#anyway i'm kinda really stressed but i'll be fine! i hope!
astrxealis · 2 years
good morning ^___^ !
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haikyu-mp4 · 5 months
For media presence (kiyoomi) that was one of the cutest and interesting fic i've read. Each chapter had me squealling for some reason😭😭
ooo that's so fun, I'm glad you liked it!! honestly, I'm so proud of that one because I never thought I would be able to write for Sakusa and then suddenly my mind just went there. I used a lot of ideas to make all the parts, so let's see what more I have!
– Pick a fic and I'll give you some headcanons that I can think of related to it, Media presence for Sakusa Kiyoomi
When you meet for lunch the next day (after part 3), it's super quiet at first. You're both staring down at your food and eating, wondering what you should talk about. You thought he might be making a move, but guess not.
He scoots a bit closer to you without making eye contact. Then he goes 'enjoying your food?' and it just makes you laugh a bit. 'Yeah, everything's fine in good company'. makes him huff because he thinks you might be sarcastic, which you sort of are.
You ask him instead 'I saw your story yesterday, what was that about?' He grumbles a bit like he didn't want you to ask, but still mumbles 'Was it okay?"
You're frozen for a second, not expecting him to care about your opinion like that. 'It was great. You should take one of your food now too,' you say, mind always at work. He gives you a sour side-eye before following your suggestion anyway.
Except he's kinda bad at it so you lean over and take the picture for him. 'Can I take one of you?' he asks. 'Not for Instagram, single guys are attractive,' you tell him, to which he says 'Don't worry, Miya's going to be single for a long while so you can use him.'
I'm getting carried away. Anyways, you two keep up your bickering yet soft energy and eventually go on actual dates, and you start allowing him to soft launch you on his social media.
Sakusa thought you might ease up on him now that you were dating, but no, you're even stricter because you know he'll still kiss you around the corner when you're done with the meeting or event so he's your outlet for any stress during the day. 'Sakusa you look constipated'. 'Miya is outshining you.' 'You should not have talked to that reporter yesterday, Sakusa.' 'Omi I found this ugly picture of you, when is this from?'
'Did you just call him Omi?' 'I definitely did not, Hinata, get back to what you were doing.'
Somewhere down the line, you reveal to the other guys that you're changing jobs and you really liked working with them, but might see them around anyway. Sakusa comes up behind you telling them 'they're my _friend so they have to switch jobs' instead of sugarcoating it and Miya is like 'I knew something was up, I just knew it' and Bokuto is like 'we all knew'.
When you get overwhelmed at your new job, Kiyoomi gets to cradle you up in his arms after you showered and lets you rant about all your problems, even though he's terrible at giving advice because he's more pessimistic and just agrees that everything is terrible. which you can appreciate sometimes. at least he thought you were pretty great.
In return, you don't mind a quiet evening instead of going out, both reading your own book while leaning on each other on the couch.
His family loves you because you totally know how to charm a crowd, it's your job after all, while he just watches you from the side with an affectionate smile under his mask.
I hope this was alright!!
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Okay, I know it's probably been said before but I am a BIG fan of how the different coping mechanisms of the main characters of The Amazing Digital Circus are portrayed. Like, it seems like a lot of the main characters could be described through how they cope with the idea that their actions don't matter. (I JUST WANNA SAY HERE THAT THESE ARE ALL JUST MY INTERPRETATIONS! IM NO EXPERT, JUST A STORYTELLING NERD) (SPOILERS FOR TADC EP 1 AND 2)
Ragatha plays along, seeing Cain's games as a way to practice escapism. She pretends her problems don't exist, and actively avoids confronting them (Like how there's clearly still SOME kind of tension after Pomni ran instead of helping her, but she says it's fine). She doesn't try to change things because she believes things CAN'T be changed.
Jax just does whatever he wants, because if his actions don't matter in the long run, why shouldn't he? He also practices escapism, but in a very different way from Ragatha. Instead of playing along, he is horrible to the people around him because there aren't any consequences anyways. He also avoids anything he finds stressful, much like Ragatha (He looks upset for a frame before rolling his eyes and walking away when Kaufmo's funeral is mentioned). Both of them refuse to confront their problems, and would much rather ignore them through each of their preferred types of entertainment.
Zooble doesn't really have the energy to participate in Cain's adventures, because their mindset is that if nothing matters, why should they do anything at all? They do put effort into some things, such as setting up Kaufmo's funeral, however so far it's been shown that they prefer not to participate in Cain's activities unless they are actively forced to.
Kinger. Um. I don't know how to describe Kinger if I'm being honest. Same with Gangle. We don't know a lot about either of them yet, but I'm sure other people have some fantastic theories on those two! My personal theory is that they're actually NPCs, because Cain mentioning the risk of mixing up real people and NPCs felt significant. It's kinda a very loose theory though, and it has literally ZERO proof, so
FINALLY, POMNI. I am a HUGE fan of Pomni's characterization! The best way I can describe Pomni is, if she was in a time loop, I imagine that she would, without fail, try to prove that she is a time loop to her friends EVERY loop to try and get their help. She's very clearly struggling a LOT in episode one and the beginning of episode two, but once she actually makes a friend, and later when she realizes that the others DO care, she starts to actually have hope. While the others have less healthy coping mechanisms, the way that Pomni copes with the idea of none of her actions mattering in the long run is, "At least my actions matter to the people around me." Having a support system matters a LOT to her, and I think that's why Pomni is going to be the one to get all of them out of there. The others have given up on escaping, resorting to escapism and/or apathy to cope, but because Pomni copes with her surroundings through her friendships with others, I don't think she'll give up like the others.
Anyways. I love TADC so much. I am SO excited for what's coming up next, and if Gummigoo doesn't come back I'll cry /hj (gummigoo getting eviscerated destroyed me on the inside)
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hellsite-yano · 1 month
Porky, I wanna know how you keep your head up high. I don't wanna share my sob story and general negativity, but it seems that I can get into really depressing spirals sometimes and then when I bring up concerns I have I get called a doomer. Aside from just not caring, how do you remain positive?
I've been stewing on this message for about a month cause I received it at a particularly low point. I know you said you don't wanna share your sob story so I hope you don't mind if I share a bit of mine.
Basically the landlord decided to sell the place I've been living in with my fiance for about 7 years. This was obviously devastating, especially for my fiancee who had to put 70% of her things into storage. After some initial friction between me and my family who were happy to have me back except my kinda neurotic brother, we're staying in their (very small) spare room.
The other issue is that my mum's bed-bound, which is fine, but she needs constant care so the flat is basically a revolving door of carers and district nurses and constantly seeing (and having to constantly let in) strangers is pretty awkward and tiring. I understand this is nobody's fault though, it's just a huge difference to the quiet home life I'm used to. Doesn't help that the building's next to a main road as well.
My auntie also pops in from time to time and while I'm grateful for everything she's done for my mum (basically uplifting her whole life for the past 5 years to constantly make trips to her) and me (buying us furniture and such when we were moving in), she very clearly has undiagnosed ADHD/OCD which, I gotta be real, makes her extremely difficult to be around. It's just one of those families where every little thing has to be a massive drama and it's tiring. The mum and auntie are also jehovah's witnesses but this comes up less often than you'd think, though it's still a point of contention sometimes.
As for how I remain positive, I've been thinking about this question a lot recently. I suppose I try to count the remaining positives. I'm not homeless, I'm still with my fiancee and cat, and I've finally got a decent full time job with a lot of good perks. I'll also be saving a ton of money because I'm paying a fraction of my previous rent (ideally I'd like to save for a deposit).
Another thing that helps is just setting attainable goals. Right now for me it's to hold down this job and endure the housing situation for the time being. I've got a pretty big tax bill coming up in the new year (long story) that I need to save for which is why I opted for my family instead of just renting again. That and renting prices are fucking atrocious right now and you could lose it at any time.
Anyway, that's the situation as it stands. I'm still in the middle of unpacking what little we could bring and the move was particularly stressful, which is why I haven't posted much over the last few days. Times are bad and I've cried a lot but I believe things will get better because I'm working towards it.
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aeferkssr · 10 months
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serendipitous encounters. ━ if the stranger never meddled into your personal affairs, archons know where you would be right now.
‎‏‏ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎i. charas. lyney x gn!reader
ii. an. double uploads!?!!? thats crazy!!?! anyways i kinda rushed the end i hope its still okay tho ><
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏g ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎iii. cw. su!cide attempt, hum4n trafficin (mentioned vaguely), reader wears a dress, ooc lyney (???), hurt/comfort, angst. please tell me if there are more!
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the air on the balcony was cool, cool enough to calm you from the several interactions.
the breeze danced around the delicate fabrics of your dress, shoes being long disregarded as you stood on the railings. you whisper faint and final farewells to the very stars that keep you company on your lowest nights, the garden that you would hide away in when you needed some time alone, and to the very life that you have been blessed with.
you doubt you'd be able to live as lavishly in your next life, (you doubt you'll even remember this one, much less make a comparison) but you decided to let fate take the lead.
"you can feel the midnight air just fine from down here, i don't think the need for elevation is mandatory."
fate has got to be fucking with you right now. you didn't even look at him. you respond:
"you needn't worry about me, i'll be careful."
"really?" you could hear the skepticism in his tone. he leans over on the railing and looks up to the stars.
out the corner of your eye you could see the top hat atop his head, intricate designs softly illuminated by the light of the gala and the moon's luminescent rays. a black and maroon ribbon covers the base and is tied in an extravagant bow.
you huff as you look back to the sky, closing your eyes and slowly leaning forward.
well, since he was here, clearly he's entertained by your misery. might as well give him a show.
"what bring you to a fatui ball, stranger?"
archons be damned...
slightly annoyed, you look down to be met with violet eyes and a facial expression you couldn't describe. honest, but sly? guarded, yet vulnerable? who exactly was this guy?
without an answer, he continues:
"clearly you have to have some sort of authority, why lose it all here?"
you take a deep breathe, exhaling every ounce of courage you would of have to climb up in the first place. gently, you make your way down with the help of the stranger, or your savior in this matter.
he takes your hand in both of his as you steady yourself on the floor, he looks worried? interested? whoever this guy is, he's definitely hard to read.
he finally asks,
"excuse my prying, but, what would make someone like you give up?"
you sigh, "very trivial matters, i'm afraid. i'm just a coward running away from my problems"
"a matter worth taking your life over isn't trivial to me."
you stare at him, someone you met for the first time is more worried about you than he was. he's been with you all this time, yet you feel more understood by a total stranger.
you try to not meet his eyes as you told your story, holding his hand a little tighter.
"count blanchett of poisson, he's have many wives in his years. there has been rumors of the women he weds only serving as countess for a few months... until never being seen again."
you sniffle as you try to blink away the upcoming tears, you shouldn't be weak right now, you can't be weak right now.
"...i've told father about the rumors but he tells me i'm being dramatic, that there was nothing to worry about and that his past wives were just incompetent, and to never be like them..."
you can hear his stern voice boom throughout his office:
"all of those women simply went back to their homes. to add, they came back disastrous, unfulfilled, disappointments. that will not be you, understand?"
