#anyway HI LIV the reason im late to your ask is because i knew that once my middle-aged rural welsh woman persona met j she'd
steelycunt · 2 years
need to find out what happens now if the middle-aged woman meets j
well of course i meet him! on a chance encounter of course see i am on my way to the post office one morning when i run into r stepping out of the newsagents and well i never! well im telling you i barely recognised the boy! i couldnt believe it! and i tell him so i tell him i nearly didnt recognise him he's gotten so big! (r is laughing in that shy and awkward way a person does when humoring someone they do not really wish to have a conversation with but would never want to offend) a right proper man he is now! well it seemed like only yesterday he was this tiny little lad hiding behind his mother--oh and how is his mother--and now look at him! he's bigger than me! (we are once again blocking the shop entrance and are positioned in a very inconvenient way for anyone wishing to go in or out but he is far too sweet and polite to cut the conversation short) and well he is still rather skinny and i tell him this i tell him in fact i clasp him by both shoulders and hold him in front of me as though he is blouse i am considering buying and i tell him i say now annywl he simply must make sure he is eating...a good hot meal mind you not just any old rubbish...and well i am just about to ask after that english boyfriend of his--the lad with the hair--when another boy emerges from the shop after him! oh my! and well he introduces himself immediately as j--what a charming boy! so cheerful! such a smile!--and well for a moment i think to myself what happened to the boy with the hair? was he jilted? an awful shame it really is--he was ever so nice--but then well r explains no this j is just another little friend of his (he is blushing quite severely although his embarrassment registers with neither me nor james) --from that school of theirs! the fancy school! hope mentioned the name but its completely escaped me--and he is still sweet on that other boy! how lovely! and well i tell him i say its so lovely to meet so many of his friends! always such a quiet young boy--always so shy, spent so much time alone--well as a mother you worry about these things you know--but he's done so well for himself he has xx and dear j is delightful! such a friendly boy! could talk for england! glasses just like my brother's! and well i can't help but fuss over trying to smooth his hair down for him for a moment--it is in quite the state, i tell him i say you're as bad as r!--(r looks as though he desperately wishes to apologise to j for my attentions but i pay him no heed and j is happy to let me fret) and well after that i must be off i really must get down to the post office--(i am sending some jumpers i have knitted to my nephew gethin and his boyfriend)--but before i go well would either of them like a sweetie? i'm sure i have some in my bag here just wait there one second,
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 48
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-4.1k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: thank you for sticking up by me and this story! thank you for reading, commenting, reblogging... thank you also if you’re a silent reader, and I know there’s a few. I know this isnt over yet, and ill write a long thank you with the last chapter but i had to say it here. THANK YOU!
ALSO! this chapter has BOTH povs. so will the next 2 (and final) chapters!
Chapter 48
December 2018
I had no idea how many pints we had swallowed but clearly, when we got out of the restaurant, I felt a sensation of happiness invade me and I was not really sure why. Louis said something funny and I laughed as we started walking down the street and I replied something that had to do with his girlfriend. He pushed with the side of his body and I started laughing again. It was a good thing we decided to get out to sober up a bit and I felt my eyes flutter when a cool breeze his my face.
It felt so good to be close to Louis again. I couldn't pretend I was totally okay with the fact that he had sex with Olivia but I knew it was a bit stupid of me to hold that grudge. It had been months and it was different now. it was completely different. I was with her and we loved each other, and I was going to ask her to marry me. Soon. Very Very soon.
"I wish I was there to see Liv's face when you'll ask her to be your wife." Louis let out as I glanced at him.
He was smiling fondly and it made me realize he was happy for her. He was happy for both of us. Suddenly, I knew exactly why Olivia had picked him as a best friend. They were so similar in so many aspects and if they hadn't had sex before, I would have said they could have been siblings... twins, perhaps. Not physically, of course, but mentally and emotionally, they were almost exactly the same.
"Definitely, you won't." I chuckled, glancing at him again as I pushed my hands in my pockets.
"Oh, I know." he shrugged, his lips still curled. "I mean, when you two started talking again, she told me she was going to get married with Dylan anyway but I could hear it in her voice that it's not what she really wanted. I told her that she should get married with you instead."
My eyebrows raised and I turned to him as we stopped walking. I was surprised that Louis said that since I was very aware of how mad he was at me after I broke her heart. It had broken our friendship in a way I thought could never be mended back together, but here we were, laughing and having fun the way we used to. He was the first one I told about the ring and somehow, it made total sense.
"Really?" I asked, glancing at him. "I wouldn't have thought but, thank you, Tommo."
"Look, no offense mate, but I did it for her, not for you."
It hurt slightly but I just nodded and licked my lips. It didn't change the fact that he knew Olivia had feelings for me, and most likely thought we were meant to be, and that was enough for me. I couldn't expect our friendship to be exactly how it used to be. Too many things happened, and we both had changed, but I still enjoyed this night and the fact that I was getting my friend back.
We kept walking slowly in silence and after a while, I frowned. I knew where I was and it took me a few seconds to realize why this place felt so important. My heart jumped in my chest and I held my breath when I saw the sign of the bakery a bit farther in the street. It was not lighted up but I could easily read it anymore and I stopped right next to the door.
"You okay Niall?"
I ignored him and moved closer to the door, leaning my forehead against the window just to look inside. I couldn't see the place I had seen her for the first time in over a year, but I could clearly see the spot where I had been standing. A bunch of feelings invaded me, the same feelings that had invaded me back then, when my eyes had fallen on her, and I had to swallow hard, as if my heart was threatening to jump out of my throat.
"Uh-oh," Louis started low. "Looks like it's about to rain."
I blinked a few times, staring some more seconds inside the bakery, and suddenly, something seemed to hit me. I had no idea why I had waited for so many months, I didn't know what the fuck I was thinking. I should have told Olivia that I wanted to marry her, I should have asked her to be my wife back in april, when I bought that damn ring. I had been ready to spend my life with her since that day I saw her again at the bakery and there was no reason to wait again.
I felt raindrops hit the top of my head and wet my shirt, but I just breathed in deeply and turned around, my eyes roaming on the empty and dark street.
"Mate, are you okay?"
Once again, I ignored Louis and without thinking, I started running. I could hear him yelling my name a few times behind me but I didn't stop : I just kept on running as te rain started falling even harder, pouring over me like a shower. I felt my white shirt stick to my chest and the sound of how wet my socks were as I ran on the sidewalk. I didn't even stop when I arrived in front of my house but for some reason, Olivia opened the door just as I was walking up the stairs. She was only wearing a shirt and panties and the sight made me swallow hard.
"Niall? Are you okay?" she asked with a frown, taking a step out as I shook my head, panting loudly, my lips parted and my eyes stuck on her.
"No, no Olivia, I'm not okay." I just let out.
She took a step closer and even if she was still protected somehow from the rain, I could see a few raindrops on her forehead. She brought her hand to my chest and saw her body quiver as a shiver crossed it.
"What's wrong?"
I could hear worry in her voice and it made me realize that no one in the world has ever loved me the way she loved me. No one in the world loved me as much as she loved me. No one ever would, and I didn't want anyone else to anyway. The love she was giving me in every word, every touch, every gaze... that love couldn't be compared to anything else I ever had the chance to get.
"I don't want to wait anymore, Olivia... I've waited enough." I pointed out, making her frown slightly and shake her head.
"There's no reason to wait anymore!" I let out in an excited tone as I felt every fiber of my body boiling. "It's useless to wait! I love you! I want to spend my life with you!"
Her lips curled and her traits softened. "Me too, Nee." she admitted in a low tone, tilting her head and licking her lips.
"No, Liv, you don't get it." I let out, shaking my head, my lips curling even more. "I know i'll spend my life with you, I won't pass next to this chance a second time. I know I'll never ruin this again, because this is the most important relationship I've ever had and you're the most important person in my life. I want to share everything with you.. Every good morning's and good night's, and every grocery shopping trips, and... and netflix nights, and cleaning days. I want to be with you, and take care of you, and love you the way you deserve to be loved. I want us to know that as long as we have each other, we'll be okay, because we will. I want to complete you because you complete me, Olivia. I realized a long time ago that I can't live with you!"
"Niall," she started, shaking her head and frowning slightly again. "What are you saying?"
I reached for her hands and squeezed them hard in mine. I was completely drenched by then, but I didn't give a fuck. The rain kept falling on my face, sliding down my cheeks to reach my neck and soak me even more. But I pushed that thought away as I let go of one of her hands to dive one of mine in my pocket. I played with the ring with the tip of my fingers for a few seconds, making sure the small diamond was on top, and finally took it out. I felt her tense in front of me but got on one knee anyway, squeezing one of her hands again as I felt nervousness invade me.
"I should have done this a long time ago. I bought this ring in april, and I have no idea why it took me so long to do this. I wanted to find the right words, the right time, the right way. I just didn't realize that there was no right time, words or way. Because every moment is right. I could have asked at any moment and it would have been the right moment because you're the right person.
"Oh my... god." she whispered before swallowing hard. "Niall..."
"Liv, will you marry me?"
She stared at me and finally took a step closer. I held my breath when I realize she was now under the rain as it fell roughly and quickly on her. Her hair stuck to her cheeks and she looked down in my eyes, blinking a few times.
"Are these tears or is it just the rain?" I just asked, making her chuckle and shake her head.
"I love you so much, Niall James Horan!" she let out loud enough so I would hear her over the sound of the rain hitting the cement. "Of course I'll marry you! I've wanted to marry you since I was 6 years old!"
A wave of relief washed over me and I chuckled nervously as my whole body seemed to throb. I got up slowly, still holding her hand, and looked down at her as my lips curled into a fond smile. I really should have done that before, but they said 'better late than never', right?
"I'm in love with you." I whispered, touching her fingers to find the right one before sliding the ring on it without every looking away from her eyes. "Thank you so much."
"Don't thank me, I want to be your wife so bad, I can't even tell you how happy this makes me."
She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer. My eyes closed when I felt her lips against mine and suddenly, I realized that everything was perfect.
I kissed him deeply but slowly, feeling his wet shirt soak mine as he pulled me closer. I let the fingers of both my hands slip in his wet hair and pull on it gently, before two or three of my fingertips slid down to his nape, playing with the very bottom of his hair. It made him shiver against me and I whimpered low in his mouth.
"I'm so in love with you, Niall." I whispered, my lips still brushing against his.
My eyes fluttered open and I moved my hand a bit before moving my head back just to look at the ring on my finger. It seemed unreal and for half a second, I wondered if I was actually dreaming one of these very vivid and realistic dreams I had, sometimes. They used to happen so often after Niall broke up with me. Perhaps I was still just in one of those dreams where I'm happy and I get everything I've ever desired. The diamond shined a bit when I moved my hand because of the light from the living room and I felt myself tear up.
I stared at the only human I was ever in love with and swallowed hard. I focused on the locks of his hair sticking to his forehead and at how beautiful he looked. No one else had ever made me feel like he did, and the feelings inside me were so strong I started feeling them physically. Somehow, my hole body started throbbing and I felt my legs weaken at all the strong emotions reaching me.
I felt his palms press more on my back and bit my bottom lip before gripping the front of his shirt and pulling him inside roughly. My lips found his again and I kissed him a bit too hard, perhaps, pulling his shirt over his head before doing the same with mine so fast I almost tore it up. I felt his hands on my naked waist and realized I had been half naked the whole time.
His hands moved up on my chest and I felt his thumbs stop right under my breasts as we kissed. I wanted him so bad... I wanted him like it was our last time... or our very first time.
He pushed the door with one of his feet but it stayed half open as I undid his pants and pulled them down. We ended up laying on the floor in the lobby, his lips running all over me as fat as my hands traveled on his back, neck and in his hair. The moment he pushed himself inside me made my back arched and I moved my knees up, keeping my feet flat on the floor.
"I love you so much." he whispered, his lips pressing against my neck, near my jaw, before he pushed himself deeper inside me. "F-Fuck, you feel so good."
I tilted my chin up and closed my eyes, realizing that I could hear the rain pouring outside. From time to time, I even felt a few drops reach for my legs and it made me think that it was probably falling on Niall, too. I pushed my fingers in his back and my nails sunk in his skin as he thrust in and out of me slowly but deeply. I felt dizzy when an orgasm started building up in the pit of my stomach but I pressed my thighs on each side of him to hold him in place before moving on my elbows to kiss him harder.
I wanted to beg him not to move but I didn't have to. He stopped moving over me only to focus on the way he was kissing me, and I could feel my heart beat so hard and fast that I felt like I was about to cum anyway.
"Mm, Olivia, you're gonna be my wife yea?" he mumbled as we kissed. "I should have asked before but I was so scared you'd say no."
I felt my heart jump and twist in my chest at his confession and shut my eyes tighter. "I would have said 'yes' Niall." I whispered. "There's not a single moment you could have asked in this lifetime when my answer would have been 'no."
He stopped kissing me for a few seconds and finally rolled us around. I held my breath, a bit surprised, but ended up staddling him as his hands ran on my thighs gently. My lips were still very close to his and my hair was falling around us, hiding our faces like a curtain.
"I can't wait to be your wife, Niall."
His lips curled slightly in a fond smile. "I can't wait to cherish you, love you, and support you for the rest of my life." he added in a murmur. "Now ride me, petal."
My lips curled more and I chuckled before sitting up.I started riding him gently, staring down at him and biting my bottom lip. I could still see a few locks of his hair stuck on his forehead and the sight of him naked under me made my whole body quiver.
"This is what I want to see every single day for the rest of my life." he admitted in a whisper, letting one of his hands slide up until my breasts, running his palm on them and brushing his fingertips on my nipples. "That honeymoon is gonna be something else, petal."
I smiled more and bend down slightly, holding myself with my hands on his chest. "That honeymoon is gonna last until we die."
He smiled at me and nodded. "It will."
I started riding him again, harder and a bit faster this time, and when his hand reached between my legs to rub my clit, I started shaking over him. He groaned low, reaching for my thighs and grabbing them hard while he closed his eyes tight. We remained motionless for a few seconds, just panting with our eyes closed, but after a while, my eyes fluttered open and I sent him a fond smile.
I lied down next to him on the floor, not even caring about how uncomfortable it was, and I moved my hand up to look at my ring again. It was unbelievable but I knew it was true. If someone had told me, when I was a kid, that I was going to marry Niall, I would have laughed. Heck, if someone had told me that a year ago, I wouldn't have believed it. Now, however, it just felt right. It felt like the accomplishment of a lifetime. It felt like the obvious outcome of my journey. It felt like the epic conclusion that was meant to happen.
"I bought this in Paris, when we were at your parents." he just said, making my heart skip a beat. How could his voice still make me melt after all this time? "I just woke up one day and I knew it was the right thing to do. It was so obvious to me I didn't even doubt it or question it. Not a fucking second."
I turned my head to look at him, noticing he was staring at the ring on my finger.
"You're the love of my life, we should already be married." he pointed out with a small shrug, making me laugh. It made him turn my way and he raised his eyebrows. "What?"
"I mean you? Niall Horan? Wanting to get married so soon?" I asked, the left corner of my lips raised up. "Who would have thought? I mean, you'll be the first one in your band to be married. Even before Louis... even before Liam! If you think about it, it's quite surprising isn't it?"
He stared at me for a few seconds, but his lips finally curled into a smile too and he chuckled. "Yea, maybe. i mean, if you weren't in my life, I'd probably be the last one to get married, you're right."
"So it's because of me?" I asked, raising my eyebrows and turning my body his way.
"Yea. I don't want to marry anyone else, and if you weren't in my life... I don't even know if I'd get married. Maybe in my late 30's? Or 40's? Who knows?"
We stared at each other for a minute or two in silence. I was coming up to the conclusion that soulmates were real, and I was lucky enough to have found mine. Even better, it seemed like I was his soulmate too, and nothing could be more perfect that that. I couldn't say I wouldn't have married anyone but him, especially since I was so close to marry an other man, but I could say that I would never be happy with anyone else the way I was happy with him. There was something about this relationship that I wouldn't be able to get though any other relationship. I never felt like that for anyone else in the world. No one could compare. No one was Niall James Horan, and he was the only one I wanted.
"This calls for champagne."
I chuckled and he got up before extending his hand to help me up too. I grabbed his shirt on the floor but grimaced at how wet it was. Instead, I grabbed all our clothes spread on the floor and brought it to the washing machine as he walked up to the kitchen completely naked. I grabbed a pair of boxers for him and one of his shirt for me and walked back to the living room, closing the door and locking it. It was still raining hard outside and I looked by the window for a short moment before finally joining him in the kitchen. He had picked a bottle of champagne and I smiled as I stared at him. He was there, standing completely naked in the kitchen, a bottle of champagne in hands, trying to open it, and I tilted my head. The sight was fucking incredible.
"I brought you boxers but I'm not sure I want to give them to you anymore."
He turned to me with a smirk and I couldn't help but let glance down at his dick. He chuckles and opened the bottle of champagne with a 'pop' before pouring some in two glasses.
"Clothing is optional tonight, my love." he let out, raising his eyebrows. "In fact, it's forbidden to wear any piece of clothing."
He handed me my glass and I pressed my lips together, taking it just as he snapped the shirt and boxers from my other hand. I held my breath as he threw them away and let out a short giggle. I was never at ease while being naked, especially around Niall because his opinion mattered to me more than anyone else's, but the way his eyes roamed on my naked form and sparkled as they got back into mine... that was something that didn't lie. So I didn't have the body I used to have, and I didn't have (and never did) the body of the girls he used to date and fuck... but apparently, it didn't matter to him.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked in a low tone, licking my lips.
He cleared his throat and took his own glass before turning back to me again.
"You look at me too, darling." he pointed out, avoiding my eyes.
"I know but... I don't know, you were looking at me... in a special way."
This time, he looked out and our eyes met. He took a step closer and my lips parted slightly. Fuck, I loved him, I loved him so fucking much I could literally die.
"I can't believe how lucky I am." he admitted in a very low tone. "I'm gonna make love to you every single day for the rest of my life. I want to discover and remember every mole, every mark, every spot." I felt his free hand run on one of my breasts and slide down my stomach. "I want to learn the best ways to make you horny, to make you dizzy, to drive you crazy and to make you cum. I was looking at you because I find it scary how close I was to never get you back."
I stared at him, my mouth slightly open, as I let his words sink in. My eyes fluttered but I kept them open and he brought his fingers on my back, brushing his fingertips on my spine.
"And you say you're not good with words." I pointed out, tilting my head and making him chuckle again.
"I'm getting better at it, right?" he laughed, taking a step back. "You mad eme practice a lot, without really realizing it."
i rolled my eyes with a smile and shrugged as he brought his glass up. "To you and I, to this relationship that will last longer than a lifetime. To you, because you're perfect for me."
"To you too, because you're the only one I ever wanted."
I clinked my glass against his and swallowed everything, putting the glass back on the counter. He did the same and filled them up again.
"So, how are we gonna tell everyone?" I asked, bringing the now full glass to my lips again.
"We're not." he said, leaning his ass against the counter, taking a sip too and making me frown. "We're eloping. Prepare your stuff, we're leaving tomorrow."
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itgetsbetter-ff · 5 years
Chapter 4- Deja Vu (Part 2)
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Sighing, looking at my hair, I was disappointed because it was already fading. I knew Momma was gonna be pissed cause she just got it done, but i didn’t think it was gonna fade this fast. But I didn’t want to ask to get it done again, cause I’m treading on thin ice.  
Katie has called me a million times, since my last visit, and because I hadn’t answered the phone, she’s called my dad a million times to try to talk to me. But let’s be real, I’m not going back to that hell hole.  
Things around the house, still are strange. Dad hasn’t really said anything to me. Dad and mom started talking again, and everyone still talks to me, except my lovely older sister. The doctor’s told me that I’m stressing too much, which could be bad for my baby. But again, let’s be real. How could I not stress. I’m 16, pregnant, and I don’t know who the father is. I’m praying it’s my ex-boyfriend’s baby. But if it isn’t it’s Angel’s boyfriend. She’d literally kill me if that was the case.   
“Hello, Earth to Dominique.” Kaliea said laughing before hitting me with a pillow, in my face.
I frowned and threw it back at her. “That’s not funny!”
She sighed, “Well, bitch, listen to what I’m saying and i won’t have to throw it at you.
We were in my room at my house, hanging out. But I honestly forgot she was here. Listening to your own thoughts can be deadly sometimes.
“Okay, what were you saying?” I asked
She shrugged, “Nothing important. What were you thinking about?”
“My hair. It’s fading, and I know my mom is going to be pissed if I asked to get it done again.”
