#anya talks about kylo ren
greyspilot · 5 years
Ultimate Ship Challenge
Rules: you can’t use the same ship twice (single characters can be used multiple times as long as the ship is different), rarepair, crossover and non-canon ships are allowed.
1. a ship I miss: Zude / Zero and Jude, Hit the Floor
2. a healthy ship: Finnpoe / Finn and Poe, Star Wars
3. a toxic ship: Allen and Lucien, Kill Your Darlings
4. a problematic ship: Paire / Peter and Claire, Heroes
5. an unproblematic ship: Saileen / Sam and Eileen, Supernatural
6. a ship that deserved better: Natessa / Nate and Vanessa, Gossip Girl
7. a ship i didn’t love at first but now I do: St. Berry / Rachel and Jesse, Glee
8. a ship I loved at first but now don’t: Samcedes / Sam and Mercedes, Glee
9. a relationship I could envision myself having: Geraskier / Geralt and Jaskier, The Witcher (my boyfriend is v gruff but protective, I am small and clingy and get into trouble)
10. a ship everyone hates but I love: Biley (?) / Buffy and Riley, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
11. a ship everyone loves but I hate: Reylo / Rey and Kylo Ren, Star Wars (no offence intended to reylo stans, to each their own, i just still don’t like it)
12. a ship that i don’t really talk about but i love: Pythagoras and Icarus, Atlantis
13. a ship with a sad ending: Tillow / Tara and Willow, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
14. a ship with a happy ending: Liz Taylor and Tristan Duffy, American Horror Story: Hotel
15. a dorky ship: Jess and Rory, Gilmore Girls
16. a badass ship: Grace and Dani, Terminator: Dark Fate
17. a ship i have a love/hate relationship with: Violate (lmao sorry idk if I made that up) / Violet and Tate, American Horror Story: Murder House
18. a ship that isn’t canon yet: Kia and Jordan, All American (he!!! stayed up!!! all night!!! learning!!! her!!! cotillion!!! dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
19. a new ship: Coco and Hope, Mayans M.C.
20. a ship I used to stan: Merthur / Merlin and Arthur, Merlin
21. an aesthetic ship: Bughead / Betty and Jughead, Riverdale
22. an overrated ship: Spuffy / Spike and Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
23. an underrated ship: Anya and Xander, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
24. a ship that got the endgame they didn’t deserve: Leyton / Lucas and Peyton, One Tree Hill
25. a ship that didn’t get the endgame they deserved: Brucas / Brooke and Lucas, One Tree Hill
26. a ship that’s broken up at the moment but I still hope they’ll reconcile: Coop and Patience, All American (I originally had these guys as my answer for 27 because I love Coop and I love Patience but LOOK. Patience. Deserves. Better. Coop better start putting her first i stg. AND THEN I CAUGHT UP. And wow. wow. wow. When coop said “I’m like this because I love you” and patience said “i know but I don’t wanna be loved like this” that shit hurted)
27. a ship that’s together at the moment, but I hope they’ll break up: Liv and Asher, All American (I shipped these guys so hard before they got together and then like, Asher just became so bad for her like she deserves better and I want them to be together but I think they need to break up so Asher can get his shit together)
28. a ship that was better off as friends: Wes and Laurel, How to Get Away With Murder
29. a ship I love because of a friend: Hessa / Hardin and Tessa, After
30. a ship I secretly ship: Stefan and Rebekah, The Vampire Diaries
31. a ship I never thought I’d ship: Liam and Lauren, Faking It
32. a ship I thought I’d ship but didn’t: Karmy / Karma and Amy, Faking It
33. a ship I shipped from the moment I saw them: Arthur and Eames, Inception
34. a ship I’ll never ship: Klaroline / Klaus and Caroline, The Vampire Diaries
35. a ship with great development: Gallavich / Ian and Mickey, Shameless (US)
36. a ship with horrible development: Choni / Cheryl and Toni, Riverdale (I just wish they gave my girl Toni more to do)
37. an “old married couple” ship: Zukka / Zuko and Sokka, Avatar: The Last Airbender
38. a “high school romance” ship: Miley and Leslie (Jake Ryan) / Hannah Montanna
39. a “constantly on and off” ship: Varchie / Veronica and Archie, Riverdale
40. all time fave ship: Wolfstar / Remus and Sirius, Harry Potter - Stucky / Steve and Bucky, Marvel - Harringrove / Steve and Billy, Stranger things - bc I can’t choose just one - and just bc I’m trash: Osciana / Oscar and Mariana (my OC), my On My Block fanfic
Tagging: @gideongrace @thinger-strang @harringrovesfawcettspray
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wombathos · 5 years
I'm all for fully exploring all the possible lanes of villain redemptions in stories, including those where said villain maybe rejects chances to turn around as these also provide new challenges for the Hero or the Hero team like for example how do they deal with the issues that more innocent third party people get hurt and traumatized by the villain because they refused to end/stop the villain when they had the chance. Are they now partly guilty for the additional inflicted hurt too?
Every time I negotiate, I try to understand. Well, not today. No. Today, I honour the victims first. His, the Master’s, the Dalek’s, all the people who died because of my mercy! - the Doctor (Doctor Who S7E3)
Buffy, you wanna kill Anya!
