#anyway!!! its good to be back ive missed writing for mk
lin-kuei-scout · 3 years
Revival | Recollection [ CHAPTER 1 ]
Clarity, anger, guilt, frustration, worry. One after the other, she mulled her thoughts over, the silence between them only filled by the beeping of his heart monitor. Jax could guess the words that were going to leave her next: 
"Is… is that how you feel, too?" 
Characters: Jax Briggs, Sonya Blade Word Count: 2.5K Also on: Fanfiction.Net
Short piece focusing on Jax shortly after his revival. Next chapter will be featuring Scorpion and Jax talking things out.
Being alive… It was taking some being used to.
He, like the others, woke up isolated, hooked up to machines that beeped and flashed numbers, arms shackled to the bed only as a request that he stay where he is. At any other time in his life, Jax Briggs would find the bare medical decore of the Special Forces Infirmary off-putting and unnerving, a reminder of every decimating injury he and those he cared about suffered through.
But now? Now he couldn't tear his eyes away from his heart monitor, slowly sitting up, moving as if he could finally feel the weight of his own body. He was alive, he was breathing, he could think through the fog that had clouded his mind and soul for the first time in years.
And with thoughts came memories. Like a tidal wave, everything he'd done for Quan Chi…
"Oh god…"
It's a choked up sound, nausea and anguish, a bitter mix resting right at the back of the throat, threatening to come up if he breathed wrong. His hands clench the bed frame, seeking any sort of stability, but when his eyes glance over to them the feeling only gets worse. These were still the arms the sorcerer had given him, the same ones that -
Before his thoughts could spiral any further, the door to his side opens, and the sound of it almost escapes him, but he doesn't miss the voice of the person that had come in.
"Briggs." It's trained and contained, superficially devoid of emotion, a testing of the waters, but he knew that tone of voice. Knew who it belonged to. His head nearly snaps off from how quickly he turned to face it, his expression shifting through a myriad of emotions. He had so many things to say, so much to apologize for, so much to catch up on… So he settles on a tired, weary smile, and answers in turn.
"Lieutenant Blade."
That did it. For a moment, it looked like she was ready to bawl her eyes out right then and there, but with a deep shuddering breath and a moment spent with her eyes closed, Sonya eventually returned his smile, eyes watering still as she made her way over to him.
"It's… really you."
Jax just kept smiling, even as the corner of his lips faltered, his gaze returning to his hands, looking at them as if they were foreign before clenching and unclenching his fists. Avoiding Sonya's eyes, Jax can only sigh, smile finally dropping completely. "Doesn't feel like it. Everything's… blurry, but I can still remember every single thing I did… and without hesitation. What did he do to me, Sonya? What kind of monster was I? I know sorry won't cut it, but -"
"No, you're not giving me that crap, Jax." She punches his metal arm, and the dull metallic reverberation is enough to shut him up and listen as her face scrunches up in a pained expression. "That wasn't you, alright? That was Quan Chi using you, forcing you to do things you'd never agree to because he knew it would hurt you." Her gaze softens, then, "Hurt us. The fact that you're sitting here, looking like you're about to sob your heart out, is enough proof that that wasn't you, soldier."
He's quiet then, contemplative. It isn't enough to absolve his guilt, but it was enough to momentarily soothe the shock of being alive, cauterizing an emotional wound he would have to address properly later.
Finally, a low chuckle leaves him, the man shaking his head before looking at Sonya again. "Can't be taking it worse than the other guys, can I?" The exasperated body language that immediately took over her form tipped him off that he was right, but he could see when Sonya needed to rant - he was pretty sure she'd combust one day if she dealt with enough bullshit all at once.
"Actually, from me? You're getting top marks. Sub-Zero is still unconscious, so there's no saying how he'll react. Raiden says that he must 'join his mind to the body Quan Chi had constructed for him', whatever that means. And Scorpion's being…" Sonya mentally counts to ten, then sighs. "He set himself on fire and nearly killed two people, Kenshi had to knock him out. Twice. Raiden tried to speak to him after that, but it just threw him into another fit."
"... Damn."
"Yeah…" She shifts, then, her posture changing into something less confident, a rare glimpse of her being unsure. "I… this is going to make me sound like a bitch, but… I don't know what to do with him. No one knows. We went in hoping to resurrect everyone we lost, but it feels like we wasted that chance by resurrecting Scorpion instead, and the bastard acts like we did him a disservice.