"the stress of the eldest always goes to the weakest" your voice starts to crack as tears flow down your face. "all of my other siblings are just lap dogs, only there as trophies of his blood..."
you finally look him in the eye,
"why did i have to be the disposable one?"
his mouth hands agape, he didn't know what to say, there was nothing he could say. you pour out your heart and soul through you tears, your hand tries to wipe them away but fail as the sheer amount of sadness that flows out.
he couldn't comfort you, but he could distract you. even if it was for a moment.
he takes your other hand and slowly walks into the grand ballroom. it glows with the warmth of chandeliers casting a soft, golden hue over the polished marble floor. the room is alive with the sounds of a live orchestra playing a mesmerizing waltz.
he brings you to the center of the floor and the music swells. he extends his hand towards you as you sniffle,
"don't be shy. you do know how to dance, right?" he teases as you take his hand with a small smile.
you two begin, moving in perfect harmony to the lilting rhythm of the waltz. the stranger leads with finesse, guiding you across the floor with effortless precision.
your bodies sway in sync, a mesmerizing spectacle of fluidity and grace. with every twirl and dip, you two seem to float on air, lost in the timeless allure of the dance. the world around you fades into a blur, leaving only the two of them in their own enchanting universe.
you can faintly see your silhouette through his eyes as he looks directly into yours.
"you're a good dancer." he speaks, breaking the silence between you both.
"i learnt from the best."
he pulls you closer to him, your chest flush against his as he whispers into your ear:
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asavt · 7 months
I'll make a proper announcement then uh...
Hello, Hello hello! I don't know how many of you might read this, if you even will still be interested in hearing the words from your "just some guy" from Bolivia, but I thought making a proper post for this would be better than just saying it from out of nowhere in two short lines.
Anyways, I am taking a rest. This semester is being way more heavy than I thought it to be, and as much as I'd rather just focus on my art and my projects and (trying to) interact with you guys I know its... not an option for me. It also has come to the point where I get stressed from not knowing what to draw and being torn between what I think others want to see and what I wish to create, and some time, some months, off the internet might do me some good.
I'll be around, still. I gotta make sure my twitter doesn't get deactivated due to inactivity and I still have my commissions as a source of income. It'll just... be slower. Asks will remain open too, if anyone wishes to tell me anything during these months of rest-but-not-really-because-I-still-have-college-and-an-intership-which-kinda-sucks then you can.
I want to make art for me fun again. So, I hope you guys understand. And... if no one sees this then it's fine too. I'm no one to dictate what others do and don't.
I'll read you around!
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lil-melody-moon · 8 months
Hello, love! I hope you’re doing well❤️
You know I love the way you express yourself when it comes to talk about music. It’s always so satisfying to read how passionate you are for the bands and songs you love so I wanted to ask you a few questions.
I’d like to name this section…Let’s talk about The Who!! (I’m sorry, I’m sorry HAHAHA) All right, let’s get started with the questions:
- How did you find out about The Who? What made you fall in love with the band?
- What’s your favourite album? And your favourite song?
- Have you seen all of their movies? (Tommy, Quadrophenia, The kids are alright…) What are your thoughts on their movies? (I haven’t seen any of them but I’m looking forward to seeing Tommy cause it’s my favourite The Who album)
- Why is Keith Moon your favourite? (I know you love drummers😏 but I’d like to know what makes you love Keith so much)
- Some people like to compare The Who with Led Zeppelin to the point they say The Who is way much better than Led Zeppelin. I’ve heard they say that Who’s Next is better than Led Zeppelin IV. I think they’re both good bands with great musicians but I don’t think I’ve heard The Who enough to form a solid opinion on who’s the better band so I’d like to know your opinion since you listen to both bands.
- And for the last question: If you could go back in time, which The Who concert would you like to attend and why.
If you want to add some more information about them such as fun facts or things you’ve recently discovered/learnt about them, please do it.😂 Thank you so much for taking your time answering my silly questions. I’m getting my revenge for pushing me into Def Leppard (Just Kidding, I love you Mel❤️)
Hello! I'm kinda fine, thank you <3
Uuuu, I like the sound of that! Let's start then, shall we? :3 I'll tag you additionally if something breaks @jimmysdragonsuit13
How did you find out about The Who? What made you fall in love with the band?
How did I find out about them…Oh God, we gotta go back toooooooooooo… 2008 actually. Tiny me walked into the living room when mom was watching CSI: Las Vegas and you know. I knew mom loved watching tv series with murders and what not so I stood in the hall, looking at the tv, curiously and then came the intro, short version of "Who Are You". I heard them for the first time that evening and tiny me was blown away. Mom eventually noticed me, because I walked in the living room and asked her if I can watch with her, silently hoping this intro will play again and I was blown away again by the instrumental at the very end.
I've watched all three series with her - I actually need to give them a good watch sometime soon - and I know one day I've asked her about the intros. She didn't remember the band's name, but all she told me was this: "Those songs are long and kind of weird. This band was weird, let's begin with this. Crazy, destroying everything, but how they were called again?" and she didn't recalled sadly and I wasn't interested to the point of searching by myself - mind you, I was at primary school, had it really stressful, was bullied, searching for a band and get into them, especially if they were old was the last thing on my mind back then. So I gave it up, just enjoying the intros.
Now, let's skip to me being in high school. I think to 2016, it was probably this year that I started get into music with mom's and dad's help mostly, but also the guy I really liked. This was my Metallica phase, strongest one, and the second one out of three, and Japanese music phase, but anyway. I know that while mom searched for music to download we stumbled upon The Who - I remember the fragment which was played and it was that moment from the tv program, where Keith blew up his drum kit. It was short, so I didn't get to listen to them well, but mom somehow recalled my question about CSI intros and she told me, it was them XD But she cut my curiosity short by saying that they aren't very good, dad agreeing with her. I was very susceptible to their opinions back then so I gave up on them again.
Just to rediscover them in the last year at May or June. TV Station randomly played "My Generation" and while dad was complaining - he hates them - I just listened. First time without any breaks and like, I was "Okay, they're fine" for most part. Enter the drumming instrumental break tho and from "Okay, they're fine" I just sat there, listening, saying to myself: "THAT guy is GOOD", but I couldn't see him properly back then. Skip to July, when I started using Instagram again, and the app was like: "You know? You forgot about someone" showing me Keith Moon. It was this photo:
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So the usual, totally wasted Moon <3 But you know, I didn't connect that he was the guy I considered this good. Skip ahead a few weeks and tumblr showed me gifs with him - and I think it was YOU who reblogged this gifset - when he was totally elegant and I was like: "That's… That's Moon?!" reading in the tags what band he was in. And like from this day I just wanted to find an opportunity to listen to The Who, but dad came in with "I will show you Deep Purple now" and I skipped a few chances on getting "Who's Next" album at the record store, actually feeling that I should get it, but I somehow didn't for some weird reason.
I was fucking hesitant. Like, I remember finding this album, staring at the cover, thinking to myself: "That's Moon's band, the one he was in…" and you know, I almost reached for it, but I didn't for some reason - later regretting it big time, but like, skip a little bit more (this is a span of a MONTH I think) and Spotify randomly played "Love Ain't For Keeping" from this very album, actually throwing me so off guard, because I always heard their more chaotic songs and this one just entered, with the drumming, the good guitar, Roger started singing, the lyrics flowed SO WELL. I was blown away for the fourth time in my life by them XD
And I think that I only waited two days to listen to the entire album and once I did, fifth time being blown away has to enter the stage. With this, we can go to the second question of this part of the "Let’s talk about The Who!!" (I love the name!).
So, what made me fall in love with the band. …I gotta start from this… The thing that made me blink and stare at the tv when I was 10, literally hypnotized, the one that made me actually consider giving them a try is the fucking drumming! I MEAN, DID YOU FUCKING HEARD THAT?! I know you did, that was rhetorical XD Just the way Keith plays it's like… It's the ideal way of playing drums to me. There's literally nothing better for me than to hear the beating on the double bass drums from him, not to mention the constant fills, the way he just seems to use every single drum, even if his drum kit looked like this:
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This guy was all over his instrument, actually making it sound like a freaking lead one, and you can't tell me, nobody can't tell me that The Who had other lead instrument than the drums. I mean, you only have to compare one song to 1978 and any other one after that year. I will never say that Kenney or Starkey are bad drummers, far from that, but the fucking emptiness in later songs after 1978 is unbearable for me. And not like I listened to only one song and said: "Nope, I'm sticking to the albums to 1978" and that's that, no. I actually listened to a few where Kenney played on the compilation album I got for myself and I just couldn't stand the shift. I can't shake the feeling that the songs after 1978 are a shell of what they could be, so for my own sanity I decided to stick to the albums to the 1978 and that's that and I'm happy. I'm a really happy lil Pole now <3
Second reason would be the lyrics. And now get this, I'm never, almost never paying attention to lyrics, especially when I listen to a song for the first time, but like… Pete is a genius at lyrics. Probably the most free to interpretations pieces of poetry/lyrics I have ever seen. It happened a few times that the meaning that Pete wanted to get through the lyrics was totally different to how I felt about the song, but like if both interpretations work for both sides, it's good. This is how you actually write good poetry and I tend to think of The Who's lyrics like that. Taking a fragment of "Who Are You" as an example, which is probably my most favorite fragment of any lyrics Pete wrote:
I know there's a place you walked Where love falls from the trees My heart is like a broken cup I only feel right on my knees
I spit out like a sewer hole Yet still receive your kiss How can I measure up to anyone now After such a love as this?
Such tiny details in lyrics, lovely ones are really scattered everywhere in the songs and they get me every time. "Love Is Coming Down" is entirely like this, the instrumental actually giving more than the lyrics, they being only as another instrument, at least I feel about them like that. Which also brings us to third reason and that being Roger's vocals.
I freaking love his voice. The way he can express emotions is like nothing else I heard before - not saying that Robert Plant is in any way worse, he isn't, but like their screams of emotions can't be compared. "Love Reign O'er Me" settled the bar too high for me, sorry Robert! But like, Roger also has that specific tone of voice that gets to me. I can't explain what is it, but it's just good to listen to you know - even when he speaks, it's just making me a bit tingly inside - also his laugh is adorable, not to mention his smile!
And like, John Entwistle can't be listed as fourth reason, but I actually like his playing, like a lot and I can't skip on him. I like all of them, I really can't skip on John XD He has such a nice style of bass playing and I'm definitely not a fan of this instrument XD John is such a big exception as Paul McCartney is. Making me like bass in songs is almost impossible, so this guy literally achieved the impossible.
All of THAT, would sum up the answer for your first two questions. Now, let's move to the next ones, shall we? :3
What’s your favourite album? And your favourite song?
Favorite album would be "Quadrophenia" and I doubt that will change, even if I finally listen to "The Who Sell Out". "Quadrophenia" is so much deeper than "Tommy", at least for me. You know, it's that kind of album that when I've listened to it for the first time, I knew it was my favorite from the get go, the one that spoke to me right away. It actually carries a somehow heavy story that can't be shown in any other way than through music.
