#any luck with them queue's then?
torukmaktoskxawng · 8 months
the wooden glen
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Pairing: So'lek/Human!Fem!Reader
Summary: There are plenty of abandoned Resistance field labs across the Western Frontier of Pandora, and you happen to be assigned to the one that cuts through one of So'lek's usual routes to HQ.
Word Count: 8k+
Na'vi Words Used: 'eylanay - acquaintance (with the potential of becoming a friend), kuru - queue braid, 'eylan - friend, palulukan - thanator, sevin 'eve - pretty girl, kalin - sweet, mawey - calm, tewng - loincloth, tawtute - human
Warnings: NSFW, mentions of solitude, keeping sane, potential danger, smut, dni minors, oral (fem!receive), mentioned biting, scenting, and claiming, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it you skxawng), belly bulge, creampie, swearing, etc.
Taglist: @mooniequeen
Wooden Glen Field Lab, a Resistance Field Lab, just northeast of the Aranahe Hometree. Your new home.
It had been overrun by the flora and fauna of Pandora, left abandoned when the Resistance had to close back up due to heavy RDA activity. Several of these sites were vacated, but times have changed, and the Resistance needed these labs back up and running now more than ever. You've never been stationed at one until now, and from where you stood, it was quaint. Back on Earth, you wouldn't have been able to afford anything at even half of this shack's size, so you took it as a blessing. Thank you, Eywa.
Speaking of, you noticed something indicating a different kind of wildlife has been through here. A campfire just outside the lab on the forest floor and Na'vi-designed woven baskets and material stationed around it. Signs of the natives using this place as shelter. One of the remaining Sarentu acted as your guide and protection for the journey here, and explained that it was normal for any friendly Na'vi to rest at the scattered field labs throughout their journies and you would likely see more of them. They didn't say much else after that, however, wishing you luck and leaving once they were sure there wasn't any nearby danger around.
Taking a deep breath through your mask, you walk up to the human-fashioned shack surrounded by wildlife and vegetation. It hadn't been used in some time, so you take out your SID device and use it to power up the small complex, watching as the lights and terminal flash then power back on as if good as new. Someone had tried to turn this place into a more welcome environment, placing various small potted plants all around the space and in makeshift shelves made of tree branches. It looked a bit hippy, and you wouldn't be surprised if the former RDA-turned-rebel who lived here used to be a botanist.
Looking up, you took note of the netted hammock that was storing extra supplies and luggage up above to keep out of the way. Looking down, you're careful to watch your step as occasional rubbish and cables scatter across the floor, left abandoned by its former resident. One side of the small lab was clearly meant to be for business, hosting a work bench, the terminal, and additional medical supplies and weaponry.
On the other side, it looked more like a living space, sporting a portable counter fridge, bookshelves, and of course all of the freaking house plants. One corner looked like a reading nook, with a bean bag made of several different colored-fabric, surrounded by papers and empty paper coffee cups, the lights above giving off a warm atmosphere. Setting down your things, you decide on tidying up your new home before settling in for the night.
You must have been cleaning the space for hours by the time you heard a faint rustle outside. Looking up, you spare a glance at the rifle on the wall before bravely deciding to check out the noise without it. It's your first night here... surely there wouldn't be any danger right away, would there? As you step out of your new base, you glance around until you notice the unlit campfire. Standing there stood a male Na'vi, but not just a random stranger.
You recognized So'lek as one of the most significant Na'vi faces who tend to prowl around Resistance HQ. Everyone knows who he is, everyone knows his story, and everyone -including humans- knows to give him a wide berth. His sharp eyes had been looking directly at you, since he noticed you before you saw him, and his gaze narrowed with suspicion just as you gasp in shock.
"Oh! Hello."
His hard stare is the only thing keeping your feet frozen to the floor of your lab before he knowingly states, "You are from the headquarters."
You nod, faintly shocked that he remembered your face, especially since neither of you have shared a word until now, "Alma and Priya asked me to man this lab so it stays functional for botany research and RDA activity."
"I see."
You relax some, only for a thought to dawn in your head as you point to the Na'vi made structure right outside your new home, "Wait, is this your campfire? Have you been living here?"
"When I occasionally travel through this area, yes."
Nodding, you open your arm out wide to gesture to the whole yard outside the lab, "You were here first, so help yourself to whatever is yours. I'll stay out of the way."
"No need," he shakes his head then, the first movement he ever made upon recognizing you, "You will be staying here for a lot longer than I. And besides, I prefer to rest outside."
"Alright, will you be resting here for the night? I think it's supposed to rain so I plan on shutting down the place and locking myself in."
"I am moving on for the night. Just needed some things I left behind. I will be coming back this direction on my way to HQ in three days."
"Sounds good. Safe travels."
He nods and turns to go, before pausing two seconds and then tilting his head back toward you, "Stay alert while you're out here, 'eylanay. Do not ever let your guard down."
His words were haunting and bothersome, but you suppose he doesn't have a choice than to be that way after everything he's been through. Plus, he's from this world and knows its dangers better than you do. The thought that something could be lurking just outside or staring at you through the window sent chills down your spine.
As you stated, you locked down the two large doorways that open up the shack and secure all the windows, waiting until the oxygen levels are steady before removing your mask. You had closed everything up just in time, the storm hitting just moments after. Out of everything beautiful here, you didn't envy Pandora's storms, so fierce and terrifying... and you were alone.
A beep pings from your terminal and you try to pretend you didn't dash over to answer it, "Hey, Priya."
"Hey! Did you settle in okay? Is it scary? Is it dangerous? Oh, what am I saying? Of course, it's dangerous! And scary and dangerous are almost one in the same--"
"Priya, I'm fine," you smile to yourself, unsure if you missed her ramblings or not, "Everything's fine. It's actually quite peaceful here."
"Oh, good!"
"And it's comforting to know that So'lek treks through here often enough to where I won't feel completely alone and he could check in if I need any help."
"You saw So'lek?"
"Yeah, he just happened to be passing through."
"That's perfect! Oh, that makes me feel so much better! I'll make sure to send another radio with him next time so that you two could chat between each other or if you need him to check on you. Oh, this is gonna be great! You guys can chat to each other whenever you need some company!"
"Uh, Priya...?"
"I mean, just think about it! You're going to be living alone in the middle of the forest and he's constantly traveling alone. It's perfect! So cool!"
"Okay..." You try not to sound a little put-off by her suggestion but decided to kindly cut her off, "Hey, I think I'm gonna clock out for the night. I'm tired from the cleaning."
"Cleaning? Why did you need to clean?"
Three days later, So'lek comes back through, as promised. He immediately finds you outside, in your mask, wearing worn-out clothes while you work around and monitor the plants that the resident before you had planted. The plan was for you to continue their work, and while you weren't a botanist, you figured that the notes the previous tenant left behind could help you continue their research.
Looking up from taking notes, you noticed So'lek standing a half a dozen yards away from you. To attempt at being friendly, you wave him over and feel both surprise and pride when he walks closer to join you.
"I half expected to find you dead already."
"Only half?" You snort in amusement, "It's nice to hear that you had some faith in me, if only a little bit."
He kept his face blank, not reacting to your tease, "I still would never drop my guard if I were you, 'eylanay."
"Yes, yes, I know," you take note of the direction he came in and come up with your own observation, "Are you heading back to HQ?"
He nods and you flash a small smile of sympathy, "A word of warning? Priya is going to be handing you a radio to bring back to me when you get there. She wants to make sure you and I keep in contact should I ever need help."
You don't miss the small grimace on his face when you mention Priya. You can't entirely blame him, knowing that Priya is a lot to handle for someone who prefers to be left alone, and everyone knows how desperate Priya is to make Na'vi friends, So'lek most of all.
He nods once more, schooling his face back to something more neutral, "Very well. Is there anything else you need from Headquarters?"
"Uh... when do you think you'll be coming back through?"
"Less than a week."
"Maybe some rations then, just to be safe."
That is basically the gist of your conversations with So'lek for the next upcoming month. Every time he comes through, whether heading to or from Resistance HQ, he makes time for small talk, talk that only lasts less than ten minutes, then he's gone before you have time to say goodbye. It doesn't bother you a whole lot, but that could be from the feeling of loneliness. You'll take a few moments of conversation with practically anyone and anything if it will keep you sane from your solitude, even So'lek, who was hardly one for words to begin with. Part of you wondered if you'll end up like him if you continued working alone in this lab without anyone else to talk to you.
He never stays the night at his campfire, or maybe he does and he happens to leave before you even wake up. Either way, you never see him sitting outside or sleeping by the fire as you imagined he once did before you came along and took his space. He brings back any supplies you ask of him whenever he's on his way back from headquarters, and sometimes he brings items that Priya practically had to beg him to take to you. They weren't necessities, but you appreciated the comics and recordings of guitar solos one of the Resistance members likely cooked up. You didn't believe Priya would be capable, but you had to wonder whoever was sneaking you dirty romance novels among those supplies, and how your suspicions only heightened when you realize the novels were about a human female and her alien male lover. Despite how horrified you felt when discovering that little surprise hidden among your rations, it was... comforting, to say the least. It helped keep you sane and one with your humanity. You were also thankful that So'lek didn't appear to notice what he was tasked to give you.
One month turns into two, and there was a patch of weeks where you hadn't seen So'lek at all. A part of you told yourself not to worry, knowing he had a mission that took him in the opposite direction of your field lab, or at least that's what Priya told you. The other part of you, however, couldn't help looking out your window before bed every night, wondering if he'd be there the one time you looked. Suddenly you found yourself immerced in those dirty romance novels just to keep yourself from worrying too much, and you were beginning to question your mind when you realized you had begun to picture the male alien lover to look like So'lek in your head as you read.
That one fateful day you decide to leave the large doors completely open to let the fresh air through the lab was the one day you shouldn't have even gotten out of bed. You heard the deep growl first, then your hairs on the back of your neck stood on edge. You were inside the complex and quickly look around for your rifle, but the moment you made too quick of movement was when the thanator leaped into action. It roared loudly, deafening your small ears, as it leapt up onto the walkway leading into the lab before prowling right inside as if it owned the place, it's eyes never leaving you for a second, practically freezing you where you stand. You internally curse whoever designed those doors to be big enough for a thanator and you hope they're rotting in Hell. As the beast corners you into the smallest space of the lab, a part of you hopes you'll meet that inventor in Hell so you can kill them again yourself.
The thanator's nose scrunches as its snarling muzzle curled up, its limbs lowering closer to the ground, ready to strike. When it bows its back to pounce, you faintly catch sight of a collar or some form of restraint around the creature's neck, clearly of RDA make judging by the worn and chipped yellow paint coated over the metal. You wonder if it would be the last thing you ever see, a creation made from the ones you swore to fight against.
An entire barrage of gunfire shrieks through the air, bullets raining into the thanator's side at the same time it cries out in pain. So'lek inched forward until he leaps up into the lab, stepping into the open doorway and continuing his assault until he empties the entire clip into the beast's hind. As he's going to reload, the thanator decides to retreat, mewling and whining in pain as it tries to limp out of the opposite door it came through. So'lek had other ideas, however, loading his rifle once more and emptying out another whole clip into the beast, even after its body fell dead outside.
So'lek finally stopped, the silence ringing in your ears after being forced to be in the same small space as an assault rifle. He hops back out of the lab and trudges over to the dead body outside, knife in hand just to be safe. You take your time, gasping for breath as your mask hissed and testing your shaking legs out as you slowly but surely step right outside the door to see for yourself.
"I... I thought thanators were territorial?" You find your voice, swallowing down saliva when your chords cracked from fear, "Last I checked, this place wasn't in any known territory."
"These are the Severed kind our Sarentu informers have been running into," So'lek explained almost robotically while nudging the dead creature with his foot, "Animals whose kuru have been cut. Experiments, courtesy of the Sky People."
"There... Usually, there are two of them, right?"
"Nor mentioned he managed to kill one, but not its partner. This must have been the one that got away." He paused as if remembering something, before his eyes finally peer up to meet yours, "Are you alright?"
Your exhale isn't very strong, and your voice quivered, but you nod, "I... I think so. Just... shakened..."
His eyes squint, but he didn't look as though he was judging or analyzing you. He looked... for lack of a better word, concerned, "Perhaps I should take you back to base camp."
You shake your head while trying to muster a weak, joking smile, "I think I need to sleep for two days straight before I do that. That took a lot out of me."
He doesn't comment and instead offers to help clean up the mess of bullets and anything the thanator might have knocked out of place while causing a rampage through the base. You don't refuse or even agree, you just nod and move back inside to get started.
The two of you clean up in silence, all the while So'lek keeps a close eye on you, and you pretend not to notice. It's hard not to, however, since his gaze can drive your skin to rise and heat up unlike anyone you've ever met before.
He noticed how your hands were still shaking as you pick up a couple of fallen books, "'Eylan..."
"I'm alright," you wave off, too strung up to even acknowledge the achievement of gaining a new friendship status with the hard-won Na'vi man, "Just... too tense. How did you know I needed help?"
"I was already on my way here. I picked up the animal's scent and started to run and hope I wasn't too late."
You didn't dare assume that tone in his voice was trembling. You knew that assuming anything out of someone who kept his cards close to his chest would be wrong. Your eyes briefly look up at the Na'vi man, a faint smile on your lips, "You weren't. You were right on time. Thank you..."
Unbeknowst to you, So'lek's chest squeezed almost painfully at the sight of your grateful smile. Even through all that adrenaline and fear, you were still standing and unharmed, which relieved him so much to the point that it frightened him. He didn't think he would feel such fear when he had first caught the scent of the feral palulukan mixed in with the one he had come to associate with you. And yet, his legs moved before his mind was made up, running faster than he ever thought possible out of desperation.
To hear your reassurance that he had managed to save you on time strikingly comforted him, and yet, he didn't feel as though you were completely safe despite the danger being gone. He moved his eyes to watch the world outside your window to avoid your gaze as he spoke,
"I do not feel comfortable moving on and leaving you here alone tonight. If it will help, I will keep watch as you rest."
With his eyes off yours, he failed to notice your face heat up or the bug-eyed expression you sent his way. Of course, you knew you wouldn't sleep very well tonight and would like nothing more than to have some company after nearly dying. However, you also tried to play it cool and nonchalant. After all, this man did warn you to always keep your guard up, and you would hate to disappoint him, despite the odd friendship you now shared.
You simply shrug as a way to try and hide your embarrassment, "I know it'd be useless to try and convince you otherwise, so do what you want."
You activate the doors to slide completely shut, locking the two of you inside as you listen for the familiar hiss of oxygen being filtered in and out. Only when the terminal deems it safe do you remove your mask and walk over the mask station. You hang up yours and retrieve a smaller one for So'lek, handing the device to him. So'lek expertly breathes into the mask once and then lets the device dangle around his neck before he moves to the window. You watch him retreat before moving over to snuggle into the bean bag resting in the corner, trying to ignore the tall Na'vi now standing by your window as you close your eyes.
While he kept watch, he also occasionally watched you as well. You looked even smaller than usual, lying curled up in the bean bag as if trying to disappear from the world. After everything you've been through today, it's understandable you'd still be antsy, but So'lek had to commend you for how brave and put-together you appeared to be in the face of danger. He doesn't know many sky demons who are capable of that, which is why he had found himself conversing with you more than he should have over the course of these months.
Since the day you first arrived at Wooden Glen, an ugly part in his head immediately told him to stay back, keep away from you, and try not to get used to your scent. Despite hating most humans -with the Resistance balancing on that tight rope-, he surprised even himself when he didn't feel those emotions toward you. You, who immediately gave him space and didn't question him. You, who respected his boundaries and opted to live peacefully in the same space when you learned he would occasionally rest at the lab. You weren't defensive or suspicious, and you didn't expect anything from him. Sure, most of the Resistance fighters were like that -hence why they no longer worked for the RDA- but none of them were you.
So'lek may be hard to talk to and therefore found it hard to form bonds, but he's not blind. He knows beauty when he sees it, and despite hating almost everything the Sky People create, he didn't hate whatever method of creation made you. You were not Na'vi by any means, yet he couldn't help the way his eyes scan your body, so much smaller in comparison to his, and wonder what it would be like to press you into him. And your scent-- oh, your scent. Somehow, it lingered in his nostrils even from miles away in a vastly different part of Pandora. There wasn't much to your scent. It wasn't perfume or deodorant. Nothing distinct, and yet he knows it's you the moment he catches a whiff of it. It's not a bad scent. It's just you. He internally knows that there's nothing bad about it, least of all you.
So you could imagine the horror he felt when he had drawn close to the lab that day, only to smell a thanator in your general direction.
Unaware of his staring, you felt unnerved and restless now that you were finally trying to sleep. You weren't sure if you had laid there for hours or mere minutes, but you began to toss and turn, your heart beating loudly in your chest and unable to slow down.
So'lek noticed your transgressions immediately and voiced his thoughts, "You should get some sleep, my friend."
"I can't," you murmur quietly, "I'm too jumpy and too tense... Too cold."
He wasn't sure what came over him, but the sight of you restless and your claims of being cold pulled him from the window. He strides across the room and crouches in front of your form, ignoring the shock and hidden worry behind your eyes. You had grown still, a little cautious as to what would happen or what he would do if you moved. You get your answer as his large hand slowly rises up and rests over your forehead. You didn't dare move, feeling the heat of his palm against your face, and-- by god, his hand was so large, it could easily fit your whole skull without a problem.
He stomps down whatever he is feeling in his gut when his hand presses against your skin, a little shocked at how smooth you feel beneath his touch. He hadn't experienced many humans before, especially not up close and personal. The softness of your skin was... new and an interesting sensation. So'lek couldn't help but wonder what the rest of you might feel like beneath his touch.
He huffs with a faint smirk on his lips, "You are definitely cold."
Despite seeing anything other than a scowl on his face for the first time, you couldn't help the slight sting of your sarcasm emerge, scoffing and lightly swatting his hand away, "Thanks, Captain Obvious."
His eyes squint in confusion, "I do not understand."
"Never mind," you wave it off easily enough, starting to sit up before you notice So'lek inching closer, beginning to crowd your space. Your jaw nearly slacked before you picked it back up and found your words again, "Uh... what are you doing?"
He wasn't entirely sure himself. His usual instinct to stay away was nonexistent. A different instinct took over, and he wasn't sure if it terrified or intrigued him, but the scent you were giving off definitely wasn't helping him form a clear thought.
"Warming you up."
He said it like it was the simplest thing in the world as if your heart didn't just threaten to leap straight out of your mouth as his large body suddenly started to surround you in every sense of the word. It could've been from being so touch-starved and lonely, or it could've been your attraction toward him. Either way, your body immediately felt hot, and he wasn't even completely touching you yet. If you had half a sensible mind, you would immediately look away from the intensity of his sharp, yellow gaze, hiding the blush beginning to creep up over your face, but you didn't. You found yourself entranced by him, unable to look away.
He's pressing into your space now, completely pinning you into the bean bag, and yet you didn't feel scared or suspicious of ill intent. You felt yourself trusting his slow methods... as if he was testing to see what you would do. The long length of his strongly corded body overpowers your smaller form, encompassing you with his... well, everything. He took up your vision, your touch, and your hearing, and suddenly, you felt your mouth go dry with the need to taste as well. His eyes flick down, away from your eyes, and your mouth unconsciously opens in a silent gasp. You watch his eyes stare intently at your lips, his strong jaw visibly tightening underneath his skin. His face leans closer to yours until you feel his hot breath fan over your face, forcing your eyes to blink. He briefly looks up to watch your pretty eyelashes flutter before finally opening his mouth.
"Yes or no, sevin 'eve?"
You don't know what that means, but your body shivers in response regardless. You're scared to reach out and touch first in case this is all just a dream after falling asleep while reading those romance novels. You don't miss the way his brow ridge furrows as if in pain as he watched you wet your bottom lip and find the words to speak,
He's molding your lips together before the word even fully leaves your mouth, forcing you to inhale through your nose and feeling dizzy by the scent of his musk. His lips were bigger than yours, making the kiss sloppy until the two of you found a rhythm that suited you both. The air was stolen from your lungs as he seemed hellbent on constantly chasing your lips whenever you needed to pull away to breathe.
You weren't sure how long you kissed, losing track of time, immersed in the sensation before you were all too aware of the wet patch forming between your legs with the way he carefully laid his weight down on your pelvis. You find yourself moaning into his mouth, and his reaction is instantaneous.
His hands are finally on you, starting at your waist and moving up, pushing the fabric of your shirt up as he goes to expose your skin to him. Your heart leaps at the feel of his large hands, practically covering your entire waist, able to expand his fingers over the soft valley of your stomach.
His amazement is replaced by a scowl when his hands push your shirt up enough to expose your bra, "Why must your people feel the need to cover yourselves in so many layers? This is criminal."
You're not offended, finding yourself breathlessly laughing at his expense. You move your hands to grab the hem of your shirt and pull it over your head, "If you think that's bad, you should try unhooking this thing."
He frowns but doesn't protest, taking his mask and breathing in its contents, waiting for your instruction as he stares down at your bra as if it offended him by simply existing. Dare I say it almost looked as though he was pouting if such an expression existed within So'lek. You bite your lip to refrain from laughing more and gently grasp his hands. He clearly had the strength to pull away, his hands so much larger than yours, but he lets you guide him to the expanse of your back where he's met with the strap of your bra. Small hooks kept the offending piece of fabric together, and while he tried to fiddle with it, it only made his frustration grow.
You're not surprised when he finally gives up and just rips the bra apart like it was nothing, but you still groan in slight annoyance, "I only have a few of those, you know."
"You will not be needing any of them from here on out," he states gruffly, with confidence, as he moves down to plant large, smooth kisses down the front of your neck and toward the space between your now exposed breasts, your heartbeat strong against his lips.
So'lek was determined to be rid of all of your bras in the near future. He'll burn them if he has to. This world is not a place for the Sky People's opinions on indecent exposure, nor is their culture and fashion welcome in So'lek's eyes. As if he needed another reason to hate the Sky People, their insistence on covering someone as beautiful as you up was the cherry on top.
His hands and mouth move onto your breasts, squeezing and kissing, licking over both of your nipples. You were more pliable and squishy compared to Na'vi women, but So'lek loved it because it just meant there was more of you to hold. He liked the feel of your tits, warm and heavy in his palms. Why need a bra when his hands are literally right here?
You lean back, sighing up at the ceiling and gasping when he slips one of your nipples into his mouth, unknowingly arching your back to push your chest further into his hands, much to his inner delight. His tongue is wet and rough, running circles around the bud until it forms into a peak then he moves on to the other one, keeping his hand occupied on whichever tit that wasn't currently in his mouth. Your skin rises wherever he touches, and your hips involuntarily try to move, your need for anything to press between your legs only growing when So'lek gently bites his teeth around the tit he was playing with. You nearly rock your hips up at the feel of his fangs sinking slowly into your skin, not puncturing or causing you to bleed, but causing a bruise to form when he finally pulled away, your breasts now slicked with his saliva and one marked with his teeth.
His breath was unsteady now, his eyes blown out of proportion, hiding the yellow color behind those black voids of a pupil. His eyes rake over your form, smugly enjoying how flushed you look with wet, kiss-bitten lips, tangled hair, and scrunched eyebrows, Sitting back on his hunches and taking it all in, So'lek's eyes finally land on your lower half, your thigh muscles clenching at the way his expression turns to hunger.
He hooks his fingers into the hem of your bottoms and helps peel them off your legs, again, showing his disapproval when his need to see all of you is obstructed by your panties.
His hands reach down to grab a hold of the panties, but you find enough willpower to remember to pull away as you fix him a stern look, "I am not letting you rip these."
He scoffed half-heartedly, "They are already ruined," he emphasizes this by gently beginning to rub a finger over your clothed clit, the bold movement surprising you enough to forget your words and gasp out in pleasure. The movement of his fingers sent your head spiraling, unaware you were so worked up to the point that a simple touch had you needy for more. He leans over you, keeping his finger's speed steady as his voice whispers into your ear, "Do you not feel how soaked and uncomfortable they feel?"
You groan in response, silently agreeing that the wet fabric rubbing against your most sensitive area wasn't as pleasant as say his fingers. Part of you wanted him to rip the panties off you so he could quickly return to drawing circles and figure eights over your clit, but the more logical part in your head reminded you that underwear was more crucial than a bra for everyday life. You wiggle your hips and with So'lek's help, you manage to get the panties off at least one of your legs and let it dangle around your other ankle before kicking it off all the way.
So'lek's breath stuttered as he stared down at the tight, shiny wet cunt between your legs, so small that his thumb nearly envelops half of it as he continues to play with your now bare clit. The slick makes it easier to rub and your moans slip out of your mouth without a fear of anyone else hearing. The thought of being able to let you make as many lewd noises as possible without anyone around sent a thrill up his spine.
He found himself moving until he was lying on his stomach, his head inching forward between your legs. Once you realized his intentions, your body began to writhe with anticipation, a little nervous but wanting this all the same. His hot breath fanned down the inside of your leg and gusting over your pussy, making your inner walls unconsciously clench around nothing.
When you felt the wet warmth of his tongue run up the seam of your pussy, you're startled into moaning up at the ceiling, "Fuck, So'lek--"
"Mm..." he mumbled, the vibrations sent straight into your heat and making your skin tingle. He's unashamed of how loud he was being, drinking you up like he's a man trapped in the desert, his moans and tongue causing the most erotic sensation that you have never felt before. His tongue dips into your greedy hole as a gasp is stolen from your lungs.
He hummed as if he just tasted the sweetest fruit, "Kalin."
"Oh, God..." You respond, moving your hips to press further into his mouth. He doesn't seem to mind and eagerly takes as much of you as he can, pressing his nose into your clit as he licks up what he could only describe as your sweet nectar.
He takes it a step further once he knows you're wet and ready and inserts a finger into your entrance, slowly pushing it despite there wasn't much resistance yet. He carefully watched the way you bucked and arched your back as if your body was trying to decide to pull away or push for more. Your eyes were closed, wanting to just feel every sensation, the bottom of your stomach already warm and fluttery. Once So'lek added a second of his large fingers, he felt a tiny stretch against the initial ring of muscle, but it gave way barely a second later and welcomed him into your tight warmth. He slowly pulls his fingers in and out, trying to commit the sound of you and your responsive body to memory, all the while licking up your slick and pressing his nose into your clit.
It felt as though he was in several places at once, and the growing ache was igniting a pleasant, burning fire within you. Every lick and every thrust of his fingers were barreling you closer to some unforeseen peak, threatening to push you over the edge. You rock your hips against his face, thighs beginning to tremble around his head. He moaned deep into your pussy as he felt the muscle of your inner thighs flex and pressed down tightly around him. It was glorious and exhilarating, driving So'lek to pump his fingers in and out of you, faster and faster.
"Ah~!" You jolt, hands quickly reaching down and tangling into his hair, helping you thrust your hips more closely into his face. The sounds coming from your mouth and pussy was so obscene, normally, you'd feel embarrassed, but right now you weren't even paying attention. You were more focused on grinding into So'lek's face, chasing after your own release, feeling it rise and rise as the coil begins to dangerously tighten.
"So'lek--" Your plea is abruptly cut off by a moan escaping your lips, your body trembling in response to him curling his fingers just right inside of you. It drove you into a frenzy, now grinding your hips faster as you cried out, "So'lek! Do that again-- fuck... I'm so close..."
He moans, going even faster while repeating the movements you begged him to mimic, his tongue eager to lap you up and taste everything you could give him. Your fingers tighten in his hair and the sensation nearly makes his eyes rolls back, more eager than ever to feel and see you finish.
You're unable to warn him as your climax barely had time to build up before it snapped and let go, your screams of pleasure filling up the lab as your pussy pulses and sends waves of hot ecstasy up and down your body. The whole time your orgasm clings to you, so does So'lek, his tongue and fingers still working in and out of you, riding out your high. He groans when you spill into his mouth, your thighs uncontrollably shaking all around him and your pretty little noises add to his already aching cock.
By the time you're beginning to relax and turn to jelly in his hands, he finally pulls his mouth away, gasping deeply for air only to choke and remember than he needed the breathing mask around his neck to do so. Licking his lips, he brings the mask up to his face and takes long, deep breaths, in and out, closing his eyes and moaning when his smells you on his own breath. Opening his eyes, he finds you with your eyes still closed and a small, satisfied smile on your face. It feels as though he has no choice when he leans down to kiss you, wishing to feel that sweet, irresistible smile with his own lips. You hum lightly, kissing back with your hands gently soothing his scalp where you had initially pulled his hair, a soft moan escaping his lips when the soreness is slowly massaged away. You can feel his moan on your lips, the taste of his tongue intoxicating once you realize he tasted like you. You shift underneath him, needing more as your hands move to start disrobing his chest pieces and loincloth.
"Mawey..." he moaned softly, even as his hips moved to give you better access to his tewng.
Despite not understanding him completely, you could tell by his tone that he wanted you to slow down. You had to crane your neck to peer up at him, and suddenly his reluctance immediately caves, his heart clenching with the way you stare up at him with half-lidded eyes, long eyelashes, and wet lips. He manages to unclip his vest before diving back in to kiss you, savor you, his large hands on either side of your face, fingers raking into your hair.
You sigh in content, closing your eyes while you return the passionate effort, trying not to get distracted as your hands begin to untie his loincloth. You feel him before you can see him, both of you pulling out of the kiss to gasp as your hand grabs a hold of his cock. The fact that your hand couldn't fully wrap around the width told you all you needed to know, and once you caught a glimpse of him, your mouth began to water.
Your fingertips and thumb were nearly an inch apart, unable to touch. Maybe it was your imagination, but the only thing you could compare to describe the size of So'lek's cock was your own forearm, much to your distress and excitement. There was no way he was going to fit, but by Eywa, you needed to try.
Using your free hand, you gently grab the back of So'lek's neck and pull him in for another kiss, just to be sure he didn't make any other protests. For added measure, you slowly move your other hand up and down his length, causing full body shivers to erupt across his back. You catch a bead of precum at the tip and slather it over his cock, making your movements easier on his sensitive, uncut skin.
It was easier to coherce him than you originally thought it would, moving the both of you until you were flat on your back, bean bag forgotten, with So'lek hovering above you, his hips flush between your legs. His cock stood tall between your bodies as your hand continued to move up and down the impressive length. His eyes squeeze shut, a small snarl on his lips as a growl runs through him. Both of his hands are planted on either side of your head, holding him up as he tries to regain control of himself, enjoying your touch but trying to restrain the overbearing thoughts that involve plunging deep inside of you no matter how loud you scream.
"Ma'kalin... I do not want to hurt you."
"Please..." you whimper desperately, hand moving up and down his cock faster while you arch your back to try and get closer, "I need you... I promise to tell you my limits."
He paused to consider this, opening his eyes to watch yours for anything, and all he could see was your lust and desperation for him. His ears lower, wondering what he did to deserve such a need for him, and how he could've possibly deserved it. Regardless of his inner demons, his own need for you clouds most of his usual judgments and he surrenders to you, nodding once before spitting into his hand and gently moving your hand off of his cock. You both moan as his hand rubs up and down his length, and hopefully the saliva and pre cum you had spread earlier would be enough to slip inside your tight heat with ease.
You sit up, and for a moment he's alert at the idea you are changing your mind, but you smile and grab his mask, lifting it up to his mouth, "Take a breath first."
"Curse this thing," he mutters under his breath, his tail twitching behind him at the soft sound of your laugh. He does as he's told and takes a deep breath before letting the mask fall back around his neck.
He lies you back down as your lips meet once more, tilting your head to deepen the kiss. Your movements stalled when you felt the tip of his cock press on your clit before slowly dragging down toward your entrance, making your breath hitch in anticipation.
So'lek parts from the kiss and briefly brushes his lips over your soft cheek, "Now it is your turn to take a breath."
You nod obediantly, expanding your lungs as you deeply inhale just as he began to press his cock into your pussy. Your hands immediately fly up to hang onto So'lek's hair once more when you felt your pussy begin to stretch around his cock, his movements so agonizingly slow but you appreciated it once that ring of muscle that held his length like a vice grip in your entrance began to burn. You slowly exhale, albiet a little shaky at the uncomfortable stretch. Looking down, your internally horrified that he's barely two inches inside of you. A soft whimper escapes your throat and So'lek is swift to reassure you, dipping his head into the crook of your neck while his hand reaches between your bodies to gently rub your clit to ease the pain.
"I know..." his presses a kiss into the side of your neck, "I know. You are doing so well, ma'kalin, taking my cock so well..."
You mewl beneath his praise, taking a better, deeper breath as he pushes another inch inside. The burn isn't as painful and as his thumb continues to rub your clit, the stretch almost feels arousing. You already want to move your hips up to meet his, but you remain still instead, hellbent on the idea of getting him to fit in as much as possible before doing anything else.
It's a few minutes of patience and determination, but eventually, you can feel the tip of So'lek's cock breach the top of your cervix, bumping into that special, spongy spot that makes you whimper with pleasure.
"By Eywa..." So'lek groans quietly into your neck, "Feel yourself, ma'kalin."
You do as your told and reach down to where you know his thumb is currently rubbing your clit, only to pause when you felt something unfamiliar on your body. A large protrusion beneath your skin, sticking out of your abdomen. You look down between your bodies and moan. So'lek was only able to fit his cock a little over halfway in, and whatever he could fit was now forming a large bulge in your belly. You reach and press down on the bulge, the instant response was So'lek gripping tightly onto your hips.
"You..." he sounds as though he's been punched, groaning when you unintentionally squeeze around him until he finds his words, "You are so tight. I can feel every inch of you squeezing my cock."
"Does it hurt?" You ask with a small hint of worry.
A small quiver of a smile rises in the corner of his mouth, able to hide it in your shoulder as his kisses a small freckle on your skin, "In a good way. Always a good way. Keep tightening around me and I might finish without even moving."
A staggered breath escapes your lips, closing your eyes just to feel it all. The feel of being so full, the feel of his finger on your clit, the feel of his large body on top of you, both of your bodies moulded together, despite difference in size. Your gummy walls clench, and you feel the way his cock twitches in response, followed by a small snarl that released from deep in So'lek's chest. Your hands gently card through his hair and be sure to avoid his kuru when you guide him out of the juncture of your neck to look at him. You're not disappointed by his expression, his hairless brow pinched together in blissful agony, a small bead of sweat dripping down from his forehead and over the scar on the side of his face. You find your fingers following the pattern of the scar, tracing it and catching the bead of sweat, wiping it away.
He opens his eyes at your small gesture, staring wide eyed at you as if he had made some sort of new discovery. Your stomach fluttered in response, meeting his gaze as a roar of need waves through you. Without breaking eye contact, you move your hips and it only helps his cock slip further inside you.
He nearly buckled then and there, startled to the point he needed to remember to hold himself above you so you wouldn't be crushed. He growls deep in his throat, the bridge of his muzzle scrunched up as he grit his teeth. Unbeknowst to him, his reaction made your heart skip a beat, and if he wasn't already buried deep inside you, your legs would've no doubt clenched together to relieve the heat beginning to grow. Taking your hint, So'lek begins to moves his hips, pulling out and only going as far to leave the tip inside before sliding back in, your stuttering breaths mingling together as the ridges of his cock bumps and fits in all of the grooves of your aching walls, creating the most erotic friction you knew no toy could ever recreate. The idea of this man ruining all other sexual experiences for you was both enticing and mournful, knowing you would never be able to properly get yourself off ever again. Then again, you wouldn't mind always having to go to him in order to climax from here on out. Just as long as he felt the same.
Slick with sweat, your bodies slide together as So'lek finally starts to pick up the pace, the sound of skin slapping together filling up the lab that was your little corner of paradise. Each of his thrusts punches a moan out of you, your hands moving to get a better grip on his body, only to leave long and angry scratch marks up and down his back, your legs wrapped tightly around his hips.
