#anyway guys take the covid boosters and flu shots etc if they're available to you! this thing sucks
unrealwasteland · 18 days
whining about some personal stuff under the cut
i can't remember how much i've talked about this here (vs. on discord/dms), but i got sick with a flu or covid recently, and it feels like my recovery is taking ages and it gets pretty frustrating :( i don't have a super active lifestyle, so i was already in kind of a bad shape, and i struggle with some kind of fatigue normally as well, but i've never experienced it like this... i can't even walk 500 meters at my normal pace without getting winded.
it's only been about a week since i've started walking a little bit and doing some basic chores and stuff, and i know the recovery can take a lot longer, but i'm just already so bored. i dreamed about exercising last night!! and normally i wouldn't even mind having to spend time at home, but atm i'm not really vibing with any of my usual creative outlets etc. :/
(i also feel like this is the time of year when i should be trying to get my life together - either actually make more effort with my degree or try to find work - and it's been something of a relief to have an actual reason why i've been too tired to do that lately, but i'm also starting to feel some anxiety about the whole thing)
anyway, i don't really have a point to this post, just complaining about stuff. i did contact a healthcare provider today, and they said that the slow recovery and some other symptoms i've been having are normal at this stage. 🤷‍♀️ i guess i'll just... wait and continue taking my little walks and hope it gets better eventually
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