#anyway anyway best part of this drawing is the 'PUSSY' graffiti on the left wall.
boogiewrites · 6 years
Reports & Repertoire 11
Characters: Eddie Brock x Venom x Candace Miller (OFC)
Word Count:  6000
Summary:   Candy’s ego leads her to make a bad decision. This leads Venom having to reveal himself to save her. How will she react to finding out her new romance has been a threesome she had no clue about?
Warnings/Tags: Language. Violence. Fighting. Venom being the best wingman ever. Venom saving the day. Candy coming to terms with Eddie being the weirdest groupon ever. Candy is the coolest and most reasonable cucumber.
Click on my icon then go to Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. (Had to do this since Tumblr killed links, sorry.)
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Candy and Eddie had fallen in a nice flow of come and go with each other. They had been right, being able to reach out and simply ask for the other was working well. He'd slept over at her place, she'd slept over at his, meeting up for meals and even a late night quickie in her office once was holding up pretty well for them so far. They were busy, but they were happy.
Venom kept nagging Eddie, threatening to show himself so he would tell her about him. Venom was growing very impatient and Eddie took to spending more time in public with Candy instead of nights in to avoid this happening as long as he could. He kept Venom fed in the meantime as best he could, and that was the most helpful thing he could've done for himself. This didn't stop the insults from coming though.
"Coward." Venom would whisper into his ear as he left Candy's place.
"Shut up." Eddie would groan.
"Chicken. Weakling. Pussy. Wimp. Baby." he'd nag.
"I get it you got a fuckin' thesaurus." Eddie sighs. He knew he was right but he was so happy, and Candy was happy and he didn't want to lose it. He didn't know if he could lose it again.  But as he does, Venom pushes him to be better. He wasn't just Eddie anymore, he was Venom and together they could be so much more than they had been apart. And that fear of being alone was useless now.
"If you'd told her before you got together this wouldn't be an issue. You're acting like a jerk again. A liar. A dumb ass. It wasn't a big secret and now it is something you are keeping from her. Now you are breaking her trust. And it will be all your fault if she leaves us. Again. You're doing this to yourself, Eddie. You cannot learn your lesson can you?" Venom hisses and judges.
"I'll tell her when it's a good time to tell her. She's in the middle of a big story right now, I don't wanna throw her off her game."
"You are a cur. You should not lie to her like this."
"Oh you've got the fancy words out now." he rolls his eyes.
"Distraction. Excuses." Venom spits out.
"Are you just jealous? You want to be able to be with her too? That it?"
"No. I'm disappointed in you." he rumbles out and he knows Eddie feels it within himself too. ------
Both Eddie and Steph both were loving Candy's new place. It was better than what either of them had. Eddie was paying off back logged bills still and Steph still at her same job weren't in a position to move up so soon. Candy was happy to share with both of them, they house sat when she wasn't there and helped keep her company in the quiet neighborhood when the other wasn't around. It had even worked out by accident that Eddie and Steph had been staying over at the same time on a few occasions, which no one seemed to mind as they soon found their missing of Candy and potential for eye-rolling level jokes were strongly shared between them.
Candace had been deep in an investigation for a fighting ring. WIth her new platform she was ready to get back to her first social injustice she focused on, the homeless, and give a platform for awareness to it. She had assisstants and PA's that helped her go to and from places, recording and scouting and general snooping of suspected areas of interest. It wasn't unusual for local gangs to run drugs through the homeless areas of the Mission, this had been going on for a long time. Street corners with members rubbing elbows with tech start ups on the same street made for an interesting mix. This apparently had led to another case of exploiting the homeless. With promises of money or drugs, they would be lured into old warehouses or abandoned lots, where members would watch them fight for whatever was up for grabs. It was a dangerous job, but the cops were only interested in drug money, they didn't care about the people. Candy did. She caught wind from one of her informants at the shelter about a meetup spot that had been used more than once. So she sees an opportunity. With the sun still up she figures it's safer. Armed with a phone set to send out 911 texts and call emergency services with the tap of a button and a gun she'd recently trained and licensed in a holster under her shirt, she felt ready to take on another big bad.