The pleasant sting of your nails only encourages So'lek to rut more roughly into you, growling and snarling in your ear, an animalistic desire driving him to chase after your cervix with every thrust. The instinct to mark you all over clouded his mind, but he purposely clenched his jaw to refrain from doing so. For now, the scent he already left on you would be enough to mark his claim. It was also driving him to his climax quicker than he wanted, not when he wanted you to reach yours first. It wasn't just a want. It was a need for him.
Needing to help you reach your peak faster, he puts his hands and tongue to work. He had to hunch a little uncomfortably to reach his intended target, but it was all worth it when one hand was figioursly rubbing your clit while his tongue swirled around one of your nipples, driving the coil in your stomach to start winding up unbearably tight, already oozing out small waves of ectsasy like warm honey.
"So'-- fuck!" You gasp, your body already beginning to shake, "I'm going to come--"
"Do it," he growled out, unintentionally turning the phrase into an order as his hips stutter before returning to their previous pace, "Come on my cock, sevin 'eve. Let me... by Eywa-- hear how good I make you feel."
His cock rams right into the best spot inside of you, your screams heightened as you began to see stars, "Fuckfuckfuck!"
You grab onto the only thing you could reach, his forearms, and let yourself go. Your toes curl as the coil inside you snaps, sending wave after wave of pounding pleasure through you from head to toe, flooding all of your other senses with the rush of your high, making your head feel light. Your mouth had fallen open in a silent scream, too overwhelmed to make any other sounds.
Your pussy was clenching and unclenching around So'lek's cock as you come, and the sight of you made his own head feel dizzy. The breathy groans he lets out makes your walls clench tighter around him, and after a few more quick thrusts, he's burying his cock as deep as he could get and spilling inside your already full pussy, painting your pulsating walls in large streams of white. He has to remove his hands from your body to keep himself upright, and even then you faintly notice the way his arms shake from such intensity. You two take those few moments to remain still, basking in your shared orgasms, panting heavily and not wanting to move if it meant the high would fade faster.
You had thought he had emptied everything inside you, but when he slowly and agonizingly pulled out, he was still spilling out a few short streams of cum and they end up landing onto your stomach, his cock twitching as he watched his essence stream down your skin and leak out of your pussy. His heart was still racing and his muscles were tense, unable to relax as his cock continued to twitch as he tried to catch his breath.
You take pity on him and move your arms around his frame, manovering him until he's lying on his side next to you. His muscles finally relax once he's not holding himself up, groaning quietly once he manages to press his mask to his mouth and take another breath.
He's reaching for you tiredly even before he's letting the mask drop around his neck, "I will clean you up..."
"Not now," you reply, boldly curling up into his chest to keep warm once the air in the lab had cooled down. You close your eyes and smile to yourself, "Just take your time. I'm in no rush."
He's hesitant at first, but he eventually wraps his arms around you, trying not to think too hard about this little tawtute currently safe in his embrace, your breathing starting to slow as you're finally relaxed enough to go to sleep, using his chest to rest your head. With the cloud of lust lifting, his mind is at war while his heart is at peace. He knows he shouldn't be selfish after what just happened, but he secretly wishes to have this moment all the time. Every night with you would be marvelous... but he's not sure if that's what you want, despite having just fucked you silly.
He lets himself be selfish for a little while longer, just for tonight, his fingertips lightly following the path down your spine, creating goosebumps on your skin, and lulling you to sleep.
Reference photos for the field lab HERE!
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notsopersonalcharlie · 2 months
Don't Care, Belle
Biker!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader fluff
Summary: Bucky is capital J-Jealous
Warnings: A guy being overly nice at a bar, drinking at 1pm, nothing else I can think of
Notes: Short little thing I thought of when i was visiting home and witnessing my sister's boyfriend be jealous lol. I just love jealous Bucky sorry not sorry. More Biker!Bucky here
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“Oh hey sweetheart, you look lonely over here.” You looked up from where you were engrossed in the book you’d left behind the bar for days just like this, the crew was too busy to talk and the regulars weren’t your favorite. The man wasn’t a regular, not horrible looking and was dressed alright. You were confident he had stopped by because his car was in the shop. The demographic that frequented the bar that was not the vibe that this man was giving off.
“Oh you know, just waiting for my order,” you supplied with a polite smile. He had plopped himself onto the bar stool beside you and raised a two finger salute to Bruce, who was the daytime bartender.
“Waiting for your car?” he asked, “Nice girls like you don’t usually come around here.” Your eyes narrowed, an eyebrow going up.
“I’m a regular. And you? Waiting for your car? Since I haven’t seen you around.” Bruce came over, giving you a look that said ‘if this guy is bothering you I’ll toss him out’ and you knew he would. Bruce “The Hulk” Banner was not exactly known for his polite way of answering rude customers. You shook your head. No need to alienate a customer just because he got a little friendly at a bar.
“What can I get you, man?”
“Whatever IPA you have and whatever the lady is having I’ll put on my tab.” Bruce grinned at that and you were near protesting. You never paid for a thing at the Howling Commando, but you knew Bruce and you knew he was putting your lunch right on this guy’s tab.
“Sure thing.” Bruce turned away.
“Must just have not been around on the same days as you.” You glanced around the bar. It was pretty empty today, but it was still early. Your bosses had required you to use some of your PTO before they had to pay you out for it, and you were truly more than happy to oblige a staycation. After another glance around, Bruce still keeping an eye on you out of the corner of your eye, you decided it would be entirely harmless to engage in conversation.
“Not sure. I’m here every day. Basically. You here getting your car fixed?” You asked again. He gave you another sleazy smile, this one reminiscent of your male coworkers who thought they could get any more than a polite smile or handshake at a work happy hour.
“Waiting for my car yeah. Only place this convenient to get a decent bite and drink while waiting for them to get done.” As if on queue, Bruce slid over your usual burger and sweet tea, and then an IPA for the guy.
“Closed tab?” Bruce asked, putting his hand out for the card. The guy did a suggestive look over at you.
“You know? Keep it open.” You rolled your eyes at your sandwich, slightly regretting that you had begun a conversation with this man, and took a bite. Some of the tomato juice dripped down your chin and you snapped at Bruce to get his attention.
“You’re going to learn one of these days,” he sighed, tossing you a stack of napkins. You chewed and swallowed and then gave him a grin as he walked back over.
“You keep saying that, but I never do.”
“Good luck…” he looked at the tab as he slid it under a cup in front of the man, “Colin… you’re going to need it.” You took a sip of your sweet tea, you knew he didn’t mean good luck with you, or at least not the primary part.
“So you’re really a regular regular huh?” Colin was eyeing you with near a frown as he took the first sip of his beer. The clock behind the bar read a quarter past one.
“Yeah, lots of friends who work here. Just not usually in during the day. Sounds like you’ve been here before?” You took another bite before he could pivot the questioning back to you.
“Yeah, I’ve been before. They did a shit job though…” He started to ramble but you were quickly uninterested when the side door opened and a sweaty, grease stained Bucky Barnes walked in, squinting at a ticket.
“Paulson? Fucking Yelena and her handwriting. This is fuc-oh!” It was almost comedic to see Bucky go from a serious, frowning massive man to the grinning, golden retriever man he became when he looked at you. Bucky attention had turned squarely on you as he walked over, the ticket partially crumpling in his hand as he tried to wipe them off before he got over to you. The grease stains on some of your clothes were impossible to get out just from his grabby hands.
“Paulson, that’s me.” Both you and Bucky turned to Colin, as if he had just returned to existence. Bucky’s eyes narrowed, and you could see them flicker across the length of the empty bar then back to where Colin had seated himself beside you. He knew it had to be him that sat beside you because not two hours gone, Bucky had come in for some water and to smack a kiss to your lips right where you sat now.
All concern for grease stains went right out the window.
Bucky came up behind you, reaching over your shoulder to take a few fries off your plate, the hand with the crumpled ticket going around the other side to hand it to Colin, effectively entrapping you between his arms and away from the guy.
“Your car’s done. You can settle it up in the office.” Colin stared at Bucky, who after handing him the paper, wrapped his arm around you and pressed your back to his chest, chomping on fries and reaching for your sweet tea.
“Did they make your burger good?” Bucky asked, “The new cook got specific instructions.” You elbowed him lightly.
“I don’t need everyone thinking I’m a control freak.” Bucky laughed, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“They know I’m the control freak.”
“I guess… I guess I’ll go get my car then. Nice to meet you.” Colin left his mostly full IPA on the table and forgot to pay his tab, near running out the front door.
“What was that guys problem?” Bucky asked jokingly, spinning your stool so you were facing him. You wrinkled your nose.
“You’re stinky.”
“I don’t think you care,” Bucky rumbled, leaning down to press a long warm kiss to your lips.
“His problem was I was getting ready to deck him,” Bruce said, setting down a pint of Bucky’s favorite on a coaster beside your food. He whisked away Colin’s drink and wiped down the watermark.
“What did he do?”
“Nothing,” Bruce responded before disappearing back towards the kitchen. Bucky plopped onto the stool beside you and waited for you to respond.
“He was just trying to chat me up. That’s all.” Bucky sipped his drink before taking a massive bite out of your burger.
“Hey! That’s mine! Smaller bite!”
“I’m just taste testing the new cook.” You bickered over your lunch as the rest of the garage crew began to filter in, a few of the regulars making their way through the front as well.
“Heyo! I heard someone was trying to flirt with-“ Bucky hit Steve in the arm, but Sam had already heard it from where he was clocking in behind the bar.
“Is he dead?” he yelled. The group devolved into ways that Bucky could have murdered this man. All of you failed to notice Colin walking in the front door, where he paused and stared at the group of massive, tattooed bikers calling out forms of torture that could have been inflicted on him. Sam saw him first.
“Oh hey man, what can I get you?” Everyone turned toward him and Bucky got to his feet immediately, having been the only one who could have identified him.
“Just-“ the man’s voice came out high and you suppressed a grin, already feeling a little bad for him. He cleared his throat, face red.
“Just the tab I left.” There was a quiet murmur of “ooooos” as the group dispersed, keeping an eye on you and Bucky.
"Sorry," you started, but Bucky shifted around the side of the bar, picking up Colin's card where it was sitting by the register. Policy was 20% on any leftover cards and Bruce had already closed it out with your meal on there.
"Here. Get lost." Bucky's expression had gone dark.
"Buck, he didn't know."
"Don't care." Colin took a few steps back.
"Man, I wasn't looking for trouble. I didn't know she was your girl, she was talking to me too."
"Do. Not. Care." Colin fled under the close watch of the bikers.
"You didn't have to do that," you sighed, rolling your eyes at the men around you, "You're going to lose a customer."
"Don't care," Bucky muttered, back by your side, "You're mine, honey. Don't care what anyone else says."
"I am yours. He was just being nice." Sam had started the music for the night, and it whafted through the speakers.
"Dance with me, belle?" You laughed.
"When have I ever said no to that? In fact, kill me if I ever do because its an evil clone trying to take over my life." He laughed, the sound more than enough music to your ears for dancing. Bucky wrapped an arm around you and smacked a kiss to your lips, taking your hand and whisking you off to the dance floor.
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bad268 · 3 months
I had a thought.... and I don't know if its a good or bad one, so let me know what you think
I was thinking Arvid or Ollie were reader is apart of the royal family (maybe Prince Edwards daughter) and they go to silverstone.
love your writing btw 🙈
Everybody's A Ferrari Fan (Ollie Bearman X Royal! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/F2/F3
Requested: Clearly (it's not bad, i love royal readers <3)
Warnings: None
POV: Second Person (You/your)
W.C. 2027
Summary: Silverstone weekend gets a little more interesting when Ollie learns the reader is a royal.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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Silverstone was a spectacle. It always has been, and it always will be. Being part of the royal family meant you were expected to attend. Your older sister wasn’t into the sport, your younger brother found it cool but didn’t care for it, and your parents were just there for appearances. You, however, would go to the race with your grandmother anytime you could, and you found it all fascinating. You were even there to meet Lewis Hamilton on multiple occasions. 
Since you were 18 now, you were hoping to convince your family to let you go alone. You promised to uphold all of the normal obligations they would do. It did not take nearly as much convincing since they had more pressing royal duties related to your grandfather to attend to. They let you, as long as you behaved. No problem there! 
When the day finally came, you walked down the pitlane with a few of your guards. Despite wanting to support your favorite teams, it was against your dress code. You could not have any logos, so you hid a few bracelets under your sleeves. You also had a few extras in case you met some new friends or drivers. 
Yesterday was Friday, so there was not much for you to do on track. You just visited with some of the British drivers. You met with Lewis again. He introduced you to George and Lando, and when you met Lando, he introduced you to Oscar. 
“Did you know I’m 1/16 British?” Oscar joked. It was something you had seen, and it was funny to see it play out in front of you.
“No way!” You joked back. “Maybe we’ll find out you're related to the royal family!”
“Oh don’t tell him that!” Lando groaned, immediately walking away. He walked over to Andrea, and you saw them having a discussion before looking over to you and Oscar.
“I guess that’s my queue to leave,” You sighed as you moved to head out of the garage. “Good luck in the sessions today, and if I don’t see you for the rest of the weekend, good luck in the race.”
“Thank you, Your Highness,” Oscar responded with a bow as you left. You had a few minutes before your guards were meant to take you up to the viewing box, but you were interested in meeting some of the Formula 2 and Formula 3 drivers. 
You sent a quick text to your head guard where you were going before sneaking off to a bathroom. You changed into some Ferrari merch you bought because everyone is a Ferrari fan and put on a mask, so no one would recognize you. You threw on a hat to cover up your hair and sunglasses to hide your face before taking off toward the support paddock. 
Given that free practice 1 was starting, there was not a lot of traffic in the support paddock, so you were able to walk freely between trailers. Since there weren’t a lot of people there, you pulled the mask down. You looked around in awe of everything. Maybe you were distracted by everything, but it did not take long for you to run into someone. A tall boy around your age immediately wrapped his arms around your waist, keeping you from falling down. Your hands grasped at his shoulders in shock as you looked up at him. 
“I am so sorry,” You said after a beat, still in too much shock to move, but he didn’t move either. 
“Don’t mention it,” He responds before helping you stand up straight. He glanced down and took note of your attire. “Ferrari fan?”
“Isn’t everyone?” You joked, gesturing to his shirt. “Where did you get that? It looks like one of the team kits! Either that or it’s a really good knockoff.”
“No, it’s official,” He chuckled as he blushed. Your eyes widened as your jaw dropped, realizing he was a driver. “I’m in the Ferrari Driver Academy, but I race in F2. My name is Ollie.”
“Y/n,” You responded in awe. “Wait, Ollie as in Ollie Bearman? You made your F1 debut this year and you swept Baku last year, right?”
“Yeah,” He said bashfully as he looked anywhere but at you. 
“Well, first off, congrats,” You praised, “Second, are you excited for qualifying? That’s happening later today right?”
“Yeah, it’s in a couple of hours, and I love Silverstone,” Ollie started. “I love racing in front of my home crowd and I think I have a good chance to win or podium at least. I topped practice, so I’m confident we’ll have the speed to be at the top.”
“I have full confidence you will do your country proud,” You smiled as you heard him rant. It was nice to hear someone so passionate about winning in front of their home country. Then you realized you were probably keeping him from something. “Oh, I should probably leave you to whatever you were going to do before. I’m sorry for holding you up and running into you.”
“I was just heading to my garage if you want to come with me,” Ollie offered, holding out his hand for you. “I can get you in a good spot to watch the race.”
“Only if I can sit in your car,” You giggled as you took his hand and followed him to the Prema trailer. That’s where you stayed on Friday. You sent update texts to your guards every 30 minutes, so they wouldn’t come looking for you. Even then, that didn’t stop them from trying to find you. They couldn’t.
You made sure to tell Ollie you would see him on Saturday, and that you would be supporting him.  You got his number, promising to text him when you got to the track. You left the Prema garage and changed back to your original outfit. You hid the clothes back in your bag along with the mask before finding your guards and leaving for the night.
Saturday morning, you went to the track super early. You wanted to go to the Prema garage again, but everything was stacked against you. Well, not exactly.
You wanted to separate from your guards, but it seemed virtually impossible. Thankfully, they trusted Lewis, so when Lewis and Toto decided to watch the F2 sprint from the Prema garage in support of Kimi, you asked to join them. You were allowed to, but the guards would be outside of the garage the whole time. Once you three got into the garage, you pulled Lewis aside.
“If I change out of this, will you say anything?” You whispered, pulling Lewis down a hall. You were always close with Lewis, and you knew he would vouch for you. “I just want to enjoy the race as a spectator.”
“Yeah, I’ll even cover for you,” Lewis said as he pointed toward the bathroom. You ran over to change back into your Ferrari outfit and put the mask, hat, and sunglasses back on before returning to Lewis. “Ferrari merch? Really? What happened to Mercedes?”
“Everybody’s a Ferrari fan,” You chuckled again, “And you’re going to be in Ferrari next year. I’m just ahead of the curve.”
“Are you sure it’s not because a certain Ferrari driver caught your eye?” Lewis teased as you walked toward the pitlane. Since there were no guards, you were free to let loose a little. 
“Oh Lewis, I see you’ve met my new friend!” A new voice joined as you two stepped outside of the garage. It was Ollie preparing for the sprint race.
“Oh, not who I thought,” Lewis said to himself as he turned and walked over to Toto and Kimi. Just before he got too far away, he turned around and shouted, “Good luck getting your parents’ approval!”
“What was that about?” Ollie asked as he walked up behind you.
“My parents are hard to please, and Lewis reads me better than I read myself,” You chuckled almost to yourself, but Ollie heard it.
“What do you mean about Lewis knowing you? How do you even know Lewis?” Ollie retorted as you both walked around his car. “Before you get into that, did you still want to sit in the car?”
“Yes, please!” You replied enthusiastically as you took his hand. He helped you get into the car before handing you the steering wheel, so you could have the full experience. You turned the wheel a few times, jokingly making car noises as you did so, causing both of you to laugh. “This is so cool and bigger than I imagined.”
“Could be because I’m taller than you,” Ollie answered offhandedly, leaning over the halo.
“Ollie, I loved hanging out with you yesterday. It was so fun to just be a normal person, doing normal people things for a day,” You started, looking up at him.
“Well, I don’t think this is considered ‘normal people things’, but okay,” Ollie chuckled, not understanding where you were going with this.
“It's more normal than I’m used to,” You chuckled as well. “Ollie, does my name ring any bells to you?”
“Not that I can think of,” Ollie trailed off, confused. “Should I?”
“Should you? Maybe. Do I want you to? No,” You admitted, looking back at the steering wheel. “Ollie, I like being with you, and I want to explore something with you. I’m just afraid when you find out who I am, you’ll leave. Everyone always does.”
“I won’t leave,” Ollie said immediately. “Anyone would be a fool to leave you because I’ve enjoyed being with you too. You’re fun to be around, and you make me feel like a normal teenager and not Ollie Bearman, the F2 driver.”
“And you make me feel like a normal teenager and not Lord/Lady Y/n Windsor, heir to the British throne,” You whispered back, shyly looking up at him. His jaw was dropped, but as soon as you made eye contact, he snapped his mouth closed. “Does that intimidate you?”
“Not really,” He tried to play off, but you saw straight through him as you gazed at him through your lashes. “Okay, a little, but so what? It’s only a little scary, but I’m willing to work for it.”
“Even if it means proving yourself to the Prince Edward and the Dutchess Sophie of Edinburgh?” You were afraid of the answer, but his response shocked you.
“I ready to work for it,” Ollie said immediately. “They’re Ferrari fans right?”
“They don’t really care about F1,” You chuckled. “They couldn’t care less, so you’ve got that going for you. They’ll probably appreciate that you’re British.”
“At least my nationality is benefiting me,” Ollie joked, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of your head. “At least I have that going for me.”
“And if you know any other languages, that might help,” You joked back. “They like multilingual people.”
“And luckily, I have to speak Italian to be in Ferrari and Prema,” Ollie quipped back quickly. “I also live in Italy, so it would be hard not to know the language.”
“Hate to break up a possible love story here, but Ollie needs to get in the car,” Lewis interrupted, and that’s when you noticed the mass amount of people staring at you. “He does still have a race to do.”
“I guess I can get out then,” You chuckled as Ollie helped you out of the car. He kept his arms around your waist as he steadied you on the ground. You pulled the mask down momentarily to place a short kiss on his cheek before whispering, “Good luck out there. I expect to see you on the top step.”
“I’ll try my best, but I’m starting 10th,” Ollie whispered back with a smile. “One of the cons of being on pole for the feature.”
“I’ll be manifesting for you to pull a Baku sweep again,” You said as you pulled away to stand by Lewis. You and Lewis walked over to the pit wall as the cars went out to the grid. Hopefully, Ollie could win this weekend.
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I’ve Neglected you Far Too Long
Ao’nung x Hybrid Fem! Reader
No mentions of Y/n though but its implied. Obviously they’re adults- I quite literally mention Ao’nung has tattoo’s. And obviously theres some smut.
Kind of like an arranged marriage scenario. Any words in English are stricken through. If they’re in italics its just emphasis on that word. Starts off with a bit of background, smut is near the end lol, but its a lot of it.
Word count: 9.2K because I got carried away.
I would say it started with my birth. I was granted the luck of being born Kiri’s twin, with a few minor setbacks, although to Neytiri they were enough to refuse taking me in as her own. I was born with the size and appearance of a human- but I was a halfbreed. My features were human but I was the one born with fangs and I had a kuru as well but it was relative to my size, it was still encased in a big braid and reached past my butt, almost mid thigh, yet still had the natives squinting to see it.
If it wasn’t for Jake pointing out that I had a queue and didn’t need an exomask to breathe, one of the Metkayina warriors would have thrown their spear, killing me. I was captured alongside Spider, when they put me in the machine they’d put Spider in, it awakened some telekinetic abilities I didn’t know I had.
But they’re tied to my emotions and I could only ever really use them if I felt strongly about something. Which is why I was able to help kill most of the humans that had hunted the tulkun, I had enough of their interrogations and abuse.
After losing Neteyam, Ronal and Tonowari welcomed the Sully’s into the Metkayina, and were willing to accommodate for Spider only if I were to marry their son. Their reason being that my telekinetic abilities - which seemed to surpass Kiri’s in their eyes- could protect their clan and son if anything like that happened again.
Ronal disliked that I was half human, she didn’t really want me to marry her son with my outward appearance- like one of the tawtute- sky people- but if I could be used to protect her dear son, thats all that mattered to her, keeping her lineage going.
“We could unite the reef clans and forest people.”
Were Neytiri’s words after Ronal had brought up her reasoning. Tonowari had stayed silent with his hands on his knee’s. It was Ronal’s idea for them to kneel so I wouldn’t feel intimidated by their height, but I’m shorter than most humans, so they were still a good head taller than me, maybe two.
“Of course this is your choice, kid.” Jake stated carefully, his hand movements mimicking that of a calm ultimatum, and this was anything but.
I nodded once, then walked out of the tent and sat by the beach. I couldn’t think of anyone other than Spider. If he were to go back to the Omaticaya, he’s be lonely. His entire life revolved around the Sully’s and I couldn’t risk him being kicked out, and I refused to spend any more time away from my sister.
I’d gotten an earful from Neytiri that day about being disrespectful to the clan leaders for leaving the way I did. I had no idea how to respond and she despised me- had I looked like Kiri I’m sure the story would be different, but I’m not like her, my genetics decided to mute the blue and because of that, I’d forever be treated as a human by Neytiri- even if I could breathe the same air as her, even if I can make tsaheylu.
And it has lead me to being bathed in scents that Ao’nung found pleasing. Neytiri and Jake were allowed to voice their opinion on the matter and Jake had mentioned that this smelled of raspberries back on earth.
As tradition, the mother of the groom and any female sibling, or honorary females washed the bride in the scents and got her ready for her soon-to-be husband. And all of the males near and dear to my heart would do the same to the groom. In this case I had told them not to do anything to change his appearance and to leave him as is. Even if he’d made up with Lo’ak, I could never forget the face he made after finding out he was betrothed to me. The shock in his face said it all, he didn’t want me, and I didn’t want him either but at least I was cordial about it.
I had no idea how big of a celebration this would be. Everyone from the clan walked up and wished blessings upon us, a fruitful- and fertile- marriage. I’m glad I stuck around with Spider and learned Na’Vi while we were kids as a lot of the well wishes were very long and I’d kick myself in the face if I had to childishly reply with broken Na’Vi.
Nothing happened that night.
Don’t get me wrong I’m excited and happy we didn’t do what I was told married couples do by Neytiri. She went into greater detail than Norm did about mating as a Na’Vi and how the tsaheylu was a crucial part of becoming connected to ones mate. Most nights I was ignored and we’d go to sleep on separate mats. I’d need to start Tsahik training but I’d need to learn the things Tsireya had learned when she was younger and work my way up in rank. Because of this, Lo’ak was in the lead of becoming Olo’eyktan considering he’s earned their trust and Tsireya knew more about healing.
“The tattoo’s have different meanings and what one curve could mean for someone, it could be translated differently in another clan members markings.” Tsireya mentions while showing me two nearly identical tattoo’s.
“These are almost identical.” I stated blankly and giggled, placing her hand over her mouth to hide her laughter.
“Yes but you noticed the difference between the two, you said almost. Explain what you see.” She asks.
“This one has what appears to be a smoother execution. This one seems bold, like you used a darker ink? It has jagged edges too.”
“The first one was for a warrior who had just had his inknimaya. Everything went well for him and the skimwing he had bonded with. For the second, not so much, he experienced much pain and eventually managed to execute it perfectly.”
“The second tattoo is slightly bigger, could this indicate multiple tries to his inknimaya?”
“You are a quick learner.” Tsireya smiles at me and I smile back. It wasn’t hard to be genuine around her and she made it hard to hate her. She’s seen me naked more times than my own husband, and she’d only seen me before I got married to him.
By the end of the lesson she struggles to get on her feet from kneeling in front of me and I feel terrible.
“You don’t always have to kneel for us to be the same height, Tsireya. If you wanted to stand I wouldn’t mind.” This isn’t the first time I tell her.
“I need to be flexible.” She states happily.
“For who, Lo’ak?” I ask and start laughing at her embarrassed face.
“I’m sorry, Rey, but these jokes just come naturally to me, I can’t stop them when my tongue is faster than my mind.” I giggle as she huffs and turns her head.
“I’ll make the same jokes when you are with child.”
“No you won’t.” Partly because I’ve yet to consummate my marriage. “I don’t even know if we could have kids considering I’m a half-breed that looks human.” I stated aloud.
“Toruk Macto is a half breed.” She states as if it were obvious.
“Yes, but he has the appearance of a native. It’s easier for him to blend in. Lo’ak is also a half breed and he too can hide with the rest of the Na’Vi. I’m-“ I stop myself before saying anything too harsh, or she’d scold me. “-different.”
“The kind of different my brother needs in his life. Keep trying for children and I will pray that the great mother blesses you!” She says over enthused.
“Sure.” I stated simply, smiling at her. We said our goodbyes and I headed off toward his marui pod.
“Where have you been?”
“With your sister. Learning.” I stated, I’ve grown to know Ao’nung likes short answers and to never bother him when he was entranced with something- whether it was learning a new trick on a skimwing or sparring. I placed my medical bag down- Kiri made this one for me as a present and I never went anywhere without it.
I can feel his eyes on me while I search in a big box for some herbs to refill my bag. The bag hangs over my chest and does a good job of hiding my stomach- not that its big, I hide it from the sun since I’m often exposed. I’d learned to wear traditional clothes and the loincloths were made in children's size due to my stature. The top was something Kiri had to teach me to make- it resembles a human sports bra but matching my loincloth.
My loincloth was traditional in every sense except it didn’t have a hole for a tail, but it still adjusted and tied off on the side, just like everyone else's.
“Are you hurt?” I ask him once I refill my bag and look up to face him. I’d known of his tattoo’d arms but the one on his face was new. It made his eyes pop and he looked handsome- but that didn’t matter.
“What?” He asks as of he hadn’t heard me before.
“Are you hurt. Do you need something from me?” I asked him and he understands what I mean.
“No.” He answers and turns his face toward the side to look at the floor of his- our, because it technically is ours- marui.
“Then I will head out and assist.” I answered not really caring to give him a chance to respond- let alone process- what I said. But he was faster than I was and his hand reached around my bicep and that stopped me.
He was never one to touch me. Not when it came to helping me learn the way of his village, not now, and not even on our wedding night. I press my teeth on my tongue to prevent myself from saying something smart and I turn to face him. I refuse to talk as I’d always found some way to offend him with whatever I said so I waited for him to speak.
“Do you resent me?” He asks simply and this question is a slap to my face. My face only forms in confusion as my eyebrows knit together and my eyes squint slightly.
“I don’t-“ I began but stopped myself from speaking as he lets go of my bicep. I look over at his hand and back at him feeling more confusion than ever.
“I see.” He answers plainly and I furrow my brows some more before raising one and looking at him.
“I didn’t say anything.”
“You don’t have to.” He answers simply and I feel like I’d immediately done something wrong again. “Your face said everything your words could not.”
“You should go out and assist my sister. Let her know I held you back if she asks why you are late.” He states before walking past me and heading out the opening of the marui with his spear.
I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding once the curtain fell shut again. Of course I resented him, he was rude, underestimated me in everything, and never made an effort to get to know me. But I hadn’t said any of that to his face and I was in control of my emotions and knew I didn’t make a face of disgust- but why did he ask the question in the first place?
“Did you talk to her?” Spider asks as soon as Ao’nung joins the hunting party. Due to his inability to bond with the animals he often rode with Lo’ak.
“Yes.” Ao’nung answered.
“Is she coming to the party tonight?” Lo’ak asks after lightly nudging between Spider’s hips to quiet the grown man in front of him, he sure was nosey today.
“I did not ask.” Ao’nung answers and Spider grumbles.
“The whole point was to-“ Spider stops himself when Lo’ak’s Ilu immediately surges forward. And the hunt began.
“Theres a lot of people gathering for something outside. Was there something planned for today? Did I have to do something?” I asked nervously once Ao’nung had come into the marui. He must have showered at some point because he didn’t smell like sea air like he usually does after a hunting trip.
“The celebration of our union.” Is all he says while placing his spear on the wall along with his others.
“But we-“
“It’s what you call an Annie-server.” He states in his best english and given the severity of my nerves I couldn’t find the way he fudged up the words funny at this time.
“It hasn’t been a year yet-“ I stop myself as he walks over to pick the accessories he never touches, taking the ones he has on and replacing them with those.
“Has it?” I ask myself quietly.
“It has.” He answers and stops in front of me. One hand on my shoulder but its immediately removed when I look at it.
“Please put these on.” He hands me a matching pair, the one from our wedding- union as they call it. It’s supposed to show that we are harmonious. I try to tie the bands on my anklet together but my fingers keep fumbling and I let out a frustrated sigh.
“Let me help you.” He sits in front of me and offers his hand to take my leg.
“No-“ He takes my leg after letting out a small hiss of his own and sets it on top of his thigh where he leans over and carefully ties the bands together. His hands on my ankle sends a shiver up my spine.
“It’s only done the first year. They will ask invasive questions. I’m glad my sister convinced you to use the soap. Come.” He stands quickly and heads over to the entrance of the marui.
He holds the flap of the curtain open for me to walk through. I was going to comment on why his hair was undone but was met with a bunch of cheers and a celebratory song. I’m awestruck as the clan starts parting and a walkway is created for me. I follow them and end up near the front.
“We have come to celebrate the night this union was made one year ago.” Ronal smiles big at the clan as she announces her words.
“It is time to take on the tradition of the couples.” Tonowari joins in and the crowd basically goes wild. I stand with a fake smile plastered on my face.
“Ao’nung. Face your bride.” Tonowari speaks once more and he steps up in front of me before kneeling respectfully taking my hand and kissing it, making a majority of the girls awe at his gesture, but I knew better, it was a show. I let go of his hand quickly and awaited further instruction.
“This is our clans best kept secret. You will braid his hair to your liking as a symbol of life's twists and turns bringing you together. And he is to maintain the hairstyle or one similar for the rest of his life as his devotion to you.” Ronal states.
My eyes widened and I’m fucked. I can braid for sure, all thanks to Tuk, Kiri, and Neteyam consistently asking me to braid their hair often, but I didn’t know about this was a requirement. If Lo’ak and Tsireya were to have wedded before myself and Ao’nung I would have expected this. But they married about four weeks after we did. And Ao’nung doesn’t let anyone touch his hair. My eyes wandered over to find his staring back at me and I looked down releasing quiet but heavy exhale.
“But before we start, you are to drink this.” Ronal hands me a cup thats decently sized, still huge in comparison to me but good enough to grab.
“This is made up of many many plants and fruits from our clan and has been prayed over with many blessings poured into it from the beginning of the process.” Ronal informs me.
“This drink is to be shared between the two of you. You will speak many blessings in it yourself- in a hushed voice, take a drink and you will hand it off to your mate to receive the blessings.” Ronal smiles and hands the cup over to me.
I’m nervous as shit and am worried I might say the wrong thing but am glad it doesn’t have to be shared aloud. And I take a look into the cup and see the deep red liquid inside and sigh.
“Treat me like the mate I ought to be treated and my face won’t show resentment again.” I whispered into it and took a big chug- considering there was a lot of liquid in there.
I walk over toward Ao’nung and hand him the cup I’d just drank from and he drinks the rest. The cheers coming from the crowd make my tummy tingle and I start feeling weird. I should probably ask Tsireya what kinds of things were included in there to see if its compatible with my human half.
“You may begin.” Tonowari gently nods his head once at me and I nod.
“Could-“ I stop myself and Ao’nungs eyes are burning in mine and nervously chuckle, averting my eyes once more.
“Could you please turn so I can reach your head, Yawne?” I blush harshly at that and the positive whispers in the crowd are making me feel uncomfortable, but I always had to put on a show for them. Ao’nung nods once and does as I ask and I put myself to work.
His tail wraps loosely on my calf and it feels warm. I’m sure this is all for the sake of appearance but it makes it feel like it’s a smidge hard to breathe. I won’t lie, after a long day of chores, or whatever strenuous activity Ao’nung has done his hair looks the best right before he showers. Pieces of it have come out of the braids and are clinging to his face by his sweat- no, stop it.
I’d worked diligently and managed to create the hairstyle he always wears. Except some of the braids on the sides twist to form X’s.
“You barely changed it.” Ao’nung states after feeling around and turning to face me.
“This is how you look best, to me.” I admit.
“Especially when some of these,“ I gently yank out the loose pieces I’d failed to tuck in properly. “Slip out. Like after you finish working.” I find myself gingerly placing my hand on his cheek, I look down at his lips and my eyes slightly widen at my own actions before I remove my hand slowly, making my movements not show how we truly are with one another, and taking a step back.
Several one of the younger girls had held on to the boys courting them and mentioned how they wanted a love like ours and I fought the urge to roll my eyes. If only they knew what our Love really was.
“The last thing for you to do is to decide which one of these your mate has prepared. This will also test to see how well you notice our signature hunting mark.” Tsireya steps back and reveals three fish total that had been cooked. If he managed to hunt with Lo’ak and Spider I’d be more willing to pick out Spiders pathetic excuse of a hunt since he did things the human way. Then I’d have to compare it to Lo’ak’s which might resemble both clans hunting and preparing skills into one and choose the one that least resembled the two. But if they decided to choose at random from other clansmen, I’m screwed.
It suddenly felt like my body temperature had risen and I could feel the slight stickiness that forms on my skin before I start sweating and I feel slightly uncomfortable. I take a look at the three and can tell which one Spider made and fight the urge to giggle. He has talent, but sometimes massacres his huntings, whether he did this on purpose or not I’m thankful to Eywa.