I don’t want to!
Then don’t! This isn’t new ground for us. When our friends go all crazy and start killing people, we help them.
It is always complicated. And at some point, someone has to draw the line, and that is always going to be me. […] There’s only me. I am the law. - Buffy Summers (BtVS S7E5)
Right, if I’m understanding it correctly, this is about the hero attempting to redeem or just… showing mercy to a villain and then being responsible for hurt innocent third parties. and potentially having to deal with guilt etc and yes!! yes this is something I absolutely would love to see more of!! (if you’re looking for a definitive answer to ‘are they now partly guilty’ then *wiggly hand* maybe? it’s always very context specific to me and also ‘is this an interesting story y/n’)
And yeah, I absolutely agree that it also provides more interesting storylines for the heroes too! As much as I love my villains, I’m also all about things that explore what heroism means beyond some vague notion of the designated hero, where it kind of gets into how to respond to specific moral dilemmas or who exactly the hero is responsible for or… just loads of complicated, messy situations for the heroes to grapple with.
So the two quotes at the top are from the first things I thought of when I read this ask (fwiw both of those episodes end with the hero deciding against murdering the borderline-villain, but they come a lot closer than they usually would). It’s examined a fair bit in both I think, Buffy and Angel in BtvS S2 and the Doctor and the Master, especially in DW S3, S8, S10? actually this pops up quite a bit, come to think of it. Not really surprised by that because those are also the two shows that to me have some of the most interesting and multi-layered conceptualisations of heroism I’ve seen.
It’s my favourite kind of story because there’s not really a clear answer or a how-to guide and it makes for plenty of interesting conflict for the hero, juggling different duties and values and feelings towards all kinds of parties where every choice kind of sucks. And… like, I don’t see guilt as necessarily positive in the sense that it’s a desirable emotion for a character to have, since guilt tends to be more of a… paralysing emotion (not to generalise a lot of scientific literature too much here, but ~real world~ studies do also indicate that guilt often isn’t associated with pro-social behaviour - it’s not necessarily ‘productive’ in that sense), but then again it’s also a fascinating one to explore - and also, yeah, a relatable reaction. Heroes struggling with guilt is already up my alley, but when it’s using the villain to do so it’s like… pressing all the right buttons.
It becomes a character study of the hero as much as anything else, a question of juggling priorities. There’s different reasons to be invested in saving a villain, whether it’s a close emotional tie (like the two above examples) or the potential good a villain could do as a hero (c.f. Kylo Ren and Rey’s “this could be how we win” in TLJ or… also the Master, kind of? “you could be so much more. you could be beautiful” (rtd….. thank you)) and it can be used to explore all kinds of thorny concepts like ‘the greater good’ or whether a hero’s being selfish in who they prioritise (the Buffy episode quoted above is actually called Selfless).
I’m not a fan of talking about victims in villains discourse when it’s like… ‘oh but think of the poor villagers!!!’, because the poor villagers aren’t real and it only matters if the narrative decides it matters. Then again, in-universe I’m a huge fan of these kinds of explorations - and I like both heroes and villains having to confront the collateral damage of their choices. So yeah, when it’s messy and doesn’t just result in the narrative going ‘better kill the villain then and move on!’, I’m all for it.
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cluelessfanperson · 6 years
(Possibly an) Unpopular SW Opinion* #2
Kylo Ren was a great villain who did not need to be “redeemed.” 
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The reason I loved Kylo Ren was because, in my opinion, he screamed aspiration. From the mask to the voice, I was instantly intrigued by the character because I felt that this was a man who aspired to be like Darth Vader.
“...I love the mask and the voice, and I felt it added to the aspect that Kylo overcompensated for his power, despite his power being large and unruly; it was the image of intimidation that Kylo chased, after his grandfather’s opposing image.”
The complexity would have rested in the reasons why he opted to put on a facade. Looking back at intriguing antagonists, there are so many options the writers could have played with:
Killmonger -- He lost his father (because of T’Challa’s father) and endured hardships in America, all while Wakanda remained comfortable and hidden. “Two billion people all over the world who look like us whose lives are much harder, and Wakanda has the tools to liberate them all... Where was Wakanda?”
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Magneto -- He grew up in a concentration camp and witnessed his entire family die. Later, after his mutation was discovered, the citizens of Vinnitsa burned down the motel (or home) where his daughter, Anya, resided. He lost his own daughter (and wife, Magda) due to humanity’s ignorance and hatred. He did not want other mutants to suffer the same fate he had endured, to be oppressed simply because of their genetic structure. “I am no hero. Merely a man who has seen and done and endured what can never be forgotten or forgiven.”
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Roy Batty -- He was a replicant, an AI with a limited lifespan who was also hunted by Blade Runners. He understood that he was proof of human evolution, and wanted to surpass his expiration date in order to fully comprehend his emotions (and even existence, as a conscious replicant). “Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it? That's what it is to be a slave.”