She rolled her eyes, “You act like your sister and cousin don’t own a hair salon.”
“You act like my sister likes me. Plus, I don’t get my hair done over there, and she’s pissed that my hair is pink, just like hers.”
“Everyone in the family gets their hair and nails done there. Angel’s salon is literally the best in LA.”
I sighed, “Trust me, I know.”
I’ve actually been wanting to go over there, but Angel is just- i don’t even know how to explain her. Sage does hair sometimes over there, but I’ve been to scared to ask anyone to even get a service done. YES, the owner is my sister, but I know she’d rather have me far away from her place of business.
I looked up when I saw Lea on the phone.
“What are you doing” I whispered.
“Getting you an appointment in Angel’s salon.” she whispered back
I hopped off my bed, trying to reach her but it was already too late.
“Hey Tay! Can you do me a favor and do one of my friends heads for me please?” She said into the phone
“20 mins? Great see you there.” Then she hung up the phone
“Zoey Kaliea Hernandez-Boudreaux!!”
“What, I got you your appointment.”  
Sitting in this man’s chair, had me nervous. Apparently, he does Lea’s hair all the time and they’re really cool. But I was a nervous wreck that my sister would walk in her at any minute. He tried to make conversation with me, but Lea told him I was shy, so he didn’t press it too much.
We were almost done, when I saw Sage walk through the front door. Lea was sitting at her station, next to Tay’s and I knew I was officially dead.
“Lea?” Sage questioned, and Lea just smiled back.
“I forgot, you would be Sage’s cousin too, if you were Angel’s” Tay spoke to her
Sage chuckled, “Then let me introduce to you, Angel’s sister, in your chair, Dominique. Hello Domi.”
“Hi Sage.” I whispered.
“Aw, Hell. Zoey Kahliea, I oughta whoop your ass! You’re trying to get her to kill us all.” Tay threatened Lea.
She just shrugged, “Look, am I afraid of her. Hell yeah, but Domi needed her hair done by the best. This salon is the best in the city! She shouldn’t be afraid to not come to her own sister’s salon because Angel doesn’t like her.”  
I knew she was right, but I stayed silent.
Once Sage went in the back, and Lea followed her, Tay turned me around and looked directly at me.
“Is this going to be an issue?” He asked,
I shook my head, “Is it for you?”
He just rolled his eyes, “She my best friend, but she ain God. A customer is a customer.”
I nodded not really knowing what he meant, but okay.
“Look, I know that girl like the back of my hand. You just got to give her time.”
I was confused, “Time? Time for what?”
“To warm up to you, yeah, she’s been a bitch to you, your whole life. But she’s a teddy bear. She told me that she took you to the clinic, she was the first person that found out. Held you when you cried. That’s the Angelique Marie Boudreaux Cartier that I know. She’s an asshole, but she wouldn’t do anything to harm you and she wouldn’t let anyone else harm you”
I sat there and thought about what he said. I know she can be nice, but I never really imagined that she’d be nice to me. We literally fought all the time. I remember the ass-whoopin she gave me, when I wrecked her car once. Technically, I was driving Dad’s car, and crashed his car into hers. But still.
“Do I owe you anything for my hair?”  
“Nope, all family members that we know, are allowed to get free services, that includes you. Ms. Dominique.”
I smiled at him, but that smile turned into a frown as soon as I heard her behind me.
“Why are you here?” She said walking past me and sat into Tay’s chair.
I didn’t really say anything, but Tay interrupted me.
“I touched up her hair, Why you got your sister going to these ugly ass people’s salons. Ruining her hair.” He accused her.
“I dont care. Im here to get this pink off me, cause of her anyways. Andrea did you pay?” She said with venom
“She did. Stop being nosey bitch,” He spoke up for me
She rolled her eyes, “Well, daddy outside anyways to get you and Kahliea. So you can leave.”
I nodded, “Bye Tay, thank you.”
“No Problem honey.”
“Andrea, why are you still here.” Angel said dismissively
“Bitch you too damn rude. That’s your sister.”
“Shut the hell up Deontay. Before I whoop your ass.” She laughed
I didn’t hear the rest of her conversation, because I had left to go to the car. I texted Lea to come outside.
I got in the backseat of the car. “Hi Daddy.”
“Hi Dominique.” He said super dry.
He barely spoke to me in the car to drive Lea home, and he didn’t speak to me on the way home. I finally spoke up when we got to the house.
“Are you going to forgive me?”
He turned around confused, “What?”
“Are you going to forgive me? You don’t call me princess anymore, you barely look at me. or even talk to me daddy. Are you going to forgive me?”
“Angelique it’s not-“
“I’M DOMINIQUE!” I screamed.
He sighed and rubbed his face. “I know exactly who you are, I’m tired Dominique. It’s not that I’m not forgiving you, I’m just really disappointed. I wanted more for your life than teenage pregnancy.”
“I know daddy, but you forgave mom.”  
“I wasn’t mad at your mother because you got pregnant. I was mad that she constantly treats you like you’re fragile. You’re not fragile. You can not be coddled by Giselle. You can’t be coddled by anyone anymore.”
“I just- I know i messed up, but Daddy, I want you to talk to me. I already have Angel hating my guts, i cant have you hating me.”
“I don’t hate you. I love you to much. You and all of your brothers and sisters.”
I shrugged, “It doesn’t feel like that sometimes daddy.”
“I apologize for that Princess, I’ll try to do better.”
I smiled, “You called me Princess.”
He rolled his eyes, as he started to get out of the car, “Yeah whatever, get out of the car, so you can get dinner.”
I got out of the car and stood next to him “Daddy, my next doctor appointment is next week, will you come, with mom and I?”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” He said hugging me and kissing my forehead.  
I haven’t hugged my Dad since he found out I was pregnant, I missed him.
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I can’t belief this little boy. He has all of his shit just spawled around my damn house and I was sick of it.  
“Yes Ma’am?” He called out
“Come downstairs please?”
I heard him stop his video game and come down the stairs. He looked exactly like his father and it was kind of sickening sometimes.  
I started to point to his entire mess. “AJ, We’ve talked about this. The living room is not your room, there is no reason why all of your sporting gear should be all over the living room. I’m not cleaning it up.” I said trying not to strangle my child.  
“But dad said-“ He started
I wanted to pull my own hair out sometimes. Raising a 12 year old boy is exhausting, like I’m going to have to ask Olivia and Giselle how they did it, because I can’t.
“Yes ma’am.” He muttered and started to clean up the mess.
I went into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of white wine, its been more common now. I knew that I should get started on dinner but I honestly didn’t even want to cook.
“Hey what are you doing?” I heard Rack say.
“Mom said to clean the living room.” AJ mumbled.
“Go ahead upstairs, I’ll talk to your mom.”
I rolled my eyes and started to walk out the kitchen,
“No, you stay your ass right there and clean Andre.” I gave him an evil eye, which made him continue to clean.
“Rakim, can I see you in the kitchen please?”  
Once he followed me in the kitchen, “Baby cmon. He’s a teenage boy, they do shit like that.” He shrugged dismissively  
I scoffed, “Rakim, he needs to learn to pick up after himself. You’re  not doing it and I for damn sure will not do that shit.”
“Rose, I think you’re overreacting.”
“STOP UNDERMINING ME WITH HIM!” I screamed, I honestly was tired of me being the bad guy and discipling AJ, and Rack coming in and being super fun dad. No, that is not how this shit works.
I guess he realized I was serious, once he saw my face.
He sighed, “I didn’t realize that it bothered you so much”
“Yeah, well it does. Constantly.”
He came over to me and put his arms around me, usually, I would melt at his touch, but lately he’s been feeling like a stranger.
“Gi and Liv invited us out to eat. You know just couples i guess.” He said.
“That’s fine. I guess, I’ll go get dressed.”
Having dinner with my family, usually always puts me in a fantastic ass mood.  But today, it just wasn’t right.
First, the argument with Rack and AJ, then we get to the restaurant not only is my brother there, he’s there with his on/off side piece Callie, whom we all dislike. Then LOL Here comes Lizzie with Kamryn. I just couldn’t. Dinner was a disaster and then i asked Gi and Liv how to basically deal with Andre Jr and Rack gets a whole attitude with me.
Which leads us to right now, Arguing.
We’ve been arguing since we got in the car on the way home and that was 3 hours ago.  
“Rosalie, see this is exactly what I’m talking about! You don’t listen to me, and you treat AJ and I like shit. What’s the matter!” He yelled
I didn’t answer. He looked at me like I was stupid.
“Andre, leave me alone.”  
“No Rosalie!! Why are you like this to us! What did we do to you?!”
As soon as I said it, I regretted it. But I couldn’t take it back.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean Rosalie?” He said, very coldly.
“I - I dont know, I shouldn’t have said it.”
“No, you know exactly what the fuck you meant! Go ahead say it! I forced you to have a kid after our first baby died, and you didn’t want any more.!” He yelled in my face.  
I didn’t say anything at first, but I needed him to say her name.
“Say her name Rakim.” I gritted.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” He sighed.
“Say it!!! Nicole Azaiah Karter! Stop pretending she doesn’t exist!”
“She doesn’t Rosalie!! YOU HAVE ANDRE TO WORRY ABOUT NOT NICOLE! Nicole is dead! LET IT GO! Andre is LITERALLY UPSTAIRS! Stop pretending I forced you into fucking motherhood! YOU WANTED THIS JUST AS MUCH AS I DID!” He yelled back at me
“YOU DID! I didn’t want anymore children after Nicole died! I WAS DYING RAKIM, I had no choice BUT TO TERMINATE HER! We broke up, i realized I was being stupid because i loved you. We said nothing could tear us apart and that it was okay and we talked about it adopting and surrogacy but after awhile, I just accepted that a baby wasn’t for us. YOU forced me to look into surrogate after i told you no for YEARS! You forced me to be a mother! I DIDN’T WANT HIM ANDRE, I WANTED NICOLE! I WANT MY DAUGHTER BACK NOT YOUR SON!”
Again, as soon as I said it, I instantly regretted it.
“Get out.” He mumbled.
“What?” I was shocked
“I said, Get out.” He said clear as day, looking at me. If looks could kill, I would be 1,000 ft under.
I looked at the clock in the kitchen and it said 2:33 am.
“Rack, it’s almost 3 am!!”
“I DONT GIVE A FLYING FUCK! GET THE FUCK OUT! You resent me for having our son! You don’t love him, you don’t love me! so GET THE FUCK OUT!” He screamed at me.
“Rosalie, I’m not gonna tell you again. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!” His voice boomed, that it literally scared me. He’s never talked to me this way before. Ever.
“Mom? Dad?” AJ called from upstairs
“Everything’s alright sweetie. Go back to bed.” I called out to him, trying to make sure that my voice didn’t shake.
“Dad?” He called out again.
“Listen to your mother AJ.” He called out never taking his eyes off me.
“Yes sir.” and he went back to his room, and we heard the door close.
“Rack, please. I need you to understand” I begged. He cut his eyes at me.
“By the time I wake up to take him to school, I want your ass gone. I’m not playing.”
He started to go up the stairs into our bedroom but I grabbed his arm.
“Rack!! Please!”
He snatched away from me and continued to walk upstairs
“Go to Hell Rosalie.”
I watched in awe, Andre has never spoken to me like this before,I saw him turn left and go into the guest room next to AJ’s room, and slammed the door.
I jumped and the tears immediately came, I covered my mouth and sobbed. Not to disturb my son, or even Andre. I collapsed to the floor crying, because I probably just single- handedly just broke up my family.
What the fuck did I just do?
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Here I am, 44 years old, still doing the same shit I was when I was in my twenties. Partying, drinking, spending, and living my best life. But also getting my ass beat almost every other night by my long-time boyfriend, King, the most powerful drug dealer on the west coast.
I’ve done a lot of shit in my life, including, being a mistress and getting pregnant, leaving my son, being with an abusive man who is also married, getting pregnant 5 more times by him, and having those babies. King doesn’t claim the kids because then his wife would find out and then our whole lives would be taken away from us.  I’ve had 2 still born babies due to my cocaine habits, one daughter Ameila, who is 12 taken away from me by the state, I currently have my 9 year old son August and my 2 year old daughter, Aria.  
King takes care of me, and I take care of the kids, when I’m sober. But I take care of King most of the time. I don’t live in the best of areas, but it’ll do for now.  
“Baby?” He calls out
“Bathroom,” I was covering up my black eye with makeup, and then I had plans on getting high as a fuckin kite
He came in and stood behind me, putting his hands on my hips and kissing my neck.
“How was your day, daddy?” I said provocatively
“Same bullshit. Wife problems.”
I rolled my eyes, but I made sure not to let him see that. I don’t need anymore pain.
“You gonna relieve my wife problems baby?” He spoke against my neck, giving me love bites.
I started to moan, because damn, that felt good.
“I’m trying to finish this daddy.” I moaned out.
“I said now” He growled, and one of his hands travelled down to rub my soaking wet pussy, I only had on a t-shirt so it gave him easy access.
“You’re always so wet for me. Who pussy is this?” He whispered in my ear
I threw my head back onto his shoulder moaning, opening my legs wider as he started to finger me. “Fuck, yours daddy!”
I was upset when he removed his hand and walked into the bedroom.
“Come ride this dick.” He ordered and took down his pants sitting on the edge of the bed.
I quickly followed because he doesn’t like to wait and threw my shirt off, exposing my naked body. Seeing his dick made me even hornier than before, I couldn’t wait to cum all over it.
I straddled him, and he entered me, we both moaned out. His taking my hips and guiding me, i used his shoulders for balance, as I bounced up and down.
“Fuck me, daddy, please!” I called out throwing my head back in pleasure. He put my tit in his mouth and started to suck on it, which sent me even higher.
“Ugh, your pussy feels so fuckin good. You dripping all over me!”
I was just about to cum, when someone started banging on my damn door.
“IGNORE IT!” He growled, and I was going to, King’s sex was better than cocaine and alcohol combined. When we were drunk, high and fucking, it’s out of this world.
I could tell he was getting frustrated, but I was trying to cum. So fuck the door. I kissed his lips and started down his neck.
“Cmon daddy, ignore the door, make me cum. I’m about to daddy. All over you” I moaned.
He groaned out loud, louder than before and I knew he was focused again. But then the somebody started pounding on the door. He got mad as fuck and threw me off and my ass hit the floor.
“Go answer the fuckin door.” He mumbled.
I nodded and picked up my shirt putting it on, running to the door, I was mad as fuck at whoever was at the door interrupting me having sex. August and Aria came out of their room.
“Go back in your room! You don’t want your father mad at you!” I scolded and pushed them in the room and closing the door.
“AVERY HURRY THE FUCK UP!!!” He screamed from the bedroom
I came to the door, just as the person was about to knock again,
“WHAT!” I screamed
But I immediately stopped. I saw the expensive clothes, the expensive shoes and purse. Long black hair.
This bitch hasn’t aged a fucking day.
“Olivia?” I choked out.
She looked at me up and down, and grimaced.  
“We need to talk.”
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I was on the phone with Marie and she was telling me what happened to Aiden with Dad. I was in shock. I mean I know that Aye’s mom was a touchy subject, but for my dad to make Aiden cry, I would have never guessed that.
“I’m gonna call him, to see how he is.” I said into the phone while ironing my clothes.
“Yeah I think that’s a good idea, he’s been staying in the penthouse in Malibu, and I take him food and bring him clothes.” Ree said
“Isn’t that a far commute from school to the house to the penthouse?” I questioned
“I mean, I guess but he’s my little brother. I’m always gonna look out for him. You know daddy pretty pissed at you too.”
I wasn’t surprised, but he hasn’t called an told me that, so I was indifferent.
“What the fuck did he expect me to do? Lie? Shit if I didn’t know mommy, I would’ve wanted to know her, even if she was crazy.”
“Yeah, I don’t know. You know he don’t like talking about it. I guess he thinks its gonna upset mommy. But you know she don’t give a damn.”
I laughed, “Right.But Ree how’s school?”  
“Eh, Its okay.” She said dismissively
“Marie.” I warned, She completely ignored me and asked
“Have you talked to Angel?”
“No. Not since I saw her at the shop earlier this week. Why?”
She started laughing, “Nothing, she mad at Dominique again, like usual and she just being her crazy self. I went to get my hair pressed out yesterday and she vented to me about a lot honestly.”
“You know that heffa is crazy. She gets on my nerves though.” I laughed
“Sage, when you coming home?”
I laughed “Marie, I just left.”  
“I know, but I miss you. Between Aiden and Maurice, plus daddy being mad at Aiden. It’s all driving me insane! I need my sister” She whined. 
I sighed, think about why i wasn’t at home. “ I should be home soon, I have to handle and tie up a few things in NYC and I should be home in a few weeks.”
“Spa day when you come back?”
“Of course.”
Entering the courthouse, I got weird flashbacks and it honestly scared me. I hated talking about this and I hated being in New York. New York was supposed to be my solace after the hell I went through in LA, but NY made LA look like a piece of cake.
“Calling to the stands Ms. Sage Lavigne.” The prosecutor said.
I took the stand and promised under the oath. Blah blah blah. I was wiping my hands on my pants because they were sweating really bad under the pressure.
“Ms. Lavigne, why are you here today?”
I cleared my throat, “I am here to give my testimony, about what occurred when I was 17- 21.”  
“How old are you now?” He asked.
“I am 25, about to turn 26 in a few months.”
“Okay, let the record show that Ms. Lavigne is the states witness and will be telling the situation from her perspective.” Then he nodded for me to go ahead and speak.
I cleared my throat, and took a shaky breath.
“When I was 14, I was in a relationship with my first love Aaron Cole. Everything was good at first, he was about 2 years older than me, and that’s what I found attractive about him. He was older, He had money and he was always nice to me. His little sister was my cousin’s best friend so I saw him all the time. Picking her up and dropping her off.”
I pushed my hair behind my ear, it was never easy for me to talk about Aaron. He caused me so much pain that I could never imagine.
“So, when I turned 15, everything changed. He became mean and argumentative. My 15th birthday was the day that he first hit me. I should’ve left that day, but he promised he would never do it again. But that was a lie, because he beat me almost every day after that for about 2 years. I hid it from my family and friends, because I loved him. I wanted to protect him”
I knew the tears started to fall, and I knew I was done for.
“So, on my 17th birthday, I told him that I got into college and that made him so mad. He thought that I had another year of high school left. He thought that I was going to leave him behind and that because I got into college and he didn’t go that I was better than him and so he constantly would demean me and he beat me so bad, that I almost died. My mom found me in my bathroom crying, bloody, bruised up and she rushed me to the hospital. This was when I found out that I was pregnant, as soon as I got better I ran away to New York. My parents didn’t know about the baby, no one did. I was too far along to get it aborted but I wasn’t showing either. My freshman year, I really didn’t go home, to hide my pregnancy and I gave birth by myself in the hospital.”
“That was the second hardest thing I had to do, because the first was putting her in the care of family members.”
The lawyer interrupted asking me a question: “ I thought you said your family don’t know about your daughter.”
I nodded, “My immediate family. My daughter is in the care of my step-grandfather’s side of the family. My intention was to always come back for her, but once her father was either in jail or dead. I couldn’t have him looking for her. But by the time I was 20, I fell in love again. I was dating this guy who I went to school with, his name was Chandler Burke, he was also a few years older than me”
“He had gone to jail before but he was getting his life together, and he was everything I was looking for in a man. We had been dating for a year, and everything was fine, until I told him about my daughter. Next thing you know, Aaron shows up at my apartment with Chandler and they beat me until, again I almost died. My neighbor found me on my doorsteps passed out and called 911. In the hospital, I suffered broken ribs, i had to get my jaw wired shut, and internal injuries. I also was notified, that I had suffered a miscarriage and that because the bleeding was so bad, it would be hard for me to have children without medical help or surrogacy. I was carrying Chandler’s child and him and Aaron beat me near to death again”
“They never knew my daughter’s name or where she lived, but they knew she was alive. But what I didn’t know was that Aaron sent Chandler to watch over me. Chandler’s real name was Antonio Cole. Aaron’s older Cousin. I didn’t know they were related.”  
By this time, I was full on sobbing in court. Telling this story to anyone, hurts me every single time because they stole everything from me and it took a long time for me to even get the courage to tell anyone, let alone a room full of people and a judge.
“Ms. Lavigne, can you answer on more question?”  
I nodded and he asked, “Why specifically are you here?”
I blew my nose and gathered my words, “I’m petitioning the court, to allow me to gain full rights of my daughter again.Her father is dead and his cousin is in jail. They cant harm her or be harmful to her anymore. I want her to come home with me, and my relatives aren’t willingly giving her back to me.”
