#anyway instagram kept showing me these sets constantly and it just struck me as things she would wear and i decided i'd draw it for funsies
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fabdante · 9 months ago
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she likes to dress up as a bunny because one of her boyfriends is a werewolf and she thinks that its funny
art only blog - insta - inprnt - redbubble (image description in alt)
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strawberryjeonginnie · 6 years ago
Instagram//Kim Seungmin
Genre: fluff
Additional: college au, instagrammer(?) seungmin, lowkey coffee shop au, gender-neutral reader, oneshot
Word Count: 2,147
Warnings: a lot of blushing and disgusting fluff
Summary: @ ksm_00 has followed you!
A/N: this fic was inspired by instagram by dean. 
Kim Seungmin was quite possibly one of the most attractive boys you had ever laid eyes upon; your local college sweetheart who spent his free time in a quiet corner of a coffee shop with a book in hand and round glasses slowly slipping off his nose. Except, there was something that set him apart from all the other college sweethearts who spent their free time in a corner of a coffee shop — Seungmin was Instagram famous. Sure, Instagram famous does sound a little ridiculous, but he was popular for a good reason. He had the voice of an angel and posted short little covers of songs in between selfies and cute aesthetics. He had gained quite the fan base and even some admirers. You were one of them.
You weren’t typically the type to fawn over anyone, but you couldn’t help yourself. As soon as you laid eyes on his page back in your sophomore year of high school, you had been completely whipped. When you first saw him on your campus your freshman year at your university, you had to do a double take. It felt even weirder when you ended up having classes with him. Now, in your sophomore year in college, you still couldn’t get over seeing him in real life. It was like you were permanently star-struck. What made things worse? You worked at the cafe he frequented. Needless to say — sometimes you got a little distracted on the job.
“Excuse me–“ A shy voice snapped you out of your daze and you quickly turned your attention to the customer in front of you. To your horror, it was Kim Seungmin himself. Of course, he had to catch you spacing off.
“S-sorry! What could I get for you, sir?” You stuttered out, pink dusting your cheeks from embarrassment. “Could I just get a medium iced vanilla coffee?” he asked, fishing out a ten from his back pocket. “Of course! Your total is four fifty.”
He handed you the bill and you quickly made out change and handed it back to him. Smiling, he put it into the tip bucket and shyly looked back up at you before going to find a place to sit while he waited for his drink. Your heart fluttered and you smiled dreamily. Your coworker, Jisung, quirked his eyebrow at you, making you turn and start to make the coffee to hide your red face.
While scooping ice into the plastic cup, you suddenly felt a presence next to you. You jumped, looking up to see who it was. You let out a sigh of relief seeing that it was only Jisung — but you quickly became confused seeing the smug look on his face.
“What?” you questioned, only to be met with him wiggling his eyebrows at you. Suddenly understanding, you became defensive. “No,” you said sternly, turning back to what you were doing.
“Oh come on — it’s so obvious,” he whined. You shook your head. “Keep your voice down, he’ll hear us. Besides, I don’t like him like that,” you whispered, glancing over at Seungmin to make sure he didn’t hear. Thankfully, Seungmin was on his phone, most likely scrolling through Instagram. Jisung smiled wider, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“I never said you do. You’re assuming that’s what I meant and that must mean you do like him,” he whispered back, making you groan and go back to making the drink. Finishing up, you turned around and pushed past Jisung. Sucking in a breath, you approached Seungmin.
“Here’s your drink, sir!” You smiled. Seungmin looked up from his phone and gave you one of his dazzling smiles. “Thank you,” he said lightly. You swore there were hearts in your eyes. You nodded and quickly turned back around to keep him from seeing the blush that was making its way to your face. You walked back to the counter, only to be met with a very smug-faced Jisung.
“So you don’t like him, huh?”
“Shut up,” you mumbled, embarrassed that you outed yourself so easily.
“Don’t worry. He seems to like you too.” Jisung nodded his head, gesturing behind you. Glancing in the direction, you awkwardly lock eyes with Seungmin. You snapped your head back to Jisung, who seemed satisfied with whatever work he thought he was doing. 
“He’s been looking at you every chance he's gotten,” Jisung whispered, making you shake your head in disagreement. “He’s probably looking at the menu or something,” you say, trying to come up with some other logical reason. 
“The menu isn’t taped to your name tag, (Y/n),” he laughed out, amused at how persistent you were being. Suddenly, Jisung’s expression changed, signaling that he was struck with an idea. He took a napkin off the counter and pulled a pen out of his apron pocket, quickly scribbling your Instagram handle onto the piece of paper.
“W-What are you doing?” You stuttered out, knowing all too well what he was about to do. “You’ll thank me later.” Jisung smiled, a mischievous tone to his voice. Before you could stop him, Jisung was already standing in front of Seungmin.
“Excuse me, but my coworker over there thinks you’re cute. I’ve noticed you checking them out, so I’ve taken the liberty upon myself to give you their Instagram.”Seungmin’s face flushed pink and you wanted to die where you were standing, you were so embarrassed. Jisung walked back to you with a big smile plastered across his face. 
“You’re welcome!”
Finally, your shift had ended and you were home. You flopped down onto your bed, sighing in relief as you felt the pressure of standing all day leave your body. You rolled on to your back, fishing your phone out of your back pocket. Clicking on the power button, you were met with notifications from your social media from throughout the day. You quickly scrolled through, stopping to see who followed you.
