#anyway tho I'm not that hungry so idk what I'll get to eat...i always feel bad when someone buys me food and dont eat all of it
babygirlcowboy · 1 year
Have to go out to lunch with my grandma and her church friends,,hoping and praying I don't burn down the restaurant ^⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠^
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guvato · 2 months
Tamalog Day 15
Today we started at 7AM like usually, i gave a good check on everyone before calling the Sitter and made sure to double check if they were all with their Sitters since i was so tired and couldn't remember pretty much anything, it's happening prety often that i just forget things lately and it's freaking me out, maybe i am not getting enough sleep or something but idk, anyways, i went to sleep with everyone fed, happy and safe with their sitters.
When 5PM came by i woke up and went straight into Tama Dad mode and picked everyone up, and since everyone was doing fine i just went on with my day. I woke up just in time to see Picochutchi singing for me, which warms my heart every time. Kuchipatchi was all happy and lovely as always, and Ginjirotchi was quick to poop on the floor and wanting to eat something, so after cleaning his mess we went to the restaurant and today we had special dishes, so Ginjirotchi had a delicious Party Platter for the first time. When we got home we also cooked some things that turned into a Chicago Style Pizza, which Ginjirotchi has yet to try, but i bet it's delicious. When Picochutchi got hungry, we went with the best of options and one of her favorites, Dim Sims, and since she became happier by eating them, one visit to the TamaVerse was all we needed to max out her stats until night came. Kuchipatchi ate the last of his Cheese Dogs and had some Jumbo Steak, i'm afraid tomorrow we will have to completely dominate the Dance Floor to get the money for some new food, let's see how well we do.
At night i basically just checked on everyone periodically, since i maxed everyone earlier in the day i didn't need to do too much. Ginjirotchi was feeling a bit down tho, so we went to the Restaurant and he had some non-alcoholic drinks, Soda Pop to be more specific. After some drinks we just went home, played some of the Matching game, which we did pretty well, i feel like we are getting better as match players each day (even though we don't play it every day), and after that i just let him do whatever until it was bed time. Picochutchi and Kuchipatchi also played a couple of games, Kuchipachi and i danced only one time so i could buy him dinner (i wonder what he ate, definitely not hamburguers right? RIGHT???), and Picochutchi and i went to the Arcade to play some Fast Food, only for fun though cuz she's pretty much a Milionaire at this point, our girl is swimming in money like she's Scrooge McDuck.
Bed time came quickly today for our beloved Tamas, as we basically started the day 5 hours before the end, but hey, it was a fun one nonetheless. Kuchipatchi was the first one to fall asleep, as i helped him to fall asleep even though i myself was pretty tired and kinda sleepy still. Picochutchi and Ginjirotchi went to bed at the same time, and since they were already being checked on they didn't need much, so we the day ended, it ended peacefully to our friends.
Tomorrow when i wake up to work imma edit both this post and our last few that didn't have Social Media Pictures and will finally post them here. Been feeling a little tired all the time and can't demotivated, but that hasn't stopped me before and it won't stop me now. Thanks for reading, and i'll see you tomorrow. <3
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artemidian · 3 years
perfect! okay so the plan was work out at 10 but stuff happened and i wasn't able to. i woke up with a lot of dread/thought something bad was gonna happen if i got up lmfao (i get a lot of paranoia xx) but i did it anyway. blah blah blah i ate some toast cause my stomach hurt + i spilled boiling water on my leg (i do this a lot) + my tea bag opened in my tea and so there was stuff in my tea and i didn't like that. and i'm tired. i promise this is all relevant.
so i got that stuff done, but then my family started to wake up and do stuff (they get up late) and i hear everything they say cause i'm just. constantly listening for noises yk. and my sibling said some shit about me that pissed me off (they pissed me off last night too) and now i'm just :/. like i lowkey think i'm gonna cry but i can't cause there's nothing to cry about it. ANYWAYS so now i'm doing pre cal and it's not that bad (cause i'm doing practice problems, not notes. i hate doing notes) but i feel like i still need to work out. and my shoes are by my family and i don't wanna see them rn. and i'm getting hungry again (and i just remembered rn i forgot to take vitamins ugh) so yeah. basically things i need to Accomplish:
- pre cal (like 2 Things/lessons today cause i couldn't do one yesterday)
- work out (at least like. 20 minutes. i feel gross. i get nervous if i put it off at night tho because Night Time is always a whirlwind of What the Fuck)
- maybe clean. i just need to fold clothes and that's the chore i can never bring myself to do. everything else is clean lmfao, i might do my laundry tho if i can. i just need my family to Leave.
