#anti cosmo definitely would think he's still in his emo phase and might outgrow it so he doesn't mind
eashgirl · 27 days
I'm not going to lie, I actually love the idea that adult Foop/Irep has a punk boy esque fashion sense,looking back even as a kid he mentioned it once or twice how he loved bad boys (take that as you will),so his new outfit was definitely the way I envisioned his adult design to be like,yes even the square head,it did take a bit getting used to but he's adorable,plus it's a great contrast to Peri who dresses like a diligant rule abiding citizen ready for work then there's Irep looking like that
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If Peri can grow up to the new Tumblr sexyman then Irep is loser bbg material
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No one ever call him ugly ever again, he's so cute ,an evil little gremlin having the time of his life being better than Peri for once at something he looks so happy🥺
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