#anyways back on my yona of the dawn bullshit
So I've finally actually been able to catch all the way up to the Yona of the Dawn manga (ch. 226) and I've really been enjoying it so far!!!! But.....
So help me to all that is holy, Yona, Hak, Yoon, and the dragons better not die. ESPECIALLY the dragons ('cause, you know, that dream Yona had....?)
If I'm being honest tho, I've kind of been expecting to have at least Zeno die in the end of the series, 'cause that's his ultimate wish. So while I hope I'm wrong and that he can somehow find a way to no longer be immortal without dying, I'm kind of expecting his death to be the endgame for him. If that does happen, I at least hope the other 3 dragons don't die.
This is why I don't like starting series' that aren't fully completed. Because then your stuck worrying about how it's all gonna end and if any of you favorite characters are gonna die.
I couldn't help myself tho. The anime was just too good not to read the manga.
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twilightofthe · 3 years
so what animes have you seen already?
Oh boy! Not many tbh, I only really started watching it last winter when my roommate asked if I wanted to give it a try! I haven’t watched anything from any studio that did Visions (yet), but I wanna soon!
Animes I HAVE seen, in order:
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood — Aight so when roomie suggested we watch an anime, a friend who had seen a lot of them recommended this one to watch first as it was a good “starter anime”, and y’all idk if it’s just because it’s the first one I watched but I’ve still gotta call it my favorite one because y’all it’s SO FUCKING GOOD. Like that’s understatement of the century but I don’t have time to write an essay on why it’s so good lol just trust me it’s GOOD. 11/10s on EVERYTHING about it. Plot, characters, setting, everything. My one sadness is that I would not be good at writing fic for it lol.
Demon Slayer — YouTube AMVs and seeing it pop up on Netflix had us start this one next and y’all it’s probably the prettiest anime I’ve seen like ever, like the art style is chef’s kiss. Amazing story and AWESOME characters too, very good, 10/10 would recommend. I think I could write a decent fic for it if a plot ever came to me.
The Great Pretender — The only non-action/fight anime on the list, roomie and I tried it out because we figured we should see something different? It was on Netflix so we looked. It was good, clever writing, good characters got a little bit weird in the second season, particularly at the end, but overall it’s a decent watch. I could write fic for the shipping aspect but again, no plot ideas because the plot is fuckin weird.
Akame Ga Kill — Roommate had seen this before, recommended it to me. The characters were decent, setting was interesting! Pretty art style too, but I was like, verrrrry critical of the plot throughout the entire singular season lol, so take that as you will. Actually no yeah plot was kinda wack. My fave character deserved better tho.
Castlevania — Okay okay I know I know not an anime, but it’s a similar artstyle. (Also I think the game it’s based off of is a Japanese game?) Actually watched the first two seasons a while ago, but then watched the third and fourth with roommate. Y’all it’s REALLY good, literally everyone in the damn show is fucking hot and I’m jealous, I ship the throuple HARD hard. I think I could maybe write a decent fic for it if, again, I had any plot motivation lol
Trese — Again, cheating because not anime, but this one is still non-Western (Filipino) media and it’s glorious. I’ve never seen an episode of Supernatural but I feel that this show is like, what Supernatural wishes it could be. Another gorgeous artstyle and I’m so gay for the MC and the first season left me with so many questions so I really hope it gets another one! I gotta get around to reading the webcomic
D.Gray-Man — Okay this one is entirely the fault of @jasontoddiefor who got back into it and promptly dragged everyone he knew down with him, and I am so very glad he did because this is a fantastic— and I’d argue relatively underrated —series. Artstyle is gorgeous (certain characters be very hot), the character arcs are brilliant, I love all the characters, and the worldbuilding is so friggin creative, like I’d put it up there as another one of my faves. I actually did write a fic for this, but publishing a fic in an unfamiliar fandom is terrifying and bad for my anxiety and it’s gonna take me like five more years to work up the courage to do it again lol.
Sword Art Online — Currently watching right now with roommate. I heard some not very good things about it, but my roommate wanted to give it a try so I sat down and watched with them. Sure enough it’s been a case of half the time I’m flailing over the nice animation and how creative the worldbuilding is and the charm and potential all the characters have……………….. and then the other half of the time I’m banging my head against the wall repeatedly because it pulled some seriously stinky bullshit lol. So yeah watch it’s promising but also Suffer in not the good way.
Fire Force — Also currently watching! On my own this time, roommate already watched and recommended. This one is VERY good, like I am super into the plot and the setting and everything to do with the universe. Still getting into the characters and it’s taking a bit more time? So the watch is going slower than usual, but that’s alright! The entire premise makes up for it.