"Meanwhile I can't just say it to his face that we didn't even mean to revive him, now can I? And we can't just let him go either, not without risking him just running back to Quan Chi and wasting all of our efforts." Jax can feel how much this is wearing on Sonya, and he understood her frustration so he lets her rant, but it's clear there was something on his mind. Although he would've waited for her to finish, Sonya doesn't keep going, instead looking at him and sighing again. "Go on, say what you're gonna say. I know that face."
"Look, I getcha, but he won't be running back to Quan Chi as fast as you think."
"... I'm not following, Jax." A deadpanned admission of her confusion, Sonya couldn't see where he was going with this, a hand on her hip as she scowled less at Jax and more at the concept of Scorpion going against her perception of him.
"I know Scorpion was the most… loyal of us, but he also seemed to be the only one of us that could think clearly, even if it didn't do him any good. All it meant was that he did the bastard's bidding unwillingly, was the only one of us that actively wanted to break away from Quan Chi." Unlike he, who felt nauseous at the gratefulness he remembered towards the necromancer. Everything he did…
"Then why is he throwing a fit when he got what he wanted? He's free of Quan Chi isn't he?" She snapped, and Jax almost laughed at her exasperation with the now living spectre, but the weight of his next words took the will to do so from him.
"... Pretty sure he wanted to die and stay dead, Sonya."
That seems to get through to her, and Jax could swear he heard her teeth clack together from how quickly she shut her mouth, lips trained into a tense thin line while her eyes showed the thoughts running through her mind. Clarity, anger, guilt, frustration, worry. One after the other, she mulled her thoughts over, the silence between them only filled by the beeping of his heart monitor. Jax could guess the words that were going to leave her next:
"Is… is that how you feel, too?"
Jax feels his eyes water, threatening to overflow with the emotions he was trying so hard to not acknowledge, and a metal hand goes to wipe at them, trying to pass it off as just him rubbing the bridge of his nose. It helped, somewhat, to have the cool metal press against his face.
"I don't really know how I'm feeling right now. I'm glad, Sonya, I'm really glad to be alive and myself again, but all I can think of is just… I don't even know how long I was dead for." His voice strains for a moment, but Jax refuses to let go of his composure and settles for just clearing his throat, sitting up to lean back against the wall behind him. His arms felt heavier than he remembered.
The same hand that punched his arm now rests on his shoulder, squeezes the muscle underneath, and Jax reaches up with his opposite hand to squeeze it in thanks. Whatever his emotions, he was here now, and he'd deal with things one step at a time. Or at the very least, try to.
"I can imagine it's a lot to take in at once. I'm sorry, you just woke up, I shouldn't have come in here only to immediately complain to you -"
He laughs, there, so genuinely that it startled both of them.
"Sonya, you acting like I'm still just me is what's keeping me sitting here in this bed and not throwing a fit like Scorpion is." He means it as a joke, mostly, but a thought worms it's way into his head. "I want to start catching up on everything I missed out on, see if anything that I know can be used against Quan Chi, I do, but right now… I just can't. This barely feels real." He squeezed the hand on his shoulder once more before letting go, resting his hands in his lap. "Part of me wants to go back to sleep, so sure this is just some kind of fucked up dream he conjured up, a taste of freedom to rip away from me."
Sonya crosses her arms at the waist, gaze resting on his heart monitor, swallowing down bouts of emotion that threatened her composure, ever unused to letting go of her detached military upbringing. She knew it wouldn't be easy, that getting them back was only part of the battle, but… she can't say she didn't hope things would be less taxing on them all.
"Well, it isn't, and I'll be glad to beat that into your head anytime you need me." She sits at the side of his bed, the mattress barely denting under her weight, and it was clear she was struggling still with being genuine, but making an effort. "I've missed you, Jax. I'm glad you're back." She doesn't reach for a hug, but Jax does, and she clings to his frame like she's afraid to let go. "It hasn't been the same without you."
"Missed you too."
They stay like that for nearly a minute, Jax just taking in the feel of a friendly touch, the warmth of another, and again he thinks on how Sonya is being his rock right now, a foundation for him to lean against while reality keeps shaking him down. Eventually, however, they must break apart, and Sonya is the first to do so, awkwardly clearing her throat as she stands, looking around the room.
"I should… probably let you rest some more. You'll have to go through a proper mental and physical examination, and after that I'm sure you'll be swarmed with visits. Johnny said -"
"God, please, anyone but him."