She didn't want to endanger any of her employees or coworkers, she would've felt entirely guilty and responsible, so she calls up Eddie to see if he's up for some good old fashion detective work.It's a Sunday and that usually meant a travel day, prep day or meeting a deadline for Eddie. She tells him she has a lead, that she doesn't want to wait for it to get cold and is gonna check it out and asks if he's interested. He doesn't think much of her vagueness, she usually was when it came to work since they dealt with sensitive information. So as he's trying to complete an article draft to send it before midnight, he grumbles and tells her he can't, that he needs to finish up but he'll call her later. Without being offended, Candy tells him she'll just text him after she's finished, that she'd be near his neck of the woods anyway. He agrees with a soft smile and a heavy sigh, wishing he could go out and get his hands dirty with her instead of being stuck inside working with an increasingly hungry symbiote.
So Candy makes the decision to go alone. She gives Steph all her information as to where she'd be going and she is not happy about it. She lectures her and tells her she's being reckless, that if one of her people tried to do this she'd give them hell. But she doesn't listen, Candy is tenacious and when she feels those she cares about are at stake, and her inflated ego from her recent successes, she leaves anyway.
She circles the old warehouse, surrounded by desolate and decaying buildings with for lease signs on them. Broken windows and overgrown parking lots, the only thing she sees besides her were stray dogs and birds, she walks confidently, hand on her phone in her pocket and starts to close in on the specific building. She finds an old busted service door, a large piece of plywood over it that had recently been moved, the dust and debris around it was ddisturbed and the door behind it was ajar. She moves it just enough to get through. The metal door is heavy and scrapes the ground, uneven on its warped hinges as she makes her way into the tall, hollow beige painted brick building. Windows with lots of tiny panes, many broken with no particular rhyme or reason let in more light into the space. She sees rooms that used to be offices, for she's guessing was a factory of some sort. Over turned filing cabinets and paper garbage line the cement block walls with their single, wide windows to see through. The wire lined glass made it hold together for the most part, but it'd been smashed many times over. She guessed by the metal trashcan that lay on its side a few feet away. The usual graffiti, some gang-related, some teens drawing dicks and writing 'hail satin' unironically cover the inside walls. The ground is damp in spots, leaves, and puddles, papers, condoms and drug paraphernalia are littered about. She watches for syringes and plastic baggies, stips of rubber and spoons, remnants of busted glass pipes crunch under her feet. She moves to the center of the room, a large circle spray painted very roughly lays in the middle. She walks it, taking pictures with her phone, noting the blood splatters within it, the abandoned bloodied clothes and the signs of struggle among the lines of upright and strewn crates and boxes that surround the circle. There was definitely something going on here. But she didn't have enough evidence to really do anything about it. As she takes pictures, her phone buzzes. It'd been a few hours now since she'd called Eddie that afternoon, she answers quietly as she sees it's him.
"Hey." she whispers.
"Hey. Why are you whispering?" he whispers back.
"I'm at the spot I was talking about."
"That still doesn't answer my question." he snarks.
"I can't see outside so I don't want anyone to know I'm in here." she says obviously, walking back towards the door.
"You trespassing?" his voice inflects.
"Well duh." she says with a roll of her eyes
"Candy are you there by yourself?" he asks more seriously.
"Yeah, no one else could come-"
"Get out of there now." he says sternly.
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"I'm leaving, I just wanted pictures. I needed some sort of evidence." she retorts.
"Candy I swear to god, you get out of there now and go home or I'm gonna come get you myself."
He doesn't hear her respond.
"Candy?" he asks more panicked.
He hears a rustling sound.
"Someone's outside." he hears her whisper much lower. She'd ran into one of the abandoned offices, barricaded herself in an old coat closet where the smell was bad enough to make her gag.
"You in trouble? I'll call someone. You okay?"
"I don't know who it is. I gotta go. They can't know I'm here." she says curtly and hangs up.
"Don't you fuckin' hang up on me!" he shouts and is met with the beep of a disconnected line. "GODDAMMIT!" he shouts, eyes shifting quickly over his apartment.
"Where is she?" Venom asks.
"I don't...I don't remember...did she say?" his voice fast and high pitched.
"No. Who would know?" he asks, trying to hide how nervous Eddie was making him.
