#anime expo 2014
pain-in-the-butler · 2 months
Out of curiosity…if Ono is your third fav Seb. What’s your Offical Sebastian Ranking™️?
Just as with the ask about the Anime Expo panel, it's fortunate for me that someone reached out, because I was thinking of making this a post on my own eventually someday anyway. What follows might be more information on my opinions of Sebastian than you care to have, so apologies in advance. Let's count down from worst to best:
6. Hiro Mizushima from Black Butler (2014)
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There's a reason no one talks about this movie. It's because it sucks, and somehow I feel I can't really blame Mizushima for his performance, but... it is still a mixture of weird and unmemorable. That hairstyle does him no favors either, but maybe the fact that I find him a little bit frightening to look at should give him points rather than detract them. Off-screen, he looks like a completely normal man; somehow the film's efforts to make him a sexy butler were unfortunately funneled into making him unnerving and unappealing. And the movie is two entire hours long.
There's a lot I've deleted from my memory about the Black Butler live action film, but that lack of memory seems a sign that he should sit in dead last. Whether he's acting like a total weirdo or actually successfully impressing me, Sebastian should never be a forgettable character, and all I can think when I consider Mizushima's performance is that I never need to see it again.
5. Yuya Matsushita from That Butler, Friendship, The Most Beautiful DEATH in the World, and the first run of Lycoris that Blazes the Earth
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I know some people may find this placement to be blasphemous, but honestly, the only thing I really like about Yuya's Sebastian is his singing voice, and even then I'm not that wild about it. It's been a few years since I watched TMBDITW, so it's not super crisp in my mind, but I will give him some recognition as an early Sebastian who still had little material to work with. He probably had to do some of his own legwork to adapt the character to the stage and to the original stories he was expected to act in. That can't be easy, and it makes sense that his Sebastian would be one that had to stand somewhat independent from the canon. I also appreciate that he is playing Sebastian with purpose behind his actions and not a sexyman who just serves whatever convenient purpose the narrative dictates, like Mizushima's Seb.
With that caveat out of the way, I still don't like his Sebastian portrayal. It's clear Yuya really drummed up the "I'm no one but I can become anyone" aspect of Sebastian. He can invent personas that suit the situation, like when he decides to seduce Undertaker, but as soon as the problem is solved, he reverts back to being robotic and unsmiling. You get the feeling that he's rather cold and calculating and that he is only interested in doing things that will earn him Ciel's soul. I didn't watch with subtitles, so perhaps that evaluation is misplaced, but his mannerisms dictated that energy to me.
Also, I can't get behind the sort of sexual and romantic tones that sometimes felt present, especially when real children were involved. It will always taint his work for me. There's one song where he and Ciel look at each other the entire time and it's three and a half minutes long but it felt like a year. I wanted to crawl out of my skin because it was so horrifically awkward. Stick this man in fifth.
4. Toshiki Tateishi from The Public School's Secret
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So I went into this musical fully prepared to hate Toshiki's performance, considering the act he was following, and... I thought it was actually pretty decent. When I think of Sebastian in the Weston arc, I think of the "sexy professor" angle Yana kept trying to push, and I was worried Toshiki would play into that, especially considering Ciel was being portrayed by a legal adult onstage for the first time. I was pleasantly surprised! That's not what happened at all.
Though likely unintended, I would say Toshiki gives off a rather maternal vibe, behaving more like Seb does in memes: kind of silly, kind of fussy, an overworked single mother who cares for her boy. Toshiki's Sebastian was very attentive of Ciel. He was frequently pleased with his kid's impish nature and didn't seem that annoyed to be taking on extra tasks, only complaining lightly, "Even though I have things to do too!" at the end of the chores song. When Ciel came up with a plan to foil Maurice, Toshiki seemed excited to praise him and gratified to help. He was like Sebastian Lite, only a bit insidious at times, mainly the ever-attentive helper.
To me, it's the first time one of the musicals has made Sebastian feel like a supporting character rather than the driving force behind the story. I prefer when he and Ciel are both treated evenly as protagonists, but I hate it when it's All About Him. I think Toshiki's performance has a good heart and he made me laugh at times. He's not quite canon Sebastian, but I like him. I trust him not to eat the sonboy just yet. Mostly.
3. Daisuke Ono from the Japanese dub of the anime
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Daisuke Ono was a part of my first experience with Black Butler, so there's something about his voice that feels like it's just right for Sebastian. And it kind of is. It's a really flexible voice, and one that is clearly giving a performance when you listen to him. He also infuses his dialogue with what sounds to me like inherent smugness, which I think suits Sebastian perfectly. Ono's performance is the most self-satisfied in nature. It makes you think of a well-fed cat licking its chops while it considers its next meal.
