#anyone still buying into amber heard's lies and coming into my askbox will be automatically ignored and deleted
hermionesterrier · 1 year
I will NOT be replying to any anons coming into my askbox bitching about the Depp vs. Heard case again.
It has been a year since Amber Heard has been proven to be a liar. The truth is out.
You choosing to ignore pure logic and your own eyes apparently to continue believing a proven liar and abuser just because of her gender is not my fucking problem anymore. That's on you.
Don't come into my askbox bitching about how nonono this and this and that happened. Don't give me edited photos and tell me this is evidence. Don't give me hearsay testimony and tell me this is evidence. Don't try to manipulate the narrative of what actually happened because I watched that trial and I heard those recordings, I heard their testimonials and the witnesses on both sides. I heard both of them on that stand. I saw the texts, the emails, the pictures and all the other evidence that wasn't even used in the trial so don't try to sell me bullshit because I'm not buying it.
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