"Stephanie. Steph would know." he says in an almost slurred risen voice as he punches her contact information.
"Steph? Where the fuck is Candy?"
"Her dumbass went to an abandoned warehouse for some fight club thing." she says with an annoyed sigh.
"AND YOU LET HER?!" he shouts.
"NO. I did not LET her. I told her not to but you try making her listen. You fuckin' journalists and your ambition." she rolls her eyes.
"Text me the address right now. Right when I hang up, you got it?" he orders.
"Just fuckin' do it. I'm going to go get her, she's not safe." He didn't want Steph to panic and he knew he had the tools to take care of trouble himself, he just had to get there in time.
"Okay, shit..yeah okay." she mumbles, hanging up and sending it.
Eddie's phone dings as he leaves his apartment through the window, venom carrying him with extended himbs down the fire escape to his bike. "You remember this okay? You know where this is?" he asks aloud to his partner.
"Yes. Go fast. I will make sure we do not wreck." he says sternly, just as worried about her as Eddie was.
Eddie zips through the streets, and thankfully she isn't too far away. He pulls up, seeing escalades and crotch rockets outside the building in question. He knew this was bad.
"You get me up on the roof?" he asks, and before he can receive an answer Venom envelopes his body and bounds onto the roof to find a place to get a good look.
"Eddie." he growls, looking through a hole in the ceiling, seeing Candy pushed in front of a grouping of men.
"Oh shit." Eddie squeaks. "We gotta get her."
"We have permission to eat these men?"
"Yes, yes, whatever we gotta do. They're bad guys, they're' gonna hurt her." he rushes out. Venom is about to crawl his way discreetly back down the building, but one of the men lay his hands on Candy and shouts in her face, backhanding her and pushing her to the ground. It lights a fire inside him that he only knew from fearing for Eddie. She was theirs and no one got to hurt her. His large fists raised, black obsidian boulders bashing through the weakened place in the roof. One time. Two times and it breaks through, sending debris and a grand distraction down to the floor where he lands on all fours, creating a blockade with Candy behind him.
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As if she wasn't terrified enough, her gun already drawn as she's rolled onto the ground, her eyes almost bug out of her head, kicking herself back as she sat on her butt, creating space between her and the monster. A loud shrill screech, an eardrum reverberating roar comes from the inky body of the beast, as it moves faster than she can almost comprehend in her shock, knocking men into walls so hard the cement cracks. It grabs them and bites their heads off, eating some whole as they shoot at it and it goes unphased. She moves quickly, trying to find a place to hide from it and the gunshots. She stays low, not wanted to chance catching a stray bullet and hides behind a pile of crates, covering her head and trying to control her breathing.
The chaos stops. The screams cease and an eerie quiet comes across the large open space. Her eyes haven't blinked since the creature appeared, her breathing shaky and uneven as her hands shook.
"Candy?" she hears the low, bass filled voice ask.
She gulps and makes a helpless sound.
"We will not hurt you." it says.
She hears the feet padding towards her slowly. She takes a deep breath, a loud gulp and with balled fists she wills herself to turn to face the source of the reassurance. She's shaking, but she's trying not to. WIth her jaw tight she lowers her brow, trying to appear more in control, slowly standing and turning, finding herself face to face with a giant quivering mass of black, white veins pulse and squirm across the broad expanse of its humanoid form. It stands nearly seven feet tall, built like an action figure with large and bulky limbs, it's hairless head with large slanted, opalescent eyes focus and blink as it looks at her. A mouth opens to speak, revealing a mouthful of teeth she'd only ever dreamed of being in the mouth of some megalodon dinosaur shark from her childhood nightmares.
With the reveal of it's most certainly lethal jaws, she whimpers and stumbles backward into a crate, not falling but the look of terror clear on her face. Venom slumps his posture, retreating it's forward-leaning stance as Eddie is telling him he's scaring her.
"Candy." he states again.
"Wh-wha what...? You?" she squeaks out. "What are you? You know my name?" she says with more confidence, leaning forward slightly, eyes not leaving it's as she tries to wrap her head around what she's seeing. She must've gotten hit in the head and this is all a hallucination. Some strange thing that happens when you're in a coma or something of that nature. But it felt real. It sounded real.