The next two are hard to tell as they’re on similar plates and dished the same. So I focus in depth on the one in the middle and notice it’s one of Lo’ak’s favorite fish to hunt and I want to look at the boy and thank him, but instead look up to Tsireya and smile.
“The one on the left.” I point to it and she smiles back.
“How do you know?” Tsireya asks.
“The cutting pattern is one he chooses often and he knows this is my favorite fish.” I hold a hand on my chest for sentimental value.
The party continued without a hitch and I started feeling hotter by the second before excusing myself while everyone was either drunk, picking at the food table, dancing, or even singing I managed to slide my feet in the water and felt myself cool down significantly.
“Enjoying your anniversary?” Lo’ak asks me as he comes up behind me.
“Sure. Just glad its you and not any nosey person asking me invasive questions. I had an elder ask me if he’s good in bed. I had to lie to someone about my non-existent sex life.”
Lo’ak lets out a laugh and places his arm around me. For being more human appearing than him he always treated me as an equal. I appreciate him for doing that, even if I wasn’t technically adopted alongside Kiri, he always called me his sister.
“What was in that drink?” I asked him and he shrugs.
“I thought you’d know, but I think Tsireya said something about it containing an aphrodisiac?” Lo’ak states and I laugh.
“Come on bro,”
“I’m deadass.”
“Even if it did, nothings coming out of it. He hates my guts.” I sigh and bring my knees to my chest.
“He can’t possibly hate you.”
“Yes he does! Every morning I wake up he’s not there. Every time before bedtime I set out his mat since he comes home after I’ve passed out- and I know this because I’ll wake up in the middle of the night and see him on the opposite side of the room dead asleep.”
“Okay but what about that time you said he cuddled you.”
“That doesn’t count.”
“Why not?” He asks.
I lied shivering getting up frequently due to the cold air and having to pee. Ao’nung had come in quite late and I’d woken up for the upteenth time tired as hell and unable to warm myself up.
“Why do you keep getting up. Either stay up or stay asleep.” Ao’nung complains and turns around harshly. I didn’t bother responding as I figured sleep was more important than being petty.
But when I’d finally get comfortable and dozed off, I’d wake up with my teeth chattering and my body shaking, trying to keep warm.
“Aren’t you a half-breed? Why are you still making sounds!” He asks angrily.
“Because I’m still half human! I can withstand colder temperatures than humans can but not by much. Trust me when I tell you I’d much rather be held in captivity and tortured than to be here with you. At least they gave me blankets.” I grumble and get up to go pee once more.
I’d decided to take a long time returning but even when I’d figured he was asleep, as soon as I stepped inside he turned to face me, it looked like he might have been pacing- but I couldn’t be too sure. I’m just glad I went pee before coming back in.
“We do not have blankets right now, but we are often very warm. Maybe if I-“ He gulps. “If I held you, you would not be making noises with your teeth.” He explains.
“Did you take him up on his offer?” Lo’ak asks and I push him.
“I had to. And the next day I asked your mom how the hell I could hand knit a blanket and she made a huge one, thinking it was for us to share. But I didn’t have to bother him on cooler nights again.
“But he did care for you, he came up with a solution.”
“A solution so he could get sleep and my teeth would stop chattering.” I roll my eyes.
“Okay but your favorite fish for today, explain that.” Lo’ak crosses his arms.
“I could easily tell Spider’s mutilation from yours.” I roll my eyes. “And He asked me two days ago what my favorite fish was. I know he hates when I take to long to explain myself- probably because he hates the sound of my voice, so I told him in one simple answer.”
“Did he tell you that?” Lo’ak asks.
“I think I like the tulip thorn because of the way it glows at night. But the stem is also pretty with the way it wraps around and creates a mini shelter. Tuk and I used to take some leaves and tie them down to make a fort and-“
“It was a simple question. I don’t need a story attached to every answer you give me.” He stated harshly.
“Oh,” I state and do a little reflection and cringe at the many times I’d gone off on tangents while talking to him. Or the times when he’d straight up turned and walked out and I’d been left talking to myself for Eywa knows how long.
“You could say that.” I answered back shortly as I didn’t want to bore yet another Na’Vi with my stories.
“Thats all you have to say?” He asks.
“I can tell you just about every negative encounter I had with him and they start from the moment I met him and lead up to this morning. I try to stay out of his way as much as possible. Its all he wants anyway.” I shrug.
“What if he didn’t?” He asks and I look at him wondering what joke he had in mind this time. Tears start to fill my eyes and threaten to fall.
“I don’t think I need a joke about my marriage, Lo’ak.” My voice wavers no matter how strong I wanted to sound.
“Hey, Hey, Hey-“ He’s quick to kneel in front of me and places his hands on my shoulders.
“I wish I could have a love story like you and Reya, or even your parents.”
“I wasn’t making a joke, I swear.”
“I can’t blame you. I’ll never know what its like to be loved.” The tears slide down my cheeks with ease. “I’m stuck with a mate who hates my guts and wishes I was a native with three fingers and three toes instead of this shit-“ I hold out my hands and wiggle my fingers.
“I’m married to you for political appearance. Thats it. And the sooner you can accept that I’d much rather be with my own kind than a four-fingered-freak, the better it will be for you.”
“Don’t think I’m in love with you. You’re an asshole, a jerk, and a bully. Never in my life would I willingly choose someone like you.”
“Then don’t ask me about the status of our marriage anymore. You’re the least attractive thing I could ever lay my eyes on. I won’t ever love you, get that through your thick skull. The sooner the better.”
“You don’t even want to attempt a friendship with me?” I asked taken aback by his outburst.
“With you?” He asks and laughs bitterly. “I want nothing to do with you.” He gets in my face and pushes my chest with two of his fingers to make a point. But I’m not sure how strong he thought I was because he pushes me down. I fall flat on my ass and yelp. Something flashes in his eyes real quick.
“I’m so-“
“Don’t. I receive your message loud and clear.” I swat his hand away and I stand, making sure to walk away as fast as I can.
“That can’t be true,” Lo’ak shakes his head after grabbing my hands with his.
“He might be hard headed but he will come to love you the way I love Tsireya, or how sickeningly my dad loves my mom, or how Spider loves Kiri.”
I hear someone clear their throat from behind myself and I pull my hands from Lo’ak’s and quickly wipe my tears off my face.
“I would like to speak to my mate. Alone.” My shoulders stiffen at his voice and my lower lip trembles.
“It’s okay Lo’ak. Go enjoy the party. I’m sure we’ll head back soon.” I stated as emotionless as possible and he looks between Ao’nung and myself before nodding toward me and walking back. I didn’t look back since I knew him and could hear the clap of his hand on Ao’nungs shoulder. I wish Neteyam were here to witness the amazing man and husband Lo’ak turned out to be for Tsireya.
“May I join you?”
“You requested to speak with me alone.” I stand as I say that.
“Please. Speak.” I state as I try rushing this along. I could feel myself getting warmer, although I’m sure its from the anger I was feeling at him at the moment.
“I-“ He starts speaking and stops. He looks down at the floor and kneels down, the most sincere apology in this clan. “I need to apologize for how I have treated you.”
I can’t help but let out a chuckle at the scenario in front of me and shake my head in disappointment. He furrows the skin where his eyebrows would be if he were human and studies my face.
“What is wrong?” He asks and I feel like a mad woman.
“You expect me to believe you mean that?” I ask him and he looks confused. He makes eye contact.
“You don’t care about me or my feelings, Ao’nung. You only care about your appearance. Tell me that isn’t true.”
“I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you and how I have acted.” He states again and I feel the air being knocked out of my lungs as I let an audible quick exhale and couldn’t breathe in as he held eye contact.
“I have been nothing but ignorant to your needs and I want that to end. I want to get to know you. I want to learn about you.”
“I don’t know what kind of fun party juices you’ve been drinking but I’m not entertaining this. I’ll go talk to your mom and explain we haven’t bonded and you’ll be out of this union.” I start heading back toward the party.
“Please don’t,” He asks under his breath but I heard it, and stupidly turned around.
“This is what you wanted. I’m helping you. Shouldn’t you be thanking me?” I scoff. “The girl you want is probably going to be over the moon when she hears you’re single and untouched.” I stated.
“I want you.” He states loudly. Still in his kneeling position.
“What?” I asked him and feel like the world has shifted. The party music had disappeared and it felt like we were the only ones on the beach. He stands and starts walking but picks me up and continues walking.
“I said I want you.” He looks directly in my eyes and holds my stare as he says that, then turns his head back to focus on where he’s going.
“Yeah I heard you the first time.” I uttered and I could feel something snap in my body. The warmth I felt earlier was in my lower belly and I felt the small zing of- no.
“Then why ask?”
“Because theres no way you- woah.” I stated as I looked to see his pupils were huge. Barely any blue coming through. And it took me until now to realize he’d walked us toward our marui pod.
“You smell so good.” He shoves his nose in between my neck and my shoulder and takes a whiff, and I squeak in surprise.
“Yeah its that soap I used when we-“
“Not that smell.”
“Fuck.” I muttered as his voice had gotten deeper for some reason. “What are you doing.” I asked as he had still not let me down.
“I’ve neglected you far too long.” He lays me down and I’m surprised to feel something soft underneath me. I could feel whatever effects of that stupid mystery drink turning me on and I laid there breathing heavily looking at his face.
“May I kiss you?” He asks and I’m too stunned to speak. I look down to his lips but quickly look back up toward his eyes.
“Why are you being nice? Is the juice affecting you too?” I asked and take my hand to feel his forehead since I’d been feeling warm too. He closes his eyes and-
“Are you purring?” I asked as he manages to nuzzle my hand and make it look like I’d been caressing his face.
“May I kiss you, yawne.” He asks again and his eyes are bearing into my soul.
“I don’t- I,” I struggle to even think this through as a flame fans through my body. “Yes.”
And his lips are on mine. He takes one of his hands and places it on my cheek and I instinctively place my hand on his arm. He prods his tongue out to stroke my lip and I squeal and nip at it. He chuckles before continuing to kiss me and peppers my face with kisses as he moves his kisses down my neck.
“Mm-“ I moan as he starts sucking my pulse point and failed to realize my legs wrapped around his waist- chest I suppose.
“Sit up.” I demand and he immediately does so.
“Am I hurting-“
“Shut it.” I stated and sit on his lap. I used my telekinesis to place his hands on my hips and forced his neck down and feverishly kiss him again. He’s fighting himself as I feel him tremble slightly and his grip on my waist only slightly tightens and I’m mildly upset.
“Move my hips on you, do something dammit.”
“I don’t want to hurt you,” He mutters.
“I’ll tell you if you’ve hurt me by screaming in pain, what I need is friction- yes- holy shit-“ I cut myself off and notice just how big his package feels.
“Did I hurt you?” He stops.
“No, you just feel- huge. Oh my Eywa is it going to fit?” I ramble and he moves me back over his lap and I grunt.
“I pray it does.” He grunts before kissing down my neck once more. His hand trails up to untie my top and I pause.
“May I take this off?” He asks so sweetly and I bite my lip and nod. He pulls the fabric tying it together and it becomes loose, I slip out of it and he goes back to kissing me and I’m disappointed in his silence.
He smiles cockily when he comes up for air and I want to punch his face but he says the sweetest thing before I can form a fist.
“I’m the luckiest man on pandora.” He kisses down my chest and takes one nipple into his mouth, twirling his tongue on my nipple.
“Ao’nung,” I moan as he pinches my other nipple.
“I like when you say my name like that.” He speaks directly to me, fully unashamed, and kisses my mouth.
His fingers trail down toward my ass, he cups my cheeks with his massive hands and kneads them, in the process he’s grinding me on his dick.
“Ao’nung-“ I moan again and try to push myself away from him but he takes my mouth into his and places the tip of his tongue in my mouth playfully stroking my own and I’m wet a hell from that action alone- and partly because of that juice.
“Yes, Yawne?”
“Take it off. Now.” I grunt and stand quickly without realizing his hand had already found the string and as I stood, my loincloth was untied and fell off.
“Yeah, luckiest man on Pandora.” He repeats his statement from earlier and I can’t help but roll my eyes.
“Have you ever-“ I stop myself from speaking and suddenly feel very self conscious.
“No.” He states fully and we both seem to be coming out of whatever the juice was doing to us- but only for a slight second.
“Have you?” He asks me and sits up.
“Never.” I admit and look away but feel my face being pulled back towards his in the gentlest way.
“We will learn with each other. We go as far as you want. I don’t want to pressure you to doing something you do not want.” He reassures me and kisses my lips again.
“So what now?” I asked him and he smiles.
“Lie down my sweet syulang.” He gently nudges me down and I follow his instructions. I can feel whatever flames were in my stomach before start to take over the nerves once again.
“Spread your legs.” He instructs and I follow and look up at the ceiling.
“Look at me, Yawne.” And I do. “You smell so sweet.”
“Wait, what are you-“ I ask before he licks a fat stripe on my pussy and I gasp.
He carefully wedges his tongue to spread my lips apart and I moan as he licks upward. He’s gently holding my thighs open but my hands felt empty. As if reading my mind his hands snake up to hold mine, the fists I once had were now warming up with his hands in them.
“Ao’nung rutxe, don’t st-ahh,” I’m the one letting his hands go and reach down toward his head and manage to tangle my fingers in there well enough to control his heads movements.
“You taste sweet, too.”
I now know why he’d held my thighs open earlier as I’m currently trying to suffocate him with them but the pleasure is too good and his tongue keeps circling on my clit and it all feels so good. And I feel something go in me at a gentle pace and the once building orgasm has muted as I feel it moving around.
“Ah-“ I open my eyes and look down to see he’s got one finger inside me and he’s staring me down. His finger stills but doesn’t pull out.
Does it hurt? He signs with his other hand
“N-no, just different, my fingers aren’t as thick as yours so this feels-“ I stop myself from rambling as he places a second finger in gently and I squeeze down hard.
“Ahh-“ I wince and try to withdraw but he stills my hips.
“Breathe, yawne. If I pull out now it could hurt worse, I will pull out if thats what you want but I’ve been told to tell you it gets better.”
“Told by who,”
“Is that really what you’re worried about?” He asks and I shake my head.
“It helps to forget the pain,”
“I can do that.” He immediately uses his thumb to circle my clit again and the pain subsides.
“Will it fit?” I ask again as his other hand is busy playing with my nipples.
“Yes.” He states but before I can ask if he’s sure he moves up to kiss me, and I just remembered how much bigger he was, yet he was being this gentle with me?
“Go faster my love,” I moan and connect out lips and start feeling pleasure from this experience. And he goes faster.
“Yes that spot, hit that again,” I clench my teeth at the overwhelming feeling I’m getting from his fingers and he smiles.
“Whatever you say, my love,” He smiles genuinely and it melts my heart. He leans down to kiss me again.
“Yes go faster, rutxe,”
“You don’t have to say that for me to go faster. You say and I’ll do. Always.” He says while going faster
“Kiss me.” And he kisses me.
“Again-“ He kisses me again.
“Mate with me,”
He unties his loincloth with one hand and slips out of it easily and the sight of his penis has my eyes widening. He tells me he’s going to slide his fingers out and does so but my eyes are on something else entirely.
“Theres blood on my fingers-“ He stares at his fingers in horror.
“Thats normal- for me.” I take his hand and hold it close to my chest. “On Earth, when you have sex for the first time, this happens. The custom- a long time ago- used to be to do this for the first time in your wedding night with the person you love.”
“It is a sign of loyalty?” Ao’nung questions and I nod.
“It’s like tsaheylu.”
“Then let us complete our custom.” He grabs his braid and brings it forward, his white tendrils moving in all directions.
“Are you certain?” I ask him and he smiles, giving me a peck real quick. He grabs my braid for me but before connecting looks me directly in my eyes.
“Are you certain?” He’s asking so sweetly while making sure our braids don’t connect.
And the feeling itself is euphoric. My pupils are blown wide I’m sure, I could slightly feel them getting larger. I can feel how fast Ao’nung is breathing and can feel the strain of his cock as if the feeling were my own. I could feel how his heart was beating and the same warmth had settled over his own belly.
“Nga yawne lu oer,” Ao’nung states breathlessly.
“I love you, too.” I respond in english
It’s like he understood what I meant as he leans down to kiss me and manages to settle me in missionary. He lifts his head up and looks down between us and back up at me. I nod and feel him start to get nervous.
“It’s okay.” I place a hand on his cheek and gingerly stroke it.
“I don’t want to hurt you,”
“Have I screamed in pain at any point?” I ask and he smiles, kissing me again. He looks down between us and places his cock in his hands and guides it in slowly. I could feel my body clenching in anticipation and I shut my eyes harshly.
“Shit.” I grunt and squeeze harder when I feel the head sliding in slowly. The stretch burned real bad and at this point I stopped breathing.
“Breathe my love,” He gently strokes my clit after stopping just after his head had been pushed in.
“Ma’nung, you’re big.” I groan and throw my head back as the subtle sparks of him rubbing my clit start to fan the flames more.
“You’re so tight I might burst too soon.” He strains and I start to relax.
“Thats a compliment on Earth-“ I try to laugh and he slaps my thigh.
“Ahh!” I whine and he goes back to rubbing my clit and I moan immediately after.
“I’m going to keep pushing-“ He starts and as he does I can feel a sense of fullness but also his length dragging heavily on my g-spot and I moan.
“If you don’t move some more, I will cut your penis off.” I threaten and I can tell he’s confused by the sudden change of pace but I know he can feel what I feel.
“Shit, is that me?” He asks and I open my eyes to see him biting his lip, one of his fangs poking out, I look down myself and see a small bulge moving in my lower belly.
“Yes thats you-“ I moan as he’d started sliding out and his cock continues rubbing against my G-spot, it feels like the many orgasms I brought myself to happening all at once.
“Go faster-“ I whine and he does, snapping his hips at a steady pace and it feels so damn good.
“Faster-“ and he follows my command, not once questioning me.
“You’re swallowing me so easily, you feel so soft rubbing all over, and your stomach is- fuck-“ He cuts himself off and seems unsure of where to stare, at my pussy swallowing his cock or at my stomach as it plays peek-a-boo with him.
“Yawne, I’m too close-“
“I’m coming Ao’nung-“ I whine and feel myself spasm around his cock as I blubber on some stupid Na’Vi mixed with english non-sense.
Not once had he stopped thrusting his hips and the feeling of my orgasm continuously being stroked on had started what felt like the build of another one.
“Cock so good I’m coming twice-“ I groan in English and he starts whining himself. I never knew Na’vi men were vocal, and for some reason, the question can I come? Kept replaying in my head. Realizing I was still connected to Ao’nung I reach my hand up and pat his arm and he opens his eyes, lust evident on his face.
“You can come my love-“
The look of relief washed over his face but I could still feel like he was holding back. More of his thoughts flood my mind.
“Do it.” I confirm and he leans his whole body over mine, hitting spots I thought he was hitting before, quite literally fucking me so dumb I forgot my own name. His thrusts feel even more powerful at this angle and he bites the skin between my neck and my shoulder. His come washes over the both of us as I have my second orgasm and massage the spurts of come from his dick, coaxing more to come out with every wave of pleasure I felt. He lazily kisses me and pulls out, I hiss from the sting of his fat head stretching me open.
“Come here-“ Ao’nung quite literally lifts me to lay on his chest as we both catch our breath.
“I meant it.” He says while lazily stroking my back, but he didn’t have to explain, we were still connected, I already knew.
“I do too.” I sigh and lean into his chest to listen to his heart beat lulling me to sleep.
I wake up and realize my body is being caged in but I felt warm and comfortable so I stayed snuggled up in what I thought was my blanket.
“Good, you’re awake.”
My eyes have never snapped open so quick after hearing that voice. His morning after voice was deep and sensual and it had me tingling. I look up to see that it was still dark.
“It’s not morning yet.” I groan and get comfortable again.
“Yes, my love, but I need some assistance.” He states as if he were straining and I turn my head to see him struggling with another boner.
“Oh my-“ I turn quickly. “- how long have you been dealing with that!” I asked and he whines.
“You’ve spent the entire time grinding me while you slept, I didn’t want to wake you, but we mate up to three times during one session.” He tries saying it in a nice way but I understood what he meant.
“Slide it in next time.”
“But you were sleeping.”
“I know, Ma’nung, but nothing better than waking up to an orgasm, or being loved on.” I stated while sliding one leg up, still laying sideways.
Ao’nung is hesitant, but we were still connected by our bond too. I was surprised.
“I forgot you have a fat head-“ I groan as he slides it in and gives me time to adjust but also feeling instant relief to be back inside me. The hand underneath my waist snakes over to rub my clit as he pumps pathetically inching in very slowly, but I could feel what he felt.
“Come inside my love-“ I moan as he comes inside for the second time tonight, letting him continue thrusting lazily while sliding across my G-spot.
“You feel so warm, so good, I can’t get enough.” He groans while continuing the same movement and I could feel him getting hard again.
“Is this why your mom is pregnant for the sixth time?” I asked and he ignores me but wraps his hands around my body, pulling me closer to him.
“Can I come again, my love?” He asks while his thrusts are becoming more powerful.
“How many more times can you come tonight?” I asked and start meeting his thrusts in the middle, feeling the familiar sensation about to snap in my belly.
“As many times as it takes to make you round with child, I can’t wait to see you waddle with my life inside of you-“
“Fill me to the brim,” I groaned as he continues thrusting while imagining myself pregnant with his children. But the mental images he was seeing began flashing in my mind and he wanted to fuck me while pregnant, pushing my body past its limits and taking me in every position.
“Come my love-“ He grunts in my ear and all I can do is squeeze around his cock and moan loudly.
“You don’t want anyone to hear us, do you?” He teases while thrusting in my cunt ever so slowly while he held me against the tree.
“No,” I try to stay quiet but he only slaps his big hand over my mouth.
He’d decided to fish on the docks today instead of following a hunting party and when he’d finish casting his third net full of fish he’d told the guys he was with that he’d be back in a few. I’d been picking seashells with his mom and sister when he called me away and lead me to where we were.
“You’re such a pathetic thing, Yawne,” He glides his dick over my G spot effortlessly and I’m a mess, I’m struggling to keep my eyes open.
“Eyes on me, my love, I want to see what I do to you.” He smiles cockily and I whine loud enough for him to hear.
“I want to come-“
“No.” He states firmly and slides his cock back in. “Be good for me and we’ll see if you deserve to come, my love.”
“Kiss me-“ I demand and he leans in, gently taking in the back of my neck and kissing me sweetly.
“G-go faster-“ I pant as he does and my eyes roll back.
“Come my love, come.” Ao’nung instructs me and I bite my lip as I release myself all over his cock.
“No don’t pull out,” I hold on to his hand tightly as if thats where I needed to hold him.
“We have to go back and-“
“I need you, Ma’nung,” I complain and he smirks.
“Of course, how could I have been so dumb,” He states and starts thrusting even faster.
“Ah!” I moaned and he slaps his hand over my mouth again.
“How can something so small be so loud?” He groans in my ear while he thrusts into me. My toes were curling as if they had a mind of their own and he was only holding me by my waist with one hand, he’s so fucking strong.
“How can someone so big be so big-“ I groan as he resorts to moving me up and down on his cock.
“I want to torture this orgasm out of you, my love. I want to make you the same babbling mess you were last night.” His voice was deeper and he was starting to grunt with every thrust. His hand came down from my mouth and stroked my clit lazily.
“Please let me come-“
“Thats what you said earlier and you still let me-“ I whine and he forcefully grabs my cheeks to pull my face closer toward his.
“You cum when you only know my name and nothing else.”
I squeezed on him harder.
“You like when I’m rough with you, huh.” He places his hand on my chest and I grab it and place it on my neck without flinching and gently squeezes the sides and I could feel myself squeezing his cock once more.
“No, I w-wan- come.”
“Not dumb enough my love.”
“Is anything off lim-limi- limits with y-you?” I asked as he thrusts under the water while his thick cock glides in and out of me.
“No. Never.” He groans before going faster. “You’ll be the death of me, now shut up and come.” He states while circling my clit.
“I don-don’t wanna-“ I whine but was to sensitive to hold on any longer.
“Yes you do, I can feel it. And not because we’re connected.”
“Yawne please!” Ao’nung cries as I slide down further.
I’d mentioned riding once and he had been asking every single day if we could try it, but I wasn’t sure how feasable it would be, only because he’s huge and the thigh strength I’d need would need to come fro Eywa herself.
“This isn’t easy for me either!” I groan and completely slid down his cock and met his hips. Realization hits me as he hugs my body into his own.
“No you better not-“
“I’m coming~” He moans in my ear and it triggered my own orgasm.
“Quiet my love.” Ao’nung shushes me.
“Please,” I beg and he thrusts harshly into me and I moan again.
“I love you-“ He states in English.
“Nga yawne lu oer-“ I whine back as he circles my clit with his thumb. He slams back in again.
“I like seeing you fucked dumb, my love.” He responds in English again and I’m going crazy.
“How bad do you want to come?” He asks in Na’vi and I can’t comprehend the question at all and babble some nonsense.
“I need you to come, sweet girl.” He coo’s and covers my mouth to muffle my sounds with his own in a deep heated kiss.
“Thats it, my love,” He coo’s as he joins me, still managing to gently caress my cheeks at his highest point of euphoria.
“Have you told her it was an aphrodisiac?” Neytiri asks and Lo’ak rolls his eyes.
“Yes Ma’am.” He replies.
“Good.” Ronal states while working on cutting the fruit she had.
“Was this necessary?” Tsireya asks while sneaking a couple of the fruit pieces for herself since she was expecting.
“All the necessary, my sweet girl.” Ronal stated to her daughter.
“If not for that small lie they would not be sneaking around horribly and procreating like they are.” Neytiri points out.
“They’re sneaking around in public and doing that?” Taireya’s eyes widen In shock and Lo’ak laughs.
“Of course they are. Just the other day, Ao’nung said he couldn’t come hunting because he had to pick some tulip thorns from the tree’s for her. They grow in the ground.”
Ronal laughs at this too and shakes her head.
“Maybe she will become pregnant soon like us.” Kiri happily continues creating medicine or saves from the peels of the fruit.
“Human male and Hybrid Na’vi can procreate. Lets see if Na’vi nale and hybrid Na’vi can do the same.” Ronal smiles.
“I believe they can. Our world is changing.” Neytiri comments.
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adrienneleclerc · 2 months
First Concert
Pairing: Keyboardist!Charles Leclerc x Reader, Singer!Lewis Hamilton x Reader, Bassist!Carlos Sainz x Reader, Drummer!Max Verstappen x Reader, Lead Guitarist!Lando Norris x Reader
Summary: Y/N goes to her first “Just An Inchident” concert and surprisingly gains the attention of the band, every girl’s dream come true
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: let me know if you want Y/N to date ALL OF THEM or date one band member and be friends with the rest of the band.
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Y/N was on Ticketmaster and so was her friend, Penelope, on her computer.
“Any luck?” Y/N asked.
“Nada.” Penelope replied.
“Come on, we’re literally number 741 on the queue, they’re going to be sold out by the time we get through.” Y/N said.
“Okay, I’m 384.” Penelope said and Y/N shuts her laptop, moving closer to Penelope. “Get me my credit card.”
“On it.” Y/N goes to look in her purse. “What number are we now?”
“193.” Penelope said.
“We are so close.” Y/N said, bringing Penelope the card she wanted.
“I’m in!!! What seat do you want?” Penelope asked.
“Whats the closest and most affordable?” Y/N asked.
“You think we can afford floor seats?” Penelope asked. “There’s a few available.”
“Yes! Get it, get it, get it! I’ll pay you back, work extra shifts!” Y/N exclaimed.
“Alright, chill, I put them in my cart. Ticket insurance?” Penelope asked and Y/N nodded. “I got it! It’s done! We are going to see Just An Inchident this October!”
“Ah, Im so excited!!” Y/N said. “You are the best bestie ever.” She hugs Penelope
“I know. Should we recreate an outfit from their music videos?” Penelope asked.
“Which music video? It could be from ‘daydream’, that’s a great song.”
“You just like it because Charles sings it.”
“I mean yes but it’s a really good song, you had it on repeat when it first came out.” Y/N said.
“I know, I know. But I wonder what made them decide to finally do a North American tour.” Penelope said.
“Well they’ve been together for 5 years, they’ve been doing European tours all the time, maybe they finally realized they had American fans.” Y/N suggested.
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It is October, the band is doing a sound check
“You think we’ll be playing more American venues?” Lando asked.
“If this tour goes well, I freaking hope so.” Max said.
“We’re playing Madison Square Garden, I still can’t believe it.” Lewis said.
“Actually we sold out Madison Square Garden if you wanted to get technical.” Max explained.
“Mate, you really need to stop maxplaining.” Carlos said.
“When do the doors open again?” Charles asked.
“At 7, we still have time for everything. With what song do you want to open with?” Lewis asked.
“I think a good opener needs to be a crowd favorite but a little nostalgic, you know?” Lando said.
“How about ‘Preacher Man’ (the driver era), it is one of our songs that was number one of the billboard 100 for a few weeks, that’s a definite American crowd favorite.” Charles commented,
“Lando sings that song though.” Lewis said.
“Well we can’t open up with ‘Meddle About’ (Chase Atlantic) now Can we?” Charles asked.
“You’re right.” Lewis said.
“Great, now that that’s settled, let’s go over the rest of the setlist.” Max says.
Y/N and Penelope are waiting outside of Madison Square Garden with outfits inspired by their favorite’s red carpet look
“Ah, It’s almost time!” Penelope said excitedly
“I know!! I wonder what they’ll sing first.” Y/N said. “Do we have enough money to buy merch when we get in?”
“Yeah of course.” Penelope responded. The security guard opened the door to Madison square garden and everyone started walking in, opening their bags for security, they went to the merch table to see what’s available and bought matching t-shirts. They went to their seats.
“Oh my gosh, we are so close to the stage.” Y/N said.
“Ugh, I know, it’s insane.” Penelope said. Half an hour later, the lights went out and everyone started screaming once they heard Max on the drums.
“It’s happening!” Y/N screamed.
Spotlight hit Max who was on the drums, hen another spotlight landed on Lando as he plays guitar, another on Carlos as he plays bass, then Charles on his keyboard, altogether playing the music of ‘Preacher Man’, lastly Lewis is lifted on a platform (think of the Hannah Montana movie), the music stops.
“Whats up, New York City!” Lewis said and the crowd goes wild. “We are ‘Just an Inchident’, thank you for coming! It’s always been my dream to perform in Madison Square Garden and now I’m living it.”
“We are very grateful for our American fans, it means so much to us that you like our music.” Lando said.
“We hope we’ll keep coming back here and performing for you guys.” Charles said.
“We hope you enjoy the show!” Max says.
“I guarantee you it’s worth the money.” Carlos said, Lewis picked up another rhythmic guitar while Lando stepped closer to the mic stand so he could sing.
“Hey, Mr. Preacher Man, I've been playing with a heart like a violin, I've been stumbling through the door after 6:00 a.m., fix my soul so I don't lose a love again” Lando sang into the mic. The crowd was loving it, 45 minutes in, there’s a little intermission where the band talks to the crowd
“You guys enjoying yourselves?” Lewis asked, the crowd cheered. “Okay, where them girls at?” The women cheered loudly. “Alright, who came here with their boyfriend?” Women cheered less. “Who’s single?” Women cheered loudly again. “Now one of you lucky single ladies, if you came with your boyfriend, I am so sorry, are going to be selected to pick our next song.” The camera connected to the screens chose Y/N. The boys looked at the screen behind them, she was beautiful. “Alright darling, come closer to the stage.
“Oh my god, go.” Penelope pushed Y/N lightly because she stood frozen. Y/N walked slowly to the stage, Lewis kneeled down so he could get closer to Y/N, he admired her beauty up close.
“Whats your name, sweetheart?” Lewis asked, handing her the microphone.
“Y/N.” She replied
“That’s a beautiful name, what song would you like us to perform?” Lewis asked.
“Well my favorite song is Daydream but Friends would be great.” Y/N replied.
“Well I’ll tell you what, Y/N, we’ll perform both.” Lewis winked at her before getting back up. “How does that sound?” The crowd cheered, Y/N walked back to her seat. “Thanks for participating darling.” The concert continued, as promised, Charles sung Daydreams, Lewis sung Friends, an hour and a half later, the concert finished, Penelope and Y/N were going to leave but they were stopped by security.
“Ladies, you need to come with me.” The guard said and Penelope immediately put her hands up
“I swear I did not do anything.” Penelope said and Y/N elbowed her.
“We’re not getting arrested, right?” Y/N asked, looking at the guard.
“Of course you’re not, just follow me.” The guard said and the girls were escorted backstage and met the band, a fan’s dream come true.
"Oh my gosh, this is insane." Penelope said.
"Hey girls, what did you think of the concert?" Charles asked.
"It was absolutely amazing, the light changes to macth the aesthetic of the song, the way you sung Daydreams is also amazing, i never knew how great that song sounds live." Y/N said and Charles smiled at her.
"How about you, darling? What was your favorite part of the concert?" Lando asked Penelope.
"You singing When You Need A Man, my all time favorite song." Penelope answered.
"Before you girls leave, we should take photos." Carlos spoke up.
"Great! Heres my phone." Y/N unlocked her phone and went to the camera, asking the secuirty guard if he could take the photo, which he did, then they took individual selfies, and the girls left, saying goodbye.
"She seems nice." Max said.
"Yeah, she's beautiful too, my favorite venue we played by far." Lewis said.
"When do we leave New York?" Carlos asked.
"We're staying a few days to go on 'Good Morning America', but i am beat, I just want a pizza." Lando said.
"Yeah, we'll get a pizza and head over to my apartment." Lewis said.
"Great, lets go." Charles said.
Y/N and Penelope got to their apartment and both girls posted their concert photos, the meet and greet, and clips of them performing their favorite songs, tagging the band and the individual members on Instagram. The next day, Y/N woke up with notifications that Lewis Hamilton, Charles Leclerc, Lando Norris, Carlos Sainz, and Max Verstappen have followed her on Instagram. Y/N was smiling and Penelope was making breakfast for them.
"What's got you all smiley?" Penelope asked.
"No, nothing, what are we having?" Y/N asked
The End
Hope y’all liked it, I am so very sorry if the buildup was better than the actual fic, tell me if you want Y/N to date all of the band members or just one member
Taglist: @the-holy-trinity-l @ourlifeforchaos @weekendlusting @marekmybeloved @always-spaced-out @dark-night-sky-99 @tribbisweetdear @iangelofmusic @mrsmelinda @shadowyinfluencercloud @bountychanti @itsmaytimetosaygoodbye @jazzyanneblogzzz @anotheranotherblogwoah
Setlist: the bands are chosen for each person based on vibe
Preacher Era -The Driver Era (Lando) Wires - The Neighborhood (Max) Valentine - Maneskin (Charles) Meddle About - Chase Atlantic (Lewis) Arabella - The Artic Monkeys (Lewis) Swim - Chase Atlantic (Lewis) Did You Have Your Fun - R5 (Lando) Sweater Weather - The Neighborhood (Max) Smooth Operator - Sade (Carlos) Supermodel - Maneskin (Charles) Okay - Chase Atlantic (Lewis) Perfect Sense - Artic Monkeys (Lewis) Daydreams - We Three (Charles) Prey - The Neighborhood (Max) Friends - Chase Atlantic (Lewis) Snap Out Of It - The Artic Monkeys (Lewis) Heaven Angel - The Driver Era (Lando) Daddy Issues - The Neighborhood (Max) Fear of Nobody - Maneskin (Charles) i Wanna Be Yours - Artic Monkeys (Lewis) HER - Chase Atlantic (Lewis) Subeme La Radio - Enrique Iglesias (Carlos) {PARA MI GENTE LATINA} When You Need a Man - The Driver Era (Lando) Right Here - Chase Atlantic (Lewis) One for the Road - Artic Monkeys (Lewis) Feel You Now - The Driver Era (Lando) Baby Said - Maneskin (Charles) Void - The Neighborhood (Max) Knee Socks - Artic Monkeys (Lewis) OHMAMI - Chase Atlantic (Lewis) Timezone - Maneskin (Charles) Compass - The Neighbourhood (Max) Welcome to the End of Your Life - The Driver Era (Lando) R U Mine? - Artic Monkeys (Leiws) The Walls - Chase Atlantic (Lewis) Own My Mind - Maneskin (Charles) Reflections - The Neighborhood (Max) A Kiss - The Driver Era (Lando)
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didyoulookforme · 1 month
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need you tonight
part of give me a moment (aka stylist au as briefly described in this tag)
warning: 18+, smut. probably grammatical errors, typos.
au masterlist here
“sorry—‘m sorry”
you’re pretty sure those are some of the only words that stumble past his lips as you go down on him. perhaps an apology for his ring getting tangled in your hair, trying to keep you close. but to be honest, the more cynical part of you hopes it's pure regret for fucking someone else just hours before.
it was not strange for you to crave a nicotine hit at this time, more often than not stepping out the bus to smoke a cigarette or two prior to calling it a night, that first inhale always making your head buzz a little as the all-too-familiar warmth runs through your limbs, a much welcome sensation to try leave the tiredness behind.
every day was like clockwork. bus arrives at the venue. stage and lighting are assembled. band soundchecks. you have a quick dinner. then it's time for him. after all, it's what you're here to do, work as matty's own personal stylist during the tour.
you had no clue luck had finally struck when you opened those dms earlier this year.
