#anyways i know she's walking around nyc tonight like that bitch again (we love to see it) but i'm still so đŸ„ș for her
omgchloe · 1 year
the funniest thing taylor could do would be to play i bet you think about me as the surprise song in tampa this weekend
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lost-in-sokovia · 4 years
toxic - chapter 4
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look at him laughđŸ„ș anyway, i hope you enjoy this chapter as things begin to ramp up ;) (may contain spoilers to Knives Out)
You never thought you’d find yourself getting on a plane from NYC to Boston.
After one last long week at The New York Times, countless rambling and squealing from Claire, two days worth of packing and mentally preparing yourself, you sighed heavily as you sat in your squeaky leather seat. You’d chosen to do an evening flight so you’d had the whole day to pack and prepare,
Ransom had offered to send out his family’s private jet but you politely declined, you weren’t quite ready to face him yet.
You grabbed your phone to text your best friend. She’d made you promise over and over again that you would keep her updated and maybe send some pics.
Hey girl, I’m on the plane. I’ll text you when I’m off!❀
You pressed send and set your phone on airplane mode. You reached into the pocket of your cozy sweatshirt and grabbed your earbuds, untangling them. You sighed and turned on some soft beats, leaning your head back into the squeaky seat.
You remembered your younger life with Ransom. You remembered how close you were and yet how distant you later became. Your heart stopped and your hands tingled; what if this was just one of his sick games? What if he was using you just to get together with someone over the holiday?
There was no turning back now, so all you could do was relax yourself and try to think about when times were easier.
But all you thought about was when your friendship started to break.
“Say it again, Ransom.” You dared in a fiery tone. Ransom and you were standing inches from each other, fire blazing in both your eyes.
“(Y/N) you’re a goddamn know-it-all and I’m tired of being around you!” Ransom repeated as he threw his hands in the air. Your jaw dropped as he stared at you with wide eyes and a face that read “that’s right, I said it.”
“Oh yeah?” You yelled.
“Yes! You walk around with me all the time, go into class with me, make me feel stupid in front of the other people in class and in front of my friends!” He dished as he shook his hands furiously. You furrowed your brow and slammed your hands on your nightstand.
“Those assholes are not your friends, Ransom! They’re immature and irresponsible and are turning you into someone you’re not,” you reexplained for the millionth time.
“Ho-ly SHIT! You’re so controlling! You think you know everything about everyone, oh my god you’re insane.” Ransom ran a hand through his hair and pulled down his lower eyelids, revealing more white of his eyes.
“Ransom I’m literally trying to look out for you and be in your best interest!” You cried. Your blood boiled and your stomach was turning from the stress. Ransom rolled his eyes and paced, muttering an “oh my god.”
“I’ve been there for you since we started this freak show! I know you better than anyone else! Who helped you when your dad was being a bitch? Who was there for you when other kids wouldn’t talk to you? I WAS!” Hot tears began to stream down your face as you yelled. Ransom stayed quiet and waited for you to finish. “You and I have made it through it all and now you want to ditch me for some fake-ass gold-digging white boys on drugs? These boys are using you Ransom!”
You saw Ransom’s blue eyes become slightly misty as you wiped your own eyes and calmed down a little. “Ransom, you know I love you and would do so much for you, but this isn’t it. You told me you weren’t going to become your dad,” you said earnestly. You had taken it too far though, for Ransom’s eyes narrowed and he came closer to you and grabbed your arms.
“Never, EVER, compare me to my father ever again you bitch,” Ransom said through gritted teeth before throwing your arms back and storming out, leaving you to fall to the floor and sob.
You blinked a few times to find yourself again. You wondered how many of those habits he had kept. You wondered what events awaited you in Boston. Do you think he was married? No no, he wouldn’t have invited you to stay at his home so quickly if he was married... Oh shit, was this an affair arrangement?
God, chill out, you thought. Readjusting yourself in the seat, you slowly closed your eyes as the plane made its way into the night air.
Ransom began his wait for you as he tried to time your arrival.
He was way calmer about the whole situation than you were. Hey, maybe he’d get something out of this to his pleasure. He smiled to himself and shook his head, laying on his couch and watching TV.
Oh wait that’s right, you wouldn’t want to do anything with him considering how “disgusting” he was. It was too bad the two of you got into an argument, he thought. He thought you were pretty cute but when you made a reference to Richard the affection turned to hatred.
All Ransom wanted to do was enjoy boarding school the way he wanted to. And that’s when his new friends came into the picture. The girls were all over him by that point, so what did you matter to him?
Damn, he wondered what you would be like when you arrived. Still hot? He looked out the window to the Boston day becoming darker, the moon and stars shining. His blue eyes slowly began to close, as he let out a sigh.
Ransom was woken up 45 minutes later to an alarm warning him you’d be at the airport soon. He groaned and ran a hand through his brown locks, forcing himself to sit up. The moon was bright and full and the trees outside shook in the breeze.
Ransom stood up and stretched, walking slowly towards the door to put on shoes and grab his keys.
He was met with frigid air when he stepped outside, seeing his breath as he huffed. He hopped into his BMW, revving up the engine and making his way towards the airport.
You were hit with butterflies as the plane landed. You looked around at all the plane and landing lights, seeming festive all by themselves.
You stood up to grab your things from above you and followed the crowd out the door and into the airport. You shivered from both nerves and the chill of Boston. You had done your best to look cute yet casual before you left, wearing a cute sweatshirt meant to be styled like a cable knit sweater, black leggings, and some cozy Uggs. Was it basic? Yes. Did you care? Not up until now.
Hoping your hair looked okay and that you’d put on enough makeup to suffice, you slowly walked into the airport and glanced around looking for that certain familiar face.
“(Y/N)!” A voice called out. You looked towards the direction of the sound and your stomach knotted.
There stood Ransom Drysdale in front of you with all his glory. He wore a maroon sweater with jeans and a pair of black leather shoes. His brown hair was combed back and his blue eyes shined from the lights of the airport. Did he get hotter? Wait why are you asking yourself that?
Shit shit shit shit shit...
“R-Ransom! Oh my god!” you exclaimed. He smiled at you which made your knees go weak. You forced an uncomfortable smile back at him as he hugged you for a moment.
“It’s been a while, how are you?” He asked. You could see through him easily. No matter how smitten you were, you could tell he was just trying to act normal and make normal human talk before unleashing his master plan.
“I’ve never been better,” you laughed as he pulled away and looked at you. His blue eyes quickly raked you up and down as he sighed.
“You haven’t changed a bit since we graduated,” he remarked with a fake twinkle in his eye. You blushed against your will and smiled.
“Oh god Ransom, you don’t know what you’re talking about.” You remarked. Ransom laughed.
“Come on, I’ll help you get out to my car,” he said before grabbing one of your suit cases.
“Oh! You don’t have to do that!”
“No really, that’s what best friends do.” He winked. Goddammit, how does this man manage to be both charming and fake at the same time?
Ransom sighed to himself. And so it began. He assumed you would warm up to him at some point and stop being your obnoxious polite self. He quickly glanced at you as you looked around the airport with bright eyes. He could tell you were intimidated.
You followed him out the door and shivered as a huge gust of wind overcame you as you walked out into the Boston night air. You picked up your pace slightly and held your coat closer.
“Yep, this is Boston,” Ransom replied to your actions. You gave him a nervous smile as the two of you continued walking.
The ride back to Ransom’s home was rather quiet. The two of you made polite conversation about the basics such as work, life, etc., but after all was said and done you rode for a good ten minutes in silence. Your body language was tense; you held your hands together and continued to glance out the window or stare at the road. Ransom seemed not to be bothered at all. Almost as if the two of you were still as close as you used to be.
Your phone buzzed and you looked down. Claire’s name was plastered as the caller ID.
