#anyway i love hiding hearts in Errol's hair
errol-banks · 7 months
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More from the teeth au that's consuming my brain
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wickxdangels · 4 years
George Weasley Imagine; Overprotective Georgie.
This is actually the very first Harry Potter imagine I’ve ever done! I’m always reading them so it’s kinda weird to be on the other side of the screen making them, but it’s so exciting! Remember, english is not my first language, so if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes please let me know! I appreaciate corrections :) I hope you all enjoy it and thanks for the requests and support! x
Pairing; George Weasley x Reader.
Warnings; Fluff
Request; Would you do a fluff George Weasley request where his significant other is the Golden Trios age and friend and her family is apart of the Order of the Phoenix so the summer before her 6th year Death Eaters attack her family and George is worried/overprotective of the idea of her going back to Hogwarts?
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It was afternoon, when Y/n walked on her backyard, admiring the roses and different kinds of flowers that were growing there. The sun hitting on the surface of each one, highlighting their vibrant colors. 
Summer was definitely her favorite season, even though she missed her friends quite a lot during it, she so much loved and preferred the warmth of the sun against her skin, instead of the biting coldness that winter brings. 
Harry must’ve having the time of her life, along with Hermione and Ron, she thought. They have decided to spend their summer before sixth year together, she on the other hand, could not. 
Her parents, who worked with the Order of the Phoenix, took a well-deserved little summer break; so instead of planning attacks in the Order headquarters, against You-Know-Who and his followers, or traveling to different places to find allies to join the cause, they were spending it with their only daughter. They’ve come to the raw realization that family-time nowadays were scarce, lots of members have lost their family members while fighting for the Order, so this summer they wanted to spend it with their daughter before she returned to Hogwarts.
“Sweetie, how about I make your favorite meal for supper?” Her mother softly asked, leaning against the door of the backyard as she stared at her daughter, who was now walking towards the inside of her house after a few minutes of taking in the sun.
“Sure, mum. That sounds good by me, where’s dad?” She asked, closing the door behind her as she looked back at her mom.
“He’s in the study, dear. He’s now having a little talk with Remus and some of the members of the Order. We better not interrupt him.” Her mother replied.
She nodded, watching as her mother smiled once last time to her as she disappeared to the kitchen. Y/n sighed as she walked up the stairs towards her room, her dad would always be busy with the order, and she understood that. They were very protective over Harry and even more so after the death of his godfather, Sirius Black, last year. 
As she opened the door of her room, she heard a little slow tap coming from her window, she quickly walked towards it and found an grey owl sitting on the edge of it, a letter on its beak as it breathed heavily, noticeable tired of the journey it had just traveled. 
“Oh, Errol. The Weasley’s really need to lay off with you for a bit, you seem old enough to retire, buddy.” She chuckled as she opened her window, the owl stepping inside of her room rather quickly as it opened its beak, letting the letter fall to the small night table under the window before the owl itself passing out and falling to the floor. 
Y/n just shook her head, smiling at the tired and old owl before grabbing it softly and placing it at the end of her bed. She then sat down as well and opened up the letter resting in her hands, wondering who was it from. 
Dear Sweetheart,
I’m writing you to check up on you, how has your summer been so far? I’ve missed your face and of course, pulling pranks on you.. maybe I missed the latter a little bit more… No, never mind, I really miss your beautiful face, the picture I keep on my nightstand of you, really doesn’t make justice.
Mum’s been bugging me to tell you she also misses you quite dearly, and wishes for you to visit us for Christmas, she says something about having a present for you already; you know her.
Fred’s been sending more and more letters to Angelina, and he finally admitted to me their relationship is official, good for him. That way we won’t have to drag him around and he won’t have to complain about being a bad third.
Anyways, it’s been fun here in The Burrow with Harry and Hermione, we’ve been playing Quidditch and coming up with new pranks for the upcoming semester at Hogwarts. Ginny is still acting weird towards Harry and Hermione still blushes every time Ron is around, nothing much has changed.
I really hope you’re taking care of yourself and enjoying your time with your parents, I know you desired having them more time with you, so I’m happy you finally got the chance to do so.
I miss you more and more each day, so expect more letters from me as I expect more from you, your handwriting is adorable if I must say so.
Well, I’m running out of ink so I must bid you an adieu.
I’m really looking forward to seeing you when school starts. I love you so much, sweetheart. Always remember that.
The best-looking Weasley twin, George.
Pd: Please, allow Errol to take a nap before sending him back, if not he’ll probably pass out mid-air. I know, I know, he’s too old but he still does his job correctly, or so I hope. Thanks baby.
The letter sure made her heart ache for him even more, he had missed him dearly all summer long. Missing the way his red hair gleamed under the sunlight and the way his warm eyes would stare at her whenever she would tell him about Snape being hard on her in Potions class. She missed the way he would always wink at her standing on the bleachers before any Quidditch match, and how they would cuddle in their common room whenever winter nights were too cold. 
She looked at the old owl with a smile on her face before standing up to look for her parchment and quill to write her reply letter.                                                           
A few hours later, she finished her supper and was currently laying on her bed, reading a new book her mother had bought for her for some light summer reading, in the background little snores came from Errol, she didn’t even know owls could snore but at least that was a sign that the owl bird was still alive, she wondered how old the bird was. 