Everything is put perfectly, from the first sounds of sea to the last sounds of insane drumming at the very end, but let me just state why I feel like that towards this album. There are literally no skips on this one for me, each song is unique, but it only makes sense if you listen to it with the rest. It's also the case where the lyrics got my attention. I have a weird case of not listening to lyrics, but here, when I've listened to it for the first time, I had to check out the lyrics to "Cut My Hair" because something just brought my attention to it. One listen was for the music, second listen for the lyrics and I got the grasp of the story that this one tries to tell, even seeing two acts in this one. I will part the album in two while talking about songs if you don't mind <3 First half being from "I Am The Sea" to "I've Had Enough" and second beginning from "5:15" and ending at "Love Reign O'er Me".
The shift that happens between "The Dirty Jobs" to "I've Had Enough", followed by the masterpiece that is "5:15" - the first song I've heard from this album, fun fact - which gives an amazing feel of traveling far away from everyone, just wanting to disappear is insanely good. I usually stick to the second part of the album, because like the first half is focused on showing Jimmy's (the poor sod that is the main protagonist of this story) everyday life, the second shows him actually losing everything bit by bit - I'm talking about this album for the third time, it should be my bachelor degree by now XD - and that is what makes this album shine for me.
Let me just sum up the songs of the second half real quick - mind you that I didn't read the lyrics and this is my interpretation from what I feel from the music, heard from lyrics, got emotionally and saw in the movie:
5:15 - a journey by a train to nowhere, just far away from the everyday routine after losing everything, literally everything (this is so well shown in the movie!)
Sea and Sand - actual feeling that can be described as calm after the storm, just calm loneliness, the urge to disappear from life, from existence
Drowned - wanting to come back to the sea, suicide attempt, failed, but it's still there, feeling of helplessness
Bell Boy - meeting the idol that is not who Jimmy imagined to be, feel of betrayal, the biggest one (you can even say that Jimmy's world crumbled at this point)
Doctor Jimmy - insanity, all of the personalities coming out, one or two always triggered after alcohol or drugs, the feeling of not caring about anything and anyone even about himself
The Rock - the grand final, giving up on life, struggling before doing so, regret of being born, everything that happened is just too much and here is the second suicide attempt
Love Reign O'er Me - an emotional ballad that sums up the feeling of the entire story, it doesn't give a conclusion, the conclusion if Jimmy died, riding off the cliff or not is up to you (I usually go with the conclusion that Jimmy drowned, but his body was washed ashore on an abandoned island and now his soul is stuck there, as he's too troubled to go to the afterlife, maybe meeting similar soul there, but like that is the ending I'm usually going with).
All of that, all of the second half of the album is the best piece of music I have ever heard. Not only the story but musically it's just… As a whole it's probably the best album of the 70s for me, but also, I think I kind of feel sorry for the poor sod that is named Jimmy, connecting to his "trying to fit in the world" a bit too personally. Like, seeing/hearing his struggle, his hesitation, just trying to find a place for himself in the world that certainly "is not for him" just got to me. Additionally there comes the open ending and like my conclusion is one of the many you can come up with really. And there's also the repeated theme that plays throughout the entire album, the main theme of Quadrophenia, it's just so good to listen to. Sad, melancholic with a bit of hope/calling for help. As of now, you should know I love sadness in music, so that was a given I would be attached to this album.
But now, going to my favorite song. I certainly have a lot, like: "My Generation", "A Legal Matter", "The Ox", "Cobwebs and Strange", "Happy Jack" (drumming, OMG, DRUMMING IN THIS ONE), "Overture", "1921", "Eyesight of the Blind (The Hawker)", "Underture", "Pinball Wizard", "Tommy's Holiday Camp", "We're Not Gonna Take It", "Love Ain't For Keeping", "The Song Is Over", "Getting In Tune", whole "Quadrophenia", "Slip Kid", "However Much I Booze", "Squeeze Box", "Trick Of The Light", "Love Is Coming Down", "Who Are You", BUT there is one that isn't listed here and was mentioned up above.
And that, my dear friend, is "Bell Boy". There are three reasons for that. First reason and the main one is the fact that Keith Moon is singing in this one. This is literally all it took to make me love this song and it happened immediately - just imagine me listening to this one for the first time, suddenly hearing Keith, I was NEVER this happy before XD Second being the opening of the song. It begins with Keith's drumming, what can I want more? XD Third reason, this song is absolutely catchy. I have no other reasons, they are pretty simple, but like, I can't help but love this song! Plus there's this part of the lyrics where Keith sings - with a very pretty voice of his:
Some nights I still sleep on the beach Remember when stars were in reach Then I wander in early to work Spend my day licking boots for my perks
And I kind of tend to imagine him sitting on that beach at night, looking at stars, everything silent, only the sound of sea heard. …Just a calm image that is appearing in my mind each time I hear him start singing this verse, but that is a detail. Moving on!
Have you seen all of their movies? (Tommy, Quadrophenia, The Kids are alright...) What are your thought on their movies? (I haven't seen any of them but I'm looking forward to seeing Tommy cause it's my favourite The Who Album)
Not at all, but I saw "Tommy" and "Quadrophenia". I'm slowly getting to watch "The Kids Are Alright", but I'm a bit hesitant about this one. Dunno why, I just am - something is telling me to wait with it XD
My general thought about those two is that they are okay, like really okay, but like, they could be better, especially "Quadrophenia" and so I will go with this one first!
So, as you know it's my favorite album and I have to say that the movie shows the entire plot very well. It's rough, actually being very similar to the photos that were done for this album specifically and it gives away the vibe of 1965 (I think) very damn well, comparing it to the photos. Actors are okay - the one who plays Jimmy stole my heart, I can't help but have a crush on this poor sod, all the reasons you've already read, so I won't repeat myself, but I do have a few things that itches me about this movie.
The order of the songs and that some of them were cut out of it. Don't get me wrong, I know there had to be changes made, some songs are replaced by the actual acting and that's cool, but mixing the order of the songs is totally different. I'm talking specifically about the moment they've played "Love Reign O'er Me". It threw me so off guard at first, it was just not sitting well with me. This is a freaking conclusion song and they threw it right before "Bell Boy" started to play, before the scene where Jimmy sees his idol working at a hotel as a bell boy. The song playing in the background saved me from a rant when I was watching it with a friend, but ya know, it was just the worst moment to play it, like come the fuck on XD
And I have a very big BUT to Sting being in this movie. Like, this guy is a brick, he can't fucking act, he has a poker face the entire freaking time, like move a muscle on your face! XD But there also was that motif in the album that each band member had his song, "Bell Boy" being Keith's song, making the character Ace Face his character and Sting does not do well in that character. I mean, after listening to the album, knowing about it, knowing how Keith was it just doesn't add up at all. It would probably, or most definitely, look different if Keith was still alive at that time, because Pete clearly stated in one interview (if I remember correctly) that there were plans in 1978 to make the "Quadrophenia" movie and for all members of the band to be in this one, so I think Keith would automatically play as Ace Face - just like it happened with Uncle Ernie in "Tommy", BUT THAT LATER - and the interpretation of the character would be accurate with the source material. This is what ticks me off personally a little bit, but like I have no right to blame anyone and I won't.
Overall the entire movie could be much worse, I'm kind of happy with what I saw. So now… Moving to "Tommy"…
I'll be honest with you, I've watched the movie first, then listened to the original album and while I like the original score much more, I can't say a bad word about the musical. It's sometimes weird, fucked up, scenes are very long, they made me uncomfortable due to the fact how Tommy is treated - I literally feel so sorry for him the entire time, I almost hate every character in this one - besides two, Tommy and one more, but that later, and God, how happy I was at the very end! This musical makes a nice loop actually and I won't spoil it for you, but like, remember the opening scene on a mountain when you'll watch it, just remember it <3
Some songs are changed, like very changed, I love some changes, I hate some, but like, all of them fit the artists in the musical, so that's good. I don't have to like everything, but like this musical did something. I actually told myself at the beginning of the last year when I've dropped out of anime and all the fictional worlds for good that I won't fall for a fictional character. I meant it only for animated guys, the ones in games - you know, a bunch of lines/pixels - but I didn't think about actors and characters they are playing. I started watching movies very recently, actually enjoying them more and more and this movie, this freaking musical made me break the promise. Uncle fucking Ernie stepped into my life and I was a goner! LET ME EXPLAIN!
I knew, I was aware that Keith plays in this movie. My freaking bestie send me some gifs of him from this musical on Discord and even then I was like "This is probably from "Tommy", I bet my ass it is" and I was right. I know what character Uncle Ernie is, but like my bestie said "You always liked the worst, it doesn't surprise me anymore" and that's kind of typical for me. But this had five stages actually.
First being the scene where he showed up for the first time in that small window of his. I leaned in the direction of the tv, this scene was pretty dark and it was a bright afternoon and I was like: "That's Keith, isn't it?" not being sure 100%, but I was excited. Second, then came the scene where "Fiddle About" is playing. And I swear it to you, I fucking swear it to you, I've never was laughing and feeling embarrassed to the point of blushing and curling on my bed ever in my entire life. Not gonna spoil this beauty, but this musical and Uncle Ernie destroyed the word "fiddle" for me XD Third being that one tiny scene where Tommy is famous already and Uncle Ernie has a cameo there. He is somehow changed, the outfit and general look, vibe totally the same, creepy older guy, but like… The fact that I thought: "Oh… You look good…" should be a big red flag for me, but I carried on. Bring in the fourth stage where "Tommy's Holiday Camp" plays. Uncle Ernie is totally changed in this one, probably trying to look friendly and that made me say out loud: "Oh fuck, now you look hot" and that just started a wave of things. Fifth stage being a few days after the movie, having a conversation with myself that went like this: "You remember Tommy, right?" "Yep" "Remember Uncle Ernie?" "How could I forget?" "You would let him fuck you, wouldn't you?" "…" "…" "Yes…" And that brought up this post, which is still a big state of my mind, ESPECIALLY during horny days and it also brought up a big au where I've made a self-insert in this musical, went for a uncle-niece trope and actually worked on it so hard to make everything work as I wanted, that I'm proud of this personal fuckery I've made. In conclusion, I love this fucker and that's that <3 (Hmhm, I will watch "Tommy" at my horny days with friends, this will end well)
Also, a fun fact! I vaguely remember that I've watched this movie when I was tiny, I could be 3 back then, but I remember two scenes from it. The one when it's shown how Nora is disgusted by Tommy when he's already famous and she's sitting in that white house of theirs, all rich. I remember this scene because it's just turns weirder and weirder, but no spoilers for you ;3 And the one where "Tommy's Holiday Camp" starts, Keith as Uncle Ernie having his second 5 seconds of glory. Just a random fact <3
Why is Keith Moon your favourite? (I know you love drummers😏 but I’d like to know what makes you love Keith so much)
…Oh My God, this will get emotional…
Okay, first of all! Keith is the guy who started my obsession with drumming. He set the ideal type of drumming style that I love, with those short intros to CSI. Sure, I could forget about him in those longer breaks between encountering The Who once in a while, but unconsciously I always knew what I was searching in drumming. That would actually explain why I was always bored when I heard the drums going in one rhythm, without any changes in songs. I just had a type, thanks to who I've discovered in the last year.
