#anyways 'the commander goes to therapy' expac when
resol-nare · 4 months
SotO had so much potential at the start but didn't really seem to have direction at the end. I think what bothers me is that the last half of the expac, that which takes place in Nayos, feels so impersonal to the Commander. I really wanted a story that made the Commander/Wayfinder/Whatever come to terms with their highly traumatic past via having them get offered the position of wizard. Which would then make them think back to everything they've done and had to do to ensure the survival of not only themselves, but the entire fuckin' world, and whether or not a fresh start is worth erasing yourself, your memories, your relationships.
Finally, probably right before or even DURING the final boss fight, the Commander goes "nah, i think i like remembering my friends, loved ones, deeds, and experiences, even if those memories hurt they are what make me, me."
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