She looked at the clock, it was already 11:30 pm as she sat down and placed her book on her desk, Errol finally stirring awake from his long nap as he looked at her. 
“Good to know you’re awake buddy, hope you had a good nap.” She said, softly stroking his grey feathers as he just hooted. 
She stood up from the bed and walked towards her desk, grabbing the letter from it before giving it to the owl. Errol then with its little foot grabbed on her fingers as she opened the window, helping the owl take impulse before flying off to the dark sky. 
She sighed, closing the window before sitting down on her bed. She was counting the days until the day she would see George again.
Hopefully soon.. she thought. 
It must’ve been some hours past midnight, probably around 3 am when she heard some weird noises in her backyard, she shrugged it off thinking it must be the neighbor’s cat who always jumped to their backyard from time to time, but then she heard another rustling sound and a cold breeze hit her body, not usual for a summer’s night. 
She quickly woke up, grabbing her wand from her desk where she usually kept it in case of emergency, and she sure knew this was an emergency. 
She quickly ran towards her parent’s bedroom, both of them still asleep as she woke them up in a haste. “Mum, Dad, quickly! Wake up!” She half-yelled, not wanting to make the unwanted guest know they were aware of their surprise visit. 
Her parents, who were opening their eyes in confusing. “Wh-what? What’s going on, sweetheart?” Her dad asked, he noticed the wand in her hand as she looked back and forth around the room. 
“Death Eaters! I-i think they are here!” She breathlessly said as both of their parents were quick to grab their wands and stand up from the bed, the mom wrapped her arms around the daughter’s shoulders as she tried to calm her, her father quickly going out of the room and checking through Y/n’s window that was the only one facing the backyard.
Death Eaters, indeed. He was surprised that they had found out their location; it was a matter of time, he supposed. He watched as they just stood there for a bit before another Death Eater apparated there, probably the leader of the rest. With some quick words and nods, he saw as they muttered a quick Incendio spell from their wands, as fire erupted from them, the flames embracing the flowers his wife had planted and quickly spreading to the house, he saw as they walked inside and it was a matter of time before they ran into each other. 
He ran back towards his room, looking at both his wife and daughter. “Do we fight them, dad?” Y/n asked, always brave and ready for the action whenever it was needed, a true Gryffindor like himself. “No sweetie, we are not fighting them. They outnumber us and I’m not ready to take any chances with you two here. We have to leave at once!” He quickly grabbed some bags he had hiding behind a desk. “I have already made a emergency plan if this was ever to happen, now everybody grab my hand.” Her dad was quick to say as he could her things breaking downstairs, Y/n was shocked to see her dad not putting up a fight. “But dad! We cannot let them destroy our house!” She exclaimed as she faced her father.
“Sweetie, your and your mother lives are more important to me than the house. Property can be replaced, lives cannot.” He maintained a fixed composure, he knew that he had to be brave in front of his family.
They took a moment to nod before they heard footsteps on the stairs, they quickly grabbed on his hand as they apparated out of the room just in time for the Death Eater to bust into the room, throwing the deadly curse at the wind.
Harry was right, was the first thing she thought.
Apparition really did feel like being forced through a very tight rubber tube, her stomach felt uneasy, after all it was her first time using this method of travel. It was quicker than floo powder, for sure, but not her favorite at all. 
She looked up to find herself in very familiar surroundings, her dad took no time in walking towards the big house that was in front of them, she looked around and her mother softly caressed her hair “Are we..?” Her mother nodded. “The Burrow, darling. We all agreed to come here in any type of emergency, now let’s go and say hi to the Weasley’s.”
They both quickly walked towards the big four-story home, she looked down at her outfit, kind of glad she didn’t decide to wear her more childish but comfortable pajamas, she looked up just in time to see the patriarch of the family, Arthur Weasley, come out of the door with Molly by his side, both of them carrying worried faces as the rest of the home started to lit up completely, waking up everybody. 
“Hello, Molly.” Y/n mom softly said, with a sad tone to her voice as the redhaired woman approached them. “I’m thankful all of you are alright, it would’ve devastating if they have invaded both of our homes.” 
“Oh, dear! I’m just thankful that you three made it out without a scratch! Now, come on! Let’s get you all settled down, a pot of tea is already waiting for us.” Molly said with a tender smile as she embraced both of the women, walking inside as her dad and Arthur wandered off to contact the rest of the Order to let them know of the attack. 
Once they got inside the house, their worries seemed to disappear by the second, her head was still wild thinking about her home being burned to the ground.
“Mum, what’s going on—” the sentence was quick to fly from George’s lips as he walked down stairs to find his girlfriend and his girlfriend’s mum in his kitchen, when she heard the voice of George she was swift on her feet to run towards him, wrapping her arms around his neck as he quickly embraced her, burying his face on her neck, breathing in her sweet fragrance. “Merlin’s beard!” He cussed out, “Babe, what happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?” George quickly asked, wanting to put an end to his doubts, don’t get him wrong, he was happy to have her in his arms but confused as to why they apparated at 3 am in his house.
“They attacked our house! Death Eaters, George! They came out of nowhere and burned our home!” She cried out, her eyes filling up with tears as she hugged him tighter, wanting to feel the warmth and protection of his body embracing her. “I wish I could’ve done something, fought them! they just burned it down. I just feel so hopeless.” 