(13:43) trumanblack: hey (13:43) trumanblack: i found your profile via my friend (13:44) trumanblack: i really like your style n you look pretty cool
(13:58) trumanblack: sorry if this sounds creepy. promise i'm a real human tho (13:58) trumanblack: x
you didn’t recognize him. however from a swift scroll through the feed, you gathered that his name was matty. apparently the front man of a seemingly popular band with a fanbase head-over-heels lusting for them.
mostly him, though.
you couldn't help but gaze at his lanky frame and pale skin adorned with ink, zooming in on certain posts to try decipher what they were. he definitely had a point of view when it came to dressing himself—sometimes a bit messy and chaotic, but for the most part pleasing to the eye, a quality you appreciated given your line of work. his seemingly playful demeanour across photos made it seem like he was perhaps younger than you, this time a google search confirming that, in fact, he was born three years later. april 1989.
countless press photos appeared under his name and you spent the next half hour swiping back and forth between articles, finding him intriguing enough and giving you the surge of confidence to respond.
and that's basically why you're leaning against this tour bus now. the friendly banter with a stranger led you to travel the world and do what you enjoy most. the fancy clothes. the colourful glitz. the wild after parties. this stuff that you always dreamed about was somehow now your own reality that you often had to pinch yourself to ensure you weren't just passed out cold on the sofa back home.
however, this almost too good to be true gig also led you to fall for a guy, the same one whose collar you straighten almost every night.
the most fucking cliché story. some assistant falling for her boss just months after being hired. it actually makes you feel sickeningly stupid, embarrassed. still you can't seem to stop digging yourself deeper into a hole with every hour you spend caring for him, not being made any better by matty being nothing but affectionate towards you behind closed doors.
you know he’s the reason your nicotine addiction has increased tenfold, always finding yourself alone at this hour enveloped in smoke, part of you still wanting to pretend you do so to numb out the sleepless nights. took you a while to finally admit you did it as an attempt to cloud out any thought of him.
tonight’s really no different.
you’re not sure how much time has passed, but it’s enough for the cold to start settling on your skin. perhaps it’s your queue to stop and go back in. you snub out your cigarette, watching the red embers fade just as a car rounds the corner. it halts to a stop only a few meters away, and you catch the faint sound of a door creaking open, followed by the murmur of voices filling the night air.
then you hear it. that unmistakable high pitched laugh that can pull you awake in a single second. him.
and, of course. you immediately know why.
you’d learned pretty early on this was a common end to the routine: matty picks up a girl at the gig, goes fucks her somewhere, and has her drop him off right after.
reminds you of the number of red and purple bruises you often cover up before his show. it wasn't rocket science figuring out the cause, yet he never really addresses it, choosing silence and averting his gaze as your fingertips dab foundation on tender skin, temporarily hiding any remains of nights prior.
you didn't even notice your eyes had closed. not until the car door slams shut, jerking them open just in time to see him blow a kiss in her direction. your heart fractures at the sweet gesture, but only hurts for a second before he's walking towards you, his stupid wide grin mending it better.
"didn't expect to see you out here.”
open button-up untucked. blazer over his shoulder. dark curls frizzy and disheveled. everything making it crystal clear he's just slept with someone else and still not you.
"only making sure you make it back alright so i can tuck you in." of course, you wish that were the case.
it's only a few seconds until he settles next to you, leaning over to kiss your cheek. soft lips gently brushing against your skin. the way he always greets you—but only when no one's watching.
"aren't you sweet, then?"
"trying my best." given the circumstances, it's pretty much all you can do.
he pulls out his beat-up cigarette box, flicking it open and offering you one. you decline, showing him the smothered tip of your own before finally tossing it aside.
"guess it must've been a pretty good time today," you lick the pad of your thumb before rubbing a lipstick mark off his jaw. it’s always ruby red or deep maroon. those same tones which he'll compliment you on. a similar shade you left on his lips the only time your mouth had been on his.
you finish cleaning the stains off his skin, matty murmuring a soft ‘thank you’ for having done so. it’s your turn to kiss his temple. “‘tis my job, you know? making sure you look good.” you should be mad, upset, have some sort of negative emotion. instead, you can’t help but have your heart intermittently flutter when he returns a sheepish smile, his arm wrapping around your shoulders to pull you close.
neither of you say much, but that’s alright. you rest your head on the crook of his neck, noticing how nice it feels. how nice he feels. you see the chipped nail polish on his fingers. the wrinkled fabric of his flowered shirt. the dark hair down his torso. the unbuckled belt at his waist. it’s only then that jealousy creeps itself back in and suddenly your shoes seem all that more interesting than the man standing by your side.
"why do you do it, matty?" the sweetness of your voice never fails to mask the envy you actually feel. or at least you hope it does.
"the sleeping around.” you finally lift your head to look at him, surprised that his pretty eyes were already on you. the toothy smirk is gone, though, replaced by a thin, expressionless line at his lips. he doesn’t owe you an explanation. you know that. thus why you’re surprised when he actually starts to talk.
"dunno, really.” he lights up another cigarette and you notice as he gets lost in his mind. “i mean, it’s kinda difficult to say no to sex or a blowjob when they’re literally throwing themselves at you.” he seemingly tries to joke, but you don’t have time for funny right at this moment.
instead you wonder if it’s actually that easy.
“let me do it, then.”
“so—sorry?” he chokes mid-drag.
“let me give you a blowjob just like those other girls do. just like she did,” you point at the ghost of that green car from before, “ just tonight.”
it’s like his face cannot figure out which expression to land on, flipping between confusion, surprise, and something else that reads between need and desire.
“what the fuck?” his voice is shaky and it stings when he pushes you aside, yet, he doesn’t try hard to put much distance between you two so it’s not difficult to invade his space, standing right in front of him until your face is a breath away from his. large, calloused hands grasp your shoulders tight, halting you from inching closer.
“what’s the difference between them and myself, then?” seems like a simple enough question to you. “why can they have you and not me?”
but he has no answer, at least not one that he can properly voice. his hold on you starts to lessen, perhaps giving you some permission to let you do whatever you want.
you bring your hands up to his and pull them away, kissing his knuckles before placing them on your waist. an almost incoherent ‘fuck’ leaves his lips, and, as if on cue, his head falls back willingly, giving you the space to kiss his neck. the faint smell of her still on him.
“please let me,” you whisper against his skin.
it’s not even a question at this point.
his fingers dig into your hips as you look at him once more, now noticing a mixture of lust and care in those almond coloured eyes. for a minute there, you get lost in them, admiring how his pupils dilate when your hands find the button of his pants, and how they shrink back as you finally undo the zipper. you don’t want to waste any more time—you’ve already waited too long—so you slide your palm down his pants to grab his half-hard cock, his eyes instantly rolling to the back of his head when you wrap your fingers around him.
“is this okay?”
you take the buck of his hips as a confirmation, giving you the courage to spread the precum along his length. he feels nice. having him in your hand seems just right and you only hope that he won’t regret this when he wakes up next morning in bed.
tonight is your turn to suck on the skin alongside his jaw, the thought of having to cover your own marks making you smile.
“fuck, baby.”
you’re not sure if he even noticed that sweet name leave his mouth, but you like the sound of it, and it’s all it takes for you to drop to your knees, dragging his pants and boxers down just enough to pull out his dick.
you look up at him once more, his left hand coming to tangle on your head, his other loosely holding his cigarette, almost done and fully forgotten. you kiss his tip, your gaze still not leaving his, thoroughly enjoying yourself as he bites his bottom lip each time your thumb hits that spot under the head of his cock. his scent is almost too much to bear so you take him in one go, feeling his cock twitch inside your mouth. it doesn’t take long before he’s fully hard and hitting the back of your throat.
the plastic taste of latex is still on his skin. a sad reminder that you weren’t his first tonight. that maybe you are an afterthought. just another girl who he uses to make himself come. but at least it means you get to have him even if it’s just this one time.
matty. that’s all that’s on your mind. once again. somewhat difficult to not think about him when you’re sucking him off, those heavenly sounds coming from his mouth making your own slick drip down your leg.
you pull away to catch your breath, using your hand to keep stroking him, pleasantly surprised when he pulls on your hair each time your red fingernails graze the underside of his cock. you do it again and again until he breaks and fucks your hand, apologizing for not being able to help himsel. it’s a sight you’ll commit to memory as long as you’re alive.
now that you’ve had a taste, it’s only so long you can go without having your lips around him. and that’s what you do, take him again, hands urging his hips to fuck your mouth. to fuck himself senseless in the hopes that you’ll be the one he turns to when he needs somebody else. he doesn’t deny your request, throwing away the wasted cigarette to guide you, setting a pace that allows him to stay steady on his feet.
purely drunk on him, you're barely aware when his phone vibrates in his pocket, matty muttering 'sorry' before grabbing and letting it drop onto the grass at your side. nosiness always gets the best of you, so you can't help but glance down, catching sight of a text from an unsaved number asking if he could fuck her again tomorrow.
you feel his hips falter. he knows you've seen it.
“’m sorry.”
this time it's a mix between a cry and a whimper. perhaps he did feel bad. perhaps some part of him did care about you in the way that you needed him to.
you reach back to place your hand on top of his, making him push your head further into him, to thrust into you until tears pool at your lashes just as he spills hard and fast down your throat. his taste overtakes every cell of your being as you swallow, feeling him soften against your tongue before you reluctantly pull away.
you didn’t even realize your knees were so sore until you stand up, not wasting a second to ask him is he's going to see her again the following night.
"do you want me to?" his thumb wipes away some of his cum off the corner of your lip. you reach out to suck it, slowly shaking your head in response.
he laughs nervously as his mouth clashes against yours, stealing both the air from your lungs. this wasn't the first time you’d kissed, but this wasn’t like before. the way he quietly moans against your lips. the softness of his fingers resting on your face. the crinkle at the corner of his eyes when he pulls back.
"can i see you tomorrow, then?"
you could’ve sworn you heart stopped. can you truly believe those words after watching him leave you behind all those nights? the soft circles his thumbs draw on your skin do feel sincere, the reassurance you need to perhaps let him in, give him a chance even though you know it’s a slippery one.
it’s your turn to brush your thumb against his mouth, slowly pulling at the bottom lip and watching it bounce back up into place. you kiss him one last time before confirming 'okay', immediately turning to finally head back in. not wanting to linger for too long in case he changes his mind.
you catch his reflection on the mirror, noticing as he tucks himself in, and it’s that slight smile on his face which keeps you awake for hours on end.
for this lovely anon here. thank you for the inspo :) <3
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ryuryuryuyurboat · 8 months
8 letters, 3 words!
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synopsis: confessions are tricky.
genre: fluff
characters: lyney x gn! reader
warnings: modern (college) au, reader is referred to in 2nd person, navia + lynette cameo
a/n: hehe hi @ariicandy! i'm your secret admirer for @ecrin-de-litterature's kiss don't tell event :> hope you like this gift hehe happy valentine's!! likes, reblogs and comments highly appreciated!!
©2024 ryuryuryuyurboat. do not repost, translate, plagiarise, or modify in any way, shape or form.
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“oh my, y/n, you really do have expensive taste.” navia grins at you from across the table. “did you win the lottery, or something?”
you huff. “no, i found them on my table.” the second you open the lid of the (previously) beautifully decorated tin box, the sweet fragrance of macarons wafts into your nostrils— you almost miss the way your friend’s jaw drops as she openly gapes at the treats. 
“you… er, well, do you know what those are?” navia gleefully looks between you and the macarons.
there’s a soft clink as lynette sets down her teacup. “5 bucks they have no clue,” she bets, earning a soft “tsk” from you and a smug navia crossing her arms as she leans back in her chair. 
“of course i do! they’re macarons! hey–” you protest, as navia dissolves into giggles and lynette sighs, “hey– listen, listen, i may have flunked midterms but that doesn’t mean i—stop laughing!—that doesn’t mean i don’t know a sweet treat when i see one, okay!”
lynette leans forward, an odd glint in her eyes. “these aren’t your ordinary macarons, you know. there’s only one bakery that sells them like this, and people queue for hours just so they can get their hands on one of these– they only sell eleven boxes each day, mind you. it’s like you’re saying your louis vuitton is just some random bag you picked off the streets. a single box can quite literally cost you the skin of your a–”
you cut her off. “i think we know what you mean, just take some if you wanna try ‘em, okay?” 
“still, who’d gift you something so expensive?” navia muses, chewing on the lemon macaron she’d nicked while you weren’t looking. 
“probably the same mystery guy who gave me that plushie bouquet the other day, and then those chocolates from yesterday, and also probably that box of pâte de fruits…” you hum in thought, utterly oblivious to your friends’ astounded gazes.
“...y/n, i think you might have a secret admirer.” 
“wha– hey, wait! what was with that tone when you said ‘who’d give me something that pricey’? you tryna say i’m not worth those?!?”
laughter echoes across the empty cafeteria as you lunge at navia and screech something about wanting her to return the macaron. none of you notice the pair of periwinkle eyes fixed on your figure from afar.
“ooooh, does someone have a secret admirer~?” navia peeks over your shoulder at the white envelope lying innocently on your desk. “y’know,” she continues, unfazed by your side-eye, “if it’s the same guy that got you those macarons, maybe you should consider getting–”
“shut up,” you grumble, feeling your ears heat up, “i don’t even know who gave me all these.” 
“do people not normally sign their names somewhere?”
“just the initials.” you unfold the enclosed paper, pointing to the very bottom, where the letters LS were printed. “who’s that supposed to be? lonely spirit?”
you don’t see a certain someone’s eyes dim when you don’t bother reading the letter and shove the envelope into your bag.
13 february. 7 days since you started receiving letters. 7 days since you got your first plushie bouquet (how the sender knew your favourite blooms and even your favourite character was a mystery you had yet to solve). and 1 day before valentine’s. 
the letter you got today was way simpler than the flowery words that filled the pages from before:
3 boxes, 8 letters. think you’ll be able to figure it out, ma chérie? that’s the key to your last gift.
(hint: the way each letter starts is important. good luck♡)
“the way each letter starts?” lynette shrugs, “no idea. probably something like the first letter of the first word.”
“lynette,” you begin, “you’re a genius!”
one problem, though. you only received 5 letters. oh, well, didn’t hurt to try, right?
“let’s see…” you lay out the letters on the table, trying hard to ignore the contents that made you blush so furiously in the safety of your bedroom. “u, l, v, o, i, e…” you mutter, before navia gives you a light shove.
“no way it’s taking you so long, isn’t it already so obvious?”
“rearrange the letters—where’s my pen— and what do you get?”
you stare mutely at the letters. “...i love u.” you read, before you’re hit with a realisation.
“wait– boxes are containers, and then words are like containers for letters– and then, and then… and then i love you makes up eight letters in three letters! i’m a genius!”
“if you’re such a genius, you should’ve noticed a certain someone staring at you.” lynette nods at a point behind you, “go get your man, y/n. i don’t wanna hear complaints about being single for valentine’s.”
you turn– and there stood lyney snezhevich, in all his glory, a bouquet in his hand. he offers you an apprehensive smile as he extends his arms for you to accept the flowers—your final gift— and averts his eyes. 
“seems you’ve managed to crack the code, ma chérie. now, then, if you hadn’t known from the letters… will you be my valentine?”
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taglist: @yinyinggie @lynyluvr @kazemiya @meidnightrain @thexianzhoujade @dailypenpen (send ask to be added to taglist!)
if you liked this, do consider dropping me a follow for more :>
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yoongihan · 6 months
Happenstance - SCB - OneShot
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pairing: 3rachaChangbin x femcharacter
genre: travel au, fluff, smut, little angst, strangers to lovers,
romantic trope: love at first sight (inspiration from this reel)
word count: ~18k
rating: M
warnings: mc invites strangers to dinner amongst other things (DO NOT RECOMMEND), kissing, penetrative sex, ridiculous amount of haggis discussion, food and drink, some language, changbin with fluffy hair, dressed in hoodies. honestly, i don't think there's too much concerning in this one, apologies if I've missed something.
a/n: fic #4 in skz as romantic tropes collab with @jl-micasea-fics. in case you read my answers to asks, this is the first story i started that i didn't finish until yesterday (I apologize for every single mistake that i probably missed). which means, this took me over seven months. i have no idea why something as 'simple' as love at first sight required me to write nearly 18000 words!! anyway, um, hope you like it.
You don’t really mind being alone. It’s a lot easier to just pack up your stuff, yourself and go on your adventures when you don’t have to consider another person and their preferences.
It gets lonely, but it works for you.
At the train station with your backpack and one rolling suitcase, waiting for your train in London at Kings Cross station that will take you to Edinburgh. It’s a long journey, over eleven hours, but you saved up and for the very first time, got yourself a sleeper cabin. There weren’t any singles available, as the classic cabin comes with twin bunk beds, but you figure the extra space can’t hurt. 
Who’d go with you anyway?
You bounce on the balls of your feet, waiting for the train. This experience is less about the scenery as it’s mostly at night, but the getting to sleep in a bed (the sleeper seats aren’t horrible, but they aren’t exactly great if you really want a good night’s rest) on a train is something you haven’t gotten to do yet. 
You like Scotland and you haven’t been since you started this work. Inverness sits at the top of Loch Ness, and there are so many picturesque places to visit once you’re there. Then you’ll take the train back, but during the day, so you get to see what you couldn’t on the overnight train. 
You have one earbud in, listening to a soft playlist you made mostly full of Sufjan Stevens, Fleet Foxes, and Band of Horses. Only one earbud as you need to make sure you hear any important announcements and you also really enjoy eavesdropping, especially when everyone has a much more interesting accent than you. You’re glancing back at the announcement board as though something might have changed in the last minute (it would just be the worst luck if it got canceled…what would you do in London…go to a museum or something?). 
The train is arriving and you just want to dance around like a fool. No one should be this excited to sleep on a train, but you are. As you queue behind a few others, you glance down the track, taking in the people who will presumably be sleeping near you. It seems like a diverse group, some people dressed nicer than you, as though they are having a work meeting on the train (with computer and phone cameras…maybe they are), some look like they might already have on their pyjamas. There are heads of grey and white, long plaits of blonde and red, fluffy short black hair. 
All types. 
You board and glance at the signage, looking for the arrows to connect you to cabin 25. Slipping past a family of three who are speaking in what sounds like German to your unknowledgeable ear, you glance at the descending numbers.��
There’s a small scanner on the door (how far tech has come), and you scan your phone over it, the QR code for your ticket allowing you access. As you open the door, you look down at the male voices coming from the other end of the carriage. 
There are three of them. 
In your travels, you see a lot of people, but unless it’s a commuter-type train during work or drinking hours, you don’t run into men of a certain age, and certainly not on an overnighter covering the length of England. 
Certain age being mostly like twenties, mid-twenties if you had to guess. And though you’ve definitely seen a good-looking man a time or two, it’s rare to see them en masse like this. One is carrying two duffle bags, his hair a wavy platinum blonde. He is attempting to pull out his phone and scan like you just had. The second one is whining about the first one taking too long. It’s not really complaining, because he wears a smile in between the pouts. In fact, when he glances over the third’s head, he sees you and smiles brilliantly. 
You smile back, embarrassed at being caught staring, but if you blushed every time you did something socially forward, you would be a permanent tomato. 
The door finally opens for them and that’s when the third one turns around, presumably because he noticed the second one looking at you. He’s the shortest, and even before he turns, you notice that he’s very broad from the back, despite the guitar case blocking your view. 
When his eyes meet yours, your brain definitely tucks away the recognition that he’s wearing black-framed glasses, eyes a warm brown, black hair curly and fluffy, completely dressed in a black t-shirt, black joggers, and black sneakers (a motif one might say). You see all of that, but it doesn’t really connect.
Because something happens. 
No lightning from the sky, or voice, or whatever occurs when something big changes. You’re just oddly aware that your heart is beating at a rate that only occurs when you're winded, that your anticipation has gotten more like anxiety, and you would very much like to ask his name. 
So you disappear into your cabin, not sure of anything anymore. 
“It said four.”
“Well, there’s two, Chan.”
“But it said four.”
You sit on the bottom bunk, watching the fading sunlight out the window, your heart rate seeming to slow down. The fact that you can hear your neighbors’ conversation doesn’t bode well for your sleeping tonight. 
But you always pack earplugs. 
“Must be a mix-up. Find a…what do they call them?”
“Station agent?”
“Train guy?”
You cover your mouth so you don’t laugh too loudly at the final suggestion. You stand up and start to unpack your few things; pajamas, toiletries, two books, and journal. You can hear one of them opening the door and calling down the corridor. 
“Yes sir.” It’s a few minutes (you’ve actually journaled a whole page by this point) when there’s footsteps and a response. 
“I booked for three people, for one of the cabins with two sets of bunk beds.”
“Ah yes…” There’s a clearing of one throat. “We only have a small amount of those, and unfortunately the original train set for this journey had to be changed at last minute. Mechanical issues. You were refunded.”
“That’s not very helpful as I still have only two beds and three people.”
Another clearing of the throat. 
“Yes, well, the train is fully booked. I can supply another set of sheets and pillows.”
“You’re saying our only option is one of us to sleep on the floor?”
“I am very sorry, sir.”
There’s a couple of very very deep sighs. 
“Thank you anyway.”
The ‘train guy’ must leave because you hear furtive discussion; with foreign words you aren’t sure about, but it seems like ‘rock, paper, scissors’ has the same rhythm no matter the language.  
You are on the top bunk, eyes moving from your book to your door. 
It’s dumb, even for you, but you feel like you have to. You have decent intuition about people, at least on a level if they are dangerous or not. And none of your neighbors set off your warning bells or mental red flags. 
So you jump down and open your cabin door, leaving it open in case you need to run back in and like, hide due to extreme embarrassment. 
One deep breath and you knock on their door.
It opens and the blonde stands there, you can see the other two behind him. 
“Hey neighbor,” the blonde greets you with a weary smile, but a smile nonetheless. It makes you grin more easily.
“Hi,” you introduce yourself. “Sorry to eavesdrop, but I heard…” You wave with your hand at the beds in their room. “I have an extra bed.”
All three of them sort of freeze at your words. You don’t blame them. You are an unaccompanied female on a trip, talking to three men you don’t know. Offering a place to sleep to a stranger. 
“You…aren’t serious?” The one who had been whining earlier spoke up first. 
“I think she is,” the third one…the one you actually can’t look at closely right now (though his voice is enough to set your heart rate back up to jumpy). 
“I am.” You shrug. “I know it’s weird. I don’t know you guys. But there’s dinner in the dining car in like an hour. We could have dinner? Chat? Make sure none of us is a serial killer?” 
Are you asking three men out? 
“One of you needs a bed. I have one. It’s not a big deal.”
“It is a big deal,” says the blonde. “But…” He looks at his friends (you assume, maybe they’re all together which makes your proposal of dinner even more awkward), “We do need a bed.” He looks back at you. “I’m Chan. We’ll have dinner, and no hard feelings if you decide to take it back.”
His smile is warm and you would swear in a court of law that this man is one of the safest humans on the planet. 
“Jisung,” He points to the one that had smiled at you so brilliantly. He grins again, but it’s shy. 
So you meet his eyes again for a second time, hoping you’re prepared. 
It’s still there, maybe less surprising because you are expecting it. You know his name now. You know that he still hasn’t smiled at you (which feels tragic somehow), but doesn’t look angry or disgusted by you (a triumph to be sure).
He seems perplexed, which you can’t blame him for. Your offer is certainly perplexing.
“Nice to meet you,” you stutter a little, but deliver your name without too much embarrassment. “So, I’ll see you in an hour?”
There are verbal affirmations and some nodding and you hurry back, wondering if you can even focus on anything other than the fact that you might be sleeping with in the same cabin with one of them later. 
You question yourself as you walk to the dining car (you did your makeup and now you think you’re a little silly), wondering if they’ll even show. Like how damn strange are you to offer a bed to three men you do not know? They probably don’t even want to be near you now.
There’s a host at the front of the carriage and you give him your cabin number. 
“I’m waiting on someone…s.” And your ability to speak has been hijacked by your nerves. You’ve spent the last hour in your cabin, earbuds in so you don’t eavesdrop on anything you might hear from next door (not that they only speak in English, but still. It feels invasive). Your mind has tumbled over itself trying to understand what you had done, had said, and the eeriness of how the third man affects you.
He isn’t your type, as pointless as you think having a type even is. You’ve never found impressive muscles all that impressive.
“Someones? How many?” The host asks you and you feel weirdly interrogated by him, like maybe he doesn’t believe anyone would be sitting with you. That you’d lie about something like that. For what? A table to yourself?
“Um, I think, three.” Confidence would probably be a handy thing right now. 
You open your mouth to reiterate the number of guests when you feel a presence behind you. And you know, even though this is the closest he’s ever been that it’s him. 
“Three,” he states, voice scratchy. You feel his gaze on you. “The other two are coming.”
You swallow and look over. 
But…he is really attractive. 
He’s wearing trousers and a button-down. The dining car does encourage more formal dress and you’ve even slipped on a skirt and nice top for it. His hair is still fluffy and he still wears the glasses, which makes him look way more scholarly than he had just an hour ago. 
He hasn’t given you much to go on if he feels the same strangeness when you meet eyes or even if he is aware of you beyond that you exist. But there’s a lift at the corner of his lips, a hint of a smirk or smile and it’s devastating. 
“Hey,” he replies, still with that half-grin. “You look nice.”
Oh god, he complimented you?!
“Um, thanks.” You try and pretend that your brain can engage quicker than it is currently. “You do too.” You gesture vaguely. “I like the glasses.”
You do not know this man and yet when the half-grin grows into a full grin, maybe a touch bashful, it feels very familiar and comforting. Like you’ve never seen him smile before and it’s beautiful, but also, that’s exactly how you feel he should smile.
What the fuck is going on right now?
“Jisung can’t tie a tie to save his life, so Chan’s doing it for him,” he explains before looking at the host. “Can we sit or do we have to wait until they get here?”
“We prefer the parties to be all present when–”
“Sure thing.” Changbin makes eye contact with you again and you know that he’s amused at the level of formality the host is emanating. “We’ll be here.” He gestures for you to move over to the side so the next people waiting can move up. He follows and leans against the carriage wall next to you. 
He’s not uncomfortably close by any means, but there’s not ample amounts of space in trains, so he’s close.
He smells good.
“So, what brings you and um, your friends to Scotland?” you begin, willing confidence into your voice and posture. He’s watching the entrance to the dining car but glances at you, the mirthful turn of his lips coming back. 
“Ah, well, inspiration.”
You straighten up. You don’t know what you expected, but that wasn’t it. 
“Really? For what?”
He regards you for another second or two, like he’s seeing if you’re really interested, or if you can be trusted. 
“What’s your guess?”
Way to put you on the spot.
“Damn, that’s unfair.”
He chuckles, crossing his arms over his chest (ARMS). “Yeah, how so?”
“Anything I say will be based on stereotypes. Like I met you an hour ago.”
“Still invited one of us to bed.”
His voice drops with those words and you wonder if he can see the shiver that goes through you (you try and not visibly react, but holy fuck). 
“Yes, well, no red flags.”
His eyebrows raise. “Really?”
You shrug. “Yeah. Unless my detection skills for serial killers are rusty.”
The half-grin again. “Hmm. How do you know your skills are even competent?” His eyes widened. “Have you met a serial killer?”
You laugh because he seems to legitimately think you might have. And there’s something really refreshing about the fact that he has no idea what field you’re in. Maybe you have.
“You first.”
He eyes you with concession. “Musicians. You?”
“Musicians? Really?” 
“No…” he points at you. “You have to say what you do.”
“No I don’t.”
That’s when his friends arrive, with you and a man you don’t know staring at each other in a mock-battle of wits.
“Interrupting something?” Chan says, nearly laughing.
“She…” Changbin starts then his shoulders drop. “I don’t even know.” He glares at you with no malice before going back to the host. 
“Hi again,” you greet them both. Also dressed in somewhat formal attire, Chan and Jisung are as handsome as the man you are thrown by. 
“Hi,” Chan replies and behind him Jisung waves in tiny . 
All of you are ushered to your table. You sit next to the carriage window even though it’s nearly too dark to see outside. There’s a moment of awkwardness as the three of them seem to nonverbally communicate as to where to sit. 
Changbin sits next to you. HIs arm brushes yours as he gets situated and it happens again: the heartbeat, the anticipation, but it’s mellower, more familiar. 
A server comes to the table and the next few minutes are spent in ordering food and drink. You all decide to get a bottle of wine to share.
“So, Changbin says your musicians?” you begin before taking a sip of the merlot, swishing it around in your mouth as though that would tell you something. You’ve done a wine tour or five, and you kinda get it, but you don’t really. It’s just wine. 
You can see both Jisung and Chan look at Changbin in surprise. 
“Oh, he did?” Chan asks, something underlying the innocuous remark. Teasing of some kind; as guys often do. “Yeah.”
“I saw a guitar.” They all look at you and you flush a bit. “I mean, when I saw you guys coming down the hall. There was a guitar case.”
“Observant.” You can just tell Changbin is paying attention. If only to figure out what you do.
“A bit.”
“Musicians…” Chan begins. “Is a little misleading. We can all play, but…” He takes a sip of wine. “We don’t play, like, one of us on drums, a bass, and an electric guitar.” 
“So, non-traditional.” You rest your chin in your hand. 
“We rap,” Jisung says, twisting his wine glass by the stem. “Me and Bin mostly, Chan does the beats, mixes.”
“Ohhhh.” You straighten up. “Okay, that’s awesome…so, do you have a gig in Edinburgh?”
“No, just to write,” Chan sighs. “We’ve been a little stuck lately and yeah.” He looks so despondent about it, so you pat his hand before taking another sip of your wine. He smiles at you like the physical comfort is normal.
“We have a deadline for a full album and we’re way behind,” Changbin explains further and you look over at him. 
“You all are represented and everything? That’s amazing.”
He waves it away as the other two verbally dismiss such an accomplishment. “What about you? What do you do?”
You grin at Changbin’s apparent annoyance that you’ve kept it from him for this long. The corner of his lips lifts in an almost smirk.
Fuck, it’s attractive. 
“Um. Content creator.”
There’s a collection of laughs from them.
“So are we,” Changbin says, leaning a bit closer. “Wanna be more specific?” 
You know you don’t have a great poker face, so when he gets that close, you’re sure all three of them can see that you’re affected. Your face heats, and your breath catches just for a split second.
When have you ever been this partial to a stranger before?
“Travel. Writer, vlogger,” you answer with a lift of your shoulders. He leans back and it’s like you can breathe easier. “I’ve never done a sleeper train before, so here I am.”
There’s a moment where they are all quiet, looking at you with various expressions of incredulity.
“You get paid to travel?”
You laugh at Jisung’s question. “Kinda? I mean, I go and make the content before I’m paid, hoping that someone will want it…monetize it, etc.” It’s always an interesting thing, to see what people think when you explain how you make a living. Some think you must be famous (not even close), or full of shit (maybe you are, but not about work), or some place along that spectrum. 
“That’s amazing,” Changbin speaks next, his tone more thoughtful than sarcastic or derogatory. 
“I’m jealous. I’m so freakin jealous,” Jisung pouts and then sips his wine. “Wait, so when you took a picture of the wine bottle and glass with your lipstick stain on it…it was for work.”
You nod. “It’s honestly the only time I wear lipstick. I kind of hate it most of the time.” You add credence to your words by wiping off your lips with a tissue from the tissue pack you always keep in your purse. Then doing the same to the glass. “Lipstick residue never comes off in the dishwasher…I used to wash for the local tavern in my hometown. The worst.” 
They’re all three looking at you again with various expressions. You think the expressions are positive, but you’ve only known them for an hour and most of that hour you were in your cabin, journaling. 
“Do you have a niche?” Chan asks, “Like a specific type of travel or anything?”
You shrug. “I like train travel. This is my first sleeper cabin, so that’ll be of some focus. But I have a few places in Edinburgh to capture as well.”
“And you can live off of this?” Changbin answers. “Why the fuck are we writing music?” 
You laugh with the others at his thunderstruck question. You turn a bit more toward him, watching how his gaze drops to your now-naked lips then back to your eyes. 
“Because you love it. I assume.” You feel your cheeks heat when he smiles at your sentimentality. The waiter returns to receive your orders, and you try not to smile too large that everyone orders something different. You hope they’ll let you photo each meal. 
“Why Scotland for inspiration?”
Both Changbin and Jisung look at Chan who shrugs, a bit sheepish. 
“Always wanted to. We spend most of our time in South Korea or Australia, so this seemed like something different.”
“‘Stairway to Heaven’ was written on Loch Ness, too,” Jisung offers.
“Yeah, in the house of the creepy af Aleister Crowley…” You lean forward and drop your voice. “You’re not going there, are you?”
“No,” Changbin chuckles. “But you know that story?”
“I’m full of useless knowledge,” you answer. 
“How long have you been doing this?” Changbin asks you. “The traveling and vlogging?”
“A while. The living off of it, only a few years.” You shake your head when he opens his mouth. “My turn. Tell me about how you three became rappers, musicians, a crew.”
“Gonna use it in your content?” Chan asks, a touch of amusement, but also more caution. 
You shake your head. “Not without permission. And usually my stuff is less with people and more places, food, drink. I will totally ask if I can take a photo of each of your meals.”
“I guess that’s okay,” Changbin says. “If you get part of my hand, though, I expect compensation.”
And with that joking remark, your eyes immediately focus on his hands. That’s not a feature you usually think much about in your attraction to men. It takes more about personality and smile, and maybe a lanky form. 
But it says everything about this whole strange experience that when you look at his hands, you actually shiver.
God, this is so damn weird.
“Of course,” You answer. “Also…you didn’t answer. How did you three meet?”
Again, both Changbin and Jisung look at Chan.
“You’re in charge, huh?”
Chan blushes, which is adorable. “I mean…kinda, but just cause I started us…”
“What he will never say is that he studied music production and then found us at the same school, basically said ‘fuck school let’s do our own thing’ and we’ve saved money on tuition and made money…though nothing like insane.” Changbin leans back in his chair, his arm falling to the back of mine before his eyes widen and he drops it. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay. I’ve already invited one of you into my cabin…What are social rules at this point?” You just have no filter today, but the answering laughter from them is comforting. “Since you asked me, what is your niche? Like love songs?”
