#anyway anyway. i've been repeating this snippet so much i have it down *perfectly*
hey-hey-j · 4 months
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I'm leaving you alone
You can tend the garden, it's yours
You know that thing where you take a single snippet of a song and force it to fit The Character? Yeah......
~~ (★my Ko-fi) | (★commission info)
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thoughtsbyharu · 1 year
emails i can't send album thoughts
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My thoughts regarding Sabrina Carpenter's album
Hi! This is a very short review of Sabrina Carpenter's "emails i can't send" album!
I first posted this on twitter and I have to describe my thoughts with the characrer limit so some are very short!
1. emails i can't send
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Rating: 9/10
This made me cry since it made me revisit a not so happy memory which caused me trust issues lol.
Anyway i like how it is so raw and honest. I also love the melody.
2. Vicious
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Rating: 8.5/10
Very catchy. I love the instrumental. The bridge was also good. I added this on my playlist~ It also reminded me of someone I know who fits the song perfectly
3. Read Your Mind
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Rating: 8/10
Another catchy song 👏
I LOVE the beat, it makes me wanna dance. My fave part is the pre-chorus! The lyrics is about frustration towards someone who is really indecisive 😂
4. Tornado Warnings
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Rating: 7.5/10
That bass tho. The song is good but not something i would have on repeat. Bridge is good! Her vocals are pretty.
5. because i liked a boy
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Rating: 8/10
Is this about the whole driver's license situation? I love the chorus of this one. I kinda sympathize with her bc people can be so cruel. Like, they are so fast to jump on that hate train when they only know a snippet of what happened.
6. Already Over
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Rating: 8/10
Chorus is very catchy and I love the beats. The melody is upbeat and reminds me of vlog music but the lyrics is pretty sad.
7. how many things
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Rating: 8.5/10
Tbh I paid no attention to this song on first listen but upon reading the lyrics, I find it really sad. It's about realizing that ur special someone is slowly falling out of love w/ you. I love the pre chorus her vocals are really heavenly. One of my faves in this album.
8. bet u wanna
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Rating: 8.5/10
An absolute banger for me 👏
It's about those exes who wants to come back 🙄
I like the scoff on the bridge 😂
Definitely going on my playlist
9. Nonsense
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Rating: 9/10
This song is the reason I'm listening to the album 😂 It's VERY CATCHY and has been stuck in my mind for weeks.
10. Fast Times
" Give me a second to forget I
ever really meant it "
Rating: 7.5/10
Love the instrumental and the chorus is catchy.
P.S. I've reached the image limit so no images from here onwards
11. skinny dipping
"We've been swimming on the
edge of the cliff
I'm resistant, but goin' down
with the ship
It'd be so nice right? Right?
If we could take it all off and just
And skinny dip in water under the
Rating: 7/10
Feels like a song from a musical. I like the chorus.
12. Bad for Business
"He's good for my heart but he's
bad for business"
Rating: 8.5/10
Have you been so inlove that you did things that are not very typical of you? If yes, then this is the song for you. I love this song bc i can relate to it ><
13. decode
" You're good at falling, not
the staying there
You're good at the giving too
much then getting scared
You're good at impersonating
someone who cares "
Rating: 8/10
It's a song for those who had the courage to walk away from a very toxic relationship :)
Top 5 Songs:
emails i can't send
Bad for Business
how many things
Overall Score: 8.15/10
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maluminspace · 5 years
I've never felt worse and morning sickness isn't always in the morning with Michael, at some fancy music business party.
C22 “I’ve never felt worse”
C12 “morning sickness isn't always in the morning”
‘Not now’ you thought desperately. The nausea suddenly hitting you like a tidal wave. You’re trying to listen to what the important music executive is saying to your boyfriend but it’s hard to concentrate when you’re sure you’re about to throw up.
The silver haired man is gesturing with his champagne glass, laughing at his own jokes and generally acting like the major boss that he is.
Despite trying to act like the captivated audience he’s meant to be, Michael glances over at you and immediately notices how the colour has drained from your face and politely excuses you both from the conversation before steering you towards the nearest bathroom.
“You didn’t have to do that...” you insist, using every ounce of will power you have to keep your last meal down.
Michael hushes you gently, quickening his pace a bit. “You and the little bean are more important than anything else in the world to me.” He reassures you, a tiny smile curling his full pink lips. “Ashton’s better at dealing with the guys in suits anyway.” The little giggle He tacks on to the end of the sentence fills your heart with fondness.
Despite his words you know that tonight is really important to Michael and his band. This party is meant to be a stepping stone leading to the next stage of their career. You want to tell him to go back to the conversation but you can’t really deny how much his presence comforts you.
Michael walks you right into the ladies bathroom. He doesn’t seem to care at all about the disgruntled glares he receives from the women gathered near the mirror on the other side of the room.
Not wanting your boyfriend to unintentionally cause a scandal, you’re about to tell him to wait outside for you when your body decides that it definitely needs to reject the contents of your stomach right now.
You stumble into the nearest available cubicle and crouch down next to the toilet. Michael stands behind you, holding back your hair and rubbing your back softly as you bring up the remains of your last meal.
It seems to take a long time for the retching to stop but Michael stays with you the entire time.
When you’re finally finished vomiting, you flush the toilet and sit back against the wall of the cubicle. Michael strokes your hair and smiles down at you fondly. He’s about to speak when a snippet of the conversation taking place over by the mirrors reaches your ears.
“He shouldn’t be in here just because his girlfriend got that drunk!” One of the women huff, her annoyance clear in her voice.