“Don’t you dare say that! You are one of the bravest Gryffindors I know. It was better to avoid fighting them now, we have to prepare for battle and it wouldn’t be nice training with a wounded girlfriend.” He joked a bit, trying to brighten her mood up a bit as she chuckled between sobs before cleaning away her tears. “I guess you’re right..”
“When am I not right, babe?” He winked at her as he kissed her lips softly.
“Okay, now you’re just getting cocky.” She replied shaking her head.
Seconds laters, the whole pack came down, Fred and Ginny along with The Golden Trio who were quick to check up on her and ask questions, Harry getting furious at the Death Eaters once again, tired of them coming after their friends.
“It’s not your fault, Harry, dear. We knew what we were getting ourselves into when we agreed to be part of The Order and we wouldn’t want it any other way.” Y/n’s mom said as she caressed Harry’s cheek, Y/n nodded at the statement.
“Okay, kids. It’s time for you to go back to sleep, we can discuss this tomorrow when things have calmed down.” Molly said as she hushed the teens up to their rooms. “I know you’re a bit shaken up, sweetie. So, with your mum’s approval, I’m gonna make the exception for you to sleep in Georgie’s room, but no funny business! The walls are too thin, remember!” 
That night, with her mom and Molly’s approval, Y/n slept with George’s arms embracing her, feeling more protected and comforted, when she said she hoped to see him soon, she didn’t mean like this, but she was glad to be back in his arms. Even if Fred’s snores were too loud.
Days and weeks have gone by, Y/n and her parents have found safe sanctuary and a place to stay at The Order’s headquarters at 12 Grimmauld Place, known as The Black’s family home. It had every security measure known to wizardkind, as Sirius once said, so they felt safe staying there for the time being. 
They’ve gone back to their home, everything was pretty much destroyed except some knick knacks here and there and some family pictures that they’ve brought back to the headquarters. As her dad said, property can be replaced and they were on the process of finding a new place.
The Death Eaters have become more and more aggressive, finding more places to burn to the ground and more allies to torture. 
The Weasley’s and The Golden Trio have visited quite a lot, practicing spells and dueling as they prepared for the upcoming battle, that meant more time with George and she couldn’t complain, of course having her friends around was pretty amazing too.
There were few days left of summer, as she packed the remains of her belongings and her robes in suitcases, preparing for going back to Hogwarts. She was a bit excited to go back to school, cause this year had interesting courses she was dying to be part of. Yes, she was very alike Hermione when it came to school, one of the reasons the two got along so well, but she also liked to have fun from time to time, another reason she and The Golden Trio kicked it off good. 
“What are you doing?” George’s voice asked as he leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms as she stared at her while she finished packing. 
“Packing for Hogwarts, of course.” She replied in an obvious tone to him as she finished zipping up her baggage.
“I don’t think going back to Hogwarts might be safe for you, considering everything that happened with the Death Eaters and lots of the Slytherin kids are their offspring..” 
“C’mon, Georgie.” She used Molly’s pet name for him. “You can’t be serious. It’s Hogwarts we are talking about! Probably one of the most safe places I could think of!” She was kind of exaggerating with that last part, Hogwarts has been anything but safe these last few years, but that didn’t stop her from wanting to finish her education, even if that meant one or two accidents here and there. 
“I am serious, Y/n! I don’t want you running into any danger at Hogwarts, and we both know you’re quite good at that..” He raised his brow at her before walking towards her and wrapping his arms around her waist. “Oh, really? You’re the one telling me that, Mr. Troublemaker?” She giggled as she placed her arms around her neck, bringing him down a bit to then place a soft kiss against his lips. “Besides, we both know that if I’m ever in deep trouble, you’ll always be there for me, right?” She asked.
“Then, let’s just think about how cool will it be to be back at school. We could go to Hogsmeade, maybe make-out in our free periods..” She slowly explained.
“There’s no way I’m convincing you otherwise, is there?”
“Sometimes, you truly are brilliant, Georgie.” She giggled as she pecked his lips once again. “Now, come on. Let me show you some new pranks I’ve been thinking of.”
They really were made for each other.
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shadowsinger11 · 4 years
Dear Bobi,
It’s been a few days since my last letter, and I know we’ve talked face to face in that time, especially because your letter was so poetic I didnt even try to write back to it because there’s no way I can compete with that, are you mad?! Had me close to tears! So, it was only natural that I replied with my unbelievable talent of flirting. Still cant believe that after I flustered you, you decided to get me back by kissing me on the cheek and then running off to lesson. This means war! In the sweetest, most adoring way possible.
Anyway, you might think this is unnecessary because we’ve spoken since our last letters. But, I’ll have you know this is a very special occasion, because today is the birthday of the most beautiful girl in the world!!! That’s you, by the way. And if any day you deserve to receive a letter, it’s this one!
Obviously, Fred and I have planned the whole day (even set up a particularly special prank on Snape just for you, ever wondered what he’d look like with bright pink hair?), but I feel there’s only one way I can start your day off right. For that reason, I’ll be waiting at the astronomy tower to ask you a very special question. You dont have to say yes, but I think even if you do say no, when you see what I’ve got planned you’ll change your mind anyway! It’s time for me to test out my own Gryffindor chivalry by making this the best day ever, because that is what my favourite person in the entire world deserves!