“Rap love songs?” Jisung asks, mildly disgusted. 
“Love songs is a pretty wide spectrum,” you argue. “From unrequited, to innocent, attraction to just sex, broken hearts, betrayal, cheating. It’s all over the place.” Your question isn’t all that random. Out of the corner of your eye, you’re watching Changbin the moment you mention ‘love’ as though he might say or do something that’ll give you indication that he’s also feeling the same lunacy that you are undergoing.
Nothing. Nothing but just him listening and having a piece of the rustic bread dipped in olive oil the server placed on your table. 
“She has a point. We do write love songs if that’s the umbrella,” Chan says and Jisung pouts again, but while he’s chewing on the bread, his cheeks full, and he looks just like a small woodland creature. “But I wouldn't ever market them as love songs.”
“Doesn’t fit the hip hop crew vibe?”
Changbin snorts. “Not so much.”
“So. What do you write about?” You plop your chin in your hand. “I admit my rap and hip hop knowledge is less than my obscure trivia about Boleskine House.”  
Jisung speaks up, “Just stuff we’re dealing with.” He glances at Chan. “Probably more about growing up and figuring out who you are more than anything.”
“Relatable,” you reply on an exhaled breath. All three of them smile. “Sorry, that was pretty obvious. I guess everyone is still figuring it all out, huh?”
The food arrives a few minutes later and after you get the perfect shots of all the dishes (there are a few with their hands because it’s too aesthetic not to do so) the conversation turns to places to see and visit in Edinburgh and the surrounding areas, things to do, etc. 
“Oh, I’ll definitely try haggis,” you say. 
“Really?” Jisung makes a face. “Isn’t it like…gross?”
“I tend to try most food at least once. I’ve already done blood pudding.” Which means you have to explain it to them. The trio of disgusted faces makes you laugh. “It’s not bad with ketchup.” 
“Bin would probably do the same, though.” Jisung points at him with a beef-laden fork. “He eats anything.”
You turn to Changbin, noting the slight reddening in his cheeks and narrow-eyed glare he gives to Jisung. 
“It’s called being adventurous,” you say in support. “And food is a gift.” You gesture to your plate. “Case in point.”
“A gift?” Chan prompts. 
“I mean, we didn’t have to have taste buds, right? Like we could just have evolved or been created, whatever your origin stance is, without. Food could just be sustenance, something we do without thought, like breathing. But we have all these receptors that give us pleasure.”
“Or disgust,” Jisung says before taking another bite, the cheeks filling out again. 
“Is there pleasure without pain?” 
“Jeez, we got deep,” Chan says, chuckling.
“Could be your next song. The listener will think it’s about life or sex or whatever, but it’s just the three of you debating about food.”
“Life or sex or whatever?” Changbin repeats, turning a little toward you. You make eye contact (maybe you’ve had too much wine), eyebrows up in curiosity. He gestures that you should continue. 
“All literature, and I’d include lyrics in that, boils down to being about love or death. Or simply sex or death.”
Again, it might be the wine, but you swear that when you mention sex his eyes focus more on you. There’s just a slight flicker. 
“And that’s not an original,” you quickly say before going back to your meal. “I learned that in the infinite amount of Lit classes I took in college.” 
“I guess that’s true.” Chan looks thoughtful. “Our songs about identity and growing up is pretty much about doing what you can before death.”
“Speaking of getting deep,” Changbin says. “We should go back to talking about food.” 
“Or pleasure?” Jisung teases. 
Chan cuffs him on the back of the head. He just grins at his friend like being physically chastised is commonplace. 
Probably is. 
It’s brief, the moment of melancholy that hits you when you think of this three-person friendship and how so much of what you do is solitary. 
You blink it away and take another bite of your sea bass, listening to them discuss Edinbrugh castle and the village they have an AirBnb in after two days in the city. 
“Please?” Jisung whines. “We can share the molten chocolate cake?” 
Chan rolls his eyes. “But I don’t want any.”
“I’ll share it with you, Jisung,” you offer. “That or the cheesecake sounds really good.”
“We could do both.”
You giggle at his excited expression. “We could do that.”
“Amazing,” Jisung is thrilled. “You are amazing.” 
“I am often lauded for my sweet tooth.” 
“Only for your sweet tooth?”
The lower tone makes you look at Changbin again. Chan is ‘scolding’ Jisung on the other side of the table about too many sweets and how he’ll be hyper and not sleep, so for the second time this evening, it looks like you and Changbin are speaking alone. 
“Only?” you ask to clarify.
He grins. “I mean, you just used the word ‘lauded’ in regular conversation. I feel like you might get compliments in general.”
“For using big words? Or weird ones? Not really.” 
“Well.” He regards you for a few seconds, eyes not leaving your face. “It’s impressive.”
Your face heats before you can deflect and you drop your gaze because his is overwhelming. 
Dessert is ordered and when received, devoured (even by Chan). When the bill comes, there’s an argument about letting them pay for you, which is won by Jisung saying that since he ‘bullied’ you into getting dessert with him, they should cover it all. You acquiesce only because you convince them to let you get breakfast tomorrow morning (wow, isn’t that suggestive). 
You’ve never been walked to your door before by three men. Granted, they’re just next door and you’ve also never been walked to a train cabin door before. But you recognize that if anyone paid attention to your little party, they might be envious.
You’re kinda envious. Of yourself.
Three of you pause at your door. Jisung continues to the cabin before realizing that everyone else has stopped and readily looks abashed as he comes back the six feet. 
“So,” you begin, scanning your phone over the pad on the door. “I don’t think any one of us is an axe murderer.”
There’s a collective chuckle.
“Who uses axes anymore,” Jisung says before considering. “I don’t suppose that really helps my case.”
Chan pops him lightly on the back of the head again. “I think,” he says to you. “That whoever can just sleep on the extra bed. We’ll keep all our stuff and such in our cabin. If you’re still okay with this. It’s really alright if you’re not. Ax murderers or not, it’s your space.”
You glance at Changbin, remembering the warmth of his arm when it pressed against yours randomly through dinner. 
“That’s fine. I guess brushing your teeth in front of a stranger is pretty weird.”
You hear Changbin’s snort of amusement before looking at him again. It’s hard not to stare at him. It was actually good he sat next to you during dinner, so you had to make the effort to look at him, so it was easy to tell and force yourself not to. Because that’s what you want to do. Memorize everything about him. The line of his jaw, the placement of his dimples when he grins, the rapid-fire of his laugh. 
God, you’re going to need some serious time to process what is going on with you. 
“Yeah, just knock whenever,” you continue, forcing yourself to look away from him. “I’ll probably stay up for a bit to journal and take some notes.”
You don’t ask who will be using the empty bed in your cabin. It’s too weird, beyond what this already is, but you are trying not to give away the way one man keeps stealing your attention and focus. 
You have never done a one-night stand and you don’t think that in a train cabin next to his friends would be a good place to start. 
You bid them a good night and enter your cabin. You lean on the closed door and let out a huge sigh before hurriedly getting ready for bed in the worry that maybe one of them will show up soon.
Also, you probably don’t need all your underthings just out to be seen.
You settle in your pajamas (sweatshirt and shorts because you always forget to buy fun pjs) and situate your laptop and journal in the bottom bunk. More time passes than you think it would take a guy to get ready, but it is kind of early to go to sleep, so you work on just focusing on organizing and writing copy for what you captured today. 
You’re working on describing your supper in good detail when there’s a knock on your cabin door. 
You almost fall in your stumble to get to the door, opening it and staring.
Changbin, dressed in a sleeveless t-shirt and nylon shorts, stands there, the half-grin in place. He has a small backpack over his shoulder. 
“Hi.” You step back to let him in, watching as he closes the door behind him. “It’s a good look.” You speak before thinking. 
He laughs, leaning on the door. “Thanks, I try.” His eyes drop to take in your sleepwear. “Also, a good look.”
“Scantily-clad lingerie is so overrated.”
“Is it?”
God, you really shouldn’t have wine.
“Um, I took the bottom bunk.” You point to the beds. “Hope that’s okay.”
“It’s your room. I’m just grateful to not have to sleep on the floor. Or try and drown out Jisung’s snoring.” He moves easily toward the beds, climbing up to the top, slinging his bag on the mattress. 
“No axes in there?”
He plops down, legs having over the side and his grin widens. “Just a tiny one. In case I need to defend myself.”
“From me?” 
“Or Dementors.”
It’s easy to laugh and it decreases the tension a little especially when he swings his legs as you move back to your little nest on your bed. 
“So. What’re you doing?” He moves so he’s laying down and looking over the side of the bunk at you. You look up, finding the fact that you chose to put the man on top of you (with space and a bed in between but still) probably a dumb dumb idea. 
“Working. Or more like brainstorming. I still need to figure out where I want to go, when, how, etc. I make itineraries, but really flexible ones because if I’m too rigid, I don’t have fun.”
“Makes sense.” He goes quiet for a second. “Can I…be really self-involved for a second?”
“Absolutely. It’s encouraged.”
He grins again and hurries down to the floor next to where you have tucked yourself in. He gestures to the open space at the foot.
You nod and he sits before offering wireless headphones. 
“Want to listen to something we finished last week?”
“Absolutely,” you say again, reaching out with almost ‘grabby hands’. He laughs at your enthusiasm and leans in to place the headset over your ears. Your smile fades with him that close. It’s a move, it has to be. There’s no way he doesn’t know what he’s doing. His face is about a foot or so away from yours and you want to touch his cheeks and feel if they are soft and smooth like they appear. He meets your eyes once the headphones are in place and there’s a softness in his curled lips. 
You absolutely want to kiss a stranger. 
He sits back and opens his phone to press play. “Too quiet?”
The instrumentation is soft, so you nod and he presses the side of his phone a few times before you nod again. 
You aren’t sure what you expected, but it wasn’t this. It’s not hip hop, with its intense beats and rhythm. There is synth and piano at a much softer, flowy-ier tempo. 
“Oh it’s pretty,” you say quietly. He smiles but then looks down at the phone as you listen. You wonder if he can sense where you are in the song with just watching the time counter move along. 
You wonder who does the higher notes, whose voice is harsh and rough, who sounds more like he could be in a choir. 
The song ends abruptly and you startle at it, glancing at Changbin. 
“We don’t have the ending quite right yet.”
“I think it should fade out,’ you say, again without thinking. “I mean, I know nothing about how to put a song together–”
“But you like music, so noted.” His smile is warm. “You liked it?”
“Very much. It’s…what I could understand cause I assume Korean?”
“You assume correct.” 
“It’s about dreams changing? Like how you wanted one thing and you realize that what you wanted has changed into something perhaps less impressive, but still matters to you?” Your eyes widen as you remove the headphones. “Or I could be projecting.”
He chuckles and reaches out for the headphones, his hand touching yours and you try to not shiver at the errant contact (can you still blame the wine?).
“No, that’s there. Maybe not as thought out as what you just said.” He fiddles with the headphones. “You’re really smart.”
“No. I just overthink.”
He makes a face at you, disapproving. “You’re smart. Take the compliment. The lauding.” 
You look away, feeling flushed. “Thank you.” Then you look back. “It’s really beautiful, Changbin. Like I was going to search for your music anyway, and listen and then decide how to tell you what I thought without being like super judgy or whatever, but wow.”
“Thanks.” He nods to your computer. “I showed you mine, you show me yours?”
The terminology (innuendo, wtf) makes you feel more than you should about trading work content with someone, but you nod and turn your laptop around, finding your YouTube channel and choosing a video from last year when you were in Barcelona, walking around to see every Anton Gaudi piece of architecture. He watches, occasionally glancing up at you.
“You don’t show yourself much.”
“Oh, yeah, well, it’s not about me. It’s about the experience. No one needs to see me to see the food, the sights.” 
“But they can hear you.” You do narrate quite a bit.
“Well, that’s done mostly after because then I can figure out what I want to say, clearly.”
“You have a nice voice.”
“Oh. Thank you.” You point to his phone. “Which voice are you?”
“Which do you think?” 
“That’s not fair. Our speaking voices don’t always match our performing ones.” You pout and he grins. 
You sigh as though it’s a burden and he chuckles, eyes back on the video. 
“The low one. Like the raspier one.”
He smirks. “Good guess.”
“It’s nice. Like rough, but soothing too?” 
He stares at you as the video ends. 
“What?” Now you’re even more flustered. 
“Dunno. Kinda fascinated.”
You want to ask him. Does he feel it too? This weird something between you. But you actually think that might make the strange occurrence of him sleeping above you even more awkward. 
You turn your laptop back around and look at the screen like you can focus on anything but him. 
“I, uh, won’t be up much longer,” you begin, stuttering a bit as you can still feel his eyes on you. “So you can sleep soon.”
“We tend to late hours, the guys and me, so it’s more like I might keep you up.”
Your eyes dart to his, the tension back so strongly that you actually curl your fingers into the bedding as though it might keep you from reaching out to touch him. 
“Oh.” Smooth, very smooth.
He sits back, but doesn’t make any move to remove himself from your bed. “So…I feel like you should definitely see us at some point. Like come to Linlithgow when we’re there.”
“I should?”
He nods, resting on the opposing wall. HIs feet are still off, but the rest of him is on your bed. It’s intimate, a sleepover with a friend. 
A really attractive friend.
“Like after you do what you need to in the city…?” He glances at his hands then at you. “If you want.”
“I wouldn’t not want.”
He laughs.
“Sorry, that was terrible English,” you wave it away. “I wouldn’t want to disturb you guys though. You’re doing this to work.”
“Inspiration comes from all types of things. Including new people.” He looks like he might say more, but moves to get off the bed and you feel it acutely. “Besides,” he says as he starts back up into his bunk. “It shouldn’t all be work, right? All work, no play and all that?”
Why does he have to look so appealing saying the word ‘play’? You are so very tempted to say something about him staying in your bed, to play, to tease, to taste.
Too much. 
“Something like that.” If he hears the tremor in your voice, he doesn’t comment. 
You hear him settle in the bed above you and you try to focus on your work, though it’s not easy, hyper-aware of him as you are. 
“This is dumb, but I’m really glad I got to meet you guys.”
There’s rustling and you look up to see him peer at you over the side of the bunk. He’s grinning. 
“It’s not dumb. And same.” Again he looks like he might say something else, but he just winks at you. “G’night.”
“Night. Sweet dreams.”
“Yeah, I hope so.” He laughs and rolls back over. You continue to do what you can; listening to the tinny sounds of whatever he’s vibing to on his phone, hearing each shift he makes in bed. You make decent progress and plan to record the audio sometime in your hotel room tomorrow night. You close down all your electronics, before getting up and moving to turn off the lamp light on the small table by the door. You carefully make your way back to your bunk.
“Again, night, neighbor.” His voice is impossibly lower and it makes you jump even if you assumed he wasn’t asleep yet. 
“Good night, Changbin.”
You curl up under the duvet and look outside at the pitch-black dark night before pulling the cord for the blinds and closing your eyes. 
When you wake up, the sun is just peeking over the horizon, the light diffused through the blinds right next to where you sleep. Despite being a little concerned that you might not sleep since you have a cabin mate, you actually wake feeling decently well-rested. Not that you are happy that the sun is making itself known in your face, but it isn’t the worst wake-up call. 
You stretch before reaching for your phone. You hear a deep inhale and it makes you freeze in your movements.
Right. A near-stranger slept in your cabin.
You stare up at the underside of the top bunk, mentally reviewing everything that happened yesterday. 
You are no closer to understanding why you feel so drawn to the man in your cabin than you were yesterday. 
With a sigh, you push yourself out of bed, stretching again once you’re on your feet. You move to the other side of the window, moving the blinds just enough so you can see out. 
It’s hard not to smile at the landscape that rushes by. The rolling hills, the sparse trees, the rock walls and hedges that provide simple borders. 
You hear the shifting in the top bunk and quickly drop the blinds.
He says your name, voice low and rough from sleep.
It takes you a second to respond, to make your voice not sound at all affected by just how much hearing him say your name in that tone warms you to near scorching. 
You see him peer over at you, face flushed from sleep and eyes all squinty. 
It’s as devastating as when he’d been dressed up last night. 
“Time’isit?” he slurs, voice low and rumbly. 
“Not quite seven.”
He groans and rolls to his back. “Why up?”
You chuckle at the sleepy caveman speak. “Just woke up. Go back to sleep. I’ll be quiet.”
He snorts, rolling back over and propping himself up on one elbow, cheek to hand. “It’s your room. I can go back next door.” He blinks a few times as though you might be finally coming into focus. He smiles, as sleepy and cute as can be. “Though Ji and Chan might be violent if I wake them up.”
“Wouldn’t want you harmed,” you reply, and waves dismissively. “Go on, go back to sleep.”
He nods slow before letting his arm drop with the rest of him. You wait to see if he’s going to say more, but you hear the even breathing after a few seconds and it makes you smile. 
Seems like he’s good at that.
You gather your things for the day to take to the bathroom compartment down the hall (having showered the night before, but you aren’t about to change in the same room even if he is asleep). When you get back, you do some simple skincare and makeup before starting to pack everything up for disembarking in a few hours. 
There’s a loud thump sound from the other side of the wall, then muttered words (not English, you assume Korean) before another voice joins in and it’s not horribly loud, but it is noticeable. 
The other two must be awake.
“Changbin?” you say softly, not wanting to shock him awake. You move over to the bunks, again saying his name. Then you lightly touch his shoulder.
He hums before blinking his eyes open. He grins at you. 
“Missed me?”
“Of course.”
His eyes widen because you don’t argue and that makes you laugh. You point toward the wall. 
“Your friends are up.”
He turns, hair sticking out in all directions as he listens to the muted voices of his bandmates. He nods before sitting up. He searches the bedclothes before finding his phone. He points down toward the small nightstand. You grab his glasses as he opens his mouth.
“Can you–” He stops when you hand them to him. “Oh.”
You chuckle again and walk back to your suitcase, zipping it up and starting to fill your backpack with your journal and laptop and other vlogger accessories. 
You look over to see him climbing down. He runs a hand through his hair, before shrugging.
“Oh. You’re welcome.” You feel your face heat with embarrassment. “Truly not a problem. Thanks for not being an ax murderer.”
He laughs before grabbing his bag from the carpet and moving toward the door. He pauses as he opens it then offers you his phone. 
“I…I can text you when we head to breakfast? If you want?” He is blushing slightly and you feel an immense amount of gratitude that he initiates the exchanging of contact information. You had been mulling over and over about the best way to make sure you could keep in contact with your next door neighbors (especially Changbin) and how not to make it obvious that you are interested (unless you should make it obvious…cause you are…right?…this weird connection is just…attraction…of some strange degree?) or awkward.
You nod to ease his discomfort and take his phone, fingers brushing and that definitely elicits some frissons. You input your number and hand it back. 
“Okay,” he says before giving you a large grin and heading out into the hallway. You look around the door to see and make sure he gets into his room. The door opens after he knocks and there’s a loud ‘Hyung!’ before he’s pulled in. 
You let out a breath.
Breakfast (preceded by a short ‘hungry?’ text from an unknown number - now not unknown) is much more relaxed than dinner was, the guys chatting about the cabin and decent sleep though Chan does complain about Jisung’s snoring to which Changbin who sits next to you again, says that you don’t snore with a familiar grin, discussing if they should store their bags and immediately go to Ediburgh castle, or check in at their hotel first then go.
As Jisung rants about how heavy their equipment is after prolonged carrying, Changbin leans over to you.
“Kinda silly, but promise me something?”
Is this it? Is he going to say something about the weird link that you feel…that he feels it too?
He scrunches up his nose at your cryptic response. 
“Don’t have haggis without me? I need moral support.”
It’s so not where your brain went that you have no idea what expression is on your face, but you laugh at the surprise of the request because only you are spiraling about this whole thing. He seems blissfully unaware.
Lucky him.
“I can keep that promise.”
He smiles back, squeezing your arm which repeats the tingles from earlier but more of them and you watch him, to see if anything in his face or reaction gives anything away.
Are you just the one losing your mind?
Perhaps it’s good that you’ll be on your own for a few days in the city before deciding whether or not to go meet up with them in Linlithgow (you refuse to admit that it’s 100% likely that you will). Maybe time away from him will fix your brain. Or whatever has you in such confusion. 
You all return to your respective cabins as arrival time is ahem, arriving soon. 
Changbin pauses by your door as the other two continue to their cabin. You stop half-way into the room. 
He presses his lips together. “Nothing. Just seeing that you get in safely.”
“Going for the knight-in-shining-armor role?”
He doesn’t answer your teasing immediately, expression more contemplative. 
“Maybe.” There's a quick smile at the end of that, like he knows he’s being as cryptic as you were earlier. He takes a step closer, probably the closest that he’s been face-to-face with you. “That okay?”
Your breath hitches at his nearness and he has to hear it. His smirk is subtle, not as confident, but far more enticing. His eyes drop from yours to your mouth and back up so quickly that you almost believe you made it up.
But when he steps back, you’re sure you didn’t. Which means the butterflies in your stomach are not alone. 
Maybe he has a few too.
“Yeah. That’s okay.”  
He nods before walking to his cabin, looking back once then entering. You do the same. 
The train reaches Edinburgh Waverley station within the next twenty minutes and soon you are back on solid ground, less than 24 hours later, but, as you stand with the guys as they check their phone GPS, it is a very different you than previous. 
Even if it’s only you and not him. 
“So…” Jisung begins once they have decided they know where they’re going. “We’ll see you?”
You smile. “Most likely.” You glance at Changbin who raises his eyebrows. “Probably yes. I’ll let you know.”
“Have fun, then. Be safe, yeah?” Chan says and comes over to hug you like that level of familiarity has been established between all of you. You don’t mind. Not a bit, and you’re grateful that he is so unawkward about it. He’s warm and smells good, like sun-warmed grass. He releases you before hefting the guitar over his shoulder and heading toward the street level. Jisung, notably more reserved, waves at you before following Chan. 
You look at Changbin who hasn’t looked away. Feeling bold because ‘what the hell’, you open your arms in a blatant hug invitation, and he laughs before sliding off his shoulder bag and coming up to wrap his arms around you.
Oh god in heaven, wow. 
Chan was warm, but Changbin is searing. The weather this far north is chilly and though you’ve dressed for such a change, Changbin is far better as a heater than your hoodie. You hope you’re not being creepy when your eyes close and you breathe in; spicy and floral. You feel him turn his head a bit, his arms tighten, but then he lets go almost abruptly. You feel a whine at the back of your throat but you swallow it down. 
He tucks his hands into his pockets.
“Text once and awhile. Okay?” His smile is sheepish. “So this knight doesn’t worry.”
“Will do, Mr. Knight.” 
He jogs off, bag back on his shoulder, after his friends and they soon disappear among the crowd of morning commuters. 
You have many things to do but you don’t immediately start because if only for a moment, you feel bereft.
You spend four days in Edinburgh. You go to the castle though you’ve been before because it really is one of the loveliest sights in the country. You take your camera to The Writers Museum, showcasing it because it’s super interesting and also free admission. Not free really because you buy a ridiculous amount of souvenirs from the gift shop. You tell yourself and your followers that you’ll use them as gifts, even offering a few as a giveaway. 
You (on encouragement from a few comments) decided to do one of the haunted walking tours (there are several to choose from), checking with those in charge that your recording will not be a problem. They seem delighted for the free publicity and some spooky tales or shots will be a lot of fun.
You temporarily forget that you don’t like scary things.
It’s halfway through the tour and you are doing your best to record, listen and not gasp in terror or cover your ears like a child who doesn’t like what they are being told. You know your heart is pumping so fast because you feel it and why did you do this to yourself?
There’s a split second of you wishing Changbin was with you and hugging you again because that is your most recent memory of feeling safe. Hugs are naturally just a wonderful thing, but his had gone beyond that.
In your time alone in the city, you’ve given some thought to the strange draw you have to a stranger (though less of a stranger now). You definitely have found random people you run across in your travels as attractive. You aren’t blind. Beauty in people is just as soul-reviving as beauty in landscape and architecture. 
You’ve dated, but not lately. Your job can keep you away for periods at a time and though you’ve never been seriously tempted to be unfaithful, your partners have been more paranoid. That lack of trust bothered you more than any idiosyncrasies in dealing with combining two lives together. 
You have never seen someone in passing and felt like if you didn’t meet, didn’t talk, didn’t have a moment to interact; that you would spend your days living in regret. The desire to know someone has never possessed you at any point that you can remember. And now that you do know him a little? It just makes you want to know more. In a mental list, you have questions you want to ask him. 
He’s texted you. Photos of their time in Edinburgh; the castle and classic tattoo performance, all the food and drink, the statues that he and his friends sometimes pose like or with. You’ve texted back comments and suggestions. You’ve sent photos you wouldn’t use on your platforms; silly ones that would make the blooper reel if you had one for your life, ones that are just moments in your wanderings that you think he might like. You exchange song recommendations. You didn’t know he’d also like ballads, and softer songs. 
You’ve looked them up on youtube (they never mentioned their group name, but a search of ‘chan, jisung, changbin’ only brings up one group) and listened to their songs. It’s not your typical listening, but you like it. You buy an album digitally and when you just walk through the streets, you pop in your earbuds and listen to them. You look up lyrics when you have a moment, Korean being the dominant language in all their songs. You mull over the themes of their work, it makes you add new mental questions to that list. 
You get a photo of their little Airbnb when they are in Linlithgow. There’s pictures of the sun reflecting on the loch, the castle in the distance. Chan in front his laptop with music making paraphernalia. Jisung with his forehead furrowed, scribbling something on paper. 
Changbin making a duck face selfie.
>>Haggis soon?
The text comes in when you are in your inn room, editing more recent footage. Your time is coming to an end in the city and you’ve not said anything because you aren't sure they, or he, will still want you to come visit. Your original plan was to stay only a few days, maybe a day trip somewhere near, and then get back on the train to London. 
Plans change.
<<if you still want to? you’re supposed to be writing great masterpieces.
>> (pout emoji) 
<<not going well?
>>it’s okay. it’s really peaceful here and i get distracted by just sitting on a bench, watching people. 
<<i know for a fact that’s good for inspiration.
>>you’re avoiding answering my question. Are you coming to see us?
<<I booked a room for tomorrow night. Celebratory haggis for dinner?
You’ve adjusted your train ticket back to London, giving yourself more time, but you can’t help but wonder what will happen when you go back home and he goes back to Korea. 
When you first ran into the trio, you weren’t nervous because you didn’t know. This time around, your heart is prematurely thumping like you’ve run all the way from Edinburgh. You’ve checked into your room at the pub/inn you’re staying at, then back on the street to view the centuries old architecture. It’s definitely a wet day, the clouds are ominous, so you’ve thrown your umbrella into your backpack and layered under your hoodie. 
You have plans for dinner with them; a local restaurant that the owner of their Airbnb recommended. There’s no reason for you to see them before that. But despite that knowledge, you keep your eyes peeled (what a weird phrase, honestly) for any familiar sightings. 
You walk along the street, trying to remember to look down because the streets are not even in these old villages and you wouldn’t say you’re clumsy, but you wouldn’t say you’re grace personified either. The buildings are magnificent though. The style sends you back to books you’ve read about tiny villages and murder mysteries that never scare you, just make you want to live in a cozy place and live a cozy life. 
You pause in front of the third pub you’ve passed by, wondering if going in for a drink would settle the buzz of nerves currently rippling through you. 
You hear your name.
You turn to see Changbin jogging up to you with a grin on his face, and he’s pulled you into a hug before you can piece together that he’s on his own, without his friends. 
“You didn’t say you were here yet,” he says, voice muffled by your hair before he draws back, still grinning. 
It’s stronger, the tether that you’ve felt since first laying eyes on him. You want to kiss him. 
Like really really want to kiss him. 
The urge startles you and you take a second to smile back, to cover that insane desire. You barely know him. What you know, you like, but you need to chill. 
Good job. Real eloquent and normal.
He laughs and squeezes your arm before letting go. He’s wearing sweatpants, a t-shirt, and a backwards snapback. 
It’s so casual and normal, and you feel a bit light-headed.
You almost move to hug him again. 
“Where’s the rest of 3racha?”
He shrugs. “Ji is currently down the rabbit hole of youtube, and Chan is frustratedly working on a track and does not want any outside input at the moment. I decided to go for a workout.” He smiles again, tugging on the straps of his gym bag that’s hanging on his shoulder.. “And I found you.”
His smile drops when you don’t say anything. 
“I mean, unless you’re working right now? I’m sorry. You probably are and–”
“No, I’m sorry, I just…” You trail off, trying to figure out how the simple ‘I found you’ with that amount of sincerity destroys you, in all the best ways, and you can’t share that with him. “I’m kinda always working, so please, distract me.”
That pretty rose color lightens his cheeks and you wonder if maybe your words carried more underneath them than just a casual ‘let’s hang’ vibe.
“Wanna go work out?” he asks, teasing. You look down at your all-terrain boots and jeans then back at him. “No?”
“I guess these aren’t god-given?” You poke his arm, trying not to laugh when he flexes. You think it’s probably instinctual. 
He eyes you suspiciously but there’s still that hint of smile on his lips. “Nope. Requires maintenance.”
“My maintenance is just the walking I do for work.”
He nods. “Wanna walk then?” He zips up his windbreaker, seeming okay with the change in plans. 
“You don’t…don’t you want to go build muscle or something?”
He shakes his head. “Not right now.” He nods in the direction you were heading. “Come on. I’ll show you a nice spot.” He takes your hand and starts walking. You don’t resist.
Why would you?
His hand is warm, a little rough with calluses (probably from those beloved barbells). He’s speaking but for a few seconds you don’t comprehend because it’s been ages since you’ve had your hand held; nothing beyond a handshake or someone maybe helping you in and out of a mode of transportation. 
And it’s just so nice. 
“We haven’t tried there yet.” His words finally come into being understandable, even though you are still fixated on your hand in his. “But I want to. I think pubs might be one of my favorite things about the U.K.”
“No pubs in Korea?”
He takes you down a narrow street, cobblestoned and a little smelly. The wind picks up because of the condensed space and you shiver. 
“You’ve never been?”
“To Korea? No. Not yet.” It’s on your list. As is most of east Asia. Perhaps now, knowing them, you might put your focus on affording that type of trip. 
“Pubs aren’t really a thing. Not like here. There’s bars, restaurants that you drink in, but it doesn’t quite have the same laid-back feel.” He pauses at the curb, waiting for a cab to pass. Then he continues on, still holding your hand and you think it’d be really easy for him to lead you anywhere. 
“Same. I mean, for the States. We have bars, clubs. I feel like coffee houses are close to the same vibe, but generally no alcohol.”
He’s led you to a small park, complete with wrought iron benches and trees that if it was spring or summer, would be full of green. Full of leaves and would block the view of the still lake beyond the bank.
“Right? It’s really pretty.” He tugs you toward one of the benches that faces the lake, where the reflection of the local castle is near perfect, minus a few rolls that warp the shape of the towers when wind touches the water. He sits and you sit, staring at the picturesque beauty. 
He lets go of your hand and you have to hold yourself back from taking it again.
You pull out your GoPro, opening it before getting up to find a few angles. 
“I watched some of your videos. When are you putting up the Edinburgh ones?”
You frame the castle reflection before capturing it digitally. “Probably in a day or two. It takes awhile to edit and do the voiceover. Also…” You glance back at him. “I don’t like to post when I’m in the same place. In case there are any–”
“Ax murderers?”
You smile. “Yeah.”
“That’s smart.” He leans back on the bench, letting his small gym bag fall to the ground. 
Manspreading is something you normally despise, especially on public transportation, but as with everything else, Changbin is the exception. 
An image of you climbing onto his lap flashes through your mind, and you spin around to look back at the castle, mortified at your own thoughts. It seems invasive to think of him like that. 
“Which videos did you watch?”
“Some of your first ones.”
You turn back to him in horror. “You didn’t.”
He grins, as though pleased that he’s made you embarrassed. “There’s a lot more of you in those. How old are you then?”
“Gah, right out of university.” You shake your head as you walk back to sit on the bench with him. “I knew nothing.”
“It’s not that bad.”
“The editing is mediocre, the shots and angles are pedestrian, my voice is–”
He’s laughing. 
“I can’t believe you went back that far.”
He raises an eyebrow. “You didn’t listen to our first songs?”
“To be fair,” you begin, caught but ready to defend. “You have less songs than I have videos, because your songs take more work…” He’s still grinning and you shrug. “‘Wow’ is especially enjoyable.”
Now it’s his turn to look away and grimace in pain. “Yeah. If fans didn’t love it, ironically probably, I’d make that disappear.”
“Shows how far you’ve come.”
He looks back at you, eyes warming. “Same for you.”
The warmth is unnerving and you look back at the perfect view of water and architecture. “You come out here a lot?”
“I’ve been twice? Since we’ve been here. I don’t usually just sit and stare out into nothing. That’s more Ji’s thing. He’s the introvert.”
“And Chan?”
He sits up and rests his forearms on his thighs, watching a lady push a stroller while talking on the phone. “He’s a workaholic. Even more than Ji and I. Sometimes I have to wrestle him into bed so he can get some sleep.”
“Can you take him in a fight?”
He smirks. “He’s taller, but I’m stronger.”
You mimic his position, watching the branches seesaw with the wind. “Who wrestles you into bed?” The moment you say it, you recognize what else it could mean. That perhaps just being around him layers your words with implications that hint and tease and lure. 
You feel his gaze, but you stubbornly look at the trees, even though you’re sure he can see the heat on your cheeks.
“No one. Lately.”
You swallow and let your eyes drift to him. He seems undaunted by your words or even his response. You think you could ask him, right now, if he’s having the same feelings as you; a practical stranger. You think he would tell you the truth. 
But you hear the sound of a vibrating phone and he jolts at it, letting out a huff before pulling it out of his pocket to answer.
“Yeah?” The conversation moves into Korean and you do hear your name, but the rest of it is lost to you. You sit up, messing with the settings on your GoPro, taking a few shots, trying to capture the quiet in a photo.
“That was Chan.” Changbin tells you. “It’s early, but Ji is starving.” He rests his arm on the back of the bench, his fingers centimeters from your arm. “Hungry?”
“I can always eat.”
He smiles at that, standing up to grab his bag and fit it on his shoulder before offering his hand. “Same, really.”
If you post those castle photos, you aren’t sure what you'll caption them, as your biggest impression of that hour was holding Changbin’s hand. 
“You didn’t!?” You cover your mouth as you laugh, hilarity infecting Jisung and Chan as well. Changbin looks pained as he stares at his plate. “You looked it up. You shouldn’t have.”
“I always check what I’m about to put in my body,” he answers, lips in near pout. “I knew it was going to be unusual, but…”
Haggis sits on his plate, awaiting a first bite, and you think, it looks a bit sad that it hasn’t been partaken yet. 
It might be the beer you’ve all had, but the giggling doesn’t cease. You lean over and cut it open, taking a forkful without even asking him. Later, you’ll blame intoxication. 
“See?” You take a bite, chewing and grinning at him. Then you pause. “Okay, that’s excellent.” 
He doesn’t look very convinced. “I…”
You grab his fork, do the same and offer it to him. “No regrets. If you hate it, at least it is an informed opinion.”
His lips part at the beckoning expression you give him. The other two are still laughing, teasing him, but the way he looks at you seems to drown them out. Like it all fades and you swear you can hear how his breathing changes, as though his heart speeds up.
“Come on, you’ll never know unless you try.” 
He lets you feed him, something you’ve never done outside a few gigs babysitting as a teenager. And it wasn’t like this.
It takes far too long for you to drag your eyes from his lips, to look up to his eyes, to see if he liked the Scottish delicacy.
His thoughtful face is cute. 
You set the fork down, drawing back, as though you’ve finally realized just how forward, how flirty you’ve been. You know there’s nothing wrong with it, if he’s not bothered, but you feel bashful nonetheless. 
