#anyway we keep chugging along. if everyone says i'm at peak health then i must be. just gotta ignore all the pain and discomfort ๐Ÿ‘
robinsnest2111 ยท 29 days
might need to bite the bullet and crawl back to my doctor to ask about possibly my thyroid being the cause of all my issues somehow
because apparently my aunt has had thyroid issues all her life, had the only doctor in her small village dismiss her because "welp can't do anything about it, whatever" for most of her childhood and teen years (she's been very chubby for no apparent reason while eating the same meals and doing the same level of physical activity as the rest of the family who were all quite slim at the time. that's what being a poor working class family doing loads of backbreaking physical labour in the post ww2 countryside does i guess), and has been taking supplements for the past 30 years to ensure almost optimal function. huh
so that stuff does seem to run in our family, at least on the maternal side...
and my thyroid levels have been kinda sus sometimes over the past 10-15 years, but then normalised again, so no further exploration or treatments were ordered and I was dismissed as just anxious/mentally ill and a hypochondriac for still experiencing abnormal weight gain/trouble keeping weight off the healthy way, chronic fatigue and pain
tbh grasping at straws here since my parents don't tell me anything, avoid doctors like the plague unless it's life or death, and probably don't know about any of their health issues at all
augh no use ruminating, let's just repress it all and keep chugging along like everything's fine ๐Ÿ‘ don't have the brainpower all this bs haha
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