And there is also another question, an even more vital one, life or death, some might say...is birthday cake an appropriate choice of breakfast? Because if you dont think it is, Fred and I will have to hide the cake from Ron until you feel it’s the right time to eat it. The day is yours, as is the choice of how long we deprive my younger brother of cake!
Oh, also, Mum’s made you a special edition Weasley jumper because I wrote her a letter telling her I’d finally confessed, and after hearing me ramble about you for years on end she burst into tears and made the entire thing in one night. A non-Christmas, birthday-special jumper, just for you! This is the only present Im allowed to spoil, and Im allowed to spoil it because Mum has instructed me to give you the jumper first thing, which Im going to deliver with this letter!
Errol actually managed to deliver the last one on time, so I definitely dont trust him to do that twice in a row, and instead Im going to deliver this to you myself. Might even throw in a wink if you’re lucky ;)
Oh, and happy birthday, darling!
All my love,
P.S. Fred stole the parchment from my hands to write that because he doesnt want me getting all the credit, the prat.
Ok this literally had me sobbing into my buttered slice of bread, it's fantastic!! I'm so bloody happy to be reading this first thing in the morning, thank you so much for blessing me with this wonderful gift, I'm happy beyond words!!
Dear George,
You're speaking of poetic, yet you have me sobbing first thing in the morning, unable to form words as to how incredibly happy you've just made me. I usually pride myself in my writing skills, but you have me speechless even as I'm trying to pour my feelings out on paper. I hope you're satisfied with this fact.
A war, you say? Bring it on, Weasley. I'm ready for it.
I absolutely approve of this glorious plan because, let's face it - bright pink matches his personality. I'm not making it up, it's facts. Also, cake does sound perfect for breakfast, please don't make our dear Ronniekins starve. At least not that much.
I expect nothing but fabulous pranks from you and Fred, and I'm sure you'll outdo yourselves like you always manage to do despite me already being truly stunned in the first place.
I am currently wearing the jumper which your mom knitted for me, and I'm actually crying because there is no way in Godric's name I'm ever going to express just how grateful I am for having you in my life, especially on days like this. You know I'm a hopeless romantic by nature (something you should probably get used to), so I'm going to say you're definitely the most amazing thing to happen to me, the greatest gift of them all, my love.
You might be deemed The-Less-Handsome-Half-Of-My-Birthday-Organising-Team, but you're always going to be The-Most-Handsome-Man-To-Have-Stolen-My-Heart, because you caught it between your claws without an ounce of mercy, and ever since then I've been a slave to you.
Can't wait to meet you in a bit, and I'll be wearing the jumper you gave me. It's unbelievably soft to the touch and I adore it, but I much prefer yours instead.
Yours forever,
P.S. Thanks a lot for turning me into a mess, the mascara will be hell to remove.
Send me a letter from my favorite character!
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puffwriter1998 · 4 years
The Things We Let Go Ch. 5
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Summary: Addison makes her way to King’s Cross and back to Hogwarts for her fifth year.
Character Pairings: Fred Weasley X OC
Word Count: 4.6k
The next couple of weeks staying at The Leaky Cauldron were filled with lots of tension and whispers between the adults. Immediately following the events at the World Cup, the Abbotts had offered to deliver me back home to my parents until the end of the holiday. I’d insisted that this was completely unnecessary, saying that I truly didn’t want to worry my parents over a band of drunken men who’d wanted to stir up trouble. 
 Truthfully, I was terrified of bringing the prejudices and problems of the wizarding world, home into their non-magical lives. If for some crazy reason, the Death Eaters wanted to come after me for what I’d seen that night, or even just because of my blood status, I didn’t intend for them to find me at home. I had half convinced myself that I would be able to avoid going home for the rest of my magical education, but I hadn’t been able to work out a good enough reason to be gone the entirety of the summer holidays every year. 
 Between afternoons of shopping for my school books and supplies in Flourish and Blott’s and enjoying ice cream sundaes with Charlie and Hanna at Florean Fortescue's I’d received several letters from Ginny; each delivered by the Weasley’s slightly decrepit owl, Errol. Each of them demanded to know exactly what had gone on that night in the woods between Fred and I. I hadn’t responded to any of them yet, simply because there wasn’t anything to say. We really had just sat together like a couple of scared puppies in the darkness. But I knew I’d have to fill Ginny in on the way to school. 
 The day before we were due back on the Hogwarts Express, we had just returned from purchasing sets of dress robes from Madam Malkin’s and were packing our trunks when a small screech owl began pecking at mine and Charlie’s bedroom window. The owl interrupted the first thought I’d had about how curious it was that we’d need formal robes for our year at Hogwarts. I quickly crossed the scantly decorated bedroom and opened the window to let the petite, proud-looking bird in. In the slight breeze that wafted in through the opening, I noticed the smell of coming rain. I groaned internally at the thought of trekking to the carriages tomorrow in the rain.
 The little brown owl stood regally on the windowsill and held out his leg to me. On it was a rolled up slip of paper with my name scrawled on the outside. 
 “I wonder who this is from?” I scowled as I untied the twine binding the roll of parchment to the bird. 