Second would be his personality. I still don't know a lot about him - still hunting for a book about him! - but from what I know, knowing what flaws he had, how he acted around people, just the tiny details I could catch here and there, watching documentaries, especially that one that made me hysterical at the very end… I don't know, I just got so attached to him in such a short span that it's insane. One week I was cautious about him, knowing how much he drunk, how much drugs he took. Second week I started getting attached, just to fall in love with him in the third week. Sure, that one documentary had a lot to do with it - it was talking mainly about his last day of life and talking about his life in short, but what was okay was the fact that his girlfriend was in it, talking about him as well - and you know, I learned a lot at that day, the fact how he died bringing the previously mentioned hysteria and I just… It was the day that started the rest of the reasons of why I like him so much. It just kicked everything in.
So third reason that appeared at the same day would be the fact that I saw a mirror image of my dad in him. And I'm not joking here. Mostly in the behavior and addictions. My dad's a tame version of Moon in those two aspects, except drugs luckily, but like, seeing how Keith died and knowing damn well that he and my dad had the same drinking addiction and knowing how bad it was with dad - alcohol was slowly killing him, it was slowly destroying my family - I saw in that moment that if not one accident that happened and if not my mom's constant fight for dad to stop drinking, my dad would end the fucking same as Keith. And like, I think my mind made that connection, caused a hysteria, understood the tragedy and I think I started to feel sorry for Keith to the point of the insanity that is now.
Which also brings us to the fact that I started seeing a handsome guy in him. No matter the age, I just see a handsome, exactly my type of a guy. And like I know I sound insane, but for the entire life I felt like I was searching for something. This feeling only getting stronger two years ago when I got interested in music, started listening to older bands and you know. I've jumped from The Doors to The Beatles, from The Beatles to Led Zeppelin, from Led Zeppelin to Deep Purple just to jump from Deep Purple to The Who, this day making the feeling of searching disappear. Like, I've found Keith, that's all I apparently wanted. Keith is a special guy to me and I can't help it but love him to the point that I decided if I don't have a boyfriend now, he'll get the entire love I can offer, even if it's only in form of fics or scenarios in my head.
And like, something else happened as well. I sometimes have strange dreams where I can see the dead ones and I had one like that with Keith. I can't tell you what exactly happened there, because I don't remember, but like, one fragment remains: I was sitting with him on a white floor (it's always a white space) across in close proximity. We were talking about something, dunno what, but Keith was so happy. He was actually beaming with happiness, making me laugh with something he said and from here I only know that he got closer to me, but what did he do? I have no idea, yet I felt tingly all over my body the entire day. I feel tingly when I think back to that dream, but like, that happiness of his was so real. And this dream happened a day after I heard "Love Ain't For Keeping", day before I've listened to "Who's Next". And funny thing, after I listened to the album, I heard in my mind: "Finally back at home". Just a thought crossing my mind randomly. I can't explain that as well.
But the attachment grew to the point of how it is now. I don't know, I just feel like at home with him around. Even if he's just in the music, he's still around and even the thought of that brings a smile on my face. Also a lot, and I mean A LOT of The Who's lyrics makes me think about him, bringing in the slight urge of taking care of him. "Love Is Coming Down" is probably the best example for that, but like the scattered fragments of beautiful poetry I've mentioned earlier… I was talking about the fragments that always makes me think of him. And sure, yeah, I ship myself with him just for fun, to make most of my loneliness go away, but like I do feel a strong connection to him. I don't know if it's a soulmate thing, if it's attachment, if it's just a simple human sympathy or if it's just a woman's lonely heart going insane, because it thinks that it found the second half, but like… Keith is special for me for all of those reasons and I think I could find many more, but those are the most important ones.
I feel like a piece of me that should be in the place finally got in and I'm happy with that <3
Some people like to compare The Who with Led Zeppelin to the point they say The Who is way much better than Led Zeppelin. I’ve heard they say that Who’s Next is better than Led Zeppelin IV. I think they’re both good bands with great musicians but I don’t think I’ve heard The Who enough to form a solid opinion on who’s the better band so I’d like to know your opinion since you listen to both bands.
Oh God, I've never compared them. I mean, okay, I did two times. Once because I wanted to decide who's got his ass on the first place of favorite drummers - this was a hell! - and second while answering on one of your questions, but now that I think about it…
It's still difficult to choose, because both are great bands and their style is completely different in everything: bass, drums, lyrics, vocals, guitar, everything. And I know that people love to compare, I don't do that, unless I have to decide on the ranking, but that's like personal thing.
I would say who is better depends on the music taste, because some will love The Who, hate Led Zeppelin and the other way around (my dad hates The Who, loves Led Zeppelin) and honestly if I was asked about that, like I am now, I would have to compare them depending on my taste, so I would have to do the same as I did a few months ago to make it clear who's on the first place on my long long LONG list of drummers. Album comparison doesn't make sense for me, because you can clearly hear that "Led Zeppelin IV" has a totally different vibe than "Who's Next", but then it's also a matter of music taste and if there's no skips on album.
But if it comes to solely my opinion, so coming back to the struggle on who's better, John Bonham or Keith Moon, I'm gonna say that Keith is slightly better than John and that makes The Who automatically be better than Led Zeppelin for me. But again, slightly. It's such a small difference that they could be both on the first place if I didn't want a clear answer.
Then again, it's a funny situation, the comparison of drummers. I remember saying at August that if I ever find a better drummer than John Bonham that'll be a miracle. I shouldn't have said that, you know? XD
And for the last question: If you could go back in time, which The Who concert would you like to attend and why
Ack, fuck, I only watched two of them XD But there are two, most definitely!
The one from Charlton from 1974, the last one I've watched and the second. It was a good concert really, Keith was incredible - and they played "Bell Boy", I would pay everything to be there and hear him sing!
And the one concert I didn't watch and just had to search where it was and what year it was, it's the one from Kilburn from 1977. I only saw one fragment of it, one song, but like, if Keith was acting like a bastard who wanted to piss everyone off the entire time, sign me the fuck up! Plus, it's the concert where he wears this costume - it's mainly purple and white, all sparkly!
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I love it! I even specifically searched for this photo to get it on my facebook header - yes, Moonie is even there! - because I wanted this specific Keith, from this specific time and in this specific outfit! I just love him in this one. Fuck I need to watch this concert one day XD
And please, the only thing I've recently discovered was a fragment of an interview, when Keith was talking about how he destroyed every room below his one in a hotel by making the waterbed break, water destroying the floors and ceilings while he was sitting on in his chair, looking like: "Well, that happened" as if he didn't expect it would break XD I love this idiot so much, I can't fucking express it properly XD Oh come on, they weren't silly, I had a blast with them! Oh, your revenge you say… Well then mischievous grin Expect to receive something soonish ;3 (Love you too, take care! <3)
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This Was Unexpected Pt.4
This Was Unexpected Pt.4 (Polyamorous Relationship with Shota Aizawa and Hizashi Yamada)Reader is Female and uses she/her pronouns
This is kinda like part 3.5 cause I'm kinda doing these by months. I don't know if that was obvious or not but.. yeah...  But basically, this is like a Christmas Edition since it was December... I think this may either be a really short read, or a really long one... but I haven't written anything for it yet so I have no idea... but anyways, ENJOY!
Word Count: 4776
Today was the beginning of Christmas break at UA. After school ends, both your husbands will be home for a few weeks! Except for Shota's mission that he has to go on. Which sucks because it's right before Christmas. Literally 4 days before Christmas!! It's always been stressful to try and figure out what to get for Shota. Hizashi's an open book. Easy to read and is always mentioning something he wants, so buying for him was a piece of cake!! But, Shota is quite the opposite. 
"Hey baby! I'm home!" Hizashi exclaimed, excited to be back and take a break for a few weeks. 
You smiled up at him and got off the couch, where you had been scrolling through Amazon to find something for Shota but you noticed that he wasn't with Hizashi. You hugged him and gave him a few kisses, "Welcome home, babe! Where's Sho?" You asked.
"He had to stay back. They had a meeting about that mission he's going on next week," he sighed. "What were you doing before I got back?"
"Looking for a present for him," You whined, annoyed that you still couldn't find anything.
He chuckled, "I'll look with you, come 'ere baby!" He pulled you to the couch, sitting down first before pulling you on top of him to sit on his lap, his arms making their way around your waist. Your back against his chest and his chin resting on your shoulder You grabbed your laptop off of the coffee table and sat it on your own lap, continuing to scroll.
"What's something of his that's really worn out, or broken... or something he needs??" you mumbled.
"I honestly can't even think of anything..." your partner muttered back.
"We could get something sentimental. I know he kind of prefers gift of the practical kind, but I feel like something sentimental would be really sweet too..."
"Babe, you're gonna get something so good for him I won't have anything to get!!"
You giggled, kissing his cheek as he pouted. "You'll find something, I'll help!" you cheered, smiling at him. You looked back at the laptop, "What about this!! He loves coffee, so what if we get him a personalized coffee mug!!"
"Ooooo! I bet he'd love it!! We should get him a gag gift too! I think it's become a tradition at this point" Hizashi laughed.
"What about a pair of boxers with our faces on them? I think he'd wear em'"
"If he ran out of his 7 pairs he has! Especially if I start taking his again"
"I'll help too," you winked, finding cute pictures to stick on the mug of the three of you. "Ordered!"
"What's ordered?" Shota mumbled, kicking off his snowy shoes.
You exited the tab as fast as possible, "your present~"
"I told you guys you didn't need to get me anything," he grumbled as you and Hizashi made your way to him.
"But we wanted to!" the blonde explained. 
Shota sighed, "fine, fine! But we need to talk. All of us. It's about the mission kind of..."
You and Hizashi looked at each other, nodding. You all sat down around the slightly messy dining table, waiting for Shota to speak.
"On this mission, obviously our goal is getting Kai Chisaki under control," you both nodded, "but, recently, Midoriya found out he's got a child. Whether she's biological, or some girl that is being held hostage... she's in a bad situation. Obviously we have no idea what's going to happen, but this mission is going to be riskier than originally."
"Do... do you think she'll be okay?" You muttered.
"I hope. Things are looking up for us. Don't get too worried. Everything'll be alright." Shota replied.
"You better be safe."
"I will," he got up, kissing Hizashi's forehead, then yours. "Now, I gotta go shower, you should too Zash. Got way too much hair gel, its gross" He mumbled.
You giggled at his comment. You heard the bedroom door shut, "he seemed very off right?" you glanced at Hizashi.
"Definitely. I think he's worried."
The two of you sat in silence for a minute. 
"Well. I'll go start dinner. What do you want?"
A few days later, the day of the mission
Shota was ready to leave. Both of his lovers still comfortably cuddled up in bed. He kissed their temples, hoping to slip out before either of you woke up. But of course, like the light sleeper you are, you woke up at least a little bit. You groaned, rolling over towards him. With half lidded eyes, you reached up for him. He reached down and wrapped his arms around you, your legs wrapping around his waist. He picked you up, one hand rubbing up and down your back, the other holding your ass firmly. You rested your head on his shoulder, nuzzling your nose into his neck.
"Can't hold you for long baby. Gotta go get my students ready." He whispered, kissing your temple again.
