypto-dictatorship, is the Randian fear about war of all against all, i.e. ‘bad’ anarchism ala Mad Max. I see little reason to worry about this possibility. If society degenerates to the point that putting a $100 bet on someone dying tomorrow results in a very real possibility that you will be right, then this would imply that AP players are so widespread and killing so unremarkable, that you might as well just whack the person yourself and save the C-note. At this point, AP will fall into disuse for being an unnecessary middleman in the homicide business, except for those rare hard to find targets, as was its original purpose.
Therefore, AP has a feedback loop that prevents it from being practical as a means of facilitating petty murders.
In conclusion, AP is pragmatically sound, ethically justified, and strategically prudent. The only question is when. Watch out State, you’re on a collision course with an extinction level event. I have foreseen it.
Source: news.bitcoin
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I live in Slough, Bucks. My car insurance is very expensive due to where I live. Some insurance companies wont even provide insurance at all in my area. I looked at a map at an insurance brokers that showed high risk areas and I have noticed that the high risk/expensive areas happen to have a high Muslim population. Are the government aware of this.""
Temporary vehicle registration and insurance in California for uk citizen?
Hi, Myself and a friend will be travelling to California next month to purchase a 1960s vw campervan. We will be driving it to the shipping port to export it back to the uk. I've been told we can get a temporary registration which lasts 28 days and will allow us to drive the van. I've been on the californian DMV website but cannot find any more information or the forms. no email address either! So far I just know we will need to have an insurance certificate to get the temporary registration. Couple of questions really, Do I need to purchase a van before I can get the temporary registration? Ideally I would like to go buy a van and drive it away there and then from the seller but Im thinking I'll have to put a deposit down or similar and get the info and go to the DMV before I can take it away? Second question is insurance, I guess the best idea would be to go with an American company. Will they insure a uk citizen who's just over for a few weeks with just a uk driving license? Any suggestions of companies who may do so? In the uk we have a company called swift who only deal online. This would be ideal because then I wouldn't need an address forms/certificates to be sent. Any ideas? Reason were not getin it transported is because we want to do a bit of travelling on route to a east coast port.""
Car insurance company offered me too low?
A few weeks ago my car was rear ended and has minor frame damage from the collision. The insurance adjustor's checked it out and offered me $700 to fix the paint on the bumper, repair the bumper support and 2 hours on a frame rack. Details about my car: The passenger rear taillight is pushed in about a centimeter - the quarter panel now sticks out a tad and is crumpled in the wheelwell - my passenger framerail has a warp in it from the accident. Now they are claiming that my car was in a previous accident because of filler paint or something in the trunk. They claim that because I have a hole cut into my frame rail that the car was previously pulled and that's where the damage came from. I drove the car for 4 years, I think I'd know if my taillight was pushed in and my quarter panel was sticking out. They told me to take it to an auto body to have it looked at and they would contact them on a final settlement - BUT I feel the car is unsafe to drive. I do not want to drive a car with previous frame damage (fixed). Would I be able to take the money and buy a different car without the body shop doing work on it?""
How much would car insurance AAA cost for a 16 years old?
Best Economical Insurance Company?
Hi, I live in New Jersey and wondered if anyone might know of a dependable insurance company -- car and home -- that also offers better rates? Thanks!""
Car Insurance Question?
Hi, im 16 and 17 in August living in Ireland, and i'm thinking of buying either a Honda Civic 1999-2001 or a Honda integra 1998-2001 aswell, i'm a guy and i'm wondering how much it'll cost to insure either one of them, and also what car is better""
Salina Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67402
Salina Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67402
How much will my car insurance cover damages to the other car?
I backed into a parked car and apparently broke the tail light and a small dent on the bumper; my car didn't have a scratch. I freaked out and left with out leaving a note. About an hour later I get a phone call from police saying I need to come back to the scene. I came back and told them the story of what happened. The guy I hit agreed not to press charges and the officer agreed not to arrest me for hit and run as long as I provided my info. So I cooperative and provided my insurance info. I'm fully covered. Will my insurance company pay for all the damages to the guy's car or only a portion? So far I've only received a phone call from my insurance company that I have $500 deductible. And I have yet to hear from the guy for repair estimates.
