#anytime i see someone going '(female character) has no personality' it usually reeks of sexism and guess what? this time it's racism too!
dani-luminae · 10 months
People really looking at Asha being proud as she leads a tour and always hyping up her home and it's genuine ideals,
generous, with "I care too much!" literally spoken aloud, as a perceived weakness (though it very much is not a weakness)
Selfless, she is willing to put herself on the line to rescue the wishes of not only her loved ones but all of Rosas,
Deeply trusting in her friends to rescue the wishes in the tower while she acts as decoy,
She is sentimental about her father's teachings and the tree where they used to go to talk about the stars,
She is determined and doesn't give up even when she's literally beaten to the stone floor,
She is perceptive enough to notice Queen Amaya's fear and daring enough to contact the queen for help, quite possibly the most perilous person to be involved in their rebellion,
She clearly values her family's approval, as Saba's argument about the wish he doesn't remember hurts her
(and yes! She is awkward, but show me a seventeen-year-old about to meet her kingdom's legendary protector / king / ultimate celebrity who's not at least a little awkward),
and people say "she has no personality"????
Make it make sense.
Sabino's wish was to create something that inspired people. And because of his influence on Asha's life and the rift that she discovered over the king's treatment of Saba's wish, Asha is that 'thing' that inspires people. Saba's wish was granted all along... and there's probably some commentary there about how merely living your life, even without aspirations that you know of, shapes what you want and who you are anyway.
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