“Could you explain?”
“I guess, since they’ve had her from the day she was born, they have grown attached to her. She calls me mommy and she knows exactly who I am. My relatives feel that I can’t provide for an 8 year old when I can. I have multiple successful businesses, I send my family child support because they were doing me a favor, a trust fund in her name, a house and a room that she can call her own. I just want my baby back. I want what I lost when I was 17.”
“What is your daughter’s name?”
“On her birth certificate it’s Dahlia Angelique Elise Boudreaux-Lavigne. But the court has her under Dahlia Angelique Elise Karter. But I call her either Dolly or Dahlia”
“That’s a long name for a child.” He joked.
I laughed,  “My name is Sage Elise Boudreaux Lavigne. My first name is Sage Elise and Middle Boudreaux, and Last Lavigne. Sage is my father’s grandmother’s name and Elise is my mother’s mother’s name. Boudreaux is my mother’s maiden name and Lavigne is my father’s last name”
“My daughter’s name means everything. So Dahlia is a flower, one of my favorites actually. But in Arabic it means Olive branch. I took that as a play for my mother’s name Olivia, which means the same. Angelique is the name of the person I want to be her God mother, my best friend and Cousin. So her first name is Dahlia Angelique. Elise is her middle name and I made her last name hyphenated because all of my cousins carry the last name Boudreaux and then their father’s last name. I couldn’t name my daughter Cole because he is a monster that doesn’t deserve to know about her.”
“Anything else the court should know?”
I shook my head, “I just want my daughter back,”
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 40
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his -4.3k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: i hope this isnt too much and that youre still enjoying this story! its almost over tho, so if you have any request please send them asap! I have a few more chapters planned but I could always add a few filler chapters if you guys send me ideas. so yea, thank you!
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : here are the requests i used. im sorry about the Julia one, they couldnt have a very big and deep talk because it was Liv’s chapter but I still wanted to add her in because i really like her :) hope its okay!
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Chapter 40 : Her chapter
May 7th, 2018
It was quite late but we were both packing our things in silence. I had waited last minute to do it while Niall had to wait until he was back from his concert, which resulted in us doing it together. I missed going to see him play and sing and the thought made something stir in my stomach. I couldn't believe I stopped myself from going to see him do what he loved the most to do in the entire universe just because I was scared of what some losers could write in an online article. The more I thought about it, the more I found that completely ridiculous. I was about to mention something about it when I heard Niall talk, breaking the silence.
"Oh, I totally forgot to give you that." He leaned closer to me and handed me a small box that was wrapped in pretty pink paper. I frowned but took it in my hand anyway as he shrugged. "A fan told me to give it to you. Apparently, she was really sad when we broke up."
I stared at the small box on y hand and licked my lips. I knew most of it were just rumors, but I also knew that some people believe everything they'd read online. Still, this time, I couldn't blame them since it was the truth. I quickly unwrapped it and grabbed the note first, reading it out loud.
"We thought Niall was the biggest One Direction fan in the world, but we've seen you multiple times with random One Direction merch and we thought you may enjoy this."
I frowned more but when I saw the necklace, I let out a louder laughter. It made Niall frown too and I looked up at him with a smirk, bringing my hand closer to him. Around my fingers was hanging a necklace with his face on it. It seemed to be very old merch, probably from 2011, and I saw him grimace.
"No, Liv!" he whined as I put it around my neck and I chuckled again.
"Hey, it's a gift!" I argued. "Besides, I didn't have this one. I love it."
"You're such a pain." he joked, making me laugh this time.
I didn't see it coming but he literally jumped on me and I fell on the bed with a high scream. He pinned me down and started tickling me, holding both my wrists with one hands as the fingers of the other squeezed my waist, making my body jerk.
"Noooo! Niall stop!"
I squirmed, kicking him and hitting him without really knowing or controlling what I was doing. It took him a few seconds to stop and he stared down at me with a smirk as my lips were parted. I was panting low, not even able to enjoy his body on top of mine.
"Please, let me wear the necklace." I almost begged in a low voice.
His eyes roamed on me for about a minute and finally, the left corner of his lips raised up and he nodded once before moving closer to kiss me.
I had decided to follow him in Spain even if I had no idea when I'd have to fly back to California. We still had a few episodes to film but I was hoping Niall could come with me. He only had a few concerts left before he'd be off for a few weeks and even if he had to fly to the UK at the end of the month, I was thinking he could spend almost two weeks with me. I knew all we did was live in our luggage, going from airports to airports but at the same time, we were together and it's really all that mattered to me.
His lips moving slowly against mine made my heart twist in my chest. I loved him so much, I always would and I knew it. I was starting to trust him again, so much that the tiny ball of fear that seemed to live permanently in my stomach was now gone. I had decided that I wanted to live this plenty, to not hold grudges of fears that came from our past. I wanted to move forward and I knew that we had both changed for the better.
May 8th, 2018
We woke up early to catch our flight and I put my sunglasses on because I knew I looked exhausted. They were heart shaped but were black instead of my usual pink or purple ones for the simple reason I thought it would be less obvious to the people around that I had puffy and tired eyes. I didn't mean travelling if it meant being with Niall, but that didn't mean it was it wasn't sucking up all my juice.
I didn't expect the airport to be crowded but it was, and I moved my head down, trying not to catch anyone's attention. The fans started screaming, the paps started yelling at Niall to look their way, and when one of them moved too close to us, I felt my heart jump in my chest and without thinking, I grabbed Niall's hand. I realized my mistake and quickly let go of it only to feel his fingers tighten around mine. I could swear the flashes became even more intense right after and I glanced at Niall, licking my lips as I heard similar questions being yelled around us.
"Are you two back together?"
"Did you cheat on Dylan and Heidi together?"
"Are all the rumors true?"
We both held each other's hand tighter at the sound of all these questions being thrown at us and we kept walking as they followed us. I could feel my heart beat so hard in my chest that I felt like it was about to escape. I swallowed hard trying to relax a bit as I kept glancing at my boyfriend.
"Does that mean we're official?" Niall asked me, squeezing my fingers even more after he stopped walking, and moved closer to make sure I was the only one who heard.
I turned his way and licked my lips, trying to ignore the flashes and the sounds of the cameras. I was not used to that much attention, or at least, not as intense as it was being at that moment, but even if it was a bit intimidating, I was not scared.
"Do you want us to be?"
His gaze moved on my face as he studied me before sending me a fond smile. "Yes, I do."
I sent him a gentle smile that turned into a very big one. "We're official then."
"Fuck yes." he whispered, making me chuckle.
He pulled on my hand and we started walking again but as we were about to pass the gate, he quickly and roughly moved our hands up to show our intertwined fingers and it surprised me so much I felt my heart skip a few beats.
"FUCK YES!" he repeated in a yell, making me burst into laughter this time.
If I wasn't sure Niall loved me, I definitely was now. The fact that he literally told the world we were together proved much more than anyone could believe. I knew he was private, and so was I. I also knew he didn't like his private life to be in the spotlight, or talked about, or known, and him showing everyone, fans and paps included, that we were an item by throwing our hands up just showed me how committed he was. People would talk about us and the wrong things we did to Dylan and Heidi, people would definitely criticize us as individuals but also as a couple and I knew that for a while, people would stop talking about his music and my tv show only to blab shit about our love, but he thought it was still worth it and even if I was a bit surprised, it touched me more than I thought it would. And just like that, the blinded trust I had for Niall until he broke up with me was back, and I knew that this time, it would be different.
We took a nap when we arrived at the hotel and when I woke up, it was the middle of the afternoon and Niall's arm was wrapped around me as he was laying on his stomach. I ran my fingertips on his arm and reached his back, making him groan slightly. He looked so good, his eyes closed, his bottom lip a bit over his upper one in a cute pout and his hair a bit messy. It made something come alive inside me and I realized that we went through so many things to get back pretty much where we used to be. The difference was us and the way we had grown, and I knew that what we lived when we were away from each other was needed to have the relationship we had at that very moment.
I tried not to wake him up and sat up slowly and gently in bed, rubbing my eyes and yawning before grabbing my phone. I knew he didn't want me to but I searched for his name and mine in google and a bunch of pictures from the airport appeared. My lips curled more at the picture of us walking away while Niall held our hands up together. I stared at it for a few minutes and pressed my lips together, feeling suddenly ecstatic and a bit dizzy. It was really happening. I was back with Niall and we were happy together. In all the months we were apart, I had wished for it, but I never thought it would really happen at some point.
"What are you looking at?" he mumbled low, taking me out of my thoughts. "You're smiling."
I turned to him and my excited smile turned into a fond one. His eyes were half-closed and his face was still pressed on the pillow. In fact, I was pretty sure he hadn't moved at all and looking at him made something stir in my stomach. There was nothing I loved more than waking up with him, except maybe falling asleep in his arms.
I tilted my head and let the left corner of my lips raise up before turning the screen his way. It took him a few seconds to let what he was seeing sink in and he smiled too.
"Oh look, that's us telling the world we're back together." he pointed out slowly and in a low tone, an amused smile curling his lips. "I'm sorry, I'm never that impulsive normally. But I've been waiting for that for a while." He paused and I felt his arm hold my waist tighter before he squirmed a bit and put his head on my lap. "It's okay though, because this is meant to last, so everyone may as well know now. What do ya say?"
I brought my hand to his head and ran my fingers in his hair gently, making his eyes flutter. "I agree." I whispered, making him smile more.
"We're gonna get married and have a few kids. And dogs, too. I love dogs."
This time, I chuckled and licked my lips. He had mentioned marriage a few times in the past weeks and I loved it. He used to be so scared of commitment and the future and now he was literally planning it for us.
"You know what we should do now?" he asked, making me shake my head. "Stay in bed all day. Order food, watch tv, and make out. Champagne and you. That sounds perfect."
I smiled widely. "Gotta celebrate the fact that we're official, now."
"Damn right."
After a few hours, we were done eating and the bottle of champagne was empty. We were still laying in bed but I had stopped following the movie and kept staring at the ceiling. What took me out of my thoughts, once again, was Niall's voice. I blinked a few times, trying to get back to my senses, and he raised his eyebrows at me.
"Mm?" I asked, making him laugh.
He stopped the movie quickly before grabbing the sheets of the bed, pulling them over our heads and once again locking us together in our safe place. I smiled at him and turned my body his way as he did the same. It was always a bit stifling to stay under the covers for a while but at the same time, it made me feel secure like nothing else did.
"How hard did that champagne hit?" he asked with a chuckle.
"Mm, i'm tipsy." I admitted, laughing too.
"Me too." he let out, his eyes roaming on my face. "You know I want to marry you for real, right? I want to promise to be yours forever. I want to literally show everyone that no one else will ever mean to me as much as you mean to me."
"I want it too. I want to be your wife. Niall I want it more than anything."
I felt my heart jump in my chest at my confession and we kept looking at each other for a few minutes in silence. He found my left hand and brought it up to his eyes level before running his thumb gently on my ring finger. I bit my bottom lip, trying to imagine what it would feel like to be his wife, and I swallowed hard, almost ashamed that I let my mind wonder so far.
"One day..." he just murmured before looking up in my eyes. "How many kids?"
"Five." I let out, making his eyebrows raise.
"Jesus Christ, do you want to kill me, woman?"
This time, I started laughing and he pulled me closer with a groan, letting his lips press against mine before pulling slightly away. I waited until he spoke again, my lips curling more and more with every passing seconds.
"You're not serious?" he just asked, making me laugh, this time.
"How many do you want?"
"Two, maybe three." he admitted before I kissed him again, sucking gently on his upper lip.
"Then two or three we'll have." I breathed out against his mouth as he held me closer.
"And we'll live in London, and keep a house in Cali, how's that?" he proposed in a murmur. "I'll bring you to Las Vegas to get married. We'll have the best honeymoon because I'll make you cum twenty times a day for a whole week."
I started laughing against his mouth and he smirked. "Where are we going for that?"
"Bali?" he suggested.
"Mm, don't tempt me." I joked as he laughed again, deepening the kiss and making me close my eyes. "What's on your mind, Horan?" I asked lower and more seriously.
"Well, how about we practice making those two-three kids now?" he offered, making me chuckle. "I really want to make love to my official girlfriend and future wife."
"Hey, I didn't say yes just yet." I joked as his lips traveled on my jaw and neck.
"But you will yea? You just accepted to be my official girlfriend so it's a good start. You'll be my wife and marry me?"
"If you want to spend your life with me, how can I say no to that?"
"That's what I thought." he just said, giving himself a swing and making me laugh even more as he got on top of me.
I spread my legs a bit as he nibbled on the skin of my neck and I groaned when I felt his hard dick press on my inner thighs. I was tired and still a bit tipsy but the way he whispered, the sound of his voice, the feeling of his body on top of mine... all of this was too good and I felt like I never had enough of him. Even after all this time, I wanted him as much as I used to, even more, probably, and the way he was all over me made me think he felt the same.
"I want to bury my cock so deep inside you right now." he whispered, bringing his mouth back on mine. "You're so fucking beautiful. I love you so much, Olivia. You made me so happy today."
I reached for his boxers and pulled them down as much as I could, his words making my heart twist and jump in my chest. I didn't think Niall could love me as much as he seemed to, I didn't know he could want to be with me to the point where he would literally hold my hand and show everyone that we were together in a crowded airport. I had no idea he was waiting for this, I didn't know that it would make him react like that to be my official boyfriend. All of this made sense, of course, but it was just hitting me that Niall really loved me as much as I loved him and that he didn't want to lose me again.
"Please Niall, just do it." I begged him in a murmur, reaching between my legs and pulling my panties aside before grabbing his cock and lining it up.
His hip movement was slow and as he pushed himself inside me, I felt my eyes roll back and a moan escaped my lips. I moved my knees up as he lied on top of me, holding himself on his elbows as he started thrusting in and out of me slowly. It felt like torture but at the same time it was so good I moved my chin up, feeling his lips leave kisses on it.
"I love you, can't believe you're my girlfriend again." he whispered, his lips brushing against my skin.
"I was always yours, Niall. I've always been yours. Since I was 6 years old. I knew I belonged to you." I replied just as low and without thinking. "I was just scared you didn't belong to me"
He pushed himself deeper inside me and it felt so good I let out an other whimper. He remained still, waiting for my eyes to open again and meet his, and I felt one of his hands slip in my hair while the other moved a lock out of my eyes.
"I belong to you." he confessed, making a shiver run across my back. "All this soulmate shit? I believe in it now. I have to."
I bit my bottom lip, making him glance at my mouth before looking back in my eyes.
"I love you. I fucking love you." I had barely finished my sentence that he was pressing his mouth against mine again, this time fucking me harder and faster.
My back arched after a few minutes and I moaned in his mouth this time, right before his thrusts became unsteady and a bit sloppy. The orgasm felt amazing and I gripped his arms as I felt his muscles tighten. I pressed my thighs on each sides of him, pushing myself against him in motion with him as he came. Nothing felt better than that post orgasm feeling with Niall on top of me. His lips found mine and he kissed me slowly but deeply for a while until we both got down of our highs and even a little bit after.
"I'm so happy you followed me here." he admitted with a smile as I tilted my head on the pillow.
"Me too." I licked my lips and raised my eyebrows. "Are you gonna follow me back to Cali in a few days?"
"Nothing will stop me from going with you. Nothing."
He rolled off of me and I pushed the covers to breathe fresh air, just realizing that I needed it. Niall grabbed my hand and I focused back on him as he stared at my fingers, making me try to suppress the smile stuck on my lips.
"Please come to my show tomorrow." he just let out, his fingers brushing gently against mine, exactly where a wedding ring would be. "We're officially together now, so we don't care who sees you or what they see."
My heart skipped a beat and I licked my lips nervously. It would be a good start but it stressed me to think that people would start judging us even more, now that we were official. I knew Niall was not going to start kissing me or anything in public but I still felt nervous.
"Okay." I let out low feeling myself tear up. I swallowed my tears but I could see my boyfriend getting emotional too and I sniffed. "I love you Niall. I don't ever want to be away from you anymore."
He brought one of his hands to my cheek and I felt the warmth of his skin against mine as he moved closer to lean his forehead against mine.
"I'm never leaving again. I promise on my life. I'm here to stay. What we have will never die, okay?"
I nodded quickly and bit my bottom lip as I felt a tear run down my cheek. I could swear he was tearing up too and I pressed my parted lips against his. "Okay."
May 9th, 2018
I hadn't realize how much I had missed watching Niall sing and play. He was always the kid who was singing, dancing, or playing guitar when we were younger, and it always brought a bunch of people around him. He seemed so untouchable, even for me, who was his best friend. Now, with the literal crowds and album selling, it was even more obvious, but a lot less scary. The fact that I knew he loved me definitely helped but watching him do what he's always loved but this time, as a living, was just breathtaking. He was breathtaking.
I chuckled when he winked at me subtly and I rolled my eyes with a smile until I felt a hand on my arm. I jumped slightly and turned again to look at Julia who was smiling widely at me. I thought I knew what she was going to say but instead, she pulled me close into a tight hug. It took me a few seconds to answer it but when I did, she jumped a few times, bringing me with her, and finally pulled away.
"I saw the video!" she said happily, her lips curled into a bit grin.
"The video?"
"Of you two at the airport!"
I felt my cheeks turn a soft shade of red as they burned a bit and cleared my throat, looking away. I knew there were pictures but I was not aware someone was filming. Come to think about it, it was not surprising, after all. I felt two strong arms wrap around my neck from behind and I smiled immediately, recognizing the touch and the perfume. It was crazy how he still affected my moods but I could also see that I influenced his, and that made our relationship so much better.
"Niall!" he let go of me to hug Julia and I smiled, taking a step away. "I'm so happy for you! I knew it would happen! I told you you had to keep hope!"
Niall's eyes found mine and his smile faltered as his embrace around his friend loosened.
"I sort of... confided in Julia." he admitted, licking his lips as mine parted. "I know you wanted me to keep the secret, but I didn't know what to do, and I felt like shit... I needed to talk to someone."
He looked at me with fear in his eyes, as if I was going to turn on my heels and leave, but I just tilted my head on the side while staring at him.
"Hey, I understand. She's one of your closest friends." I pointed out with a shrug before sending him a smile. "I talk to Louis about almost everything." I shrugged again. "Besides, I like her."
Julia smiled more and grabbed my arm, pulling me closer to them to hug both of us at the same time. I laughed and after a few seconds, she pulled away and smiled again.
"I'll wait for you guys backstage. We're going to celebrate right?" she asked as Niall and I glanced at each other, a bit unsure. "It's one of my last shows! We have to go grab a drink together!"
"Sure, we'll do that."
She left with a big grin and I turned to Niall who was smiling fondly at me. I frowned, my lips still curled, but I had to admit that the way he was looking at me made something twitch in my stomach.
"Thank you." he whispered, bending down to kiss the top of my head.
"For wanting to get to know my friends. I know you get along great with all our childhood friends, and my cousins and all, but I've made great friends while doing this job, and you never really seemed to be interested in befriending them too, well, except for Harry, Louis and Liam.”
I shrugged a shoulder and looked away before looking back at him and raising my nose in a small grimace. "You used to hang out with many celebrities, especially when you were dating Heidi. I don't know, Niall, to me, it's a bit intimidating." I admitted. "I never felt like I fitted with them, or belonged with those famous faces. It's just weird to me."
"I'd love to present them to you. I promise they're great."
I stared at him and after a while, my lips curled again. "Sure, I'd love to meet them." I just gave in and by seeing the smile on his face, I knew it made him happy. "Let's start with Julia. I already know I love her."
Niall laughed and cupped my face, tilting my chin up before reaching for my mouth with his. "And I know I love you."
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 43
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his -4.5k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: wow, it took a while didnt it? i have a hard time writing this story for a few specific reasons and thats why it takes me longer. i also need to plan the ending of this and its not easy because im scared to forget something. but i hope you enjoy this chapter! thanks so much for still reading this story!!!
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : its late and i hope i dont forget any! i didnt add everything from the 2nd request in my chapter tho. i also promise more requests in the next chapter! its all planned so thank you!
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Chapter 43 : His chapter
June 25th, 2018
"Okay, move slightly on the right." I heard her, doing what she told me cautiously. "Now watch out, there's a step."
"Big or small?"
"Uhm, medium" she replied after thinking about it.
"Gee Liv, thanks!" I replied sarcastically before I carefully tried to put my foot on the step.
She guided me with difficulty until the car and I packed her last few boxes in the trunk. We sat in the car and I started it, feeling her gaze on me but I tried to ignore it until I felt her hand on my thigh. I suddenly relaxed and my eyes met hers for half a second before going back on the road.