Approximate insurance cost for vw polo (UK)?
I am 17 and have just passed my driving test.. How high is the insurance likely to be for this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2001-Volkswagen-Polo-1-0-E-5-Door-Metallic-Green-/280730016652?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item415cd01b8c#ht_1227wt_1140 ?? Cheers x
Insurance rates for this car?
First car, v8 mustang""
What is a cheap insurance company for teens in washington?
Im 17 and I just started driveing and I have to be on my own insurance, what is the cheapest insurance that I can use thanks for any info""
Can I qualify for medical insurance now?
I was non insurable as of last year due to pancreas problems. I went in the hospital 2 months ago and it turns out my problems were caused from my gallbladder. Had my gallbladder removed so now is it possible for me to be insured?
Do mopeds in California require insurance?
Do mopeds in California require insurance?
How much on average is motorbike insurance for a 17 year old girl in the uk?
:) i can't drive, but i wanna get a motorbike when i turn 17. how much would the insurance and tax etc be?""
Can we get car insurance with two different companies?
My mom and dad have their cars insured with one insurance company, we are going to get another car and wanted to have my mom as the primary driver and me as an occasional. The problem is the rates are really high for an occasional driver when you have three cars. Is it legal for my mom and me get insurance with a different company? Can my mom be insured with two companies for two different cars?""
How can i get cheap motorbike insurance? UK?
im 19 years of age just passed my test and my insurance is going up by like 30-40 pound, it should be going down! and then there charging me 50 to change policy! haha 80-90 pound stupid. and im already paying 350 a year for third party!! on a honda 125 vararedo with 1 year no claim bonus!! when people are paying 50-100 a year fully comp!?!?!?!?! i said locked building. got alarms locks data tag!?""
Where can i find the car insurance rates by state?
Looking to see how much car insurance rates are for different states.
""Out of these cars, which one will have the cheapest insurance?
Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005
What is the most popular and best auto insurance broker in NYC? Any recommendations? What is the advantage?
By best, I mean the lowest priced rate they can come up with. What is the advantage I get going to a broker instead of directly going to a popular auto insurance company? Thanks a lot.""
What can I do for health insurance for my child and myself?
I am contemplating quitting my job, which offers health insurance, to open a home business. I have been slowly building up my business and it's getting to the point where I have to either decide to quit my full-time job or stop developing my business. I have the potential to make much more with my own business than I do at my current job. Before I make the decision to quit my job, I am researching my options about health insurance, which is very important to me because my daughter has special needs and I do not want to jeopardize her health in any way. I also don't want to get myself into a tricky situation where I end up bankrupt because I get sick and don't have health insurance. I have contemplated taking COBRA after quitting my job, however that is very costly. My boyfriend and I toyed with the idea of him putting me on his health insurance as a domestic partner, but my daughter would not be included in that. We live in Minnesota and I'm wondering if MinnesotaCare would be an option for us, at least to tide us over until I can afford to purchase health insurance or my boyfriend and I get married and my daughter and I can go on his plan. However, I did read that to qualify for MinnesotaCare you must not have had insurance for the last 4 months and that's not a gamble I want to take. My daughter is already on TEFRA (MN disability health insurance) so I am wondering if she was dropped from my plan if TEFRA would cover her 100 percent. My worry about that is if another group health plan wouldn't accept her pre-existing conditions going forward because she would be off a group plan for more than 62 days. Does anyone have any ideas about affordable health insurance options that I should look into? Or know more about the HIPAA laws? And before someone suggests calling the state for information...I have and I'm waiting for a call back. Thanks!""
How could I lower my motorcycle insurance?
