#anyway free palestine bc saying this isn't antisemitic
isnt-it-too-dreamy · 8 months
fuck the german media equaling calls to stop the genocide in gaza with antisemitism, telling the truth about how the state of israel was created with antisemitism, putting "genocide" in quotation marks when referring to what the israeli military do to gaza, putting "24 israeli soldiers killed in one hour" at the front page of the newspaper when so many more, disproportionally more, palestinians are being and have been killed every hour for the last few months, blaming pro-palestine activists for increased hate crimes against jews in germany when the antisemitic "israel/zionism = the entirety of jews and judaism" myth to blame for these antisemitic attacks is perpetuated by their very own twisted way of reporting, and all the other shit they do. the blood of palestinians as well as of those german jews is on their hands. fuck this hypocritical, racist, islamophobic, genocidal country we live in.
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officialtayley · 11 months
At this point it fills me with rage to see people calling it a conflict, imagine if people talked about the Holocaust like "the Nazi-Terrorist Jews conflict". It's truly insane how in this day and age, with the internet and access to information being at the palm of our hands, people still choose to support genocide. It's vile.
I had jewish ancestors dying as victims of the Holocaust and what Israel is doing is absolutely disgusting to me. The Holocaust is no excuse to the violence Israel is subjecting palestinians to, and honestly it is a hypocritical excuse to use. What? they're so scared of a 2nd Jewish holocaust that they decide to inflict one to someone else who doesn't even have ANYTHING to do with the Jewish holocaust? Why is a completely unrelated country the scapegoat of the "fear of a second holocaust"? Makes no sense. Also, isn't it a little antisemitic to say Jewish people only truly belong in the occupied Palestinian territory? There are jewish people of all nationalities, are their nationalities somehow less valid just bc they're Jewish (either from ethnical ancestry or religion) and they should "go back to where they belong"? Sounds kinda nazi-ish tbh. Also, Palestinian Jewish people exist and they're being massacred too.
Also, Jewish people didn't just passively submit during the Holocaust. There were resistance movements too, that enacted violence against Nazis. Are we calling them terrorists for defending themselves? I obviously don't support all acts of violence, I'm not stupid, civilians shouldn't be harmed (Israel thinks differently tho). But before being all black and white condemning ALL violence, let's think, after decades of failed attempts of solving that in a pacifist way, after years of seeing their friends and family die, and being stripped of all human rights, if the victims think armed resistance is the only hope against the violence of genocide, who are we to judge any resistance movement, when we're mere spectators behind a screen, privileged to know we'll never be in their position? Israel has stated many times that they think Palestinians are disgusting animals who should be exiled from their own country, a few days ago a document leaked detailing their plans to move them all to Sinai, the UN officials are calling it a genocide.... Honestly, the only terrorist here seems to be the illegitimate state of Israel (not the children and civilians of course).
Anyways, free Palestine.
this this this!!!!!!!! this is what an anon doesn't seem to understand but i think a lot of these people refuse to educate themselves because then it means admitting all of this and they'd rather spout lies and propaganda. hell an ambulance was bombed recently and the idf came forward to admit it was them and said hamas were using it, which is what they say every single time and we know it's not true. at some point people need to face reality and accept that what's happening is a genocide. this isn't just social media calling it that, like you mentioned, we have UN officials calling it that, we have other politicians calling it that, so just accept what the reality is.
free palestine!
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