"You should have let me help you." she pointed out with a soft voice. "I can carry more than one box, you know."
The left corner of my lips raised gently and I glanced at her again before stopping at a red light and turning my head completely her way. Her eyebrows raised and I sent her a small smile, shaking my head.
"I want you to let me take care of you." I admitted, bending closer to press my lips gently against hers in a quick kiss. "Besides, an old lady like you shouldn't carry heavy things."
With a chuckle, she slapped my arm gently as I started laughing and started driving again. It was already mid june and we had been working on her moving in with me for about a week. Most things were actually bought by Louis so all the furniture stayed there but it took us a while to pack all her stuff and bring the boxes to my house. I mean, our house.
"I'm only two years older than you!" she argued, making me laugh even more. "Do I have to call you 'kiddo'?"
"Please, I'm a man." I let out with a frown, half-joking. "You know it, you've seen me naked."
"Oh how my life has changed since then." she replied wih a chuckle, making me smile too.
We brought her stuff to our room and started unpacking together after I put music on. It invaded the house so loudly that the neighbours probably heard since we had opened the windows. It was a warm saturday afternoon and I still had a little bit more than a week off. I knew we were going to miss each other since I was about to leave for three months (even if i was going to be back here at some point in august for a few concerts) but we didn't talk about it much, as if it would make things worst.
I kept glancing at her from time to time as I was putting her stuff in my closet and my lips curled when I noticed she was dancing while putting her clothes in her dresser. It was nothing new. She had always been like that but somehow, at this exact moment, it made me realize how perfect this moment was. Loud music, finally sharing a house with the woman I loved, watching my girlfriend dance and sing happily close to me with a promise ring hidden in my underwear drawer. That whole scenario happening right in front of me felt like the accomplishment of something very very important and even if I couldn't define exactly what, I tried to remember this in my brain like the movie of a memory I wanted to watch over and over again until i'd be on my death bed. The smallest details seemed important and when she moved a lock of hair that had stuck on her lips behind her ear, I held my breath. Could I write a song about this?
She turned around and our eyes met and suddenly, her lips curled into a fond smile. I loved when she looked at me like that. I was used to it, because she's looked at me like that for as long as I could remember, but it's only now, the second time we're dating, that I realized what it meant and how important it was.
"Are you gonna help me or are you just going to stare at me while I do all the work?"
I chuckled and rolled my eyes before shaking my head and grabbing an other box. It was heavy and when I opened it, I saw a bunch of books, the first one on the top being the one she was reading at the moment. I knew because sometimes we'd just sit together in the living room in silence. She'd read and sometimes i would too, or id end up writing, or playing guitar. Just being in the same room was enough sometimes and I liked it. I grabbed the book and turned it around to read the summary but something else caught my attention and I frowned. Something was sticking out of the book and I pulled on it slightly only to see my face and hers on a few pictures. It came from the photobooth and if my memory served me right, it was from the first time we dated. I pulled on it more to see all the pictures and finally just opened the book so she wouldn't lose her page and let my eyes roam on the older pictures of us. I remembered how I felt, but I was well aware it was not comparable to the feelings I had now.
"Can't believe you kept this."
My eyes didn't move from the pictures but I felt her stop moving and finally get closer to me. I sat on my bed and I felt her sit next to me in silence until I finally looked up in her eyes.
"You have no idea of all the things I kept." she admitted and I could swear her cheeks turned a soft shade of pink. "I kept a lot of souvenirs of you, Niall."
My smile curled a bit and she chuckled. "Really?"
"Oh don't look at me like that, it's not like I built a shrine for you or anything." she just rolled her eyes. "But your friendship and your love... yea, it's important for me."
I ran my thumb gently on the pictures for a few more minutes and finally put them back in the book before closing it. I stared at it until Liv grabbed my hand and I squeezed her fingers, looking up at her and sending her a smile.
"You know we need to christen the rooms." This time, she let out a loud laughter and it made my lips curl. "It's true!"
"It only applies to new places, Niall!" she laughed more. "We've already had sex pretty much in all the rooms of this house, and that says a lot!"
"Are you sure?" I asked, raising my eyebrows before she nodded. "All the bathrooms? Bedrooms?" She nodded again and I raised my nose up with a low groan, making her laugh again. "There must be somewhere we didn't fuck!"
"On the dryer."
"What?" I frowned.
"We never fucked on your dryer." she repeated with an amused smile, her head tilted. "We fucked in the showers, kitchen's table, kitchen's counter, on the couch, on the floor of the living room, in all the beds, on all the bedroom floors, in the music room and against that piano.. One time you even grabbed me when I got out of the shower to fuck me against the wall in the hall."
The left corner of my lips curled as the memory came back to my head and I raised my eyebrows. "Oh yea, I remember."
"But I don't remember fucking on the dryer."
My eyes roamed on her and I licked my lips. "We can do that now."
"Join me in 5 minutes?"
I raised my eyebrows in surprise when she suddenly got up and left. My fingers gripped the book in my hands tighter and I finally put it on the bed before turning my eyes to the alarm clock on the bedside table. It was the longest 5 minutes of my life and if I wanted to be honest, I only waited 3 and a half anyway.
I heard the dryer's noise and frowned a bit when I realized she had started it and when I got there, she was sitting on it and I noticed the matching black and silk panties and bra she was wearing. Her legs were hanging down the dryer and she was holding herself with her hands slightly behind her body, her dark hair falling near her back, and I stopped as soon as our eyes met.
"When did you put this on?"
"I wore them all day." she admitted with a smirk before chuckling when my face changed. "I mean, I wanted to show you but we were sort of busy."
I took a few steps closer slowly and put my palms on her thighs, sliding my hands up very slowly on her soft skin.
"Spread your legs, petal." I whispered as she bit her bottom lip but did as I asked.
"I wasn't sure if it actually looked good on me." she admitted low and I shook my head quickly.
"Oh shut up, darling, this makes me so fucking hard." To prove my point, I turned my hips a bit and pressed my hard cock through my pants against her naked thigh. "See?"
I ran my hands up to her breasts, touching them before slipping one of my hands under it to run the tip of two of my fingers on her nipple. "I'm so torn right now. I want to rip it off of you, but watching them on you is so fucking hot."
"Just move my panties aside and fuck me."
Her eyes seemed to sparkle but her expression was needy and I just licked my lips, bringing my hands down to my jeans and unzipping them as I kept staring at her.
"Such a needy little slut." I let out in a low tone. "Tell me how bad you want my cock. Beg me."
Her eyes never leaving mine, she brought her feet on the dryer, exposing her panties even more to me and slowly, I took my cock out and started stroking it. I could feel the dryer getting warmer and the way she seemed to shake over it made me want her even more.
"Fuck, Niall, I want you so bad. I need you deep inside me." she whimpered and licked her lips. "Please, Niall, I need your cock, please i'm begging you, fuck me."
I jerked off harder, making sure the tip of my dick rubbed against her pussy over her panties, and she whimpered and bit her bottom lip harder.
"Move your panties, pet. Show me your pretty little cunt."
She did as I asked and my eyes dropped between her legs as I moved even closer, close enough for the tip of my cock to push inside her. I groaned low and she let out a short whimper as I felt her throb around me.
"Deeper." she breathed out. "Fill me."
Quickly, I pushed myself inside her until I was balls deep and she let out a moan, her head falling back slightly and her eyes fluttering.
"Like this petal? How does my cock feel?"
She squirmed slightly and with difficulty but I watched her shake glancing a few times down to watch her grind despite herself on my dick. The feeling was amazing and I groaned louder when I felt her clench around me.
"So good, so fucking good." she whimpered again.
"You're so fucking wet and horny I just want to watch you fuck yourself on my cock until you cum all over it, baby girl." I let out without thinking. "How about you do that?"
I moved as close as I could and she ground on me for a few minutes. I loved the way she moved, all her facial expressions and the way her moans sounded but after a while, I couldn't take it anymore and grabbed her waist, my fingers sinking in her skin as I pulled her against me in motion with my thrusts.
"Fuck, i'm gonna cum." I just said still going hard.
I didn't know if it was because of my words or if she had been holding it for a while but she started shaking even harder against me as she came, my name escaping her lips in incredible moans and bringing me to my own orgasm. I shut my eyes tight, pushing myself so hard against her to make sure I went as deep as I could, and when I got down from my high, I leaned my forehead against hers, eyes still closed, as we both panted with parted lips.
"This is so much better." I whispered, moving a bit to reach her lips with mine.
"Better than what?" she asked in a breath as I kissed her gently again.
"Better than anything. Better than anyone." I confessed. "Better than sex without feelings."
It took her about a minute to talk but her words made me open my eyes suddenly.
"Are you in love with me, Niall?"
I pulled away to look in her eyes and frowned for a few seconds before shaking my head. I knew she was probably asking me simply because she wanted to hear it but I couldn't help but fear that she doubted it.
"Yes. I am in love with you, Olivia." I affirmed. "It will never change. I'll always be in love with you, for as long as I live, and maybe even after."
June 29th, 2018
I was a bit sad she had insisted on inviting Louis and Eleanor on her birthday but I went along with it because it was her day and I loved her. She also had asked for nothing big, just a movie and games night with our friends, and somehow, I was down with that. Normally, I'd want to celebrate in a bar with many more friends but we were about to be separated for a while and I was not in the mood to celebrate that. I was just grateful I could spend her birth day with her.
"Okay, Liv, you sit next to me. Your boyfriend can sit next to El." I heard Louis say as I walked back in the living room with two bowls of popcorn.
"Excuse me? I pretty much intend on watching this movie cuddling my girlfriend, thank you very much!" I argued with a frown as I stood in the middle of the living room.
"If we do that we'll just spend an hour and a half making out!" Louis explained with round eyes. "At least you two will! You're both horny animals!"
"It's not like we were gonna fuck in front of you." I pointed out, rolling my eyes before sitting next to Eleanor who just laughed.
"Don't be a jealous boyfriend, Niall. Liv was my roommate before being your girlfriend again and I'm very sad that I can't wake her up by literally jumping in her bed at 6 in the morning anymore!" he joked with a chuckle before turning to my girlfriend. "Bet you miss it too!"
"6 in the morning?" I repeated with a frown again. "You never wake up so early."
"He did when he had meetings for his album." Olivia pointed out. "As you already know, 'pain in the ass' is in his DNA."
I laughed and she did too but the way she looked at me made me smile. Louis placed his arm on the back of the couch, near her shoulders, and I groaned low at sight. It's not that I wanted to read too much into this, but it was bothering me a lot and it was tough to hide. I was not the type to be jealous and I knew Olivia loved me, but every time I saw them near each other, I couldn't help but remember that they fucked multiple times and that nothing could ever erase that.
What took me out of my thoughts was something hitting my nose and the sweet laughter of my girlfriend. I shook my head slightly and sent her a smile as she sent me more popcorn and I grabbed some from my own bowl before throwing it at her, too. She laughed louder and we kept on throwing popcorn at each other until Louis groaned and stopped the movie. It was crazy how easily Louis could make himself home. He was using my remote for my tv, was sitting on my favorite spot on the couch, cuddling with my girlfriend.
"Fine! Fine I get it!" Louis gave in, raising his hand up in defeat. "You guys can't stay too far away from each other for too long. It's sad but it is what it is!"
He practically jumped off the couch and walked up to me. After a quick head movement, I sent him a smile and got up to. I let myself fall next to Liv and immediately, she cuddled my side like a magnet, making me smile more. I had no idea why I was insecure when it came to Louis, but she proved over and over again that I had no reason to be. I wrapped my arm around her to pull her closer and we finished the movie before grabbing a few beers and talking. It was almost 3 in the morning when Louis and El left and I watched as Liv got up, yawned and stretched.
"I'm so tired, let's go to bed, yea?"
"We really should clean first." I pointed out, grabbing a few bottles.
I was about to bring them to the kitchen but she stopped me with a grimace and a groan. "Niall, we need to sleep. Come onnnn, we can do that tomorrow."
I stared at her and sighed, not really sure I liked the idea but I finally nodded and followed her to the room as she held my hand and pulled me with her. We fell asleep quickly but she did before me and for some reason, I enjoyed watching her snore lightly, her lips parted, as I held her close to me. These days, we fell asleep holding each other face to face and it was very different from our usual spooning. Still, I liked it but when I woke up, she was on the other side of the bed, her legs were over mine, and I smiled at how much she had moved.
I got up, put sweatpants on and made coffee before drinking a cup as I looked at the mess in the living room and the kitchen. She joined me about half an hour later, entering the kitchen as she yawned. It made me chuckle but I liked the mess of her hair and her lazy smile. I wanted that every single morning of my life.
"Slept well?"
"Yes but not enough." she just shrugged with an other yawn.
I poured her coffee in her favorite mug and we both drank in silence, leaned against the counter. After I was done, I put my cup in the sink and without turning back to look at her, I sighed.
"We need to clean now."
"Mm, I just woke up. We can do that later in the afternoon." she just shrugged.
"Liv, we need to clean now. That's what happens when we postpone these kind of things. It'll never be fun but doing it now means we can do something else after."
She stared at me a few seconds and sighed, letting her head fall back on her shoulders. I didn't want to argue with her, and I knew how messy she was, but she also knew I was the opposite and that leaving everything as is the night before had been annoying to me.
"Well I don't want to do it now."
I didn't expect that answer and took a step back as my eyebrows raised.
"Why are you being like that?"
"Why are you being like that?" she repeated. "This can wait! I can't believe we're arguing over that!"
"Olivia, please! We left this mess last night and we need to clean!"
"You knew how i was before I started living here, it's nothing new!" she let out a bit roughly.
"And you know how I was too!" I argued before she brought her hands to her face and sighed. "You need to make efforts, okay? I am!"
My voice was a bit too loud and I knew it but I was getting pissed. I couldn't believe we were arguing over something like that. After all we had been through, I didn't want to accept that something so silly could be what would end us.
"I just... I need a shower."
I left without waiting for her answer and stayed a bit too long under the hot stream but when I got out of the bathroom with clean clothes, my lips curled at the sight. She had cleaned a good part of the living room and was now working on filling the dishwasher. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, leaning my chin on her shoulder.
"Thank you." I whispered, leaving a few kisses on her neck and she finally turned in my arms to look in my eyes.
"I'm sorry."she sighed and licked her lips. "I'll make efforts, I promise."
We finished cleaning and ended up sitting at the table with an other cup of coffee and eggs. The problem was, I couldn't stop thinking that I was leaving in a few days and it bothered me. I wanted us to discuss it but at the same time, I was not sure she wanted to talk about it. I knew that she thought mentioning things out loud made them more real or concrete but ignoring them and pretending the problems weren't there wouldn't make them disappear.
"It's gonna be tough, you know. We'll be away from each other for quite a while."
It took her a few seconds to answer as she seemed focused on her coffee but after a while, she breathed in and sighed.
"I know it won't be easy, Niall, but I also know that it will never be as hard as it was without you for a whole year. So yea, I think we can get through this and come out stronger." she said in a calm way before looking up in my eyes. "I hate being away from you but that won't change my love for you, not even just a little."
I reached for her hand on the table and squeezed her fingers before sending her a small smile. "It won't change mine either. And you're right, that year without you was the worse I've ever been through."
"It's... different." she told cautiously, looking up at me and noticing my questioning look. "You spent that year without me because you decided it, it was your choice. You did it for a reason and you wanted to be alone to live things you clearly thought you couldn't live with me. But me... I suffered through it. You broke up with me, broke my heart... I lost my best friend and the love of my life at the same time, you know? We didn't live that year the same way."
I felt my heart thump hard in my chest and I just nodded very slightly, as we stared at each other.
"You know, Niall... you left me with nothing." she said and I could swear I heard her voice crack. "I tried to find someone else, to find what I was missing from someone else, but I never really found it because what I was missing was you." Once again, she breathed in and sighed. "I know it's not easy but maybe you should try to put yourself in my shoes and... try to understand how I feel, you know? How I felt all those months."
I remembered that she told me it was tough for her but I never really understood how hard it had been until I found out she had literally tried to kill herself. Still, I felt like I couldn't really know the feeling and never would be able to. I remained silent as her words kept running in my head and finally held my breath. I couldn't believe I was thinking about writing a song in such a deep moment but I was and I just shook my head.
"You're right, Liv." I admitted, reaching for her other hand and squeezing both of them tight. "I'll try to understand how you felt in that year we were apart, after I broke you. It's hard to imagine but, I know I've hurt you more than I ever hurt anyone else, and I'll listen to everything you have to say about it."
She sent me a fond smile and nodded. "I can't really put it in the past." she added low. "Not because I don't want to, but because I feel like it's part of our story. I thought I knew who you were, I thought you'd never leave. I mean, we've known each other for decades... I thought you would never break my heart. But it was hard to accept, you know? That I didn't know you as well as I thought I did. I felt like... you ripped my heart out. Like you stole something from me that I could never get back without really knowing what it was. And I wanted it back. The worst was.. I still wanted to be with you. If you had came back I would have said yes in a heartbeat. I was always thinking of you, no matter who I was with, and yes, it includes Louis."
I stared at her, blinking a few times but still remained silent. I didn't want to let go of her hands and I also didn't want to talk. I thought it was just time to listen.
"I just... I went in bars and clubs to change my mind, I tried to date other people, I tried to drink my pain away... I just wanted to get over you and nothing worked, because I had nothing left." She paused again and shrugged. "I learned that making you the center of my life was not a good idea but it was something I was used to, I did it since I was a kid. Now I don't want to do things for you, Niall. I want to do things for us, and I want you to do the same. It's a team work. I mean, it's us against the world, right? That's what we said?"
I sent her a bigger smile and nodded. "It is. You and me."
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 27
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.3k - 4.6k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: fluff and smut. best combo yea? (gifs are horancover’s and i used 2 of them sooo thought id mention that!)
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : 2 requests! i love you for those i love them both so much!
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Chapter 27 : His chapter
She looked fantastic. The dress fell to her knees, tight around the waist but baggy as it fell down, sort of like a closed flower, and dyed of different pastel colors except for the top around her chest, pressing her boobs together in a white bustier.
"I look ridiculous." she whined, turning around in front of my mirror to see what it looked like from behind. "It looks like I have big tits when I seriously have none. It's also quite uncomfortable I mean, my boobs are practically on my neck!"
"Uhm, 'ridiculous' is not the word I would have chosen." I pointed out, staring at her reflection. "But if it reassures you I think your tits look amazing."
She groaned and hit my arm friendly, making me laugh.
"I hate my arms. I hate my belly. Fuck this body!" she let out as I moved closer.
"I gladly will." I just said, slipping my arms around her waist from behind and kissing her neck, letting my hands run on her stomach before it reached her boobs. "Should I do it right now or-"
"Niall, please, I look horrible."
I moved back up but remained behind her, looking at her in the mirror with a serious face. I thought she felt better about who she was and what she looked like but it seemed like she was having a short moment of relapse and it made me sadder than she probably thought.
"You've got the prettiest face in the world, and when you smile, I swear it makes my heart beat faster."
"I have crooked teeth, Niall."
"Hush. Let me talk." I quickly said. She rolled her eyes but I noticed a small smile playing on her lips.  "I love your eyes and how they literally fucking sparkle when you laugh. I love you ears and how cute they are, and your neck, too because you always get goosebumps when I run my lips on it. I love your hair and how it falls on your back, and I love when you play with a lock at the front all the time, twisting it because you're nervous or embarrassed."
Her smile turned into a fond one and she pressed her lips together.
"Oh and your lips. They're thin, even when you pout, and I always want to kiss them, bite them or suck on them. I know you think bigger lips are sexier but your lips? They know how to suck on my tongue so well when we kiss, they're perfect. I love how fair your skin is, and how you can't tan for shit. I know those veins we can see so clearly really bother you but I love them." I smiled and she laughed. "I love your breasts and how they fit perfectly in my hands, and that tummy that you seem to hate so much?" I let my hand reach her stomach and she sucked it in again. "There's no reason for you to do that." I waited and she finally breathed out. "Thank you." I whispered, pulling her closer to me. "I fucking love your belly. And all your stretch marks. And all your moles. Anything you seem to think is an imperfection makes you perfect."
She smiled a bit but looked down and I could swear I saw her roll her eyes. I slipped my other arm around her and grabbed her dress gently, pulling it up. I knew she wanted to stop me but she was curious about what I was doing and instead, she held her breath.
"I love your thighs." I just let out as she grimaced, pulling her dress down again and sighing.
"I don't. I hate them. And my hips, too."