“Shit,” you mumbled. You’d forgotten to text her admist all your nerves. “Sorry Ransom, this is my best friend,” you gestured to the phone.
“Not to worry.” He reassured. You answered and held the phone to your ear.
“Took you long enough!” Claire snapped. You exhaled and looked up.
“Sorry sorry, I just lost track of what I had planned,” you explained apologetically. Ransom chuckled to himself and shook his head. So, you had a best friend? He was sure he wasn’t going to hear the end of her during this holiday.
“It’s cool, I get it. So, where are you at now?”
You hesitated and cleared your throat uncomfortably.
“Oh we’re heading back to his place.”
“AH!” Claire squealed. You clenched your eyes shut and scrunched your nose. You knew Ransom could hear when he chuckled quietly.
“Ugh, this is so exciting girl! Okay okay okay, I won’t keep you any longer. Text me tonight okay?” She said eagerly, her voice dripping with the excitement she meant to hold back.
“Yep mhm,” you dismissed. Claire giggled one last time before hanging up the phone.
“She’s an excited one,” Ransom noted. You laughed and shook your head.
“Haha, yeah... She’s a bit of a fire cracker.” You replied. “Sh-she’s actually doing an article on your mom, which is how this whole thing kinda started,” you confessed. Ransom blinked as his eyes widened.
“Wow, huh.” He was taken aback. So you didn’t really mean to do that? Did that change the situation? Maybe a little, but he wasn’t going to let that stop him. “Well I mean that’s exactly what my mom needs is to have her ego be fed,” he retorted. You laughed nervously.
Ransom pulled into the driveway of his house and your jaw dropped.
“My god,” you breathed. His house was gorgeous. A balcony, large windows, beautiful trees landscaping around it...
“Y-Your house is gorgeous!” You complimented. Ransom smiled.
“Well, this week, what’s mine is yours,” he replied before getting out of the BMW. You slowly climbed out too, walking around to grab your bags from the back without taking your eyes off the house.
“Excited?” Ransom questioned. A twinge of nervousness struck your stomach as he asked that.
“Yeah, definitely,” You forced a grin. He led you to the door where he began to unlock it.
Your insides twisted and turned and your mind raced. This was the start of what you assumed was going to be a long week.
hehehe, hope you enjoyed! stay tuned for chapter 5!❀
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lovemecharlie · 5 years
An interactive story where you'll get to read and play along as your favorite wife and make choices. Good luck to you all and enjoy!
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The First Night
When the private jet touched ground in NYC, Erik and his wives transferred to a matte black 12-passenger van where Bastion sat in the passenger seat to give the address of the house she'd rented via Noirbnb. The driver was an older black man named Sam and Erik watched him closely as he kept looking at Bastion.
“Erik, did you just hear that foolishness. JoJo said she tryna go to Dubai. For what,” Kimora cackled.
“Why Poosy? Just why,” Homie asked.
“I'm not entertaining this,” Hennessy chuckled.
“Think about it,” Josephine said launching into explanation while the others laughed.
“Eyes on the road, nigga,” Erik snapped suddenly causing everyone to look to the driver where Erik had been staring.
“Erik, leave that man alone,” Homie laughed when the driver flinched. “He don't mean no harm. You married nine beautiful women, what do you expect?”
“Hey, Mr. Driver Man, how old are you anyway,” Josephine leaned with Angel pushing her back and Erik throwing an evil expression daring Jojo to try him on this family vacation.
“Stop,” Angel cringed blocking Jojo.
“You and these old men,” Charlie laughed. “Hey Mr., you ever been to Dubai?”
“STOP. Mr. Sam, don't answer that,” Hennessy yelled. The driver continued to look ahead with Erik's eyes still burning a hole through his head.
The rental house was grand. It was no Stevens-Udaku estate by any means, but it was still larger and more luxurious than the average American home. A smooth dark stone path led to the front door where a quaint balcony jutted out overhead. There were many windows and many lights as well as many plants outdoors and artfully scattered inside as well. A complimentary fruit basket sat on the kitchen counter along with twelve decadent cupcakes which were boxed and sealed, and a few bottles of Arbor Mist wine in various flavors.
“This is my kind of vacation,” Charlie said around a mouthful of strawberry buttercream. “These cupcakes..” She gave a thumbs up. Erik tilted his head as if to say ‘Really?’ and she swallowed pointing to the fluffy cupcake in her hand. “I'm tasting it for poison. I'm the guinea pig.” He rolled his eyes and the group moved on looking through the lower level of the house while the driver took the bags upstairs and sat them in the hall. Vast living room, a bathroom, a movie theater den and a pool out back. They went upstairs and Bastion immediately paired everyone up for the rooms. There were five bedrooms.
“Daddy and I will-”
“Erik and who?” Hennessy cocked her head to the side. “No, try that one again.”
“Okay fine,” Bastion huffed, “Daddy and Kennedi. Is that fair?” Erik kissed her cheek when she pouted.
“Yep,” Homie said stepping forward in response to her government name being called. Erik smirked as she pulled him into the bedroom and waved her fingers closing the door.  
“Don't forget to be dressed and ready for Broadway. No sleeping in tonight. Sleep tomorrow,” Bastion yelled pointing to the next room. “Angel a-”
“Got ya,” Ryley said pulling Angel into the room. The door closed before anyone else could comment.. and now Homie was moaning.
“Okay, I'm rooming with Aly'Sha. Kimora, you're with Jojo. Henny, you're with Charlie,” Bastion pointed. The groups scattered with an agreement to reconvene when it was time to leave.
They'd all arrived at Broadway with time to spare dressed to kill watching a captivating performance of The Lion King. When it was all over, they hadn't far to go to get to the restaurant for dinner. It was all in the heart of NYC. Carmine's was the name of the establishment and they were the focus of the dining floor in their eye-catching garb. They looked like movie stars taken off of the red carpet and dropped at a white cloth covered table. Erik wore a navy velvet suit with a crisp white button up and navy velvet loafers. His fade and facial hair was cleanly cut, locs freshly washed and retwisted with aloe, and his golden rimmed glasses took him from pimp to intelligent black professor. He beamed, showing off his platinum bottom grill as he admired his table full of beautiful women.
“Him drunk look at'em,” Ryley snickered gesturing to the grinning N'Jadaka. His eyes were squint. The wives snickered and smiled watching him shake his head like he was just the happiest man on earth.
“I wanna make a toast,” he slurred raising his wine glass. His vodka glass was empty. Since he wasn't driving, he could get as lit as he wished.. and he was. “I married
,” he hesitated thinking about it, “Nine beautiful ass bi-” he paused looking to Charlie, “-young ladies.. beautiful. Stunning. Radiant. Divine. Beguiling..”
“Leave it to you to use big words when you're smashed,” Hennessy giggled watching him point at her with a happy yet unfocused expression. She shook her head confused, laughing and Charlie met her eye just as humored. He was really drunk.
“I love all of you so much.. so, so, so, SO much,” he stressed shaking his head for emphasis.
“Oh my God,” Angel howled giggling so hard she started crying.
“Shh shh,” Erik hushed with a finger to his lips. “I would die for you, mon amour, ma vie, mon tout..”
Hennessy wiped the tears from her own eyes, still in a giggling fit as Erik turned his attention and declarations of eternal love to her, toast forgotten.
When the check came, Hennessy used Erik's card to pay and they all hobbled into the street with Erik still whispering sweet nothings switching from French, to Xhosa, and back to English without seeming to notice.
“Yotteru yo,” Charlie said switching to Japanese grinning as she helped Erik to walk since he was weaving on the sidewalk.
“Shhh,” he shushed leaning to whisper in her ear. “Nonono I'm not drunk, babygirl. Daddy just lit. Yottenai.. Yottenai.”
