#anyway Children's Activities is all fun and games until DJPP comes along
magicianparrish · 7 years
the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever had to do was something when I worked at Disney World. 
So every other day (if I was scheduled to host the 4 hour pool party on pool deck), I had to do this fucking thing called Disney Junior Pool Party. This is the thing everyone I worked with dreaded. Literally, we’d fight over who’d have to do it. 
Why? Because it was this 20 minute little “party” that we had to memorize a script to, with all these fucking props for 4 different Disney Junior shows. 
But 8 out of 10 times you were reciting a script in a microphone for 20 minutes to no one. Like asking trivia questions, and pausing waiting for no one to answer. One time I had a bunch of parents in a hut tub shout answers to humor me. Or doing a dance to Jake and the Neverland Pirates. 
Anyway, that is the most horrific experience I’ve had to do for a job, and I will loathe that stupid pool party for all my days.  
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