 “I bet I can guess,” giggled Charlie, who had given up on her packing momentarily and was spread across her bed. 
 I unrolled the paper and squinted at the messy handwriting on the page. Immediately, the name scratched into the bottom made my heart jump into my throat. 
Hope you’re holding up okay after The Cup. I reckon you might be a bit of a cry baby, but you can cry on my shoulder any time. See you at King’s Cross. 
 I turned to face Charlie and beamed. I couldn’t believe Fred Weasley had taken the time to check up on me. My stomach twisted up into the same butterflies that I’d experienced before the World Cup. 
 “Well go on,” Charlie laughed, “What’s it say?” 
 I crossed the tiny bedroom and flopped down on the bed next to her. Even though we’d been staying here for a while, dust motes floated up from it through the dim sunlight filtering in through the discolored window. I held the paper out to her, “I think it says that he wants to meet me at King’s Cross tomorrow.”
 “You think?” she frowned and nearly ripped the parchment from my hands. She read it over a couple of times silently and pursed her lips. “You did not cry in front of Fred Weasley.” 
 We both bust into a fit of giggles as I grabbed one of the ancient green throw pillows and beamed it at her head. “Shut it! We thought we were going to die!” I managed. “Besides, do you think that’s what he meant? He wants to meet before we get on the train tomorrow?” 
 “It certainly sounds like it. Ooooh d’you think he likes you?” she asked, handing the note back to me. 
 “I doubt it,” I sighed, settling down further into the musty smell of the pillows, “honestly, he probably just feels bad that I was such a git about the whole mess at the Cup.” 
 Charlie propped herself up on her elbows and bored her emerald eyes into mine, “I know you think you’re disgusting or something after that whole mess with Cedric, but honestly Addie, that was ages ago. You just need to get over it,” she said pointedly. 
 I was slightly taken back by the bluntness of her statement, but I knew there was probably some truth to it. I opened my mouth to object, but before I could say anything she started again. 
 “And you’re kind of gorgeous you know,” she laughed. “Fred would be lucky to have someone like you. If I liked girls, I’d date you.” 
 “Not so fast there,” I chuckled. “Who say’s I’d date you?” 
 She clutched her heart and flipped over backwards like she’d been wounded. I laid my head down and stared up at the grey ceiling. Letting my eyes trail up and down the grain in the wood, I pondered what this note from Fred could mean. Part of me wanted to hope that Charlie was right, that he’d be lucky to have someone like me. I tried very quickly to shut that part up though; the thought of opening myself up to the humiliation and rejection that I’d felt before was a petrifying one. The number of students at Hogwarts was so small, almost everyone at least knew everyone else’s face, if not their name, blood status, and life history. Word got around quickly at school, and I’d surely never get a boyfriend if everyone thought I was desperate. 
 I let out another large sigh. Charlie ignored it and jumped off the bed and resumed putting her things away into her trunk. 
 “What’re you going to wear?” she asked. 
 “I was just thinking a pullover, it looks like rain. Why?” 
 “No, no,” she shook her head. “You’re hopeless Addie. Fred wants to see you! You can’t just wear your ratty pullover with the hood!” 
 “Hey how did you-” I started. 
 “You’ll thank me later,” she called over her shoulder as she dug through her trunk. After a moment she tossed an armful of light blue wool at me. “That’s my favorite jumper, and I want it back, but it’ll look lovely with your eyes.” 
 I held up the soft blue sweater and looked it over. It was the same color as the sky on a clear summer day; the exact color of the eyes my mother had passed on to me. 
 “You think a sweater will make Fred Weasley fall in love with me?” I rolled my eyes, but trying to hide the excitement on my face. The jumper would be a lot nicer than anything I’d planned to wear. We change into our school robes on the train, so I never put too much effort into my appearance on the morning of September first. 
 “I think you can make Fred Weasley fall in love with you dressed in a tea towel like a House Elf; the sweater is just a plus.” 
 I mused over the idea of pursuing Fred for the next several hours while we packed our things and had dinner with Charlie’s family. It was hard to imagine, I just kept seeing scenes of Fred making fun of me and me being too embarrassed and flustered to ever be somewhat appealing to him. Fred probably liked the funny girls, and funny I was not. I could appreciate a good joke as much as the next girl, but mine always landed poorly and were awkwardly timed. I just couldn’t make people laugh. 
 Several times, I almost talked myself into avoiding Fred the next day completely, and pretending like the World Cup never happened. But something kept telling me that there would be no forgetting that night. Not anytime soon anyway, so I might as well embrace it. 
 The next morning, Mr. and Mrs. Abbott accompanied the three of us, still rubbing the sleep out of our eyes, to Kings Cross Station. The rain was coming down in sheets, soaking us to the bone in the few moments it took us to run from the Abbott house into the Muggle Taxi they’d called. Wind howled past the car windows as we drove bending trees nearly in half on the side of the road. Charlie and Hannah looked around with wonder, and told me that they only ever got to ride in a car when they were due back at Hogwarts. 
 I was reminded again of the stark difference in our upbringing. Riding in a car was how I got everywhere before I’d found out I was a witch, and was still how I got around with my family over the summer holidays. It was humorous how such a mundane activity was lighting their eyes up with excitement. 
