#anyway in this scene kaz will not tell people he's being stalked by... you know ;)
zaritarazi · 11 months
onwards (six of crows red dead redemption franchise au)
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There’s a suspicious lull, a rare window in the time they have to finish their meal before nightfall, when business really begins. “And what about the man that’s been following you?”
Jesper points to himself, muscle-memory or habit, and when Inej shakes her head, his sort of general nonchalance turns quickly. He looks to Kaz with “You’re being followed?” 
It’s the nonresponse that makes the situation worse, Kaz pointedly ignoring the way the room’s turn to pin the light on him as he pretends to finish his meal.
“By-” Jesper offers, to fill the space. “Not by anyone important, right? Not a lawman. Right?” He tilts his head forward, a gesture that’s supposed to goad Kaz into making the next sentence. “You wouldn’t just-”
And maybe Kaz had only kept the pretense of his meal so he could toss down his fork, a gesture that makes Wylan jump. “I am being… pestered,” Kaz says, and he would shoot Wylan some kind of look of sympathy, but he first has to glare at Inej. 
It's not entirely shocking, how intensely she returns it.
“An accountant,” Kaz says, looking to his lap, tossing his napkin on his plate. “And mostly just a nuisance.”
The light above them glows too brightly, filament not spaced out quite right, and it holds the silence of the room trying to gauge where Kaz has hidden the half-truth in his statement. 
That’s the fun thing about Kaz. The lie might not be there yet- It might not come until later. He likes to hide it, likes to watch everyone sift for the story first.
“An accountant?” Nina asks. “Like a tax man?”
“A tax-man is just another word for Pinkerton,” Kaz says.
“So what, then,” Jesper says. “Like… a debt collector?”
“Who’s going to collect on Kaz?” Wylan asks. 
Kaz validates him with an errant point of his index finger. “And who would know we’re stranded up here?”
“That is a great question,” Nina says. “So what’s the answer, Kasimir?”
“You’re all so dense,” he snaps. “No one knows we’re here. I’m being lightly tailed, sometimes, by a local. Someone from around here.”
“Matthias,” Inej says. “Can’t you do what makes you useful?”
Matthias pulls his attention from the window and the darkening night sky. “What?”
“Inej wants you to beat up an accountant,” Nina says.
“Any one of us could beat up an accountant,” Inej says. “You know the area.”
“You’d like me to go through every accountant…” Matthias says. “In Fjedra?”
“I’ll draw him, if Kaz describes him,” Wylan says.
“Inej can describe him,” Kaz says, holding out his hand to her, a mockery of an offering. “Since she’s been paying such close attention.”
“I haven’t lived in these mountains since I was ten years old,” Matthias says. “How am I going to know?”
“Maybe he’s from the capital,” Jesper says.
“Matthias isn’t good with faces,” Nina says. “His memory lapses from time to time.”
“I remember everything that’s ever happened to me,” Matthias says. “What I choose to disclose-”
“Are you two fighting, still?” Jesper says. “I wasn’t sure if you were passing it off to the other two, or if you’d made up- I’ve seen him drag himself to your room right before the sun rises, but-”
“I don’t know,” Matthias says. “Nina prefers to surprise me.”
“Oh, we’re talking about surprises?” Nina says.
“He’s tall,” Inej interrupts, putting her hand down on the table, looming beside Kaz. “He wears a very fine suit. Whoever he is, he’s very rich.”
“Accountants are rich,” Kaz says. 
“You should’ve been an accountant, then,” Inej grouses. 
“I’m well aware, Inej dear,” Kaz says. “But how could I deny you the pleasure of the backwater mountains of this frozen, horrible country?”
“This is a beautiful country,” Matthias seethes. “But… there are not many rich men. Not many who are very rich, I mean.”
“I don’t know how you’d like me to draw this,” Wylan says. “What kind of suit is it? Did he have a vest, or just a jacket? Was he wearing a tie? Black? Navy? What’s the twill? Single or double breasted?”
“He looked like he worked at a funeral parlor,” Inej says.
Kaz shrugs. “Maybe he has two jobs.”
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lainejunemarie-blog · 3 years
004 – Series and Book – Shadow and Bone
I’ve been so occupied lately that I thought I wouldn’t be able to finish writing this bit up, but one weekend after realizing I haven’t stepped a foot out of home for two weeks straight, I realized that I should be doing something expressive and fun with my personal life and finally had this done!
