#anyways if you see me reblog gifs to my sideblog just mind your business
scion-of-kings · 3 years
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                                            𝐆𝐈𝐋 - 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐃
                               ᴏꜰ ʜɪᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴀʀᴘᴇʀꜱ ꜱᴀᴅʟʏ ꜱɪɴɢ
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      Indie RP blog. Sel. & Priv. Permanent semi-hiatus. Since ‘17.
                                      Default verse: Starlight
                    ꜱᴇᴇ ʙᴇʟᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜᴛ ꜰᴏʀ ᴍᴏʙɪʟᴇ ɴᴀᴠɪɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
This is just so… it’s written down somewhere and you have an idea about what’s cool and not around this blog. It’s a bit long but you’ll see I’m pretty chill with everything -most of the rules are just basic common sense.
• I’m slow. Super slow. I work full time and have a busy life outside Tumblr. Keep this in mind if you have trouble writing with someone who might take weeks to answer a thread.
• No godmoding. Do not control my character’s actions, unless we’ve talked about it and I’ve said it is okay to do so in certain threads. 
• Hate doesn’t happen here. I don’t allow it. 
• Let’s keep the drama in character. I won’t tolerate it ooc. 
• If you’re underage, I will not rp NSFW/smut stuff with you. I’m quite past of age, so NSFW can happen anytime and will be properly tagged. It may go under a read more. That being said, I would prefer writing with adult writers --nothing wrong being a teen in the RP scene (I was one myself once upon a ton of blogs), but I would kindly encourage you to find writers closer to you in age.
• I’m selective. Just for my own sanity. It means I very much like to have a controlled number of threads and will not start anything new until there are slots available, so to say. I don’t have that much time to be around here, and it can be overwhelming to come back after a while and find +50 drafts waiting for me. 
• I do reserve the right to refuse to rp, specially if I feel our muses are not connecting at all.
• OCs, AUs and crossovers are more than welcome, though I will need some details to get things going (bios, info, etc). Anyway keep in mind I feel most comfortable within Middle-Earth and that I will be reluctant to write something set in a fandom I don’t know much about -or if I don’t really see Ereinion going there. Fandoms I won’t be doing crossovers with include Harry Potter, ASoIaF, Marvel and videogame based ones. 
• On that note, I won't follow any HP related muse, neither characters coming from other JKR works.
• I won’t follow you if you’re not an rp blog, but you’re welcome into my ask and the im thing anyway (I’ll follow if your rp blog is a sideblog, though, just let me know!)
•Racism, zionism, antisemitism and anti-LGTBQ+ commentaries and views will get you a block. Good riddance.
• I won’t follow you if you’re not an rp blog, but you’re welcome into my ask and the im thing anyway (I’ll follow if your rp blog is a sideblog, though, just let me know!). 
• If it’s not tagged as “do not reblog”, feel free to do so, whatever it is. In fact the only things I want you to /not/ reblog are threads, though I’m okay with you hitting the heart. The rest is fine, whether it is a headcanon, a joke, a drabble or something I wrote ooc.
• As I don’t really have that much time to be around, I tend to tag my memes and starters with the people they’re intended to. Please refrain from sending anything if the tags don’t mention you. Otherwise send in whatever you want :)
•If you want to plot, or talk or whatever, IM and messages are open to everyone out there. I do not bite, though I’m shy as hell. Mutuals can ask for my Discord.
• HAVE FUN! That’s why we are here, right?
•I don’t agree with LACE. Ereinion sort of… does? It has more to do with his image as the head of the country than personal belief, for him.
• Though I know this whole mess of a story about Gil-galad’s parentage, I will be roleplaying with The Silmarillion version of him being Fingon’s child, because it’s the version I like the most. Yes, I know Christopher believes that might have not been his father’s last word on the matter but I couldn’t care less. The Fingolfinian lineage is the one that makes the most sense to me. 
•I also don’t agree with most fanon stuff, specially regarding the Fëanorian side of things; you are welcome to have your own opinions and views, of course, and I welcome healthy discussions and debates about the lore, but do not try to shove fanon down my throat disguised as a canon take because I won’t like it. 
•My portrayal leans heavily on my own headcanons about Ereinion’s life and what little bits the text lets you see about him. They’re part of my Ereinion and I’ve been developing them for years. Anyway if we’re writing and any of them collides with your own headcanons on whatever the matter, I’ll be more than happy to discuss them with you and get to a solution that works and makes sense for the both of us. 
•While I do not expect anyone to be The Official Tolkien Walking Encyclopaedia, I do expect coherence. 
•Also I’m not a big fan of biased and twisted interpretations for the sake of shaming characters you don’t like/hate. If you want to bash someone you personally don’t like, make it ooc and don’t involve me. Likewise, I’m not a big fan of dog-piling either.
•Yes, I’ve watched the show and yes I have loved it. I will take bits from it, because the aesthetics and stuff are cool, but I will be keeping mostly to the books and my headcanons when writing Ereinion, as I did before.
•In fact the only romantic ship I’m willing to write is the one currently going on with @tallshipsandtallkings and her OC Elenna, daughter of Elendil. It is something we’ve been building up for some years now. 