 Lightning cracked overhead, causing us all to start, as we stood in the downpour and retrieved our trunks from the car. The jumper Charlie had lent me was clinging to my body awkwardly and had taken on the smell of a wet dog. My hair hung in long wet strands down my face and every time I wiped the water away from my face, it was immediately soaked again. So much for looking nice. 
 When we made our way inside, Mrs. Abbott pulled the three of us into a washroom and pulled out her wand. “No one wants to show up on the first day of the term soaking wet,” she said with a wink. 
 She quickly looked over her shoulder and pointed her wand at us. She murmured something under her breath, and suddenly all of the water from our soggy clothes was rising up towards the ceiling as steam. A smile slowly spread across my face as I remembered why I loved this world so much. There is no such thing as an inconvenience when you have magic in your pocket. 
 Now dry and comfortable, our group made our way towards the wall directly between platforms nine and ten. Given that this was my fifth year returning, some of the wonder that had come from running at the red brick at full speed and sliding right through, had worn off. Not all of it though. It was always slightly exhilarating to check to see if no one was watching, and then take off, only to appear safely on platform nine and three quarters, where the gleaming scarlet engine of the Hogwarts Express sat on the tracks. 
 Hannah walked onto the platform following me, but took off towards a group of younger Hufflepuffs immediately, without as much as a “see you!” over her shoulder. I guessed that we’d never really be great friends. Charlie and Mrs. Abbott came through next, followed by Mr. Abbott, who today had chosen a grey jumper to compliment his mustache. 
 Now that we were in the presence of the train, the butterflies in my stomach returned. I hadn’t yet spotted the sea of red hair that would be the Weasley family, but I knew they’d be here any minute, it was nearly eleven. I was nervously adjusting my sweater time and time again the entire time that the Abbotts hugged us goodbye. I couldn’t even remember if I gave them a proper goodbye. 
 “Cool it Addie,” Charlie whispered out of the corner of her mouth as we crossed the platform towards the train. “It’s Fred, not the bloody Prime Minister.” 
 I nodded and tried to still my hands. I didn’t know why I was so nervous, I’d spent the entire night at the Cup pressed up against his chest. Surely I could say hello to him without feinting. 
 “Addison!” I heard my name called from the crowd behind me, and whipped my head around. A petite frame with a head of long carrot-colored hair was bounding towards me, agilely dodging students and trunks. 
 “Hey, Ginny,” I laughed as she reached us. 
 “You,” she wheezed, trying to catch her breath. “You didn’t respond to a single one of my letters.” She poked a finger at my chest. 
 “Hello to you too Ginny,” Charlie muttered from my side. We both ignored her.
 “Look, there wasn’t much to say,” I batted her finger away and laughed. “Besides, I figured it would give us something to talk about on the ride up today.” 
 The scowl that had settled into her brow softened. “Fine, but I want every single detail,” then she turned to Charlie. “Forgive me, had to get that bit off my chest. Did you both enjoy the end of your holiday?” 
 “It was alright, Mum just about wouldn’t let us out of her sight after what happened at the Cup,” Charlie sighed, “I’m just ready to get back to Hogwarts so I can have some freedom again.” 
 Suddenly, we were interrupted by the approach of another red head. This one taller, with soft brown eyes and the sweetest of grins set on his lips. There was an identical copy of him at his side. 
 “Hope you lot are ready for a bit of fun this year,” said George, the look of mischief clear in his eyes. 
��“Yeah, we’ve got a few things up our sleeve. Should be an interesting term,” Fred said, shooting me a wink over Ginny’s head. My stomach launched into backflips and my face burned red. 
 Ginny rolled her eyes, “You both would be wise to stay away from these two. They’re taking the pranking to a bit of an extreme these days.” 
 “You can’t tell me you don’t admire our entrepreneurship, little sister?” asked George, a fake pained expression on his face. 
 “Come off it,” Ginny grumbled, “You can do whatever you’d like, but keep it away from my friends.” 
 “Alright, alright,” conceded Fred, “But can I steal your friend Morris for a minute?” 
 Ginny glared at him. 
“I promise not to offer her anything to eat,” he chuckled. 
 “Fine,” she said finally. “C’mon Charlie, let’s go find a seat before all the good compartments are filled.” 
 They turned to board the train, followed by George who was grinning at Fred over his shoulder every few moments. As soon as they were gone, Fred’s goofy demeanor slipped away a little bit. 
 I had suddenly become very aware that my back was nearly up against the gleaming metal of the train and Fred was barely a foot in front of me. The bustling platform was starting to feel much more intimate. I slid my hands into the pockets of my jeans and tried to look up at him casually. 
 “Thanks for the owl,” I said too nonchalantly, “I know I seemed pretty shaken up that night, but I’m fine. Honestly.” 
 “Well, yeah, I’m glad you’re okay,” he said, a bit of red creeping up into his freckled cheeks. “I didn’t think you were a mess or anything I just wanted to er- let you know I was thinking about you.” 
 “Oh, er- that’s really kind of you,” I stammered, trying to calm my racing heart enough to form a coherent thought. “I really appreciate you looking out for me. I don’t know if I got to properly thank you.” 
 “Don’t mention it,” he grinned again. “Besides, I didn’t mind spending the evening pressed up against a tree with you.” 