His voice is not sexy to me, but I can see why people find it to be. At the same time, Ono isn't afraid to give Sebastian different inflections, even ones that some might consider too embarrassing or OOC for Seb. He's a veteran voice actor and he knows how to do whatever is requested of him. Sebastian treats his career just the same: he too will do essentially whatever Ciel requires. I think Ono is a natural match is what I'm saying, especially having now seen him in person and observing the way he works a crowd so effortlessly.
All that said... Ono's Sebastian is perfect. I don't mean that as a compliment: I mean he's too lacking in flaws. Sure, he has the big flaw (okay with killing a child) but he isn't really giving "silly idiot." Ono's Sebastian is the one the girlies write about in their self-insert fiction. And for the first two seasons, that's kind of who he was supposed to be, so fine. But even when he has silly or idiotic moments, it doesn't feel quite authentic, if that makes sense? I think to Ono, Sebastian's stupid mistakes are just a fluke, quickly corrected. It doesn't feel like they're a fundamental part of who his Sebastian is.
If you consider this nitpicking, you're right! The next two Sebastians are just that good. I still consider Daisuke Ono to be a very talented and accurately-portrayed Sebastian.
2. J. Michael Tatum from the English dub of the anime
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While it's possible that I pick up on more nuance in Tatum's performance because he's the only one here who speaks the same language as me, how fortunate we are to have him doing Seb's English voice. He might not actually have a real British accent, but he's just too charming not to love. To me, he has all the vocal command of Ono but is more candid in his delivery. Ono may be Sebastian the perfectionist and Sebastian the performer, but Tatum is Sebastian the butler, well settled and confident in his human role.
I really appreciate the ways you can hear Tatum's voice change notably depending on Sebastian's emotions. This is especially prominent in Book of Atlantic during the flashback sequences: an annoyed Sebastian is an entirely different sounding dude than when he's being cunning, and again when he's being subservient. And he really does have this very silky, ASMR-ass way of speaking that suits Sebastian to a T. It's inherently convincing.
And more to my own interests, Tatum's voice for Sebastian has a really paternal nature to it, and I like that. I think it adds to the complexity of Sebastian's role in Ciel's life when you can hear this caring quality in the voice of a demon that will one day kill the child he works for. He can also be snipped and punctual, and then he can be gentle and reassuring, all in the same scene. And he can be scary too... and I'm super looking forward to hearing how this plays out during season 5.
To compare him to Ono again, I think Tatum knows Sebastian can be an idiot at times, but that quality still takes a backseat to the suaveness. He's almost perfect. And I probably would even say he is perfect, if we hadn't seen perfection itself. As he is, I think Tatum is an excellent voice actor for Sebastian, and I'm grateful that we have him in the position that we do.
1. Yuta Furukawa from the second run of Lycoris that Blazes the Earth, Noah's Ark Circus, and Tango on the Campania
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Yuta Furukawa. What a legend. What an icon. This is where I would say "he isn't just playing Sebastian, he is Sebastian," but Furukawa is even more than that. He's what Sebastian should be. And that's not just me being rude to Yana. Yana has flat-out said that Yuta knows Sebastian better than she does herself. She's right.
If you have yet to see Yuta perform, then congratulations: you're in for a treat. What I wouldn't give to forget my first watch of Tango on the Campania and relive that magic all over again. Yuta knows who Sebastian is with every fiber of his being. And the fact that you see him over the course of three plays means you get to witness for yourself how his Sebastian goes from being a smirking demon who lives to impress, to a creature who understands fear, hardship, and pain. And yet you still wonder: is he really learning and growing after all? Or am I too being tricked by this suave being who appears to be emotionally moved?
I'm also proud to report that Yuta plays Sebastian as a true idiot. He says silly things, he behaves in silly ways! He's embarrassing enough to make Ciel roll his eyes, he uses his brawn before his brain, and he's often surprised enough to gasp. He's not afraid to look impressed or astounded or even frightened: he wears his emotions on his sleeves, but he can hide them just as quickly. This Sebastian lives for attention from humans, but what he loves even more is learning from them — perhaps so he can become a better hunter, perhaps so he can become a better scholar. He leaves you wondering which in the most intriguing way.
And I may be biased, but Yuta to me is the most paternal of all the Sebastians. Whether or not a fatherly nature is intended, I'm at least happy to report that his Sebastian is not one romantically inclined towards Ciel. His coworker is an actual child, so there's no reason that should be an acceptable angle anyway, but it really shows in all the little ways he primps at and supports Ciel on-stage. His rapport with Reo is especially adorable and shines through in their every scene.
Not to mention, he's so endlessly entertaining to watch. He has legs for days and he can fuckin groove. He may be playing a demon but he has the voice of an angel. If I called him to my house, he'd probably fix my leaky shower. What can't this gift of a man do??
I could literally go on and on and on for paragraphs. Yana is just the same. We all love Yuta Furukawa, the only Sebastian who is more Sebastian than Sebastian and probably the best thing, in my humble opinion, to come out of the Kuroshitsuji franchise. Thank you, based Yunbastian. We did nothing to deserve you.