Sonya cracks a smile again, shaking her head. "He said Raiden wanted to talk to you too, once you were ready. Johnny just sent his well wishes from his own infirmary room." Ah, right, Jax stabbed him didn't he? But before he can mull on the guilt that lays there, Sonya raises her hand. "He's fine, Raiden healed the worst of it, and he doesn't blame you, trust me." It doesn't help as much as he wants it to help, but it's enough to push the thoughts into the back of his mind, at least for now. "Is there anything you need or want, before I go? Food, water? I could probably get a TV in here -"
"I'm good, I'm good. I feel like watching the news right now would be a bit much to take in." He wasn't hungry just yet, but he had a feeling he'd be starving sooner or later, once his body realized they had to eat to live again. "I do have a question, though. Before I have to talk to everyone, deal with all the medical bullshit…" The thought that had crawled into his mind earlier, at his comment aimed at Scorpion, wormed its way to the forefront of his mind. "Do you think I could talk to Scorpion? Alone?"
That gives Sonya pause, her brows furrowing in mild confusion and doubt, but her expression softens when she looks at Jax, remembering what he'd told her just a few moments ago. Still, she can't help but worry. "Are you sure? He's a danger to himself and others, Jax. What do you think talking to him will accomplish?"
"I know, I heard ya." He leans his head back against the wall, tilting it up and squinting at the bright white lights illuminating the room. "But this is less about me talking him down and more about… I don't know. Talking to someone who was there with me, understands what I went through." There, he lowers his eyes from the lights to Sonya's face, noting how she was visibly chewing on her cheek as she argued with herself. "And if talking to me manages to calm him down? That'll just be a bonus."
"... Fine. I'll see what I can do." Eventually, Sonya relented, shaking her head as her hand came to rest on her hip again. Their second next bet on dealing with Scorpion was having Kenshi try to talk to him in his dreams, but it was clear that just keeping the living wraith in control was already taxing on the telepath. "But if he as much as looks at you funny -"
"I'll smack him upside the head myself, Sonya." She scowled at him, and Jax let out a short huff of a laugh. "Wrong answer, got it. I'll leave him alone, I promise. I'm not exactly itching to experience third-degree burns."
That seems to appease her, even if her unamused frown remained. "I'll hold you to that, Jax." With that, she turned on her heels and headed out of the room, but she lingered on the doorway, hand resting in front of the sensors to keep the door open. There was clearly so much on her mind, but all she offered him was a tired smile. "I'll see you later. Rest up, soldier."
A mock salute was his reply, and he only dropped it once Sonya was out of sight, the doors closing behind her. Immediately, he laid back down, breathing in and exhaling a deep, drawn-out sigh that seemed to completely deflate him. His thoughts were a mess, and his emotions were an even bigger one, but… that was good, right? It meant he was himself again.
Or so he hoped.
Next Chapter: [ WIP ]
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
hi callie, whoopsie daisy it’s been a while 😧 I decided to apply and work a second job cus like… I was bored no joke 🤗
how you doingggggg?? Hope you’re day is swell 😮‍💨 Has your funko arrived yet? i just got mine (mk) ^^
ANYWAY I HAVE A QUESTIONNNNN honestly it’s fic wise. I have so much time on my hands (shock??? A miracle??) SOOO I was wondering if you could recommend me scenarios or tropes of fic ideas since ive ran out of stuff to write about. Don’t care about the character choice, soo don’t worry!!
Thank you so much. OKAYYyy I’m just writing everything beforehand so when I open my lil page I just sit back and watch ,, ngl sounds fun
I think I know what I’m doing on here I THINK, moonjin xx
heyooo moonjin, i missed youUUuU 🤍
i've been great just busy working every day and sleeping at night hehe,,, how about you???? omg my funkos aren’t here yet, and i'm getting impatient LOLOL. i have one thats finally on its way, but the rest that i preordered aren't shipping until the end of august, and i– 🙃 at least i have my poe funko to keep me company ahsdfkhsdf
AYEEE i looove coming up with fic ideas!!! ok ok if you don't mind, let's dm about that bc i'm not sure exactly what kind of plot you're in the mood for and it's a lot easier than going back and forth thru asks 🤗 but yaaay i can't wait to read what you've written so far! don't forget to tag me in it so that i'll see it!
luv you a whole bunch!!! hope everything's good!!
