#anyway don't know why people act as if hes only rude to spock when hes in charge
Actually so funny that McCoy gets so mad in "The Doomsday Machine" that Jim isn't in charge and Spock hasn't just fixed everything that when Decker tells him to leave the bridge he just leaves the whole episode.
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vulcan-highblood · 5 years
I'm following you for bnha fic reasons and I have absolutely no idea what the brainy stuff is. Can you tell me what it is and what you like about it? (If not, no worries! This is intended as a friendly "tell me about the thing you like" message, not a rude "why you post about things I don't recognize" message, but I'm tipsy and worried that I have Failed at proper courteous tone.)
Aw no problem, it didn’t come across that way at all! Haha sorry, my tumblr is basically a mess of all my favorite fandoms and the fics I write, so you’ll also probably spy spideypool and fanfics from other random fandoms popping up here occasionally! (I wrote some Voltron and GI Joe for awhile there, so you really never know what’s coming next). Now, LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT BRAINY. This guy. This character was my first BIG FAVE, he’s the character who actually first inspired me to write fanfiction.
Years ago, there was this animated superhero series called Legion of Super-Heroes. It only ran for two seasons, and it’s (sadly) not as good as some of the more popular superhero shows with teens in the leading roles (Teen Titans or Young Justice really were a lot better imo). BUT. What it did have was aliens!! Sci fi!! and this wonderful android character who just wanted to be seen as human. Now as someone who also loves Star Trek characters Spock and Data, I have a thing for characters who wrestle with their own humanity, or people’s inability to perceive their humanity.  After the series ended, I was fortunate enough to get my grubby hands on about 30 issues of Legion of Super-Heroes comics, and boy howdy did I ever enjoy them, especially getting to know the many iterations of this android/cyborg/???? character.
Enter: Querl Dox. Coluan. Brilliant. Stubborn. Not particularly approachable. His ancestor was Brainiac, a villain who opposed Superman and used shrinking technology to steal Kandor, one of the Kryptonian cities. Bad dude. Querl was recruited to the Legion of Super-Heroes because he’s smart. He has other abilities, some racial traits, but most of what he can do is augmented by his own ability to create and invent useful technology. His own deepest desire is to redeem the name “Brainiac”, which had been tainted by his ancestor’s actions. So he took the hero name “Brainiac 5″, though most of his friends  and colleagues call him “Brainy” for short.
So why am I writing about him now? Well, I recently learned that the CW show Supergirl brought in the Legion of Super-Heroes for a few cameo episodes. Cool! I’m instantly hooked, sign me up. BUT WAIT. THERE’S MORE. apparently, they had Brainiac 5 show up. Even better! BUT THERE’S MORE TO IT. He’s a series regular, starting in Season 4. He has episodes that hearken back to old comics that I’ve read. I’m seriously hooked now. So I start watching.
It got even better. The actor who plays him does a FANTASTIC job. I couldn’t have cast a better brainy if I’d tried. 
So basically my mind just got jolted with a shot of nostalgia, fabulous acting, and a bunch of storylines that are half-formed and cheesy but with the potential for TREMENDOUS angst. which is really where I love to live, in fanfic terms.
So all this to say, if you’re curious about Brainy, I recommend looking on youtube, there’s some great "funny” clips (even out of context they’re fun, I watched them when trying to decide if the actor was good enough to commit to bingeing the last 3 seasons of Supergirl, spoilers, he is), and if you’re interested, check out the wikipedia page about him! (Brainiac 5/Querl Dox, either of those will likely get you there). 
(and hey, if you’re still curious, feel free to read my fics. It’s not BNHA, but it is still superheroes and angst, so... that’s something, anyway!)
Thanks for asking!
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