"Yes we do." he says simply, more quietly.
"We? Are there...oh shit are there other ones...oh god." she rushes out looking to the door and the windows quickly, backing against a wall and her chest starting to rise and fall quickly again.
"Yes. But none like us. They are not here. They cannot hurt you." he says, it's fingers that point into claws, rest at its sides.
"Are you gonna hurt me?" she rasps out and the sound hurts Eddie deep in his chest.
"No. Never. Eddie would never allow it." he says with a slow shake of his head.
"EDDIE?!" she says loudly, her chin hutting back into her neck in surprise at the mention of his name. "Whatthefuck? Eddie? How the fuck do you know Eddie?" she says quickly, her mouth open and her eyes worried.
"We...are Eddie. We are Venom." he says, it's massive paws moving to its chest.
"Lemme see her, you're scaring the shit out of her, man, change back." Eddie says from inside the symbiote's protection. He slowly soaks back into Eddie's skin, shrinking back down into the familiar form she knew and loved.
She stands with her mouth agape, her face contorting through several emotions, mainly different expressions of shock and confusion. "Eddie?" she whispers, eyes darting around the room again, checking to see if this was some glitch in the matrix she was experiencing because she was having a hard time comprehending that this could be real.
"Yeah. Uh...hiya Candy." he says with a reluctant wince, holding his hands up as if he were surrendering.
She blinks fast and stutters, mouth opening and closing like a fish as she can't find words to express herself.
"I guess there's somethin' I should tell ya." he says rubbing the back of his beck and grinning nervously.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" she shouts, not angry, feet stomping and fists clenched, her eyes looking him over, head shaking back and forth.
"I can explain." he says with a frown.
"YOU FUCKING BETTER! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK EDDIE?!" she screeches, moving closer, head guiding the way as she confronts him.
Venom's head with it's vein like attachments to Eddie's body forms and slithers up near his head and she makes a nervous noise and backs away again. "We uh..." Eddie swallows and smacks his lips. "I." he says putting his hands to his chest.
"We." Venom says, looking to Eddie.
"Yeah uh...both of us. We're this thing. Together."
"Uh huh?" she says with a mixed look of confusion and uncertainty.
"I am a symbiote. An alien from another planet. I was brought here. Eddie and I have bonded. I need him to live on your planet. We help each other. We are one in the same now. Together, we are Venom." he explains slowly and calmly as Eddie is swimming over his head in guilt at how terrified he'd made her.
"Venom?" she asks flatly, addressing the alien head, trying to take in its words and make sense of them.
"Yeah, that's his name." Eddie chimes in.
"Our name."
"Our name yeah. When we're together ya know. Like you saw." he gestures to nothing in particular.
"Uh," she says before taking a deep breath, raising her hands up and lowering them to steady herself. "So..." she begins. "An alien life form... this... gooey guy here." she says looking to the head and gesturing with her hand.
"Symbiote." he clarifies.
"This..." she shakes her head in disbelief again."This symbiote." she clarifies. "You're bonded? Like... physically right. LIke symbiotic?"
"Yeah, he needs me to live. I'm his host." Eddie says with a hesitant face.
She stares at them without saying anything for a moment, blinking with her mouth open, eyes shifting between the both of them. "This." she shakes her head quickly and raises her hands. "This is a lot." she says in an offended tone. She turns and takes a few steps, mumbling to herself. "You think you find a nice guy and he's been abducted by a fucking alien." she groans, hand running through her hair as she exhales loudly.
"Not abducted. Chosen. By me. We are extremely compatible. We work as one now." Venom elaborates.
She puts her hands on her hips and looks around the room that's starting to grow dark. "Okay?" she says shrugging. What else was she supposed to say to all this?
"She said we were nice." Venom says with a happier tone. Misreading the context of her statement.
"Not exactly what she meant, man." he mumbles back. "Uh..." Eddie steps towards her and clears his throat. "It's gettin' dark we need to get goin' before more of those guys show up."  he says, hesitantly reaching out to touch Candy's shoulder. He wanted to touch her, to know she was okay, but he'd lost that privilege, for now, he sees as she jumps out of her skin at the feeling, stepping away from him and putting her hands up between them.
