#anyway they've definitely stolen some orphan at least once
happyk44 · 1 year
Persephone: I want a baby.
Hades: Okay. Give me a second to talk some people and then we'll go grab their kid.
Persephone: What?
Hades: Give me a second to ta-
Persephone: Don't repeat the same- I wasn't saying what as "I didn't hear you thing", I was saying it as "elaborate further on what you meant" thing.
Hades. Ah. Right. Yes, well, as you know, sometimes parents die and leave behind children. These children are called orphans. While the term is most associated with children, most people typically become orphans as time moves on and their parents naturally age and pass.
Persephone: I know what an orphan is!
Hades: You asked me to elaborate. Now, hush.
Hades: Since those people are dead, I was thinking that we could go find parents who left behind their young children and ask them about their thoughts on us taking in their child. This would be especially beneficial for situations where the child is taken in by immediate family, and the parents in question would have deeply deeply despised that for whatever reason. Abuse, probably. But also some people are just not cut out for parenting and that's okay.
Hades: Then we would shake hands, grab the kid, or kids, if there are multiples, and raise them as our own.
Persephone: You know, I really just meant that I wanted you to get me pregnant with a baby.
Hades: Yes, I know, but I found a better solution than me, a god of the dead, having to help you bring a life into this world, a concept I find very gross. Taking a life that already exists and raising that one so I don't have to be involved in making a new one at all.
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