You aren’t usually this person. Not since you were in school, when opportunities to meet and date seemed endless. 
“So?” Jisung pipes up. “Verdict?”
Changbin swallows, turning from you to his friends. “It’s actually…pretty good.”
Jisung takes that as permission, grabbing his own bite, as does Chan. You coerce yourself into watching them, not him, as they make similar confused and pensive expressions. As you do, you muse that you aren’t sure how three friends could all be so handsome, each in their own way.
Why only one of them seems to be bewitching you.
He’s sitting next to you again, but it’s in a booth not separate chairs, and though you aren’t touching, you can feel the heat of him in the few inches between you. 
“Maybe not something I’d eat all the time,” Chan says. “But certainly not gross.”
Jisung nods. “Especially if I don’t think about what it is.” He even takes another bite. 
Changbin fiddles with his fork before taking a swallow of his pint. 
“I like it.”
You smile. 
The guys mostly talk music for the rest of the meal. Chan even apologizes to you, but you wave it off. You’re fascinated by artists of any kind, how they create. You sip your cider, listening to them, even when they forget you and speak in Korean. It’s a nice, hazy feeling. The coziness of the pub, the talking around you, voices with different accents, the music filling in any lull in conversation. 
Perhaps the cider is stronger than you thought.
“You falling asleep?” 
You tilt your head toward him. He’s removed the snapback, run his hand through his hair a few times and you want to do the same. 
“You sure?” 
You are slumped against the back of the booth, warm and comfortable. In a distant part of your brain, you chastise that you haven’t taken more photos or video of the meal, but it’s nice. Nice to be here. 
“I think she’s fading.” You hear Chan. You shake your head. “How early did you get up today?”
“Not early…I just haven’t slept super well since the haunted walking tour thingy.” It isn’t until Changbin touches your bottom lip that you realize you’re pouting.
And that he’s touched you. 
“Was that fun?” Jisung asks, animated. 
“No. Not by myself.” You watch Changbin who has gone back to his food and beer. “Probably would be fun with someone.” 
He glances at you and holds your gaze for a few seconds before saying something to Jisung about his horror film obsession. 
You don’t fall asleep, but you are definitely close when you fight them for the bill. You win this time. 
The walk outside into the night is a good wake up, the air far chillier than when the four of you entered the establishment. You wrap your arms around yourself, not too cold, but not warm either. 
“Nightcap?” Chan asks. “I don’t think I can go back to working just yet.”
“I want to,” you say. “But I think I need to go to bed.”
“Rain check,” he says, smiling fondly. “Come on, Ji.” He wraps his arm around his younger friend. “First one’s on you.”
“Why me?” He complains as the two of them cross the street to a pub that sounds and looks lively. They both wave at you before disappearing through the doors. 
“I’ll walk you back.”
“You can go on,” you protest, shivering a little. “I know how to get back.”
He pulls up the hood over your hair, tightening the strings. “I’m walking you back.” He states again, taking your hand. 
You aren’t about to refuse.
“Don’t you want to go with them?”
He gives you a look that you can’t really decipher. When he lets go of your hand, you open your mouth to argue, but he wraps his arm around your waist to pull you close. It’s a second later that you feel a group of people walk by, nonverbally explaining why he does so.
You look up at him, your hand on his chest.
“They were–I mean–” He is blushing, before releasing you. “I didn’t want you to get bumped into.”
He nods, shoving his hands into his pockets to keep going. You loop your arm with his. He almost stumbles but doesn’t say anything.
Neither do you.
It’s a few minutes more until you’re in front of your lodging.
“Well…” you begin, but he enters. “Changbin I can…”
“I know you can, but I want to.” There’s a stubborn set to his jaw and mouth and you resist cooing over it because for someone who could probably lift you with ease, he’s adorable. 
You wave at the innkeeper, trying not to look shameful that you are bringing someone up the stairs with you. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but it does feel cheap, as though this person you’ve met days ago is just a fling. Not someone making sure that you are safe in your room, not someone that you find yourself thinking about hourly. 
Not someone important.
You stop in front of your room, pulling out the skeleton key and unlocking it before turning to your bodyguard. 
“Thank you for seeing me to my room, Mr. Knight.”
He smiles at the reference. “You’re welcome.” He moves to slip the hood off your head, smoothing your hair. “I hope you sleep better.”
“Me too.”
He swallows and you watch the movement of his throat with avid interest. “I’m gonna…I’m gonna work out tomorrow morning, but do you want to do anything? Together? I could help you record or whatever, if you wanted.” He’s got his hands in his pockets again, his windbreaker zipped all the way up, eyes wide and inquiring. 
“Fuck, you are so cute,” you breathe. His eyes get even wider. “Like, sorry, that’s…you are. Really attractive.”
“Oh. Thanks.” He’s so taken aback by your words that you giggle. That smirk returns, painting him far more confident than he just was. He moves a few steps closer. “Is that a yes?”
He is so close.
He grins even more. “To tomorrow? Hanging out.” He takes one of the strings of your hoodie, tugs it lightly and wraps it around his finger. 
“Sure. I’ll put you to work carrying my stuff.”
He tilts his head down, his eyes dropping to your lips. “I can do that.” His nose touches yours. “And same by the way.”
“Hmm?” You can’t look away from his mouth.
“You’re also really cute. Attractive.” He pauses to let that sink in. “Pretty.” He moves so carefully and your eyes fall shut, sure to feel his lips on yours, but you don’t.
He kisses you on the cheek. Your eyes flutter open and he’s watching you, searching. He starts to pull back, but you grasp the collar of his windbreaker, halting his retreat. 
Your name falls from his lips, and you figure what the hell.
You kiss him. 
It’s a bit forceful, perhaps your coordination is off from the drinking, but his little grunt when your lips meet makes you soften immediately. Your grip relaxes, your hands seeking out the curls at the nape of his neck. You feel him tremble, then you feel his hands on your hips.
Your head falls back against the door as he licks into your mouth, apparently no longer caught off guard by your forwardness. He tastes a little bitter from the beer he imbibed, but the heat, his tongue curling with yours makes your fingers tighten as though holding onto his shoulders might keep you from collapsing. 
One hand captures you by the jaw, a gentle maneuvering so he can kiss you deeper. You hear his hat fall to the floor when your greedy fingers card through his hair, soft and silky. He takes a step in, and his hips align with yours.
It’s like fireworks explode under your skin. 
In case you questioned whether or not he was interested, you aren’t questioning now. He’s hard, pressed against you in a way that makes you hungrier than you’ve ever been. 
You absolutely crave him. 
His mouth leaves yours, and you whimper at the loss. There’s a dark chuckle, arrogant, before he graces your neck with soft pecks, ending with a nip and a suck, right near your collarbone, your hoodie pushed aside to let him taste. 
You stutter his name. 
There’s a pause in his ministrations, his thumb running along your lower lip. He raises his head as your eyes open. You can see a reflection of your desire in his eyes, in the focus of his gaze. 
His thumb pulls on your lip, as though seeking the wet heat of your mouth. Your tongue flicks the tip and his eyes go even darker. You think maybe he growls before slotting his mouth back over yours, tongue stroking and enticing. 
There’s a creak of footsteps coming up the stairs and you break apart, chests heaving with breathlessness. His face is flushed, hair and eyes a little wild, and you wonder if this is how he looks post workout, post other exertions.
A runaway thought about licking the sweat off his neck ping-pongs in your brain, but you won’t ever verbalize it. 
You both wait until the guest passes down the hall to their room before either of you speak. He leans down to grab his hat.
“Do we blame the beer?” you ask softly.
“You had cider.”
It’s almost petulant, his words, and it surprises a laugh out of you. His answering smile is soft, and he cups your cheek in his hand. 
“You should go sleep.” His index finger taps lightly on your ear, playful.
You want to protest, to invite him in, but this evening has already sped past any rules you’ve ever had in place for dating and sex. 
A moment to process, to think. 
He kisses you again, but it’s chaste and sweet. A good night kiss as though you two are familiar with each other. 
“Message me when you wake up?” His voice is barely a whisper. His nose slides along yours before he drops another kiss and backs up. “Sweet dreams.”
“Yeah.” You are incapable of anything more eloquent than that at the moment. He grins, squeezing your hand before heading toward the stairs. You open the door, still with your back against it, resistant to look away. 
“Good night,” you answer before finally shutting the door behind you. You allow yourself the cliche romantic moment of leaning and sliding down to the floor, completely enamored.
You wake and check your phone out of habit. 
Wanna do breakfast? 
It was nearly an hour ago that it was sent, but you hope it’s still an option. The overabundance of cider ensured you slept hard last night, which given how much the man at the other end of this text filled your brain, you are grateful. Because it’s a new day. Sun’s coming up and things that are easy and make sense late into the night, under the influence of alcohol, sometimes feel rather foolish in the light of day.
You want to see him. After last night, after kissing, touching…just feeling; you feel like the one time you’d had a crush in middle school.
The beginnings of crushing. That quickly turned painful and awkward (the epitome of middle school life), and even thinking of it dampens your present joy.
You shove it away, intent on appreciating that the strange inclination that appeared at just seeing Changbin seems to be somewhat reciprocated.
Yes. This pub has breakfast. Wanna meet me?
Give me 15. Have to shower and I’ll be there.
You did not need that mental image.
You may spend a minute more on your face this morning, but then your brain is taken over by thoughts of what to see and what to do for your channel. You keep a decently consistent upload schedule (the only way to keep viewers sticking around), and you posted the last one of your last excursion.
It’s time.
The worry from two seconds ago reappears. 
You find a table downstairs in the pub and order a tea (when in the UK). You check your instagram and TikTok platforms. You’d posted just the castle reflection (no location mentioned) yesterday and just looking at it again warms you.
You look up from your phone to see Changbin sliding in the chair across from you. His hair is damp and curly, reminding you of that mental image you do not need to have. He wears not all black today, but a pale pink hoodie and dark jeans. He smiles once you make eye contact.
You reply the same, your own gaze falling to his lips, which flusters you immensely, so you sit up, put your phone away.
“I didn’t know if you were coffee or a tea person.”
“Oh. Coffee. But,” he looks at your cup. “That actually looks good.”
You offer it to him. “Try. You should at least try good breakfast tea while you’re here.” 
He takes it from you, sipping it before staring off as he contemplates. 
“You can have it just plain. I always add milk and sugar. It’s good without too.”
He smiles. “Oh I can?”
You fluster yet again. 
“It’s cute. You’re like a tea missionary all of a sudden.”
He sets the tea back on your side as a server pops up for your order. Changbin orders a full Scottish breakfast (and tea), and you get porridge. 
“Good workout?”
He nods. “I haven’t really been diligent about it.”
“You’re traveling, of course you haven’t.” You rest your chin in your hand. “You enjoy it?”
“Yeah. I mean…” He blushes. “I could go on and on about everything to do with training, eating, all that. I don’t want to bore you.”
“As a person who knows very little, except to get some exercise to be healthy, I won’t be bored.”
He looks doubtful. “No?”
“Try me. I like learning stuff.”
He does know a lot. As much as you don’t think you will ever desire to be a gym rat in any circumstances, you find his enthusiasm wonderful. It’s perhaps one of your favorite things about traveling. A lot of it is solitary, but you do meet people, have conversations that only two strangers on a plane, train, or in a restaurant could have. People have passions, and they light up when they get to talk about them, or share them. 
You once had a two hour conversation with someone about red milkwood fruit and the best areas in South Africa to get it. 
It was really good. 
Food is delivered and Changbin’s commentary about leg day tapers off. You hide a smile as his focus becomes solely his meal. 
“I’d like to look at the castle today. I’m sure you’ve already gone?”
He chews slowly, but shakes his head.
“You haven’t?”
“All three of us had stuff to work on. Or wanted to work, so sight-seeing hasn’t happened yet. So, yeah, let’s go.”
“You don’t mind? I mean, I don’t want you to not work if–”
He interrupts you, saying your name. “You think I don’t want to spend time with you? After…” He’s the cutest thing when he blushes. 
You don’t suppose you look as cute when your face heats too. 
“So,” you save him from continuing, even though your voice definitely cracks, “The castle, and maybe a boat ride at the Canal Centre, the museum there too?” You meet his eyes. “You don’t have to do all of that with me if you don’t want to.”
He leans in a little (there are still two meals between you two). “I want to.” 
You can’t really find anything to say to that, not with that resolute tone that makes you want to crawl over the table (pretty sure the beans on his plate would stain your pants for eternity but it would be worth it) and continue where you left off last night. 
It’s a craving that your very nice porridge will not satiate.
And it’s a lot for you in your not very long time on this planet. 
He seems to feel the same if the way he’s looking at you is any indication, but he drops his gaze to go back to his meal. 
You do the same. 
When you’re outside after eating, he tugs on your backpack. You turn and he pulls it off you, sliding it onto his shoulders. His smile is a little cheeky and bashful. 
“You did say I could carry your stuff.”
“I did.” Can’t really argue with him about that. You open your phone to find the best walking route to the castle and let that lead you both. His hand slips into yours. 
You’ve never gotten to travel as part of a couple. This phase of your life started because you had wanted to see more than your state, and no one in your life was able to join you (commitments to jobs, partners, now kids). Traveling alone means no one puts any sort of expectations of what you do, when you do it, and where. It’s freedom.
But it’s terribly nice to walk hand in hand with someone down a cobblestoned street as you record the simplicity and antiquity of your surroundings. 
“Say hi!” you turn the camera on him and he doesn’t even hesitate, but gives a peace sign and a huge grin. You laugh that he’s so at ease with it, but remind yourself that he performs fairly regularly. 
To see them live would be an experience. 
“Did you know this palace is the birthplace of Mary Queen of Scots?” you ask him, camera still focused on his profile.
“I did not. Nor do I have a clue who that is.”
You laugh again. “Why would you?” You turn the camera back toward the castle in the distance. You do a quick speech about the little you know of British royals and history. “I’ll add more later,” you turn the camera to your face. “Edit this out, but keep in Changbin.”
“Wait, why?”
“Cause you’re cute and look good on camera.”
The blush is redder with the brisk wind. 
“I see how it is. You just want me for my looks.”
“Absolutely.” You may blush when you say it, but his answering laugh is worth it.
The castle is as castles are: drafty, wet-smelling, but still hold some sort of mystique due to age and grandeur. There’s a tour you follow, listening and taking the occasional note on your phone. Changbin is fairly quiet, though he mutters the occasional comment to you which makes you laugh a little too loudly and interrupt the tour guide. 
You really do try not to be the loud and rude American when you travel. 
“When I was little, I wanted to live in a castle,” you say to Changbin when the tour is over and you are just filming to get footage and B roll. 
“You don’t anymore?”
“Oh god no. It’s too cold. Too big. Too much to clean.”
He laughs and adjusts your backpack on his shoulders. “That’s not very romantic.”
“I’m not very…” You trail off, glancing at him as he looks out across the pond. The wind is up, ruffling his hair, and you think you might be a little romantic because your heart does swell when you look at him. 
“Hmm?” He looks back, and smiles.
“Never mind. Wanna head to the Canal Centre?”
As you both walk that way, you see a group of people (possible power-walkers, is that a thing in Scotland?) coming down the road toward you. He takes you by the elbow and pulls you into a tiny alcove under the footbridge. You stumble into him as his arm wraps around your back. You look up to see him watching the crowd pass by before seeing your gaze. Pink tinges his cheeks in a faint blush. 
“There was–” He gestures with his other hand toward the now absent crowd. “It wasn’t a move, I promise.”
“It’s okay if it had been.”
One corner of his lips shoots up in a smirk-smile. “Yeah?” His arm tightens around you, pulling you flush against him. 
As you lean in to brush a kiss to his lips, your brain is reminding you that everything is on a deadline, and you should mention this to him. But the kiss (and he) is distracting. His hand is splayed in the middle of your back and he’s so warm. The kiss, that starts fairly chaste, morphs into heat, tongue and at least one moan. 
The moan is you.
“Public indecency charges in a foreign country are probably really difficult to get out of,” you mumble, mouth barely touching his. 
He chuckles, hand stroking down your back. “We probably shouldn’t find out.” He rests his head on the stone wall behind him.
You open your mouth to say something about your train leaving tomorrow, but he takes your hand and pulls you from the alcove to head back into the muted sunshine. 
The Canal Centre has options for 12 or 40 people, and requires advanced booking, so you and Changbin just wander through the museum before finding a spot in the tearoom to watch the boats pass. 
“It feels slower here,” he says softly as you look through the footage you’ve taken. 
You lift up your head and raise your eyebrows in question. He shrugs and takes a sip of tea in the dainty teacup. You gesture for him to hold that position as you snap a quick photo of his large hand wrapped around that delicate porcelain. 
“Just. Stopping for tea. Staring out at people. It’s all very calm.”
“We are kinda on vacation. Working here would be different.”
“I’m sure. But even that…people are out for lunch, just heading to the pub and spending time eating and socializing. We do that in Korea, but usually after work, late, for supper and drinks.” He sets the cup back down. “Just different.”
“America never seems to stop. Just get into your car, drive, work, eat as fast as you can, drive home, crash. Maybe go out, but I couldn’t usually muster up the energy post-work.” 
“I’ve never been.” 
“No gigs in the US of A?”
“Not yet.” He meets your eyes before looking back at the boats. “I’m a bit bummed we didn’t get to ride in a boat.” He points at you, with excitement. “We could book for tomorrow if you wanted.”
It’s an anvil on your chest.
“What about your work?”
He gives you a look, like ‘are you kidding?’ “For a boat ride? With you? I think I can take a few hours.” He leans forward, resting his arms on the table, one hand seeking yours. “More content for you, ms. vlogger.”
You let him take your hand and then you take a deep breath. “My train leaves tomorrow.”
His thumb, rubbing over your knuckles, stills at your words. 
“It does?”
You grip his hand in case he thinks of letting go. “I have to get back. Money wise, content wise, just…life.” 
He stares at you, expression unreadable. 
“I’m sorry. I would stay if–”
“You need to get back.” He nods before letting go. “And I have songs to write.”
There are several other people in the tearoom and you want to say things, but it feels way too private for this public venue. 
“When do you guys head back to Korea?”
“End of next week.” He takes a deep breath, eyes back on the boats. His jaw tightens and he turns again back to you. “Come to Korea.”
“In your travels, come.”
“I mean, I would like to. It’s on my list.”
“Move it up the list.”
You laugh, bewildered at his insistence. “I’ll try. It’s not like it’s easy to get to from America.”
He takes your hand again. “Come. Please.”
It’s a lot. To not look away from the intensity of his gaze, those brown eyes entreating. 
“You gonna come to the States?”
No question, no hesitation. 
He says your name, then looks around. “Can we go somewhere and talk about this?” He takes out some British pounds and leaves them on the table. “Please?”
You gather your things and follow him out. He takes your hand and leads you back to the park from yesterday. He pulls you next to him on the bench, sliding your backpack onto the ground.
But he doesn’t speak. He stares back out across the water, his hand in yours. 
He turns with a smile. “First time you’ve called me that.” He moves closer, his smile faltering. “Maybe I’m completely off, but this is something.” He gestures to the space between the two of you on ‘this’. “Right? It’s not, it can’t be just a hookup. I…don’t want to not see you again.”
It’s hard to speak. To follow the rapidity of what he says. 
“Right?” He forces a smile. “You weren’t just gonna fuck me and leave?”
You hide your face, embarrassed at his words. “I hadn’t even…I mean, I thought about…oh god.”
He rests his hands on your shoulders, saying your name again. “Talk to me. I realize I am not being at all cool and detached about this. But, when I saw you on the train, I…it’s so cliched and just bad romance movie shit, but I felt something.”
Your head raises up so quickly, his hands tighten in surprise. “You did?”
“Yeah. Like, I mean, you’re cute as fuck, but it was more than that.” He watches your face. “You did too, didn’t you?”
“I thought my heart was going to beat itself into exploding.”
He grins. “I don’t think that makes sense.”
“Yeah, well, it’s my first time.”
“Mine too.” He presses his lips together before speaking. “It’s big, right? Like I don’t know everything about you, but…”
“It feels like it? Yeah.” You feel your face heat. “It’s both super familiar and safe, but also, all the butterflies and anticipation and–”
He kisses you. “That.”
“Yes.” You kiss him back, and he holds you so close that you’re almost in his lap. 
He moves his hands to your face. “We travel, the guys and me. Perform. Then we lock ourselves in the studio for the rest of the year. You can be there, for any of that. As much as you want.” He presses a kiss to your forehead. “We’ve wanted to go to America for a couple years now, we have fans there…”
“I could travel with you guys?”
“Yeah. When you can.” He makes a face. “I mean, I’ll talk to them about it, but they know.”
“They know?”
He doesn’t let go of you, but his eyes do dart away, embarrassed. “They know that I’m into you. That something is going on.” He rolls his eyes. “Ji is especially annoying about it.”
You smile. “I bet.” You encircle his wrists with your hands. “So…long distance, huh?”
He swallows. “I’m game.”
“Me too.” It settles your heart and nerves to hear it. To hear that he feels and has been going through the same as you. That you aren’t alone in this. 
You aren’t alone, at all. 
His thumbs sweep along your cheekbones. “Okay.” His shoulders lower, relaxing. “Okay.”
You kiss him, letting go of his wrists and fully moving onto his lap, arms around his neck. He holds you close, mouth opening to taste you. It’s horribly public, but you don’t really care. 
How could you, in his arms?
When his hand slips under the back of your pants, he mumbles something against your skin.
“Thinking about those public indecency laws,” he says. 
You giggle as he looks up at you. “You say the sweetest things, Changbin.” 
He snorts but stares at you. 
You comb his hair off his forehead, staring back. “Pretty.”
He makes a face at you, but doesn’t look away. “I think we’re getting sappy.”
“Maybe a little.” 
You kiss his nose. “I like you.”
He smiles wide. “Yeah?”
“A lot.”
His wayward hand takes one grab of your ass, making you yelp and him laugh. 
“I like you too,” he murmurs, mouth tracing down the shell of your ear. “A lot a lot.”
Supper is with Jisung and Chan again, no haggis this time. The four of you opt for curry, and you are given a front row seat to Changbin’s ability to handle spice and how Chan and Jisung don’t handle it.
Though all three do way better than you as you ask the server for the least spicy curry on the menu. And even then, you make good use of the naan in the middle of the table. 
Changbin sits next to you, thigh flush to yours. His hand finds your leg often, resting on it, tapping a rhythm on your knee, fingers slipping to your inner thigh; hints of more, both casual and intentional. 
“You don’t mind?”
Chan glances at you from taking a swig of his pint. “Not at all. It’d be nice to have someone along. We have roadies, of course. But like…” He shrugs. “We put up with Ji, so you’ll be a breeze.”
Jisung glares at him. “I’m an angel.”
“I would check with you about anything I post, of course.”
Chan smiles warmly. “I trust you. Pretty obvious the moment you offered us a bed.”
It feels like years ago.
“I still can’t believe I did that.” You shake your head. “I’m lucky I’m not a True Crime podcast episode.” 
“Or Bin isn’t.” Jisung says. “All you’d have to do is get him working and like, you could sneak up on him so easily.” He chews then swallows. “Not that I’ve thought about it.”
“Feeling’s mutual, Ji,” Changbin volleys back, unbothered by his friend’s comment. His fingers lace with yours, resting on his leg. You try not to show how affected you are, but Jisung meets your eyes and winks at you.
Chan gives you a big hug after supper, outside the restaurant. “I’d say I’d get up and say goodbye, but I don’t want to lie.”
You hug him back, chuckling. “I appreciate the honesty.” 
He squeezes your arm. “Have a safe trip. We’ll see you soon.” 
“Yeah, you will.”
Jisung hugs you this time, long arms wrapped around you. He also wishes you a safe trip and elicits a promise from you that you’ll bring Flaming Cheetos with you when you come to Korea as he really wants to try them.
It’s an easy promise to make. 
There’s no excuse or question as to whether Changbin will walk you back to your room. He follows you in the main door, both of you not speaking. When you get to your room, he covers your hand as you try to unlock the door.
“Can I stay with you tonight?” he asks, voice no more than a whisper. “I’m afraid I won’t get up to say goodbye and–”
You turn around to kiss his cheek, silencing his stammering. “Yes.”
You open the door. “We’ve already shared a cabin. Might as well share a bed, right?”
He enters, a bit timidly, glancing around. “You’ve already packed?”
“I barely unpacked.” You take your backpack from him, setting it on the floor of the wardrobe. You take off your shoes, setting them next to your backpack. You reach out for him, grabbing his hoodie to yank him to you. 
“I wasn’t…I wasn’t assuming that we’d…”
“You did ask if I planned to fuck you and leave.”
He coughs a laugh, hands settling on your hips. “I did, didn’t I? I was panicking a little.”
You kiss his chin. “I’m not assuming anything either. I just want to kiss you again.”
His eyes soften and he slides his hands under your thighs, the unspoken indicator to jump into his arms. You do so, legs around his waist as he covers your mouth with his. He moves you both to the bed, laying you down carefully, leaving your lips to taste and suck down your neck. He only breaks away when you pull on his hoodie in an effort to disrobe him. His laugh is light when he pulls it off, his t-shirt clinging to him in ways that should be illegal. He takes off your layers, peeling off the sweatshirt, t-shirt, then camisole. 
He stares.
You whine a protest. “What?”
He leans down, lips at your ear. His hands slide along your side, almost tickling. 
“I like your shape.” You tremble at the puff of his breath on your ear, shiver more when he nips at the lobe. He continues, pressing kisses along your jaw line until he’s back to your mouth, urgent. Your legs fall open as he lowers himself, a sharp intake of breath when you feel him. 
“I like yours, too,” you sigh into his mouth. 
There’s a rumble of laughter. “Which shape?” He lifts his head to grin at you. “My body or my dick?”
You slap his arm, flustered. 
He rests on his forearms, dropping soft pecks on your nose, cheeks, eyelids. “Just trying to clarify here.”
“You aren’t answering.”
You open your eyes, now to glare at him. “Both, obviously.”
His smirk is so satisfied, you kind of want to hit him again. He sits back on his knees and starts to undo the button of your jeans.
You nod. “Your shirt first, though.”
He pulls it off, and you think your mouth actually waters a little. You sit up and he groans because he can’t undo your jeans now. But you have to touch. You have to map every line and curve of his body with your hands, taking in that warmth and softness. You kiss his chest, unable not to.
“I fully support all the working out.”
He giggles before trying to usher you to lay back down. He’s mostly successful though you have to kiss him again, taste his tongue and mouth again. 
He’s single-minded, returning to your jeans and dragging them off you before doing the same on himself. You’ve sat up, legs crossed, eyes just marveling at him and every reveal of skin that you get. 
“I guess it’s kind of late, but I haven’t been with anyone in months. I’m clean.” Just clad in his boxer-briefs, he sits next to you, his hand on your thigh, drawing up and down the length of it. 
“Years,” you admit. “But yeah, clean.”
He grasps you by the chin, bringing your mouth close. “Years?”
“I’m not a sexy rapper.”
He kisses you lightly. “True.”
You punch his shoulder and he doesn’t even flinch. He’s laughing into your mouth, kissing; his other hand cupping the back of your neck. You scoot closer, knees on either side of his hips. You roll your hips the moment you sink down.
His groan is music. 
“You have protection?” You ask in between kisses. He rests his forehead on your collarbone when you repeat the motion, biting your lip so you don’t echo his groan. 
“You don’t?”
“Years,” you repeat. He lifts his head to smile at you. 
“I do.”
“See…sexy rapper, with groupies all ready to throw themselves at you.” You tousle his hair, jerking when his hand drifts under your underwear, palming your ass. 
He rolls his eyes at you, but leans over to pull his wallet out of his discarded jeans, seeking the one condom he has. He hands it to you, freeing his hand to help lower you both back to the bed. 
Underwear tossed aside, latex rolled on; there are more kisses, and explorations of each other. He pushes in so gently, with whispered compliments and soft touches. It’s a different tone and color than his performative rapping. 
Softer, quieter. Private. 
Perhaps since it’s been years, it seems to happen all too quickly. You first then him. He’s collapsed on you, his breath harsh pants. You give into your earlier fantasy and lick away a drop of sweat off his temple. His hold on you tightens. 
“We should get some sleep,” you say, playing with his hair. 
“Don’t wanna,” he mumbles into your skin. 
You smile sadly, recognizing that it’s only hours left. He rolls off of you, planting a kiss on your shoulder. His eyes are half-open, sleep oncoming.
You roll to your side, curling up next to him. “I’ll wake you.”
He turns his head, meeting your eyes. “You better.” His eyes flutter closed. “I wanted to sleep next to you that night on the train.”
“Me too.”
“Hello friends,” you greet the camera with a smile. “I just arrived and have made it through customs, which is way better streamlined than in the States. It was a long flight,” you nod at some passengers you pass on your way to the arrival area. “But pretty uneventful. I think I slept nearly all of it.”
You look around once you go through the automatic sliding doors. 
“I can’t believe I’m here. It’s been almost six months and–” You break off when you hear your name above all the pandemonium of the Seoul International Airport. Your camera turns with you as you try to follow that shout. 
On Youtube, the video loses focus and there are muffled voices. The shot is of a far-off baggage claim and dozens of walking legs and shoes. When the camera is righted, it frames two faces.
You’re no longer on your own.
(c) yoongihan 2024. please do not steal, translate, repost, or whatever. stray kids belong to themselves and all idols used in this piece are just the inspiration for characters and do not in any way reflect the actual humans.
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goldenhypen · 1 year
; ⎯ it’s you, only you .
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synopsis. why is it that jay—known as the cool and confident guy around school—quiets down only around you?
pairing. jay x reader ⋅ genres. fluff ⋅ wc. 0.8k ⋅ warnings. stage fright?
prompts 1. holding their hands when they are shaking ; 18. sharing a soft smile across a crowded room ⋅ requested ⋅ dark blood event
a/n. aka shy jay w his crush ^^
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“okay, y/n, you’re up in two minutes! good luck!”
at the sound of those words, your heart sunk deeper than where it was previously sitting in your stomach already. your breaths grew uneven and your hands began to tremble.
but it seems jay noticed it all.
you were waiting backstage as you were about to perform for your school’s year-end show.
jay on the other hand, was also backstage because he had just finished his one performance earlier. and to say his dance was jaw dropping was an understatement.
though you and jay didn’t interact much, you would always notice his cool demeanour towards all those around him. he emitted confidence day to day. but for some reason, when he pulled out his moves on stage, it was almost completely unexpected to you. one could say, he was a total different being on stage. and you admired every bit of it.
if only you could have that confidence on stage… which reminded you, you were about to perform in a matter of seconds! and suddenly you found yourself shaking again.
“hey,” jay’s familiar voice started from behind you. you whipped your head around, staring at his eyes that wouldn’t leave your own. “you’re shaking. are you nervous?”
you gulped and nodded, sweat threatening to already drip down your forehead.
immediately, jay took your hands in his, and for a moment in only shot your heart rate to the stars, but then you relaxed after realizing how gentle and soft his hands were. they carried warmth and comfort in them.
“i know how you feel,” he told you, “but don’t let the nerves get to you while you’re up there. you only get to perform this piece once, so have fun with it. and even if you mess up, the audience likely won’t know any better if you just play it off and keep going. just have fun on stage. plus, you’ve been preparing this for months, you’re going to kill it, i know it.”
his words sent chills of confidence down your body, causing you to also feel warm and delightful at his tone.
the music to the last performance was coming to an end. it was your queue.
jay let go of your hands, and your attention was brought back to him. and this was when you noticed that from charismatic and cool, he seemed to suddenly drop to shy and nervous, which was strange to see from such a bold man.
he gulped as he brushed a hand through his hair, giving you a final, “good luck.”
he rushed away, and you were left curious as you entered the stage.
you took two deep breaths and began your performance.
seeing all the people in the audience made your nerves soar up a little, but that was until you spotted jay in the front row, and that reminded you of how he said to have fun on stage.
he gave you a smile from the audience, causing you to mirror it and begin to enjoy your time.
before you knew it, it was over, and you were already walking offstage.
when the entire show was finished, people were congratulating you for your job well done, smiles were being exchanged, and pictures taken, until you spotted jay a few feet away waiting for you.
“you did it,” he said happily but still soft and shy.
you grinned, “thanks for your advice and everything. you helped a lot.”
he looked away, smiling sheepishly and running his hand through his hair again before shaking his head, “no, it’s nothing. i just know what it’s like being there and feeling that way. and i know it would be nice to have someone to encourage you through that.”
“that’s really sweet of you, jay.”
he chuckled nervously, eyes still unable to meet yours, such a contrast from his initial aura backstage.
“y/n,” he started, still slightly timid but regaining his speed, “would you maybe wan—do you have any plans after this?”
you let out a soft giggle, “no, why?”
he smiled, “do you want to get something to eat? it’ll be my treat.”
“just me and you?” you clarified.
“uh—yeah, but if that makes you uncomf—”
“no, not at all!” you interrupted to reassure him. “so is this like a date then?”
“uhm,” he paused, thinking while scratching the back of his head, “do you want it to be?”
you smiled, getting shy to respond.
taking the hint, jay answered, “yeah. like a date.”
you nodded with a growing grin, and jay smirked before gesturing to the exit and walking out together, the start of a new and exciting stage in your and jay’s relationship.
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a/n. inspired by the fact that i have a performance in the morning ,,, wish me luck :’> /j ,,, if any of you have school performances or just shows in general,, like ever ig sjsjs ,, gl to y’all, jay’s words to y/n are also mine to you <3 tho i don’t love how this was written, i still hope you enjoyed my loves <3 likes and rbs are always appreciated <3
event masterlist.
taglist (open). @raimbows4u @beibybtch @sultrybaby @kpop-nct @beans-and-jeanes @enhacolor @enhasfever @nokacchan @yizhoutv @xiaoderrrr @soobin-chois @tyunni @shinsou-rii @softkpopplace @belle643 @nar-nia @rapmonie2047 @pshchives @sunjakes @ethereal-engene @yeosayang @koishua @4ri-ki @kookielover29 @jaeyunjakesim @tnyhees @enaus @hoes4hoseok @1unxtic @palajae @annoyingbitch83 @mirula @rcrystallocks @stepout-09-15 @zeraaax @enhasengene @ktttwwn @pistachiophobia @svnoofy @sweetjaemss @vatterie @mnsnts @chacottone @yeseoist @azurez @milisabunny @wonniestars @liikno @nicholasluvbot
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indecisive-capricorn · 7 months
Yandere Cullens Family's Reactions to You Attempting to Escape:
WARNINGS: Yandere, running away, mature language, manipulation, toxic relationship, gaslighting, etc.
SUMMARY: You tried to run away from your kidnapper lover but your attempt failed and now you have to face the consequences of your actions. Problem is, how will your beloved yandere react to it and what are the punishments that lie ahead for you?
AUTHOR'S NOTE: We had the Volturi guards and now, we'll have the Cullens! I guess, I'm in my active writing era for tumblr, so don't be surprised if I end up posting a whole lot more. It can be about Twilight or even other fandoms. I'll definitely be posting more for Miguel O'Hara too. Also, I was supposed to post this later on but it got put on queue and I didn't know how to put it out of the list, so I apologize if it seems a little rushed.
MASTERLIST & REQUESTS: Have some wine before you leave, or suggest a good brand to me. any form of messages are a delight.
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He's a mind reader. That is the only thing you need to know about him to know that it's useless to even try to escape because Edward is already reading your mind to see the potential plans of your escape. He'll do everything to ensure you won't escape and if you managed to find a single hint that could bring your hopes up to do so, he'll immediately eliminate it by fixing the problem. If you had somehow— no one knows precisely how —managed to find an escape, then just know that he'll find you soon enough. Not even just because of his abilities as a vampire since he can easily track down your scent with them, but also because well— he can read your mind. Edward will know where you desperately want to go to and he'll know about the decisions that you'll make as you try to escape. So, good luck but it's practically impossible, unless you managed to outsmart him by thinking of some sort of distraction. But yeah, it's almost impossible because he's constantly reading your mind! Very nosy indeed for a vampire but even worse as a yandere vampire.