I looked over some of the things that insurance companies look for in giving deductibles and so far i came up with things like: 1. alarms, security devices, etc. 2. lower amount cost of accident coverage 3. rider training courses im 24, and i heard insurance rates go down after you turn 25 but i'm not sure if this applies to motorcycles also. i don't make too much at my job (min. wage) so i need the lowest rate i can get. what else can i do to bring it down???""
Where can I find classic car insurance for a 17 year old?
Hey guys I've recently received a classic 1992 Mazda Miata from my dad, which has been a treasured possession of our family for a number of years. I myself am now a member of the owners club and take great care of the car, but am obviously unable to drive it without insurance. While insuring the car with a normal provider would be far too expensive for me (at 17 years), classic car insurance is not only cheaper but fits my needs far better. I was wondering if anyone knows of a classic car insurer who would be willing to insure me, taking into account my situation? Thanks, Laurence""
What is the most popular and best auto insurance broker in NYC? Any recommendations? What is the advantage?
By best, I mean the lowest priced rate they can come up with. What is the advantage I get going to a broker instead of directly going to a popular auto insurance company? Thanks a lot.""
Can my mom insure my vehicle?
I want to buy a newly used car and i will have a loan on it. I wanted to know if the loan and the title are all in my name, would my mom be able to insure it in her name and me just as a driver? im under 25 so my insurance would be extra high. and would i have to register it in her name at DMV to let her insure it?""
No car insurance and got into an accident.?
I recently got in a car accident with no insurance. I rear ended someone and totalled his old car. The police came and made a police report and did not question me on wether I had insurace or not. If I bought Insurance right after that, can i use it to file a claim for what happened? If the other guy would cooperate and say we crashed at a later time would that work?""
Insurance Quote for teenage driver?
Can you give me an estimated insurance rate based on the following - 18years old college student with 2 years foreign driving experience, one week old US drivers license - Never involved in any accidents - Toyota RAV 4 2009 4WD""
Health Insurance Out of State?
I have pectus excavatum and I live in Marshalltown Iowa. I want to get a cosmetic procedure done called the nuss procedure. Most insurance companies say they cover this surgery. I know for a fact that my condition is severe enough that I could get the procedure done. I also want to get the procedure done out of state because the only doctor that's able to do it in Iowa blows and nearly killed 2 people. What type of insurance do I need specifically need for this? I can spend 300-350$ maximum but would like to spend 200-250$ for insurance. Pectus excavatum is classified as a pre-existing medical condition so I have been told that it would be hard for me to get insurance. Right now I have IowaCare which is a joke and only covers surgery or hospitalization in Iowa City. Thanks!!!
Where can a 17 years old female find the cheapest car insurance?
ok, so I am turning 17 in march, and I am looking at car insurance. I am getting my sisters old citroen saxo which is a 1.0 engine size 3 door car, very much like a ford fiesta. I was looking at insurance a few months back, and it was around 1,800, which I was prepared to pay. However, looking now, its around 4000!! what is going on!?!? I have saved up around 1000, but this is ridiculous! I was hoping to be able to buy my own insurance policy rather than go on my parents, as I'd like to be able to take my car away with me to uni next year! Does anyone know how I can get cheap car insurance?? I have tried apllying for third party only, with minimum annual mileage, etc... before you ask. Thank you!""
Need help insurance gurus?
What is the best route to getting insurance for weight loss procedures? I haven't had insurance in 3 years
Car insurance for a new driver.?
How much money would car insurance be for a 16-year old teenage boy? My birthday falls weird so i get my lisence when im sophmore.
Which is the most inexpensive car insurance in california? please give me 2 or 3 names. cheapest car insurance?
Which is the most inexpensive car insurance in california? please give me 2 or 3 names. cheapest car insurance?
What is the best insurance company to work for in California ?
What is the best insurance company to work for in California ?
Salina Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67402
Salina Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67402
Does anyone knows which insurance company is better? Great eastern or prudential?
Does anyone knows which insurance company is better? Great eastern or prudential?
Will damages to my rental car go to my car insurance if I was not the one driving?
