#anti SPN prequel
captain-sodapop · 2 years
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Sam when Dean - who's on hiatus from Heaven because that's a thing you can apparently do - hands him his 1000 page fanfic about their parents.
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queenoma · 3 months
So not only was the IDEA of the Winchesters HERS [Elta] per Jensen’s mouth but she thinks out of delusion she could have been Janis Joplin when she can NOT sing IF you’ve been unfortunate enough to have heard her like the time on a guitar crooning to Jensen while he was away at a con
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jarpadswalker · 1 year
Recent con has made it clear as to why Jared would get depressed time and time again when he was doing SPN? And why is he in a far better mood when he was with Walker?
Imagine getting slighted and dissed at an event that was started because of you. You are looked down upon by colleagues whom you helped and advice to be part of this circuit. They don't even care for you and make fun of your expense, and you don't have any choice but to endure. Becoz lashing or saying anything will only hurt your image and will make you look like an asshole.
If this isn't enough, the same behavior is carried on to your work. People have realised that you won't do much about it, so the ill treatment continues at work. What makes it worse is that you have to not only act brotherly towards the guy who was the reason behind the ill-treament to maintain the facade but also stroke his ego and praise him for everything.
You will let it go at first, and you might take in a stride, but as it continues, it starts gnawing at you. Slowly, it starts chipping at you, making you sad and slowly you become disinterested in the work you used to like the most.
You could see this happening with Jared. There was a huge difference between Jared that was in the earlier panels vs. Jared that was in the panel towards the end of SPN. You could see how Jensen and fans' constant dissing and ridiculing made Jared vary. What made me angry was how Jensen and Co was trying to ridicule Jared about dad jokes simply because those are the ones that connect him the most with the audience. The entire drum roll beat is the most ridiculous thing of cons.
It is totally understandable why Jared said that Walker reignited his love for acting. Imagine how ugly it must have been for Jared that he stop loving the craft he once loved the most
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laf-outloud · 1 year
This show never should have been made.
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castielssuperhell · 2 years
re-entering my supernatural era in order to fully appreciate the absolute insanity the prequel is sure to be
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I don't want to nick pick at everything but it has sort of become impossible to even read anything Jensen says as just a joke after everything that's happened both around the prequel trying to side step Sam out of SPN & bringing in his own family on SPN every chance he got.
He says here supposedly as a joke that he keeps telling Eric to replace Jared apparently he isn't working out....I don't know dude how did Jared put up with this sort of passive aggressive shit right from S3. He puts someone down plays it as a joke and then tries to smooth it with a compliment. Why say such a thing in the first place? Loser is the only term that comes to mind for him.
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trials-era-sam · 1 year
you’re laughing. jensen ackles’ only coping mechanism has been canceled and you’re laughing
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sapphyreopal5 · 1 year
Aaaaaand we have amazing proof as to why Danneel should've had nothing to do with Supernatural or the franchise. How could he have learned a damned thing from Mary when she died while he was just about 4 years old? The sheer stupidity of it all, no wonder he got embarrassed and pissed off af....
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fandom-hoarder · 2 years
Anybody who thinks that abomination of a TWin finale was BETTER than the spn finale or FIXED anything about it can fuck right off, tbh. Bad vibes, dnw.
Like the biggest thing about TWin is it's INSULTING.
It's insulting that it's called "the winchesters", when The Winchesters are Sam and Dean. It's insulting that those involved kept telling people to trust them and "canon we got you" and stringing people along a whole fucking pointless season. It's insulting that they claimed they were so passionate about it when it's... Like This. When clearly no one could bother to even consult the canon, or hire actors who would be faithful to the OG representations. When it feels like a really cheap cash grab, when the interviews with Robbie and Jensen tell a story of people who knew they HAD to make this work, but didn't actually have a vision or focus for it. When Danneel appears to have been given way too much creative control despite not actually watching most of spn. When her passion for the project appeared to be the clothes she and Jensen could be photographed in -- this isn't wife hate, this is sincere criticism of someone who had creative control in a project they didn't even know the canon for.
It's insulting they spent the money for good music and played actual Led Zeppelin in THIS STUPID FINALE.
I know the last seasons of spn got pretty out there, got pretty stupid and lackluster (ghosts redux but daytime? Ehh), but at least in s15 they were running through "greatest callbacks" territory. TWin was not only worse quality, it had no fucking purpose. They didn't have a STORY TO TELL at all. You think THIS was where they were originally heading with that "Dean" voiceover from the pilot, talking about the true story of his parents?