“You're drunk,” Hennessy laughed.
"Hey, I think there's a club nearby, like in walking distance. We can ditch the car since we'll have to wait on it to drive around the block in this traffic and reach us. Let's just walk and enjoy the city," Kimora enthused checking her phone's GPS. Erik jogged ahead to drape his arm over her shoulders.
"Lead the way baby." Suddenly he was walking straight and Charlie stared at him, mouth wide as Hennessy laughed. Kimora turned to walk down a blackened alley that they couldn't see the end of due to shadows. Erik was right there with her.
"Wait, no," Bastion froze. The only light in there was the moonlight.
"Don't be scared, I'm right here," Erik announced walking into the shadowy darkness with Kimora. Feeling safer with him than without him, Bastion rushed into the darkness clutching onto the back of Erik's soft blazer.
"Uh uh, hold up now. I don't know 'bout all this," Angel drawled placing her hand on her hips and looking to Ryley. "My security don't get here til tomorrow."
"I'll be ya security. We'll protect each other," Ryley promised holding Angels hand firmly in hers. Side by side they walked on in after Bastion. Homie looked to Jojo then and followed as Josephine grinned and walked into the alley first.
"Should we go," Charlie asked Hennessy as they hung back.
"Wait a minute." Hennessy paused on the sidewalk to pull her engineered joint out of her clutch. Charlie sparked the lighter for her and she smirked putting the joint to her pink lips. “Thank you wifey.”
“Anytime,” Charlie smiled watching Hennessy inhale and exhale clean smoke.
"I'm ready." Hennessy and Charlie turned together walking into the alley, Charlie's phone flashlight shining ahead.
Erik kissed his teeth noticing three shadows moving ahead and stepped in front of Kimora. "Why we can't just walk through the city in peace," he groaned. A gun lifted pointing at him and he rolled his eyes as three men approached, two black and one white.
One of the black guys let out a long whistle, kissing his teeth at the end. "This my lucky day, money and bitches falling in my lap." He racked his gun and made the count two peices aimed at Erik who smirked at the comment. They ain't know him or his wives. "Young nigga out here gettin it," the man snorted, spitting off to the side. "We been watching you, nigga. You not from here." He looked over Erik's fit and to the wives who were decked out in pricey gowns. "I hate to embarrass you like this in front of ya bitches, but... nah, I actually don't give a fuck. Get on your knees Carlton ass weakass bastard."
"You think you can walk up on me like shit sweet just because I'm surrounded by women? Hm. Also, Carlton didn't wear glasses," Erik sighed unbothered.
"Wow motherfucker, you have a death wish," the white man laughed. The other muggers were distracted for only a second and brought back to attention by the sound of four guns clicking nearly in unison. The distraction was all the time the wives needed to flip the script.
Ryley held her pistol out strong, her eyes never wavering. He posture was a cold dare. She dared them to try to pull the trigger faster than she could, gripping up her dress with her free hand in case she had to rip it and get crazy. Angel was loose from her wine and her gun had flown quickly into the air ready to pop at any movement of the men's fingers. She nearly fired simply because she was tipsy and they were annoying. She hobbled back on her high heels, mirroring Ryley's bold energy. She silently dared them to try and pull the trigger on her husband. They'd see ugly like they'd never seen before. Bastion had the gun that Erik had given her aimed at the white guy, but she didn't exactly know how to hold it or how to aim since she lacked gun skills. The heart was there, however, and she held the gun sideways like she'd seen in the movies before looking briefly to Ryley out the corner of her eye and holding the gun straight to mirror her pose. Josephine's gun was aimed for the other black guy and she stuck her arm out over Angel with her gun to the side, but that was just how she shot guns.
"Ain't nobody killing that nigga but me, y'erd. Pull the trigger and get sprayed like gƙƙƙƙtttt," Josephine threatened imitating the sound of an automatic assault rifle. Hennessy stoodby also unbothered and smoking her joint passing it off between Homie and Aly'Sha who were barely interested, they were so unafraid. Charlie stood watching the scenario through her phone's camera, chuckling in the background behind the armed wives. They had it handled. Two of the men turned tail, lowering their guns and running away, but that one bold one who was talking trash stayed with his gun up. Angel pulled the trigger and then Ryley shot. The man fell to his knees and forward dropping his gun. Charlie stepped forward and looked him over without touching him.
"He'll live," she determined walking on. Kimora and Erik followed and then Hennessy, Homie, Bastion, Angel, and Ryley. Aly'Sha walked on like nothing had happened and Josephine started to move on, but something in her witchy mind said no. She shot her gun sending a bullet to the man's head killing him. Aly'Sha rolled her eyes.
"Now we gotta get out of here," Ryley groaned walking faster. When they emerged into the street, they saw the club a couple of blocks away.
"See! Not that far," Kimora pointed.
* only JoJo is available to play now. Follow the links
Play as Hennessy
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Play as Aly'Sha
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Play as Ryley
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Play as Angel
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Play as Homie
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Play as Charlie
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Play as Kimora
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Play as Josephine
Play as Bastion
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ifyoufeelit-chaseit · 6 years
If Only You Knew: Chapter 4
Remember when Sebastian said it would take four hours max to film for the day? Yeah, well he was wrong. It was currently 4:30, and you were still on set, making you have been here for a total of six hours. What did you expect though when they’re trying to film a scene with Chris, Anthony, and Seb. Those three were trouble together. They’ve been working on the same scene for the last hour because they all cant stop laughing. Deciding to take a walk to pass time, you brag your phone and head outside. Right as you’re walking out the door, Elizabeth calls out for you.
“Are you leaving already Y/N?” she asks.
“Nope, just going for a walk, maybe get some Starbucks. Sitting on set this long has made my limbs numb, and I just need to get some fresh air.” you said causing her to laugh.
“Oh great, ill join you. I could use an iced coffee.” You two started walking towards Starbucks, and just talking about anything and everything. Liz has been one of your best friends since you were very young, and you met on the set of one of your first movies. Ever since then, you two were connected at the hip. She knew you better than you knew yourself.
“So I heard through the grapevine that you are going with Sebastian to New York for the weekend.” she said smirking. 
“Well I’m assuming that this grapevine would be Chris.” you said, causing her to laugh. “But yeah, we’re leaving tomorrow at noon.”
“Maybe this will be the weekend you guys take things from the friend zone to the end zone.” That made you roll your eyes. “ No but seriously, a weekend together away from all of us could do ya’ll come good. It’ll give you both time to talk about things. You’ve already heard him say he loves you, and you obviously love him too, so why not take the next step? I mean come on, you two were made to be together. And being your best friend, I’m obviously always gonna look out for you, especially when it comes to guys. Sebastian is the best guy ever, and I know he’ll treat you right. You deserve someone like him, apposed to that piece of shit ex of yours.” Niall Horan. 
You two dated for a little over two years, and he was the love of your life. Everyone thought you were the ultimate power couple. He was in One Direction, you were in Little Mix, and it just made sense. You both got each other, understood each others busy schedules with touring, and you two were truly in love. Well that was until you caught him cheating on you. You flew all the way from NYC to Japan to surprise him after not seeing him for two months, and when you walked into his hotel room, there he was with some blonde bitch on top of him. That was the last time you spoke to him. Ten months ago. 
“ Y/N, you okay?” Elizabeth asked, snapping you out of your thoughts. 
“Yeah, I’m good. I just hate when he’s brought up. It just brings back bad memories.” To say that he broke your heart was an understatement. This was the only man you’ve ever imagined a future with. You thought you had found the love of your life, your life partner, but you were wrong. Since you two broke up, you had done a lot of self improvement to get back to your old self, and you were finally yourself again. 