I have terrible luck lately. Two weeks ago I totaled my car (my fault) and I have a rental until tomorrow. Rental is from enterprise and paid for thru my car insurance. On my rental agreement I did not list any other drivers, and since it was paid for by my car insurance the guy crossed out the extra insurance and just asked me how much my car insurance deductible is and wrote that down($250). Today, I looked at the agreement and I actually hadn't signed it when I rented the car (even though there is a place for me to sign)...hmm...(?) SO, last night I was drinking and my boyfriend was not so he drove us home- in my rental. A car hit the rear driver side of us and it caused a dent and some paint damage. Called the cops, the other driver lied and nobody cited. I DO NOT want my insurance to know, since I just totaled my car. Boyfriend has full coverage, can it go on his? or will it go on mine? Can we just pay for it in cash & not use insurance? Its minor, fix before I turn it back in ?""
About how much will Car Insurance for me cost?
I am a male. I am 16 almost 17. I am about to buy a car, I am looking for one now. About how much will it cost for a normal sized car? Not a sport car. Also I was told that my insurance can be lowered with my grades? I have straight A's.""
How much is Car Insurance for a 17 year old Boy in NJ?
I recently got my license and my mom added me to her insurance. For 1 month they are charging approximately $400. This seems really outrageous. Car is a 2007 Toyota Camry. I also have above a 3.0 average and supposedly get some kind of discount. What are your opinions on this price?
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
For a first time driver who is 28 who is good for cheap car insurance?
In the uk
Cheapest auto insurance for a teenager?
I am 17, and my parent's won't let me get my learner's permit until I can get a job, buy my own car, and pay for my own insurance. What is the cheapest auto insurance company, but with good polices? I make good grades if that helps at all.""
Is it illegal to drive without car insurance?
Is it illegal to drive without car insurance?
Buying a car...are you supposed to get insurance before?
okay heres the info. im 18...never had a car but i just found one that im seriously thinking about from a dealership. wil they sell it to me even though i dont have car insurance? im sure this uestion sounds retared...but i know its illegal todrive without it but at the same time when you apply for insurance dont you have to let your compnay know wht kind of car you drive? im so confused.
Insurance Cost for a 1966 mustang convertible in mint condition?
I'm curious how much, on average, would insurance cost for an 18 year old male driving a 1966 mustang convertible in mint condition be? And if you could explain why too that'd be awesome thanks! :)""
Should i get 20 year term or a 30 year term life insurance?
My husband and I currently have a 20 year term life insurance policy. We are switching companies because we were paying too much at State Farm. I'm 30 and he is 33 and we are both in very good health. We have a 9 month old baby boy and our policies are for $500,000 each. The rate I'm getting is $45 for both of us for the 20 year term and $70 for both of us for the 30 year term. Which one should I go with?""
Car insurance question no claims bonus?
so, i went onto the website with the annoying singing fat man, got a reasonable quote for my classic car, declared all cars in my household, one of which is a company car with 2 years NCB. Paid the deposit and remainder was to be paid monthly by direct debit. After a couple of weeks now they've written to me wanting proof of the NCB I stated, wanting details of the previous insurance and policy number. So, I email them (as they stated in the letter that this would be the quickest way to resolve and avoid having my policy cancelled) saying the NCB was on company insurance rather than another private insurance which i think they assume I have (the option on NCB on the website included NCB on company cars), no response to my email, so I send another, now I've had a red coloured letter threatening cancellation of my insurance unless I provide the information. Tried phoning and it's either constantly engaged or answer phone. Emailed for a third and final time and put a copy of the email in the post with no response. I feel I have been totally mislead by assuming I have NCB on my company car policy, so, should they decide to cancel my policy can I get my deposit and 1st month's payment back? Citizens advice has told me that the policy was misleading and was not as described so I should be due a refund but how can I expect to get this if I cannot contact them? HELP and advice please!""
Buying used car. What do I do for insurance?