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robinisaghost · 3 years
animatic ideas :0 (ramble away, i would love to hear them!!)
mk thank you for enabling me, i will now be yelling
this is gonna be so obnoxiously long i am so sorry
can you add read more's on asks? eeeekkkk because this got so damn long lmao
mild dsmp spoilers obviously
this is the playlist, by the way
-im sorry boris (wilbur soot)
i think it would work really well with mmm slightly post lmanburg niki. andby slightly i mean. well when she leaves (that is the whole thing of the song gdfjkhgsdf) also side note at like 1 minute 11 on that song theres a discord notification really subtly in the background and it makes me paranoid every time i hear it. anyway god its such a nice song. even for just like. the end of lmanburg. not necesarily paired with a character, just the sense of leaving a place that was so highly populated before it got blown up twice and was like. the main part of the smp. yeah. anyway also the lines "they'll knock down the pubs before helping you...they'll let you jump under trains before helping you" yeah those four lines have big niki vibes but also i think the song could work well with exile tommy or actually even with the finale when tubbo is about to sacrifice himself? mmmmm yeah
-this is home (cavetown)
mmmm got exile tommy vibes innit. a lot of these have exile tommy vibes tbf i just like sad songs and also exile tommy. plus the song has a lot of like. the message is sort of like. changing yourself to appeal to others? like with "ill cut my hair to make you stare" but also the repeated thing of "ill figure out a way to get us out of here" which is clearly the main character of the song trying to help everyone when they are clearly not in a good way themself. yeah thats got big tommy vibes in general tbh but more like. pre finale tommy. i think he got a bit more independant after that.
-soldier poet king (the oh hellos)
ok this is self explanatory and has been done to death already but d a m n its kinda funky. anyway i had thoughts and actually started this but then lost motivation and deleted it all lmaooo. the only proof of its existance is a shitty storyboard in my draw which will hopefully never see the light of day again (unless anyone wants to see it :eyes:) anyway i had the thought of like. sbi? so soldier techno poet wilbur and king tommy. but tbf tommy and techno are kinda interchangeable with that, cos while techno is obviously the better fighter, tommy is used a lot, especially in lmanberg era and also i think he probably will be now that wilburs back
-pyjama pants (cavetown)
ok so i honestly dont remember why this is on the playlist but tbf this could go well with a bunch of characters. thinking like. phil and wilbur? or wil and tommy, or tubbo and ranboo are two that like. i know for a fact that i did not put the song on the playlist specifically for them but god thinking about it now it works so well with them
-boys will be bugs (cavetown)
OH BOY THERES A LOT OF CAVETOWN ON HERE HUH (i feel like that probably says something about me but shhhhhh we dont need to talk about that) ANYWAY
I think this could probably work really well with tommy? because of the whole like. trying really hard to come across as not caring about others, but really being like. very vunerable. but at the same time it could go really well with wilbur for the same reasons. also the song fucks ok cant deny it. to be fair i think it works better with tommy, because he's younger and also he really likes bugs (unless i am mistaken) which is just a cool coincidence but still)
-brother (kodaline)
i added it because of tommy and tubbo because holy shit, but also it could work very very well with wilbur and tommy, techno and wilbur, probably techno and tommy, and oh my god i just thought of this but this would work so well with phil and techno!!!! but yeah i originally thought tommy and tubbo because i thought it was a funny coincidence with exile tommy waking up underwater, and theres a line that says "if you were drowned at sea, id give you my lungs so you could breathe" and like. just thinking about the compasses especially. me gusta.
-feel better (penelope scott)
fundy. that is all.
no ok this works well with fundy but also probably karl sapnap and quackity, and also very much wilbur, like it works well with both. just mainly fundy idk why its got big fundy vibes tho. very poggers.
-as the world caves in (matt maltese)
ok but like this goes very very well with the explosions of lamberg. either of them. i think probably the first one is better, but i think it goes well with both. probably the first one, because it was way more emotional i think? cos it was the first time that their homes had been destroyed and everything, but also because it was so personal, because wilbur was the one who did it. i think that also it would work well if it was set during the explosion but also focussed on different facets? so like. one bit about wilburs perspective, one bit about tommys, one about phils, one about fundys maybe? idk just a bunch of lmaburg citizens' povs for this. its good. as the world caves in is a song that can be so gender tbh.
