#anyways here - take my rant about [redacted] in the [redacted] fandom (tho let's be real... many moots prolly know what i'm talking about)
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that-was-anticlimactic · 2 years ago
H, K, and W for the fandom ask game!!
lol hey just remembered that i had these from dec 19th lol i think i was just so mentally unwell at the time that i couldn't actually process the fact that i had asks and was capable of answering them even tho i literally reblogged the ask game lol anyways was going through my drafts and saw this and i'm MUCH better now so i went through and found the game and imma do it now <3
h - what is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., tw shows, movies, books, anime, western animation, etc.)?
hm... i would say it's typically anime/animated shows. i kind of have trouble writing fics for actual books as opposed to shows... idk why, i just always have. i've certainly tried before, but it's never lasted long and it was always AWFUL. and idk why (actually i kind of do and could go on a whole rant -affectionate- about this) but cartoons/animation is SO much easier for me to write fanfiction about and interact with and love and... oh don't get me started on why animated shows are superior to everything else
k - what character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
oh God so many ummmmm one of my favorite ones EVER would prolly be... idk the hollow is on my mind and just. vanessa. i literally went into s2 with the mindset of "i hate her she's the worst wonder what evil things she'll do this season grrrr" and came out of s2 like "i will do anything to protect her babygirl so skrunkly so shaped SHE HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG". like... God she's SUCH a well written character. and diana kaarina did SUCH a great job voicing her, too! so while this prolly isn't like the BEST development/arcs ever, it's special to me lol vanessa is now my favorite hollow character and i love her so so so much and her development was done so well and smoothly and OUGH
w - a trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
oh! easy! hey this character really likes one specific food and the show made it joke about it, what if we made that their entire character, reduced their personality to food, only ever drew that character eating while everyone else is normal, and then hc that character big, fat, and darker skinned tehe isn't that so funny? ... okay that last bit was super specific. um. i have a visceral hatred for [redacted] tho i'm sure most people are aware by now lol. but no, in general tho, i really do hate that fandoms do that. especially because sometimes, at the heart of it all is an eating disorder that's just turned into a joke. i hate when the fandom makes a character's personality food. or height, also. like okay we get it chuuya is short we can move on now. i'm short too but you don't see me or anyone else talking about that constantly gosh okay cool height differences big deal whatever idc anymore. food and height are NOT personality traits. STOP MAKING THEM PERSONALITY TRAITS!!!
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literallydearmoore · 3 months ago
I know I made a post about this last night but this is FRRR BUGGING MEEEE so I'm gon speak on it again because I fuckin can this is my blog the fuck 💀💀
LOOONGGG rant ahead guys b warned LMAO
Anyways, the mass amounts of internalised racism within fandoms created by Snow White's descendants is actually insane. Even crazier in this fandom bc let's be fr, it may be small but it is HELLA diverse in here, when it comes to actual ppl anyway...them ocs tho...
That anon last night (and many others bc yall LOVE to yap abt POC but nobody holds the cloudy crusaders accountable) nobody is saying anyone owes anyone rep, but it's also unfair to Erik to say that his writing is "slanted" by his white privilege. When he literally has tons of POC coded characters which is why the fandom mainly agrees that they r infact POC, confirmed or not that counts as a representation of our lived experience. And I cannot stress this enough, the characters and Erik are not the same. Yes he pours a little of himself in all of his characters I like to think, but a character is never truly a direct reflection of it's writer. Project all you want they're still not identical, meaning they 9 times outta 10 are gonna have a different life experience, background, beliefs, habits, ethnicity etc. Also meaning that there was probably research done on others' experiences, which yall obviously can't be bothered to do bc all ur ocs r either a cloud, whipped cream or fucking reflective. So if anyone's writing is tainted by privilege it's YALLS.
And imma use myself as an example bc I used to do this shit too, which is probably why it pisses me off so bad. Back a couple years ago when I originally found redacted, all my OCs were originally supposed to b white men....dramatic pause, however comma, with this thing called growth and accountability I learned that, that was in fact internalised racism AND sexism because I had lived my life wishing I could be exactly that. White. A cis man. I don't think yall get it, there was internalised. self. loathing. Fueled by the racism and sexism that I had been taught. And it is a choice you gotta make to open your fucking eyes and hold yourselves accountable bc this goes so much deeper than just yalls endless Taylor Swift clones.
POC rep even to this day is a fucking gem bro. And white ppl have been consistently catered to in real life AND in media. Stop bashing POC for a situation that has always been lose-lose. We're told to fuck off white creators and go make our own, and then we do and those creations and stories are ignored and disregarded or outright criticised for the lack of ass kissing to whites. Let's talk about the initial reaction to ATSV/ITSV. There were COUNTLESS white windbag brained bitches flocking to the internet to complain because there were "hardly any white ppl" and it was "too diverse." Do you see where I'm going with this? No? Lemme break it down
Yall are so accustomed to being catered to that you expect POC media to do the same, and when it doesn't you fucking condemn it. This is exactly why some POC don't WANT to make stories of their own because yall snow-snobs have your heads to far up your asses that you can't be bothered to step outside your comfort zone and maybe just take a peek at how a POC may feel on the daily. Which is why the few of yall that DO care and DO portray things similar or exactly like our lived experience, we color the FUCK OUTTA THEM BITCHES HELLO???
I don't think you guys understand how exhausting it is to have a voice that nobody cares to hear. And when we are heard, our words are twisted. Like in this exact case bro. Yall are bitching and moaning bc POC are actually using the voices that we had to FIGHT TO EVEN HAVE in the FIRST PLACE. And again yall are painting POC as the aggressors when we are literally just making observations. Headcanoning an entire cast as white blonde and blue eyed isn't fucking normal and the fact that yall are now riled up because people are speaking on it just proves your privilege. Because you will never have to fight for media to show your experiences and you'll never have to turn to people who don't care and beg them to amplify your voice.
Anyways enjoy this rant lmao, many more to come!! Not specifically about this but there r QUITE a few issues as of late 💀🙏
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