#anyways here's the whumper introduction chapter!! writing the barely contained rage was super fun
The Price of Silence - Diamonds to Dust Ch5
Synopsis: Lusik’s pretty determined to get some information out of her captive, with the help of her trusty knife. Storm’s not giving in that easily, though.
Content: Interrogation whump, torture for information, lots of slicing and slashing with a knife, angy whumper, stoic whumpee (or at least, Storm’s trying to be)
Taglist: @whump-queen @ghostsinthecloset
Lusik slams her hands forcefully down on the table, startling her prisoner. They look up at her with weary eyes and a straight face through matted blue hair.
“Answer my question!” she demands.
Storm says nothing, as they’ve been doing for the past hour. It’s incredibly frustrating, but Lusik is determined to keep her cool. Though, when she uses her knife to make another long cut across their arm, she can’t help but dig the blade in deeper than usual. Storm winces sharply, giving Lusik some temporary satisfaction.
She’s going to have to stop soon, though. Their arms and hands are covered in dozens of little cuts from her knife. Blood pools in the lacerations and drips down onto the table that they’re handcuffed to. If she goes too far, then they might lose too much blood.
Lusik stares straight into Storm’s eyes with a frosty expression. “There’s no reason for you to not say anything.” As she asserts this, she slices the back of their hand, crossing over a previous cut she made.
They still don’t say a word, but she notices Storm breaking out into a cold sweat, straining to not cry out in pain.
She’ll break them soon, she swears on it.
Lusik wanders around the table and stops when she’s standing behind them. “It’s such a small question,” she sighs. “Do you live with Xavier Hsu, or do you not?”
Still nothing but dead silence from them. Lusik scowls and drags her short blade through a cut she already made on Storm’s shoulder. She takes her time, using a sawing motion to really make it hurt. Storm flinches and lets out a quiet cry of pain, and her mouth curls into a smirk.
“You know you’re stuck here, right?” Lusik remarks. Storm stares at the wall, away from her, stone-faced.
Without warning, she grabs them by the hair and pulls their head up, exposing their throat, and hovers her knife just over their windpipe. Storm’s eyes go wide with fear and panic, and they tremble and thrash around, fruitlessly trying to escape her grasp.
“Wait—wait, I—” Storm stutters out, voice raspy from disuse and dehydration.
“Yes?” Lusik encourages, interested.
Storm opens their mouth like they’re about to say something. But after a few moments, they clam up, pressing their lips tightly together.
Lusik can’t fucking believe it. She was this close, she knows it! She starts to see red, wanting nothing more than to crush their ribs into pieces, but instead, Lusik works to channel her anger into making her words as vicious as possible.
“Nobody’s coming for you, you know that?” Poison coats her every word. She slits the skin just under their collarbone, and they let out a low whimper.
“The only people who know that you’re here? Are you, me, and the guards outside the door.” It’s not remotely true, but Storm doesn’t know that.
Storm shakes their head. “Xavier… he’ll…”
“Never find you.” Lusik interrupts. “So give up on this obstinate little act of yours. You’re my prisoner, and you’re gonna be for a long time.” She tightens her grip on their hair to make sure they’re paying attention. “I suggest you don’t make it too painful for yourself.”
“So, are you going to answer my question, or are you going to continue being difficult?”
Lusik waits for a response, but the silence is deafening. Storm’s expression is contorted in fear, yet they still refuse to talk.
She grits her teeth. God. Fuck this. She has other places to be and better things to do than waste her time trying to coax secrets out of someone too stubborn to spill them.
In a final flash of rage, she slams their head down into the table with a loud bang. Storm lets out a disoriented yelp and looks up with a dazed look on their face. Blood drips from their nostrils, staining their face.
“We’ll continue this tomorrow,” she hisses before striding out of the room, slamming the door shut behind her.
AN: Yeahhh first proper torture chapter >:)
Next chapter I’m gonna introduce the final main character (or, well, final for now) and then we’ll have the whole cast!!
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