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It’s been awhile since I last wrote something about a series that I was interested in, but after an excruciating wait and long exploration, the search is finally over because our dear Quarantine Buddy, Netflix, (also the possible stalking of Ben Barnes’ IG posts) has presented us with a new series to go crazy for, Shadow and Bone. The series was aired on Netflix last 23rd of April 2021, inspired by the trilogy and duology written by Leigh Bardugo. I am very grateful to Leigh Bardugo for writing such a great fantasy world that I had to read the books as soon as I was done watching the series. Did I finish watching Shadow and Bones in a day? Absolutely. Is it worth watching over and over again until you could remember all the lines? Why not? I’ll be mentioning my favorite characters in the series and in the books, I really got to hand it you, choosing a favorite character is so difficult when all of them are more than worthy of praise and admiration.
Before proceeding to my favorite characters, I’d like to share some terms we need to familiarize ourselves with to be able to enjoy the story. These definitions are just the basic and are based on how I understood them by watching the series and reading the books, (of course it’s always better if you guys watch the Shadow and Bone series or read the books for a better explanation):
1. The fold / The unsea – defined as the literal and physical version of darkness where dangerous creatures lurk within that was created by the Darkling.
2. Volcra – are the dangerous beings who live within the darkness of the fold that are huge, have sharp teeth and can also fly.
3. Ravka – one of the main locations where the story takes place where Grisha are well-protected
4. Shu Han – a rival territory of Ravka whose people experiment on Grisha to find the source of their power or use them as slaves.
5. Fjerda – also a rival territory of Ravka whose people who would attack Grisha out of spite and sees them as evil beings.
6. First Army – is the King of Ravka’s army who are human.
7. Grisha – beings who are capable of doing “little science” and are soldiers of the King of Ravka’s second Army.
a. Darkling – Grisha who could summon the darkness
b. Sun Summoner – Grisha who could summon light
c. Heartrenders – Grisha who could control the blood flow in a human’s body
d. Healers – Grisha who could heal injuries
e. Squallers – Grisha who could summon air
f. Inferni – Grisha who could summon fire
g. Tidemakers – Grisha who could summon water
h. Durasts – Grisha who could invent and mend things with different materials naturally
i. Alkemi – Grisha who could invent and create things with chemicals and/or herbs
Now that that part is covered let me share my favorite characters:
In the Netflix series:
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Jesper Fahey
I really like Jesper (Kit Young), one of the crows who works for Kaz. He’s so full of energy and charm that it is so hard not to get magnetized by him. If he were a real person, he’d be that reliable friend who would help you commit murder and not question you about it. He’s got that kind of loyalty. He’s also that person who lights up a room when he enters not only because of his presence but also because of his friendliness and cockiness that isn’t annoying but would make you feel like you’re not a stranger. The downside is that he’s got a gambling problem and is too confident to think that he’s actually lose at a wager so that’s one thing to look out for.
Nina Zenik and Matthias
I am so inlove with Nina (Danielle Galligan) and Matthias (Calahan Skogman)! From their first scene, wait, maybe the second one (based on their conversation) where they actually got to talk to each other, you could really feel their chemistry and just know that they’re going to end up together! They’re small arguments make them seem like an old couple and the way how they’re not supposed to be together because of who they were just makes it all the more romantic. Who isn’t a sucker for forbidden love anyway? I am so craving to see more of them in Season 2!
In the Books:
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Alina Starkov and Malyen Oretsev
These two are great individually but I’m going to tell you right now that I’m a softie for love and Alina and Mal are just made for each other! If they were real people and I just within reach I would’ve bashed them in the head and say, “Don’t you two get it? The universe is telling you that you belong together! So does Leigh Bardugo in every ending of the book before Ruin Rising so just stay still and together will you?!” Haha. But seriously, they really own each other’s’ hearts. Alina was so relatable in different parts of the books which makes me empathize and root for her. It’s amazing to see how she’s transformed from someone who didn’t have much self-confidence to someone who realizes just how powerful she truly is. Mal on the other hand, is almost perfect from the start, what’s not to like? But what I did like is how we were also able to see his human side in Siege and Storm which just makes him annoyingly admirable. Thank you so much again Leigh!
Sturmhond / Nikolai Lantsov
I am so excited to see Nik if ever Season 2 comes out. I think after reading the book my bar for him is quite high. He’s a looker, brilliant and absolutely amazing. It’s like he’s ready for anything and everything. He’s a born leader who really cares for others and knows exactly what needs to be done. If only I had his confidence then I think I would handle anything with his grace and smart-assed-ness in a very polite manner. What I would like to see is for him and for Jesper to meet. I think they would get along really well and do all kinds of shenanigans!
This is all I have for now but I am on my next adventure to read the Six of Crows duology and very excited to dive deeper into the Grishaverse.
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