(None of these questions are important enough for an s2, mind you; this show gets the atla live action treatment--never happened, doesn't count)
THE WHOLE FUCKING REASONING IS JUST POINTLESS AND STUPID. AND THERE DIDN'T SEEM TO EVER BE ANY REAL STAKES FOR THIS SCOOBY GANG ALL SEASON. It was The Magic Tree House, with all the answers handed to them. (Not to mention the pretty bad acting I witnessed from Meg -- a too-short-to-be-Mary-when-Drake-is-that-tall Claire lookalike I'm supposed to believe as Mary🙄 --and the total lack of JohnMary chemistry, and the weird af lore breaking holywater!hair vamp splash that started as a joke and shouldn't have even made it onto the page🤦‍♀️-- if you wanted to be that kind of camp you should've just done a straightup AU spinoff, and not tried to tie this in to the OG while LYING about "canon we got you" and getting your tone all the fuck wrong)
This doesn't fix anything from spn finale--NOTHING NEEDED FIXED. Whatever gripes there may be about aspects of the spn finale, essentially it was PERFECT. THIS bullshit takes a Dean who had finally come to terms with the life they'd lived, who had his actual loved ones largely available in heaven (and Sam on earth, but knowing he'd meet Dean up there, and time is different in Heaven), and takes away any character growth the spn finale suggested-- because he's ALREADY LEARNED THIS LESSON ABOUT TRYING TO CHANGE THE PAST WTF.
Also, that was not Dean. I get that Jensen probably couldn't cut his hair or whatever, but that turtleneck sweater was not an outfit OG Dean would wear, AND Jensen seems to have forgotten how to do the Dean voice/accent. They should've said it was huntercorp!Dean or something, cuz that was not the Dean that died in 15.20 and went to Heaven and took a drive to wait for Sam.
The only correct thing in TWin finale is that Sam was still Dean's #1, and all the SamDean parallels to JohnMary throughout the show get rights for preserving that. But the JohnMary was so dull.
This ridiculous show is NOT CANON, and I hope whatever future endeavors come out of spnverse has greater respect for the OG and its fandom, and better writing and casting. (I would prefer for it to die than become another abomination.)
I'm sorry for Drake's decent acting that this was the story he got, since he seemed to actually be a fan of the og -- even though some of his comments lost him some points with me. Sorry for some of the other wannabe scooby gang actors, who should've just gotten their own spoofy spinoff. I would be happy to not see Meg in anything ever again -- not that I wish for an end to her career, just that *I* won't have to see her face act. I would also be ecstatic for the Ackles' friends to not be cast in roles they're unsuited for just so they can all work together 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 how the fuck was that supposed to be Samuel?
You make a variety show for this shit, not a fucking prequel-that's-not-a-prequel. Good grief. Get you some good people that will tell you no. Maybe talk to Jared about it, jfc. He actually gets thoughtful about his headcanons.
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dyed-red · 2 years
there was a post on my dash a few days ago about an interview with jensen about the prequel. he talks about casting, and about how the actor they hired for john had both sam (1) and dean (1) in him, and the actress they hired for mary had dean (2) energy (that none of the other actresses were serving, apparently). and the post rightfully pointed out that dean himself is there (3). so three deans to one sam, they noticed.
(edit: here is the link for anyone interested)
and looking at the reviews about how bland the pilot is, i can’t help but think that’s part of why? 
the thing that is magic about supernatural is the gravitational push and pull between sam and dean and the forces that are so much bigger than them.
you could have that in the prequel. the gravitational push and pull between john and mary and the forces that are so much bigger than them. 
it’s literally the canon backstory! 
the first time they met, they bumped into each other and (presumably on trained instincts) mary laid john on his ass then apologized, and he was smitten. but he was only smitten because of cupid’s arrow. the cupid we meet in canon tells sam and dean that their parents weren’t a good match, that they didn’t (wouldn’t?) get along, and that their relationship was ordained and the love was manufactured.
so you have the gravity, right there. the push and the pull. the fighting and the mismatch despite the passion and the love they literally cannot help but feel. and it lends itself so well to telling an unhinged story where two people meet and fall in some kind of love at first sight and are weird about each other! 