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He would be disappointed. Carlisle isn't the type to get angry at people, but he would get disappointed in you when you try to run away because he thought you knew better than to do that. Honestly, out of everyone in the family, Carlisle is the yandere who gives the most freedom to his darling partner. Carlisle gives a lot of trust to you but after your attempt escape, which was most likely ruined because of another family member, he will definitely be keeping a closer eye on you. Carlisle will either give you a scolding after your escape or he will be quite silent while checking if you got any injuries while being outside. The latter is actually scarier than the first because it's unusual for Carlisle to be giving you the silent treatment and it would mean that he would be more cautious and give you less freedom from then on. However, instead of immediately locking you up in the house after your attempt escape, Carlisle will show you all the reasons to keep you in the house. It could be by showing you the wounds and deaths caused by a rogue vampire or even just by bringing you to the hospital to show you the potential wounds you could get by being outside.
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Same situation as Edward. She's a psychic. Alice can easily check through her gift when you feel even the slightest want to go against her. She'll immediately fix the problem and spend more time with you and be much more attentive too. However, if you decide to rebel against her far too many times, she might just let you attempt an escape. Under her watchful eye, of course, since she doesn't want anything to happen to her precious darling but Alice is sure she can make an accident or two happen around you or maybe worsen your day with some horrible mannered humans to get you thinking that going outside and rebelling against her isn't worth it. She'll be faking her worries when you finally decide to come back home to her and she'll fuss all over your health. Alice might hide it from you but she is strategic and quite smart, especially when it concerne you. Your attempt had also given Alice a chance to guilt trip you into being her personal dress up doll. Not that you already weren't before, but things are certainly much smoother if you follow her order like a sweet darling right?
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Rosalie would be scoffing at your attempt. She's definitely annoyed and angry at you, but she is also blaming herself for it. Rosalie should have known you would try to escape and she probably had a feeling on that as well, yet she still decided to trust her darling. You could say that she considered it as a test to see your loyalty to her, one in which you had failed horribly. After she has finally calmed down from her anger, which could take a few days, she will return to you with a sweet smile and continue treating you as her precious jewel like she usually does. Now, you can ignore her attempts to win you back over with her charms and even insult her for it, but do remember that Rosalie could be the sweetest person in the world towards her darling, constantly spoiling you with affection and cherishing you with her gentle words. Her actions causes you to be awfully conflicted about your want to escape because why would you want to get away from someone who loves you more than anything in the world? Your doubts could be added if you had terrible partners in the past.
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Jasper will definitely be hurt. I mean, which yandere wouldn't feel hurt at some point if their darling tries to escape? But out of everyone, Jasper is the one who shows it the most. He's trying so hard to adjust for his darling on everything. He had made renovations to his home, specifically to accomodate to your taste and comfort. He had to endure more trainings to keep his blood thirst under control because he doesn't want to hurt you, and so much more. Jasper doesn't expect you to return anything, not even your affections since he understands he needs to earn it, but you attempting to escape is almost like you were dismissing all of his efforts in one go or even worse, you didn't give a shit about them in the first place and that was what probably hurted him the most. Jasper will probably get stricter with you after that. He had tried to be fair and tried to respect your space before and to be quite honest, he is the yandere who gives the most freedom to you after Carlisle. His only rule was for you to not leave him. But you had to break the rule and now, you'll pay for the consequences.
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Esme has the same reaction as Jasper. She's hurt but she is also confused as well. Esme is really patient and she understands that you needed time and space to adjust living in her house, your new and sudden home that was completely foreign to you, and she's trying hard to get you adjusted and be as comfortable as possible. Like Jasper, she's doing everything she can for your comfort but unlike Jasper, she expects your acceptance in return. It's not as if she is expecting it in a cruel type of way with the mindset that she's doing something for you, so you should do something for her. No, Esme is nothing like that. However, Esme made sure she was doing everything right and she expected for your relationship with her to go more smoothly, not for you to suddenly escape. Your failed escape made her think she did something wrong, but she's confused because she had done everything right so far. Esme never forced you to return your affections, she wanted to slowly earn it, which is why after your failed escape, she had a talk with you and asked you why you tried to leave. Esme knows that she's flawed but she wants to improve herself and do everything she can to fix the problem but in no world would she ever let you go.
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Emmett is silent. He was so fucking silent that it actually scared you more than if he got angry at you and he had never gotten angry at you either but it's probably much better than the silent treatment you're getting. No teasings or even some bad jokes. Heck, not even his cheesy pick up lines. Emmett still takes care of you and spend time with you during his silent treatment though. He still cooks meals for you and cuddles with you while watching a horror movie, which is actually his favourite activity to do with you, but he still didn't say a single word. And it was starting to get to you as well. You had no one else besides Emmett in the house, sometimes his "siblings" would visit, but they don't talk much with you and you were beginning to slowly grow insane from the lack of conversations. It didn't matter how long it took but after some time, you broke down and begged for Emmett to speak to you because if the silent treatment continued on, you were sure you would go completely insane. Emmett was surprised when you begged him but he was pleased as well. He was silent all this time in order to make him more tolerable to you, but Emmett also knew that he would eventually break you and hoped it would be enough to get you to want to talk to him.
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Sink Beneath The Waves
Summary: There is more to the mysterious man, who saves Elain Archeron from a shipwreck, than meets the eye.
CW: Major Character Death
Read On AO3
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“Wake up!”
Elain jolted awake, hair tangled in her face, to her youngest sister gripping her roughly by the shoulders. The smell of salt was heavy in the air, compounded by fear that seemed to hang like fog around them. Elain sat up in her bed, breath curling in front of her face.
“What’s happened?” she asked, wiping the sleep from her eyes. Nesta was sitting on the bed just opposite, eyes wide with horror.
“The ship is sinking,” Feyre told her, prompting Elain to swing her feet over the edge of the bed only to land in a few inches of frigid water. “We need to get out.” The ship was a steamliner, large and supposedly unsinkable. It was meant to take them to America across the Atlantic. Elain had been apprehensive the whole trip leading to the departure, and it had been her sisters who insisted ships were safe, now. They rarely, if ever, sunk.
You’re more likely to be hit by lightning, Feyre had said earnestly.
Elain supposed they’d never had good luck. The sort that would have them on a sinking steamliner rather than winning an absurd sum of money and living off the wealth until they died. They had an aunt in America who did have means, and had agreed to take them in and help them get sorted after their father had died, leaving them only with debts. 
Shivering, and still in her white night dress, Elain sloshed after her sisters from their second class cabin into the hall. Lights flickered ominously as more water greeted them. They weren’t the only ones making their way toward the stairs, and even in disaster, Elain found it strangely amusing to see people queue politely for the steps.
Behind her, Nesta reached for her hand and squeezed, her touch clammy and scared. They were going to be fine, Elain wanted to assure her, but the words stuck in her throat. She’d feel better once she knew they were safe. She kept expecting some crew member to tell them to return to their cabins, that everything was fine and the water would be cleared out by morning. 
It only occurred to her, as the water began to recede with every step upward they took, what the lower decks must look like. 
She didn’t turn back to look, heart pounding in her throat. 
Everything is okay. Everything is okay. Everything is okay.
Everything was not okay. They wove their way through the first class corridors, ignoring a woman clutching a sobbing, screaming child to her chest as she tried to reassure them everything was fine. Elain wished she had a mother to do the same, though she was a woman of twenty three and her mother had been dead for more than a decade. 
The lights blew in one of the halls, throwing sparks over Feyre’s head like rain droplets in a storm. Elain had to bite back the urge to scream, thinking of the mother and child somewhere behind them. She didn’t want to panic them any further. 
Elain was still clinging to hope that everything would be fine. Beneath the ship, it was easy to think it was simply panicked masses seeing water and overreacting. However, once they emerged on the top deck, the full scope of the horror came plainly into view. The ship was tilted, causing a slope as they made their way upward. It wasn’t so sharp that people were sliding back down, but Elain knew if they remained for another hour, the ship might end up standing wholly on its end.
People crammed toward lifeboats as crewmen called for women and children first. Nesta shoved Elain forward, causing Elain to, in turn, shove Feyre into the waiting hands of one of the crew members. Feyre screamed as the crowd surged, shoving Elain back.
It was a push and pull of desperation—Feyre vanished over the side of the ship, tears streaking down her face as she called out for her sisters. Elain’s panic became icy, listening to the sobbing and the creaking, intermingled to create a symphony of chaos. 
“There,” Nesta whispered as another boat was deployed. There were seats—enough for three. Nesta elbowed forward, taller and steelier than Elain. Elain watched her older sister step inside, and just as she was about to, she saw that same mother with the sobbing child standing just to her left.
There would be other boats, she told herself, ignoring Nesta’s impassioned, and furious cries, to allow the mother to take her spot. The woman pressed a swift kiss to Elain’s cheek, holding her child closer to her chest.
“You’re an angel,” she whispered in Elain’s ear. 
As it turned out, once that lifeboat deployed, the rest were on the other side of the ship. Elain made her way, ignoring the way the ship continued to lean dangerously. The large smoke stacks overhead cast large shadows and she wondered what would happen if they toppled. She’d be long gone by then.
The lights of the ship winked out as the vessel groaned beneath the weight of the water within. Elain had never truly known fear like she did right then, gripping the smooth, brass railing while trying to steady herself. Her sisters had made it safely and she would, too. They’d be reunited soon enough, and this would merely be another story they’d tell to friends.
Elain had made it to the opposite end of the ship, shivering violently in the cold night air. She could see lights in the distance—rescue was on its way, though whether it would be fast enough to keep them all from plunging into the water, Elain didn’t know. 
Unlike the controlled chaos on the other end of the ship, this was pure pandemonium. Twice, lifeboats were sent crashing to the water, empty of passengers. The rest were sent half full, if that, thanks to panicking crew men who often jumped at the last minute, leaving the rest of them to fend for themselves.
The reality of her circumstances dawned on her just as all the lights on the ship winked out. She was holding the railing for dear life at that point, watching several men argue over how to cut the remaining lifeboats loose so they might get in. Whether they could even deploy them at such a lean was uncertain. Pistols came out, a bullet flying which effectively silenced the argument.
There was nothing she could say or do to keep things under control. Her voice was gone, silenced in her fear. Even if she could, the constant groaning of steel would have drowned her out. 
A horrible crunching turned the world icy and silent. Beneath her feet, the ship shook violently, tilting so far forward that Elain nearly pitched down the deck to slam into a doorway leading inside. Holding the railing so tight her knuckles were white from the effort, Elain watched two of the steam stacks topple forward, their bolting crumbling under the strain of the water.
The ship was breaking in two, and she was going to take everyone down with her. In that moment, Elain was faced with two options—remain as she was and drown, or jump into the frigid Atlantic and potentially drown there. Both options terrified her—the water was inky black and bottomless, but the idea of being trapped on the ship as it made its way to the bottom of the sea scared her even more. 
She could make her way to one of the lifeboats, she reasoned. A lot of them were only half empty. And the lights in the distance promised of rescue. Elain forced herself on the railing, bare feet shaking, and leapt into the night.
She screamed on her way down. It seemed to last forever before she slammed violently into the water. All the air expelled from her body, muscles seizing in the cold. Elain lay suspended beneath the surface, panic filling with before she managed to will her legs to kick, her arms to flail.
The moment cold air bit at her face, Elain began swimming as quickly as she could away from the drowning ship. She didn’t know if she could be sucked beneath with it, and she didn’t want to find out. She could hear nothing but her own breathing and the splashing of her hands in the water until she finally found an empty, floating lifeboat overturned on its side.
It was miserably, slippery work to haul herself atop it. With her night dress clinging to her skin, Elain lay on her back to stare upward at the starry sky. She was in a waking nightmare, surrounded by the sounds of terrified people also plunged into the frozen water and the miserable snapping of the ship. Where was rescue she wondered?
Where were her sisters? Elain closed her eyes to block out the horror of her current predicament. She thought of the lights in the distance that were surely coming, not daring to curl into a ball lest she overtip her little piece of safety. She was cold, but she was alive.
She was going to be alright.
Elain didn’t remember falling asleep. All she knew was one moment she was trying to block out the sound of a child wailing, and the next a masculine voice was calling down to her. Peeling open her near frozen lids, Elain found herself looking up at a wooden ship. It seemed so out of place in the misty dawn, and yet a ladder had been pulled over the side and a man was currently scaling it to help her up.
She didn’t think she could move. Elain watched, noting, as he came into view, that his long, auburn hair was pulled in a rather neat ponytail at the nape of his neck, and one of his eyes had been replaced with a golden fixture. She stared at the trio of scars raking down his otherwise handsome face, unsure what else to look at.
“Take my hand,” he urged, offering one to her as he used the other to hang on to the ladder. Elain forced herself up on her elbows so she could take the warmth of his hand. Elain exhaled a breath, stunned by the quiet.
“Where is everyone?” she whispered, letting him half carry her against his body. He couldn’t meet her gaze, instead turning back to his swaying ship. “Did they die?”
His silence was answer enough. 
“Why did no one come?” she asked, her voice a little more urgent than before. He helped her over the edge, allowing Elain to tumble gracelessly to the deck where she found herself alone. The faint sound of voices told her there were others he’d pulled out lurking somewhere on his vessel.
“They did,” he told her, straightening himself. He wore tan breeches with brass buttons on either sides of his hips, and a white shirt tucked into the waistband, sleeves rolled to his elbows. Scuffed boots, though polished nicely, rose nearly to his knees, betraying an athletic man who worked hard, if his muscular thighs and strong biceps had anything to say about it. 
“They didn’t get me,” she said, bottom lip wobbling.
He offered her a sympathetic smile. “I nearly missed you, too.”
“Are there others?” she asked, catching the sounds of footsteps on the stairs below. They sounded small—like a childs. That eased some of the ache in her chest. 
“Yes,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “And we’ll look for more before we leave.”
He stepped around her for a crate, pulling out a large, green jacket to drape around her. Glancing down at her body, Elain realized every inch of her was on display. She’d forgotten she’d gone overboard in a thin nightdress. It was a miracle she’d survived. 
“Can I help?” she asked. “I just—”
Elain bit her lip as he cocked his head, curiosity getting the better of him. “You what?”
“My sisters,” she finally whispered, biting back the urge to cry in front of her savior. “I need to know if they survived.”
It was more than that, though—Elain needed to help as many people as she could. The scale of the suffering, of the tragedy, was not lost on her. Even as she stood on that swaying ship, she could hear the sound of snapping steel and cracking metal. She could hear the desperate cries of the people denied a life boat, who’d made the same agonizing choice she had.
“There are clothes down below deck,” her savior said, pity in his eyes. “Warm yourself first.”
Elain did as she was told, following the path down below deck. It smelled like salt and wood and something else—something strangely comforting. Like sunlight over her garden back home and the warmth of her bed on cool, autumn evening. 
Inside the cabin, Elain found more people milling about. Mothers with their children, deck hands and other cabin crew, men staring down at their hands, eyes glassy from the horror. Elain offered them a smile before making her way through, ignoring the doors to individual rooms she assumed they’d all be sharing, for another set of crates holding a variety of clothes, some so out of date she had to wonder where they’d come from. She managed to find a rather nice dress that fit well in a pretty yellow and green pattern that suited her well enough. Elain slipped into one of the rooms and put it on quickly, wishing she had more underthings. The dress itself was flowy, fashionable once upon a time, though comfortable which felt more important than looking like a respectable lady.
Once she had it laced over her skin, she found underthings weren’t wholly necessary. She managed to dig out some stockings and shoes before making her way back up to the deck where the captain as ushering some new souls aboard. Two men, both shell shocked and silent, took her place below deck as she returned to the cold.
“Your jacket…”
“Lucien,” he told her, cocking his head again. “My name is Lucien.”
“Elain Archeron,” she said, offering her his hand. His skin was warm against her own, filling her with the strangest feeling of contentment. Maybe it was the relative safety that made her feel that way. They exchanged small smiles before he nodded at the jacket still draped over her arm. 
“Keep it. I don’t feel the chill anymore.”
Elain offered another smile, slipping her arms into the sleeves to leech the remaining warmth left to the fabric. “How does this work?”
“We just sail,” he said, his voice heavy. “And keep a lookout for anyone in the water.”
“Where is your crew?”
“No crew,” he murmured, taking the steps upward toward the helm. “It’s just me and this ship that’s been passed down generations.”
“Do you know how many people were rescued last night?” she questioned. 
He shook his head sadly. “I don’t. I’m sorry.”
Elain steadied herself with a long breath. “That’s okay. I’m here to help, all the same.”
“You don’t have to, you know,” he said as she joined him at his side. “I wouldn’t fault you for resting.”
But Elain strangely wasn’t tired, or hungry. Now that she was safe, she merely wanted to get home. Cold air whipped her hair around her face, causing her to push the golden brown curls out of her eyes.
“I would fault me,” she finally said, admitting the truth. “It’s not just my sisters, it's…”
He stared, lips parted as if he’d never heard another person speak. She felt like her words were important—like he cared. 
“I jumped from the ship,” she told him. “It snapped in half, it…I just…I want to help. I need to help.”
“Okay,” he agreed with a nod of his head. 
It was agonizing work that day, eyes strained against the gloom, to try and pick out survivors. What were the odds, she wondered, that anyone had managed to survive the night. “There,” she whispered, seeing a bobbing figure in the water. It was a woman and a little girl, clutching each other tight with dull eyes and blue lips. Elain raced downstairs for blankets, relieved to find the cabin doors closed, and mostly cleared of bodies. People were tired—they deserved quiet. 
“You found us,” the woman whispered to Lucien while Elain fell to her knees to wrap a blanket around the little girl.
“You’re safe, now,” she promised, noting the little frozen droplets clinging to the childs lashes. The child didn’t respond—Elain didn’t expect them to. She merely clung to her mothers hand, dress dripping puddles over the wood beneath them, before vanishing below deck.
“You should rest,” Lucien told her a second time as Elain’s legs began to ache a little from standing so straight, her eyes watering from the stinging salt air and staring into the gloom. What little light had filtered from overhead was quickly vanishing, leaving only the blackest night again.
“I don’t think people could survive another night,” Elain told him, leaning over the rail to look down at the water below. 
“You never know,” he replied, coming to join her for a moment. Propped on his elbows, he bit his bottom lip ever so slightly. “You did.”
“One night. Not two.”
“All we can do is try. You’ve been brave,” he added, turning to wholly look at her. “No one offered to help except you.”
“They’ve been through a lot,” Elain heard herself say, heart quickening in her chest. “I don’t fault them for it.”
“Neither do I,” he hastily assured her. “Nor would I fault you for getting some sleep.”
“I’m not tired,” she said, looking at his face. He was so handsome—so lovely, and bright, and warm. Like the sun itself beating down on her, though he was only a man who’d realized she was alive and had pulled her out of the water. 
Elain would take whatever she could get. Any little kindness felt monumental and overwhelming. 
“Me either,” he said with a heavy sigh. “The ship, it just…”
He scrubbed a hand over his jaw.
“I don’t know what happened,” she admitted, wondering if he had a radio or something that might explain it. His eyes became glassy, expression slack as he stared into the distance. 
“I wish I could tell you,” he finally said, his voice strangely helpless. “I haven’t seen a wreck like that in…my life, I suppose.”
“My sisters got into lifeboats,” she said, more to reassure herself than anything. “We were separated.”
“Why didn’t you join them?”
Elain explained about the mother shushing the child as they’d passed, and how they’d all caught up at the lifeboat. She couldn’t explain why she’d nearly traded her life for theirs. Only that in the moment, it hadn’t felt like a choice—she’d merely done it without question, without thinking. 
Lucien’s lips parted, a strange look of wonder sparkling in his one good, russet eye. “That was…” he swallowed. “Very brave.”
“Was it?” she questioned. It merely felt decent. But he nodded his head, allowing them to lapse into comfortable silence. The world was quiet, even aboard the ship, and even the heavy mist blanketing the world didn’t feel concerning.
“I’m used to singular sailors,” Lucien told her once night had fully settled. They were still at the helm, him showing her how to keep the ship on course. Holding the wheel was harder than she’d expected, straining to pull away if she became complacent. “Not…not all this.” “Do you routinely pick up people stranded at sea?” she tried to tease. His fingers slid over hers, holding the wheel steady.
“More often than you’d imagine,” he replied, towering over her. It was tempting to lean herself back against his warmth, to bask in the solid strength of his body. He was a stranger, and yet she felt as if she knew him. “It’s become a calling.”
He nodded. “I didn’t set out to do it, but…”
“Well, I’m glad you did,” she told him, inclining her head to look up at him. His eyes slid down her face, landing squarely on her mouth.
“So am I,” he admitted. “What would it take to convince you to lay down?”
There was a twinge of sadness to his voice. “I think all the rooms are taken.”
“Have mine, then.”
Promising the ship was capable of steering itself—some new technology that seemed wholly out of place on his large, wooden ship with its billowing sails, but she supposed it was more for aesthetic than anything. 
The captain's quarters were large, with a rather nice bed pushed up against windows overlooking the sea, and a table and chairs for working or eating–whatever he preferred. Food was set out if she wanted it, though Elain was still too worked up to eat anything.
“Get some rest,” he urged, lingering in the doorway. 
Elain nearly asked him to join her. She didn’t know what possessed her to do so, only that lingering feeling that she knew him. Instead, Elain nodded her head, allowing him to close the door.
She collapsed into the warm, soft bed, inhaling the smell of him on the pillow. She hadn’t meant to sleep, but the moment she curled herself beneath a blanket, Elain was gone. Her dreams were a haze of bright light and voices she couldn’t quite make out. Lost to the blinding sunshine, she thought she heard Feyre and Nesta talking, and when she woke, she darted back above deck expecting to see them.
Lucien seemed surprised to see her. “You’re back.” “It’s dawn,” she replied, rubbing sleep from the corners of her eyes. “I thought I heard my sisters.”
He only shook his head. “No Archeron’s.”
“Maybe they survived,” she said with a hopeful smile. Lucien offered her a shy one in response.
“Maybe,” he agreed. 
They spent the day together—alone—out on deck. Lucien showed her how to climb into the bird's nest, giving Elain a three hundred and sixty degree view of the world around them. The mist had lifted, though it was still a gray, moody day with a faint sprinkling of rain that made it hard to stay warm. 
She alternated between silence, looking for anyone they might have missed and asking Lucien a million questions. 
“Don’t you get lonely out here by yourself?” she heard herself questioning later that evening, seated across from him at the swaying table. He popped a grape into his mouth.
“Sometimes,” he admitted. 
“Where will you go when you drop me off?” she asked.
“Back to sea,” he replied easily, though she saw the sadness etched into his expression. He didn’t want her to leave. Neither did Elain, if she was being honest.
“I’m supposed to be starting a new life in New York,” she informed him, noting how he leaned forward with interest. He didn’t ask, but Elain told him anyway—how her mother had succumbed to cholera, and then her father had died, seemingly, of a broken heart. She told him about the debts and selling their family estate to make it even, leaving them penniless and in danger of destitution before being rescued by a wealthy aunt in America. 
“You didn’t want to be married?” he asked, elbows resting on the table. They’d abandoned eating for talking, illuminated by a few candles anchored to the desk. 
“I was engaged for a time,” she admitted, waiting for the familiar stab of shame and embarrassment. “He left when he discovered there was no dowry as promised.”
Lucien nodded his head. “That won’t be a problem for you now, I suppose.”
“Maybe I don’t want to be married,” Elain replied, unable to drag her eyes off him. He was off-limits—the wrong kind of man for someone like her. She was certain her aunt would never allow it, and besides, she barely knew him. 
Still, she could imagine it. The whole thing was terribly romantic, marrying the man who’d rescued her from a watery grave. Would he abandon the sea for land if she asked? Elain didn’t dare—he didn’t know her at all. 
“No? What do you want, then?”
“To travel,” she admitted. “Everywhere. I want to see the whole world.”
His smile threatened to blind her. “You’d get on another ship after everything that happened?”
Elain considered it. “Well. I suppose now I know what might happen. I could prepare myself better for rough seas.”
“You could,” he agreed. Was he wondering the same thing she was? He rose to his feet, rubbing his palms on his thighs. “I should—”
“Will you stay?” she asked, heart beating so loudly she was certain he could hear her. “Please?”
“You don’t have to beg,” he murmured, eyeing the bed again. “I ah…of course.”
Did he offer this to everyone? Unlikely. Elain hadn’t heard a peep from the people in the other rooms, and she wondered if they, too, were miserable in their loneliness. She was afraid to ask when they’d dock or where he’d go when it was all over. Was she a bad person for not wanting it to end? It was, easily, the worst experience of her life.
But when Lucien settled into the bed beside her, Elain thought that it was the best, too. She had freedom, away from the constraints of the life she knew she was hurtling back toward. He’d let her help him set food out for the other refugees, had shown her how to navigate by the stars, how to get the most out of the sails and keep the ship on course.
How much more would she learn if she could remain another week? Two? Elain curled beside him until her head was on his shoulder.
“You should sleep,” he whispered, his breath tickling her hair. Elain was certain she couldn’t be able to, certain she’d be too awake sleeping next to a man she barely knew. But like always, Elain fell into her too bright, confusing dreams.
They spent a week like that, Lucien loosening whatever kept him at an arms length when it came to her, Elain coming into her own on the ship. No one bothered them—she knocked on doors, sometimes receiving answers but more often, receiving nothing at all. She knew better than to intrude, though she often told Lucien how she wished they’d come up, too, and get some fresh air.
He merely offered her a sad smile in response. “Not everyone can find joy in tragedy,” he told her. It had been seven days with no sign of land, and Elain, who’d once been so desperate to reach her sisters, was finding that she never wanted to see it again. The strange, bright dreams had begun to fade back to normal as her body adjusted to life at sea. 
“Eat this,” Lucien instructed, tossing her an orange. Elain smiled, digging her nails into the skin to get at the flesh. 
“I was thinking,” she began, slowly chewing without looking at him. Elain was afraid he’d tell her no—already she could feel him stiffen beside her. “That when this is all over, I might…stay?”
There was nothing but the sound of the sea below them and the wind rustling the sails.
“Yeah…ah…with you?”
“Stay with me.” He was merely repeating what she’d said, his voice toneless. “Elain—”
“Lucien, please—”
“You can’t stay—”
“I don’t want that life,” she interrupted, scrambling to her feet. Her orange fell to the deck, splattering citrusy juice between the pair of them. “It was all chosen for me. It doesn’t matter if I’m in London or I’m in New York, the result is the same. Everyone knows better, knows what I want and I need, but this, Lucien…this is what I need.”
He rose slowly to his feet, stretching his long body out as he stared unblinkingly back at her. 
“I need you,” she added, wondering if that made her pathetic. She barely knew him, and knew that if he left, it would be a loss she’d mourn for the rest of her life. She’d always be sitting at the window, wondering where he was. If he was okay.
If he missed her.
“Elain,” he whispered, his voice strangely fragmented. “You don’t understand—”
“I do,” she insisted. If he was going to tell her no, let it be because he didn’t care for her. Not because he was trying to do right by her. “You saved me.”
His mouth crashed against hers before Elain could take a breath. He was just as warm as he always was, lips soft as he kissed her insistently. His hands slid into her tangled hair before one arm wound its way around her waist, holding her close. Elain surged up on her tiptoes, her kissing clumsy as she got the hang of things.
It didn’t take a lot of skill, truthfully. He groaned even at her clumsy attempts, holding her so tight Elain couldn’t possibly escape. She wanted to get lost in the feel of his lips against her, stomach tightening when his teeth nipped at her bottom lip. 
More, more, more. 
It would never be enough and she knew it. Elain didn’t care if it wasn’t proper or if having this man would ruin her. Maybe this was all she’d get—one night with him before he firmly told her no, admitted that he had a family or a wife somewhere and she was merely a distraction he couldn’t afford.
Maybe she’d shove him overboard if that was true.
Lucien hauled her up in his arms as if she were weightless, carrying her below deck not to the rooms that ought to belong to her, but to his cabin before slamming the door closed with his foot. Lucien laid her on the bed, standing at the edge to look at her. 
“If I cannot stay,” she whispered, watching as he untucked his shirt, “then join me on land instead.”
He tossed the fabric to the floor, revealing the golden brown of his muscular skin. “Join you on land?” he whispered, kicking his boots off, too. Elain followed suit, using her elbows to crawl up the bed backward so her head hit the pillow. 
“Come back with me,” she all but begged. Lucien silenced her with his mouth again, parting her legs with an insistent knee. This was an easier way to communicate. All she had to do was touch him. Elain had never had a man like this before, and gliding her hand down the smooth expanse of his back was thrilling. She let her fingers touch from his shoulders to the band of his pants and back again while Lucien ground himself into her, expressing his enjoyment the only way he knew how.
Elain, too, found herself desperate for more. Her hands managed to wedge between them, finding the buttons on his pants. Lucien choked, nipping her bottom lip as he drew back. “Slow down,” he whispered frantically, peering between them. She didn’t stop, slipping the button loose with one hand. A trail of dark, auburn hair trailing from his navel downward appeared, and if she’d been bolder, she might have pushed him to his back to truly examine him.
She wasn’t, though. Shyness stole over her at the bulge and the realization that if she pushed even a little, she’d have a wholly naked man laying on top of her. 
Lucien kissed her again when he realized she wasn’t going to fully undress her. His tongue slid into her mouth, licking and tasting until Elain was arching into his erection, desperate for friction. So lost in pleasure, she hadn’t realized he’d begun unbuttoning her dress until she felt his mouth trail down her neck to her exposed breasts.
“Up,” he whispered, and Elain did as she was told, rising upward so Lucien could push the sleeves from her shoulders. He was the one to bare her, first, his pants unbuttoned but still covering him. Elain practically panted when he sank to his haunches for a moment to really look down at her.
There was something beyond lust gleaming back at her. Something she recognized, the same emotion that had caused her to ask him to let her stay. Elain’s heart soared—he was going to say yes. At the end of it all, Lucien was going to let her remain on the ship with her. They’d go to port, she’d assure her sisters were safe, and then she’d run off with the dashing sailor before anyone could stop her. There was nothing in her way. They could always come back someday, when he was tired of roaming and when Elain was satisfied she’d seen the world.
Lucien’s mouth trailing between her breasts dragged Elain back to the present. He was watching, both metal and real eyes fixed wholly on her. Before he could slip away, she pulled his hair from its piece of cloth, allowing it to cascade over his powerful shoulders. He smiled, beautiful as always, before pressing more kisses against the flat of her stomach.
Elain was holding her breath, afraid to seem too eager. That seemed unseemly for a woman, though she was. Propriety be damned, she knew what he was planning—she wasn’t a nun, after all. She heard women talk, knew, generally, what went down between men and women in the bedroom. She’d always been curious about all of it.
What would it feel like to have his mouth on her?
He was about to show her. Lucien hesitated for a moment, pushing her boneless legs apart with ease. She would have spread them for him if she hadn’t been afraid he’d think less of her. There was no nerves, no fear—she trusted him to do right by her. 
He lifted her leg, peppering kisses from her ankle to her thigh before swapping, never taking his eyes off her. Did she want her to beg? Elain felt as if she’d done enough of that for the day—for a lifetime, really. She thought he might do it again, looking up at the swaying wooden ceiling just for him to lick clean up the center of her. Elain gasped, nearly kicking him between the legs in her surprise.
Whatever she’d expected, it felt nothing like the reality. His mouth was wet and soft, tongue practiced. He reached for her breasts, teasing and toying as he took slow, languid licks. It was as if he were enjoying himself, trying to draw it all out. Elain could scarcely breathe, her insides too big for the skin containing her. She felt as if she might fly into a million pieces as pleasure built hotter and higher with each pass of his tongue.
Lucien teased the entrance of her body with his thumb, barely pushing himself in. Elain gasped, arching so hard into his face she wasn’t convinced he could breathe. His other hand fell from her breast to yank her tighter, all semblance of control abandoned. He licked like a wild animal, desperate and frantic until Elain was careening toward the precipice. She chanted his name, trying to get him to slow back down, but Lucien wouldn’t hear it. 
Elain wasn’t graceful or elegant when she came. With her hand grasping his hair, she practically rode his face, shamefully wanton, though she didn’t care. He let her, gasping only when she pushed away, suddenly overly sensitive. As she tried to catch her breath, to banish the brightness pricking at her vision, Lucien shucked off his pants and returned to her, kissing her greedily.
“I need you,” he whispered against her jaw. Weak sunlight poured through the window, illuminating his rigid, large cock pressed against her wet entrance. 
“I’m yours,” she replied. 
That was all the convincing it took for him to slide himself inch by wonderful inch into her body. It seemed to stretch on forever, the slow acclimation of adjustment to having something lodged inside her. Elain squeezed the first time just to try and shift a little of the discomfort, which caused Lucien to exhale a breath so forcefully that she had no choice but to do it again.
And again.
His eyes rolled upward. “If you keep it up, I won’t last but a minute.”
“There’s time,” she assured him.
His eyes found hers, earning her a messy kiss rather than any kind of helpful or reassuring response. Burying his face into her neck, he rocked his hips forward, causing pleasure to spike through her. Each drag of his cock, coupled with his lips against her skin, caused a different sort of pleasure. One that took a little longer, but burned hotter. Elain was gasping, twisting and writhing beneath him as any semblance of civility was erased, leaving only the creature in his bed.
He didn’t complain. “You’re so good,” he whispered, dragging his lips over her jaw. “So tight. Is this what you want? To stay here? With me?” His words trailed into a loud groan drowned by the sea around them. Elain could only pant the same word over and over.
Yes, yes, yes.
Elain came mere moments before Lucien, breaking apart so thoroughly that she was certain there was no coming back from it. She could be pieced back together but the fragments would also show, etched in glittering gold against her skin.
“Forgive me,” he whispered before he, too, came with what felt like the same passionate violence. Elain might have forgotten his plea in the aftermath, sated and boneless as he collapsed on top of her. There was nothing to forgive, nothing he could say that would change her mind.
Lucien held her against him, fingers stroking her hair as they laid beneath the sheets. For a long time, neither of them spoke. Elain had questions that slipped from her as she slept, hand pressed to his bare chest.
The blinding light had returned, drowning out whatever pleasant dreams there was to be had with heat so scorching she woke in a thin sheen of sweat. 
Lucien was there, sitting on the edge of the bed and fully dressed. With his back to her, shoulders slumped, he said, “It’s time, Elain.” Her stomach clenched. “We’ve arrived?”
He looked over his shoulder. “Elain.”
“Lucien,” she pleaded, but he stood, offering her the same hand he’d once offered to pull her from the water. Elain took it, surprised and frustrated to find she was back in her night dress. When had she put that on? 
“I don’t want to leave.”
“You have to make a choice, Elain,” he said, his voice dripping with anguish. “It’s time.”
Clutching his hand, Elain let him lead her barefoot from the cabin they’d slept in. There was no noise on the ship—only the blackest night that seemed to infest every space of the ship. It was almost as bad as the biting cold that swirled around them.
“Lucien,” she pleaded, but he held fast, taking her up the steps and back.
Back to the night before he’d found her. Elain balked, but Lucien didn’t relent, taking her to the edge where she watched herself, clumsy and freezing, claw her way up the capsized life raft. Time moved strangely, almost silently despite the echoing, screaming fears that bounced through her skull. 
And Elain watched as her eyes fluttered shut, lips parted and blue. Her chest rose and fell.
The ship slipped beneath the waves.
