#anyaways don't mind me
thatlightningbtch · 3 months
One thing that intrigued me after knowing the ​​D&D lore about the races of Underdark is that the cult of the Absolute sent a robust incursion of duergar mercenaries (YES, those nice fellas who have a huge grudge against mind flayers) led by a True Soul drow (basically a dark elf with a mind flayer seed on his head, what a lovely match for a duergar).
Whenever I stop to think about the screwed up situation we found him in I get the impression that he was deliberately sent on a suicide mission, there was no way he could have succeeded. I mean, he does have terrible analytical skills (and possibly terrible leadership skills as well), but putting a single drow in charge of an entire gang of duergar, not to mention the deep gnomes, seems like the perfect formula for a disaster even if the drow in question were someone more skilled.
The forces of the Absolute not giving a sh*t about the racial issues of Underdark isn't such a remote possibility, although that doesn't seem to be the case to me because there's more to it.
Nere was ordered by General Thorm himself to find an alternative passage to the Gauntlet of Shar. When we talk to the spellcaster he says that Balthazar went one way and he, Nere, went the other. The point is, this temple is the Gauntlet of Shar, perfectly accessible in the Shadowcursed Lands, since its entrance is located in the Thorm Mausoleum. We know that Ketheric no longer wanted his family's resting place disturbed, which would prompt the order to look for an alternative entrance. HOWEVER, in the end Balthazar used the entrance to the Mausoleum anyway, and not undercover once Disciple Z'rell reports to us that he had gone in such direction to reach the Nightsong relic and then disappeared from the cult's radar.
If Balthazar would go against Ketheric's wishes openly and without punishment anyaway, why send an expedition to the Underdark with a crew that had so much potential to turn against each other? Rather than simply arguing with the General that it was unwise to explore alternatives with the Artifact missing and the Harpist Resistance hanging at their necks? I don't know, it might just be my misinterpretation, but the Grymforge situation seems more like a convenient way to put out the trash. And if that's the case, it's kida sad to know that brainwashed Nere couldn't even figure it out the true matter of his "sacred" mission: that the leadership figure he admires so much, the one who probably mislead him into the cult, made a fool of him and sent him to his death in exchange for nothing.
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sortinghattbyme · 5 years
We need to talk about Harriet Smith.
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(Again, my grammar sucks. And yes, another Jane Austen character because I'm addicted to her)
I don't really know what to think about Harriet.
I sorted her into Slytherin and to me it makes kind of sense bc:
She is ambicious; you can't tell me she didn't wanted to have a rich husband. Because she really fucking wanted. "Oh she was manipulated by Emma" kkkkk yeah of course, this idea that Harriet was such innocent kind of pess me off bc come on the girl KNEW what the fuck she was doing. She wanted Emma's opinion bc she wanted to be as great in society as Emma! Anyaways thats what I fucking think about this.
She cares about Society Status and shits like that;
She changes her mid really easy: you know Slytherins are knowed for being maleabel/adaptive/fluid like water
Loyal as fuck to Emma (even so she "felt"kkkk in love with Mr K. Anyaways she didn't knew)
But besides all this... I don't know seems to me I'm missing something about her...
I'm reading Emma (the book). But I already watched the series and Clueless, so I kind of know some shits about Miss Smith character.
One thing that makes me be like "????this is slytherin?":
She is dumb. Really dumb.
She doesn't look like someone who would do stuffs using her mind/racional choices.
She doen't look like someone logical, analytical or who use some kind of strategy.
And ok. She is kind of a slytherin, but if she isn't where would she be in????
Ravenclaw? Kkkkkk please...
Gryffindor? Where is the courage? The impulsive choices?
Hufflepuff? Hmmm this one can be?
She can be a hufflepuff? Just because she is dumb?
Here we get in a point that a hate! The stereotype of a Hufflepuff.
Just because a character is dumb it doesn't mean they are HUFFLEPUFFS for God sake!
She is still ambicious and in some ways selfish: she was really like "oh this letter Mr Martin gave to me is so short. I don't care he show me his fellings, I'll break his heart but fuck is a short letter." Like biiiiiiiitch.
Hufflepuffs are knowed by doing the good even when looks hard to do it. Even when no one is looking.
I just can't imagine a hufflepuff doing those bad things and people justify it by "oh give her a break! She is dumb!"
This big text was someaway made for me to me. So I can like think about this choice of making Harriet a Slytherin fellow.
Something still seems off to me. But whatever
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universi-tea · 7 years
secret here: my hole family don't give i shit about me and my studs because i'm smart (since ever) i just can't study anymore and can't ask for help. I'm gonna try my best. I have social anxiety, can't get out of my house and can't study. don't have friends and no money. my phone is broking and my english is bad sorry thank you anyaway
Don’t be afraid to ask for help! It’s the hardest thing I’ve had to learn to do, but it is so important and I promise people don’t mind. Talk to your parents about what you’re going through; they may be able to help you figure out how to get out of a rut. 
I also made a little list here on how to study when you’ve never had to before. Good luck babe, and your English is fine! You’re doing a good job. 
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