(in the way that sam and dean are weird about each other. breaking in in the middle of the night and fighting your brother is weird! disappearing out the door with someone you haven’t seen in two years while lying to your partner about why is weird! it’s all unhinged and so it compels the audience!)
to make that work on screen, you need to set up opposing dynamics so you get the push and pull, and you need chemistry. like, a lot of chemistry. the other magic of spn is the insane off the charts on screen chemistry that J2 have. lightning in a bottle, right?
the thing that made me ultimately decide not to watch the prequel was mary’s casting and character styling. despite being one of the few people actually excited about the story conceit (i love john and mary as characters!! i’m genuinely interested to see how the lying and hunting and vietnam trauma and the personality clash all played out!!), as soon as i saw the first promotional photos, the tentative hope i’d been harbouring for the show died a quiet death.
not only did this version not look much like either of the other two marys we had met in terms of face and height, but she had thick eyeliner and straight hair and a black leather jacket and a hard look and scowl. none of that jives at all with the mary we know and not just because she was sanctified in the memory of winchester men. we met young mary and she was dressed in bright tones with bright eyes! she was full of smiles (and lies), full of dreams for her own future, with bouncy curly hair and emotional frustrations and vulnerabilities. 
she was bringing sam, not dean. 
mary campbell is a rebel. she is like both her sons in different ways, much the same as john. there are parallels on both sides and i think it’s fruitless to say who is paralleled more to whom in the (main) show, who has more of who’s personality. but in that arc, in her youth, mary campbell wanting to leave the hunting life and have a civilian life with her partner john winchester was absolutely a parallel to sam’s similar yearning for freedom, for safety and simplicity. 
so we know already -- mary’s rebellion looks like sam’s rebellion. it’s not the devil may care attitude of dean, it’s a more serious and anxious rebellion against her upbringing. she’s tense but soft. easily annoyed but not sarcastic, possibly too earnest (in itself a perfect lie, something that makes her interesting because she’s anything but honest with john). doe-eyed so that when she drops you on your ass, you’re shocked. this small woman with her sweet smile is kicking your ass? what in the - ? 
casting a mary that is bringing forward features of dean, styling her in such a way as to look harsh and ‘badass’ instead of downright preppy, giving her that look and attitude and all of it? misses the point. 
there is no dean without sam. or at least no story about dean worth watching. because there is no gravitational push-pull between dean and ... dean. meaning that if both the prequel leads are bringing dean’s energy to their role, there is no chemistry. 
electricity isn’t formed without opposing charged ions. there’s no lightning in a bottle when everything is the same.
(there is no sense of pull between them to prompt a push. and when it comes time to write the push in anyway, without the pull? it will feel discordant and unconvincing to the audience’s eye. it will rankle.)
this issue sits as central, to me, even before any retconning of the original story. before the complete lack of 1970s vibe, and before what i’ve seen about them possibly(idk???) getting mary’s age wrong, and what i’ve heard about them making john bumbling or boring despite being a literal marine (who are...extreme) who quite literally just came back from vietnam, likely traumatized and intense. before the fact that they literally copy+pasted the plot of spn to the prequel with mary’s dad going missing. 
all of these features, alongside the casting issues, the styling issues, all of it right down to the original prequelgate itself, speak to the same fundamental issue - 
the prequel is missing heart. 
the lack of sam (not even in presence so much as in essence) functions like a hole in the heart of the show from which it is bleeding inward. the lack of love letter to time era, to the stylings and setting reads like a lack of love to the story itself. the lack of care put in to re-introducing us to the version of mary that we knew, those changes to her style and personality and story, read like an insult to those of us who loved her already, as if she was not worthy of a place in the heart of the creators as she already was.
i wanted to love this show. desperately, i really did. the day it leaked, before i’d heard about the rest of the ensuing prequelgate nonsense, i wrote a post in defense of the concept (since deleted). i wanted so badly to love it. i can’t. because i feel like the people creating it don’t love it. 
many will take this as a critique of jensen ackles and to some extent, it is, but mostly just a critique of trying to create a new show half-cocked while splitting his time acting on a handful of other projects instead of dedicating himself to the time and energy this show needed in order to be a success. i have no idea what his vision was for this story, and i’m not convinced he had a core vision. 