 I could feel the heat rising into my face and I knew my blush gave me away this time. I couldn’t believe Fred Weasley was actually flirting with me, but as long as it was happening, I was going to roll with it. 
 “Well I’ve got to say Weasley, you’re stronger than you look,” I put emphasis on using his last name, the way he always used mine. 
 “Got to be if Gryffindor’s going to keep kicking Hufflepuff arse on the quidditch pitch,” he pulled his lips back over his teeth and laughed. 
 “You wish! Just wait until you see what Cedric has in store for us this year. We beat you last year,” I pointed out. 
 “You beat us because Harry fell off his broom,” said Fred “Diggory’s no match for him.” 
 “This is going to be our best season yet,” I teased. “You’ll be kissing our arses when we win the House Cup.” 
 Fred ran a hand through his shaggy red hair and smiled at me again, “I guess we’ll see.” 
 Suddenly, the whistle on the train let out a wail, causing us both to jump. I remembered we were surrounded by people as I saw parents giving last minute hugs and handing forgotten belongings through the open windows. 
 “Better get a move on,” Fred gestured to the open door next to us. “Unless you want to take my dad’s car?” 
 I rolled my eyes at his joke and turned to climb on board the train. We walked down the narrow hallway, glancing into compartments full of students looking for our friends. Towards the end, I finally spotted Ginny, sitting with Charlie, Ron, Hermione, and Harry. George was nowhere to be seen.
 I slid open the compartment door and turned to Fred, “You’re not coming in are you?” 
 He smiled and shook his head slightly, “Gotta go find George. We’ve got mischief to attend to.” 
 “Right,” I tried to smile, but was slightly disappointed that he wasn’t going to be spending the day with us. “Well maybe I’ll see you later?” 
 “Definitely. See you later Addie,” he drew out the nickname that my friends used for me and winked. 
 “See ya, Freddie,” I replied, using the same tone. 
 I stood for a second and watched him turn and disappear back up the long hallway that was still buzzing with students trying to find a seat. I tried to wipe the silly grin off my face as I turned back around and sat down next to Charlie. I busied myself trying to settle my belongings into the storage space at my feet. When I looked up, the five of them were all staring at me with varying looks of smugness and shock. Most of the smugness was coming from Ginny and Charlie. 
 “Well I’m just going to say it,” said Ron finally. “What the bloody hell was that?”
 Charlie laughed. “Addison has a thing for Fred, obviously.” 
 “Do not!” I insisted, shooting her a warning look. 
 “Oh calm down,” dismissed Ginny, “It’s quite obvious that Fred’s got a thing for Addie too.” 
 “Fred doesn’t get ‘things’ for girls. I was starting to think he wasn’t interested in them!” bellowed Ron. 
 “Honestly Ronald,” interjected Hermione, “he’s nearly of age. I think it’s nice that he’s finally found someone he’s interested in,” she added reassuringly.
 “Look he’s not interested in me!” I blushed for what felt like the hundredth time today. 
“I think you all would be really good together,” said Harry matter-of-factly. He ran a hand through his shaggy black hair. “You both play quidditch, you’re both nice and my friends. I just think it could be a good match.” 
 Ron looked at Harry in confusion, but before he could say anything Hermione started again, “I agree with Harry. I think you should go for it.” 
 “Don’t I get a say in one of my best friend’s dating my older brother?” grumbled Ginny. 
 “Christ! We aren’t dating. I hardly even know him. He just looked out for me during the craziness at the World Cup, and he just wanted to make sure I was okay.” 
 “Oh yeah,” scoffed Ginny, “that’s why he spent days writing and rewriting that four line note he sent you. Face it Addie, he’s into you.” 
 I started to protest again but suddenly Ron was shushing us. “Oi! Listen!”
 Hermione was pressing a finger to her lips and pointing at the compartment door that I’d left open. I tilted my head and listened to the familiar cold, sneering voice drifting in. 
 “… Father actually considered sending me to Durmstrang rather than Hogwarts, you know. He knows the headmaster, you see. Well, you know his opinion of Dumbledore – the man’s such a Mudblood-lover –” my blood chilled at the word, and I noticed Hermione’s face pale, “and Durmstrang doesn’t admit that sort of riffraff. But Mother didn’t like the idea of me going to school so far away. Father says Durmstrang takes a far more sensible line than Hogwarts about the Dark Arts. Durmstrang students actually learn them, not just the defense rubbish we do…” 
 Ginny suddenly stood up angrily, stalked across the compartment and pulled the door closed with a woosh, effectively cutting off the voice of Draco Malfoy. A Slytherin in the same year as Harry, Draco was the son of Lucius Malfoy, a suspected supporter of Voldemort from the first war. 
 “So he thinks Durmstrang would have suited him, does he?” said Hermione angrily. “I wish he had gone, then we wouldn’t have to put up with him.” 
 “What is Durmstrang?” I asked.
 “Yeah, is it another Wizarding school?” added Harry. 
 “Yes,” Hermione said to both of us, “and it’s got a horrible reputation. According to An Appraisal of Magical Education in Europe, it puts a lot of emphasis on the Dark Arts.” 
 “I think I’ve heard of that one before. Dad’s maybe talked about it. Where is it?” interjected Charlie. 