Before you can say anything Michael steps out of the cubicle and fixes the group with a stern glare. “Not that it’s any of your fucking business...” He begins angrily, “but my girlfriend isn’t drunk, she’s pregnant. She’s growing an actual human being for me, so the very least I can do is hold back her hair when the morning sickness comes on! Do you really think I’m gonna let a little picture of a stick figure in a skirt on a door stop me from doing that?”
Despite your discomfort, a tiny giggle escapes you. Michael doesn’t really have a way with words but his sentiment is so pure that it makes your heart swell with love.
The group of women seem taken aback by Michael’s bluntness and one of them blurts out. “It’s not even the morning, though.”
Michael rolls his eyes. “Morning sickness isn’t always in the morning, genius!” He huffs irritably. “If you have a problem with me supporting my pregnant girlfriend, then you can just go and cry to the organisers...”
The women click their tongues and mutter unfriendly things under their breath as they make their way out of the bathroom.
Only when the door clicks shut behind the last woman, does the tension in Michael’s shoulders ease. He takes a deep calming breath before turning back to you. “I’m sorry about that, beautiful.” He smiles gently. “How’re you feeling now?”
You reach up to take your boyfriend’s hand. “I’ve never felt worse, actually.” You reply honestly, hating the way the the nausea is still plaguing you, even though you have nothing left to puke. “But you’re incredible and I’m the luckiest preggo in the world to have you in my corner. I don’t know how anyone could do this on their own.”
Michael’s cheeks heat up in a little blush as he picks up your handbag and opens the clasp. He pulls out a packet of gum and hands it to you. “I’m the lucky one, beautiful.” He smiles, “you’re growing our little baby and it’s not easy! I know you hate puking and I’m sorry, if I could do it instead of you, I would.”
You take the packet of gum and unwrap one of the sticks before popping it into your mouth. “You’re worse than me when it comes to puking!” You giggle, “you’d be crying the whole time you were pregnant.”
Michael makes a faux offended noise. “I’d be dope at being pregnant.” He insists, “the baby would love having exclusive access to my jamming sessions with the boys! Ohhhh the baby would be practically be part of the band!” He grins, clearly enjoying his little daydream.
You chuckle fondly as he offers his hand out to help you up. “The bump would get in the way of your guitar.” You point out, grappling your handbag with your free hand as you allow Michael to pull you up. “You’d go crazy if you couldn’t play that thing for the last trimester.”
Michael scoffs as he opens the door for you. “I’ve made one guitar already, I’ll invent one that fits perfectly around my baby bump!”
Rolling your eyes, you step out into the main room of the party, only to be greeted by a member of the security team. The typically tall, bald and muscular man wearing an earpiece and a black suit fixes Michael with a disapproving glare. “Excuse me sir...” he says seriously, “you’re not permitted to use the ladies room.”
You can tell by the way that your boyfriend narrows his eyes and clenches his jaw that he’s about to repeat his little outburst. It’d be terrible for him to create a scene at such an important party, though. If one of the many executives in the room thinks Michael’s a trouble maker, it could effect the whole future of his band and you can’t allow that.
“I’m sorry, it was my fault.” You smile sweetly. “I’m pregnant you see, he was just comforting me. Morning sickness really sucks.”
The security man looks slightly uncomfortable, which actually makes you quite pleased. That sort of fragile masculinity that cracks every time a woman mentions anything like pregnancy or periods, is something that you have no problem at all exploiting. “He was just trying to be a good boyfriend, I’m sure you’d do the same for your wife or girlfriend, wouldn’t you?”
Before the security guard can reply the record label boss that’d been talking to Michael earlier claps the muscular man on the shoulder. “Ah no harm was done!” The older man laughs, “It would have been much worse if she’d puked in one of the expensive plant pots or something.”
The security guard seems satisfied the exec isn’t angry about the incident and stalks off back into the crowd without a backward glance.
“You okay now, Miss?” The older man asks you politely. “My wife had the worst sickness with our third baby. I really don’t know how you girls do it!”
You smile gratefully, offering a tiny shrug. “It helps when the daddy-to-be is there to hold back my hair.”
The label boss nods and raises his glass in Michael’s direction. “It’s nice to know there’s still some men out there who know how to support their pregnant partners.” He smiles kindly. “You’ll make a good dad, kid. I’ll do everything I can to make sure we can fit your schedules around your family life.”
Michael seems to beam at the compliment and the insulation that the executive was was going help the band to the next level of success. He nods graciously and mutters a bewildered thank you, wrapping an arm around you as the executive heads off towards the bar.
You’re prouder of Michael in that moment than you think you’ve ever been. It’s only when a startled voice whispers, “did he just say what I think he did?” That you realise Ashton had been lingering nearby the whole time.
Michael still looks kind of dumbstruck as he replies, “I think so...”
Ashton pulls the two of you into an excited hug, planting happy kisses into you your hair and then Michael’s. “I think that was kind of a confirmation that we’re in!” He grins. “C’mon Mike, lets go tell Luke and Cal!”
Your boyfriend hesitates, obviously not wanting to leave your side. “It’s fine, babe.” You smile easily. “I’m gonna order myself a glass of the fanciest soft drink they have here and be on the look out for pretty girls I can hook Cal up with.”
Michael and Ashton both yell a variation of “That’s usually my job!” at the same time, before bursting into laughter.
“Well you’re both obviously shit at it.” You smirk playfully. “It looks like I’ve already secured you guys a big contract tonight. If I can find Calum’s future wife as well, I’ll definitely have earned my bragging rights!”
Michael kisses you briefly, smiling into it like a lovestruck teenager. “You already have, beautiful.”
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