I ran my hands on her waist and to her hips and sent her a smile. "Do you know how much you glow, Olivia? Yea, you gained weight, and you look incredible. You looked good then, you look good now, and you're so hard on yourself sometimes. If only I could make you see yourself through my eyes."
She stared at me with a serious face through the mirror for a few seconds, her lips parted, and I stared right back, holding her against me.
"What are you gonna do in a few years, Niall, when you'll be stuck making love to this body instead of shagging a tight and skinny one?"
"Tell myself I'm the luckiest man in the world." I whispered close to her ear before she closed her eyes. "I love you."
Quickly, she turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck as I wrapped mine tighter around her. Her lips found mine quickly and the way she kissed me was deep and intense... so intense that I felt my whole body throb. I brought my hand to the back of her dress and moved the zipper down. I thought she'd push me away but she let me and quickly, I ran my lips on her neck and shoulder, making her whimper. I was almost to her left breast when her phone started ringing. I groaned a bit when I realized it was one of my songs and moved back to look in her eyes.
"Mirrors?" I asked with a frown, not really sure why she had picked this song specifically.
"Mmhm," she nodded slowly. "It's a song that really helped me through my depression."
I brought my hands to cup her face and kissed her again as we both heard my voice in the background. It felt a bit weird but when her phone stopped ringing, mine started immediately after. I groaned and pulled away, checking the caller and sighing.
"It's Louis." I just informed before picking up. "Hey mate, what's wrong?"
"What's wrong? I've called your girlfriend and she's not answering! We're waiting for both of you!" I heard him honk from outside my house and saw Liv zipping her dress back next to me.
"She's not my girlfriend, Louis, and you know it."
"Who cares? It's just a matter of time, but anyway, that's not the problem. The problem is we'll be late so you both dress back quickly and hurry the fuck up!"
Without giving me time to answer, he hung up and I chuckled, rolling my eyes. I turned to Olivia and she tilted her head, her eyes running on me and making me frown, a smile still on my lips.
"I was so focused on how bad I looked to notice how fucking good you look." she pointed out. "It's a shame. You make me want to masturbate."
I let out a laugh, shutting my eyes tight and bringing my hand over them. I was going to answer something when Louis honked again and we both jumped slightly.
"Come on, let's go."
Without thinking, I stretched my arm and she looked at my hand that was clearly waiting for her. She bit her bottom lip but I still saw a small smile on her lips. Quickly, I brought my hand back and shook my head, closing my eyes for a second.
"I'm sorry."
I felt her fingers grab mine and she got on her tiptoe to kiss me and squeezed my hand. I smiled against her lips and she took a few steps back, sending me a big smile and walking backwards until her fingers slipped out of mine.
"He's gonna be pissed." she explained with a chuckle as I followed her outside.
"Fuck you two are looking good!" Louis exclaimed making her laugh as we sat in the back seat. "Who picked that dress for you, Liv? You look stunning!"
Olivia rolled her eyes with a smile. "Your girlfriend, Louis."
"Damn right she did, you look like a queen." he replied, turning to Eleanor and sending her a large smile. "You're the most amazing woman in the world." he added in a lower tone, making El laugh as she kissed him. "And the most beautiful, too."
"Gee thanks, Louis." Liv joked with a laugh. "At least you didn't say 'in this car'!"
"I could have as well! Because technically-"
"Shut up!" she laughed again.
"Hey, you've got your own prince charming today, you don't need me!"
My lips curled slightly and I turned again to look at her, noticing she was doing the same. Her gaze was soft and fond and it made me smile even more.
"Oh god, they're literally eye fucking on the backseat." I heard Louis whine, making Eleanor laugh.
"Why don't you drive and leave us alone, Louis?" I proposed, my eyes glued to Liv.
"Yea alright I'll leave you both at a bus stop, that's what I'll do!"
I felt Liv's fingers reach mind on the bench and smiled more as I gripped two of them, intertwining them with mine. It would be tough to stay away from her and it got even worse when we got there.  I watched the whole ceremony while glancing at Olivia, wondering how she felt and if she was thinking about Dylan. I knew it was still tough for her and it would be for a while, but the way she seemed happier and less nervous now that they were not together anymore made me feel good in a way it shouldn't. I was not happy that she had to go through a break-up, but I was happy that it didn't affect her the way it could have, and I knew her well enough to be sure of what I saw. She was glowing, and it was even more obvious now that she was single.
The party was in a hotel and everyone was dancing. As the night went by, I couldn't help but notice that she was getting tipsy and when a slow song came on, I grabbed her hand and pulled her closer and away from Louis. I was still a bit jealous of what they had and although I tried not to compare my relationship with her to the relation she had with him, it was not easy.
Her eyes softened as soon as they met mine and something twisted in my stomach. It was tough to keep that jealous alive when she looked at me like that and I pulled her a bit closer, looking down at her.
"Can I have this dance?"
She chuckled low but tilted her head before sighing low.
"You can have all the dances, Niall, you know that right?"
I didn't. I was not sure where we stood, and I was not sure if she knew either. We were both just going with the flow, one day at a time, and although it was normally something I liked, I couldn't hide that this time, it made me a bit anxious. I didn't know if we would ever get back together, and I didn't know what I'd do if we didn't. Of course, I know pain ends up being less intense with time, but I really felt like we were meant to be and if after so long without her, I never really stopped thinking about her, I feel like I never would.
I didn't want to pressure her, though, and there was no way I would mention it or push her to decide. If she needed time, I'd give her time, but there was still this constant fear inside me that I had fucked this up so bad over a year ago and that it would never come back.
I kept my mouth shut and pulled her closer as she brought her arms around my neck and I recognized the song that was playing. It was one of the few english songs I remember hearing in her house when we were kids. Most of the time, her mother listened to french singers but Bon Jovi had been a big part of her childhood and I heard her chuckle low in my hear.
"I love this song." she whispered, making me smile.
From hearing it so often at her place, I knew it almost by heart, and it was honestly a miracle I still remembered the lyrics after all these years. I moved the side of my head against her and heard her let out a short whimper and I couldn't help but whisper all the words I could remember to her.
"This Romeo is bleeding But you can't see his blood It's nothing but some feelings That this old dog kicked up
It's been raining since you left me Now I'm drowning in the flood You see I've always been a fighter But without you I give up
Now I can't sing a love song Like the way it's meant to be Well, I guess I'm not that good anymore But, baby, that's just me"
Her grip tighten slightly around my neck and I moved closer, brushing my lips against her ear to make sure she heard the chorus as I sang it in a murmur.
"And I will love you, baby, always And I'll be there forever and a day, always I'll be there 'til the stars don't shine 'Til the heavens burst and the words don't rhyme And I know when I die, You'll be on my mind And I'll love you always."
I held her closer and shut my eyes tight just to feel her body against mine. I knew we were surrounded by people but it felt like I was alone with her, and I never felt like that with anyone else.
"Now your pictures that you left behind Are just memories of a different life Some that made us laugh, some that made us cry One that made you have to say goodbye What I'd give to run my fingers through your hair To touch your lips, to hold you near When you say your prayers, try to understand I've made mistakes, I'm just a man
When he holds you close, when he pulls you near When he says the words you've been needing to hear I'll wish I was him 'cause those words are mine To say to you 'til the end of time"
Her fingers played with my hair and I closed my eyes, swallowing hard before the bridge. It was one thing to sing to her a song that I had written and it felt completely different to sing someone else's words, even if they seemed to fit so well with the feelings inside me.
"If you told me to cry for you I could If you told me to die for you I would Take a look at my face There's no price I won't pay To say these words to you"
She moved away as music kept playing and looked in my eyes. I could swear she was tearing up and somehow, I really wanted to kiss her. It took me all my strength not to as I tried to remember we were not alone even if it really felt like we were. I still stared in her eyes as he started singing again and I kept singing with him, bringing my forehead against hers but keeping my eyes open this time.
"Well, there ain't no luck In these loaded dice But, baby, if you give me just one more try We can pack up our old dreams and our old lives We'll find a place where the sun still shines"
I watched her press her lips together and I knew she was trying not to cry. I couldn't believe how deep I felt these words and somehow, I knew she felt them too. The chorus started again but I just pulled her closer to me, feeling my heartbeats accelerate as her lips came close to mine but I just moved my head up and kissed her forehead, pulling her closer until the music changed. The moment still felt intense and real even if everyone was now dancing on a pop song, throwing themselves around. Olivia was just looking at me, motionless, after she took a step back and after a few seconds, she tilted her head and raised her eyebrows. She turned around and left and I dived my hands in my pockets, looking around me to see if anyone was watching us and when I realize everyone was busy and drunk, I quickly followed her out of the room. She reached the bathroom hall and when I turned the corner, she grabbed my shirt, pulling me closer and getting on her tiptoes to kiss me. I felt her cold fingers slip accidentally through the buttons and reach my skin as I deepened the kiss, pushing her harder against the wall.
"Fuck, I love you." she whispered, allowing her mouth to leave mine only for a second.
"I love you more." I murmured, smiling against her mouth as she chuckled. "You're coming at my place after the party, aren't you?"
"Just to be sure I see you with this suit on for a few more minutes." she half-joked, making me laugh again.
I felt her teeth on my upper lip and she bit it a bit hard, making me groan.
"Are you trying to eat me up?" I laughed a bit, making her whimper again. "Watch it."
"Can't I?" she chuckled too before getting more serious. "Tell me you meant it."
I felt her hand reach between my legs and I groaned, moving my hips against her hand without thinking. "Every word."
I felt her grab the outline of my dick to stroke it and I let out a short moan.
"We can't do that here."
"Mm, I know, I just really wanted to touch you." she mentioned in an innocent voice before sucking on my bottom lip.
"Now I have to go to the bathroom and wait a few minutes to cool down." I complained, making her laugh again.
"I'll wait for you on the dance floor, then."
With a big smile, she pulled away and licked her lips, moving past me and walking back to the party, turning to me mid-way and sending me a satisfied smile. I shook my head and chuckled, leaning my forehead against the wall and waiting until I was good to go back. When I got there, she was dancing with Louis and he was making her twirl around as she laughed. I stared at them for a few seconds and finally sighed, noticing Eleanor sitting a bit further and typing something on her phone. I walked up and sat next to her, catching her attention. She put her phone on the table and reached for my upper arm, squeezing it tightly for a few seconds.
"You alright?"
I nodded and glanced at Olivia and Louis as he pulled on her arms and took her in a hug, swaying her from left to right and making her laugh even more.
"Yea, i'm good."
"Not jealous because of them, are you?"
The left corner of my upper lip moved in a grimace and it made El start laughing.
"I've never known you to be so insecure!" she admitted, laughing some more.
"It's just.. do you see how close they are? I mean you know... you know they actually..."
The words got stuck in my throat and I sighed, shaking my head and closing my eyes. It was ridiculous, I knew it, but at the same time, I couldn't shake this feeling.
"Oh yea, I know they had sex a few times." she nodded and finally shrugged. "I don't like it but at the same time I haven't been that virtuous when Louis and I were broken up either. I was a bit scared at first, too. Sort of like you. But seriously, look at them."
Reluctantly, I turned around to look at them again. Olivia had thrown her head back and was laughing so hard I couldn't stop myself from smiling a bit.
"They're just friends. Close friends, but nothing romantic. They would be together by now if they had these kind of feelings for each other don't you think? Besides, they've been through a lot together." she kept explaining, shrugging as I looked back at her. "That formed a bond that we can't understand, and it's okay. Everyone should have someone to talk to when something goes wrong, or when they're feeling like shit. I have someone, too."
"I thought that person could be me, not Louis." I admitted in a mutter, making Eleanor's lips curl.
"What if it's something about you?"
"Especially if it's something about me! I argued, leaning against the chair.
"I'm not saying she'll go to Louis to solve the problems she may have with you, but we all need a friend that we can trust."
I sighed and turned again to Olivia and Louis. He was throwing some fucking confetti at her, blowing on his hand as they all ended in her hair and in her dress, falling in her cleavage. I groaned again and crossed my arms on my chest. I knew Eleanor was right but I couldn't help and think that if I hadn't broken up with Olivia, I would still be her best friend, and that thought bothered me more than I wanted to pretend.
"You'll get used to it." El added. "The sooner the better. Don't ask her to choose."
My traits softened and I sent her a small smile. "I'd never do that."
I turned to Olivia quickly as she motioned for me to join her and I excused myself but noticed Eleanor had got up too. I reached for Liv's hands and made her turn around as she laughed, her chin up, and it made me smile. I knew she was getting a bit drunk but I loved seeing her so happy and I just decided to dance with her until I turned around and noticed Louis filming us.
"Tommo!" I said, moving my hand in front of his phone. "Stop filming!"
Olivia moved her face close to the camera and moved her hand to say 'hello' and Louis laughed, turning the phone my way.
"Say Hello to all your fans, Niall, I'm going to put this video on instagram and make you famous!"
"Fuck off!" I just said before laughing and he stopped filming just in time to miss the middle finger I showed him, making Olivia laugh a bit again.
We danced for about half an hour until I realized we were some of the only people left. I pulled Olivia closer and she sent me a soft smile.
"Are you ready to leave?" I asked in a low tone as she quickly nodded.
We said our goodbyes and I quickly called a cab before we walked outside. She grabbed my fingers and squeezed them for a second before letting go of my hand again and it made me chuckle silently. I loved how she needed to show me affection even if she was not supposed to touch me but I didn't mention it, scared that she'd stop. She grabbed her phone as we were outside and quickly sent a text message, making me frown.
"Just telling Louis not to drive." she explained as the cab arrived.
We sat in the backseat and I took my jacket off right before her lips cashed against mine. I laughed and pulled away, giving my address to the driver and turned back to her. I stared in her eyes for a few seconds as she leaned her head on the back of the seat and moved closer to press my mouth against hers again. I grabbed my jacket and placed it over her lap, making her frown and making me smirk.
"Don't move, okay?" I whispered. "And not a sound."
I ran my hand on her thigh under my jacket, my fingers brushing the inside of it, moving her dress up as she spread her knees apart more. Her eyes got bigger and I knew she was holding her breath. It made me chuckle and I brushed my fingers over her panties, making her whole body tense.
"Relax." I breathed out, my lips moving against her parted ones. "I've got ya."
With two of my fingers, I pushed her panties aside and her eyes closed. My fingertips rubbed gently on her clit and I started leaving kisses on her lips and chin. I laughed again when she let out a short whimper and licked my lips.
"Not a sound, remember?" I asked low, amused by how turned on she was. I slipped two fingers inside her and grabbed her bottom lip between mine, nibbling on it for a few seconds and I felt her thigh press against mine as she spread her legs more again. "You like that?"
She nodded quickly and I started rubbing my thumb on her clit as I moved my fingers in and out of her slowly. I just hoped the driver was not glancing too often in his mirror and I tried to place my body closer to Olivia's so he could only see my back.
"You feel so good." I whispered. "I wish I could feel me cock inside ya right now."
I felt her hand move around my head and grip my hair tight as I pushed my fingers knuckle deep, curling them slightly. I felt her tense more and kissed her deeply, rubbing my thumb a bit faster on her clit. I could feel how wet she was and my thumb flicked so well on her swollen clit that I could feel when she was about to cum.
"Oh my god Niall." she murmured, gripping my hair tighter from the roots and shutting her eyes tight. "I'm gonna cum."
I kept the rhythm of my fingers as she shook against me, biting her bottom lip so hard to make sure she wouldn't make a sound that I thought she was going to bleed.
"Oh my fucking god." she let out in a mix of a whimper and a whisper as I took my fingers out, sending her a smirk. "Can't believe you did that."
I raised my eyebrows, smirking more and bringing my fingers to my lips,  sucking on them for a few seconds. Her face changed and her eyes got bigger, making me laugh louder than intended.
"What?" I asked with an amused smile. "Jealous?"
I bend down to her to kiss her again and this time, she did it slow and I lost my smile. It always felt so good when we kissed and I never wanted it to end. The car stopped but she kept kissing me and I didn't want to pull away.
"Okay kids, get out."
Olivia laughed and I finally pulled back before I grabbed money from my pocket, handing the driver way more than I owed him if only for the trouble we gave him and what he had to witness. I got out of the car and helped her too and we just stood there, in front of my house, side by side, for a few minutes.
"That was a nice wedding." I just said, glancing at her with a smirk.
"Mmhm, yea." she agreed, nodding. "I didn't want to go at first but I'm glad you asked me to be your date."
"Yea and you know, our wedding will be very different." I pointed out with a shrug. "Just you, me, and Elvis in a small chapel."
She frowned and turned to me with a surprised expression, making me laugh more.
"Say what?"
I ignored her question and held my hand out to her. "Come on, let's go to bed."
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79 notes · View notes
horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 33
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.1k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: i actually enjoyed writing this. but i feel like i forgot something and i cant put my fingers on it.
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : here they are! hope you like them! changed the second one a bit tho
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Chapter 33 : His chapter
March 29th, 2018
Ninteen days. Nineteen long days without her and I was back again in Dublin for a show before I could take a plane to her and spend over two weeks with her. If I wanted to be honest with myself, these past weeks had been horrible. I waited for her calls like a dependent and crazy boyfriend and it made me think that perhaps, it was how she felt when I spent so much time at a bar, back then. I could pretend I was not scared that the feelings she had for Dylan would somehow change and become stronger than the ones she had for me, but deep down, I knew It was a fear of mine. They say 'out of sight, out of mind', right?
I didn't know if I should worry or not because despite the fact that she has loved me for as long as she can remember, I was well aware that feelings change. After all, she hadn't broken up with Dylan for me, she had made that clear and I knew anyway, which meant that going back to him was always an option. I shook my head, a bit lost in my thoughts, as people around me were laughing and preparing the show. I didn't want to go out there and sing, I didn't want to be here. Not if she was somewhere else.
I did everything like a zombie, feeling a bit numb, and finally grabbed my guitar and putting a smile on my face. I jumped slightly when I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see a blond head, making me smile more.
"You alright?"
I blinked a few times and just nodded before turning around but suddenly, I felt my heart jump in my chest.
"Jules?" i asked loud enough for her to hear me. "Where's Liv's note? I was sure I put it here."
Julia frowned and started looking around before shaking her head. "Are you sure you left it here?"
My heartbeats started accelerating. I knew I had to be on stage in less than two minutes and I had completely forgotten about the note. In fact, my mind had been blank for a few hours. Julia and I both started searching everywhere and I was literally starting to panic. I knew it was not that big of a deal if I missed opening her envelop one time, or even if I walked on stage 10 minutes late, but for some reason, it stressed me so much it made me want to puke.
I don't know how long it took but I saw Julia run back to me, her arm up in the air, holding a pink envelop, zigzagging to dodge people on her way to me. I sighed and felt the stress falter. She got in front of me and I snatched the envelop from her hands before pulling her into a tight hug.
"Thank you!"
She chuckled and pulled away before grabbing my phone and licking her lips. "Okay, open it, I'm filming you."
I chuckled and rolled my eyes, feeling suddenly a bit more relaxed. The show could wait and if I wanted to be honest, I was impatient to smell Olivia's perfume from the paper, to see her horrible handwriting and the little hearts she always draw everywhere. It was the boost I needed before going up there to spend two hours singing songs that reminded me of her. I needed it. It became more than an habit, I was fucking addicted.
Quickly, I teared the envelop and let it fall on the floor as the scent of honey and vanilla filled my nose. I glanced up at the camera and noticed how big Julia was smiling. I hadn't told her that Olivia and I were more than friend but she had heard the whole story and somehow, she had pushed me to go back to her. I never followed her advice because I knew Olivia was with Dylan but now that it was a secret, I felt bad for lying to her. I had told her about the letters Olivia gave me but hadn't mentioned that they were filled with dirty stuff and love words, and now that she was filming, it was going to be tough answering whatever Liv had written in that note.
"Hey petal." I said in a soft tone, looking at my phone. "Last letter of yours before I fly back there! Hope you're ready for pubs and movie nights because I fucking am!" I laughed and looked down to read the purple glitter words on the pale pink paper, my face changing more and more as my eyes scanned the letter.
'Niall James Horan, I love you. I want nothing but to be with you right now. And maybe I actually am. If you look carefully, you may see me.'
I frowned and looked up at Julia who chuckled a bit. "Turn the sheet."
I did it quickly and noticed she had written something else. 'Yes, dumbass. I'm here. I took a plane to you. Now go on stage. I'll hold you in my arms as soon as your show is over.'
Julia kept filming and moved closer to me, snatching the letter from my hand and pushing me toward the stage. I tried to resist, my eyes looking around to see where she was and Julia laughed more.