“Well, everything happens for a reason. Maybe the reason for all of that was for you and Sebastian to finally get a shot at things”. Elizabeth was always the friend to see the best out of everything. When you doubted anything, she reassured you everything would be fine, and 99% of the time, it was. 
“And lets not forget, you have an entire weekend with him starting tomorrow” she said grinning ear to ear. As the both of you arrived to Starbucks, you couldn’t wipe the smile that was on your face. This weekend could be the one where you get the man of your dreams.
After what felt like hours of catching up on girl talk with Liz, you checked your phone, seeing it was 5:30, so the both of you decided to head back to set. Upon arriving on set, you’re met by a very exhausted looking Sebastian. Before you can even say something, he throws you over his shoulder, causing you the squeal, making Seb loudly chuckle walking towards his trailer.
“Seb put me down” you say swatting at his back side. You had to admit though, you had a pretty good view. 
“Sorry doll, no can do.” Before you can even argue back with him, you’re thrown on the couch located in the corner of his trailer. “I’m going to shower, and you better be right there when i get back” he says sending a playful wink your way. 
“Do I have any other choice? I came here with you.”
“That’s true” he chuckles before disappearing to go shower. Not too long after, he emerges from the bathroom, only in a pair of sweatpants, and his hair still slightly wet. You swore you’d never seen a better site than what was standing in front of you. With that being said, your staring didn’t go unnoticed by Sebastian.
“Enjoying the view love?” he asks joining you on the couch, falling on top of you, burying his face into your neck, his damp hair tickling you. He was always so soft after a long day at work, and this was one of your favorite ways to see him: relaxed and carefree. 
“Loving it. Now i see why Anthony calls you Sexy Seabass.” You didn’t have to see his face to know the blushing mess he was right now. You loved being able to have that affect on him. 
“I’m sorry today went longer than planned. I didn’t expect us to just be getting done on set.”
“I didn’t mind at all. I like seeing you in action” you said causing him to look up at you. “ Plus it’s not like i had anything else to do.”
“We’ll I’m glad to hear that. Anyways, why don’t you stay again tonight? We can order something to pick up before we go home for dinner since our plans for lunch didn’t go as planned. Then tomorrow, we can go to your place so you can pack for New York, then we can leave tomorrow around 3 to head up there. How’s that sound?”
“That sounds perfect to me.” you said, as he placed a quick peck on your forehead. 
“Alright good, because you didn’t have any other choice” he said causing you to laugh. “Let me finish getting dressed real quick, then we can head out. How does In-N-Out sound?” he asks, causing you to nod in approval. He then quickly disappeared, only to shorty reappear fully clothed, much to your disliking. The both of you then got your things, then headed to the car, finally leaving the set after a long day. The rest of the night was spent stuffing your faces, then heading off to bed due to the fact you were both exhausted from being on set since 10 this morning. The night ended the same as always though, you falling fast asleep in the arms of the man you loved more than anything. 
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A/N: it’s finally up. I hope you guys enjoy. The next part is gonna end up being a little longer, and I’m gonna start on it tomorrow, so stay toned love bugs!💛💛
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foslad · 7 years
Almost Too Good (A Chris Evans Story): Part 20
A/N: I’m sorry. I say it every time. But it’s true! Life gets in the way! :( I hate the gaps just as much as you do!! But it’s another long one! :) Thank you SO much for all the love I got on the last chapter, means SO much!! <3
(Also, huge apologies for the re-uploads! This one didn’t want to play ball for some reason!)
I smiled down at my phone as I turned the corner onto Fifth Avenue. After a little shuffling and a few shots of the floor, Dodger soon came into frame; snoozing contently on the left side of Chris’ bed. His cheeks and paws were all bunched up on the pillow, making it look like he was smiling.
“I like Adrian and all, but I’m not sad to see her go.” A small voice in the background, not dissimilar to a kindergartner's, began to seep through my headphones. “Because now that we’re free of that bitch, I can finaaaalllyyyyy get my nappin’ spot back.”
My smile grew even wider. ‘Oh, wow!? You really just gonna do me like that? I didn’t realize this was a turf war!?’
Chris flopped down onto the other side of the bed and came back into view, fixing his cap and letting the back of his head rest on his hand. ‘Well, it is. And he means business.’
I shook my head and briefly looked up to make sure I wasn’t going to walk into someone before returning my attention to the phone.
‘I’ll bear that in mind next time. Anyways, I’m almost there.’ I observed, turning another corner.
‘That’s okay, I should probably get going anyways. I have a personal trainer and dietitian coming to the house and then I got a bunch of other shit to do before I see Jake tonight to run over everything that’s happening in December.’
‘Busy, busy.’ I sympathized, silently relishing in the fact I had finished for the holidays.
‘Yeah, but good busy.’ He offered, attempting to raise a smile. ‘Talk to you later, Warner.’
Two pairs of eyes bore into me like I held all the secrets of the universe.
 we’re just not gonna talk about it!?’
‘The only thing we’re going to talk about - is what I’m ordering for lunch.’ I replied, not even bothering to look up from the tantalizing menu that was currently blocking my face.
We were tucked away into the corner of Kelsie’s, my favorite spot in Manhattan to come for brunch. The food here was incredible and, for whatever reason, always cemented the feeling of properly being back in NYC to me.
‘Oh, come on! I drove all the way here - to talk about it!’
‘I didn’t ask you to.’ I replied innocently, briefly lowering the menu to raise an eyebrow in Amanda’s direction before pulling it back up.
‘Adrian, please. You know how I feel about these kinds of things! You shot Vogue’s 73 Questions yesterday, you have a huge audition next week that is so secret, you can’t even tell me what it’s for and you’re enjoying the company of quite possibly, the finest looking man that God put on this earth.’
Her fingertips gripped the sides of the paper as she lowered the menu again so that she could look me in the eye.
‘I work as a secretary. That’s it. That is as good as it gets for me.’ Amanda laid her hands flat out on the table and stared at me wide eyed; she wasn’t dicking around. ‘THE LEAST YOU CAN DO, AS MY BEST FRIEND, IS GIVE ME THE CAPTAIN HOT DELICIOUS AMERICANO EXPRESS TEEAAA!’
‘After all the advice and help we gave you, I think we deserve to know.’ A slightly more composed Amy chimed in next to her.
‘Okay, alright, you incessant demons!’ I caved, hoping to just get it over with so that I could enjoy my meal without the two hawks on the other side staring at me the whole time. ’-yes. Okay? Yes. The drought
 is over.’
Their squeals attracted the looks of the table next to us.
‘When, where, how!?’ Amanda took a large sip of her coffee to gather her strength before leaning forward again. ‘And most importantly, is it goooood!?’ She grinned.
‘Mandy, c’mon! That’s a little personal, don’t you think?’ Amy swooped in.
‘Yes. Very.’ She agreed, before turning back to me and completely disregarding that part. ‘Now tell me everything.’
‘Ho-ly shit, you little kinkster!’ Amanda threw her head back and clasped her hands together at the fact that Chris and I had “done the deed” upstairs in my childhood room whilst my sister’s wedding reception was going on downstairs.
‘How did you manage to hide that from us at the time!?’ Amy queried, somewhat impressed. I shrugged in response but bit my lip in satisfaction as I recalled the moment.
‘That’s hilarious! Like
 Grandma’s downstairs in the kitchen, enjoying some trifle, reminiscing on a beautiful day and Adrian’s just casually getting it in upstairs.’ Amanda’s eyes shut as she continued to crack up about it.
‘Well, regardless of how or when or whatever, I’m so happy for you!’ Amy beamed as she reached across and rubbed my forearm kindly.
‘Me too! This is the happiest I’ve seen you in a long time, I love it!’ Mandy gushed, causing us all to make sarcastic kissy noises to each other before she picked up her coffee mug and signaled for Amy and I to do the same.