So that’s all the anime I’ve seen! I’ve also seen 2.5 Studio Ghibli movies and they are all JUST as good as people say they are (Kiki’s Delivery Service, Howl’s Moving Castle, and bits and pieces of Princess Mononoke) 1000/10 recommend.
You didn’t ask about the manga I’ve read but I’ll list them anyway! For the record I’m not a huge manga reader because my eyes find it hard to see the illustrations when everything is in different shades of black and white, it makes action scenes in particular really difficult to read, which is a problem when you usually like action plots
Demon Slayer — The anime isn’t complete yet and after the movie I wanted to know MORE so I hunted down the manga and binged it all. Y’ALL GOTTA READ IT IT’S STILL SO FUCKIN GOOD AND I’D DIE FOR SO MANY CHARACTERS I’M IN LOVE WITH SO MANY
D.Gray-Man — Same thing as Demon Slayer, the anime isn’t complete yet and neither is the manga BUT so I read the rest of what’s been written. Hoo hoo HOO I hope they animate more of it because the plots coming up are brilliant and I want it
My Hero Academia — Look, EVERYONE is yelling about this one and it trends like once a week and like five irl friends love it so I figured there was too much anime out but I had to know so I’d just skim the manga just to figure out what the fuck the hype was. It’s good, lol, I totally get the hype now, the strength is in the worldbuilding and a whole handful of extremely interesting yet surprisingly simple character types that work to drive the plot forward. There is so much potential here and I could definitely write fic for this but I am not touching that fandom with a ten foot pole and that’s coming from a Star Wars fan 😂
Yona of the Dawn — Currently reading this!!!! Ok so there’s a season of an anime out for this, I walked in to see my other roommate watching what was probably one of the horniest scenes in it. I was immediately like “👀👀👀👀 shit fuck that’s hot do these heteros have rights????” I was about to plop my ass down and start watching but roommate was like “oh there’s only one season and it’s unfinished and I know you don’t like unfinished stuff” so I promptly got my ass up and googled the manga so I could see more. Y’all it is GOOD, if you love the dramatic romances from Star Wars this is RIGHT up your alley and dare I say better, the plot is lovely, the characters are great, and I am SO MAD there’s only one anime season. I’d absolutely write fic for this if I was more confident, I have so many polyship ideas!!!!!!
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rangergirl3 · 7 years
The five lions and seven members of team voltron? (for the ask meme thing)
You got it, anon! :-) These answers are long, just fyi. ;)
Right, let’s see:
Blue Lion:How trusting and loyal do you think you are?
Honestly, I used to be very, very trusting. That…sort of broke over a short period of time (repeated trauma tends to do that to you). To cope I ended up being blindly loyal to a couple of very - well, let’s call them selfish and prideful - people who ended up telling me (in a fit of pure pissiness) that they only spent time with me because I agreed with everything they said. Mmm, yeah, that’s pretty much the worst thing you can tell a loyal person. It insults both their intelligence and their heart and…just everything. It’s a really good way to break someone without ever touching them.
My friends tell me most of that went down because I’m sometimes too kind and give people the benefit of the doubt, but it’s still a habit for me to think back on those times and wince at just how bad it was, on a number of levels. But, on the good side, I’m out of the toxic relationships and have good people in my life now who I’m loyal to, and they have called me ‘loyal’ as a compliment, rather than a veiled insult.
So my trust and loyalty never really…left…? They were just on suppressed autopilot for years.
Red Lion:How impulsive and/or decisive are you?
Depends on the situation. :-) If someone insults me, I tend to get annoyed but shrug it off. If someone insults a friend of mine, I see red. I have been known to (apparently, as I’ve never seen it myself) a certain 'look’. It usually spells disaster for some poor unfortunate soul who made the mistake of being a jackass to somebody I care for.
Green Lion:How curious are you and what subjects are you interested in?
*slams fist on table in enthusiasm* VERY. I AM VERY CURIOUS. :-)
No, seriously, I never stop asking questions about 'how it works’ and 'why’ and 'what would happen if-’. The subject’s I’m most interested in are widly varied. I love stories, and literature, and especially fiction. Character interaction in any show, in pretty much any setting, is what I love to see, to explore, and it’s what I usually latch onto in a show, or a book, or a movie. :-)
Yellow Lion: Doyou consider yourself strong or reliable?
