#anyway artoria is lar's dad's ex and niara's mentor and she may have a tendency to project her issues onto them (and fel)
lyssa-ink · 11 months
how well would my characters do against a cockroach
Tagged by @reneesbooks and @serenanymph!
Lar. His last job involved fighting monsters that include giant bugs but normal roaches are uh, much faster and smaller. Kinda hard to stab. Struggles for a few minutes before he can get his sword into it. 6/10
Fel. Also hunted giant bugs but unlike Lar she had a normal life before that so she just squishes it. 9/10 because she saw how Lar dealt with his cockroach but just watched and laughed
Niara. Immediately incinerates it with magic. Left a burn mark on the floor so 7/10
Faris. Screams like a little girl and has to call a guard to deal with it. (The guard is Fel and she told Lar and Niara and they're not letting him live that down) 1/10
Alaric I. Appears wholly unbothered by the roach. 10/10
Artoria. Also just incinerates it. Niara had to learn from somewhere. 7/10
Riku. Would pick up the cockroach to feed it to his dragons later. 11/10
Safiyya. Picks up the roach and puts it on someone else (probably Artoria). 12/10
Open tag! Tell me how your characters face the roach!
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