‘Well, here’s to you and Captain Hot Delicious Americano Express.’
I rolled my eyes and took a sip of tea alongside them. ‘I’m 100% going to tell him that’s your nickname for him, you know.’ I goaded her, playfully.
‘Please do.’ She grinned.
“Mandy <3 has changed the name of this group to ‘I fucked Captain America and all I got was this lousy group chat!’”
Oh, for fuck sake.
‘Typical Mandy.’ I muttered as I slipped my phone back into my pocket and continued to admire all the new clothes that hung on the displays in the store.
‘Don’t make plans for dinner tonight.’ Amy toyed, shifting her eyes from side to side as she ran her hands over the fabric of a stunning Armani blouse.
Lifting my head up from the rack, I eyed her suspiciously and agreed not to “make any plans”.
Collapsing onto my couch, I smiled up at the ceiling. I couldn’t recall the last time I had felt this happy! Everything seemed to be going right for me and I felt like I was on cloud nine! Amy was back to work and by my side again! My family and friends were all happy! Chris was
 amazing! And, I had just done a wondrous day’s worth of shopping

I truly didn’t know what to do with all this contentment!
It felt almost
 too good at times. Like it was bound to implode at some point
 But I guess a part of me will always feel that way; scars from the past never really fade properly...
With a few hours to kill before dinnertime, I reluctantly decided to pick up my phone and face reality. Tapping the weather app, I peered down at the temperatures due for the coming week and
 Oh boy.
I loved everything about the East Coast, literally everything, (even more so now for having spent some time on the West Coast) but admittedly, having lived in nothing but pretty much sunshine for the past while, it was going be hard to adjust back to the chill

But, none the less, after Chris’ chat with me about getting my fitness up (and the fact that I had consumed that lunch from earlier in a little over four bites), I decided to take advantage of being back in the streets I loved so much and go for a run.
Twenty-five minutes in, with my workout playlist blaring in my headphones, I raised a big smile to myself as I looked down and watched my Fitbit Watch hit the 1.5-mile mark. As I turned the corner, I nipped past a little kiosk at the end of the street and allowed my eyes to fly over the blurring headlines that adorned all the gossip magazines.
‘Brad and Angelina: What Really Went Wrong’
‘Mariah Carey’s New Year’s Eve Gig!’
‘Chelsea Hewitt-Lewis and Others Join the Marvel Universe For Untitled Avengers 3
My eyes had stayed with that last headline for a little too long because before I knew it -
My shoulder crashed into a currently unoccupied painter’s ladder and my ass hit the floor with such a force, my phone flew out of my hand and launched itself onto the sidewalk.
Peering up, I could see that the little kiosk worker’s eyes had broadened, and he immediately ran over to help me up.
‘Oh, Miss! You okay? You okay?’ He fussed, eyes wide with worry.
With the adrenaline I had gained from the run pumping, I paused for a brief second to give myself a once over and, to my relief, the only initial damage done seemed to be to my pride.
‘Yeah, I-I’m okay.’ I blinked wildly, attempting to gather my bearings. ‘Thank you.’ 
Taking his hand, I allowed him to slowly help me up.
The street appeared to be quite empty and, mercifully, it seemed as though no one had witnessed my little faux pas aside from the worker. Standing up straight, I was quickly alerted to the pain in my rear end from where it had smacked down onto the pavement. Oh God, that was gonna leave a bruise.
‘How you no see ladder, Miss?’ He questioned, laughing lightly now that he could see I wasn’t broken.
Turning around and gazing up in intimidation, I clocked that the ladder was pretty damn noticeable; to be fair.
‘I was
 distracted, I guess.’
The pain in my ass was the only thing keeping me from marching back over to his kiosk and ripping down every single magazine with the name Chelsea Hewitt-Lewis on them and burning them in a makeshift bonfire right there on the pavement.
The worker then pointed behind me. ‘You need me to call someone? Your phone broken, I see.’
Oh crap, my phone!
Turning around and bending down, (owwwww my butt really did hurt), I retrieved the remnants of my phone and inspected to see if it was still any functioning order
 Quickly deducing that it was, it was just now home to a million cracks.
I eventually limped my way back to my apartment and attempted to strip down for a shower to try and help with the pain; but one glimpse at my naked body saw that I probably needed something more along the lines of an ice bath.
My shoulder looked like someone had punched it with an iron fist; little grazes on my palms and elbows from where I had tried to break my fall had begun to show up and my ass, which was by far the worst, had deep shades of grey and red rapidly growing on the left side and a little on the right. It looked just
As I examined myself in the mirror, I could bitterly feel the tears brimming in my eyes. I had planned to just throw on a simple tank top and jeans for my “date with Amy” tonight but that was out of the question now; my bruises would shine through like bulls-eyes.
The more I thought about the reason I was in this stupid mess, the more my tears became hot with anger and humiliation.
“Chelsea Hewitt-Lewis joins the Marvel Universe for Avengers 3”
Just thinking of her name and Chris’s film franchise in the same sentence was too much for me. It was far too close for comfort. It made me want to be sick.
That woman had ruined my life once before. Taken everything from me. What was to stop her from doing it again?
Despite being in both physical and mental pain, I braved the evening and opened the front door to Amy, with my good arm, at 8PM on the dot.
She smiled wide at me as she held up two different bottles of Champagne in each hand. ‘I didn’t know which one to pick
 so I got both!’ She informed me as she waltzed in and strutted towards the kitchen.
‘But then again, we are celebrating, so I thought it was justified!’ Her voice began to fade away as I shut the door behind her.
Unable to resist giving her a small smile, I followed her into my kitchen and folded my arms as I leant across the counter, peering in at what food she had brought.
Ah, she’d gone to Tower’s! My favorite!
After a comfortably quiet period of setting out plates and glasses, Amy’s eyes turned to the prize as she picked up one of the bottles and began to unwrap the plastic around the cork.
Her eyebrows wriggled at me. ‘You wanna pop it? It is your big Vogue celebration after all?’
Realizing that would only cause me more discomfort, I lightly shook my head and gestured for her to go ahead.
As she poured some into the flutes, she side-eyed me. ‘You’re awfully quiet
 you okay?’ She inquired as she handed me my glass.
‘Mhmm.’ I nodded, accepting the glass and immediately putting it down onto the counter next to me and my hardly touched food (that in itself was probably a red flag).
‘Let me rephrase that; what’s wrong Adrian?’ She frowned slightly. ‘You normally love Tower’s food?’
Her face fell a touch, and I could tell she was disappointed that I wasn’t as excited as she was for us to catch up.
‘I do! No, I love this!’ I attempted to assure her. God, I felt awful now. This wasn’t how our first proper night reunited was supposed to be! ‘It’s just- I fell when I was running earlier, and I got pretty banged up, that’s all.’
Upon her maternal insistence that went beyond assistant duty, I took the PG route and slipped the fabric off my shoulder and showed her the deepened purple abyss forming onto my skin and then proceeded to just tell her about the butt business.
‘Ho-ly fuck! Adrian, that’s gnarly!’ She grimaced.
I shrugged my shoulders as I pulled the wool back up, only to wince at the pain again.
Fucking Chelsea...
Now completely unwilling to have our reunion spoilt by my injuries alone, Amy set about creating a makeshift “ass fort” for me, in which my butt would feel fully supported for the night as we caught up on each other.
I smiled genuinely at her, because how could I not? Spinning around and taking a bite of the food and a sip of the champagne, I decided to just forget about the events of today. For the time being at least.
‘I’m gonna pee and then when I get back, we shall feast!’ I informed her as I spun and made for the bathroom.
‘Have you seen that new show everyone’s talking about? Stranger People? Or Stranger Things? Something
’ She asked, picking up my laptop to browse Netflix.