I didn’t…but now I do. Honestly it’s mostly because people I love are like 'Ranger, honey, you’re very strong’ and I’m like 'Well I don’t feel like it, 9 times out of 10 I just kinda make shit up as I go because I’m stubborn’ and they’re like: 'No, Ranger, you’re like the Energizer Bunny, seriously’. My therapist said I’m resiliant, which immediately made me think of Kitty Jones from the Bartimeous series, which made me happy. :-)
Black Lion:What are some things you want in Season 4?
Oh, I REALLY want to see Matt Holt! And to see if the whole 'Season 3 Shiro is a clone’ theory is true (my money is on that being the case…or would be, if I had money. :-))
Keith: How edgy/emo do you consider yourself to be?
Not very. But then again I really didn’t cry or vocalize when I was in pain for over two decades because…well, it’s for a lot of reasons. The foremost one being that some of the trauma I underwent installed deep feelings of self-hatred for expressing any signs of pain or weakness. That and when I tried to tell my parents I was in pain (like headaches or the flu or after botched oral surgery), I was routinely told 'someone else has it worse, stop complaining, you’re making a big deal out of nothing.’
Yeah, that was about as messed up as it sounds. But, again, healthy friendships can do wonders in starting to heal that kind of thing. I still have difficulty admitting I’m in pain, though. It’s something I really have to work on every day.
Shiro:Are you a good leader and can you handle responsibility?
I’m the oldest of eight siblings and I was able to save one of them from drowing in a hotel pool (there wasn’t a life-guard and my parents were…more interested in talking to each other. I’ve said it before, but their real-life priorities aren’t their kids.) I handle responsibility relatively well - but I do low-key freak out if I’m around kids and water and there aren’t any other adults around. I’d rather undergo dental surgery without proper anthestic (again) than have a repeat near-drowning.
Lance:What’s your type of humor and do you have a favorite meme?
I really love clever word-play, deadpan 'What’ responses to big events, or even just the 'in the background’ moments you get in some tv shows (The whole Lance-is-sick-from-the-numville-let’s-poke-him-and-see-if-he-falls-over-oh-look-he-did thing from S1 of VLD had me in stitches.) Um…meme…favorite meme…dangit, I can’t think of one right now. Though I identify with the comic where the dog is sitting at a table, surrounded by flames, and he’s sipping coffee, saying: 'This is good This is fine.’ Irony, sarcasm, and wry commentary are what I love too. :-)
Pidge: Areyou good with technology, computers, etc?
I type pretty fast (over 70wpm) and I LOVE my laptop and gadgets. I saved up for a long time so I could get the ones I wanted, and I hiss at anything like a cat if I think it might hurt my tech. :-)
Hunk:How kind and loyal do you consider yourself?
Don’t make me say nice things about myself. ;) But seriously, I just - I like people, and I hate seeing anyone in pain. I know I talk a lot about making jackasses sorry for being jackasses, but it takes an unholy amount of bullshit to push me to that point. I’m currently not on speaking terms with my mother and father, and as much as I know it’s healthy for me, I still feel sad about it. I have a hard time thinking about my upcoming birthday or the holidays because honestly, all I want is for my parents to trust me, and for my trust in them to be restored. But it’s not something that just 'gets fixed’, and honestly I don’t think I’ll trust them again. It sucks, but at least now I can focus on living my life around and with people who do trust my judgement and think I’m more than just something in the background scenery.
Allura: Doyou feel underestimated sometimes?
I did,when I was growing up, a lot of the time. But my sense of self-worth got worn down pretty quickly, so eventually I just felt…like nothing I did was good enough, period. I once made a present for my mom (it was an embroidery project with yellow roses) and when I was half-way done with it she said 'why are you making that for me, I didn’t want it in the first place, don’t you know that yellow roses mean divorce’ and I just left the project half-finished for almost a year. Eventually I did finish it and I just handed it to her without wrapping it and said 'If you don’t want it, fine, but here it is anyway, I figured I’d just let you know it was done, so…whatever.’ and then she made a big deal about loving it and framing it and hanging it on her wall. But I think she keeps it as a form of self-recrimination or something. Which wasn’t why I made it for her, I thought she would like how the roses looked like cheerful sunlight, but whatever. I can’t fix stupid, or make my parents be nicer. Wish I could, but that’s definitely not within my control.
Coran:What is your favorite show other than Voltron?
OMG, I LOVE Phineas and Ferb. It’s so. FUNNY. Also I’m going through Fairy Tail, and it’s AMAZING. I also love Yona of the Dawn, Is It Wrong to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeoun, Warehouse 13, The Defenders (Jessica Jones is my snarky spirtual companion), and…wow, just a lot of others. :-)
Thanks again for the ask - I love answering these!
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