#anyway just stop being an asshole being an introvert or an extrovert or an ambivert doesn't make you better than anyone else
yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 7 months
Gonna get a little personal for a minute but you know what grinds my fucking gears
Introverts on the Internet.
*note, if you identify with the term introvert but aren't a fucking asshole such as I am about to describe, this isn't about you but rather a larger issue I've observed
Cw: self-harm, substance abuse, mental illness (I'll get there)
I don't know who the fuck decided that a distinction nearly as scientifically baseless as your zodiac sign was such a metric to judge people by but Jesus fucking CHRIST
And you don't see "extroverts" doing this shit. I never once saw a post that was like "Hehe I'm such an extrovert I want to force ALLL my introvert friends out of the house!!! They're so boring and lame and weird" but all the time, ALL THE TIME it's "huehuehue I am an introvert I am morally AND intellectually superior. I hate all my friends and am annoyed when they expect me to show them any care or compassion BUT if they stop including me they are bad friends even though I tell them to fuck off when they invite me places. When strangers say hi to me in public I spit on them. Here's a tiktok I made joking about domestically abusing my roommate for inviting her friends over to our house" like fuck the fuck off???
Ignoring the fact that introvert and extrovert DO NOT MEAN "don't like people" "likes people" (they mean "gets energized from being around/not around people") and ignoring the fact that there's significant debate over whether or not this distinction even actually exists in psychology in the first place and ignoring the fact that many of these "introverts" aren't actually introverts and have undiagnosed mental illness or external circumstances that make social environments stressful (coming from someone mentally ill himself who thought she was an introvert because they had shitty friends and were depressed) can we just like. Leave people the fuck alone and not get mad at other humans for having the audacity to BE FRIENDLY!?!?
And it seeps into EVERYTHING. A depressed person who sits morosely in their room staring at a wall forgetting to eat, reading fucking. Catcher in the Rye over and over and over and cutting themselves is "deep, intellectual, etc." meanwhile a depressed person who goes to clubs because alcohol is the only way they can feel anything and they want so badly to be happy with their friends, blacking out making themselves sick, THAT person is "boring, dumb, not respectable"
If you wouldn't be an asshole to someone for cutting themselves, don't be an asshole to someone for alcohol/drug use. Provide support? Yes! Express concerns, of course! But maybe just think about what you fucking say about strangers when you don't know what's going on in their life.
Context: I saw a post that said "If you need alcohol to have fun you're boring"
If you NEED alcohol to have fun, you are struggling with mental illness and you don't deserve to be called boring for it. Fuck. Rant over.
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Tagged game
@mouseymatchmaker tagged me to answer the following questions. I don't usually like to do these, but I would like to post more so I thought why not do this. Also won't be tagging anyone, which I know is kind of the point of these things, but I don't talk to anyone through Tumblr so I don't have anyone to tag. Anyway, here goes: 1. What things make you smile and all warm-fuzzy inside? My niece and nephew - Callum and Lucy. When they come running up to me to give me a hugs and want to spend time with me. They get so excited when they find out that I'll be home from university for a weekend or for the holidays, which is really sweet and it just makes me feel so loved. 2. What things make you feel a bit sad (don’t push yourself to answer this one)? I lost a really close friend back in September. Still missing her a lot. 3. What things inspire you to grow? I'm the youngest in my family, and my brothers who are a lot older than me kind of don't take me seriously sometimes, or constantly state that I have no clue about things, which is good motivation when I feel a little out of my depth to work things out and think for myself. 4. The last song(s) that you couldn’t stop listening to? I guess either any song from Moana or Missing You by All Time Low. 5. Are you an introvert/extrovert/ambivert? What kind (are you a shy extrovert, super confident introvert, or perhaps a really confused ambivert :0)?: Definitely a introvert, I feel the most comfortable in my own space on my own. I also don't like to be around people for too long, it's like I have a daily quota for human interaction, and once I go over I just want to hide. 6. What calms you down? I usually just watch videos on YouTube, mainly Rooster Teeth's and Achievement Hunter's videos, they're just so funny. 7. A character that you really relate to (perhaps you have similar personalities, or maybe you came from similar backgrounds)? I'm not sure really, when I watch shows I often relate other people to characters rather than myself. Supernatural is the only show I really keep up with, I never watch whole episodes of other shows unless I'm binge watching stuff. I guess I relate to Sam Winchester, in the sense that I feel like I understand him with regards to his personality, motivations and intentions more than any other character. 8. One thing you love learning? Horse-riding - I don't go anymore because I'm away at university, but before I went to university I used to have weekly horse-riding lessons, which I started when I was around 7 or 8. 9. Angst or fluff? I going to have to say angst, I'm a Supernatural fan so I deal with angst on a hourly basis as I'm constantly on Tumblr. 10. If you punch yourself, does that mean you’re strong or does that mean you’re weak? Umm... What? Okay, I guess this question means if you constantly beat yourself up about stuff, does that mean you're strong or weak? It depends really on how much you dwell on your mistakes or the things that you do, not that you're weak if you do think about your mistakes a lot, it just means you're a human being, but it does take strength to learn from your mistakes. But you're also not strong if you don't care about the things that you do or do to other people, or if you don't try to better yourself after you do something wrong, that just makes you an asshole! Annnd... Done. This took me so long to do! Thanks Molly ( @mouseymatchmaker ), that was probably about an hour I can't ever get back! :P Went a little deep on the last question, but I'm happy with my answers. It's also nearly 1am and I'm doing this off an iPad so don't judge for any spelling mistakes, I can't type when I'm tired - I spent 3 hours with my niece and nephew today and now I want to sleep for the next 24 hours.
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