You nodded against his shoulder, giving a few sleepy kisses to his neck. "Be safe," you muttered.
He hummed, "try my best."
Hizashi stirred awake after trying to find either of you on the bed. His eyes barely opened before pulling Shota to sit down on the bed, finding his way behind his husband and wrapping his arms around Shotas waist. Yours no longer interlocked behind his neck as Hizashi rests his head on the shoulder you're not on. (I can't explain it any further... Your straddling front, Hizashi is hugging from behind) 
Shota sighed, "I'll be back tonight. I promise. I'll be safe." He mumbled, "I'll be okay."
You nodded, slowly falling back asleep. Hizashi muttered a soft, "Just be careful... okay?"
Shota turned his head, pressing a kiss to his lovers forehead, "I will," he spoke, before kissing your shoulder. "I gotta go, take her for me?" 
The blonde got up, helped peel you off of Shota and held you the same as the latter had. "I love you, babe."
"I love you too"
A few hours later, you and Hizashi were slowly waking up, still curled up with each other. The blonde kissed your lips gently, pulling you impossibly closer to him. You kissed him back gently. When you pulled away, you peeked your eyes open, his slightly agape.
"G'morning," he rasped out, his morning voice low in your ear.
"'morning," you sniffed, nose slightly blocked from the cold weather.
"You 'kay?"
You nodded, eyes drooping closed again.
"Do ya wan' go out for breakfast?" he mumbled against your hair.
"Sound' good"
"Can we go now...? I'm hungry" 
You sighed, "Yeah"
Hizashi got up a lot faster than you expected. You lazed around in bed for a little bit still, knowing it would take him longer to get ready than it would for you. You got up and started getting ready, and you were still ready before him. 
"You ready, babe!" He asked cheerfully!
"I've been ready for like 10 minutes," you said, rolling your eyes playfully. "Come on, let's go!"
Hizashi and Shota made this plan not too long ago. Shota knew you'd stress out and worry about him, so him and Hizashi decided to make a plan to distract you from worrying about your lover. So it all started off with breakfast somewhere and then afterwards, some fun surprises!!
When you arrived at the small cafe, you realized it had been a place that you had been wanting to go to for awhile, but knew that it wouldn't be cheap so didn't mention a lot. Your jaw dropped upon realizing though. Hizashi noticed and chuckled, "Shocked?" 
"I mean.. yeah! I kind of expected just- the usual!" You exclaimed.
He grabbed your hand pulling you towards the entrance. He opened the door for you and you entered, him following behind you. You were in awe of our beautiful and aesthetic the whole cafe was. You two ordered some coffee and food, heading over to a cozy little love seat with end tables on either side. It was kind of secluded, with some cute decorations. You couldn't help but be distracted by every part of the little cafe. 
"They called our order, be right back babe!" Hizashi said, knocking you out of your trance.
"Okay!" You smiled.
After you were finished with the peaceful meal and light conversation, you were ready to head home.
"Do you wanna go shopping?" 
Your head whipped around, confused. You and Hizashi always enjoyed shopping, but Shota hated when you two went out and spent too much money. "Of course I do!! Once we find a house, we can decorate the baby's nursery... OOOOO!! I'm so excited!! Wait... but we don't know the gender and-" You continued rambling as he drove to an outlet mall. 
"Well we technically can find out the gender at the next appointment right?" 
"I think so! But it depends... I think for it to be 100% it has to be past 18 weeks... so they might not be able to tell." 
He sighed, "well, we can at least get some necessities! Or we can just go shopping for us~"
"Both..?" You asked questioningly.
"Shota might kill us but yes!!"
You two walked around the mall for awhile, you found some cute things for your new house, no matter where you end up. You sighed, your feet started to hurt and you were losing your breath much easier. As a hero, you never would've had such issues after a little bit of walking. 'Stupid pregnancy symptoms...' you thought, your mind started to wander to the months ahead, then to Shota. You must've zoned out enough for Hizashi to notice.
You looked up at him, "huh?"
"You zoned out, baby. You okay?"
"Hm? Oh, yeah! Can we sit for a few minutes?"
You pulled him over to a nearby bench, sitting all your things next to you on the bench, Hizashi sitting on the other side. You sighed and rested your head on his shoulder. 
"What were you thinking about?" he mumbled, resting his head on top of yours, his hand gently rubbing circles on your thigh.
"First... I was thinking about this stupid pregnancy, shit," you grumbled. "Y'know the shortness of breath and swollen ankles bullshit..." you were silent for a moment, "then... it shifted to Shota... I hope he's okay.."
"I'm sure he's fine!!" 
You knew he was only saying that to make you feel better. He worried about him just as much, but you knew deep down inside, he was scared out of his mind about his partner. You sighed, closing your eyes, just trying to enjoy the peace around you. 
"Do you wanna go home? We can eat something and then cuddle and take a nap?" he asked, "We can turn our ringers on all the way up just in case."
You smiled, lifting your head and looking at him. You kissed him gently. "Yeah, that sounds relaxing."
You both headed towards the car, holding hands. He opened the passenger door for you, letting you get comfy and closing the door. He put all of the bags in the car before getting in on the driver side.
You reached your hand towards your husband, and he held your hand on your thigh. He drove carefully, trying to go back roads to avoid traffic or some random villian attack. You stared out the window as the blondes thumb caressed the back of your hand.
"Still worrying?"
You groaned, "I can't help it!"
"I know," he sighed. "I do the same thing..."
After you arrived back at your apartment and ate lunch, you and Hizashi cuddled up on the couch. Hizashi laid on his back, his hand resting on your lower back, gently rubbing with his thumb. Your leg over his thigh and your hand over his chest, head resting on his shoulder, face nuzzled into the crook of his neck. Your cat jumped up next to you, climbing to rest on Hizashi's stomach. You moved to pet your furry friend, purring softly as you scratched his head.
You huffed a small laugh, "She's only here cause Shota isn't."
Hizashi did the same, "I know. What do you wanna watch?"
"Idk," you mumbled. "We're gonna fall asleep anyways, so put on anything."
He put on a random show neither of you had ever heard of and held you close. He kissed your forehead and grabbed your phone, making sure the ringer was all the way up, as well as his own. Eventually you both had drifted off, although it wasn't long before you did get a call.
You shot up upon hearing your phone ring, scaring the sleeping cat. You rushed to grab your phone, making Hizashi groan when your knee dug into his hip.
"Hello?" You answered, voice full of worry.
"Hello! I am calling from Osaka City hospital! Is this Y/n (Aizawa, Yamada, Yamada-Aizawa, L/n)?"
"Yes! Is everything okay?"
"Yes! We were just calling to inform you Shota Aizawa was emitted here about half an hour ago." The receptionist said.
"Is he okay? Was he seriously injured??"
"Yes, he is okay. We cannot give you any other details about it."
"Okay, thank you."
"Of course"
And with that you hung up. Hizashi sat up, wrapping his arms around your hips.
"Can you move your knee?" he pouted, eyes still drooped close.
"We need to go to the hospital!! Come on!!!!"
"What?? Is he okay??"
"They said he was emitted half an hour ago, but said he was okay"
"Good, let's go."
When you arrived, you had asked for his room. It felt like an eternity before you finally made it there. You opened the door to see your husband, he was facing away from you, still in most of his hero costume. He was putting his shirt back on, you noticed the stitches on his back. He stuck his hands in his pockets and turned around. You quickly made your way to him, tears welling up in your eyes, Hizashi had followed close behind. Shota held you tight against him your arms wrapped around him, not fully against his back, not sure where the stitches were. He moved your arms so that you could hold him tight. Shota let go with one arm bringing a tearful blonde into the other side.
"Shhhh, I'm okay, I told you I would be " He kissed each of you heads.
"I-I was s-so wor-ried whe-en they call-alled" you sobbed.
"I was gonna call you guys myself after they finished the stitches but they had already called you by then" he sighed. "I didn't mean to worry you two"
Hizashi kept his face hidden in the crook of Shota's neck. After when you two finally calmed down, sleepiness overtaking your body.
"Hey, I gotta go check on all my students and the other heroes. I think..." he trailed off.
"We'll come with you!!" Hizashi muttered.
"Okay," he sighed.
You followed him to each room, checking on Midoriya last. He wanted to talk to the green haired boy alone. You watched as they walked down the hall. You and Hizashi followed suit. You all paused in front of Eri. You got teary eyed again. The young girl with light blue hair was feverish, breathing heavily as she slept.
Shota spoke to Midoriya: "She's being quarantined for now"
"Quarantined? Really?" The young boy asked.
"You know, they made that call based on your description of what happened back there. She's got a dangerous Quirk and no control over it. If something provokes her enough to activate it again, I'm the only one who can stop her. You were only able to touch her because you kept destroying your body faster than she could rewind it, right?" (Season 4 Episode 14) Aizawa spoke. His voice fading as he walked down the hall to the elevator.
"He's the only one that can stop her quirk..? Is it that powerful...?" You mumbled, "Is he gonna have to stay here... watch her?"
"I don't know..." Hizashi replied.
You and Hizashi made your way to the elevator. When you got up there, you headed towards where you had seen the boy and Shota turn. You gasped, covering your mouth with your hand. Hizashi's eyes were wide, his fingers tightening around yours.
"Sir nighteye won't make it for much longer. Say what you want to now," the nurse told you all.
"I wanna go home," you muttered, silent tears streaming down your face.
Hizashi hugged you, tight. You all had seen this kind of stuff before... You were heroes after all, but seeing a fellow hero be killed in such harsh ways was hard.. "Come on, we'll go sit down at that bench down there till Sho's done. Then we can go home."
You only sat on the bench for maybe, probably not even half an hour. You let out a shaky sigh when you finally say Shota's hand reaching out for yours. You grabbed it, getting up and hugging him tight. Shota flinched slightly as your hand brushed over his stitches, but held you for a minute.
"Let's go home"
When you all arrived back at the apartments, you had fallen asleep, exhausted from all the crying.
"I'll carry her"
"Okay... she was worried you know..."
"I knew she would be"
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah... are you?"
"I think so."
"What about Eri?"
"When she gets out of quarantine... I- maybe we save this one for when all 3 of us can discuss it."
You were placed gently on the bed, still sleeping peacefully. You already had been in comfy clothes since you came home from the mall. Hizashi and Shota changed into their sleep clothes getting into bed, the black haired man in the middle.
"Missed you y'know...." the blonde muttered, snuggling into his husband.
Shota chuckled lowly, careful not to wake you as you had cuddled into his other side. "I was only gone for a few pretty much a school day."
"I know... but I was worried."
"'m sorry," his hand rubbing up and down his lovers back.
Aizawa was at the stove, finishing breakfast, and sipping on a cup of black coffee. Hizashi sat up on the counter next to the stove watching his lover cook.
"G'morning." you mumbled, wrapping your arms around Hizashi's waist resting your head on his waist and stomach. His hand combing through your hair and rubbing you upper back gently.
"Good morning baby!"
Shota's hand came to wrap around your waist as he leaned over and pressed a kiss to your temple before he continued cooking. "We gotta talk about something while we eat, 'kay baby?" He asked you.
"'Kay," you murmured.