Instagram, 11:36 am: @ ksm_00 has started following you!
Your eyes widened and you clicked the notification, making sure that it was really Seungmin and not someone else. Sure enough, it was really him. Throwing your phone down next to you, you grabbed your pillow and screamed into it. Once that little moment was over, you picked your phone back up and quickly texted Jisung a thank you. 
Biting the inside of your cheek, you thought about what you should do next. Should you message him? Would that be weird? Sucking in a deep breath, you decided to just go for it. Opening up your DMs, you were surprised to see a message already there.
‘hey, sorry if this is weird, but ive been going to the coffee shop you work at for a while and i think youre really cute’
You kept re-reading the message over and over again. You were convinced you didn’t read right. Once you went over it for the fifth time, you started to freak out. Kim Seungmin — the Kim Seungmin — thought you were cute. Your hands started to shake a little as you typed out your response and you couldn’t help but wonder if he felt the same way when he messaged you.
‘haha, no, i dont find it weird at all. its kind of cute. if you wanna meet at my work tomorrow at 11 maybe we could talk and get to know each other more? the coffee is on me’
You were thankful that Seungmin seemed to be a quick texter, as it only took him a few moments to respond, saving you the anxiety of waiting for a reply.
‘are you sure i wouldn’t be distracting you from your job?’
‘no no its fine! i actually have tomorrow off but i figured it would be the easiest place to meet’
‘ok! consider it a date ;)’
Key smashing in all caps would be the best way to describe how you felt at that moment. You put a hand on your chest in an attempt to calm your racing heart — but to no avail. Putting up your phone, you worried about tomorrow. What if you fucked up? What if Seungmin was just trying to be nice? What if you were thinking way too much about everything? The last one was 100 percent likely, but you chose to do it anyway.
You couldn’t help worrying, though — you had spent enough time following him and his friends on Instagram. To put it simply; you weren’t like them. They all were the type to constantly look good, have flawless skin, and confidently show off their talents. You, on the other hand, tended to have days where you were imperfect and not as confident. Seeing them perhaps made you feel a little insecure about what you could be worth to Seungmin.
The next morning you woke up, dreading your meeting with Seungmin. Groggily, you grabbed your phone and clicked the home button. Rubbing your eyes, you squinted at your screen.
‘10:27 AM’
A jolt of panic struck through you and you shot out of your bed, hurrying to get ready to meet Seungmin. You wanted to look good and your work was about a 15-minute drive from your apartment, leaving you around 15 minutes to get ready so you could be a little early. You ran into your bathroom and quickly brushed your hair and teeth. Rushing into your room, you threw open your closet in hopes to find a decent outfit. Scanning over your clothes, you caught sight of your favorite sweater and sighed in relief, silently thanking your past self for washing clothes.
You arrived at the cafe five minutes before you and Seungmin agreed to meet up and you were glad to see that he wasn’t there yet. You were even more thankful to see Changbin and Minho behind the counter today and not Jisung. You knew he would give you hell at work if he saw you on your date.
“Hey, (Y/n), odd to see you here on your day off. What’s up?” Changbin asked. Hearing your name, Minho perked up from behind the cash register and smiled happily.
“(Y/n)! My favorite co-worker!” He laughed, earning a light punch on the shoulder from Changbin. Suddenly, the door chimed, signaling someone had walked in. Turning around, you saw Seungmin awkwardly standing in the doorway. Seeing you, he walked over and gave you an awkward, lopsided smile, like he was unsure what to do with himself. For the first time, it felt like you were seeing an awkward nineteen-year-old and not some internet celebrity.
The start of the date was tense, to say the least. Since the two of you were the only customers, it felt more open and awkward than you felt like it should.
“I’m sorry if I was too forward yesterday... I’m not really good a flirting.” Seungmin laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck. You cracked a smile and laughed, making Seungmin’s face burn red with embarrassment.
“W-What? Why are you laughing?” He stuttered.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh. You’re just being cute.”
Your own words honestly surprised you and you tried to look like you weren’t panicking. Thankfully, Seungmin grinned, bashfully looking down at the cup between his hands. Slowly, the conversation between the two of you started and before you knew it, three hours had passed.
“Holy shit, I can’t believe it’s already 2:00!” You and Seungmin walked out of the coffee shop and decided to take a walk together in the park nearby. 
“I know! I really haven’t talked to someone for that long in a while! You’re really fun to talk to,” he said. You blushed, happy that he enjoyed your company.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” you quipped. Seungmin laughed and pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose.
The two of you walked peacefully through the park, shoulder-to-shoulder. While you were admiring some of the pretty hydrangeas, you felt a hand brush against your own. Looking over at Seungmin, you saw that he was looking at your hand, his face dusted a light pink. Smiling, you shyly held his hand. The two of you continued walking in comfortable silence, only really speaking when one of you spotted something to point out to the other. About an hour had passed before you decided you needed to get home since you had a class the next day.
“I had a lot of fun today. Could we... could we maybe do it again?” Seungmin asked. There was a nervous twinge to his voice, making you feel butterflies in your stomach. 
“Of course! I had a lot of fun today,” you said. There was a pause and Seungmin looked like he was contemplating something. Taking in a deep breath, he placed a quick kiss on your cheek.
“How about a movie tomorrow after class?”
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