I'm buying a new car today and I was wondering if I could drive it home (~2miles) without insurance. If not, what do I do? Thanks""
Can policr find out if you havent got car insurance by reading the car numberplate?
Can policr find out if you havent got car insurance by reading the car numberplate?
Affordable health insurance?
I am a married woman and am looking for health insurance just for myself. My husband does not want to get it for both of us just yet. I get birth control every month and I have contacts, so I would like affordable health insurance that would include vision and lower my yearly visit to the gynecologist. It should also be good for the possibility of my birth control failing and I get pregnant. I live in Alabama. Do you have any ideas? I'd like it to be under $100 a month.""
Motorcycle insurance?
I'm young (21) looking for motorcycle insurance in MA and I was wondering some of the better options. Btw I'm looking for full coverage quotes. I have had a regular drivers license for about 4 years and I live in a rural area, not a lot of theft. I know it takes much more personal information than that but again I'm just looking for estimates. Just looking for good (preferably local) insurance companies and estimated quotes.""
How can i get temporary car insurance in the UK?
my brothers not going to be using his car for the next month and i want to know how i can get insurance cover for a few weeks or maybe a month. my brother in law got it on my dads car so he could use it for a while but im not sure how to go about it. can i do it through his insurance and how much roughly would it cost? thanks
Health insurance for kids 18 and older?
Hello. Im searching for health insurance for my daughter who will be 18 in about a year and half. We are both from California. Does anyone know of any coverage that can help that dont cost an arm and a leg...I dont have much money, and my insurance will only will cover her till shes 18. I just dont want her to be with out medical help when her 18 bday comes. Thanks for your help and please be nice.""
How can I see a doctor without insurance?
Hi I'm 18 years old and I have no insurance and no job..I'm really sick my back feels like its on fire and my testicles has been shrinking I also feel like theres bumps on my right testicles..I've also lost 10 pounds in a month due to my sickness I really want to go to the doctors but I can't afford it....also I live in Colorado Springs..
Auto insurance rate suddenly increasing by $140+?
1. I am under 21 2. The car I am driving is 2008 HONDA CIVIC 3. I go to college, my GPA lower than 3.0 4. Comprehensive / collision $500 Deductible / Basic policy overall 5. **Here is the major thing. I got a 3 point ticket (illegal u-turn) last February. BUT THIS IS BEFORE I PURCHASED THIS INSURANCE. For the first month, I paid for $190. Saying that this will go down as I turn 21 this December. The projected 6 month premium was $950. For the second month now, the total amount went up to $330. I asked the agent what the hell happened and he said the insurance company didn't spot my violation record at first. And this caused my insurance rate to go up by $80. Even so, still it's tooooo much! for the car I am driving . . . If it's BMW or something better, I would understand! Please, any advice on this one?""
Does my car insurance go up if I got a speeding ticket out-of-province?
So I have an Ontario license and I got a speeding ticket (15mph over - 24km/h over) in NY near the border. Keeping in mind that this is my very first traffic ticket: 1. How much am I likely to pay? 2. Does it affect my insurance? 3. (I don't really care cause this probably won't happen again) Do I lose any points?
Car insurance excess?
I'm having trouble understanding how car insurance, repairs and excess works in VIC, Australia. I gather that the driver who is at fault pays an excess to his insurance company before his vehicle is repaired, and his insurance company covers the repairs for the other vehicle involved. Will this excess see both vehicles being repaired, or do two excesses need to be payed?""
What are the best car insurance sites for a 17 year old male?
Im just looking what sort of prices id be looking at for insurance for small cars (1.0/1.1 engines) and cant get a quote under 3000. Who are the best insurance providers for recently passed 17 year olds?
""First time driver, why is a Smart Fortwo 2002 reg third party fire and theft so expensive on insurance?!?""
I recently did an insurance quote for a Smart Fortwo, the value of it 2400, and the insurance came up third party fire and theft at 2900!!! :O why for such a small and low engine car would it be so gob smackingly expensive?! I hope someone can put my mind at rest because i really would love to know! Thanks :D""
Auto insurance..??