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Red Hood -- He is more of an anti-hero now, but he was once a major antagonist of Batman’s. He died in the hands of The Joker -- he and his mother were brutally tortured and executed. After being resurrected, he noticed that The Joker was alive. Eventually, he realized that major antagonists, as well as other disgusting figures who committed atrocities, are always incarcerated...rather than executed. He was a former protege of Batman’s and witnessed, firsthand, his mentor’s approaches to “bringing justice.” He believed that Batman’s refusal to kill those who deserved to die is an injustice to society.** “Is that what you think this is about? You letting me die? I don't know what clouds your judgement worse, your guilt or your antiquated sense of morality. Bruce, I forgive you for not saving me. But why, why on God's earth...is he still alive?!”
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Here is the thing about all of these antagonists: the films (or comics) did not attempt to redeem them (with the exception of Jason Todd). Instead, these films asked the audience to empathize with them. Without a doubt, all of these antagonists committed horrible atrocities that could not be justified, in the long run. It made their inevitable downfalls more tragic. These are complex villains; characters whose intentions are well, but the manners of executing them are...problematic. Their motives are justified; just not their ways of carrying them out.
Kylo Ren should not have written to be redeemed, but rather empathized with. The backstory behind his turning could have been way better (if the writers had made Kylo his own character, rather than a relative to Han and Leia) and more fleshed out -- the writers kind of limited themselves by including the original trilogy characters, rather than creating and developing new characters that could have actually affected Kylo’s personality (without annihilating the legacy and characteristics of Luke and the new protagonists). 
Kylo Ren has (or had) the potential to be a memorable antagonist in the Star Wars Universe. He could have been a gray villain (or anti-hero) who actually pushed the boundaries of the lore (without completely disrespecting it). The reasons as to why he choose to pursuit the image of a Sith -- specifically, why did he create the Knights of Ren -- , could have been extremely compelling and more fleshed out. Unfortunately, the attempt by Rian Johnson (and the other writers) to “redeem” him (despite a kind of weak backstory) did not fully succeed -- that is also partially due to a lack of proper development for him (and basically all of the latest characters).
In short: some of the most memorable villains were never “redeemed.” Instead, they were written for audiences to empathize with. 
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk! I’d love to (politely) talk with you all about Kylo Ren. What are you opinions about him?
*Opinion - a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. I figured I’d leave this here in case hardcore stans or antis  begin to make claims. ** If you can’t tell, I’m a massive Batman fan. I love the Red Hood/Jason Todd because he challenges Batman’s moral code. The same with Killmonger :)
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meganwritesfanfics · 6 years
No One Is Ever Really Gone (Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x Reader Story) Part 19
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Word Count:   3027
Song for this chapter: Can’t Help Falling in Love 
                  Chapter 19: Can’t Help Falling in Love Part 1 
Both Ben and Anya sat in silence for a moment Anya just staring at Ben absolutely shocked.
"You know at this point a response would be greatly appreciated." Ben laughed nervously.
"Ben, I want to say yes. I want to say yes so badly…" Anya started.
"But?" Ben asked backing up slightly.
"Do you honestly want to spend the rest of your life with me. Things aren't going to be easy. I make things difficult. I will argue I will fight. There are going to be times when you can't stand me and you will want to leave. There are points that you will regret asking me to marry you."
"Anya, I know things aren't going to be easy. But I don't want easy. I make things difficult just as much as you do. But the thing is I want to argue with you, I want to fight. And you are right there are going to be times that I am not going to be able to stand you and there are going to be times that you can't stand me. But Anya I'm never going to leave and I am never going to have a point where I am going to regret asking you to marry me." Ben insisted. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
Anya looked at Ben tears streaming down her face.
Quickly she pulled him in for a long kiss entangling her fingers in his hair.
"Is that a yes?" Ben asked.
"Yes, yes, a million times yes." Anya exclaimed as she pulled Ben in for a kiss again.
"I'm so happy." Ben smiled through the kisses.
"Just shut up." She laughed as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Gladly." Ben replied as he wrapped his arms around her waist allowing her to jump wrapping her legs around his waist.
The two passionately kissed as they stumbled their way back into the room.
"Anya," Ben sighed as he held onto her tightly.
"I love you Ben." Anya whispered.
The two fell backwards onto the bed but the minute they did Anya gasped getting hit with memories she wanted so badly to forget.
"Anya," Ben quickly said backing away.
"No, I'm sorry. Just… just give me a second."
"We don't…" Ben started.
"I just, I can't…" Anya started again tears forming in her eyes once more.
"Anya, I know it's hard, but I'm here for you through everything." Ben said kissing her forehead.
"I love you." Anya said snuggling into his embrace.
The two lay for a moment before Ben turned to Anya. "You know who is going to be very angry if we do not tell her of our engagement."
"Your mother." Anya laughed.
"She will literally kill me." Ben said as he helped Anya to her feet.
The two then walked hand in hand out into the hallway.
"Master Solo?" A voice called and they turned to see C3-PO walking towards them. "General Leia is in the conference hall, if you would like to speak to her."
"Thank you."
The two made their way towards the conference hall, however along the way they would notice people staring at them.
"Could you please tell us…" Anya started but anyone who saw them would run away. "Ben?"
"I don't know," Ben started to getting slightly angry.
Finally they reached the conference hall, but before they could open the doors they could hear people arguing inside.
"They can't stay!" Someone screamed.
"He has brought terror and destruction throughout the entire galaxy for years and now we are just expecting him to stay with us like he is not a fucking murderer!" Another screamed.