Hizashi lifted your head and held your face in his hands pulling you in for a kiss. You both pulled away and you rested your head on his shoulder. He chuckled and held you close.
"So sleep pretty girl" He whispered into your hair, kissing your forehead, "so pretty," he mumbled, peppering your face with kisses till you started giggling.
Shota watched, smiling to himself, plating the food and putting it on the table. You all went to sit down and eat. Shota took a few bites before speaking.
"Eri can't control her quirk. Anything could happen to trigger her quirk and I'm the only one that can stop it if it does activate. I... I know we have a baby on the way... but I think we should adopt Eri. I wanted to talk to you guys first though."
"We don't really have much room for her right now with the apartment. I'm okay with adopting her, but where is she supposed to stay?" You asked.
"Well, we need to buy a house. And really soon now because of Eri. We can for now tidy up the office and set up a room in there for now. It's mainly just a storage room so if we work on cleaning it out today, we can set up something temporary. And Christmas is in 3 days so we should consider some toys she may want"
"I'll get some toys! I'm good at picking out toys," Hizashi said enthusiastically.
You rolled your eyes playfully, "that'll work for now!"
After breakfast, you and Shota worked on cleaning out the office/storage room while Hizashi bought some presents and gift wrap that would appeal to a young girl. Although you were still working on cleaning, but you were deep in thought, kind of mindlessly organizing and throwing things away.
He hummed in response, "hm?"
"Do you think Eri will be okay? Will she accept us?"
"I..." he paused, carefully considering his words. "I think she'll be okay. She might need time to get used to us, but from what Midoriya said when he first met her, she was attached to him and mirio when she didn't even know who they were. Just recognizing that they were good people."
You hummed in response this time. Once everything was finished being tidied up, Hizashi had made it back with some toys and a small bed for her temporarily. Shota set up the small twin size bed for her, while you took some time to wrap hers and your lovers presents. By now, it was around 6pm. Eventually, you hear someone knock on the bedroom door.
"You can come in, I did both yours first!"
Shota opened the door, "the hospital called about Eri, she's being released from the hospital tomorrow. She woke up today and they did some testing, just checking to make sure she was okay."
"Okay!" you smiled.
The next day, you and Shota headed to the hospital to pick up Eri. Obviously Hizashi wanted to go but he had to patrol. Plus, he can be overbearing at times. Once you both explained who you were, she relaxed but still seemed timid. She attached herself more to Shota, having recognized him from the fight and realizing that he saved her and Midoriya. She held tight to Shota as you walked back out to the car. When you got back home you and Shota explained that you wanted to adopt her and all sorts of different things. She came around to you pretty easily. You both talked about and showed her pictures of Hizashi which seemed to help her be more comfortable. You helped her change into some comfy clothes that you had gotten her and you all relaxed at home so you didn't overwhelm her.
When Hizashi got home, he tried his best not to scare her. He introduced himself and was smiling softly at her. She seemed to have calmed down a lot quicker with him since he was being silly with her. Eventually he went to go get a shower before coming out for a delicious dinner you had prepared while Shota watched some cartoons with the little blue haired girl.
That night when she started getting sleepy you tucked her into bed, and left the door cracked to her room. You sighed softy, going back out to the living room where your lovers sat, Shota somehow pulled onto Hizashi's lap which was a rare occurance as it was usually the other way around.
"Wanna watch something for a bit before bed?" You asked.
They both agreed and stayed seated where they were. You sat down next to Hizashi, your head in Shota's lap, your hand resting on his thigh. Shota sat sideways, resting his head on Hizashi's, an arm around the latters neck while the other tangled in your hair. One of Hizashi's arms were around your waist, the other around Shota's.
You were all comfortable, relaxing in each other's holds, surprsingly, Shota was the first to fall asleep which is when you decided that it was time to head to bed yourselves. Hizashi lead a half awake Shota to the bedroom and laid him down. You and the blonde joing mere minutes after.
He didn't know what time it was, 2? Maybe 3am? In his hazy state he didn't even realize what woke him up. The city was silent. Did one of you snore too loud and it woke him up? Did something hit the window? Did the cat knock something over? He sat up in bed blinking a few times, looking next to him where he had just been spooning Hizashi who was spooning you, noticing that the cat had been curled up on the pillow that laid in front of you.The black haired man slid out of bed, waking up enough to go investigate what had awakened him. He heard a quiet whimper as he closed the door to your shared bedroom.
He opened the door to Eri's temporary room and noticed she was wollering around in a fitfull slumber, crying quietly. He walked over to her bed, being quiet as possible as to not startle her. He gently brushed his fingers through the girls hair, trying to soothe her. After a few minutes, she startled awake pulling away from him as quickly as she could trying to hide away from him.
"Shhhh, hey, 'ts 'kay. 'm not gon' hurt you," he soothed. She quickly realized it was just Shota and flung herself into his arms. "'ts 'kay." he hummed, pulling his fingers through her hair gently and rubbing her back. "D'ya wanna come sleep with me and y/n and 'zash?"
She nodded against his shoulder, tears slowing down. He carried her back to your shared bedroom, noticing the cat had moved and Hizashi had taken over the space that he had been sleeping in. He sighed quietly, sitting on the bed and laying back with her on his chest. He held her close, trying his best to stay awake till she fell asleep.
In the morning, you had shifted closer, probably trying to stay warm in the cold winter when Hizashi hogged the heavy comforter. Your face was pressed into Shota's neck, an arm loosely wrapped around Eri and your leg over his. He was the first awake, and obviously unable to move. He squeezed his arm out from between you two and slid it around your back, gently rubbing your waist where your sleep shirt had shifted up. 
He turned his head carefully and kissed your hairline. He sighed in contentment. He had everything. A beautiful wife and husband, a sweet child, as well as one on the way, and an adorable cat that loved all the attention. His thoughts were interrupted when a quiet whine from the man on your other side sat up, pouting at how he was left out of the cuddle puddle. 
"Come 'ere," the black haired man muttered, trying his best not to wake either of you up. "And bring the comforter, Y/n's feet are freezing."
Hizashi smiled, tossing the large blanket over the three of you before sliding behind you and wrapping one arm around your waist, holding Shota's hand where their hands met. The blonde nuzzled his nose into the crook of your neck and kissed you wherever he could reach. 
You moaned lowly, lightly pushing Hizashi off in your still very sleepy state. "'m s'eepin..."
"You're seepin' baby???" Hizashi mocked in a baby voice quietly, nipping gently at your neck.
"Go be 'orny s'mewhere else" you mumbled, pressing yourself impossibly closer to Shota. 
He whined, "not horny, just wanna give you attention."
You sighed as he cuddled up closer to you again, easily falling back asleep with the warmth of your lovers around you. And in a few days, Christmas will be here!!!
A/N: Now that I finished this, I realized it was going to be a really long part when I was halfway through since I decided to add the part of Aizawa on the mission to save eri and how Eri became a part of their family and stuff. I personally feel as thought I was everywhere and had no plain set plot. I think that it turned out okay but I think I could've done better. I don't know when I'll have part 5 out honestly cause i struggled to find time to write this part. I will try my best though and I know for a fact that I want to finish this storyline and plot! My next part will probably be of Christmas morning so kinda a little mini story. If anyone has any ideas on what should be a part of part 5, please share!! I can tell where I started getting lazier and lazier and a lot of it I think was from how LONG this part was. I feel like all I'm doing is making that whole morning sickness prominent, and losing ideas of other things to add. Also, I really like angst, so that's probably why if you've read all the parts that you might be questioning why there's so much more anxiety and dread and more sad or depressing kind of themes.
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lovelylittlelevity · 4 months
Hey so I don't wanna push at all, just a little curious is all as someone who's been following the blog for a bit and has some spare questions (sorry if some of these have been answered before)
-Do you have a timeframe for when the game should be done? Like a vague estimates of months or something like that?
-Where's production at right now? What stage are we at with development?
-Is there any cost? Like will anyone have to pay to play the game?
-Is there anywhere the game won't be available?
-Is there anything planned after the game is done? Any ideas for future projects or something like that?
-How many people are on the team anyways? I always thought it was only the three listed on the blog, but I saw some old posts about others being mentioned so I got a little confused
-Ekko's responses to some questions kinda confused me- will Nezha be in the game or not? I remember seeing some art here a while ago about Nezha being in the game, but I can't seem to find it now- and to me it sounded like Ekko was implying there was a chance he could be in it, but the blog is strictly against Nezha being involved too?? Which is it? (/genq)
-Is the game itself 18+ or just the blog?
-Are there any content warnings in the game we should be aware of before playing? Any potentially triggering content or things to maybe look out for??
(Again, sorry if these have been answered before- I haven't heard of any activity from here in a while so I think I'm not very caught up. I hope the team is doing alright though, since on my end it's been kinda dead for a long while-)
It's fine, no need to worry! I'll try to answer in the same format as asked since that's the best way to format it
-Do you have a timeframe for when the game should be done? No, not really! The motivation for the creation of the game has dropped extremely low, unfortunately, but I've been trying to get back into working now that my wrist has healed up. Also, setting a deadline comes with many expectation-based risks, so I'd personally like to avoid that.
-Where's production at right now? What stage are we at with development? this is answered here!
-Is there any cost? Like will anyone have to pay to play the game? The NSFW version will be pay to play, but not by much.
-Is there anywhere the game won't be available? If we're talking about devices, I'd say chromebook and mobile, as those are harder to code for, and I don't want to put that stress onto Puppit.
-Is there anything planned after the game is done? Any ideas for future projects or something like that? Yes and no? I have my own AUs and outside fandom things I'm working on at the moment, but none of them will be even close to the scale LLL has gotten to.
-How many people are on the team anyways? I always thought it was only the three listed on the blog, but I saw some old posts about others being mentioned so I got a little confused There are currently 5 team members, 2 not being part of running the blog!
-Ekko's responses to some questions kinda confused me- will Nezha be in the game or not? I remember seeing some art here a while ago about Nezha being in the game, but I can't seem to find it now- and to me it sounded like Ekko was implying there was a chance he could be in it, but the blog is strictly against Nezha being involved too?? Which is it? (/genq) The answer is not romantically. The "even if" was to make another point that wasn't age-related regarding Nezha's character, that point being that we don't actually have much on him in general. I wasn't purposefully trying to imply Nezha will be included as a romantic option in the game, and while he is here, he's not up for grabs. I can understand the confusion though, as I'm not the best with wording.
-Is the game itself 18+ or just the blog? The blog is 18+ due to the content, the finished base game won't be, while the NSFW is obviously gonna be 18+.
-Are there any content warnings in the game we should be aware of before playing? Any potentially triggering content or things to maybe look out for?? maybe minor breaking and entering(Macaque) and bringing a child to a date without the other party's consent (Wukong)?
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falloutjuli · 2 years
As promised an almost 900 words tiny excerpt from my Johnny x Reader fanfic that I’m Working on, featuring a very jealous Johnny and Reader and Diego being besties! (Because Diego and Reader are both kinda dummies) 
the whole thing is at 4k words now and still needs a bit of work but eh. Enjoy a teaser. Its gonne be mighty fine and Im editing it from Fem!Reader to GN!Reader because idk. Felt like it uwu. 