I'm trying to get just PL&PD, and the insurance websites are really hard for me to understand at the moment... I'm 19, just got my license, no experience on the road good or bad, good grades, and my car is a '96 Ford Taurus... about how much will my insurance be?? just a guess is what I want, and also if you have what company you got your estimate from, that would be really nice. Thanks :)""
Salina Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67402
Salina Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67402
What can I do about car insurance from another state? PLEASE HELP!?
Okay basically here's the story. I'm 19, I live with my parents in Wisconsin but I'm trying to move back to Pennsylvania with my aunt and uncle. However I'm not in school at the moment. Apparently if I moved to PA, I'd have to pay 278 dollars more a month through Geico because I'd be living in a different state. I already have a job set up there and all so they could obviously see my paycheck is not from Wisconsin so I can't just lie or something lol. I really know nothing about insurance and how I can work this out without paying that much more. Can anyone help me with other options I could have?""
Car insurance quotes?
About how much would car insurance cost for 16 year old teenage driver in florida. The car would possibly be a 2005 convertible.
""I'm 18, just got my first car and looking for affordable car insurance?
- I live in New York - I can't go under on neither of my parents policy.
Do you think car insurance should be mandatory in all of the United States?
I live in Wisconsin. Car insurance is not required for cars trucks and anything else on the road. I think this is wrong with medical and car repair bills being so expensive these days. Worst part about it is some of these non insured people drive like lunatics and if they do hit you they have nothing to even sue them for. I think it's disgusting.
Finding information about monthly payments?
I am currently looking to move out of my parents house and get an apartment with a friend of mine that is 45 mins away from my hometown. I am a sophmore in college and I would like to have the experience of living on my own for a couple years near my parents before I move thousands of miles away after college for my career plans. Now I am looking into my costs and spendings on living on my own. But the problem is I really don't want to talk to my parents about this until I get it all planned out. But I need to find out how much my car insurance, health insurance, life insurance, car payments (if there is still any), cellphone bill...and other expenses that I need to find out on a monthly basis to get an idea of what it will cost for me to live on my own because my parents pay majority of everything for me and I just been working and saving money for this opportunity to live on my own with a roommate or two or three (maybe). How can I find out this information when the expenses are not in my name but in my parents name? And without my parents finding out that I am looking at all this? Thank you!""
How do Car Insurance Deposits Work?
I am new to the whole car insurance thing, and so I would greatly appreciate it if someone who knew what they were talking about would give me some help on how deposits work. I don't want to ask this help from the insurers cos they'll try to persuade me to pay for their insurance before I'm ready. Basically, my cheapest and most covered insurance is quoted as 3,889.98. I will be initially paying a deposit of 780.05 and then monthly payments of 314.66 for the next 11 months. What I want to know is an explanation of how deposits work in terms of Car insurance, and what I also want to know is does this deposit have to be paid more than once in your entire time with the company? Thank you in advance guys :) Micky.""
What are the average insurance rates in ontario?
like yearly, and how much would it cost for me to insure my car right after i get my license?""
Pregnant with health insurance but no maternity coverage?
Would I qualify for Medicaid for pregnant women if I have cigna health insurance without maternity coverage? I live in Florida. If not does cigna offer maternity coverage?
Am I able to check the status of my husbands car insurance claim ?
Last October , I sold my car so I would be able to buy a more gas efficient car. I found a car that I wanted that was a stick but didn't no how to drive stick. My husband talked ...show more""
Does an insurance consultant in Massachusetts need to be licensed?
It is corporate insurance, not personal.""
Car Insurance for youth?
What car insurance company is usually cheapest for a new driver with a car in the early 90's (1991 Grand Prix) for liablity only. I would go on with my parents but the company they have forces me to pay on every car they own and its just waaaay to much for me since im just starting out in the workforce
Life insurance question?
If someone were to get life insurance in their twenties, how would that benefit them later in life when their old?""