"Go, Niall! You'll see her soon!"
I frowned and turned to her, my eyes getting bigger.
"You knew?" I asked in a shocked tone, making her shrug. "Wait, where is she?"
"Stage!" Julia said with her soft light voice, trying to be firm. "Now!"
I kept looking around but finally walked on stage, starting with the first song. I knew the song by heart and didn't really have to think much. It was good since all my thoughts were taken by my best friend, wondering if she was really here and if yes, when would I be able to take her in my arms. I finished the song and when I turned around, my eyes caught someone on the side of the stage. No one in the crowd could see her but when our eyes met, her lips curled more. She hadn't changed at all. She tilted her head and pressed her lips together and even though I shouldn't have, I literally ran backstage, held my guitar to the first person I saw and wrapped my arms around her neck as she wrapped hers around my chest.
"Fuck, you’re really here." I whispered, leaning my cheek on her head before kissing her hair and holding her tighter.
She chuckled but I felt her shake in my arms as if she was sobbing and she squeezed me harder, rubbing her cheek on my shirt a few times before gripping it in my back. It took her a few minutes but she finally sniffed and tried to get out of my embrace.
"You need to go back." she pointed out in a low tone, but I still heard her voice break.
"Just a few more seconds." I replied, pulling her back in my arms.
It was torture to not be able to kiss her and tell her how much I loved her but I moved my head down, bringing my lips very close to her ear.
"I fucking missed you. I can't believe you're here." I whispered, feeling my bottom lip brush against her ear. "You're the best gift I ever had."
She chuckled and pushed me away gently again, wiping a tear on her cheek and moving her chin in my direction. "Go!"
I hesitated but finally got back on stage to sing a few more songs but when I started Flicker, I couldn't help but glance at Olivia over and over again. The memories of writing this song and of the falling we had at the end of our relationship started flooding me and I suddenly felt myself tear up. I had to stop near the end of the song and just walked off stage again, going back to her. This time, I didn't even take the time to put my guitar away, I just moved it in my back in a swift movement and gripped my best friend again, pulling her against me.
"I want to kiss you." I whispered as she nuzzled my neck, feeling tears fall down my cheeks despite myself.
"Me too, Niall."
"I love you okay?" I added quickly in a low tone, my eyes closed, trying to stop crying. "I love you and that song is so fucking tough to sing."
I heard her swallow hard and she brushed her nose on my neck. "I'm here now. I'm back. And I'm not leaving."
"I'm not leaving either. Never again."
We ended up backstage after the show and all grabbed a beer. Olivia was laughing with Julia a bit afar and I couldn't take my eyes off her. I wasn't even aware that these two actually talked to each other but watching them interact made me feel good for a reason I ignored. Perhaps, the fact that Olivia was ready to get to know more of my friends made this whole thing easier. Back then, she only really hung out with Louis or the people we hung out with before I was famous. She never really showed interest in meeting my other friends or hanging out with people I met as a singer and even if I understood she didn't feel at ease, it still made me sad.
They both turned to me and looked back at each other before laughing together and I suddenly got curious. I got up and walked to them, bending slightly between them and raising my eyebrows.
"You guys are talking about me?"
"Were we?" Julia asked with a frown, a big smile still gracing her lips and a dimple digging in her cheek.
"We were talking about how incredible Julia had been. She was so discreet you didn't see it coming." Olivia replied, turning to me and sending me a smile, too. "I think she's officially my favorite friend of yours, now."
I looked at Liv as she turned to Julia again and they both laughed some more. It was horrible that I couldn't just grab her and kiss her but I still moved my arm around her waist and I could have sworn her smile got bigger.
"Yea, well done." I admitted, shaking my head. "And now I have two free weeks and we can spend it here. What do you say?"
"I only have a few days, Nee, I'm sorry." she admitted, her facial expression turning into a guilty one. "But I can join you in France when you start your tour again? I asked that week to go see my parents."
My eyes roamed on her face and I felt something break inside me. It took me half a second to take a decision.
"I'll just go back to Cali with you." I let out in a low voice, moving a bit closer to her. "Maybe I can go to one of your filming days?"
Her lips curled and she glanced at Julia, making me suddenly remember that we were not alone. I turned to Julia too and saw her try to hide a smile by pressing her lips hard together. She turned around and walked away to go talk to someone else and I turned back to Liv, raising my nose up in a grimace.
"Oops, sorry." I whispered, holding my breath. "You think she knows?"
"If she's not completely stupid yea. I mean, the girl has two functioning eyes and two clearly great ears, if I trust the way she sings. So yea, she knows." Olivia pointed out with a chuckle.
"You're not mad?"
She tilted her head as she stared at me, her amused smile turning quickly into a fond one. I felt my palm burn on her back, over her shirt, and she sighed low.
"Niall, I think it's time you bring me back to your hotel room, what do you say?"
I didn't have a hotel room. In fact, I was ready to leave right after the show to catch my plane but now that plans had changed, I had to think about something, and there was no way I was going back to sleep at my parents'.
"I'll find one."
I quickly grabbed my phone in my pocket and called the hotel I stayed in the night before to reserve a room. I sighed in relief when I found out they weren't all taken and finally hung up and turned back to her.
Her lips curled and she nodded and quickly, we said our goodbyes to everyone. No one insisted that we stayed or followed them to a bar and we just took a cab and left. She didn't kiss me until the hotel room's door closed behind us and I didn't try to force anything, but I couldn't pretend the whole ride was not painful.
Her mouth crashed on mine after she dropped her bags and I finally let mine fall too as she deepened the kiss. I could feel her smile against my lips and chuckled, bringing both my hands to her back and slipped them under her shirt.
"Watching the nudes you send while I jerk off every fooking night isn't enough." I admitted, trailing kisses quickly down her neck. "I want to bring you with me for the rest of the tour, I miss your body too much."
She giggled like a school girl and it made me smile more. "You want me to follow you everywhere so you can use me whenever you need a good fuck?"
"Yes, petal." I admitted in a whisper after letting out a groan. "How much would you like to be my little cum dump? How much do you want me to just grab your hair and fuck your fanny until I cum every fucking time I need it?"
"Mm, someone is in serious need of a good fuck." she pointed out, running her hand on my cock, over my pants. "You're being very nasty."
"You love it, don't even pretend otherwise."
She chuckled against my mouth and quickly worked on my pants. I unbuttoned hers and slipped my hand in her panties, making her head fall back slightly and her eyes flutter.
"You like that, princess?" I asked, brushing my lips on her jaw and neck. "I really need to fuck you hard and fast. You're so wet I'm sure you can cum fast, yeah?"
"Too horny for love making tonight, I see." she whispered with a smile, making me groan again.
"If you want me to make love to you petal, I will." I groaned low. "That shows how much I love you because I'm so fucking horny I don't really want to go slow."
She pulled away slightly and her eyes met mine. She tilted her head and stared at me for a few seconds before licking her lips.
"Fuck me hard and fast, then." she proposed. "We got all night anyway, yea?"
"Pet, if you allow me to fuck you 10 times tonight I fucking will."
She started laughing and I shut her up by pressing my lips against hers and immediately deepening the kiss. I loved the taste of her tongue and when she grabbed mine to suck on it, I slipped a finger inside her and started rubbing my thumb slowly on her clit. She moaned in my mouth and I felt her body tense, making me smile more.
"Apparently, I'm not the only one who needs a proper fuck."
It took us less than a minute to get naked and when I sat on the bed, she quickly straddled me and sat on my cock. I wrapped my arms around her as she let out a low whimper, closing her eyes. I grabbed her hair from behind and pulled on it, making her moan again as I brought my hand between us right after licking my thumb. I pressed it on her clit and she squirmed a bit, making me hold her hair tighter.
"It feels so fucking good to be balls deep inside you, pet."
I ran my tongue on one of her breasts and felt her nipple harden against it. I loved the way her body reacted to every single one of my touches. She squirmed a bit and I groaned as I felt her throb around my cock before grabbed her other breasts hard.
"Missed your tits so much." I slapped it gently and she squirmed again. "You're so fucking horny baby you're dripping on me."
"Please Niall." she let out in a mix of a whisper and a whimper. "Let me ride you."
I stared at how fucked she looked and finally let go of her hair. Her lips pressed against mine half a second later and she started moving over me slowly at first and then harder and faster. I didn't know how long I was going to last and I breathed through my teeth before she bit my bottom lip.
"You always do that when you're really horny don't you?" I asked with a smirk, pulling my upper body back to look at her.
She sent me puppy eyes, her chin moving down as she stared at me through her eyelashes. It made me want to own her even more and be rough with her.
"I do that because I really really want you."
I let my hand run on her back and when I reached her ass, I spanked her hard enough to make her tense. Her movements faltered and she moaned low, cupping my face and kissing me deeply again.
"I'm really really close, Nee." she murmured against my mouth. "I'm about to cum all over your cock."
I already knew that. I could feel her clench hard around my dick and I pulled away slightly again to look in her eyes. There was nothing I loved more than watching her squirm over me as she came.
"Do it. Show me how good of a little slut you are." I pressed my thumb on her clit and she started moving over me again, bouncing on my cock as I rubbed her clit hard.
It took her half a minute to start shaking and I felt her nails dig in one of my shoulders. The sight of her coming undone made me reach my orgasm too and I gripped her waist harder, my fingers sinking in her skin as I spilled inside her. We both were panting messes as we came down from our highs and she leaned her forehead on my shoulder, letting out a few satisfied whimpers.
"You're mine, yeah?"
"What part of me do you want?" she asked low, running her mouth on my neck and making me smile.
"Your heart, petal." I whispered, turning my head her way, searching for her lips. "You know it,"
"Mm, you're so full of shit." she whispered with a chuckle.
I grabbed her waist and threw her on the bed as she let out a high pitched scream and I quickly moved on top of her, holding myself with my arms on each side of her head.
"I ain't lying." I pointed out, raising my eyebrows as I looked at her.
"I thought you wanted my ass." she let out, half-joking with a smile.
I stared at her for a few seconds, my smile falling slowly and breathed in before sighing.
"I already have that." I explained. "I'm just hoping you can give me your heart at some point, too."
I felt her hand reach for my face and her fingers slipped in my hair. I didn't know how long we stared at each other but after a while, her lips parted.
"My heart has been yours since I was 6 years old, Niall James Horan."
For some reason, her words made a shiver cross my back and I quivered slightly over her. I glanced at her lips and slowly, I moved down and kissed her. I didn't know what I could answer to that so I just remained silent. She moved her knees up, trapping my body between them, and I knew we both felt safe in our happy bubble. It was my favorite place : with her.
"You think everyone knows we left to go fuck?" she asked, making me chuckle.
"I mean, they think we're just friends right?"
Olivia grimaced and I laughed more at how cute it was to see her button nose move up childishly.
"No one ever really thought we were friends, I mean, even your parents made a bet."
It was my turn to grimace. "Please, don't remind me."
"I'm glad I messaged Julia. I was a bit jealous of her before I started talking to her. I mean she spends all her time with you and I know you two are close."
I raised my eyebrows in surprise. I didn't think she could feel threatened by Julia.
"Says the girl who literally gets rides from her ex fiance after acting as his girlfriend all day!"
"Touché." she laughed. "But there's really nothing between Dylan and I anymore."
My eyes roamed on her face and I sighed. "I love you, Liv, but we both know that's not true." i just said, making her frown slightly. "Of course you still have feelings for him. I wouldn't expect you to just forget about it after a few weeks. And he probably loves you too. And I would lie if I said it doesn't stress me from time to time, especially late at night when I'm waiting for your call."
I thought about the song I had started writing which was once again, about her. It was once again about how much I loved her, but it was also about how painful it was not to know what we were and how she felt. It was about how easily she could hurt me and that if it was the only thing she was able to give me, that I wanted it anyway. It was about how I was all hers and that I was not sure she really was mine. I didn't want to sing it to her, because I didn't want her to feel guilty about the feelings inside me, but I had to write about it, if only to evacuate the pain from my body and mind. She didn't even know how hurt I was sometimes, it didn't even cross her mind, I knew it.
She sent me a fond smile and my heart melted again. I could have moved to lie down next to her but I didn't want to. I wanted our bodies pressed together. They had been away from each other for so long and it was insane how much my skin missed her skin.
"Nothing to worry about. I always think about you."
I smiled. "Nothing to worry about when it comes to Julia either. Or any other woman. Or men. Anyone. My mind, heart and soul are with you 24/7."
"And your body?" she asked with an amused smile.
"Right now it's with you, too. So you've got all of me."
We remained silent for a while, just looking at each other. I focused on the way her body felt beneath mine, and on how well it fitted with mine, like two pieces of a puzzle, and even if I knew it was cheesy, I knew we formed a complete puzzle, me and her. The more time I spent with her, the more I had hope that we would be together again. Officially and forever.
"What are we gonna do tomorrow?" she asked in a low voice.
"Go back to Mullingar and fuck. Pretend we're not famous. Meet with old friends. Go to a pub and fuck. Go see my mom. Fuck. Get a hotel room and fuck again."
She laughed, moving her chin up and closing her eyes, and it made me smile.
"Alright, but just to make sure, are we gonna fuck?" she asked jokingly, making me smirk.
She laughed again and I shut her up by pressing my lips against hers. I didn't want to think about being away from her again. I didn't want this distance thing to become something normal between us. There was no way I could ever get used to being far away from her for weeks. I also knew it was meant to happen again and it made something stir in my stomach but I tried to push the thought away.
"Good plan?" I asked, my lips brushing against hers as I talked before she nodded. "Perfect, Now let's fuck again."
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 22
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.5 - 4.8k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: i havent even written half of what I wanted to be written in this chapter so they will have an other discussion in the next chapter, and they’ll spend an other day together. i feel like the song thing wasnt as good as it should have been. so i feel like it really sucks. i just hope it doesnt.
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : heres the few requests i used. i suggest you dont read them before reading the chapters tho!
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Chapter 22 : Her chapter
Just as I opened the door to leave, I came face to face with Louis who rolled his eyes and laughed. I knew I should have left a while ago but the truth was, I hadn't shaved in 4 days and my hair was a mess. I was pretty sure it wouldn't bother Niall but it bothered me and I had to do something about it.
After trying out too many dresses, Julie, Eleanor and I gave up for the day and ended up at the restaurant with a few glasses of wine. We talked, we laughed, and I tried to keep the conversation as far from Niall as I could. I was still trying to sort out how I felt, or mostly, what I wanted, and I felt like it was something I had to do alone. I could lie and pretend I didn't love Niall but it was too late. In fact, I have never stopped loving him and I was not sure I ever would. Possibly, if we stopped talking and seeing each other, I could live with someone else, get married with someone else and be happy to a certain extent, but being around him without being with him would be impossible. I've done that for so many years before we started dating and it made me miserable. If there was one thing I was sure, it's that if I ended up with someone else than Niall, I would cut him out of my life for good. That thought made me want to throw up but I just breathed in, trying to calm myself. I hadn't taken that decision yet and I was not ready to, anyway.
"Five more minutes and you'll be late."
"I'm already late, Louis." I just said, shaking my head.
"Yea no, I told him half an hour, not 15 minutes like you had said. I know you and he does too. Don't lie to yourself, Olivia. You're always late."
"Well, i'm an artist!" I tried to defend myself with a small amused smile.
"Yea yea, use that excuse if you want." Louis chuckled, walking in. "Niall's waiting for you. Hurry or he'll already be asleep!"
"That drunk huh?" I raised my nose up. I sort of hoped we could have a discussion, or maybe I just wanted to feel myself beneath him. I was not sure. Either way, my plan was gonna have to change.
"No he seemed a bit better when we came back."
"Came back from where?" I frowned, tilting my head.
Louis' lips curled and he put his hands in his pockets before looking down and chuckling. He looked up at me again and laughed some more before shaking his head.
"No, no way, he'll tell you himself." he finally said, making me grimace. "He's got a surprise for you."
"Whatever, I don't have time to insist." I smiled and rolled my eyes, walking past him and bringing his face closer to kiss his cheek. "Thanks for calling me, Lou."
He turned around to look at me as I walked to my car and raised his voice to make sure I hear him.
"You take care on the road yea? Call me if you need anything!"
I smiled and nodded. "Don't worry. Now call your girlfriend!"
I quickly hopped in my car and drove to Niall's, feeling suddenly a lot more nervous than I probably should. I didn't know why, it was definitely not the first time I was seeing him, and everything was going so well between us, almost as well as it was before he broke up with me. Of course, we had many things to discuss again but we were on the right path, I could feel it. I shook my head, realizing I was talking about him as if we were dating, or at least, as if I was not supposed to marry someone else, and it made me feel guilty.
However, when he opened the door, all the emotions fighting inside of me suddenly disappeared, All I felt was love and my lips curled into a smile, just like his.
"Thanks so much for coming." he let out, moving a bit to let me in, and closed the door behind me. "I just want you to know that I was not jerking off to your nude. Louis just said that because-"
"He's an ass, I know." I chuckled before licking my lips. "Does that mean my nude was not good fapping material?"
His face changed into a few different expressions but finally, he raised his eyebrows and moved closer to me, bending down slightly to slip his arms around my waist and taking a step closer, forcing me to take a step back until my ass pressed against the couch.
"That nude is definitely great fapping material, I didn't say I wouldn't use it, I just meant that I was not doing it tonight, big difference."
My lips curled more and I chuckled as he bent down to kiss me. It was wrong, I knew it, but I couldn't help myself to let him kiss me and touch me again. I never had enough and I probably never would have.
"You're drunk." I let out before kissing him again.
"Mm, yea, a bit."
I laughed and shook my head. "Come on, let's go to bed yea?"
He groaned and his lips found my neck, making me laugh again. I loved how cuddly he became after drinking and I felt his mouth leaving small kisses on my skin, making goosebumps appear.
"Will you let me hold you and cuddle you?"
I smiled and nodded and with a low sigh, he pulled away. We walked to his room but kept the lights off and I helped him with his shirt and pants before getting undressed too, picking his shirt off the floor and putting it on. We both lied down in bed, facing each other, and I could see his drunk smile even in the darkness.
"Olivia, I love you. I think I always will."
I knew he was past the tipsy stage but I couldn't hide that his words made me smile. I moved closer and brought my hand to his cheek, letting my fingertips brush on it.
"You think?" I asked in a whisper, an amused smile reaching my lips.
"I know. I know I will always love you." he corrected himself, making me chuckle again. "And that nude, oh god, pet, just thinking about it makes me hard, look."
He grabbed my fingers before I could do anything and brought it over his boxers. As soon as I felt the shape of his cock on my palm, I moved my hand away. My heart had skipped a beat and I chuckled nervously before raising my eyebrows.
"Hey, don't do that!" I let out with a laugh, making him laugh too.
"You know I jerk off a lot thinking about you?" he mumbled. "That time you slept here, I walked to your room and saw you naked. Fuck, Liv, It got me so horny. It was the first time I saw you naked in over a year. I'm sorry, I swear it was an accident, but it made me so hard I had to jerk off in the shower."
My lips parted and my breath caught in my throat. I remembered that day very well... a bit too well. "You... wait, what?"
He groaned and moved his head before looking back at me again. "I know! I'm so sorry! I think I even moaned your name when I came."
I stared at him a few more seconds as his eyes moved quickly on my face. I pressed my lips together, feeling my heart thump hard in my chest as I tried to decide if I should tell him what I did or not.
"That day I... I sort of walked to your room to ask you for something and I saw you... in the shower." I admitted as he frowned.
"Really? How did you like it?" he asked, his lips curling into a smile. "You never told me."
I wanted to tell him that I actually touched myself next to him without him knowing but for some reasons, the words wouldn't come out and I stopped trying when he whimpered low and more closer, pulling me against him.
"Say you love me, petal. You love me right?"
I smiled a bit, leaving a soft kiss on his jaw. "I love you, Niall."
"I'm also the best fuck you ever had, I have to be." he added in a mutter, making me laugh this time. "I am, petal, tell me I am. I'm better than Louis, at least, yea?"
I moved back a bit to look at him again and frowned. I was a bit surprised by his request since he was never the type to be insecure and I just licked my lips.
"Does that really scare you?"
His face changed in a funny face and he shrugged. "Ha, no." he told me before his face changed slightly. "Okay maybe a bit."
I brought my hand back to his cheek and I suddenly got serious. I didn't want him to keep thinking about that, it was seriously useless to be scared of that.
"I love you more than I've ever loved anyone, and more than I'll ever love anyone else. And you're the best fuck I've ever had, and ever will have."
His lips curled into a smirk and he chuckled low. "I know. Now pretend I never asked."
