universal-kitty · 4 years
Hello! For the poetry prompts,' I may not believe in fate , but i believe in you ’ with G'raha Tia?
poetry starters
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   “You could’ve warned me, you know.” G’raha sheepishly looked up from his studies, to the familiar face of an old friend. However pleased as punch he might’ve been to see them at any time previous, now was....perhaps not the time to be so excited about seeing his hero again. After all, things have gone in very topsy-turvy ways recently, and for Rhela to be upset at him is only natural.
   It’s what happens...when you conceal your identity from someone you not only care deeply about, but when the feelings are unexpectedly returned... Well. It causes far more issues than G’raha had originally hoped for.
   Perhaps not that “dying to save the person I cherish most” is much for “hoping for something” now, is it? A certain....healer Myst- Miqo’te would certainly remind him as much.
   With that glare they give him- the angriest he’s ever seen them- perhaps that assumption is accurate.
   “I am aware,” he says, as kindly and neutral as possible. “However, it would have not served either of us well, had you known my identity from the start. You must understand why I did what I-”
   “Don’t give me that crap,” they snap, tail and ears flicking in agitation. “I know you did those things thinking it would be for the better. So that you could....die like that. But don’t put my feelings aside here, G’raha.” His heart dared hope for meanings within those words, but he was quick to tamper them out.
   Another thing he desperately wanted, but could have nothing to do with: the feelings that had consumed him here in the First, pining away for a champion lost, but one that was still out there. That could yet assist him in saving the First without issue. In preventing the very calamity that happened upon this world!
   If only it had been so easy as his daydreams played them out to be...
   The sound of boots cuts off any further thought, watching Rhela stroll into the area with purpose, dark green eyes behind a pair of glasses trained on his pure, bright red. It made him want to fluster and avoid their gaze....as much as he wanted to meet their gaze head on, and never look away again.
   ....His resolve wavered in their light, and he glanced away but a moment before- unable to help himself- he looked back at them once more.
   Even while angry, they were still so cute... It’s simply not fair.
   “...I was worried about you,” they say after a lengthy pause, passionate gaze softening into such a worried, sorrowful expression that his heart broke into pieces on the spot. Hands raising unsurely, wanting to comfort, not knowing where to begin. “I don’t know....what I’m angry at, even. Am I mad at you for lying to me...? For you not being you or your stupid plan? For....getting one of my own friends in on it...!!”
   First contact in ages, and it’s Rhela pushing him harshly, G’raha stumbling in shock. Th-They’re so much stronger now! He could still distantly remember his youth... A small, playful push he well deserved for teasing them too much. It had been a strong wind, but this.... How much stronger did they get...?!
   “I-I.... You got me worried sick over so many things!” Ah, the anger was back. Though when they looked up at him again, ears laid back and.....tears...? In their eyes... “Worried about the people here, the lives being lost, where G’raha was, who you were......why I kept being so scared for you!!! It’s not fair that you led me on like that!!” Another push, though softer this time.
   A sob echoed in the room, G’raha’s heart- if not before- officially broken at their words. At the tears of a hero he’d come to treasure so much... How could he ever forget how emotional they were? The soundless cry as the doors closed shut...
   The red streaks in their hair, proof of their devotion to him. That his life had impacted someone- his own hero- so greatly, that the color of his own hair would live on theirs forevermore.
   “Say something, you-!!!!” On their next attempt to push him, G’raha indulged on a once passing thought. One that had toyed with his mind many times, distracting him from work and losing him in a world of daydreams that- all too often- Lyna had to snap him out of.
   He pulled them close, hugging them. A hopefully painless activity, as he was all too aware of the crystals and trinkets that decorated his outfit as the Crystal Exarch.
   “I am sorry,” he murmured, pain leaking into his voice. “My friend, it was never my intent to hurt you as I did. Were I able to, I would take your pain away... That being said, I fear I could not do things differently. I will not see to it that you save one life at the sacrifice of the many. If there is....another way, then I could, perhaps, consider that. As things are right now, however...” His voice wavered, feeling the small, yet strong arms of the Miqo’te in front of him embrace him in turn. His heart aching fiercely, wishing for nothing more but for this moment to last forever and-
   “I know.... I know, but it still hurts. It’s still not fair to me, G’raha...” Any concerns of pressing baubles seems to go right out the window when they’re nuzzling into him like this. (He can only hope those strong ears of theirs don’t pick up the racing of his heart...) “I want to do something for you. Anything. I just...” A shaky breath in. “I don’t want to lose you again...”
   “...I’m sorry, Rhela.” It feels like all he can do; apologize to them. Again and again, until momentary forgiveness can be achieved. Until they can accept that and, from there, find a way to progress without stopping him in his quest to save the First.
   This land who needs him as much as all and any lands need this beloved, treasured, Warrior of Light.
   “If it is any consolation,” he murmurs, a hand stroking their hair. Daring to hope, “if there is anyone out there who might find a way for things to end for the better, it would be you. You’ve always been incredibly determined like that.” Rhela’s head rises at his words, staring up at him with such a pleading look that- for a moment- G’raha forgets himself; a hand strokes their cheek, admiring the dark lines of their race. A naturally occurring feature for them, and one that suits Rhela all too well, he feels.
   “I may not believe in fate, but I believe in you.” He says it with such conviction, that for a moment, it feels....like truth. Like there is no possible way that they- together- could not ever fail in whatever they set their mind to. G’raha returning in full to the Source? Why not! Surely, anything could be possible. It’s simply a matter of-
    ......Of perhaps not cupping Rhela’s cheek like he has every intent of bowing down just a little bit lower to kiss them, how about that?
   He backs off in a rush, face flushing just as quickly as Rhela’s does, having realized at the same moment what the Exarch himself caught onto. It’s, perhaps, a great kindness that nobody happened to walk in on them, embracing like they were secret lovers....!! (The worst part is G’raha wondering how he could even respond to rumors like that...! How does one deny interest or feign lack of when all one has ever wanted was to be with that person?! It simply would never work out!!)
   “A-Ah...... Thank you, G’raha...”
   “It’s, ah....it’s no problem at all. You know I’m more than happy to support you and provide encouragement.” By the Twelve, he wishes to hide his visage away in his hood...!! This is killing him.
   Which is why it breaks his heart as much as it does make him relax a little when Rhela backs up for the door. “Well, I.... I better head out. There’s still so much to do, so much to see-”
   “O-Oh! Yes, of course...”
   “I’m sure.....Thancred or Alisaie is wondering where I am...”
   “Y-Yes. Do take care, Warrior.”
   “Mmmhm. You too.” And with all that awkwardness, they’re gone. As quickly as they came, but now leaving G’raha with a burning, aching hole of want in his heart. A hand coming up to absentmindedly clutch his robes- right over his heart- and stare where they had left.
   ....Once upon a time, he had woken up, virtually alone in a new world. One not his own, where the Warriors had long since died out. Not even Cid was there....nor anyone else who might have been a part of NOAH. A single Mystel- Miqo’te- and the star of the WoL, who- almost like a promise- indeed left a star behind in which to chart his desperate, hopeful course. But now faced with the realization that they would not so simply let him die.....and left G’raha with a hesitation of wanting to go in the first place...
   “...You make things so difficult,” he mused quietly, pulling up his hood and turning away from the door. “You say such things, not knowing that I, too, would like to........”
   He shook his head. Words were unimportant right now. More importantly.... He needed to do as Rhela bid him to do. They had not want him to go away a second time? Then gods willing, he could do something- anything- to make it happen.
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