Anyways, enjoy the tiny teaser hehe.
And during the time you three lived together until now... You became good friends with Gyro and developed a crush on Johnny. Much to your dismay but it is what it is.
Checking your phone, you saw you almost had to leave so you checked yourself one last time in the mirror before you walked in the living room to get to your room. 
"Holy cow, Y/N! You look stunning!" Gyro commented, a big smile on his face. "Thank you, Gyro, didn't know you could be nice."
"Didn't know you could look like that." You rolled your eyes and entered your room to get your bag. 
You kinda had hoped Johnny would have said anything, but he kept quiet, much to your disappointment, but you couldn't change it. Yet it kinda hurt you, making you doubt for a second to actually wear the fancy clothes you picked out for tonight. 
Maybe you should cancel? He surely made a mistake asking you in the first place…No, you told yourself, you'd go out and enjoy yourself.
That was tonight’s goal. With bag and shoes now gathered you exited your room and tried to push away the looming stress and nervousness inside of you.
"I'll be gone then; I hope you two will have a great night too." You said and looked at the two horse lovers who were seated on the couch, playing games.
 "We'll be fine. Just remember, if he shows any red flags, or you get a weird feeling, call me and I'll come get ya!" Gyro said looking at you sternly. 
"Don't worry, as soon as he begins to resemble you, I'll give you a call." Gyro needed a second before he got what you were implying.
Johnny snickered along. 
"Well, I best be going then, until later!" And with that you left the room and consequently the apartment. "Man, you're really messing up your chance." "As if I ever had one." Johnny answered his friend and sounded defeated.  You stood outside the restaurant, nervous, unsure if he'd actually show up. 
"I hope you weren't waiting for too long, I'm sorry for my delay." A voice from behind you said and made you spin around, smiling once you saw him. Diego looked fine tonight, and you wondered how it came to be he asked you out of all people available to him. 
You were bored out of your mind. Gyro and Johnny had been out riding for like one and a half hour already and they were still nowhere to be seen. 
It wasn't their fault that you felt a little down today and therefore declined riding with either, so you didn't blame them. 
You weren't big into riding yourself but coming with them to the stables, seeing them in their element and with Slow Dancer and Valkyrie and sometimes riding with them was such a highlight.
You loved how Gyro kept talking to his little "bella" as if she was his girlfriend and you loved seeing Johnny being happy while he rode on Slow Dancer. 
But today... after your mood plummeted thanks to your feelings towards a certain blond rider, you rather sat in the shade near the stables and were on your phone. 
To your surprise, some strange legs entered your view and in front of you stood Diego Brando. 
You had heard of him, his reputation was that to thank for, and Johnny and Gyro had their run-ins with him and loved to rant about him.
 "Hey there." You said unsure of what exactly would happen now. You looked around and only spotted a girl with short pink hair nearby. 
"Yeah, hey. I wanted to ask if you'd like to go out sometime?" You sat there dumbfounded. 
A popular, good-looking guy, many girls surely would die for, just casually asked you out, without having ever spoken a word before. You blinked a couple of times. 
"Eh..." was All you could answer before you saw the chance this was. A date, with someone who seemed interested in you and might make you realize you never actually crushed on Johnny. 
"Sure. Why not." You said and Diego looked pleased. 
"May I have your phone to give you my number?" Slightly embarrassed you handed the man your phone who quickly typed something in with his none gloved hand. 
"There you go. Send me a message later yeah, love?" His British accent did make your knees a little weak.
Mindlessly you tugged a lose hair string behind your ear and looked at the newly made contact of "Diego 🦖" while said contact began striding back to his friend, who you assumed must be Hot Pants, the guys had also told you about her. 
Not too long after that, Johnny and Gyro were back too. 
"Did ya get bored waiting for us?" Gyro asked as he helped Johnny unmount. "A little."
"Your fault for not coming along. We found a real nice new path near a small river."
"I'll come along next time, then you can show me, yeah?" You answered Johnny and decided to keep the thing with Diego for yourself. 
You knew if you let them know now, they'd go on a rant of how horrible he is and how you should never even talk to him unless you want him to eat your firstborn or whatever.
They sure painted him like a horrible person but to you, Diego seemed a little charming almost.
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lawlietscaramels · 9 months
I think you and 🍰 have mentioned it before, but I’d love to hear your thoughts about the way the musical portrays L. The concept album was my introduction to Death Note as well, but I feel like the L in the songs is a much more dramatic take on L? Which, y’know, makes sense, since it’s ✨musical theatre✨ and all. Like, “The Game Begins” is SO fun, but we’d never get a monologue like it from L in the manga or anime. Idk, the musical paints a bit of a different image of L to me. Not a bad one at all, just a different one.
holy space cows 🎲 anon okay let's go! again answering this before my other asks because it's more me rambling than an actual story
GOOOOOD musical L when I first watched the musical I wanted to pick him up take him out of the screen and squeeze him like a stress ball. honestly I loved (love?) him maybe even more than anime L dhdhhdh
I'll put a break in here because I think I'm gonna say a lot
like. he did so many things like anime L (I've never read the manga so I see that L as "base" L) but also I feel had his own quirks. like how he hopped onto chairs (Teen Angst L did this too but because it was screen not stage it felt different. I've done stage acting before so maybe it's just me but screen doesn't feel as close, I just loooove stage acting, UGH. This was also why it was more dramatic in some places, you have to act for the whole audience but, I'm assuming you didn't see it live, WAIT have you even watched the recorded version?? It's on YouTube it's sooo good the subtitles are great too, you can sing along to the songs. it's in Japanese tho. Anyway my point was going to be, because you're acting for people really far away, your movements will be big and dramatic and you'll notice this if it's recorded up close).
HIS VOICE WAS SO NICE TOO like damn this is a fine ass man. His songs, I agree looking back at them they aren't all things anime L would say, especially not unprompted. But I don't think that it was so far out of character that it was unbelievable, you know? I actually think that though yes, the Game Begins was dramatic, that was just the song and not the tone of it, if that makes sense. I'd say songs like Playing His Game and (I can't remember the name but the one LawLight duet they sing at the college? not the tennis one. UGH I know the Japanese...) Anyway, I'd say those songs are more ooc. Cause I think L sees all of his cases as a game, his job as a game. Like yes he cares about human life but he also only takes on interesting cases. I've heard this is more like his manga version, which is kinda cool that this "headcanon" of mine is "canon."
AHAHA anyway the point I was actually going to make with that paragraph was: in the final song (a little ooc but in some lines very in character) L holds this one "O" note that makes me go WEAK IN THE KNEES and of course Light is singing over it at the same time, sobs. This is in the Japanese version. I prefer that version overall, but I like some of the English songs too, like Playing His Game and Requiem. So if you haven't listened to it YOU SHOULD!! It's on YouTube music, you can search up english song name + death note musical. A lot of them are by "LyricNear" I think. and you can ofc watch the full musical. but aaaa the final song breaks my heart but I have to listen to that goddamn note... you guys... you don't understand.
Uh, the musical did of course take some creative liberties. There was no Matsuda which I will always bring up because it is a crime, MUSICAL REMISA WAS THE BEST, the limited runtime cut plots and explanations (I kind of appreciated the ending, though I cried because I was hoping it would end differently), and I don't think they had a Watari. Actually thinking about that, that's probably the most ooc L thing in the whole movie: being able to take care of himself. (well presumably to some degree considering he's still alive at the start)
But yeah... I love musical L... I don't mind when he's ooc because it only disrupts soft headcanons of mine, not hard ones. I also haven't watched it for a while so I may be misremembering some things, but still. Gosh I really want to hug him... his clothes look so soft.... maybe I'll just steal his voice box/j
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miniimapp · 1 year
Jesse - You Boys Are the (Homosexual) Supporting Cast
Gen;; Fluff - Headcanons
Warnings ;; no ?? i mean,, stress and anger (from reader pov) but not really ??
Proofread + Edited ;; a little bit actually,, mainly when going through and adding the bold and the blue and the italics lmao
Auth. Note ;; bet y'all thought i died.. nah i ain't never leaving i'm just clumsy af and smashed my phone into smithereens,, prolly got y'all tho lmaoooo
Jesse is an insufferable flirt
Which would be fine if you didn't have shit to do
But you do !!
Accepting the roles of stage manager as well as assistant director was the worst choice you could have ever made
So help the world if you ever get your hands on a time machine
The school production may fall apart but at least your mental health would still be somewhat intact
But for now you're stuck with mountains of responsibilities and a sweet fucking annoying distraction
Speaking of said distraction
Jesse plays the lead's best friend and also an asshole who won't let you get on with your work
So he has his fair share of time on stage
But even then, you can barely catch a break
As soon as he steps foot into the wings he somehow immediately finds you
It honestly baffles you how differently Jesse acts in and out of class
Okay but on a real note you can't be at all angry at Jesse
Not when he's being so sweet and charming
Even though he keeps getting in your way
At one point, when the director was sick so you had to take that over whilst being stage manager and assistant director as well you had snapped at Jesse
He hadn't even been flirting with you at that point
Mans was literally just in the vicinity
Apparently that was enough of a crime to warrant your wrath
You absolutely still cringe thinking about that day
You hadn't shouted or anything
No, no you'd angrily whispered
And because you were stressed and upset your voice jumped like 5 octaves
Okay maybe not but it felt that way
You were giving mickey mouse realness
Which we love :D
It just wasn't the time
It's never the time for mickey mouse realness in today's society smh
You were on the verge of tears and mass murder which is always a good combination
(why are you always breaking down around this man fr)
Jesse had stared at you wide-eyed as you shat out a monologue of stress and misplaced anger
And once you were finished, chest heaving and feeling lighter than you had in a while, Jesse sends you an encouraging smile
"Sorry, sweetheart, I never meant to offend ya. Honestly, I was kinda hoping I was breaking up your stress, that's where I was coming from anyway. Still, I only caused you grief, not very fair of me, I'll admit."
You sniffed, awkwardly laughing things off and rubbing at your face
"Sorry for snapping at you. God, why is it whenever we talk I'm always freaking out."
Jesse laughs, a cheeky grin lighting up his face
"It's so I can rescue you from the depths of your despair, like your very own knight in shining armour."
Your roll your eyes good-naturedly, your own smile making it's way onto your face
"Oh, my hero!"
You pretend to swoon and Jesse's smile widens
You give yourself a second to take a breath, realising that, as bad as it seems afterwards, you really needed this
"Thank for, um, listening I guess. I didn't realise how much I needed to get off my chest until I was throwing it at you so I'm sorry but thank you."
Jesse gives a small nod and smile
"Anytime...well, maybe not any but you get what I mean."
After getting over that bump in the road the two of you get on like a house on fire
And you quickly come to appreciate the break in routine that Jesse gives you
You never quite realise how much the stress is getting to you until Jesse drags you away from your scripts and into something else
Something fun
As you two become closer you notice that he's started becoming more.. touchy
Like brushing stray hairs out of you face
Or tapping the tip of your nose
Or giving you a side hug before going on stage
Or leaning up against you to read over your notes
Things like that
And at first you thought they were innocent, unconscious actions
Until of course he started winking at you as he walked on stage
Or smirking at you after smoothing down a stray hair
Or making stupid comments as he moves away
Jesse is absolutely fucking with you
This absolute bitch
You're about to pull up fr
And his flirting continues throughout the whole rehearsal period
And you love it
It gives you happy butterflies in your chest and stomach
It's bearable you suppose...