She takes a shaky breath, eyes fluttering as she looks at the ground, ashamed of her reaction, but she was still entirely rocked by all this. There were too many questions to even form coherent thoughts. "Yeah. We should." she says softly.
"I got my bike. We could go back to my place? Or yours...whatever you want. I don't wanna make you anymore uncomfortable than I have. I'm sorry about this...you finding out this way. Can you...can you ride with me back?"
"With him?" she asks, pointing to Venom.
"Yeah he...he's been around a while now." he admits, wincing again.
"He has?" she says, eyes growing wide again.
"Yeah, there's...a lot to tell you Candy. And I wanna answer everything. I want you to know everything, okay? Can we get you safe? Can you ride home with me?" he asks reaching out for her.
She nods and lowers her gaze. "Yeah let's...let's go back to my place. I'd feel...better there." she says awkwardly avoiding Venom's staring.
"Quit starin' man, you're making her nervous. Go away for a little bit, we gotta get her home." he says, moving forward with a polite nod to her as he opens the door. Venom dissipates into Eddie and he reaches out for her hand to help her out of the narrow door.
She hesitates and it breaks his heart. She looks at his hand for a moment, and he leaves it still, eyes wide and sad as he watches the fear of him move across her face. She looks up at him, one smooth sweep of her eyes to his before moving back to his hand and finally taking it. -------
They enter her house, she's quieter than he's ever known her to be before. He quickly texts Steph he's got her at home and she's fine so they don't get interrupted. He fills a pack with ice and brings it to her. She looks at him confused.
"For your face." he says sweetly.
"Oh. Right." she shakes her head for a moment. "That." she says, moving to put it against her cheek.
He sits next to her on the love seat, where they'd been so close so many times before. But he keeps his distance this time. She went and changed out of her dirty clothes, already whooshing away in the washer beforehand. They share an awkward silence, the shifting of the bag of ice the only noise.
"You wanna ask me questions?" he finally breaks the silence.
"Yeah I'm just...I'm still shocked. I think. I'm wondering if any of this is happening at all." she admits, not looking at him.
"I  would like to assure you that it is. Most are confused by a new concept such as this. But you are very smart. Ask us questions, we will answer. Then we can lose this awkwardness." Venom states matter of factly.
"Man, why ya gotta bring it up like that it makes it worse."
"It is clear she is uncomfortable. We do not want her to be. This is the solution."
Candy watches their bickering and it humanizes the amorphous goo for her.
"But when there's tension you don't just say there's tension. We can both feel it we know." his face was clear with agitation.
"But this solves the problem."
"It's a matter of tact, man. You gotta know how to handle people and their emotions." he says annoyed.
"You barely have control over yours Eddie. You are in no place to be telling a lifeform with 600 million years of knowledge how to problem solve." he sass's back.
They both hear a tiny huff of a laugh from Candy who is watching them with a much softer face. They turn their heads at the same time and watch her and her subtle smile appear.
"So you have your own, like, personality and stuff, huh?" she says, making eye contact with Venom. This was good, Eddie thought. This was progress.
"Yes. I am a culmination of all I have learned from all my hosts and all their interactions and knowledge they hold."
"So Eddie isn't your first."
"No. There have been many others." he keeps his voice soft.
"Why did you come to earth?"
"We were taken by a man you know as Carlton Drake. I escaped. The others that came with me...died."
"Carlton Drake?" she asks, looking at Eddie.
"Yeah. Venom here was a part of the big takedown of the Life Foundation."
"Oh?" she says surprised.
"I found Eddie when he broke in. We bonded, living with him made me see things from a different perspective. Together we saved the planet. We stopped my team leader from returning home to bring others to Earth."
She blinks and looks back over to Eddie. "Save earth? When you broke in?" she asks, tilting her head with an accusatory tone.
"Yeah... I uh..." he shrugs, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Tell her Eddie. No secrets. You said no secrets when she found out about us."
"I would appreciate no secrets. No secrets is going to be the only way I don't break up with you for this." she states rather coldly. And he suspected he deserved it.
"Remember when I said I was sick?" he begins with a weary voice.
