#anyway yeah look up radiation therapy masks that shit is slasher. it's giving jason meets clockwork orange
hollowboobtheory · 6 months
I hope this isn’t an invasive question. If it is please just ignore it. I also can’t remember if you’ve mentioned this before.
Do you have to do physical therapy for your mouth? Or do you just eventually get closer to your starting point for talking/eating/ect on your own?
idk. they had a speech pathologist check me out at the hospital to make sure i'd be able to feed myself before they took out my feeding tube
i'm talking okay now, the main problem is i just have this insane lisp. eating is harder than talking and i'm not expecting it to get any easier once i get going with radiation therapy and my mouth is all irradiated and my spit glands die. I did eat some (solid) enchilada today! just had to remember to take really small bites. which is great because my lasagna experiment, while funny, failed horribly. simply blending up normal foods does not work. but i am gonna have to avoid anything too spicy/sour/salty once the radiation sets in.
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