#another 'traditionally female' thing I dislike and suck at xD
miqojak · 1 year
Can you cook? What’s your favorite thing to cook?
Munday Asks!
A very ,very boring answer: I cannot cook to save my life. I am terrible at cooking... and not for a lack of trying (well, these days I don't try anymore...lol). Not only have I got zero sense of what spices and things go well together, but I'm clumsy and forgetful (that ADHD back to haunt me in every facet of my life) - so I'm more likely to A) Hurt myself or B) Burn the shit out of whatever it is I'm trying to make. I'm not exaggerating about hurting myself, either - I actually found relief in learning that people with ADHD tend to just... be more clumsy than others - but I am extremely accident prone! I had to put baby bumper material around the edges of my desk, even, because I kept bashing my knees and toes and elbows and whatever else (breaking my toes on furniture is a thing). If there's a way to hurt myself? I'll find it. If there's not a way to hurt myself? I'll still find it - so hot fires and sharp knives are best kept about a mile away from me, frankly.
Thankfully, my partner tends to enjoy cooking, and has a much better sense for it than I do! The best I've got is like... I can cook eggs? And Pasta. If I very closely follow instructions on things that are like, 90% done for me, most of the time I can get it right - but still might overcook/undercook, or hurt myself. -.-
Fun fact, though, is that that's why I made Jak an excellent cook - at least in part! It's something that's not really part of my life, and kinda forces me out of my comfort zone, and I have to go research things if I'm going to be doing any cooking RP (thankfully she would only be cooking for/around one person, lol).
I used to be more into baking - the precision of the recipes is easier for me. It's less of an intuitive thing than cooking? But these days I don't need the extra carbs and calories, plus the post-baking clean up is annoying!
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