•I won’t romantically ship Ereinion with Círdan or Elrond. In my head I picture Círdan mostly as a father figure for Ereinion, being sent to the Falas so young; as for Elrond, I believe his relationship with him is either brotherish or some sort of parental figure/ward. I don’t know if you agree with me or not, but I don’t feel comfortable writing something that feels like incest. 
•Brotps and ships that have nothing to do with romance/sex are cool, though.
•Romantic or not, I will need chemistry between our muses.
•I’m not exclusive and I don’t do mains. I welcome duplicates -even from my own muses! Each one of us brings something new to their portrayal, and that’s very enriching. I’ll be more than happy to discuss our characters.
•I actually do prefer to plot things out before starting a thread. Threads derived from memes are the exception to this rule, as they tend to be more spontaneous stuff. If we’re friends ooc and have talked a lot or if I’ve given you free rein to do so, you can send starters directly into my inbox without it having to be a meme, or start a thread without my explicit consent; if we don’t know each other yet, please don’t.
• I’m open to all kind of threads, except for abusive relationships.
• I think each thread has its own pace. Long replies are good for a certain plot, while short ones are good for a certain other. But one-liners? Not a fan. I tend to make long posts, but I won’t ask you to match my length if you don’t feel like writing that long, or that short. Write as much as you’re comfortable with.
• I won’t format, but I don’t mind if you do. Also I don’t really care if you try to match my format in your replies or not. I’m no one to tell you how to run your blog. Same applies to icons.
•Please tell me if you need me to tag something for you. The most recurrent triggers are usually tagged by default but let me know  if you need something more specific.
•I won’t be doing modern AUs set in the USA because look: that might be your default setting, but it is not mine. I will rarely do these, though, since I’m more comfortable in Middle Earth.
•If you see I’m not cutting my posts it means I’m from mobile (which is from where I post mostly these days). Feel free to trim our threads down for me if it is an issue for you. 
•I don’t care if you continue a thread below an ask or if you open a new post for it; just tag me and I’ll be there. I personally do prefer continuing asks in a new post.
•While I don’t mind if you reblog a meme from me without sending something in (like… I would hate to make you send something in if you don’t see that meme happening between our muses), I would ask those who follow reblog karma to have the courtesy of reblogging from the source. I’m seeing some people preaching it and then reblogging from me or others so just. Be consistent. Do it or don’t but don’t say something and do the opposite. 
•Please, don’t feel compelled to go into the IMs to tell me “hey, I dropped this thread!” I know that conversation can feel awkward and uncomfortable for some people, so just skip it if you need to. Sometimes you’re just not feeling a thread anymore, right? Nothing wrong with that. 
•I don’t care if you reply to our thread in two hours, three weeks or some months. Even actual years. I’ll be more than happy to read whatever you’ve written and will try to write a reply as soon as I can (Hint: the term soon is not in my vocabulary).
-Until I find a proper faceclaim for Ereinion, the amount of icons used will be very reduced.
-I made all of them.
Note: I reserve the right to change these rules, should it be needed. Last update: Sept’24.
Age: living the 30s.
She/her, though any pronouns work. 
Call me Nin, please.
Personal account at: @montalais​ or the sideblog @grillsalad​ Mutuals are welcome to ask for my Discord.
Location: Spain (GMT+1).
A couple of things, so you can get to know the person behind Ereinion a bit: I can’t live without music, cinema is 90% of my life and I could get lost in a library and manage to not find the way out. Winter, woods, tea, books and rainy days are my thing. Shy AF. When I’m not writing, I’m a costume/fashion designer teacher. 
Although there’re five main verses covering from Ereinion’s childhood to his death in the Siege of Barad-dûr, I’ve divided each one of them in several smaller verses, as sometimes there are a lot of things going on there.  I’ll be adding the info and headcanons links once I get to write them.
Covering since his birth in Hithlum to the Fall of the Falas. (Roughly F.A. 450 - 473)
More info: History.
Trackers: Snows of Hithlum, Círdan’s home.
Covering since the Fall of the Fallas to the War of Wrath. (F.A. 473 - 587)
More info: History. 
Trackers: The Pearls of Balar, Young High King of the Noldor, The War of Wrath
Covering since early Second Age to the Fall of Númenor (S.A. 1 - 3319)
More info: History.  
Trackers: Foundations of Lindon, Elvish Rings and Elvish Forges, The Faithful Ships, 
Covering since the Fall of Númenor to the years previous to the Last Alliance (S.A. 3319 -3429)
More info: About Starlight 
Trackers: Of Elves and Men,
Sub-verse: Starlight and it’s chronology
Covering the events from the Fall of Minas Ithil to the final stages of the Siege of Barad-dûr. (S.A. 3429 - 3441)
More info: History. 
Trackers: Moon’s Fall, Keep Darkness at Bay, Aeglos and Narsil, none could withstand, Starlight
Ereinion’s arrival to the Halls of Mandos and his life in Valinor afterwards.
More info: History.  
Trackers: The Halls of Mandos, The Undying Lands
AU where Ereinion never died at the end of the Last Alliance and lived to witness the events in the War of the Ring.
More info: x
Trackers: Into brightness springs his star, Starlight.
The Shitcom: A chronology
More info: x
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