I rolled my eyes and brought my lips to his, kissing him slowly as he answered my kiss. We didn't go further, we just kept kissing gently and deeply until we fell asleep and it was the very first time I had done something like that. When I woke up, the way I had fallen asleep came back to my mind and I felt a stupid grin draw itself on my lips. That was a bit embarrassing yet that was the most romantic thing we ever did together.
I got up slowly, making sure I wouldn't wake him up, and went to the bathroom before going to the kitchen with pills that I left on the counter. I finally made coffee and found eggs and bread, knowing he may not eat at all. I heard a groan behind me and I smiled despite myself until I felt his arms slip around my waist. His lips reached for my neck and I chuckled, moving my shoulder up.
"It tickles!" I admitted, turning to look at him with a smile. "Your stubble."
He laughed and moved away, grabbing a cup and filling it with coffee before literally swallowing the pills with the warm beverage. I remained silent and put the eggs in a plate, leaving it on the counter between us and grabbing the bread in the toaster.
"No thanks, just eggs is fine." he just shook his head as I handed him a toast.
He handed me a fork and we started eating together, still standing up and facing each other. I wanted it to be that way every single day of my life until I'd die. I wanted to wake up with him, eat breakfast with him, and spend the day with him. All my days. Every fucking day.
"What do you wanna do today?" I just asked, seeing him stop moving from the corner of my eyes.
"You're spending the day with me?"
I shrugged and pressed my lips together to make sure I wouldn't smile too big. "If you want me to."
"So many useless words coming from such a pretty mouth."
"Shut up!" I laughed. "You should have heard yourself last night!"
He grimaced and I laughed some more before shaking my head. I moved closer and wrapped both my arms around his neck, quickly pressing my lips against his. He closed his eyes and his arms slithered around my waist pulling me closer.
"What was that for?" he asked in a whisper, staring in my eyes with a smile when I pulled away.
"I was thinking of going for a walk at the park, and since we won't be able to do that there, I thought it was appropriated to do it here before we left."
His smile turned into a smirk and he raised his eyebrows. "You know what we could do before we leave?"
I laughed again and shook my head, taking a step back. God I loved him so much. How did I always feel so beautiful and desirable when I was with him was beyond me. At first, I thought it was just a way to see if he could still get me somehow, and then I thought maybe he just missed the time we were dating but now? Now I was starting to realize that perhaps it was just me. He wanted me, and he loved me. And that conclusion was exactly what I wanted.
"Maybe later." I proposed with a smile. "Let's go out. Fresh air will be good for your headache."
He groaned again and I laughed some more, walking back to his room to get my bag. I quickly got dressed, the smile on my face never faltering. Was that how it would be if I was with Niall? Would I always be happy, in love and excited to spend time with him? Realistically, I knew it was impossible to always be happy or always smile. Everyone had bad days and living with someone, or even just dating someone, was not perfect, but I felt like if I was with Niall, it would come very close to it.
He came back to the room just as I was done and started getting changed in front of me, making me roll my eyes but chuckle. It took him fifteen minutes to get ready as I waited for him next to the front door and when he appeared, my eyebrows raised.
"Wow, you look good." I pointed out.
"Those are just pants and a shirt. Why? Did you change your mind? We can spend the day in the bedroom if you want!"
I laughed again, perfectly aware that he wanted to go out as much as I did, and took a step closer before grabbing his hand in mine and staring at him. After about a minute, he frowned.
"What are we waiting for exactly?"
I squeezes his hand in mine and licked my lips. "Just trying to imagine what it would feel like to walk around with you while holding your hand."
"How does it feel?" he finally asked in a whisper.
I only send him a soft smile and let go of his hand before walking out of his house. He followed me to my car and I got behind the wheel as he took a seat on the passenger's side. He didn't comment but I knew he preferred when we used his car, perhaps it had something with keeping the control or something like that, but this time, I just wanted to choose the place. I brought him back to the park we had gone to meet last time and we walked around, enjoying the sun and the weather. It was quite a big and popular park but he had a cap on and I was clearly not famous enough to be recognized. I frowned a bit when he stepped out of the traced path to reach a part with a lot less people and sat in the grass as I did the same. We hadn't talked at all and it was not awkward. Silence was never awkward between us. After a while, I just lied down in the grass and crossed my ankles to stare at the sky. It took him a few seconds but he did the same and I noticed he had kept both his hands on his chest.
"That's a dragon." I let out, "A dragon who clearly doesn’t spit out fire. More like, bubbles or something."
I brought my arm up and traced the clouds with one of my fingers as he chuckled.
"That looks more like a snowman to me."
"A snowman? Do you have imagination at all?" I argued, raising my nose up before using a dumb voice. "Oh look, a cloud that's shaped like a cloud?"
He laughed too and I glanced at him right on time to see him lick his lips. "Okay, a few sheep then. And a fence." he paused. "Okay this one looks like two persons having sex."
"No, Niall, that's just projection."
This time, he let out a louder laughter and I smiled more. I turned back to the sky, feeling a cold breeze on my cheeks, and my eyes fluttered. My heart did exactly the same when I felt Niall's fingers grip my hand that was laying on the grass, between us.
"No PDA, remember?"
"Yea I'm re-thinking that rule."
I felt something jump in my chest as the surprise took over me but decided not to say anything. The more time I was spending with Niall, the more I realized that he had changed, and a lot. He was more mature, more balanced and clearly way more ready to settle than he used to be.
The day went by very well. We grabbed food on our way back, ate in the car and ended up at the movies. When we walked back inside his house, I felt tired and stretched with a yawn.
"Wine?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Beer is fine."
I followed him to the kitchen and sat on the counter as I looked at him open a beer and throw the cap in the bin. He took a sip and once again I rolled my eyes as he handed it to me.
"When I open it, there's a tax." he explained as If I didn't already know that rule. It had been instituted when we were teens and he had never stopped doing it since then.
"The tax could be something else than a sip, you know." I proposed with a smirk.
"Okay, show me your tits, then."
"You already took a sip." I pointed out.
"Take a sip of my beer and we'll be even. And then, show me your tits."
I laughed but ignored his request before I licked my lips.
"Yesterday you told me you saw me naked a few weeks ago and jerked off thinking about me int he shower." I told him, suddenly a bit stressed. "Remember?"
I looked down at my beer as he stood near me, his right side leaned against the counter.
"I saw you in the shower." I added.
"Yea I remember you telling me that last night too." he smiled.
"Mm, when I saw you it turned me on. I.. I touched myself, too. While you were jerking off in the shower. I literally masturbated with you but you never saw me."
His lips parted a bit and he put his beer away before letting out the air in his lungs quickly. His eyebrows raised again and he moved between my legs, grabbing the beer from my hands and putting it away with his as he spread his hands on my thighs. He didn't say anything else, he just reached for the hem of my pants and immediately, I held myself with my hands on the counter and moved my ass up. He pulled on my pants, bringing my panties with them and let them fall on the floor before taking a step back.
"Get your feet on the counter, spread those thighs, darling."
I felt my heart jump in my chest and bit my bottom lip before doing what he asked. His gaze immediately dropped between my legs and he grabbed a chair, placing it in front of me before sitting on it. He made a quick chin movement in my direction before looking up in my eyes.
"Show me what you did." he let out. "Do it like I'm not here."
It took me a few seconds to react but I brought two fingers to my mouth, leaving some spit on them before bringing them between my legs. I let my fingers brush on my clit and slip inside me for a few seconds before going back to my clit. I couldn't take my eyes off of him and the way he was looking at me with a stoic face was driving me insane.
"You know, last time was easier because you were touching yourself."
I had no idea what went through his head but he kept looking at my fingers rubbing against my clit and slipping inside me alternately for a few minutes and finally took his cock out and started stroking it very slowly. The sight made a whimper escape my lips and my thighs tensed as I reached for my clit again. He looked amazing and there was nothing I wanted more than to watch him touch himself until he'd reach an orgasm except maybe feeling him inside me. My eyes were stuck on his cock and when he started leaking precum, I took my hand away from my pussy.
"I think you should come here and fuck me."
"No, you come here and sit on me."
I nodded quickly and moved off the counter before straddling him, still holding myself with my feet on the floor. He watched his cock enter me as I sat on it and let out a curse word as I quickly took my shirt and bra off. Once again, I was naked and he was completely dressed but I didn't mind. I felt at ease to be vulnerable in front of him, and that thought brought me close to tears.
I started moving up and down on him and I felt his hands run on my breasts, stomach, back an ass. He spanked me gently and then a bit harder, making me ride him quicker. It felt too good and my whole body started throbbing as I came close to an orgasm. He groaned and I felt his hands on my hips, helping me up. It made me frown but I followed his lead as he took my hand and brought it between my legs. I started rubbing my clit again and whimpered as I saw him jerk or again. I could feel the tip of his cock brush between my legs with each stroke of his hand and when he came, he pushed my hand away and I felt myself start shaking, his cum spurting against my clit as the tip of his cock brushed against it, helping me reach my peak too. I quivered and moaned, hearing him groan and the whole sight was just too hot. I knew it would probably make a mess but I really didn't give a fuck. I was panting as I slowly got down from my high and reached between my legs with my hand, my fingers brushing on my sensitive clit as I spread his cum on my pussy.
"That was so hot." I confessed in a whisper, making him look up in my eyes.
He got up without answering and grabbing my face to kiss me hard. I felt his cock press against my stomach and moaned in his mouth as he smiled through the kiss.
"Stay naked." he murmured as I nodded before I followed him to his room.
I saw him take off his clothes too and went to the bathroom to clean a bit before getting back in bed. He turned the lights off and we stayed together in silence, just watching the ceiling.
"Heidi sent me a picture of you in a wedding dress." he finally just randomly said after a few minutes. "That's why I didn't answer your text message, I was just so... flabbergasted by how good you looked."
I felt a wave of hated for Heidi for half a second but when I realized what Niall had said, it quickly vanished. I knew I looked ridiculous, no matter which dress he had seen me in, but the fact that he thought I looked great made my whole body feel warm suddenly.
"I want a future with you, Olivia." he just admitted, leaving me speechless.
He turned to me and pulled me closer before I heard him start singing. I closed my eyes to focus on his words and besides his voice, all I could hear was the sound of my heartbeats.
"My mind is complicated Find it hard to rearrange it But I'll have to find a way somehow Overreacting lately Find it hard to say I'm sorry But I'll make it up to you somehow
And I just don't know why The stars won't shine at night
Tell me you want it A thousand miles away from the day that we started But I'm standing here with you just tryna be honest If honesty means telling you the truth Well, I'm still in love with you
Did I miscalculate this? Let's just go back to basics Forget about what's come and gone 'Cause I hate to see us like this Breaking up on nights just like this We should be shooting for them stars of gold
So tell me you want it A thousand miles away from the day that we started But I'm standing here with you just tryna be honest If honesty means telling you the truth Then I guess we lost our focus And it's killing me that we could go to war like this But I'm standing here with you just tryna be honest If honesty means telling you the truth Well I'm still in love with you
Oh, we'll be alright Oh, it'll be alright Oh, we'll be alright Oh, it'll be alright
So tell me you want it A thousand miles away from the day that we started But I'm standing here with you just tryna be honest If honesty means telling you the truth I guess we lost our focus And it's killing me that we could go to war like this But I'm standing here with you just tryna be honest If honesty means telling you the truth Well I'm still in love with you"
I held my breath for so long I thought I was just going to pass out but I inhaled again when I felt tears fall down my cheeks. He sniffed and my eyes fluttered open only to see him crying. We just stayed there, laying in the dark, looking at each other, both crying, overwhelmed by feelings we didn't really know how to handle. I moved closer and kissed his lips until he deepened the kiss. I tasted the saltiness of his tears and he probably tasted mine, but we didn't care. All that mattered was his warm naked body against mine and the words he had sang to me.
"I love you so much." he sobbed to me in a whisper. "I wrote this the first day I saw you again at the bakery."
I wanted to tell him that I wanted it, just like he asked. I wanted to tell him that I was ready to jump back into this, to be with him and give us an other chance, but I just couldn't. I breathed in deeply and took a decision though. I was going to break up with Dylan. Clearly, it was not working and whether I decided to be with Niall again or not, I couldn't just keep Dylan around and keep on hurting him for weeks.
"That's one of the most beautiful songs I ever heard, Niall." I murmured, feeling my lips brush against his. "All of your songs for me..."
I cried again, letting more tears fall on my cheeks.
"We did lose our focus it's true... but it's back. I focus on you Niall. And you're right, we'll be alright."
I heard him break down again and it broke my heart. I brought my mouth on his against and we kissed some more. I felt his hand on my back and his fingers holding me so tight that they sank in my skin. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him but there were no words. I wish we could have a longer conversation and I felt like there were so many things left unsaid that clearly needed to be heard, but there was no way I was going to ruin this moment.
"I love you, Niall. We'll be alright." I repeated low before I heard his voice crack slightly.
"We'll be alright."
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horansqueen · 5 years
AM Conversations : chapter 7
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -3.9k. -this may look like a love triangle but ill do my best not to turn it into one. -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
-thank you SO MUCH to the people who gave this story a chance and read it and like it and ask for it. it means so much to me, i love you guys so so much!!! :)
-please, message me, give me feedbacks, it would mean sooo much to me!
Chapter 7 : Her chapter
I blinked a few times, staring at him and holding my breath. It was the last thing I expected from him and I was pretty sure he could tell from the surprised expression plastered on my face. In fact, if he had admitted to imagining having sex with Harry I would have been less startled.
"You're kidding, right?"
The left corner of his lips moved up, changing his face in some sort of sad expression just as his gaze fell on his lap. He was avoiding my eyes and somehow I was grateful for that because even if I was still staring at him, I didn't know if us looking at each other would be comfortable. His arm was still resting on the back of the couch and I was suddenly aware of the proximity of our bodies. I didn't want to move away and make it even more awkward but staying so close also made everything feel weird. Slowly, i moved my thigh away to make sure it wasn't pressed against his anymore but my heart started racing inside me anyway.
"I mean, yea, it's true." he confirmed, raising my hope up higher than it had ever been. "You know I told you I had a dream about us kissing, well it was more than that. We were.. you know..."
He shook his head a few times as if it would make it obvious and although I really wanted to hear him from his mouth, I didn't insist. I could feel my wall being teared down slowly as if someone was taking off one brick after the other. The feelings hiding behind were ready to live but I was not ready to take the risk. I swallowed hard and closed my eyes, trying to get back to my senses and not let my emotions take control.
"It was just a dream, Niall." I explained in a low tone.
"Oh I know." he let out after a few seconds. "I just wanted you to know I lied. The dream fucked me up for a day or two, that's all."
That was it, the moment was gone and my hope was dying. I breathed in deeply to put back the few bricks of my wall I had taken off and forced a smile on my lips just as he looked up. I tried to keep my smile but it faded slightly before quickly coming back. I didn't know if it was the alcohol or his revelation, but he seemed even more handsome than normally , illuminated by the moon rays. It made my heart twist in my chest and somehow, I was scared he would notice. I had to light up the mood and I just tilted my head, my smile turning into a smirk.
"Was it good?"
His eyes seemed to sparkle and he chuckled, sending me a small but amused smile.
"Woke up with a solid boner."
This time, I burst into laughter and he joined me. I let my head fall back against his arm and closed my eyes. I couldn't stop laughing and I shook my head again, turning my head his way as it was still leaning against his arm.
"That means nothing. You see boobs and get hard!"
"I'm not 16 anymore, Liv, the simple sight of boobs do not make me hard."
I stared at him, my eyes getting smaller as I looked at him in a joking manner. He raised his eyebrows and I tilted my head, not totally sure I actually believed him.
"That sounds fake." I pointed out, making him smile more. "You're lying."
"Show me yours then, and we'll see."
I slapped his arm lightly and it made him laugh even more. It was contagious and I felt my lips curl as I tried not to look away from him. I knew he was joking but I don't think I would ever be able to show him my body. I knew I was not one of those girls, the girls who got the good genes... girls like Heidi.
"Okay so let's say your dream girl walks by right now." I supposed, pointing out the bottom of the few stairs outside the house. "She walks up, tells you how bad she wants you, and moves her shirt up to show you her tits.. you would still stay soft?"
He brought his free hand to his chin, grabbing it in a thoughtful manner and looking up,  making my lips curl more. It took him a few seconds to answer and it made me chuckle. I nudged his side and he let out a short and fake "Ow!" before a smile reappeared on his lips.
"I don't think I'd get hard immediately, i'd need a little action before." he finally answers, making me roll my eyes. "Or, if I did get hard, it wouldn't be because of the sight of her boobs but more because of the anticipation of what's going to happen."
"You got hard while dreaming and no one was touching you." I pointed out. "Explain that, Horan."
I was expecting him to make the same grimace he always does when I call him by his last name but instead, he looked down, an embarrassed smile on his face and his cheeks turning red. Clearly, he was hiding something from me and although I was dying to find out what it was, I didn't want to make him feel worse.
"I knew you didn't have an explanation." I joked, turning my body his way this time and leaning my knee on his thigh.
The awkward moment was gone and it felt good between us again. I didn't want to ruin it and I decided to drop the subject of his dream and the game to make things a bit lighter. I was sitting with my best friend in the middle of the night just talking about random things and it was probably my favorite thing in the whole world.
"Oh, remember that one time I walked in on you jerking off?"
His cheeks turned a soft shade of pink again but this time he scratched the back of his neck and chuckled low.
"Without knocking, remember?"
"That's not the point!"
We were young, maybe 13, and I did, in fact, walk in his room without knocking. It was not something I was used to do. As kids, we clearly had nothing to hide from each other but we were growing up and it was the very last time I didn't announce myself first before getting in his room. In fact, for the next month I even waited until he would come and open the door for me, scared i'd catch him in a compromising position again.
"Yea well it was your fault." he pointed out, making me grimace.
"Alright, I give you that." I gave in with a shrug. "What were you thinking about?"
He breathed in and out and shook his head one time. "Killing you, probably."
I laughed and nudged him again.
"No! I mean, when you were jerking off."
I watched him frown and then close his eyes before shrugging and turning to me.
"I don't know. Back then, I think I liked Ava."
I looked down at my lap and started playing with the mood ring on my finger, almost waiting for it to turn a gold-ish or amber color. I breathed in deeply and my lips curled into a sad smile. I remembered Ava very well, everyone did. Tall, brunette, skinny and pretty much every single boys' fantasy back then, even some girls' too. Not me. I could only see Niall even back then.
"Surprise, Niall liked the perfect popular bitch." I pointed out slightly rudely. "Some things never change."
"Wow, a saucer of milk for the young lady next to me?"
I looked up and frowned, rolling my eyes and quickly looking away.
"Oh shut up, Niall, you know i'm right."
Silence fell between us and I think the fact that he didn't argue with me made everything even worse. I wanted him to tell me I was wrong and that the body and face was not a priority for him and at the same time, I knew it was bad of me to be mad at him for his preferences or just because he liked some popular chick back when he was a kid. It was just a pattern he seemed to bring with him through the years and I was jealous. I knew it. Plus, if I was a famous ex-boybander loved by all the girls in the world, i would choose the hottest too. I would probably still pick one with a great personality, but I wouldn't go for someone like me. There would be no reason to.
"It's getting late, we really should sleep." I suggested after a few minutes, getting up quickly.
I felt him grab my wrist and held my breath, slowly turning to him. The way he looked at me told me he was not mad or annoyed, and I tried to swallow the feeling of jealousy and anger that had spread inside of me.
"You're gonna give Harry a chance?"
I wanted to scoff but fought against it. I just stared at him and finally nodded, waiting for him to let go of me. It was ridiculous of me to think Niall would never be interested in me because of who he was but to still hope for something to happen with Harry. There was also no reason for Harry to have feelings for me. It just made no fucking sense.
"We made a deal." I just let out, raising my eyebrows.
His eyes softened but I could swear I saw sadness in them and I sighed, thinking it was probably because of the small argument we just had.
"Come on, Niall, it's late." I repeated.. "Let's just go to bed, okay?"
His grip on my wrist loosened and his fingers slipped until mine, grabbing them and making my heart skip a beat as I led the way inside until his bedroom. Feeling his hand in mine has always been something that fucked me up for a reason I ignored. Perhaps it was simply because it was something couples did normally, bringing my fantasy to an other level. He closed the door and finally let go of my hand before laying in bed next to me. I felt the mattress move and turned my head to look at him struggle to take his sweatpants off, wiggling on the bed. I laughed and did the same, sliding under the sheets and feeling the coldness of the fabric brush against my legs.