Car insurance quotes?
i have just passed my driving test & was looking at insurance quotes on different comparison websites . i am a 36 year old man with 4 kids & wife & need to get a car to further my career . i got a quote for a 1997 R reg 800cc Daewoo matiz and will be fitting an alarm as well as keeping it locked in my garage overnight but the cheapest quote a can find is 1282 a year fully comp & paying up front .I also got a quote for a 1998 S reg 1.4 Peaugeot 306 Meridian & the quote I received for this car was 942 for the year again payment upfront . the problem I have is that with the latter quote for the Peaugeot is that there wasn't any alarm on the quote & it was to be parked in the carpark next to my house . So why oh why is a car that is less desirable & has a smaller engine costing 340 more even though it has an alarm & locked away over night .
How much is car insurance in New Jersey?
my sister lives in new jersey and she is wondering how much is the insurance going to cost. She doesn't have a car yet .. she is 17 .. what does she need in order to get a car. Like how much should she save up in order for her to be able to buy a car.. ..
I am lawful resident can i get health insurance?
I am a 67 year old lawful resident and i do not have a health insurance is there any provision in Obama new health insurance bill
Do you have to have health insurance to have Rhinoplasty?
Just wondering if you have to have health insurance for a nose job.
Is my car insurance company lying to me?
I am insured by Farmers, they told me that I can not have a choice of the estimator who will decide the value of the damage to my car. They told me that only their estimator can decide the value of the damage. Are they lying?""
""Ninja 250 kawasaki Insurance rate,?""
I live in Canada ontario, and am 18, and i talked to my parents about getting a motorcycle today which they had no complaints about as its my money. Etc. Yet my dad said the insurance would be Higher than car insurance which im really worried about if i do get myself a sportsbike, my first one being a ninja 250, not sure what year but im going to get it used for sure and resell it at a later time. Basically, ill be 18 by the time i get my ninja 250, and would like to know the range of insurance for each month, thanks. Or point me in the right direction where i can check.""
High Insurance Rate for RX-8 05'?
I'm 20 years old and have been driving for 4 years now. As of recently, I own a RX-8 05' (1st Car), No prior accidents, never gotten a ticket. Nothing negative what-so-ever with vehicles or finances. I'm paying $1600 and change every six months including discounts such as Military, anti-lock brakes, etc. Insurance company is Gieco. I took in to account that I am in fact a young male with a race car but with no intentions to drive reckless. Its a car that I plan to have for a few years and enjoy driving it before I get something more economically sufficient. My question is... Is this a reasonable payment? Do perks and lower rates come the longer your with a company and continue safe driving?""
Ideal first car cheap on insurance.?
Cheap first car with cheap insurance in the uk? For a 17 year old. I look on auto trader with 1.0 liter engines but its all deawood matiz which looks like a girl car. Thanks.
Insurance quote?
hey, for school i have to know what an insurance quote is and none of the sights i go to will give me any information. so can you help me? what is an insurance quote and for what kind of insurance? all of them?""
""When getting a car insurance quote, do I disclose a speeding ticket, if I already took traffic school for it?""
I had a speeding ticket, but the judge lowered my citation to 99mph so I could take traffic school. I am getting an insurance quote from progressive.com and they want me to provide information on tickets I've received in the last 3 years. Do I tell them about my speeding ticket, since traffic school is supposed to prevent a point from being added to my driving record? I've already finished my traffic school and I live in California.""
Are 100% of Americans insured with medical/dental insurance?
Bet not and do they pay their medical bills? NOOOOOOOOO!!!
Temporary car insurance?
I am moving across oregon when i turn 18 and I currently have a car but I need to get tags and insurance to move it. Could I get temporary insurance which is good for a week? If yes, about how much would that be? Do I need insurance to get my car registered and get tags?""
I broke my phone will my insurance cover it?
i threw my phone t-mobile sidekick lx and the screen broke will my insurance cover it?
Salina Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67402
Salina Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67402
0 notes