#anyway. for once im kind of happy with how i drew ace :']
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glasskoi · 2 months ago
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cosmictulips · 4 years ago
Hi 🌤 Can I have a reading please? I wanted to ask if I’m blocked from love and if I am, how do I unblock myself? I’m 20 and I haven’t been in any type of relationship or even talked to someone and it’s really bothering me much more than before. I know you don’t need someone to be happy or fulfilled and I already have done self reflecting and while I still am growing as a person - I really want a man lol. That probably sounds desparte but it’s really weird/sad lowkey when you have 13 year old cousins, for example, who have been in relationships and you haven’t. Anyways, thank you so much! -CVM, Aries :)
Henlo Friend =D Thank you for your patience lol 
I am now your older sister -Im 24 xD-  and as your older sister, I say... what you're feeling is perfectly natural.   It would be kind of rude of me to say, like get over it lol because truth be told we all get that way.  and I don't think it's so much a blockage of love so much as the universe wants you to focus on other things.  like perhaps, self love, and figuring out what you want out of it.
To be honest with you,  I got into relationships around 15 ish. and I... wasn't ready for them at all lol. I was doing it because I felt like I needed to and the one guy I thought I truly loved broke my heart and for years -like five years-  every other guy I was with just could not fill a void.   so,  if you're anything like me, you probably really want something long lasting and it really sucks that like in this kind of culture and society,  people -claim to want it but they don't lol -  aren't really looking for that until like later in their life and it kind of gets annoying.
anyway,  there is nothing wrong with you, there's nothing wrong with like never having a relationship before until like whatever age.  but I totally get it lolol
so for you I drew:  Four of pentacles, seven of pentacles and ace of cups. With the Queen of Pentacles as the overall energy, and I want to talk about the Hermit because that popped up as well.
so this is telling me...
to put yourself out there xD I mean like,  okay here's my thought process.  Pentacles aren't the most romantic cards in tarot.  they mostly talk about work, and growing your status.  so this tells me a couple of things.  One,  the universe thinks that by you working on your skills,  and growing yourself in status,  you'll attract the man of your dreams ;)))  or two,  dating wise,  perhaps going out there and probbing the field is kind of a good thing for you.
What I like to do xD when I am looking for a relationship is to dip my toes in water so to speak.  I'll sign up for dating apps and.. well I'm a nerd xD so I actually keep track of why someone appeals to me.  it's actually helped me figure out what I'm looking for in a man lmao  you know,  it's easy,  you don't have to commit to anything,  if you don't like the guy there's the block button xD
Idk why but I'm hearing you might be afraid of having to like... lower your standards or that your boundaries won't be respected and you might fear that you won't know the red flags.  and trust me,  you will lolol we got this great thing called intuition.  trust it.  Like my motto is, if I even have to think about whether or not something is a red flag, get out lmao
you also have the ace of cups and the queen of pentacles.  so guys kind of already have their eye on you as weird as that sounds xD.  I think that by like, testing the waters and being like hey Idk what I want -honest,  the word here is honest-  like people will respect that.  You'd actually be very surprised how many people around our age have never gotten into relationships or have -like me-  and really regret it because holy heck it was toxic as fuckkkkk -hi thats me lmao-
everyones scared honestly lol.  talking to strangers,  trying to put your heart out there and pray to the gods it doesn't get broken.  and I mean,  it will lol.  but that's how you learn ya know?  date around.  learn your strengths xD like I'm the biggest flirt. I love attention xD and for a long time I denied it because my ex made it seem like it was such a bad thing.  but now I got a guy who loves it lmaooooo
like, be you.  it's okay if you're shy. I'm hella shy lmao  but once you've been around the block,  you'll be good.
