#anyway I'm happy people liked the last batch. nice to see this game still has fans after all....
rainbow-nijisaki · 4 days
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After the last batch I feel I'm obligated to post husband at least once, so how about some hairstyles?
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badbatchblog · 6 months
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Hello everyone! This is Omega. Since we've just started up this blog, I thought it would be a good idea to have us introduce ourselves!
I'll go first. Like I said, I'm Omega! I'm the newest member of the Bad Batch, and although I look like the youngest, I'm actually the oldest! I used to live on Kamino working as Nala Se's assistant until my brothers came to rescue me after the Empire took over. I'm really good at using an energy bow and playing strategy games. I have a Tooka doll named Lula that my brother Wrecker gave me. And my Trooper doll too! Oh, and I have a pet! Her name is Batcher, she's a Lurca Hound. Gonky and AZI are part of our family too, but I don't think they'll be joining the blog. Umm. I'm not sure what else to say about myself! I'm still trying to figure things out, honestly. But I'm excited to meet new people and chat with all of you!
Ok, here are my brothers! -Omega ☀
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heya everyone! I'm Wrecker! I like to blow stuff up and eat good food and cause a ruckus! the last part is what Tech and Crosshair say I do anyway haha. I'm the biggest and strongest of all of us and proud of it! I also get called the sweetest one by other people, but idk I think Omega is the sweetest one. I do think of myself as a nice guy tho! just don't get on my bad side hehe. uhh let's see, what else... oh! I only have one eye! my other one's a fake one. if you saw the scar on my head, you'd understand why! oh yeah and I know Omega said I gave Lula to her... which I did! but we still share her. Omega just gets to keep her more often. I don't need Lula THAT much! ...don't listen to anything Crosshair says otherwise. ok I think that's all! lookin' forward to talk with you guys sometime!
-Wrecker 💪🏽
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Hello. This is Tech. I am the main source of information and the main mechanic for the Bad Batch. I possess a high level of intelligence and dexterity that allows for me to bear these titles. I set up this blog as a means for us to get to know the people of this website better, with the hope that it will provide some much-desired information about the society culminated here. In fact, it would be much appreciated if we could get specific information from those who choose to interact with us; anything you're willing to provide will do. Oh. Omega has informed me that this was supposed to just be about myself... I'm afraid the rest will have to wait until another time. Or perhaps saved for potential inquirers. Regardless, I look forward to whatever is gleaned from this experience.
Addendum: It appears as though there's some confusion surrounding my existence. Misinformation, if you will. Well, I can assure you all that this is one hundred percent the real me, and any rumors surrounding my death have been greatly exaggerated. If you require further proof, by all means, ask for it. That is all.
-Tech 🧠
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Echo here. Wrecker already stated it, but I'm actually a former member of the squad. I'm also a former member of the 501st Legion. I still consider myself a part of the family though (and the others do as well), which I appreciate. I have several cybernetic augmentations and limbs, curtesy of the Techno Union, thanks to an accident I endured a few years ago. It's fine, I'm over it now. I've accepted who I am, and if other people can't, then that's their problem. I probably won't be as active here as the others, but I'm more than happy to answer any questions thrown my way.
Thanks. -Echo 🔌
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hey. name's Hunter. i'm the leader of this squad. i have enhanced senses and am good with blades. my face has half a tattoo on it. i like to keep my hair back with a bandana. don't mess with my squad or you'll regret it. i don't know what else to say. i'm no good with technology stuff.
(Addendum: It's true, it took him 15 minutes just to write all of this out. -Tech)
-Hunter 💀
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The name's Crosshair. I'm a sharpshooter, and the best damn one you'll ever meet. If you want to know more about me so badly, then ask me yourself. Information like that doesn't come for free, after all. I don't care how much Omega fusses at me about it either. Like she's doing right now. Yes, that's correct. Keep fussing, kid, and I'll just keep mentioning it. Pout all you want. Cry, even. Anyway... my actions speak louder than my words. Send me questions if you want, I don't care. Just know that you're more likely to get a decent conversation out of me than Hunter. The man can't even capitalize his sentences correctly. So go ahead. Ask me something. Just don't expect anything... pleasant in response.
Oh... and Wrecker was totally lying about Lula.
-Crosshair ❌
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