But his secret winks and smiles directed only at you do get you thinking a little bit
You've never really watched the rehearsals properly
Probably not a good thing to be realising now, seeing as you have such important roles
Oh well, you haven't ruined the show yet
Everything will probably be just fine
Obviously you'd directed and checked for cues when leading everyone backstage but you'd never just watched it
So as the rehearsals left before opening night dwindle to only a few you decide you'll just watch for once
And somehow you've never noticed that Jesse's character has a love interest
Not a problem
You have zero problems
Next question
Okay shut up
It does slightly grind on your nerves watching their confession scene
It's fine.
No worries.
You can handle this.
But it certainly doesn't help that Jesse keeps making eye contact with you when saying his lines
Like,, bro
The director in you wants to scream
He's meant to be confessing to his love interest, not you !!
Make eye contact with the love interest !!
But the rest of you ??
Simply ascending every time Jesse confesses while gazing into your eyes
The dreamy asshole
Not so subtly glad he's looking at you and not at them
It's getting kinda hard to distinguish between reality and fiction
And the heat in your cheeks won't disappear regardless so that's great
Your only saving grace is that Jesse doesn't keep his eyes on you throughout the whole scene
But every time without fail, just before the scene ends, Jesse searches for your gaze and holds it, uttering his character's final line
"My love, for you I would do anything."
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celestie0 · 4 months
Hello there <3
I've been following you for quite some time now, but been more on the silent reader brigade, but I just wanna say I love your work so much and I'm totally not checking your Tumblr and Ao3 like every few hours to see if there's an update of Kickoff, but anyways-
I saw this one post you made answering another persons claim of gangbang and orgy being a different thing (which is true), but gangbang referring to just rape also which is not.
I'm Sorry, but I feel like I have to educate people here ^^' just ignore this if you're bothered by my 'uhm actually' attitude here :')
A gangbang refers to a group of dominating people (mostly men) having sex with a single (or at least fewer) submissive person (mostly women). It doesn't have to be rape necessarily, but is often interlinked with it given the circumstances.
An orgy on the other hand is just a bunch of people having sex with each other, regardless of their stance and amount of subs and doms.
So, taking this in consideration with the original post you made about like the haunted house thingy with the JJK men as ghosts (feel free to correct me ^^') it would indeed count as a gangbang, consensual or not, unless they would fuck each other as well, which would be so hot not gonna lie :')
I hope I could shine some light on this topic and you're not mad at me for being so overly correct about it... I just feel like it's something a lot of people get mixed up quite easily and I want to clarify the right terms and meanings.
Sooo... Now, after revealing my questionable knowledge about things I maybe shouldn't share on the internet, I'll go back in my silent corner and relentlessly stalk your account for updates :3
Btw no stress about it, we all know how occupied you are and we've all been there, so take your time <3
hi my dear!! thanks so much for taking the time to explain this. tw rape/noncon below the cut
yeah, my own original conception was similar. i thought gangbang was just multiple people on one person (usually multiple men on one woman) and any examples i had seen online in porn at least were not even remotely related noncon so i guess that was my perception was to never question that it wasn’t inherently consensual. n then yea orgy was just multiple people w multiple other people like a fuck party LMFAOOO the way this convo is so technical is kinda funny to me but it’s educational too so it’s fine. i can see how these two definitions are very different in nature, so they’re not entirely interchangeable regardless of the discussion of consensual vs nonconsensual
but when that anon pointed it out, i looked it up and i did see quite a few urban definitions of gangbang as something that is indeed non consensual?
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this is the definition that google has formally placed at the top (not saying google knows all lol) but i did see a few other definitions that were similar in other websites
i’m not entirely sure what’s credible, since my definition was purely based on porn i’ve seen 💀 i’m no sex ed specialist. but i acknowledge your definition as well!! bottom line, i really don’t want to endorse any sort of behavior or acts on this blog that are nonconsensual or having to do w rape, so i think maybe i will find other ways around describing multi partner scenarios without using the word “gangbang” going forward!! i think i’d rather use a diff word(s) if it can explain it the same way rather than using a word my followers may find triggering or upsetting. i hope this isn’t coming off as me not accepting your definition or your input!! i really appreciate you for taking the time to educate n share <33
and aaa thank uuu so very much for the sweet words ab my writing!! :”) it means sm to me SLSKDJDH lol i’m so flattered to know u check my blog that often but also so sorry for the delays w chapters 😭😭😭 you’re too sweet n kind n thank you so much for your patience!! have a wonderful day/night my love :)
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trenchcoatsbi · 6 months
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hallo!! its your nonbinary egg prosecutor again to talk about kin stuff :DDD, I hope you guys are doing alright with the entire thing with wil..and because rn things on the qsmp are a bit of a mess with the team, but I'm here to whip you guys back to reality and send you a lot of hugs!! this is a bit of a random thing but usually when I kinshift to franziska I picture myself as her young self either baby fran (that is basically child franziska) like rn or rookie prosecutor where she was like 13 and rarely when she is 18, maybe because I'm a teenager?? but I'm not really sure I was wondering if it could be an agere thing but I am not so sure about that either, regardless of that I'm feeling much more calm regarding everything that has been going on qsmptwt is burning ig? but eh not my issue at all I'm sure things will turn out fine in the end, I have faith in quackity as well as the admins
welp! see you later folks!!! please take care of yourself :DDD
-(cannon divergent llulah anon) franziska von karma ace attorney⭑
oh geez i didn't realize this was still in the inbox! I coulda sworn that I responded to it! ah curse my faulty memory! anywho geez sorry for leaving you on read so to say? i mean its not a big deal i just ughghg I like talkin to ya. lowkey sucks to realize i've left ya hanging but eh that's just how it is sometimes.
anyway franziska!! hi hello! happy to hear from you again :]! Hope things are all good with you too! Stuffs been fucked lately but I'm gonna pull through, t's gonna take a lot more than a little stress to kill me. [also thanks for the hugs. sending some your way too! hope they find you well]
Kinda piggy backin off of your thought cause t's really interestin to me. I remember a lil while back I'd align a lot more with the uh younger version of one of my kintypes but with time it's kinda shifted? idk augh I'm just more prone to reminiscing abt stuff that's more related to source which happened when I was older.
Just in general I've been thnking abt how like almost all of my kintypes are older than me rn. Feels weird tbh always thinkin I'm older than I am, but eh t's probably just a me skill issue on top of my habit of being old men in terms of kin stuff. Seriously some one stop me from being old geezers with children, I'm too young to be adopting people at the rate I've been at it...
Anyway I'm gonna just cut myself off there. The rest of my rambling can go into my private journal it's all a bit much haha. aight I'm gonna get back to responding to asks faster again I swear. I'm gonna claw my way back into being on top of things one way or another. I miss this blog which is a weird thing to say but idk I think about yall anons a lot. You all take care and all that! The eleventh month anniversary is right around the corner (it's the 16th so uh yeah literally just right there) and I might be sappy abt it again but I think I'll save the really sappy shit for the 1 year anniversary. yall watch out!!! it's ridiculous how easy it is for me to be emotional abt people I pretty much just know through an inbox.
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skzoologist · 7 months
The weather has been very uh,,,flaky ig is the word I'll use this time round 💀 we had a day where the day started off at 32°F (0°C) with frost all over the grass and cars and then jumped up to 65°F (18°C) so that was an experience 🧍 but I'm doing my best to stay warm! Bundling up in many many layers <3 glad to hear that the weather where you are has been nice!!
Thank you 😭😭 I wish you luck in your classes when they start up again!!
Ooh you danced too? 👀 What did you dance? :O
The festival was great! But it was really loud and there were lots of ppl which kinda got overwhelming after a bit ^^;
I think I caught it from my friend who stayed over a couple nights last week 😭 cuz no one else around me in any of my classes had any symptoms 😭😭
I'm close enough to my parents that they decided to just deliver me a bunch of food and medicine when I found out 😭 I'm mostly fine now, just still a bit congested and coughing a bit although my throat still doesn't feel all that great 🧍I should be mostly fine by the end of the week though,,,hopefully 🤞
I hope that the docs figure it out and that you feel better soon 😭😭 glad to hear that Luna's surgery went well and that she's feeling better! Also happy to hear your family member is recovering well!!
Don't worry ab updating Unfamiliarity, Jinnie 😭, we understand!! 💕
- 🐹
Oh yeah, these big jumps in the weather are deadly, we just don't start from that cold here. Not going to lie, I wish it was a bit colder, I miss being able to bundle up in a blanket without cooking myself alive...
Yeah, well, I need to succeed in my entrance exam first that is probably in may 💀 But thank you.
Ah, well, at a very young age I danced traditional dances, but it wasn't my style so I changed to group dances, where we also danced some tango, waltz, these type of traditional dances. But after a few years our teacher got really strict and competitive, so we all left the group collectively, since it was no fun anymore. And after that, I haven't danced, because I have no one to dance with and my anxious self doesn't wanna go alone. Even though it would do my dying body good too...
That is something I dislike about festivals, the crowd and how overwhelming they can get. Glad you still had fun though!
Oh! Glad that your parents are close enough to take care of you. Still, take it easy, this thing is hard to get rid of.
Yeah, well, I've been living with this for a year now almost, docs always end up saying it's allergy or stress or just my nerves. And then I'm supposed to act normal and polite after that 😃 Anyway, yes, at least the others in my family are doing good now.
Eh, do you guys though? I truly know how frustrating it is when a fic you enjoy goes on a long hiatus, especially when the author is still alive and responding, just not writing. I originally wanted to finish the story last year, write the remaining chapters while I slowly post the written ones here. That was nearly a year ago...
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*takes a deep breath* HE'S SOOOOOO ✨BOYFRIEND✨
Literally my favorite Chris, right there. Absolutely no look of him beats that one for me, all soft and cozy 😭
Anyway 🧍🏻‍♀️ how are you my dear?? I saw you were a lil stressed I hope things are a little better now 💖 I've been fine but omg January has been so slow I mean it always is but oh my god?? Everyday has been okay but mostly 'ughhhh can't wait to finish this so I can lay in bed' kinda thing you know??
But !! My friends and I got tickets today to see Itzy 😭😭😭😭 I'm so excited I'll finally see my girl Ryujin 🥰
- 🍒
HE REALLY ISSSSSSS.... he's so squishy and and i just want to... 🤏🤏🤏🤏
january has also felt suuuper long to me, and i'm honestly kinda glad it's finally february, but at the same time i'm terrified because i just know everything's gonna go at x3 times speed from now on jfnsjkdnfsf
i've been feeling the exact same way. i finish work and the first thing i do is turn around and nose dive into my bed for a nap lol. i started taking iron in hopes of that helping how tired i feel all the time (prescribed)
so so happy you and your friends got your tickets for itzy though!!!! i hope you guys have a fun time~
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