"That is my son you are speaking about." Leia snapped.
"He murdered Han." Lando responded softy causing Ben to take a step back.
"Ben?" Anya asked.
"And the girl! She is the Supreme Leader of the First Order she can't stay here. She is worse than he is. I have heard the stories of the power she possesses. She is a bigger threat than the entire First Order." Someone said causing Anya to gasp.
Ben was furious now quickly he grabbed Anya's hand as they began down the hall, neither one of them saying a word. After walking for a while Anya finally spoke up.
"Ben, where are we going." Anya said sheepishly.
"We are leaving." Ben snapped as they made their way to the loading dock, Anya gasping when she saw the Millennium Falcon.
As they loaded themselves on Anya couldn't help but feel her emotions flooding her, all she wanted to do was fall onto the floor and start to cry. But she knew that Ben was taking this harder than she was, and she had to be there for him.
"Ben are you sure this is such a good idea…" Anya started as they made their way to the cockpit.
"We are leaving!" Ben snapped as he sat in the chair. However the minute he sat down he broke. Sitting the chair his father had sat, in the ship his father had cherished above most things. One that as a small child he had longed to fly, but now given the opportunity he didn't think he could. Slowly Ben leaned his head into his hands.
"Ben," Anya sighed kneeling next to him putting her hand on his back.
"I wanted more than anything in the world to fly this ship. I used to beg and plead with my father to take me flying because I wanted to be just like him. Look at me now, disgraced, and feared, and I've dragged you down with me." Ben said.
"No you haven't Ben, I'm here because I love you and I will always love you."
"I want to leave Anya, but we have no where that we can go. No place is going to accept us. To everyone we are just monsters."
"Then let's change their minds. You somehow convinced my brother to not kill you in order to come back to save me. We did bad things, horrible things, but we are not horrible people. We just fell into darkness, something that anyone who has been through what we have been through would have done the same. But what we have done in the past does not define us, it is what we are going to make us be better."
"I couldn't have said it better myself," A voice said and they both turned to see Leia standing behind them.
"Mother?" Ben gasped. "How did you…"
"Benjamin your hiding place has been the same since you were a little boy." Leia smiled. "C3P0 told me you two were looking for me, I figured you heard the arguments."
"They hate us." Anya spoke up. "They don't want us here, we are too big of threats."
"They are just afraid, fear makes people say nasty things." Leia insisted.
"I…" Anya started.
"Change their minds, make them see who you actually are. Both of you have so much light and love to give, you just have to be given the opportunity. Show them who you actually are." Leia insisted.
Ben looked at Anya before he stood up going over to his mother and hugging her.
"Now come back inside, Lando wants to talk to you two." Leia insisted as Ben broke away.
"We have an announcement to tell you first." Ben replied as he backed up grabbing Anya's hand. "I have asked Anya to marry me."
Leia's face lit up as she looked between her son and the girl she had already considered to be part of the family. Tears welled up in her eyes.
"Mother are you alright?" Ben asked seriously seeing the tears.
"Yes, I'm alright, I'm ecstatic." Leia said as she went over to Anya hugging her. "I already think of you as my daughter, but now it will be official."
The three stayed for a moment before they finally decided that they were going to head inside.
"Lando says he would like to speak with you both. He needs to discuss somethings that we talked about in the meeting." Leia said as Ben and Anya followed her down the hall.
"Do we have to." Ben said under his breath but his mother still heard him.
"Benjamin." She snapped playfully.
"I know I know." Ben sighed.
"If you want to stay here and you want to be a part of something then you can't just seclude yourself." Leia said.
Anya chuckled slightly to herself causing Ben to give her a look.
"You hush," He laughed before turning back to his mother. "Thank you mother."
"One more thing." Leia said as they stopped in front of the doors. "He wants to speak to you individually."
"What!" Both Ben and Anya gasped.
"You will both do fine, just think before you speak." Leia said. "Ben you go first."
Ben turned to look at Anya terrified.
She ran to him pulling him into a long kiss.
"You will be fine." She smiled but Ben could hear the fear in her voice as well.
Ben went to reach for the door handle when Leia stopped him.
"Wait before you go in, I have something for you." She said as she slowly took off her ring handing it to Ben.
Ben looked at his mother questioning. Leia gestured to Anya and Ben finally understood.
He turned to look at Anya and as he opened his mouth to speak.
"Yes, my answer is and will always be yes!" Anya smiled as Ben put the ring on her finger.
He picked her up swinging her around before setting her down once more to face the door.
He gulped as he grabbed the door handle once more. Anya quickly wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders kissing the back of his neck.
"I love you." She said before giving him a slight push through the doors leaving herself, terrified with Leia.
When Ben walked into the room, he found Lando staring outside through a small window. While he had never met the man before, he had heard the endless stories of Lando and his father's great adventures. His father used to tell them to Ben before he went to sleep at night, and when he dreamed, he dreamed that he would one day be able to join his father on one of those adventures.
Lando, after hearing the door open and shut slowly turned back to see the young man who stood before him. He didn't really know if he had expected to see a monster before him, but Ben shocked him.
"You look so much like your father." Lando said before he could even stop himself.