 “Well, no one really knows, do they?” said Hermione, raising an eyebrow.
 “What do you mean?” asked Ginny. I would have thought this would be a boring conversation for people already raised in the magical world, but Charlie, Ginny, and Ron seemed just as intrigued as Harry and I. 
 “Well,” started Hermione as if she were reading to us straight from a book, “There’s traditionally been a lot of rivalry between all the magic schools. Durmstrang and Beauxbatons like to conceal their whereabouts so nobody can steal their secrets.” 
 “Come off it,” laughed Ron. “Durmstrang’s got to be about the same size as Hogwarts – how are you going to hide a great big castle?” 
 Now it was my turn to have the answer, “Actually Ron, Hogwarts is hidden. I think they bewitch it so that muggles can only see old ruins of a castle.” 
 “So Durmstrang just looks like a ruined castle to outsiders?” asked Charlie.
 “Maybe,” said Hermione with a slight shrug, “or it might have a Muggle-repelling charm like the stadium at the World Cup. But I think It would be very far north. Somewhere very cold, because they’ve got fur capes as part of their uniforms.” 
 “Just think of the possibilities,” mused Ginny. “It would have been so easy to push Malfoy off a glacier and make it look like an accident.” 
 “Shame his mother likes him..” snorted Ron. 
 I pondered the thought of the various Wizarding schools across the world as the train surged onward towards Hogwarts. The storm raged on outside the windows, and the sky was so black with rain clouds that the lanterns in the corridor were lit by lunchtime. We ate Cauldron Cakes silently as I savored the taste of the long missed Hogwarts cooking. 
 A few of Harry and Ron’s friends popped their heads in to say hello, and Cedric Diggory even stopped by to ask if Harry and I were ready for the quidditch season to start. Cedric had been very kind to me since the incident where he turned me down, and always did his best not to make things awkward, even if they were. 
 When Ron began recanting their experience in the Top Box at the Cup to Neville Longbottom, a Gryffindor boy in their year, Draco Malfoy appeared in the doorway of our compartment; hair slicked back, a smug smile on his face, and his two goons Crabbe and Goyle towering behind him. 
 “First and last time in your life, Weasley,” he sneered. 
 “Don’t remember asking you to join us, Malfoy,” Harry said coolly. 
 Ignoring him, Draco continued with Ron, “So… going to enter, Weasley? Going to try and bring a bit of glory to the family name? There’s money involved as well, you know… You’d be able to afford decent robes if you won…” he said, glancing over at the mess of lace that I could only assume was Ron’s dress robes, covering a bird cage. 
“What are you talking about?” asked Ron snappily. 
 “Are you going to enter?” Malfoy repeated more slowly, like he was talking to a child. “I suppose you will, Potter? You never miss a chance to show off, do you?” 
 “Either tell us what you’re going on about or beat it, Malfoy,” Ginny piped up with annoyance. A sinister smile spread across Malfoy’s face. 
 “Don’t tell me you lot don’t know?” he sounded delighted. “You’ve got a father and brother at the Ministry and you don’t even know? My god, my father told me about it ages ago… heard it from Cornelius Fudge. But then, Father’s always associated with the top people at the Ministry… Maybe your father’s too junior to know about it, Weasley… yes… they probably don’t talk about important stuff in front of him…” Malfoy laughed and motioned to Crabbe and Goyle and the three of them disappeared off down the hallway. 
 Ginny was clenching her fists so hard that she was surely drawing blood under her fingernails. Ron jumped up and slammed the door with such force that the glass pane shattered, sending shards spraying around the small space. 
 “Ron!” Scolded Hermione, pulling out her wand. She muttered, “Reparo!” and the glass that littered the floor and seats returned to the doorframe and repaired themselves. 
 “Honestly, Ron,” grumbled Charlie, “Don’t let Malfoy get to you like that. He’s a twat.” 
 “Him! Get to me!? As if!” Ron scoffed, but he was absentmindedly crushing a Cauldron Cake in his right hand. 
 Everyone was in a horrible mood for the rest of the train ride, so we continued the afternoon with minimal conversation. No one spoke as we changed into our house robes, the Gryffindor robes accented in scarlet, and ours in yellow. The Hogwarts Express gradually slowed, so I knew we must be getting close to Hogsmeade Station. Hogsmeade was the only entirely magical settlement in Great Britain, so it was the perfect place to let off a train full of young Wizards. 
Charlie and I excused ourselves to go find Hannah and a few other fellow Hufflepuffs before disembarking the train. As the doors slid open, a giant strike of lightnings accompanied by an immediate clap of thunder caused everyone to jump. I filed out onto the platform behind Susan Bones, a dark haired Hufflepuff in Hannah’s year. We bent over to brace against the rain, which was now coming down in what seemed like swimming pools full at a time. All but running, we made our way to the line of carriages waiting for us outside the station. 
 We climbed into one behind Hannah and Susan and slammed the door, shivering. We were all chilled to our cores, huddled together for warmth as the carriages started to roll forward, pulling themselves without horses. I tried to squint out the window at the passing forest, but couldn’t see through the curtain of rain. We soon cleared the trees and began the incline up towards the school grounds. Suddenly, the rain let up just enough for me to see. And there, etched in black against the night sky, was the silhouette of Hogwarts Castle, welcoming us home.
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