Oh yea the Hermit is here.  so the Hermit.  okay i like that your reading is all about putting yourself out there and then we have the card of going inward xD
so, I think the message here is to trust yourself.  You know, there's... a lot of fish out there,  and some of them aren't so good.  if you get too uncomfortable,  you are your best defense ya know?  you will know when it's time to let something go.  and I think you're afraid of trusting that part of yourself.  as I mentioned before.  but the Hermit also has you lol.  You're being guided by your own intuition,  by your higher judgement.  Don't lower yourself for a boi you can find at the drug store ya know? lol if you want that CEO capricorn go get him xD
All in all I do see something coming for you.  we got that ace of cups ;))) new connections.  You got the Hermit being like, stand your ground, know yourself and your boundaries,  and we got the queen of pentacles, seven and four being like it’s okay to be nervous but you are a goddess and men are gonna respect the fuck out of you lmao.  I think also you might attract earth signs and water signs xD  I find a lot of fire and earth signs date each other.  or like people with heavy influence of those signs.  anyway I’m blabbing so I’ll end it here lmao I hope this helps =D if you need anything, feel free to stop on by =D
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charmanderxerneas · 7 years ago
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I have a headcannon that if Lillie (from pokemon sun/moon) and Sebastian Debeste (from Ace Attorney Investigations 2) ever met, they would be ‘de-beste’ of friends. They both think the other is ok, and they learn about each other’s pasts and they instantly relate to each other and they’re really happy that they met because they found someone they relate to.
If you don’t know, Lillie and Sebastian are both characters who were abused by their parents until they stood up to them and became independent people.(Spoilers for both games ahead!!!) They both start out as kinda weak, no one really takes them seriously. Sebastian is… not the brightest. No one in the game really knows how he passed law school because he’s so dull, he mixes up his words, often not knowing the meaning to words like “pity” and needed help figuring out which colors mix to make pink, for example. Justine and the other characters kind of brush him off as a joke. Lillie is a small, quiet child. She does everything her mom says, and she never objects, even when her mom does crazy experiments on innocent Pokemon, though she wants to help them, and she thinks that what her mom is doing is wrong. Then, both characters eventually realize that they’re being abused. Sebastian’s dad Blaise calls him an idiot to his face several times, he admits that he blackmailed his teachers to make him pass his classes, and he says he’s not worthy of being his son (When he said that, Sebastian ran out of the room crying.) I believe the point where Sebastian realizes his dad isn’t debeste person around either when he was tied up, gagged, and locked up in a small dark room for several hours on end (note that this was caused by his dad), or when he realizes his dad is a murderer due to his skull shaped scar. Lillie eventual’y realizes her mom is an abuser after her brother ran away from home, and her mom grew colder and more controlling towards Lillie and continued to experiment on Pokemon, causing them to be near death. Lillie runs away from home. Finally, they both stand up to their parents, in their own way. Sebastian finds the final piece of evidence proving his dad to be a murderer, he vows to be a better prosecutor and person than his father, and after his dad insulted him, telling him that he smelled like garbage, he dropped the sickest burn in all of history.  
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Lillie stands up to her mom too. Her mom goes insane and opens up a portal to another world to be surrounded by ultrabeasts. The player and Lillie come to try and stop her, and she begins to yell at Lillie, calling her worthless and not beautiful and not useful , due to her running away and not being obedient towards her mom. She says that Lillie is useless to her, and that the ultrabeasts are a good replacement because they listen to her. Lillie then does this
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Oh shit, all the sick burns!!!!
Anyways, I think that if they met, they would be like, “OH MY GOD YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!!” Sebastian is about 7 or 8 years older than her, and knowing him, he’d probably try and act all brave about it at first, but then once he got to know her he might cry and info dump to her. Sebastian would probably cry when he hears Lille’s story too. Plus, I can 100% see them being interested in each other’s interests and stuff, Sebastian would probably fall in love with Cosmog, and I can actually see Lillie being interested in Law as a side hobby.
Even if they haven’t met or never will because they’re in different universes, I can at least see Sebastian playing Pokemon Moon and crying his eyes out in the end, and I can see Lillie playing Ace Attorney Investigations 2 and just being so proud of and relating to Sebastian so much, she’d probably cry a little but not as much.
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Its of the second scenario where they’re playing the games, Sebastian’s 3ds has that legal sign on it that’s on his Themis legal academy outfit, and Lillie’s is pink with a pokeball.
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