"I fucking knew you weren't sick." she says with narrowed eyes and pursed lips.
"Yeah. I'm sorry I lied. But, it was I'm sick or I have a symbiote who needs to eat people to survive now."
"He didn't want to lose you." Venom interjects.
"Oh, c'mon man." Eddie mumbles and looks away.
Candy's resolves falters, with Venom's admission.
"A scientist came to me, tellin' me I was right about what I was accusin' Drake of... the stuff that got me blacklisted. I wasn't gonna do anything about it, but people were dyin' Candy. They were takin' homeless people and testing on them and they were dyin' and it wasn't fair. He was insane, he really was." he says and sighs. "I wanted to prove myself. To you and to everyone else. I could redeem my name, get my life back if I could get in there and get proof."
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"He wanted to be better... for you." Venom once again interjects with what really should be said but what Eddie was too afraid to admit. Once again Candy's heart softens.
"I.." he slumps and meets her eyes with his ashamed ones. "I did." he nods and looks away. "I wasn't gonna get any better livin' how I was. And you deserved better... and you knew that and I didn't see any other way to be worth your time unless I was somebody again."
"When I told you I thought you should get your shit together...breaking into the Life Foundation isn't what I meant." she says with a sigh.
"I know I just. I had to. I couldn't keep livin' in the shadow of it." he shakes his head.
"This is the part where I come in." Venom gives what he thinks is a smile and she sheepishly returns it.
"Yeah, I broke in with the doctors help and then it all happened real fast... Venom bonded to me, we escaped, I tried to go to Anne to have her tell somebody about what I saw. I had pictures, proof."
"You went to Anne?" she asks with a much less enthusiastic voice.
"She was a big lawyer, she had connections no one else did. What I did to Drake got her fired too cause we were togehter and I got the information from her so she was a victim in all this too 'cause 'a me." it all comes spilling out and it's an odd pleasurable pain to feel, coming clean.
She looks to Venom to see if he's lying, as he seems to be the one telling her the full truth. "This is true. She was the only one that coule help us. Eddie hurt her, she deserved the redemption as well." he states simply.
"Her new boyfriends a surgeon, and I was acting all kinds of crazy. All that was true that I told you, about the..." he pauses, "parasite..." he whispers " but it was because of him." he nods to Venom. " I didn't know what was happening to me and I wasn't in control and we were fighting for control and Dan, that's his name, Dan, he took me and tried to get me better. But when I got back home Drake's men came after me. There was a big chase-"
She interrupts his story. "Holy shit that bike chase was you." she says with wide concerned eyes.
"Oh yeah it was fuckin' nuts Candy, I tell ya. I almost died. I broke my legs and my arms and it was crazy." he rushes out.
"Broke your legs and arms? What?" she asks with a tilt of her head.
"I healed him." Venom states and she blinked fast at him.
"Healed him?" she inquires.
"Yes. I can control Eddie's bodily functions if I wish. I can heal him when he is hurt."
"Oh. Wow." she says, impressed. "That's...that's really helpful." she says looking to Eddie.
"Yeah, it's a perk."
"So if you got hurt... like someone hurt you, he could heal it?" she asks Eddie.
"Yes. We almost died. Taking down my team leader to keep Earth safe."
They both see the sadness in her eyes and the mutual feeling of relief to see it still there and also the fact that she was feeling it made them shift anxiously.
"You almost died?" she whispers, reaching out to touch his knee and she doesn't even think about it.
"Yeah I got speared through the chest...actually." he laughs nervously.
"You fucking what?" she says with a wrinkle of her nose. "But you can't even tell you..no scars or anything." she says looking to his chest.
"I healed him. I keep him running if I am fed."
"That's another thing..." Eddie begins. "He needs this chemical, phenylethylamine to function. And it's found in things like chocolate and what not but it's best if it's in the form of...well..." he winces.
"Brains. Human brains." Venom says what's hard to Eddie to discuss.
"That why you...ate those guys back there?"
"Yes. And because they hurt you. We would not allow anyone who hurt you and get away with it." Venom elaborates and the corner of her mouth turns up into a smile.
She shifts her eyes over to Eddie. "It's true." he says with those puppy eyes she's weak to.