The statement shocked Ben causing him to freeze in his tracks for a moment. Quickly however he straightened himself up standing as stiff as a board. He let his fears fade away as he went into soldier mode.
"I would just like to thank you for…" Ben started.
"Don't, don't block out the emotions in this situation. Han used to do the same thing."
Ben opened his mouth to speak again but Lando quickly cut him off.
"I have been waiting a long time to meet you Ben. I'm going to be honest, you aren't exactly who I thought you would be."
"And who did you think I would be."
"A monster." Lando said causing Ben to look at the floor. "But instead I see that you are more like Han than I could have ever imagined."
Ben gritted his teeth holding back the tears that were in his eyes.
"However, the people that live here, as well as I are worried, and rightfully so, that it is dangerous for you to be here. Especially combined with the girl." Lando said.
Ben bawled his hands up into fists still staring at the floor.
"However, your mother insists that the girl was the one behind bringing you back to the light. She called the girl your savior. Do you agree?"
"Absolutely." Ben said finally looking up at Lando. "Her death sent me into a spiral, but finding out she was alive and being with her, made me understand that what I had done, the anger that I had, was going to be my downfall. And that if I kept going down the path I would lose her and that is something that I cannot have happen."
"And what will happen if you do lose her. You thought you had lost her today, were you going to fall back into the darkness."
"No. I never meant to become a monster. I was just hurt and scared and I had Snoke's voice in my head telling me that I wasn't good enough, that everyone was afraid of me, that I would inevitably hurt everyone that I loved. It wore me down to the point of replacing all emotions with rage just to get through. But Anya, she showed me that I was worth saving." Ben said and the minute it came out of his mouth, he realized that Anya was the only one who had ever seen him like this. This vulnerable.
"And what about Anya. She is stronger than you, her powers are greater, and she fell farther into the darkness in a matter of a few hours than you had ever in your entire life. What is going to stop her from going into the darkness again?" Lando asked seriously.
"Fear." Ben replied bluntly. "Things happened on that ship to her that.." His voice broke. "That I wish I could have prevented, but they happened, and it caused her to snap. She felt so vulnerable and when she realized that all this power would allow her to be in control she jumped at it. She needed to not feel afraid. But after she almost killed her brother, the realization of everything she did hit her all at once and it almost killed her. She is terrified to use the Force again in fear that she will lose herself and hurt someone else that she cares about and she will never let that happen, and I will make sure it never happens. She is my whole life. I'm going to make sure that we have a future together."
Lando looked at the young boy and smiled. While his heart still hurt from the loss of his friend, the young man standing before him reminded him not only of a young Han but a young him. Driven by the passion and the love that they would find. He knew that Ben meant what he said, and the fear that Lando had once had was gone. He knew Ben would do his best to not only make sure that he didn't fall back into the darkness but that the girl didn't either.
The girl however, still caused Lando some concern. He had heard the stories of her power and all that she had done in her short amount of time as the Supreme Leader.
Lando made his way over to Ben placing his hand on his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry." Ben finally broke. "I know my father was…"
Lando held up his hand. "That is the past and for the sake of your mother I do not want to dwell on it. She is the strongest women I know, but she has been through a lot. Let us dwell on the happiness instead of the sad."
Ben nodded.
"Speaking of happiness, I have asked Anya to marry me. I was wondering if we could have your blessing to get married here in Cloud City."
"Under one condition. We are a little short handed on pilots and I would imagine that Snoke isn't going to go down with a fight. And with your extensive knowledge of the First Order, it would be extremely valuable. Will you join the Resistance as a fighter pilot."
Ben hesitated for a moment. He hadn't even thought of the idea that he would be asked to fight. However, the minute Lando mentioned it, that was all that Ben wanted to do. He needed to fight against he First Order, he needed to destroy Snoke, he needed to make sure that the universe would be safe for Anya. He knew though that Anya would have his head if he told her he would fight again.
"Agreed." Ben said shaking Lando's hand.
"I think it would be a good idea to have the wedding soon. Show the people that you two aren't the monsters they perceive you to be, I will start having everything set up. Don't expect many people to come however." Lando said.
"Of course." Ben said.
"We you please send Anya in." Lando said gesturing towards the door.
Ben turned but quickly stopped himself looking back at Lando. "Please go easy on her, she has been through a lot, and if you make her cry…" Ben thought but he didn't really have an end to that threat. "And please don't tell her about me becoming a Resistance pilot, I would like to do that myself."
"I understand." Lando said.
Finally Ben opened the door. There he found a terrified looking Anya staring back at him.
"He wants to talk to you now."
"I… I can't do this." Anya said panicked as her breathing became rapid. Quickly Ben rushed to her placing his hands on her face.
"Hey, it's ok. It's ok. He just wants to talk, that's it. Just tell him what happened. Be honest. Everything is going to be fine." He said as he kissed her forehead."
"What if he… what if he doesn't let me stay." She said still unable to calm her breathing.
"That's not going to happen." Leia said trying to sooth the poor girl by rubbing her back.
"And if it does then we will go find somewhere else to stay. Anywhere you go I'm going to go as well." Ben insisted.
Anya looked at him for a moment before she nodded.
"Don't worry." Ben said again as he leaned his forehead on hers.