(for whatever else you might critique about kripke’s era of spn, it had a vision and it knew what it was. that vision was central to its resonance.)
more than that though, it’s a critique of all the producers and creators involved who thought that they could build off of what we already loved while gutting the core pieces we loved in the first place, while replacing these elements with their own versions instead, versions seemingly uninterested in the emotional foundations on which they were building. 
i can’t help but feel they were arrogant enough to think that making us love it would be as simple as checking boxes on a list and slapping a shine over it, thinking we’d be satisfied with the empty shell they deigned to put together. that they didn’t need to push each other, challenge the story, question the character favoritism or biases the team members were bringing to the table.
it’s the dean story with dean producers and writers and no one thought to question if they needed more balance? if the story needed more heart? if john was intense enough, if mary was sweet enough, if the characters had dimensions? 
was it ignorance? arrogance? were they all too up their own asses that they dismissed legitimate concerns as fandom wank because of prequelgate and fandom bullshit until it was too late? 
i’m sorry, that got more charged than i intended. bottom line, this isn’t a love letter to supernatural or its fans. love takes effort and dedication and care and heart. i’m not convinced the prequel has any.
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jarpadswalker · 1 year
Part II
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I am back to answer the rest of the two questions related to Jensen and the prequel gate...
About my views on Jensen... Early on, especially when I started following con panels and attended two myself. I became Jared girl, Jensen, for me, was an accessory. He was just like any actor, nothing special. When I met him, I knew instantly that though it is an informal event, it is all business for him. Now, it wouldn't have meant much because I am used to actors' behavior, but for me, the behavior stood out coz I had just met Jared, who was the big ball of energy. So meeting Jensen immediately after Jared was like someone sucked the energy out. This is exactly why, for the next day, I kept Jared at the last because I wanted to end my day with the positivity.
So I didn't mind Jensen as he didn't come across as rude or insulting like Misha, nor was he amiable like Jared. He was just like any actor.
For me, the first red flag came during AKF and YANA debacle, which is when I realised that Jensen is not how he appears to be. He is very calculative and shrewd. He supported YANA despite knowing it was a blatant copy for AKF. Still, I said fine you launch YANA. There is no copyright on supporting MH more the support better it is. BUt, Misha and Jensen were totally insincere with the campaign. They didn't take efforts to understand the gravity of the situation nor gave any thoughts on how the campaign was being presented. It was clear that YANA was nothing but a money minting project for M, Jensen, and CW. The worst was when the campaign failed, Jensen bailed, leaving Misha alone to take the fall. He didn't have balls to stand up for the project that was supposedly important to him. The moment it failed, he went. Nope, I wasn't interested in it, I just did it to help M. Everything was M's idea.
Since then, I started doubting Jensen intentions and didn't believe a word he said. I realise that he is opportunist. The moment he sees profit into something, he latches to it. Not only that, but even in terms of putting effort, he does the bare minimum, but when it comes to appreciation, he is first to take credit.
My doubts were confirmed with Prequelgate. At first, the sheer unprofessionalism was appalling, but I thought there might be some miscalculation. He won't stan Jared immediately after the end of the show. But that illusion broke when Kripke tweeted, apologizing Jared and stating that he assumed Jensen must have informed Jared. It proved that whatever Jensen did was intentional. He always wanted to own the SPN brand. I think somewhere it always hurt Jensen that despite being senior in the craft, it was Jared, a conparatively young actor who got the lead. Jared was always in the forefront when it came to media attention. If you have time, then just compare the kind of media that gave coverage to Jared and Jensen and the amount of time they do it, at least during SPN. Jared, with his extrovert attitude, is mainstream media fave. So I feel it was deliberate. He was to slyly make the brand for himself, and he knew he would lose Jared's fan if he told the truth. So he lied about Jared. When he was called out, like a coward, he once again ran and hid.
What is the worst was the MR podcast that showed the world hus true face. Instead of apologizing, he tried to shift the blame on Jared. Which was the dick move and then his constant lying and changing the reason as to why he didn't inform Jared. It was when I lost all the respect for him. In fact, according to me, at that point, he seemed worse than Musha. With Misha, we knew what to expect, but Jensen pretended to be a friend/brother and then backstabbed the said brother. Such people are the worst.