"So you got your job back because the truth about the Life Foundation came out, and I'm guessing those first breaking photos were ones you took, right?"
"And you didn't take credit for it?"
"I wanted to be finished with it.  I don't want anything to do with that place again." he says with a slow shake of his head.
"But...aren't they gonna want him back?" she points to Venom.
"All of those who knew are dead."
"Oh." she says with wide eyes. "All of them?"
"Yes. We did not kill them though. For the record." he adds.
Candy lets out a little chuckle, an alien using human turns of phrase struck her as funny at the moment.  "Well, that's good. I guess. For us." she shrugs and lets out a noisy sigh.
"Us?" Eddie can't help but blurt out.
"Well yeah. I mean...So, me, you, Anne and...?"
"Dr. Dan know about Venom, and they aren't gonna tell anyone since they haven't yet so that ties up the loose ends."
Venom lets out a low laugh. "I like her. She is so logical." he smiles.
"Thanks." she nods. "So are you."
"Except when he's hungry. He's an asshole when he's hungry." Eddie clarifies.
"So...you've been with Eddie for months then."
"Which means..." she sighs and knits her brow. "You've been with him when we've..." she tilts her head.
"Yes." Venom clarifies.
"Uh huh. That's a little weird. I would've liked a heads up before you unknowingly roped me into a threesome ya know." she says with an only half joking pout.
"Yeah. I...I'm sorry about that too. But...I didn't want to tell you because this is..." he makes an unsure face.
"Fucking insane?" she clarifies with a grin.
"He did not tell you because he did not want you to leave us. He won't' say it. I will for the sake of keeping him happy. We really like you Candy. I have wanted to interact with you for a long time."
"Well he's lucky I'm an idiot who has a soft spot for other idiots apparently," she says with a smirk to Eddie who accepts the criticism gladly.  "I get why you didn't tell me but...you should have." she states obviously.
"Yeah. I'm sorry. I didn't exactly know how to bring up this whole situation."
"Yeah." she sighs.
"I told him to tell you sooner." Venom interjects.
"Seems like I owe you a thank you...Venom." she says. "I don't know if I should like, shake your hand or something?" she chuckles. "You saved my life back there...do you even have hands? What's this sharing a body situation like?" she asks in a much more casual way.
"Complicated." Eddie says.
A oozy tendril emerges from the stringy body that flows behind Venom's formed head. "We can shake hands. I would like to touch you." he says a tentacle forming solid and splitting into a hand shape.
"Don't be weird, man." Eddie says, swatting the reaching limb away.
"No, it's okay. I mean..." she shrugs. "I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious." she admits.
"She is honest Eddie. I like her." Venom almost coos.
"Thanks." she says, holding out her hand.
Venom reaches out slowly, closing the space between them. The feel reminded her of a snake, you expect one thing out of it, cold and clammy, but it's warm and soft instead. It's solid but it had give under her fingers as she gripped it, moving her hand up and down and watching as the blackness moved around her hand. It changes from a shake, pushing between her fingers, wrapping it's formless hand around her like it was interlacing its fingers with hers, it felt affectionate and soft, encasing her fingertips and lapping around her wrist. It didn't hurt, it wasn't unpleasant but it was strange. "You are so soft, Candy." Venom says, little tentacles stroking the back of her hand lovingly.
"So are you." she says with a shifting brow of interest. "You're a lot warmer than I expected."
"You are smoother than I expected." he retorts and she smiles.
"So you just lay in wait in Eddie'ds body while we..." she quirks a brow.
"Yes. I feel what he feels, in every way. Every sensation, every thought, every feeling."
"It's annoying." Eddie says with a  frown.
"I don't know..." she shrugs, pulling her hand back and Venom heeds her wishes. "That seems sort've...nice." she shrugs, her voice inflecting upward.
"See. She gets it Eddie. I told you she would."
"Yeah but she doesn't have to live with you all the time. Just wait." he says rolling his eyes as Venom moves to nuzzle his face against Eddie's. Candy lets out the first laugh since the shock of learning about him, and it melts them both to hear it, to know there was hope for normalcy again for them. As strange as normal had become for them.
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