-do you hear the people sing? (les mis)
obvious obvious obvious...... but like..... also tbh it goes well with a bunch of things. like, mmmmm wilbur in pogtopia. the butcher army. lmaburg independance war (obviously ghdskj) but yeah. also this song just goes so hard like b r u h
-wolf in sheeps clothing (set it off, william beckett)
but yeah. it would go so well with like. well any betrayal basically. so eret, from tommys pov maybe, or about wilbur from nikis pov, or wilbur from anyone pov tbf, or quackity from charlie/purpled/foolish/sams pov, or sam from tommys pov, really it works well with so many people which says a lot about the characters tbh but shhhhhhhhhhhh
-need you here (idkhow)
like b r u h that works so well with them
also i started this one as well but didnt like it, theres a story board in my draw as well for it because like. oh my god its such a good idea i just am shit at animating and don't have a decent enough program :')
also also
the line "daddy has to go, and that makes me sad, but daddy will always come back, he promised" fuckkkkkk that works so well with like. say for example, idk, when they're celebrating schlatts death and wilbur leaves to press the button? the sheer fucking angst of that is enough to kill any one person istg that is in fact the entire reason why i started the animatic in the first place. just that line. also all the lines sung by the child voice. fuckin angsty as hell. also ust generally a banging song, as is every idkhow song
-green (cavetown)
another cavetown song huh. ok sure.
mk so wilbur and sally and fundy. like. for a start, the imagry of a fish at the start? boom sally.
anyway the lines "you looked so good in green, i hope you're well, and you look so good with him, (schlatt ig?) and I'm proud of you still (wilburrrr and fundyyyy) i miss your perfect teeth, i was too blunt, i hope you feel happy, that's all I want"
the whole song is about missing someone you used to love and only hoping the best for them!!!! and wishing that they are happy and safe!!!!!!!!!!! and hoping they still think about you!!!!! but even if they dont its fine because all you want is for them to be happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
-achilles come down (gang of youths)
so like. tw suicide but thats what the entire song is about and bing bang boom i just think it works so so so so so so so well with not only exile tommy (who obviously did try to kill himself) but also wilbur in a slightly more metaphorical way? so like. his self destructive habits leading him to a point where he had no choice other than to kill himself and to take his country down with him. and its all about other characters trying to help them and persuade them not to but also near the end there is a second voice trying to persuade them to go along with it, which im thinking like. if its wilbur, either dream or maybe just himself. his own brain persuading him to continue down the path that would inevitably lead to his and his countries destruction. also it works well with schlatt for the same reasons, except he doesnt want to die. maybe (since the song is so goddamn long) like. one verse for tommy one for wilbur and one for schlatt? dead gang poggg but also like. the verses cover fairly different things which work with one character but not so much the others, for example the first verse would be tommy because its mainly about persuading the person to not kill themself (which tommy did himself but shhh) the second for schlatt because its literally about drinking and smoking away your problems, and the third for wilbur since its more of a fight between the "good" and the "bad" sides, which is obviously what wilbur was experiencing. also obviously i have a soft spot for this song because its string instruments and french, basically my favourite combination ever (also i like his voice idfk lmao)
i literally thought of another song while i was in the shower today but i dont remember which it was but a n y w a y the playlist will most definitely be getting longer, especially since there are so many more songs that are good for this but i just havent added them yet lmao. anyway ive been writing this for like an hour gsdfjhgdhfsg but still oh my god this was fun to write
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whitbee21 · 8 years
amwriting once again
this time its not about vell although I need to go back and vent about him as well.
I'm gonna attempt to write out my feelings to Johnathan Bagot as they say this type of shit helps and works
soooooo...JB Johnatha, Nathaniel,, BAgot!! wassup home skillet ohhh theres so much I hav e to say.. ive sent u these type of messages many times before but this one is gonna be a little different I guess..it wont be jus about u and all the good things u make me feel. no... this will actually include all the fuck shit u do which whether u believe it or not is a lot... theres a reason I call u a fuck nigga when describing u sometimes because in all honesty that's what u are and you said that u know that.. so I dnt get why u get mad sometimes when I say that... anyways.. umm idk,. I wonder when we reached the first point of me needing to cut u off.. I know recently the shit has been more magnified and its to the point where its like mk whit why tf is u still fuckin with this nigga.. what really pisses me off is that when I confront u on yo bullshit u dnt really care.. u say shit like ok or u knew that about me already..most fucked up shit u do I don't even acknowledge it cuz I know u dnt care to stop or change the way your actions affect other people. I been told u this but its funny and selfish of u to want somebody who accept u for who u are when 1.  u treat people like shit and most of the times u try to take  advantage of shit.. and don't say u dnt cuz u fuckin  do.. if u want one burrito and u see I would buy it for u you then ask for 2. You the one tht let me know I'm too passive and people take advantage of me cuz I'm too nice... so why would u make me feel the same way?
ohhhhhhhhhhhh Johnathan ive spent wayyyy too much money on yu and have done shit for u I know never crossed ya mind about doin for me. Which is cool. 75% of the time u don’t ask.. its usually just me being stupidly nice because and like and care for u.