- maybe write. idk i'm really anxious today so idk what i'm gonna manage lol
i think that's it. i can give you my normal schedule so you can like. see how i'm a mess. i already got up 30 minutes late lmfao. but yeah ! do with that what you will !
okay so! schedule below!
step one: forgive the day
yeah this one sounds weird but it's a Thing I Do when i get morning anxiety/wake up later than i want to/have a bad morning and i've had to do it a Lot recently (thank you meds </3) so let me walk you through it. basically,, it's accepting that the start of my day happened how it did and then i'll choose a time to re-start my day (i'd say 11 for you but i doubt i'll finish typing by then lol. I do increments of 15 so i have time to re-make to-do lists if need be). it's a lot of like– neutrality? instead of frustration or forcing myself to be happy about it. like it helps when i feel like a mess– not all of my days will be perfectly on schedule. but within themselves they can be structured and functional even if they aren't My Usually Scheduled Day, and that's okay. anyways moving on–
two: get something to eat
okay i know that this one is currently not the best option because Family, but it makes sense in my head. you and hunger have a very on/off relationship, so best to eat when you start to get hungry, plus it makes sense for later in the day, and you'll need energy to get the rest of your stuff done, yk? so if you can find a way to grab something quick to eat (more toast w/ peanut butter if you like that? that's my go-to quick breakfast. i can give you more suggestions if you need them). and grab some water to drink too. hopefully you can make it so you're just kind of in and out without interacting with your family. oh and take your vitamins!
three: precal lesson one
it's probably stressing you out that you didn't get one one yesterday, which might be contributing to the morning anxiety (only bc i know mine gets worse if there's things i didn't do the day before, especially the whole "something bad will happen if you get up" feeling bc it feels like accepting that Yesterday is Over and i Cannot Finish That Task When I Needed To) but anyways. precal lesson! with any luck, math will soothe your brain and help you feel a bit more productive and such. math is one of the tactics on my disassociation doc that i give to my friends lol. it also gives your body a chance to rest and digest breakfast.
four: workout (and shower)
i don't think one precal lesson will take long enough to push this into the like. nighttime danger zone. so you should be fine in that regard. if you feel anxious about not doing it, remember that a.) it will get done and b.) you need time to yknow. get energy and such from your food. don't workout on an empty stomach (but working out right after you eat is also not the best idea lol). i think a twenty-minute workout is a good refresher for partway through the day, and it gives your mind a break from math. i have another friend who i help with scheduling and during the school year i'd usually have them do something active in between homework blocks. take it easy today, don't do anything extreme– you're tired and anxious. do what you can. just being active is enough. i put shower on the list because i don't think that going about the rest of your day with like sweat and such will help with your anxiety, just based off how i've seen you talk before. it's all up to you though.
five: more precal + snack break
now that you've done the things that are like. things you usually would either do in the mornings or would've done yesterday, take a breath and a second to acknowledge the things you've done today (yes i sound cheesy. you can't stop me though) and then start your second precal lesson. again, this is math, so it shouldn't be too bad, and as always, if you need help i'm here. as for the snack, depending on when you finish the other things, it could either be lunch, a post-workout snack, or an early dinner. whatever your body is able to have. and stay hydrated lol. you can eat whenever you'd like, whether that's right after your workout or in the middle of precal or when you finish the lesson.
six: whatever you need to do
this is just prescheduled time for if you need something, like eating or showering or time to relax or anything of the sort. yes you have time for this in your day.
seven: fold laundry
okay as someone who also has to force myself to do laundry and fold laundry i can assure you that it isn't that bad and it never takes as long as you think it does. put something on as background noise, a movie or show or a podcast or music, and just get it done. it won't be awful
eight: take the night as it comes
yes this is the opposite of what you've asked me to help with but here me out: if nights are consistency a whirlwind, it makes no sense trying to plan them, and more sense trying to learn to weather them. you can write? great. if not, that's okay. do what you can. family's being shitty? help yourself find a way to keep your mind off of it. have a headache? tired? anxious? give yourself some space to rest. etc, etc– basically try to adapt to whatever ends up happening instead of trying to get yourself to follow a specific guideline that isn't considerate of your situation and might end up causing more stress.
yes this took me like. thirty minutes to write out whoops </3
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