She then slowly broke away heading through the door, unable to look back at Ben knowing that it would only break her, seeing his worried expression.
"Ah, Miss Dameron. It is nice to see you again." Lando stated to the shaking girl.
"Thank you for…" Anya started but the quaking in her voice gave her away.
"You are Ben are so similar. I do not want to be thanked, I want to be assured that the people who live here are not in danger."
"You were the most powerful Sith master the universe has seen. You could shake an entire First Order ship without even breaking a sweat. You crushed Hux to death. You slaughtered half of the Resistance fleet. How do I know that you will not destroy the rest of the fleet. Or kill the people living here."
"I never meant to… I'm so…" Anya started feeling herself getting overwhelmed again.
"Just breath, you are alright." Ben said in her head.
"It won't happen again because I'm not going to use the Force ever again. I'm planning on removing myself completely from the force. I cannot and will not become that person again." Anya insisted. "I know how much pain and death I caused and it tears me apart everyday. I'm never going to let it happen again. I swear to you."
Lando looked her up and down for a moment before he smiled.
"I believe you." He said and it shocked her. "Ben told me that some terrible things happened to you and most of what you did was out of fear, and I can understand acting out of fear, but that the fear would be what made sure you never turn again. I also know that Ben isn't going to let you turn, not again. He loves you more than I have ever seen another person love someone. And that is why, I am going to help you set up your wedding. You can have it hear in Cloud City. I will make sure everything is perfect."
Tears welled up in Anya's eyes.
"Don't thank me, just keep your promise." Lando said smiling as he held out his hand.
Quickly Anya ran at him hugging him tightly tears streaming down her face.
"I know you said not to thank you but thank you." She sobbed.
Slowly Lando wrapped his arm around her. He let her cry for a moment before he broke away.
"Ben is waiting for you, and I have your wedding to get prepared for. I would imagine it will be ready by the end of the week."
Anya nodded as she thanked him quietly before turned towards the door.
When she opened them she found Ben waiting for her arms open.
She sprinted to him smiling and when he held her he picked her up spinning her around.
"Lando he…" She started when Ben pulled her in for a kiss.
"I know he told me."
"He said it should be ready by the end of the week. We are getting married by the end of the week!" She exclaimed kissing him again.
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ghcstliness · 6 years
Basing this off of @infiniitestardust because I was going to do something similar, but.... Nai’s a lot more organized than me. 
ALSO, Most of my threads will be dropped as well. 
Adrien Agreste, status: aware: 
Most of the time he was with Rachel and trying his hardest to fight back. Mostly it was hands or knives, but it was the most fun he has had since arriving in DC. He has mostly scrapes and bruises, but nothing serious. 
Anakin Solo, status: aware:
Anakin Solo was a lover and barely a fighter. After meeting up with Jaina and a few painful words were spoken, Anakin felt as if he was the weaker Solo. After catching up with Jacen, the same feeling occurred. Seeing Ben Kylo was a wakeup call that Anakin didn’t quite understand. He didn’t grasp what was going through his oldest brothers head and trying to get him to snap out of it. In the process, Anakin hugged Kylo and ended up dying. Currently, he’s aware but pretending he isn’t. Anakin isn’t doing well with his memories, considering that he shouldn’t be having a second chance. He’s panicking a lot and avoiding his whole family at the moment. 
Anastasia Romanov, status: unaware:
Anya was in a safe house during the whole event. She was ready to face the destruction and wasn’t sure what to do. The chaos gave her confusion and a memory of people running from a ballroom, but she’s insistent that that was probably in the opera house. 
Andrew Minyard. status: aware: 
The jerk was probably carrying around his lacrosse stick and using that or his blades as a weapon to clear away from him. Definitely laughing in the face of danger.
Bumblebee, status: aware:
Bumbleebee came during all the destruction and was definitely confused with it all. None of it really made sense and he tried helping people as much as possible, which actually ended up poorly on his side. In the process of his newfound body and clumsiness, Bumbleebee ended up breaking his foot and in the process of pain and healing. 
Cora Ren, status, aware: 
#TeamSith4ever. This was all a giant party to Cora Ren and she was enjoying the fiasco. She missed killing people and the disease only heightened her disgust towards people and wore her patience down. She did end up killing John Seed. 
Esmeralda Agnes, status, unaware: 
Esmeralda didn’t really do much. She wanted to fight for people’s safety but didn’t really know how. Mostly she was checking to see if people were alright and needed help. 
Fang, status, unaware:
Fang was affected by this and his demons took over. Death wasn’t on his hands, but he feels incredible guilt after giving people the ride of their life. Wings are something that are meant to be protected and he knows they were out. The strain of overusing them is there. 
Flynn Rider, status, aware: 
Flynn Rider just arrived during the event. He’s not particularly happy that Rapunzel doesn’t remember him and is more annoyed that the end of the world really was happening. 
Gil, status, aware but oblivious:
Oblivious to it all. Met up with Uma, stole beforehand, and got her a prisoner that he named Todd. It’s a miracle that he didn’t die. 
Grantaire, status, aware: 
Grantaire slept through most of the chaos. Drinking his nights away to escape his severe PTSD and finding a bar that people were crammed at was more his style. 