Johnathan. You always joke about u findin ya girl and how im not for u cuz im for other niggas.. but nigga if that was true would I still be fwu .. nigga you the longest person I fw since I left the father of my child.. like I fwu… more than anything on a friend level.. like honestly Johnathan if it was strictly bout sex I would’ve cut u off at the beginning of the year…. Ive asked u since day 1 if I didn’t fuck u could we be friends and u said yea u were like im not here for that blah blah I can control myself ive had pussy before bullshit. Now that you’ve had it more than enough times and im tired of this fuckin situation we in and im wanting to be strictly friends now u dnt know if u would still wanna be my friend. Nigga what does pussy have to do with me and my friendship it pisses me off u act like u care when u want to when we all know that u really dnt. Like how u always wanna make slick comments about me bein with the next nigga but nigga u with the next bitch and u dnt see me bringin it up
Whats the point?? We both know/knew wassup why dry bring up shit and act like it’s a problem when  nigga u got the same thing goin likeeeeeeeeee how that work.. u sayin I dnt txt u cuz im with another nigga while im standing next to your dresser with eyelashes and hoop earrings lmfaooo like please stop
And honestly that’s what did it for me
The eyelashes lmaaaoo like nigga no hell no tffffff nooo!!!
Im over here really tryna keep u as a friend with my pussy when hell im sure yu getting it elsewhere ..im not trippin on that by all means get yours bt what pisses me off Is that u tellin me we cant be friends if ion wanna fuck like NIGGA IM NOT THE ONLY BITCH U FUCKIN GTFOH WITH THAT SHIT
Straight bullshit I swear
Do you think u deserve to go to the big sean concert
Like if I was you and you were me,,
If u were my friend and I told u the backstory of me and u
How u pick and choose when u wanna tlk to me
And how sometimes you’re mean to me for no fuckin reason
And how tbh u wouldn’t be fwm if I didn’t fwu (u say you’ve fucked w.me despite us not havin sex but nigga u still got head, I was comin over to smoke,drink,take u to movies.. u were just waiting til we fucked again)
Would u be like yea whit get him those tickets for his birthday even though on the day of he might not be appreciative of shit til he see the tickets.
 Like wtfffffffffffff I knew I would feel like a dummy if/when I bought the tickets buutttttt
Me fwu over rode those feelings
Im like fuck it im goin to the big sean concert with my nigga bagot we gone be lit
Ha!!!! We gone be lit alright..so lit tht I’ll mostly likely come to yo crib..fuck u and leave in the am
Unfortunately I think this is it
Even though I really dnt want it to be
Its bout the best thing I can do for myself u make me feel a way I shouldn’t about myself its mostly cuz of the way you’ve treated/ acted towards me
And for u if I cant give specific examples then I must be lyin and all I have to sat to tht is FUCK THAT
Fck that shit bro u can sit up here and like u the coolest most laid back person there is
But in all actuality you’re a selfish asshole
Who couldn’t even be true to a girl who didn’t want SHIT from u but to kick it
Nigga I was comfortably fine with not being ya girl … whatever
But for u to bullshit on a friendship that you don’t even put nothing into??
Yeeaaa naaa.. miss me with the shits once again I know u dnt care and u probably aint read the whole thing
I just wanted u to know I fwu and despite me not fwu no more u gone always be remembered as my nigga cuz we had some good times together…….. from me being able to call and talk on ft 90% of the time to me callin u cryin cuz im an emotional doofus lmaooo
But naa all In all Johnathan  I love you and Im glad we got to hang and enjoy eachothers company
Who knows maybe later in life you’ll stop being a douche and be a true friend but if not i wish u all the best in everything u do. I know u gonna get it done by any means necessary..
Queen head ass lmao
p.s. I know this is the most head ass thing I could do but hey its wht I do lol
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