"I'm sorry for earlier." I let out after a few seconds of silence when we were now both motionless, next to each other. "I shouldn't have said that."
"Apology accepted."
I was still not ready to look at him or cuddle him and I ended up just closing my eyes, still laying on my back. This had been a very long evening and It was about time it was over.
"Night Nee." I whispered, feeling him turn my way on the bed, his hand slipping under his pillow.
"Goodnight, Liv."
His voice was soft and low and it made my lips curl despite myself. I probably drifted into slumber not so long after but I couldn't remember. When I opened my eyes, it was still dark outside. I turned to look at Niall who was deeply asleep, his lips parted slightly, and I held my breath as I stared at him for a few seconds. It felt like my heart was threating to jump out of my chest by my throat. I closed my eyes a few seconds and finally looked around the room.
I didn't know how long I had been asleep but it was probably not very long. I guessed about half an hour, and suddenly became conscious of how thirsty I was. I also desperately needed to go to the bathroom and made it my first stop. Finally, I walked to the kitchen and my heart jumped in my chest when I saw a shadow leaning against the counter before realizing it was Harry. A smile curled my lips and I walked up next to him, opening the fridge and grabbing a water bottle. We remained silent as I swallowed half of it and when I let my body rest against the fridge, I remembered I was only wearing one of Niall's shirts along with my panties. I was glad no one had turned the lights on. Not only because of the fact that I was half naked, but also because I could feel my cheeks turn a soft shade of red out of embarrassment.
"Can't sleep?" he asked in a very low voice, his accent weirdly thicker than usual.
I had a thing for accents and when Niall's would broaden, it made me even more attracted to him. I was just realizing now that Harry's accent was stronger when he was tired and I liked it. especially the way he would stop pronouncing the T's. It was bad to the point where I wondered how it would sound if he whispered 'good morning' in my ear as soon as we'd wake up in the same bed. I had an accent too, but I wasn't sure how much I liked it. In fact, I preferred when people didn't ask about it. I had spent the first few years of my life in France and although I shouldn't have taken that accent, my parents did, and they were the ones who taught me how to talk, obviously. My accent was clearly not as pronounced as theirs, but it was still easy to catch.
"Too many jello shots, maybe?" I joked with a chuckle, making him laugh too.
He put the bottle he had in hands on the counter and pushed himself off of it, getting back on his feet and closer to me. I felt my heart start to race but I tried playing it cool and simply tilted my head, looking up at him. He was tall, taller than Niall, and somehow, it made me feel secure, like he could protect me from everything, even from myself. Harry had this way to make anyone feel good and at ease. I liked it. Everyone liked it. Everyone liked him.
His hand reached up slowly, moving my hair behind my shoulder. Two of his fingertips brushed against my jaw and I couldn't hide the shiver crossing my back. I was not going to ruin it this time, right?
"Do you think it's the right time for a first kiss?" I asked in a whisper as he bent closer.
Ouch. Had I just ruined this? Again? What the hell was wrong with me?
We looked at each other for what seemed like an hour. I tried to decipher his facial expression but it was impossible. His eyes roamed on my face, lingering on my lips and back up in my eyes.
"I don't know." he admitted, his eyes getting slightly smaller. "I just know i'm tired to wait for the right moment. Perhaps, the right moment is whenever we want it."
I licked my lips and turned my body slightly to lean against the counter, exactly where he was only some minutes ago. He took a step closer and placed his hands on each side of me, holding himself on the side of the counter. It's only when he bent down again that I held my breath without realizing it.
"I'm just scared that when I start, I won't be able to stop."
I had to swallow the lump in my throat, suddenly totally aware of the heat emanating from his body and warming me. I could feel his breath on my skin. How did he smell so good in the middle of the night after too much drinking? How did he look so good even with puffy and tired eyes? Why was he so close to me, his lips almost touching mine, even if I was just a plain and average girl?
"Why me, Harry?" i dared to ask in a begging way.
Because I really was begging. I was begging him to tell me why he seemed to see me in a way no one else did. I wanted to know why he put his attention on me, why he kept trying with me even if this game had been going on for months, why he seemed to genuinely like me... I needed to know because it made no sense. This is not something that happens to girls like me. This isn't the kind of fairy tale that I would even dare to imagine. I was not the protagonist of a story like that.
His face changed and he frowned for half a second. He licked his lips and I cursed at myself in my head. Once again, I was ruining a kiss I desperately wanted and needed. Why did I keep doing that?
"What do you mean?"
By the softness of his voice, I knew he understood all the hidden questions behind the simple one I had asked. I knew it because he was suddenly more gentle, and his hand reached for my neck as he cupped the lower part my face and my jaw so sweetly that I felt my eyes flutter close before quickly opening them again.
"Why don't you kiss a famous singer? Or a skinny and beautiful model?"
I didn't want to point out that not only that's what was expected of him, but also that's what he was used to do. Did Harry Styles ever date a non-famous and average girl since he started the x-factor? The answer was an obvious and bold 'NO'.
"Because it's you I want to kiss." he just said, shaking his head and bringing his other hand to my jaw. "You're all i've been thinking about. I mean we spent so much time together on tour. You're one of the most genuine, smart, charming and funny person I know. And you're kind, and real, and beautiful. Yes, really. Inside and out. No matter what you think."
I blinked a few times, trying to keep my tears in but it was getting harder with every word that passed his lips. His words, although not easy to believe, made me emotional, and for some odd reason, I could see myself in front of the mirror again, while Niall told me I was beautiful. He shook his head slightly and moved one of his hands away, sliding his fingers on my shoulder and down my arm. He grabbed my fingers and squeezed them tight, making it almost impossible for me not to cry,
"You don't think someone can fall in love with you, Olivia?"
I tried to think of the right answer but first, I had to ask myself that question, which is something I had never done before. Did I believe it was possible?
"Maybe, but not someone like you."
He shook his head again.
"Well, you're gonna have to start believing it." he argued. "I'll do everything I can to make you see it. I really, really like you."
I kept quiet but could feel my eyes water. My vision became blurry but I didn't have the guts to wipe my eyes, scared it would make him move away from me. It made me realize how bad I wanted him to love me, and that maybe my feelings for him were deeper than I thought. He brushed his thumb on my bottom lip and without thinking, I ran my tongue on it, making the right corner of his lips move up.
"Do you like me?"
I couldn't believe he was asking me this question and the surprise made me chuckle. He raised his eyebrows, his lips curling more but still waiting for an answer. I dared to bring my hand to his chest and grip his shirt tight, nodding slowly.
"You know I do, Harry." I whispered. "Everyone likes you."
His lips parted to answer me and I focused on how pink they seemed to be, even in the darkness. I was impatient to feel them against mine, to find out how he tasted, to discover the kind of kiss we would share... Was it possible to have feelings for two men at the same time?
I tilted my chin up slightly, expecting a cheeky remark but I didn't have time. The lights turned on suddenly and we both jumped. I thought Harry would move away but he remained close to me and it made me feel guilty.
"Are you guys okay?"
I watched Niall frown and then realize his mistake. His lips twisted and his noce raised up in a grimace. He was about to apologize but I didn't want him to. For some reason, hearing him say sorry would make this whole thing awkward and unpleasant.
"Yea, I was just thirsty." I explained, taking the water bottle on the counter and moving it up to show my best friend.
"We were having a moment, but okay."
I felt my whole body tense at Harry's reaction. Even if his voice was low and slow, I could hear he was annoyed. Being part of this discussion was beyond my strength and I shook my water bottle a few times, walking to Niall and leaving Harry behind before any other word could be exchanged,
"I'm tired, goodnight boys."
I had to stop myself from kissing Niall's cheek the way I always did but at this exact moment, it felt wrong. What had happened between Harry and I was obsessing me. Not so much the fact that we almost kissed again, but mostly the words he told me.  I knew Niall had warned me about Harry's sweet talk but call me naive all you want, I thought he was sincere. I wanted to trust him, I had to.
"Are you doing this on purpose?" I heard Harry ask as I was walking back to Niall's room.
I knew Niall didn't mean bad and I was not mad at him. Being mad at my best friend, the man I loved the most in the world, was something too hard to do. One fight in a lifetime was enough for me, I didn't want any other to happen ever again.
I lied down in the dark until Niall walked back in the room and lied next to me on his back. The silence was not awkward or uncomfortable but it seemed like we were both waiting for something.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin this for you."
I swallowed hard and with difficulty.
"You didn't."
It became silent again and when Niall talked again, I could swear I heard nostalgia or sadness in the tone of his voice.
"Can I take you close?"
My heart skipped a beat at the thought and I nodded, turning so my back was facing him. We always cuddled this way. it was nothing new. I didn't know why he felt the need to ask me this time but something had seemed to shift... something was changing between us. And I hated it. I hated it so much that as soon as his arms wrapped around me, I started crying. I felt tears invade my cheeks as I did my best to stay quiet. I had never been scared like that and all I could think about was that maybe it was the last time Niall would hold me close to him the way he always did.
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horansqueen · 7 years
Meant To Be - Part 2
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(read part 1 here)
- this is my new story - Niall x OFC (feat. Harry) - chapter 1 from her POV, chapter 2 from his POV. - chapters will be short. this one is 2.6k. - smut! and fluff of course. - im pretty sure not many people will read but if you do and you like, reblog or send me a comment, i love you more than anything :) - ive had this idea stuck in my head for so long i just had to write it. - i didnt proofread. i never proofread. i hate to proofread. - feedbacks? likes? reblogs? comments? asks? PLEASE? :) - thanks to @paynesqueen for the banner :)
When they first met, Harry was all Olivia ever wanted.  However, a decade later, the high school sweethearts had changed and she felt like most of the sparkles she once had were now gone. Then, she met Niall, and it clicked instantly and intensely and since then, they’ve been seeing each other in secret, lying to their whole entourage about the nature of their relationship. Feelings started to grow, things started to change, and maybe, just maybe, it’s meant to be. Or maybe not.
A tale of broken hearts, unforgettable love and many... way too many lies.
Who knows where this road is supposed to lead We got nothing but time As long as you're right here next to me Everything's gonna be alright
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"I haven't felt like myself lately." I admitted as i was putting my shirt back on.
I glanced at her but it seemed like she was doing everything she could to avoir my eyes. I couldn't blame her. When this whole thing started, she already had Maggie, and although i've found myself wondering if she could be mine instead of Harry's, I knew it was impossible. I wouldn't know how i'd react if she'd tell me she was going to have an other kid with Harry. I think it would destroy me.
No answer.
She stopped moving completely, her jeans still unzipped, and i heard her breathe in, trying to find courage to turn to me. I got up and walked to her, putting myself in front of her as she brought hers hands to her face. She looked sad and it killed me. I grabbed both her elbows and tried to move them apart but she just shook her head. She tried to hide it but when she started sobbing, my face twisted in pain. I wrapped my arms around her and brought her closer, pulling her into a warm embrace. She didn't resist but started crying more as i rocked her gently, leaving a few kisses on the top of her head.
"I haven't felt like myself since Nat told me the news. I promise this wasn't planned, I promise I didn't want this." I knew no words would make this okay, but I wanted her to know the truth. "I'm so sorry."
I was not going to mention the fact that I would love this baby with all my heart and that I would take care of him or her until the day I died. I was not going to make this worse by telling her this baby was going to be the person i would love the most in the world. I didn't have to, I knew she already knew it, since she had a kid of her own.
She remained in my arms for a few minutes, just crying, her arms around my chest and gripping my shirt on my back like her life depended on it.
"I'm sorry." I repeated in a whisper, hugging her tighter against me.
When she pulled away, i raised my eyebrows, staring at her. She wiped her cheeks and sniffed before to turn around, her back facing me.
"Are you okay?" I wondered in a sweet tone, not daring to touch her again.
"Okay, but embarrassed."
Her words made me frown but i didn't have time to ask anything. She turned around quickly and sent me a sad smile, tilting her head on the side.
"I didn't know you two..." she started with a shrug, looking away. "It's stupid."
It took me a few seconds and it suddenly hit me. I watched her wipe her tears again and try to put a smile on her lips, but i knew her too much to be fooled by that. She was just trying to be strong in front of me and although it was endearing, it was also heartbreaking.
"You didn't know we still... had sex?"
I used those words because it was really all it was. We never fucked the way Livia and I did : intensely, hard and impatiently. And we surely didn't make love.
I took a few steps in her direction and licked my lips, trying to find the right words, but i was speechless. She turned around to look at me again, and i noticed how red her eyes were.
"I want to stay with you tonight."
I stared at her in shock, my lips slightly parted as she closed her eyes.
"I want to sleep in your arms, Niall." she continued, breathing in and out slowly. "Not just a nap, the whole night."
The thought of waking up with her was intoxicating and I held my breath, feeling my heart jump a few times in my chest. I allowed myself to think about it for a few seconds and I closed my eyes too.
"I'll just text Harry to tell him i'm sleeping at a friend's. Anyway, I told him I was going out with them tonight."
I could hear hope in her voice and I loved it. This whole idea sounded incredible. Cuddling her all night, her hair tickling my face and my arms around her waist... Hearing her light snore more than just half an hour... having sex while spooning when we wake up and even eating breakfast in bed. It's not a night I wanted, it's a fucking lifetime.
I finally opened my eyes and reality hit me. Hard. My eyes found hers, full of expectations, almost begging me to agree to this unrealistic idea.
"Petal, you know... you know I can't."
Her smile fell and the last glimpse of hope that made her eyes sparkle disappeared. And I felt like shit. I felt like the most horrible human being on the planet. I knew there were many more reasons why I was an execrable person but at this exact moment, I couldn't find a better one.
"You can't, or you don't want to."
Her question sounded more like a blame and my heart twisted thinking she could believe I was lying. I walked up to her quicker and cupped her face gently, moving her chin up to look down in her eyes. She stared at me through her eyelashes and my jaw twitched.
"I want it so bad, you have no idea. I want to wake up with you, kiss your neck in the morning. I want to watch you stretch, stare in your sleepy eyes, watch your morning smile. Liv, I want it all. But I can't."
Her eyes fluttered at my words and she seemed to relax in my arms before to open her eyes quickly and stare in my eyes. It seemed like it lasted an hour but it was probably just a minute.
"Things... Things were easier when you were single."
I wanted to agree with her, I wanted to tell her she was right, but my mind wandered around and i remembered she was actually dating one of my best friends. I took a step back and tried to remain calm, my arms falling on each side of me.
"That's unfair, Liv." I started in a low tone, shaking my head. "You have a family, you're practically married with Harry, and you say it would be easier if i was single? Me?"
I frowned, looking down at my feet, and saw her take a step closer.
"Nee, that's not what I-"
"No!" I looked up, trying to stop the tears from running on my cheeks and the anger from consuming me.  "You don't get to say that, you don't get to say my relationship is less important than yours, not anymore, because i'm gonna be a dad."
I didn't know if I wanted to cry of pain or anger but either way, it was hard to contain all my feelings inside.
"I never asked you to drop Harry because I had still some respect for him, but mostly because of your daughter. I was not going to be the one breaking such a perfect family. But now, you don't get to break mine. You.. You can't, Olivia. You're not allowed to do that anymore."
She remained silent, her lips slightly parted, and despite all the sadness and wrath running in my veins, I surprised myself thinking of how beautiful she was. Her mascara ran on her cheeks, two long black lines that reminded me that she cried because of me, her hair was a mess and her eyes were swollen... but it didn't matter. She looked gorgeous, she always did.
I shook my head and looked away, knowing if I stared at her more, I would probably stay, and I wouldn't even regret it. And that was probably the worst thing someone could do.
"Anyway, i'm leaving now."
I didn't have time to turn around completely when she grabbed my arm.
"I'm sorry!" she almost yelled. "I'm sorry, i'm so sorry Niall, don't leave."
The despair in her voice broke my heart again and i held my breath for a few seconds before to take a step closer to the door. Only a few more and I would be out.
"I have to."
I glanced at her but quickly closed my eyes. I heard her start to sob again and I swallowed my feelings. I could pretend it was easy all I wanted, it was one of the hardest things I had to do recently.
"Goodnight Olivia, i'll text you."
I rushed out and closed the door behind me before to lean against the wall, right next to the room. I shut my eyes tight and swallowed again, trying to get back to my senses. She didn't run after but I could hear her cry on the other side of the door. I knew she had noticed that I used her whole name instead of a nickname, or a pet name. It was not something I did often. I only used her name in public and that's pretty much it. The only other time I used it was the first time I broke her heart... and mine.
It took me a few minutes to finally walk to the elevator. This night hadn't gone as planned at all.
I was so lost in my thoughts that the ride home seemed short. I parked but stayed in my car for a while, my phone in hands, typing and erasing messages i wanted to send Liv. I passed my hand in my face with a sigh and put my phone back into my pocket without sending her anything. I was not even sure what our last conversation was all about. Did we break up or did we just fight? Liv and I never fought before, I made sure of it. We always left our life at the door before to meet and although she enjoys telling me a few things about her daughter, we mostly talked about ourselves, what we liked, what kind of person we are. With time, I found out so many things about her I probably knew her better than herself. Better than Harry.
Reluctantly, I got out of the car and walked inside, throwing my keys on the kitchen's counter before to look around me. The apartment was quiet and it made me frown.
"Hello? Nat? Are you home?"
I  walked to the room and opened the door only to see her already asleep. The lights were on and so was the tv. It made a fond smile creep on my lips and i sat on the bed next to her gently, bending down to kiss the top of her head. She woke up slowly and groaned low before to turn my way, her eyes fluttering open.
"Hey, Niall." she whispered, sending me a small smile.
"Sorry I woke you up darling, how do you feel?"
She made an effort to sit up and my eyes fell on her tummy. Her pregnancy didn't show yet and I was wondering how it would feel when it would. For her, it was already concrete but for me, it was different. I knew there was a baby... my baby... inside of her, but at the same time, it was hard to understand.
"I'm good, just extremely tired."
She giggled lightly and it made my lips curl again.  My mind wandered on Liv and i couldn't help but imagine her pregnant. I've only seen pictures of her carrying Maggie but thinking about her pregnant with my child brought a rush to my brain and sent a shiver run up my spine. I felt guilty. I felt fucking guilty. I wanted her to carry my child but i didn't want to admit it to anyone, especially not myself.
I shook my head slightly to get rid of my thoughts and licked my lips, giving all my attention to my girlfriend.
"Do you want a cup of tea?"
Her eyes softened and her shoulders fell as she tilted her head.  She was pretty. Her eyes were the first things i noticed when I met her. They looked like they carried a secret at all times. That had attracted me to her a lot and i knew I wanted her in my life the very first time i made her laugh. And now she was there, in my bed, carrying my child... and I was cheating in her. In fact, I've been cheating on her the whole fucking time.
"That would be amazing, Niall, you're too sweet." she said, bringing her hand to rest on mine.
I glance at our hands together and my heart twists a bit in my chest. When she touches me, it doesn't do the same thing than when Liv touches me, and for some reason, it makes me feel even more guilty.
"Come on petal, join me downstairs." I just let out, getting up quickly.
Our skins touching was making me sick to my stomach and i turned around to reach the door when she stopped me.
"Petal? It's the very first time you call me that." she pointed out with a chuckle. "It's cute, I like it."
If I didn't feel guilty enough already, this time, it literally made me want to throw up. I didn't answer and i honestly couldn't meet her eyes so I just ignored her comment and ran downstairs to the kitchen. I quickly started heating water before to lean against the counter, eyes closed, breathing in and out, trying to get my heartbeats to a normal speed.
Why was I doing that to her, and why was I doing that to myself? I remembered that time I actually broke things off with Liv and the simple thought of that week without her brought tears to my eyes. I was a loser. I was a loser and an asshole, and i was a very bad person.
Of course, Liv and I had thought about just stopping things with Harry and Nat to be together but it never became concrete. We both knew it had to remain a story we'd tell ourselves late at night before to part.
I felt hands run on my waist and jumped, holding my breath and making my girlfriend laugh before to turn around. She pressed herself against me and i breathed in, wrapping my arms around her.
"Did you have fun tonight?"
The irony made me grimace and i was glad that tea was ready, giving me a good excuse to move away. I walked past her and grabbed cup, pouring hot water in it. I added a tea bag and brought it to her as she sat at the table.
"Yea." I just answered, hoping there wouldn't be more questions.
I was already a liar, but this was going so much further than I intended.
"I'll just go take a shower okay?"
I got up and walked to her to kiss her forehead before to leave the room as quick as i could. Recently, it was hard to be in the same room as her, and it was not normal. I ran upstairs, taking my phone out of my pocket.
'I hate when we fight.' i quickly typed. 'I'm sorry.'
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