And Elain’s body went still, one hand sliding into the water unnoticed, fingers skimming the icy surface. She turned to face him. She understood, then, what she'd been too scared to acknowledge the day he'd pulled her from the water. Her sisters had survived, but she had not. And he had come to ferry her into the afterlife.
“I’m here to take you home,” he said, gesturing around them. The night faded, and in its stead, a blinding, bright light emerged. For a moment the ship itself vanished—everything did, leaving her suspended in a great nothing. Her only anchor was his hand still gripping hers.
It was her mothers voice. Her mothers face, shining and beautiful, unmarred by the cholera that had taken her from Elain when she’d been a child. Beside her stood Elain’s father, beaming as he was so often in her memories. “Elain, come home with us.”
She was rooted in place, breathing so hard she could have choked on it. “Mommy?”
She took a half step forward, pulled back by Lucien who pressed a kiss to her forehead. Cupping her face, he whispered, “I would have stayed with you. Forever,” he added, as if she didn’t know that. 
Elain turned again, back into the warmth where her parents waited. 
“Are you happy?” she heard herself ask them. 
They beckoned for her, and some part wanted to go, too. Wanted to see them again, to bury her face in her fathers shirt and inhale the scent of spearmint and tobacco. To tell them how much she missed them and how she wished they could have stayed longer. 
Elain took a step back. And another. And another.
Until she was back in the gray mist with Lucien, the light fading behind her. “If you don’t go—”
“I’ll stay. With you,” she added, looking, now, at him wholly. “I’ll ferry the souls of the dead with you.”
Lucien cupped her face gently. “Are you sure?”
But she’d been sure the night before. And Elain was sure then, too. Pressing a kiss to his cheek, Elain nodded.
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achilles-rage · 2 months
Good Luck Charm: Chapter 10
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college football player!buck x plus size!reader
summary: you go back to evan’s place so he can shower after the homecoming game. after his shower, one thing leads to another, and causes you to be late to the afterparty.
word count: 2.5k
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A/N: this chapter and the next will be shorter than usual. i debated making them one chapter but decided against it. i’m going on a road trip with a friend next week so i’m trying to get this weeks’ and next weeks’ writings done so i can queue them! enjoy<3
warnings: smut (fem!receiving cunnilingus), no use of y/n, fem!reader, race inclusive!reader
MDNI- 18+ only!
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His house is dark and quiet when you both walk in, as his roommates are still out for homecoming. He leads you to his room, keeping his hand in yours the entire way from his jeep to his bedroom door.
Your eyes study the room as he puts his bag down and grabs the things he needs to shower. He’s probably cleaned in anticipation for you, you think, as his room is a lot cleaner than you imagined it would be. His room barely has any pictures of the people in his life, other than a small picture pinned above his desk, which you assume is him and his sister. His bed is haphazardly made, and there’s some clutter spread around the room, but it makes you smile anyway.
“Okay, I’m gonna go shower. I’ll be out in a few minutes.” His words pull you away from your survey of his room, and you turn to him, nodding.
He leaves the room, and you let your eyes scan the room once more before you finally sit on his bed. His bed is much more comfortable than you thought it would be. He has a bulky light gray comforter, and you almost feel it pulling you in as you lay back, sighing softly as you feel his scent enveloping you. You move up to lay your head on one of his pillows, then go on your phone for a few minutes while you wait for him, texting your roommate back about the game.
Your eyes trail over to the door when you hear it open, your throat going dry as you take in his bare, still damp torso and the towel sitting low on his hips. His eyes land on you just as quickly, and he has to fight back a groan as his eyes move down your plush body laid out on his bed. With you lying there in his jersey, it’s almost like you’re a gift for him, waiting to be unwrapped.
“You okay, princess?” he asks in a smug tone, noticing the way your eyes widen slightly as they travel down his body. He smirks as he makes his way over to you, watching as you nod while sitting up, angling your body so you’re facing him. You’re now sitting sideways on the bed, your legs dangling off the bed from the knees down as he stands in front of you.
“You enjoying wearing my jersey?” he teases as he leans down, arms landing on the bed on either side of you as his lips meet yours. You lean back on your hands slightly, humming softly.
“It’s definitely my colour.” you tease once he pulls away, smiling up at him. He smirks wider, his eyes flickering down to the way it’s stretched across your chest and plush tummy.
“It looks even sexier on you than it does on me.” He matches your tone, a low groan escaping his lips as you giggle softly.
“I don’t know about that. I saw you on the field.” you tell him, a small smirk making its way onto your face as you reach up to hold his cheek gently.
“Yeah? How’d I look out there?” he asks in a teasing tone, leaning down to kiss your neck softly, making you tilt your head back.
“Mmm, sexy.” you state, meeting his gaze as he leans away from your neck.
It’s as if something snaps in him, as in an instant, you’re pushed back onto the bed, his body wedged between your legs as his lips meet yours in a heated kiss. One of your hands goes up to the back of his head as you return the kiss, humming softly as you feel one of his hands going under the jersey and up your torso, his other hand beside your head as he holds himself up.
His kisses trail down your neck as his hand traces your soft tummy, slowly working its way up to one of your covered breasts.
“We still have the afterparty to go to.” you get out through your quickening breath. Despite your words, you can’t help but keep your head tilted back, allowing him better access to your neck. He groans softly, continuing to kiss down your neck to your collarbone, nipping and sucking every part of your skin that he has access to.
“We have a few minutes. I’m sure no one would notice if we were a little late. Wanna claim my reward.” he mumbles against your neck, his hand squeezing your breast roughly.
“We have to go. You wanted to go so bad.” you whisper, biting your lip as you try not to make a sound. He starts to slowly roll his hips against yours, and you can’t help the soft whine that escapes your lips. Your legs move to wrap around his waist instinctively, your brain starting to cloud over with desire.
“You sound like you’d rather me stay right here, princess.” he teases as he pulls away from your neck. He takes in your blown pupils and your puffy lips for a moment, smirking as you don’t argue back. He drops his head back down, kissing you passionately, his tongue sliding into your mouth with a moan.
“Evan.” you mumble against his lips, your hands going to his chest to push him back slightly.
“If you keep saying my name like that, I’ll have no choice but to keep you here.” he tells you firmly, leaning back again to look at your face. His hand moves from beneath the jersey to your bottom lip, his thumb tracing along it gently.
“I’m serious.” you whisper after a moment, trying to fight back a smile as you look up at him. You know how bad he wanted to go to the party, especially with it being his last homecoming party, and you were starting to look forward to it too. But now, you’re not sure what you want more.
“So am I, princess.” he replies, leaning down to meet your lips again. He tilts your head ever so slightly, deepening the kiss as he rolls his hips into yours again. You feel his hardening length against your clothed center, and a soft whimper escapes your lips. If you really want to go to the party, you have to stop this now, you think, before you give in completely.
“Ev-” is all you can get out before he leans back, abruptly grabbing your ankles and pulling you further toward the edge of the bed so your legs are dangling completely off of it. You squeal at his actions, a loud giggle escaping your lips as you move to hold yourself up on your elbows. You’re a little surprised at his sudden show of strength, and it makes your stomach flip. He kneels between your legs with a hungry look in his eyes, his towel still loosely hanging around his waist, and your smile falters as you see his expression, your breath catching in your throat.
He’s quick to unbutton your jean shorts, then he tugs your shorts and panties down in one motion while you lift your hips to make it easier for him. He throws them to the side, then dips his head to kiss your inner thigh gently, making you shiver.
You really aren’t used to this kind of attention, and each time his lips make contact with your thighs, you feel your heartbeat quickening. He wraps his arms around your thighs, keeping you firmly in place as he takes you in.
“So pretty.” he mumbles as his eyes move up to your dripping core. You fight the urge to close your legs at the attention, suddenly feeling slightly self conscious. You’re not sure what to do, other than to watch him intently, your chest heaving as you eagerly wait for him.
He continues to slowly kiss up your thighs until he finally makes his way to where you want him, his tongue licking a firm strip up your slit. You can’t help the whine that escapes you, not used to the feeling. He doesn’t waste a moment, his lips wrapping around your clit, sucking softly with a hum. Your head drops back onto the bed, your soft whimpering only encouraging him more.
“You taste so good, princess. So sweet.” he purrs against your core, the vibrations shooting up your spine, making you squirm and writhe under him as his mouth continues to lick and suck at your desperate center.
One of your hands makes its way from the sheets to one of his hands on your thigh, desperate for his touch. He smiles against your core, loving how innocent yet arousing this action is, then unwraps his arm from around your thigh and intertwines your fingers together.
He begins to dart his tongue in and out of your heat slowly, making you whimper as his nose brushes against your clit. His pace quickens, and it doesn’t take long for your high to approach.
He notices the way your whines begin to get more high pitched and breathy, and he knows what it means, so he keeps doing exactly what he was doing. He groans as your other hand moves to the back of his head, weaving through his hair.
“Evan.” you whimper, your hips starting to buck against his face as you feel yourself teetering on the edge. Your legs start to close instinctively, but the arm still wrapped around your thigh keeps it in place.
“You gonna come for me, baby?” he murmurs against your core, desperate to feel your release on his tongue. He hums as he hears your soft “yes,” and he grips your hand even tighter. “Let go, princess. Come on, baby.”
His words are all it takes for you to fall over the edge, your eyes squeezing shut as you tilt your head back. He laps up your juices eagerly, not wanting to stop until he gets every last drop, working you through your orgasm as he moans loudly against you. If it was up to him, he’d do this until you’re an exhausted heap on his bed and begging for him to stop, but he knows he’ll need to work you up to that.
He tears his mouth away from your pulsing core begrudgingly, slowly kissing up your soft tummy, raising his jersey up your torso as he goes. You try to control your breathing as he kisses you, too blissed out to even think about his lips on your plush stomach.
“That wasn’t the kind of reward I thought you’d have in mind.” you whisper breathlessly, laughing softly as you hear him chuckle.
“Princess, that was the only thing on my mind.” he tells you earnestly, his lips still ghosting over your stomach, kissing your stretch marks gently. It’s true; he’s been wanting to taste you pretty much as long as he’d known you, and now that he has, he’s not sure he’ll ever be able to give you up.
He leans back after a few moments and moves up until his head is level with yours, chuckling softly as he looks at your small smile and heaving chest.
“Hi.” you whisper, giggling softly as you look at him with hooded eyes. His smile widens at your soft voice, shaking his head at your sheepish smile.
“Hi gorgeous.” he replies with a laugh, leaning down to meet your lips in a tender kiss. You moan softly, tasting yourself on his tongue. “I think we definitely have to skip that party now.” he mumbles against your lips, which makes you push him back softly.
“You’ve been dying to go to the party.” you argue softly, looking up at him with big eyes.
“Well, now I’m dying for something else.” he teases, trying to lean back down to your neck again, but you keep him where he is with your hands planted firmly on his chest.
“Evan Buckley, get changed right now, or I’ll never wear your jersey again.” His jaw drops as he gasps, looking offended as he leans back even more.
“You wouldn’t dare.” he challenges, an eyebrow raised at your now smug expression.
“I would.” you tell him, fighting back a smile as your eyes trace his face, taking in every line and freckle.
He sighs, finally getting up off of you and moving to his closet.
“Alright, alright. But just so you know, you’re really not making it easy to get up right now.” he tells you, his eyes looking down your body, taking in your exposed lower half.
You roll your eyes and sit up, closing your legs as you pull the jersey back down with one hand. As he looks through his closet for something to wear, you grab your panties and shorts off the floor. You stand up to put them on, then sit back down on the bed, eyes trained on his broad back.
“I can feel you watching me right now, princess. You’re not making it any easier.” he says over his shoulder. You laugh, shaking your head.
“You’re so easy to distract.” you tease, smiling as he turns to look at you over his shoulder, giving you a quick wink. You turn your body and lay back down on the bed, facing away from him, giggling softly.
“There. Better?” you tease, and laugh louder when he tells you that it is. You stay like that for a minute, listening to him rummaging around his clothes until he finally tells you he’s ready. You turn and get off the bed, biting your lip as you take in his outfit. He’s wearing jeans and his backup jersey that’s identical to the one he wore during the game. You feel your cheeks heat up as you realize you’re matching, as if that’s the most intimate thing that’s happened between you two today.
“Ready, princess? Wanna show you off.” He smirks as he grabs your hand, dragging you out of his room and to the front door. You nod, a grin making its way onto your face.
While you’re excited, you can also feel your stomach twisting with nerves, unsure of what exactly to expect at a frat party.
The frat closest to campus throws a homecoming party every year, and it’s the party that the football team always goes to because a lot of the football team is also in that frat. You’ve never been to a frat party, and even though you know having Evan beside you will make things better, you’re still biting the inside of your cheek nervously the entire walk over there.
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izaneko · 1 year
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- Queen of the Kings.
izana kurokawa x fem reader.
warning: pet names, intercorse, foreplay, smut, reader + izana both virgins, teasing, little rough sex - mdni NSFW
w\n: alright so this is the first part of a mini series for my dearest birthday month. hope you all enjoy! - also if you assume that it was inspired by his newest throne image.. i will confirm you be would be absolutely correct. its too~❤️
' - come here.' he motioned toward you running his fingers quickly through his sleek silver strands. being the only female in tenjiku meant one thing - all eyes were on you always watching your every move. not gone unnoticed by the king- himself. izana knew that you were insanely strong for what your frame and build showed and he asked you himself one evening personally to join his superior gang of the dark underworld- to which you jumped at the offer after he saw- witnessing your superior potential on the chance late one summer night. there wasn't a single shot in oblivion that you'd turn him down. they were known as the elite squad of hellraisers- the infamously heard of street bikers that would end your life if you even breathed wrong in the direction of their leader in his presence. for years of your lifetime you spent searching for the one place you could fit in where you could be accepted for who you really are -without any shred of luck for every attempt at finding the perfect group. until you met tenjiku that fateful day late in june.
he dubbed you within that first night a member of his gang and today he had called you to the place where they were now waiting on your arrival. feeling the heat burning on your cheeks from how quickly you were rushing in the blazing summer heat to the meeting spot without any slight bit of hesitation to your footwork because you knew how punctual they had expected the arrival of their special invitation to be. your heart hammering with echoes of excitement ringing in your chest made you fly through the entrance with a swift little leap in your step ready to find out exactly what it was he had requested of you for. you weren't afraid of them for not even a heartbeat - there wasn't any reason to be. they were the best place you knew of the only home you found- the only people who would accept you for your actual talent. these individuals that were seriously much stronger than you were yourself and it was fascinating to your mind to say the in the slightest of words. your every sense was on set on fire- whenever they were around you.
after you presented yourself in a timely fashion with the same bright smile still aching on your expression- making it obvious to the group that you weren't going to be a regular ordinary new recruit. izana spoke slowly as your presented yourself to his front standing tall against his intimidatingly infamous strong demeanor. he bestowed the honor to you of one of his "heavenly kings" to which you turned to him smugly with your daring response ' i am not a king - ' ♥️. ' i am the queen of the kings, darling.' all while holding your ground standing firmly and proudly with the biggest grin across your features causing the king himself to start to feel tinge threatened by your words and forced his face to begin to change to the same shade crimson of his tenjiku uniform. he snapped. ' everyone get- out.' izana spoke sternly without hesitatation in his precise sharp tone. the rest knew that you'd gone and lost the war from the way the words you chose to speak to their leader and casually had turned themselves away leaving the warehouse not a moment faster then he gave the strict order. following in queue with your back now to him walking hastily away a little slower than the others fearing you had caused some ill will with your snarky response and unsure of what would be to become of your fate with the unit. ' not. - you. ' everyone was pretty much had mostly exited the building and you exactly knew who he was talking to. a small shiver pulsed all throughout your core thinking about what he had in store for your punishment.
approaching his throne- your grin turning coy seeing the look on his serious expression. it wasn't any different than his normal pissed off look he was known to give but gd dmn he was so handsome you thought as your weakened legs shook physically in a strange confusion of what you were feeling in that moment. standing in front of him- anxiously awaiting your judgement you heard him utter only one word. ' sit. ' staring blankly hearing tiny mumbles of your breath uttering out only a half coherent attempt of a response. ' you-- ' he cut you off your stuttering. ' i - told you to sit. ' you nodded without thought and in a seconds time you moved your body closer to him knowing that his word was rule. in the time it took you to reach his waiting lap- the palpable wetness between your legs became undeniably moistened with the heat speading over your tightened muscles and across your aching thighs. this was too much for anyone to take- not wanting to make a wet obvious stain on his uniform pants you placed your bottom side on his knee- almost santa claus style not trying to see how mad he was when he gave his ruling over your behavior to him before. your body erupted in sheer stimulating sensations as the feeling of his fingertips traced your sweat kissed skin along your sides traveling towards your chest when you felt his fingers move down to graze across your hips lightly pulling you in closer to his chest and his strong arms- feeling across every inch of your tender soft flesh. it made your heart sing in every last desire but still shaking in bliss with ideas from the unknown of what he had planned. there was no sound besides light shallow breathes coming from your chest trying to hold back the want to gasp at every last touch and his signature hanafuda earrings ringing in your ear gently moving in the motions he made as he glided his fingertips across the top your stomach now teasing his way up towards your breasts. izana knew you were a bold one- he liked that about you and you made his mind go wild with twisted fantasies of what your words earlier had left implied. in his state- izana was sick for you- since that very first time he laid his eyes on you- seeing you go laying out that six-foot monster to ground trying to attack you knocking him out flat cold. he was completely infatuated over being with you like this. he saw how tenacious your aura made him and it drove him too maddened with lust for you.
he pushed past your little tank top and grasped on tight to your left breast firmly without letting go. ' nn-gh!- ' it was just impossible to stifle the moan that bursted through your lips. laughing in response- his other hand moving its way down towards his lap to grab onto the place you prayed inside it would find. ' hm- you enjoying this aren't you? turn around and let me see- you. ' pulling your hips in a tailspin before your body could even hesitate or react to find a way to hide your messy over-exerted expression you were met face to face with the king who looked just as reddened and fucked up looking as you were you could only imagine. for a moment you were both left speechless- staring into his deep lavender eyes for what felt like a forever until you heard a small quiet breathe leave his lips with two words for you mixed in- ' ride me.' without attempt or thought your body mindlessly in its own possession began rubbing your heat on his length craving the feeling of what he offered between your legs and wanting so bad to contain yourself but there wasnt a chance. you were his puppet- dancing on a string to a sonnet of his affection. he pulled lightly on your ponytail from how the amount of friction to his pulsing cock was making his body feel - izana was a virgin that never experienced these types of sensations to his body from anyone other than himself so it made him start bucking his hips wildly into your soft core without the gratifying feeling he needed desperately. now more than ever you couldnt breathe and felt your own body crying out to you to undo his belt and just get it over with already. as if reading your thoughts he smirked and grabbed onto your waist with his wrist and his pants button with his free hand. ' zana - ' that nickname you just spoke to him had him damned near insanity from hearing it tempting him once again from of your words one more time -
rapidly as he was freeing himself from the rough restraints of his tenjiku trousers he grabbed his cock leaking just as much as he expected from how your every word affected his body. in response to the perfect sight of his huge dick almost intimidating as he was your craving knees lifted themselves over him placing yourself in position. izana couldn't stop hearing the thrumming of drumline in his veins wanting as you hovered over his sweat lined torso stifling your panting to the best of your every ability. he pulled you into him impatiently nudging his reddened tip against your swollen clit making your mouth to accidentally let out a weak moan in his swift motion -causing your pussy to squirt down over his length making him smile in gest. 'hmn!- nn-gh-' izana couldnt contain himself- he slammed his hard dick into your insides from how the warmth of your slick just wasnt enough for him- feeling deprived of what he needed most right now. just who- he needed most right now. it sent him over the egde- knocking him back in his seat from the waves of intenses your moist walls were sending thoughout his entire anatomy. you werent any better- thrusting your rocking hips slowly down on to his dick even more enlarged from how it was on first glance from his excitement of how well you felt tightly pressing onto his cock feeling every shiver against his throbbing length leaving him wanting to press himself deeper inside so much more. ' ungh!-' he grunted as your body sank down dipping lower and lower onto his member making his torso blaze up in heat as he tried moving along with you in your motions with his hands placed timidly and tightly around your hips as you made him feel beyond better than he could have ever expected or fathomed from this experience. izana grabbed onto your ass pushing you furthur pass your possible threshhold could contain him. 'ah! - mnnh! ..izana!- ' he licked his supple lips at your whines of his praise and traced his bulging large cock deeper in your folds experiencing the for first time ever what sheer joy could be- nudging you towards your climax into a zone of unknown territory for you as well. you never dreamed your first time would be with a true gang member let alone the gd- damn ruler himself. his purple eyes grew wide at the sight of your curves spilled around his length causing his legs to thrust up faster making you scream out his name even more than you wanted - ' zana! ah! yes- zana! - ' there it was again- and again you kept on mumbling the weak spot he had in his heart for you when he heard you he snapped fucking you without restraint over his sanity. 'ah- omg zana- fck! youre so big- ' it made his his eyes tear up from the pain running down his spine of how bad he wanted to cum in you right there but he couldn't dare. it was time you understood what you were in for when you willingly chose freely to walk by his side. izana wanted nothing more than to fill you up with the last of his contents but held back with all his strength forcing him close pushing himself past the limit of his breaking and you couldn't get enough of it. the way you left him breathless and sighing now heavily almost sobbing from how well you were taking his cock inside your heat. it made you so thrilled to be the one to break down the king himself that you couldn't stop from grinding yourself on to him faster- wanting to be the only person the reason for his first release in this special way.
izana grabbed blindly for support finding himself grounded on your ponytail- his clumsy frenzied hands accidentally freeing out your hair as he watched it cascade down over across your chest. the sweet feeling it sent through him from the sight of your beautiful form fucking over his entire length taking him so damn well it took over his mind completely leaving his glazed eyes with practically heart emojis for you- it was pure ecstasy he was embraced in and he never wanted it to end. he pulled on your chest kissing you full on with passion burning in his breathe with every last shred of his dignity out of reach - this was his true paradise. your soft pillows of your pout on his made his whole entire organs erupt in flames. it was beyond the embrace of your tender mouth firmly pushed onto his- you were his first time someone who he never thought would enter his life let alone kick him down from his throne. he needed to have you cum for him too- he couldn't end it like this. izana began grinding himself into you pressed so deeply practically trying to impregnate you with his rapid white hot seed painting your insides fully dripping down across his legs from out your folds causing him to whine out in pure ecstacy. ' ungh!- you- wanna make you my queen- love..' ' wan-t. ugnh- .. you to be mine forever- ' you were at a loss for thought at this point and past the point of forming words when your orgasm hit on with the image of what he said dancing across your wildest dreams. ' yes! -ah! yess zana yes!- ' your voice came so clearly as you did all over his member with no stopping the floodgates which it made him cry out in his confused state of bliss- knowing his tip was reaching up to your core pulsing faster inside of you with as much he could stand. the feeling of him drenching your insides coating them in every last corner had your climax bursting into fireworks in the summer night sky creating a moan slipping out for him that left him pulled in a trance of your fucked out bliss. ' nngh!- izana!- ' he grabbed you into his lips again this time moving his tongue past your lips into yours with alignment exploring the inside with curiosity and full passion for the very first time. you needed to feel his taste against yours kissing back with intensity as your walls fluttered around him clenching on his dick as you riding out your high. he was mentally pulling himself together some what as you pulled apart from his mouth when he heard you giggle a little placing your fingertips over your mouth. his orchid orbs gazed into yours enraptured by what could be so damn amuzing to you until you placed yourself in a soft voice speaking into his waiting ear- ' want to go for a round two- my king? ' you were done for- now that he had his first time under his belt and knew what he could do to you izana wasn't gonna even try to hold back. -😈
©izaneko - all rights reserved.
please do not copy / reupload or modify my writing.
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yeoldenews · 27 days
I'm really loving your #tbt posts lately (which I assume might come from your queue). Thanks for keeping the historical interest flowing. One question: I'd love to know who the family is in the Minnesota photos. I assume you wrote about them in the past, if you have a personal source for the pictures. (My grandfather and his family were from Minnesota, and I recently viewed some photos of them.)
I wish I knew! Unfortunately this is one of several "white whale" albums I've purchased over the years with absolutely no written identification in them, and one of only two I haven't had any luck tracking down any individual people in the photos.
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My current best guess is that the album is of a young adults group from the English Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in St. Paul, and was taken in the summer/fall of 1897 or 1898. There is one photo of a group in front of a church with a partial sign visible behind them which I was able to match to that church. I did some additional research and found that the church group did regular summer outings to many tourist spots and lakes in the St. Paul area.
I was able to additionally pinpoint the location to the St. Paul area due to the waterslide in the background of this image and a visible sign for the Nevers Dam (on the MN/WI border) in another.
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I compiled a list of a dozen or so people who attended the church at the time (from newspaper mentions of various events at the church) but so far haven't had any luck matching any of those people to the individuals in the album.
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It's a great album, about 40 or so pictures in total and I believe it was likely developed at home by an amateur photographer. None of the photos are mounted, being printed on very thin paper, and several have hand applied mats added to the exposures to change the shape - as seen above.
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Snapshots from the 1890s are my absolute favorite photographs as personal photography was still in its infancy, and people were still figuring out what exactly to do with the cameras the now had access to. Many of the images are still posed like studio portraits, but you can see the very beginnings of people starting to get creative with what they chose to capture.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐍𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦'𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!    
a/n: thank you to the beautiful creator of the grown-up Neteyam photo! P.s. I’m sorry for the crappy screenshot photos of the only Na’vi mating bond we see. I tried my best :’)
Warnings: spoilers for Avatar 2
Lawful Good
8 of Pentacles
Leo Sun, Virgo Moon, Libra Rising  
・You were the eldest of Tonowari and Ronal’s children. A Metkayina leader of the future. 
・You have many skills, learning from both your parents and the other members of the clan. A great hunter, creator and a deep love for the ocean. 
・Eywa was a big presence in your life, something that your brother, Aounung was jealous of 
・Tsireya idolises you, and when she was younger, all she wanted to do was be around you
・However, you weren’t very outgoing, and preferred the company to one or two friends - or mainly yourself whenever you got the chance
・You have your own Tulkun, whom you love dearly. They’re incredibly protective of you, as you are for them. 
・That’s where you spend the majority of your free time - talking with your Tulkun. You have an incredibly close bond, almost like telepathical 
・When the Sully’s sought refuge, you were one of the first to speak up in their defence
・Not only did you like the look of the Omaticaya people, but you were curious about their ways. 
・You wanted to learn more - grow as a Na’vi. You wanted to be someone with an open-mind. 
・It was why you got along so well with your sister Tsireya, Aounung on the other hand was a bit of a challenge. He always had been. And being the middle child, he definitely liked to act out 
・You formed a close friendship with both Tuk and Kiri. You always found the young ones funny. It was your instinct as the eldest child to look after the younglings around you. 
・And with Kiri, you loved her connection to the land. You could watch her for hours as she interacted with the environment around her. 
・You could see that she was special; Eywa had something incredible in store for Kiri. You just wished the rest of the clan would accept them
・But your eye was always searching for Neteyam, the eldest of the Sully kids
・Almost like a guardian angel, you were there when he needed you most. And your brother would tease you relentlessly, but Tsireya understood. She encouraged you to pursue Neteyam
・As you encouraged her to pursue Lo’ak 
・And your romance was slow. Even though you both had deep feelings for each other, it was like neither of you could confess it. For one reason or another. 
・You spent time together, teaching him the ways of your people. He was especially interested in the coming of age rituals. Neteyam wanted to participate. 
・You told him he didn’t have to, that accomplishing the Omaticaya rituals was enough. But not for Neteyam, he wanted to prove himself. 
・Then, when the event happened with Quaritch, everything changed. 
・ Luck, no, not luck. It was destiny that you were there to save Neteyam. 
・What would have been a bullet would was only a flesh wound, however, it did cut him deep
・The Sully’s were eternally grateful, Neytiri especially. She nearly lost her firstborn, and for that she felt indebted to you. 
・However, Neteyam was wounded, and it took him a month to fully recover. You visited him everyday, bringing fresh food and changing his bandages. This was how you two grew close. A deep bond was formed. 
・You both felt Eywa’s presence when you looked into each other’s eyes and finally realised who you were to one another. Mates. 
𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 🔞No one under the age of 18 past this point, I bloody mean it.
・The mating ritual is the same for every Na’vi, it’s the connecting of the queues, from nightfall until sunrise. 
・The mating ritual and sex are two different things, but ultimately the Na’vi only have sex with one other for their entire lives. 
・And although Neteyam would have loved to perform tsaheylu underneath the Tree of Souls, the Metkayina don’t stay underwater for that entire time. 
・Some may choose to visit the Spirit Tree and connect for a brief moment while holding hands, or to choose a secluded spot and invite Eywa’s presence 
・You chose to do both
・Both of you swam down to the Spirit Tree and connected to it, seeing each other through the other’s eyes 
・You could feel the other’s love and devotion 
・After opening your eyes, you kissed and swam to the surface, where you found a vacant part of the beach to stay until the next day
・Connecting with Neteyam was like nothing you had ever experienced before. You were able to feel his pain, his happiness, the weight of responsibility and the dedication Neteyam has to his family 
・In turn, Neteyam felt the same. For you both had the duty of being the first born
・When the mating was completed, it was announced through all the clan that you were together 
・Tonowari held a great feast in your honour. He was more than proud, as was your mother, sister and brother 
・You had completed a big part of Na’vi life, and the Sully’s welcomed you into the family with open arms. Especially Neytiri, once she got to know you and how good of a hunter you were 
・Sex is different then mating, but you still connect your queues nonetheless. It intensifies the bond, and completely takes hold of your body, mind and soul
・Neteyam is a soft lover, he likes to make you feel loved, safe and worthy
・His favourite thing is to bite your neck though, especially when he’s in midthrust. It’s like another way of combining your bodies. He wants to be as close to you as possible
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yantalia545 · 9 months
Yandere Axis and Allies with a runaway bride attempt
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆💍☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
This was the most perfect day of his life.
After all this time; These years even. He finally has you within his grasp.
Today will mark the day he finally got it all; Money, power, you. Nothing in the world could make this perfect day any better. Maybe if you actually reciprocated his feelings.
Everything was in perfect order. It's taking many months to plan this whole day down to the very last detail but it was worth it. All that was missing was your beautiful form to walk through those doors and waltz up to him every so slowly so he could take in every inch of this marvelous moment.
He won.
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Bold of you to assume that running away would have been an option.
Of course, he thought about you trying to pull some last-minute stunt and has planned accordingly.
He would have liked you to use logic over emotions and realize that at this point there would be nothing you could do to stop this wedding from taking place when you and your boss have already signed the papers. The ceremony is more for his own pleasantries. Germany's fought tooth and nail for this and he's not about to rush through his victory. He had dreamed of this moment for a long while and had read anything he could get his hands on to fully prepare for this moment and he’d be damned if you’d ruin this.
Germany isn’t stupid and had a suspicion that you would try to pull something like this and came fully prepared.
He thought the extended amount of guards would have kept you in place but apparently not. On the off chance that you have managed to get passed his most trusted men, he was prepared for that too. His men would be sent out at the first brush of finding out you got away and be quick to hunt you down. Hopefully, before the entire day was ruined.
Yeah, good luck trying to get away from this one. Best to try running away after the two of you get home from the honeymoon, but be warned, Germany has well prepared the house for you too.
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He should have known you would pull something like this. You did seem just a little too excited about having a wedding. Japan would have preferred a quiet wedding between just the two of you, but you were admin about a bigger and more public wedding that he went along with it. It was foolish of him to imagine that your decision was a sign of you finally giving into him.
Japan is a very collected man so no one can really understand how much he’s bubbling with rage after you to get him all worked up over a big wedding and just ditch him in front of everyone. He won’t say a thing to anyone when he hears the news that you’re gone, but the game is on.
He won’t involve anyone in his search for you. Japan wants to be the one to personally hunt you down and make you his. He wants to see the exact moment that your hope washes away when you realize you’ve been caught. When you realize that you belong to him and there’s nothing you can do to change it.
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The poor man is a mess. Not even a minute passes past the queue for you waltz down the isle and he’s already breaking down.
This doesn’t work in your favor one bit. Once the water works break through, everyone is quick to take Italy’s side on the matter. How could you leave such an innocent man standing at the alter like that?
Believe me, you’ve tried to get others to believe all the horrible things that Italy is capable of when no one’s looking, but no one ever seems to listen. How can anyone suspect that Italy is purposefully doing anything bad? Italy is so sweet and innocent that it must be you just misunderstanding things or just you making them up to try to make Italy look bad.
You thought that if no one would believe you then running away would just make things better but Italy is too sneaky for his own good.
Why else are the two of you getting married now? If you won’t stay willingly then he’ll just have to make sure that you can’t leave him.
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It’s been over fifteen minutes since the ceremony was supposed to start and you’re still not here. Russia was holding the benefit of the doubt that you were just as nervous over the most wonderful day of his life, just as he was. He knew he couldn’t seek you out himself since, according to traditions in weddings, it was considered bad luck for couples to see each other before the ceremony. 
Even though the others countries were well aware of your situation and were forced to attend this horrific day by Russia, some couldn’t help but feel some sense of remorse from Russia as he arrogantly stood at the alter, waiting for a woman who would never arrive. Then there were some like America and Prussia mostly, who were fighting the urge to laugh at the poor man’s rejection. 
His smile never left his face when the realization does hit him that you’ve gotten away somehow. All your loved ones are sitting amongst the crowd of people in front of him currently, right? All he has do is show you just the kind of man he is and what he’s willing do for you and you’ll come right back to him yourself.
You really didn’t think this one through, did you?
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He was a little pissed off that he put all of this time and money into making your wedding the most amazing and extravagant wedding anyone has ever seen, but at the same time, he couldn’t help but fall in love with you even more.
America is a very strong-headed man, so it only makes sense that he’d fall in love with someone who’s also like him. A strong-headed darling would only inspire him to do better. To him, this is just another game of tug-of-war between you two and he can’t help but feel exhilarated about it all. You really are perfect for him. You really do know how to keep him on his toes and constantly test his wits.
You running away only makes securing you all the more interesting and indefinite for America. Oh believe me, you will be his and he will put an end to this little game of yours, but your defiant nature just makes it more rewarding for him in the end. You just don’t know it yet!
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So, you thought you could pull a stunt on your perfect day together and run away without consequences? Or better question, did you think he was going to stop pursuing you just because you exposed him in front of everyone?
Bad move.
Its seems that you haven’t figured it out that what he was doing was considered just a tip of the iceberg of the things he’s willing to do in order to obtain you. England thought you would have noticed that he was trying to be civil about the whole matter but if you want to be a brute about it then he’s not going to hold back either.
England isn’t going to waste any time over the matter either. He’ll send his troops out to retrieve you the moment you set foot outside the church. When your caught, and believe me it won’t take long, he’ll have you watch as he burns your country to the ground; literally.
If you won’t come to him peacefully then he’ll show you all that he’s capable of. Maybe then you’ll learn to be more appreciative of his good grace if there’s nothing for you to build upon without him. The others would be wise to stay out of it too if they don’t wish to end up in a similar position as you.
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It's funny actually. Did you really think he was stupid enough to believe that you wouldn't try to leave today of all days? He's not young and stupid like the rest of the countries; He plans. And he plans well.
Without you even noticing, he had ordered one of the maids who were fixing up your dress to slip a tracker on you so even if you did manage to escape then he could track you down with ease.
To China, this was all a big cat and mouse game to him. Don't get me wrong here, he is very irritated that you refuse to love him, but if he has to show just how much more power he has over you, then he will get the most he can out of it.
It's all so pitiful to you. You thought you had finally managed to outrun that hellish nightmare, when seemingly out of nowhere, China pops in with a smug look on his face. Mocking you the whole way back to the church.
No matter where you go or how far you run, China will always find you just when you think you're safe.
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