#anyway i lost ricky's profile when my other blog went down so now i have to rewrite it.
astramachina · 7 months
You've been talking about ACFD for a while but I don't see it on your AO3 and I'm curious about what it is and where it's being posted. Sorry to bother you!
OMG it's no bother at all!
ACFD—A Composition for Decomposition—is a FNaF longfic I started writing back in November! It's not on my AO3 account because I decided to post it on my alt AO3, the one where I post fics people have commissioned from me.
Why did I do this? Well. sldkjfhsdf There's two reasons.
First, let's just say I had a really rocky start where I was legitimately aggrieved by the fact that FNaF, of all things, latched itself onto my brain. (And also like, I had an IRL give me shit for it and my socially anxious ass reacted rather badly to that.) Like, it's not even a secret that that specific account is tied to me but it made me feel a little bit better to have a degree of separation NOT THAT IT MATTERS because now my main AO3 account is also getting an influx of fic and this blog also just became overrun (that one's entirely tumblr's fault, because that was the whole point of keeping a separate blog that they went and terminated for 0 reason).
Second, due to the nature of the fic itself it made sense to have it on that account? It's no surprise that when folks tend to commish fic of the spicy variety, it tends to be 2nd person Reader Insert (not ALWAYS, but that's where the money's at), and, well, ACFD is written in the 2nd person.
It's also technically a reader insert by design, but not in the way you'd think. It's not a "self-insert" type of reader insert, because the fic was more of an experiment in which I wanted to try writing a fic that could mimic FNaF's gameplay. Basically, it's not a very good reader insert because the MC is a fully fleshed out character within a pretty extensive narrative that meshes the movie!verse with the game/book verses, with some added attempts of cranking up the horror factor (as I do) for a more mature audience---but yeah. In the end, I have an 80k (and ongoing) 2nd Person POV fic that's OC/Canon where the MC goes unnamed and lacking physical descriptors because I had to give readers something if they were going to sit through it.
Anyway, the MC's name is Ricky Kronbach (aka mr. ricky tag on this blog) and to those who are FNaF lore savvy, he's MCI!Jeremy's big brother. The basis for the fic is me running away with the concept of the kids having been swapped in the movie (Vanessa being Will's kid, while Mike, Abby, and Garrett are "Henry's" kids) and adjusting lore bits to fit that entire ordeal. There's also a plethora of other original characters and basically I just wrote a free FNaF book with an E rating. LMAO.
........... This got away from me I'm sorry this is so long. K BYE.
0 notes