Post prequelgate, Jensen behavior came to light. Things that were ignored becoz his association with Jared came to like. It became quiet telling how Jensen never supported Jared. How he never asked his fans not to hate on Jared PS, immediately after prequelgat Jared actually asked fans not to hate Jensen. Jensen never extended the same courtesy. In fact, he piled on to the hate by making sparky comments. He would always diss Jared. How he never took ant effort to make Jared feel special, not even during his birthday. How he always used Jared and then dissed him from everything . How he would steal Jared's jokes and ideas and pass it as his own.
Infact, now when I look back I feel Jensen always tried to one up Jared. See, everything that he has done it is immediately after Jared. Jared shifted to Austin and bought a house with open field and stuff, Jensen immediately shifted to Austin and bought the house at the lake front. Jared entered pub business with San Jac salon and curated an alcohol with Stephen, Jensen started FBBC. PS: Jensen had zero idea about beer , nor did he bother to learn about it. Unlike Jared, who studied the entire market. Gen started her influencer journey, Dannel tried to copy it and, when she failed, resorted to dissing Gen like a child. Jared and Gen got into production, and so did Jensen and D. He has always copied Jared. Even now, Jensen is trying to copy Jared's long hair look. Over the year, he has seen how Jared long hair look has been appreciated, so he is now trying to copy it. He couldn't do it earlier because producers and directors didn't allow him to. Now we know why they did, Jensen looks like cheap motel pimp.
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laf-outloud · 7 months
Cracking up that every comment that mentions TW gets soo downvoted lmao. Even a lot of the ones saying they want more spn have more downvotes. But the ones asking for more TW are just majority 👎
Not just The Winchesters, comments wanting Wayward Sisters are also being downvoted! Then, there's these wise commenters:
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mpregspn · 2 years
https://twitter.com/meanbean74/status/1633297288226324482?t=Jny3ACDiukCJpTauPYO6pA&s=19 literally 0 braincells
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this is so embarrassing. i would be embarrassed for them but it's what they deserve
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supernaturalconvert · 8 months
Jensen Ackles's Dean's check list
This is why Jensen's scenes in Regarding Dean don't work coz he is trying too hard to show emotion. The mirror scene is especially just terrible. He really was very bad in the later seasons working off of a "DEAN" checklist in his mind. These scenes just never hit the emotional crescendo that S2 scenes hit coz at this point he was just pandering to the supposed fan girls without bringing in any authentic emotion.
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Don't get me started on the single eye tear....no one cries like that real life. It's so fake.
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That's the reason why he completely forgot even how to play Dean in the prequel.
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sapphyreopal5 · 6 months
Sapphyreopal5 Index Page 3
SPN Cast Thoughts Part 1
Jared & Jensen (J2)
Walker Episode Jensen Tarot Reading that Jensen Directed
Dark Knights J2 (Oct/Nov 2008)
Dear Sam and Dean "Who you gonna call?"
Jared Jensen's Only Real Friend?
Hello Tinhatter! It's not all it seems...
A Walk on the Dark Side
J2 Relationships & Marriages Timeline
Did Jared know about TW but ranted anyways?
NOT interested in Jared vs Jensen battle
Jared/Dumbo looking for his Timothy
No one else showed up for audition
Why is Creation Entertainment so expensive?
Jared Magazine Interview (Feb/Mar 2008)
Jared Born to be Bad? (Aug/Sept 2008)
Jared's Palmistry Experience
I Am Sam (May/June 2012)
Sam Winchester Cinderella Story
Outyouth Glitz Gala 2023 clip
Fun Fact: Born day before solar eclipse!
Is he attractive?
Snuck Beer out of concert
Jared Infinity to Purgatory, Gen cancelled
Jared broke down May 14 not May 15 (Ascension Day)
Transit Astrology Analysis (Day of 2015 Meltdown)
Parents' Religion and Jared's Spirituality
Will he join The Boys?
2019 Assault Case Outcome
Is he attractive?
Why Jared changed his mind on playing Cordell Walker
Walker cancelled
Is this REALLY why Lindsay left Walker, though?
The Boys
Will he join The Boys?
Fire Country
Coming in threes (referencing tarot reading post)
SPN cast is invading Fire Country!
Gen Padalecki
Fun Facts with Gen
Jared and Gen visit fan's home (mom friends with Kimberly)
Sandra "Sandy" McCoy
Sandra "Sandy" McCoy SPN Magazine
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trials-era-sam · 2 years
I would like to apologize about all of the shit I have previously said about the prequel. It is NOT as bad as I had been led to believe.
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