‘Nope!’ I called back to her.
I walked back down the hall, pulling my sweater closer, when I stopped, catching sight of Amy’s somewhat unreadable face.
‘What?’ I laughed nervously, a little thrown by her serious expression. She looked at me like I was a puppy about to be put down or something.
‘You left your internet browser open
‘So? I-’ I began before it suddenly dawned on me.
After telling myself I was going to leave it all alone, I had proceeded to do the exact opposite. As usual.
I had googled Chelsea’s role, her casting, everything... I just wanted to find something that would give me any kind of information as to what her proximity to Chris was going to be. And, inevitably, I came up short.
And now I had been caught.
I shifted awkwardly, not knowing how I could possibly go about defending my actions.
‘I’m pathetic, I know.’ I relented.
With her eyes still sorrowful, Amy shifted the laptop across her lap and patted the couch next to her.
‘I can’t,’ I called to her, feeling like an idiot, ‘my butt hurts when I sit on it.’
She stood up and immediately made her way over. ‘You have every right to feel uncomfortable about this Adrian, I’m not judging!’
I let her pull me in for a gentle side hug. I’d be lying if I said that there wasn’t a part of me that just simply wanted to burst into tears. But I knew I deep down, I’d save those for later when I was alone. Like always.
After a short while, Amy spoke up. ‘You know what you gotta do, right?’ Her voice was a little stern, like a parent telling their child they should go apologize for something.
I looked up at her briefly before looking away again. ‘I’m not telling Chris.’
‘What!? Of course, you’re telling him!’ Amy declared, pulling away, exasperated. ‘Why wouldn’t you!?’ She held her hand to her head for a second and looked around her. ‘Wow
 I legit just got DĂ©jĂ  vu.’
I looked at her like she was out of her mind before pulling away entirely and using my hand to gesture a fake phone.
‘Suuuure, yeah! “Hey baby! Look, I know we’ve only been dating a couple months and not to come across like a complete psycho or anything but do me a favor? Go ahead and just never go near, speak to, look at or even breathe the same air as your new co-star. She’s a man-stealing bitch and I’m afraid you’ll take one look at her and realize I’m trash. ‘Kay? Great!” NO. THANK. YOU!’
Amy rolled her eyes heavily at my pitiful excuse for sarcasm.
‘Noooo... I was thinking more “Hey baby, I know this is a little out of the blue, but I was wondering if we could have a chat about something that I know, in the long run, is going to make me feel uncomfortable and I’d rather us just be on the same page about it now whilst it’s still a non-issue”.’
I stayed silent, firm in my usual method of just burying my head under the sand until it all went away.
‘Please don’t put yourself through this again, Adrian. Not now. Not when you were just starting be happy again.’ Amy begged, before wisely dropping the subject.
Her words, though justified, we’re still contributors to the growing pit in my stomach.
Over the following few days, as reluctant as I was to take Amy’s advice, I wasn’t exactly not considering it either.
Aside from texting, (Facetime was now a bust thanks to my newly obliterated phone screen), Chris and I had spoken on the phone a grand total of three times. And, whilst I always had good intentions in place, it felt like anytime I would build myself up and take the deep breath to talk about it, something cut in.
The first time, it was his assistant Jake wanting to discuss an addition to his already demanding schedule for the day before Chris was due at the gym for a training session.
(Before I left LA, Chris had told me about how he was going to start grinding hard with all his work commitments; to be able to go home to Boston a day or two early for Thanksgiving. So, I knew, deep down, that add-ons were only going to set him off into a bad mood.)
The second time, I had called in the middle of him watching a game with a few friends he had over. Bless his heart, Chris had tried his best not to blow me off, but I could tell by his distant voice and Scott’s constant ‘FUCK OFF, ON WHAT PLANET IS THAT A FOUL!?’ background jeers, that now was just not the right time.
With this “cold feet” motion in place, the third time
 well, that one was on me.
‘God, I can’t wait to be done.’ Chris yawned into the phone, his voice echoing as he clearly entered his bathroom. ‘I just have a table read tomorrow and then I’m free as a bird!’ I could feel him beaming as his voice broke up in what appeared to be a stretch.
 for a week that is.’ He clarified, reluctantly.
I lifted my head up and away from the suitcase I was packing to take to my parent’s house; my cracked phone almost slipping from my hand in the process. ‘Table read?’
‘Yep!’ I could hear a cabinet open and close.
‘Is it a big one? With the whole cast?’ I asked, sinking onto the heels of my feet before immediately lifting myself back up at the pressure it had put on my healing butt.
‘I don’t know actually,’ he answered, appearing to wonder himself. ‘Probably. I guess there’s a lot of new people joining the cast, so they’ll probably wanna get the introductions out of the way. They did it for Civil War and some of the other movies.’ He explained before his voice descended into a dating infomercial voice, ‘so it’ll be a bunch of “Hey there, I’m Chris, I’m 35 and I enjoy walking my dog and various sporting activities such as football, baseball and the odd round of golf. Welcome to the team!” bullshit around the table.’’
I managed a slight laugh before the smile on my face turned pained. What if she’s there tomorrow

The lump in my throat was enough to choke me.
A ringing noise began to echo in my ear. It was like my mind was screaming “NOW’S THE PERFECT TIME! SAY IT! SAY IT!”
 Good luck, then. Hope it goes well!’
God, I really was pathetic.
I was currently sat at my parent’s dining table, with my knee bobbing like a manic and my eyes blinking every minute or so.
I know they say that a watched phone never rings, but thirty minutes ago, I had decided that that particular saying could go and fuck itself. And in return, it decided to be completely true.
‘Call you when I’m done with the table read. Probably around 3ish!’
My eyes flicked up and observed the 4:29PM time stamp on the wall clock. Chris’ text had all but consumed my first morning at my parent’s house.
‘You good? Somethin’ on your mind?’ My Dad voiced his concern as he came and sat two mugs down onto the dining table.
For someone who prided themselves on their close relationship with their family, it scared me how good I was at lying to them. But I suppose, having lied to them for well over a month about what Alex (and Chelsea) had done to me, I was accustomed to it.
‘I’m great, just waiting on a... business call.’ I shot him a half-smile.
‘Nothing to do with the guy, is it?’ He surveyed, settling into his seat.
‘No, he’s great!’ Because he was. He still is. I trusted Chris! Really, I did! But I had every reason in the world not to trust Chelsea

‘Fair enough.’ He smiled, spooning some sugar into his coffee before reaching out to place a cup of green tea in front of me. ‘Well, whatever it is that’s got you all nervous, just know, it’ll be alright Adrian. Life has a funny way of working itself out sometimes.’
He reached out and let his hand rest on my knee, subtly calming it’s panicked jolts. I smiled warmly at him and picked up the tea he’d made for me. ‘Thank you.’
I just hoped to God he was right.
A/N: As always, thank you SO much for reading!!! 
I don’t see there being toooo many chapters left. 4 or 5 maybe?? That is such a scary prospect, I’ve been in and out of writing this for so long, I can’t imagine it ending haha! <3
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camdallasfanfics · 7 years
What now? - Chapter 19
Cameron Dallas fanfic - Sequel to I’m not that kind of girl
Word count: 1â€Č983
Previous Chapter
1st of July
I sat in my apartment in New York. She’s gonna hate me. She’s so gonna hate me. I was supposed to be in LA right now. Being next to the bride to be and try and calm her. But I wasn’t. I just wasn’t. I should have been on my flight last night. But I got scared. I couldn’t do it. She already texted and called but I didn’t answer.
Ethan tried to reach out to me. But I ignored him as well. Basically everyone tried to get a hold of me. For fuck’s sake I was the maid of honor. I had to be there. I was supposed to be calling bridesmaid that didn’t show up on time and kick ass. I was supposed to be there for my best friend when she got cold feet.