Jason Todd, status, aware:
Jason was teamed up with a few people to fight the affected people. He was dressed as Red Hood the whole time and was enjoying it all. He was fine with helping people, however, at the disease started to fade, Jason found himself growing bored again. 
Lysander Scamander, status, aware: 
Lysander was injured before the disease from arriving in DC. His arm was still in a cast, however, he was trying to fight the infection the whole time. He succeeded, but his hair kept changing colors because he didn’t have enough in him to control that. He was trying to help people to safety, but refused to enter the safe houses. 
Mercutio Rosso, status, unaware: 
When the disease first started, Mercutio was with Cissy. He managed to get a grasp that it only affected certain people, which confused him because he doesn’t believe in the supernatural. To him, it was a bunch of demons possessing someone. ( Uber catholicism beliefs here ). He realized quickly that that wasn’t the case and ended up in the white house and helping President Organa and leading people to safety. Oddly serious during this whole event. As a thank you, he’s expecting a ‘get out of jail’ card from Organa. 
Nico Di Angelo, status, aware: 
What a mess. Nico was severely affected during the event, the disease going straight to his head. There’s so much going on with him with pain, that he was too tired to fight back for once. In the wake of it all, Nico considered himself a Ghost King and led an army of skeletons throughout DC. He managed to realize that his sister was alive, but didn’t realize the severity of it with him unable to be himself. In the process, he did end up killing Uma in front of Harry. Currently, Nico is beyond shaken and hiding from everything to try and grasp his mind. He’s under the impression that he is a monster and should be locked away in Tartarus. 
Peter Pettigrew, status, aware
Peter is just confused about the whole event. He was affected and mostly pranked people, which he feels awful about. He didn’t cause harm to anyone thank Merlin. 
Ronan Lynch, status, unaware:
Ronan was affected, but fighting against it. He was more stubborn, agitated, and violent in the result. Due to dreaming and being scared of what he dreamt, Ronan refused to sleep at all. Blinking was something that made him nervous. Ronan was originally with  Blue and talking to her, but upon the realization that she got kidnapped, he went looking for her. He won’t admit it, but Blue is one of the Raven Boys and Ronan didn’t want to see her taken. In the efforts of trying to find Blue, Ronan found himself face-to-face with Bianca. In the process, Ronan ended up dying by her hands. Currently unaware of his past and believes that he lives a family life. 
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lilietsblog · 7 years
tag meme
tagged by @kerowyn-ankh​ man you keep tagging me in these wonderful things and I keep leaving them open in a tab to do later and then just. not doing that. im so sorry. i love them. please do this forever
Name: Hanna! or Anna. If you call me Ganna you'll be technically correct but I might just cry. LILIET FOR Y'ALL MY NAME IS LILIET
Nicknames: eeeh I'm assuming you are not trying to refer to my memories of being bullied from kindergarten to middle school nor asking about all the vast landscape of RP characters I've made on RP forums where your character's name had to be your nickname... so, um, Liliet. Or if you're asking for pet names / diminutives for my actual real life name, Anya, Anyuta... basically anything that Russian allows except Nyusha and Nyura I will fucking deck you for that
Zodiac sign: Equius what do you mean that is not a zodiac sign
Height: 156 cm
Orientation: aro ace last I checked
Nationality: Ukrainian
Favorite fruit: THIS IS LIKE ASKING WHICH OF MY PARENTS I LOVE MORE. I'll go with "tomato" just to underscore the feeling of being utterly lost that I experience looking at this question.
Favorite season: UHHHHHH. I HAVE TROUBLE PLAYING FAVORITES OKAY. I'll go with "summer" I guess bc WALKING BAREFOOT ON THE GRASS. And hiking. And swimming. And horrible, horrible stuffy heat you cannot escape from okay look I have trouble playing favorites okay
Favorite book: AAAA. HOW. ALL OF THEM. You know what I'll go with "Demon's Dance" by Zimina bc while she has very tenuous grasp of spelling, punctuation and grammar of the language she writes in her books have brought me hours of joy. It's trash. It's my favorite trash.
Favorite flower: uhhh roses. They are pretty. There's a reason they are a popular choice. SO MANY COLORS
Favorite scent: outdoors without exhaust fumes. I AM A BIG CITY CHILD. I literally don't give a fuck what it smells like give me cow manure and rotting swamp JUST AS LONG AS IT'S NOT EXHAUST OR CIGARETTE SMOKE.
Favorite color: fuuuuuuu this is REALLY HARD OKAY. I DO NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST COLORS. Maybe pink but like so many different shades of pink it's not even the same color so I guess I'm cheating by picking pink? Whatever.
Favorite animal: rats, cats, foxes, dogs, ravens, dolphins, rabbits, horses yes I did in fact give up thank you for noticing.
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: Tea, because it's much easier to make tasty than cocoa, doesn't cause headaches like coffee (COFFEE I LOVE YOU WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN TO ME) and has SO MANY VARIATIONS. I love all of them. Except the gross ones. Which ones taste gross to me varies day by day but thankfully tea is VAST AND DIVERSE.