I was wrapped in my blanket on my bed. One lonely tear rolling down my cheek as my phone started to ring again.I expected it to be Josh or Will. Or anyone else from our friend group but It wasn’t just anyone else form our friend group. It was him. We hadn’t talked in months.
„I’m sorry to inform you, that you are not pregnant.“ The doctor said in a monotone way. I nodded and Cameron’s grip tightened around my hand. „It happens that the pregnancy test is positive though you are not pregnant. It is rare though. Maybe you are just late on your period and your hormones aren’t balanced at the moment which could be an explanation for the positive test.“ He explains matter of factly.
I didn’t know how to feel. I simply nodded and after the talk we bid our goodbyes and went back to Cameron’s apartment. We didn’t say a word. Neither of us. Not even as much as a glance was shared. Just a comforting touch of his hand. His grip tight reassuring me. Reassuring us.
Flashback over
I picked up the phone and stared at the screen for a few seconds before accepting the call. „Y/N?“ His voice soft. „Where are you Y/N?“ He used my name. He didn’t call me marshmallow. „Are you there?“ I nodded as I tried to hold in my tears. I hummed a simple „mhm“ because I didn’t trust myself to say anything else.
„Listen. Sam needs you here, okay?“ I sighed. „And you know it. For a matter of fact I know that you’re beating yourself up this very moment because you are not here for her.“ He spoke fast his voice remains soft and low. „She hates me.“ I couldn’t speak more than a bare whisper. „She doesn’t.“ He sighed. He was frustrated and stressed. I could sense it.
„You hate me.“ I mumbled. I squeezed my eyes shut as if it would help me prepare for his answer. „I don’t. You know that. Just hop on the first plane and get your ass to Sam. She’s losing it without you.“ He paused. „And I am too.“ His voice even lower when he said that. I sighed. „I’m going to be there. But only for Sam.“ I finally said.
„Text me when you get home.“ He said while he hugged me. My face nuzzled in the crook of his neck. I inhaled his sent. „I love you.“ I whispered as low as possible and left a small kiss on his neck. He pulled me in tighter one last time. „I love you too.“ He kissed the top of my head.
We let go of one another and I didn’t look back. He was going to go to Europe. I was going to be in NYC. I wouldn’t see him in a long time. As I sat at the gate waiting for boarding I received a text.
Cam: love you. and miss you.
A faint smile tugged at my lips.
Y/N: love you too. miss you more.
Flashback over
I slowly opened the door to Sam’s apartment. I took a big breath. „Sam?“ I called out. No answer. „Hun? I’m hooome.“ I closed the door behind me. It was dark. Well it was night time, of course it was dark. I put my small carry on bag on the couch. „I know you’re mad at me but you have to hear me out first. You know that right?“ I sighed as I walked towards her bedroom.
I slowly opened the door revealing the dark room. „Sam?“ I hesitated before turning the lights on. „Y/N?“ I heard his hoarse voice. He turned the lamp on his nightstand on. „What are you doing here?“ He rubbed his eyes slowly getting up. „Ethan, why didn’t you lock the front door?“ I sighed leaning against the door frame.
„Because Cameron is still out and staying here tonight?“ When I didn’t say anything he continued. „So, I guess Cameron convinced you to come?“ He just sat there and yawned. I nodded slightly. „So where is my best friend? Or does she call me a useless stupid fake friend now?“ I sighed yet again. Yeah just sigh a little more that’ll make everything better. „She’s at the hotel where the wedding’s taking place.“ I nodded.
„Alright sorry than. I’ll go over there.“ I was about to leave the room when he stopped me. „How’re you gonna get there?“ I shrugged. „I’ll get an uber. No worries. Sleep tight.“ With that I left his bedroom and closed the door. I slowly grabbed my stuff and was about to open the front door when Cameron opened it from the other side. His eyes widened when he saw me.
„You’re here.“ He states. Thanks, captain obvious, I know already. I simply nodded. „Where are you going?“ He all of a sudden frowned. „To the hotel. Didn’t know she was gonna spend the night there. And not the other way around.“ I avoided his gaze and just wanted to get out of there. „I’ll drive you. Come on.“ A ghost of a smile appeared on his lips.
one month before the wedding
„Y/N you have to tell him. Considering you wanna spend the rest of your lives together.“ I sighed. „That is one of many possibilities and you know that. He could dump me any day now.“ Sam didn’t answer. „Okay. I’m gonna tell him as soon as he tells me he landed in LA.“
„Yeah keep telling yourself that hun.“ I rolled my eyes at her. „I’m hanging up now. You’re the worst best friend right now. I don’t blame you but I’m sure telling you.“ She chuckled. „Boohoo bitch.“ With that she hung up. Wow, the wedding is really getting to her, my god.
Not long after Cameron texted me informing me he landed safely in LA. I immediately called him so I wouldn’t procrastinate any longer. „Y/N.“ He said with some sort of relief. „Cameron.“ I mocked him a little. „How are you?“ He started some small talk. For sure there are fans around. „Can you talk right now?“ I knew he knew what I meant. He wasn’t oblivious.
„Give me a sec.“ I waited patiently for a good minute until he spoke again. „Alright marshmallow what’s up?“ He called me marshmallow. „I was at my lady’s doctor.“ I started as I sat down on my couch. „Weren’t you there like when I just started tour?“ He sounded confused. I could imagine his face scrunching up and his cute look. „Yeah, that was that appointment. Just before you left for tour I had these horrible cramps, right?“ I really didn’t know how to do this.
„Yeah I wanted to skip the first few dates to be with you.“ Nice that he remembered that conversation. „Well I didn’t really know how to tell you the news a month ago and I still don’t but I can’t just not tell you.“ I started to tear up. Damn hormones. „Please don’t tell me that you’re pregnant.“ He sighed. His voice was barely audible. „What is that supposed to mean?“ I suddenly got angry.
„Listen. I don’t want to ar-“ „Oh buddy it’s too late for that. What would you do if I was pregnant? What happened to ‘we are in this together’ , huh?“ I let out a huff in disbelieve. He’s got to be kidding me. „Y/N. What I meant was that I personally think that we are too young to have kids. We are not responsible enough to raise a child. And no one knows I’m in a relationship either. The first thing they’ll know about us would be that we are getting a baby. I wouldn’t be able to handle that.“
He sighed. „Don’t worry Cameron. I’m not able to have kids anyway.“ Great way to break the news Y/N. Well done. „What?“ It sounded like he was about to choke on air for a second. „Yeah, you don’t have to worry about breaking any news to any fans ever.“ I brushed away a small tear. „Why didn’t you tell me right away?“ He sounded angry. He was mad at me? Are you fucking serious right now?
„Because you were in Europe. Would’ve told you earlier if I had known.“ He scoffed. „Don’t do this Y/N. Don’t push me away like that.“ I shook my head. „Go worry about your little fans Cameron.“ Before I hung up I heard him muffle an „I love you.“ and with that the conversation ended.
Flashback over
I hadn’t talked to him since. I was being an asshole. I ignored him whenever he tried to reach out. But he shouldn’t have said what he said the way he did either. So we sat in silence as he drove me to Sam. I absentmindedly looked out the window as we cruised through the mostly empty streets of LA.
„You know, I wanted to apologize, right?“ He began. When I didn’t say anything he continued. „I was just stressed out because of Magcon and than we hadn’t really been talking.“ He sighed. „Why didn’t you tell me right away?“ He sounded defeated. Right about done with this bullshit.
„You were in Europe.“ I mumbled quietly and shrugged. „That’s not a valid reason.“ My gaze was still fixed to the buildings that were rushing past. „I was scared,okay?“ I sighed. „I didn’t know how you would react. I know that you want kids and I can’t give that to you. Why in gods name would you still want to be with me?“ I started to tear up still not looking at him.
Instead of saying anything he simply grabbed my hand that rested on my lap, soothingly stroking over it with his thumb. „I felt like I disappointed you.“ I closed my eyes waiting for his response. „It’s fine we’ll find a way. But it’s nothing we have to worry about now.“ His voice was soothing as always.
After that we didn’t talk much, he left me in front of the hotel leaving a kiss on my cheek. I was dreading Sam’s reaction. But when I knocked on the door to her hotel room she welcomed me with open arms. „I knew you’d come. I knew it.“ She mumbled into my shoulder as she pulled me closer.
„I’m so sorry I’m late. Did I miss your freak out yet?“ I tried to lighten the mood. She chuckled. „You missed about three of them. One of them concerning the fact that you weren’t here yet. I thought you’ve been murdered, up until Cameron told me you were on your way.“ She sighed looking at me with this knowing look.
 Are you ready for tomorrow?“ A grin slowly formed on my face. She frantically nodded and that was the point where we started squealing and laughing. My best friend was getting married and life was kind of okay at the moment.
Next Chapter
A/N: Sorry for the long wait. University is more stressful than anticipated. Story is coming to an end though. Last chapter coming soon! Hope you like it. Always appreciate feedback!! Love you guys.
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likelovelikesuicide · 7 years
Shadowhunters 2.19 - Immediate Reaction - Everything Ends
The tone of this episode felt very jarring following last week 
 We went from Somber/Emotional to full on WAR mode - however, once again a lot happened within very little time. I mean, this was a literal continuation of the same day
 we saw Johnathan return to his apartment, to Valentine following his escape from Clary
. Then all hell breaks loose in search of Valley boy and his demon toast son.
It was awesome to see our lead Shadowhunters fighting on the front lines again - Alec with the bow + Izzy and her whip = Battle Siblings are the best
 also, Clary’s fire red hair flying as she slices through an army of forsaken
 Loved it -  I don’t know what Jace did physically but he managed to annoy Jonathan out of choking him to death with a chain, so like, he’s got that going for him
 Jake Peralta would give #kudos
Its truly ridiculous that the parabati bond is so Fucking inconsistent - Jace cuts his hand and Alec feels it but Alec nearly dies trying to find Jace and Jace has to hear about it from Clary before it starts to affect him
 Jace nearly chokes to death, then is stabbed through the lung and nothing
 Magnus breaks Alec’s heart, nothing but when Magnus and Alec moved forward as a couple = Jace senses Alec is happier and gives Magnus “the talk”
 there’s just so much off with it and my point is that the bond is used as a plot device, a very lazy one. And I think it’s naive of the writers not to know that we, as an audience, would notice that shit. So just like, drop it altogether or use it for everything. That’s literally the point of it.
Jonathan seriously needs a therapist because that boy has some rage issues and like, I’m pretty sure he’s not dead but I was also pretty sure Magnus and Alec wouldn’t break-up this season and I’m eating my words on that because right now, during this particular day - the are not together and that sucks. Also Valley boy got away and Johnny boy might have died or whatever so that sucks too
 Moving on

OMG Madzie and Catarina!!!!! And Magnus having his people just chillin in his home when he returns kinda totally warmed my heart
 I miss seeing Magnus’ life outside of the other main characters
 but like does this boy actually have locks on his doors? And if so, How many keys to the loft are just floating around NYC? Seriously anyone can totally walk into his home anytime! Is anyone else worried about this? - But of course my heart was first broken by the photo-booth pictures of him and Alec (however, I call bullshit because those weren’t their outfits when they went to Tokyo and come on
 that was so not planned by the writers/people who do this shit and that bugs me. All I’m saying. Cute idea, poorly executed. Also Magnus and Alec are in love so like, why you gotta be like this?)
. Honestly, I really didn’t get where Magnus’ head was in this episode and he had very little screen time so like, we’re clearly not supposed to get it
 I suspect we’ll need 2.20 to understand 2.19 for the Alec/Magnus/Seelie Queen + Valentine arc to make sense
 I hope
Look, we KNOW the Seelie Queen is obviously playing everyone and we’re only seeing fragments of what’s really going on in the downworld, while the Shadowhunters try and fail to gain some sort of control over the situation. So a lot of information is in question for us, the audience - What did Valentine offer the Seelie Queen to make her walk alone with him? Why is Magnus suddenly siding with the queen and letting her speak for his people while filling his home with warlocks like he did before he met Alec? Why is Magnus so adamant that the best chance for his people lies in the Seelie Queen when he didn’t appear too fond of her like a week ago? What did she tell him? Offer him? What’s up with that? Is it all because of the lie/secret keeping issue involving the soul sword? And why would Magnus turn on Alec? - We know they love each other, has he just accepted defeat here? IS MAGNUS THE ONE PLAYING WITH EVERYONE? IS ALEC IN ON IT? CAUSE LIKE 
 I don’t get THIS?! Because Magnus legit had his people set up portal wards to prevent ANY shadowhunter from traveling out of the city
 and he didn’t warn them that they would like, totally DIE if they tried to use a Portal? That seems cold and Magnus isn’t cold
 I’m so confused
 I’m hoping Magnus has a plan of his own under all this because Holy Fuck the Seelie Queen is playing EVERYONE
. Except Simon. You go Simon. #ohbutwaitno

Luke is finally being level headed and doing right by his pack so that’s awesome + Maia is his beta #it’scanon
 but like, where’s his snoopy cop partner in all this? I don’t trust her silence.
Raphael and Izzy need to stop. Straight Up. STOP
 it got too weird and you can’t go back from that. Be friends, care for each other, support each other through this shit and whatever, But you’re not lovers
 please don’t go there again. Pretty please? - Maia and Simon need to keep it up because they’re cute but like, let’s be real here
 Maia was a walking target for the Seelie Queen (does she have a name? I hate that she is just like “the queen” fuck off bitch you’re not The Doctor or Beyonce. Come on now
) anyway, Maia is dating the daylighter, a possession the Seelie Queen appears to need/want and she’s a werewolf in Luke’s pack. 2 for 2 bitch. Take her
 I get the Seelie Queen’s play on this
 but meeting with Valentine? Whatcha doin with that BITCH?
The Clace scenes felt out of place for me - unless they both have a sexy battle times kink
. The intimate scenes felt overwrought in juxtaposition with the rest of the episode. I don’t know, they really are sweet on each other and it’s cute and the actors did their part (Kat likes Dom’s chest a lot
) but I just didn’t FEEL it
 in fact, I would actually say I didn’t truly FEEL anything in this episode. (accept maybe Maia waking up after being drugged and finding herself in the Seelie Realm because fuck man, anyone would be shitting bricks
) But we moved through so many scenes very quickly and while the story followed well, we also saw a lot of those scenes in previews and that ruins the suspense a bit. Just saying

Okay but Imogene can’t be Valentine’s fucking mole because of her actions in 2.12
 end of discussion. Unless they flip the script and Imogene wanted to kill Magnus but like. It can't
 it doesn’t work
 So who is it? And like, of fucking course Valentine has a mole in the institute! Was anyone actually foolish enough to think he didn’t? But it wasn’t the Seelie Queen either, given their scene tonight she may be working with him now but she wasn’t when he found out the true identity of the mortal mirror
 So who is it???? - Also, Valley boy got away, again and is working with the very people he means to destroy, again and Johnny boy might be dead? Or Was he ever properly alive? I don’t know man but my best friend will never watch another episode of this show with me because she’s terrified of zombies and those were fucking zombies. Also, Alec took out two with one arrow through the fucking skull.#damnson #myboysgotgame
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