Average sleep hours: hmmm if I say I go to sleep at 11 pm and get up at 7:30 that gives me 8:30. Sounds about right. Except for when I go to sleep at 2 am :>
Cat or dog person: I am a rat person. I love rats. I want to get a rat as soon as we move to our new house. I also love cats and am a cat person and have dreamed of having a cat for years and now my cuddlebug cat is my greatest joy. I love every single dog I've ever interacted with and we are going to get a dog and I'm so happy and I'm a dog person. I DO NOT DISCRIMINATE BETWEEN WONDERFUL AND JOYOUS PETS OKAY
Favorite fictional character: urgh. You are not making it easy on me. Basically I have several Types that I love every single one of: 1) nerdy stoic/emotionless bookish smart girl not good with people, aka me. Twilight Sparkle, Ayanami Rei (yes I group them together here bc I love them in the same way), Hermione Granger, the list goes on. You know them when you see them; 2) a kid who's been doing horrible things because of parental issues and struggles with the concept of empathy and being a good person bc they weren't really taught how. Vriska Serket, Marvel's Loki, I KNOW THEY ARE ALL TERRIBLE THAT'S THE SELECTION CRITERION BUT THEY ARE MY CHILDREN AND I WILL PROTECT AND GUIDE THEM TILL THE END OF MY DAYS; 3) a dark-haired (preferably LONG haired) stoic/emotionless pretty guy who's Been Through Shit and as a result acts offstandish to everyone but really just Suffers. Often overlaps with 2), like Marvel's Loki. Popular examples include Uchiha Sasuke. The fucking trashiest examples I get angry at myself for even acknowledging include Kylo Ren. I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry.
Apart from that, I also love TRAITS in characters that make them my absolute faves: - hypercompetence. Does not necessarily mean "can do anything they need to" but "has a very good idea of their own ability and can tell how hard a challenge will be realistically ahead of time". That's literally all I ask for how hard is it to provide writers (I am an anxious baby okay this is Important For My Mental Health) - hyperempathy. Gimme Heart of Gold who will sympathize with and forgive literally the person who is currently trying to kill them. Gimme someone who is legitimately tortured over not being able to help everyone at the same time and is running themselves to death forgetting self-care. GIMME - trickster traits. Like yeah I fucking hate pranks and the kind of joke where you're supposed to know the other person is not speaking seriously but tricksters - strategists, pranksters, shapeshifters, teleporters - are still delightful and wonderful and REALLY FUN. OH LOOK THIS IS ALSO LOKI FUCK THAT GUY FOR HOW MUCH OF MY HEADSPACE HE TAKES UP. wait not even a guy all the time Loki's genderfluid PRONOUNS ARE HARD - a politician who is selflessly working for the good of people. I WISH I WAS JOKING BUT I AM NOT. I have SUCH a hard-on for political fantasy and GO WATCH LOG HORIZON IF YOU WANT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. This is one of my most favorite things in the book world
actually now that I've remembered Log Horizon I would like to nominate Shiroe as my Absolute Fucking Fave bc while tumblr provides very little content re: him and I cannot flourish in a fandom without other people, he is like the dense concentration of all my favorite things in one character. I can't even say that it's a flaw that he's a guy bc a certain flavor of selflessness and caring is much more fun in a guy bc girls are already socially expected to be like that and Fuck That Noise. I love him the way he is I love EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM /goes off to cry also he's aro ace fight me
Number of blankets you sleep with: one, but a REALLY BIG AND HEAVY one. I don't care how hot it is I will wrap myself around the blanket instead of the blanket around myself I NEED IT
Dream trip: hmm. This is actually an interesting question because I've never thought of it that way. I'd like to go everywhere possible but logistics of travel are hard and frustrating and I like hiking and grrrhh. I dunno. I want to be able to fly
Blog created: 4/13 2014, around midnight. I WILL NEVER FORGET
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ficbot · 7 years
With one touch, her mind like a hawk. "I was with the over - with anyone else seeing this body naked in real life, you will teach you discipline, aside from his fit to the new scenery," but then it would break from it's bring em home." Back at D'Qar's "friends" consist of a First Order and made a complicated series of beeps that made Kylo Ren decided to follow, they reached the speeder to where Kylo had played out in the back of the impact drip into her touch. So, Finn. This is Ben Solo had ever seen before, but one day, as though the blood in his chair, drawing air in a system nearby, one hand on his face, seeing as that blissful, sated smile lingers on the areas of skin slapping against skin while grinding into his system in the push - tug of her shoulders. Anya knew he should be below 100 percent!" Out of the night cycle. The first thing tomorrow." "B - bones!" Came the rushed painful sounding breathing. It's cot." Did you really just cumshot me?" Ren made his way.'Ok Leia, but only so we can't change once agreed upon. The effect is offset by the light saber?" "Now, use that against him. The one you serve?" Both blades, the sort of overnight mission with Snap and I needed to have around for gauze." No." Rey smiled with one gloved hand reaching behind his hair. Poe Dameron, I'll be gone just like when Ben talked about you being a pilot too, dark figure appeared above him staring. He shook his head. Ren sounded distraught, like the tumblers of easily picked lock. "You think your pathetic powers frighten me? It's before me. I am not supposed to be stuck here and get slicker. Hux told him to be rectified. Immediately." He lets go of his robe slips down, thinking back on Yavin 4," he joked." Perhaps I should probably
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