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torque-witch · 4 days
Meet the Witch - 2024 Edition
Honestly I have not introduced myself in a LONG time because I've had this account since 2014 ish - so in case there are new people here this can be a good reference point.
So hi, hello - this is me in 2024. You can call me Cara but most people here know me as Torque! My pronouns are They/Them and I am currently 32 and married. I live in Pittsburgh, PA.
Most people know me for my devotion to Hel, Norse goddess of Death and my art of her!
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(My hair is a bit longer so I just pull it back - but I barely take pictures anymore. Anyhow -)
What's new?
Still chronically ill and disabled; in 2024 we are still recovering from medical trauma that induced two phobias, POTS-like symptoms and a mystery digestive issue that is probably the severe IBS my meds that caused the trauma were controlling.
I am currently and hopefully to stay fully self-employed after finally getting off my feet from said trauma that left me pretty house-bound for a year. Somewhere in there I got a job with a catering company that truly was terrorizing, never reported me for taxes and therefore fucked up my finance history.
But, in 2024 so far I have done a good amount of shows and toured again briefly with the Oddities & Curiosities Expo group in cities outside of PA and that was incredible! I grew a lot as an artist, and it really helped me to work through some of my phobias and continue to stabilize.
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You can find my Etsy here but I am focusing most of my efforts on shows! It would be best to follow my Instagram to keep up with events and new products!
Otherwise I've just been focusing on adulting and trying to fix our finances so that we can actually buy a house someday (hopefully).
A fun fact is that I started listening to ATEEZ in mid-2023 and got to see them in concert in DC this year as a bday gift to myself. It was absolutely the most incredible thing I've ever experienced. They are PERFORMERS.
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If you're still on the fence about listening to Kpop, you're missing out! I poo-pooed it for a long time as cringey, but ATEEZ has very progressive lyrics and most of the fan-base in real life are alternative women and enby's in their 20's and 30's. Seriously the most fun I've ever had.
Other than that if I need to state it again, this page is for representation and acceptance of all forms and hate will not be tolerated. It's impossible to write out all the ways that people can be hateful but basically don't be a nazi or phobic in any way.
Not much else happened this year except a bunch of small-town drama associated with said catering company (story time?) and shit with our previous landlord (we moved). I made some really good local friends that I'm so appreciative of, and joined a DnD campaign for the first time!
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My character is Ashaf Tendara, an Arcana Cleric archeologist who accidentally found some ruins of Ubtao and now unfortunately because of one of the sessions, their way of spell-casting is just screaming T-rex noises for ten minutes straight (Ubtao is related to dinosaurs somehow). We've finally emerged from the poop dungeons in said campaign, and some of those interactions I've wrote down are truly incredible. My Mage Hand is also a spectral sticky hand. My husband's steel defender's name is Duke Poop'em because of said poop dungeons.
I also read manga, watch anime and still read young adult fantasy at my big age (Adult SciFi is sooooo dense omg but it just takes me longer lol) and watch cozy game and horror playthroughs on YouTube. I listen to podcasts a lot about the paranormal, true crime and reddit readings.
Basically I'm a chronically ill and online shut-in artist with some witchy stuff sprinkled up in there.
I hope that was exciting and super informative. If you have any questions please send them in!
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greenbeetlestew · 10 months
i infodump about homestuck history and you pretend to listen
13th of april 2009 Andrew hussie releases the first few pages of the web comic Homestuck.People both commemorate it and celebrate it every year, commemoration of the day is typically ironic and satirical.
2010, After a whole year of viewers deciding the storyline of Homestuck, Andrew Hussie completely takes over, and the last reader request is taken.
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2010,The most important and most recognizable part of the comic (act 5)begins. This is also when the Homestuck fandom begins to be considered “that” annoying fandom. this annoying fandom trope is also where the phrase “LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT HOMESTUCK” originates from, this line was typically used to imitate Homestuck fans in a satirical mocking way, poking fun about their constant need to talk about Homestuck and the cult like following it had.
2011,Often referred to as a fandom legend, a still anonymous girl is mentioned in a Tumblr post to have ‘allegedly’ attempted to dye her skin grey for a Homestuck cosplay at anime expo, this was done in a hotel bathtub. She did this By ‘allegedly’ using a mixture of water, vodka, and sharpies, filling the bathtub with it and climbing in. This becomes a very important defining moment in fandom history, with many celebrating its anniversary every year.
Also taking place at the 2011 anime expo, Homestuck fandom members film the infamous YouTube video of people passing around a bucket and spitting in it (in the middle of a family restaurant). They do this with the intention of referencing a popular headcanon of troll reproduction.
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These two anime expo events solidify the horrible reputation Homestuck fans would hold to this day.
2012 the Kickstarter for a Homestuck adventure game is started, making 2.5 million dollars.
In 2013 Andrew Hussie momentarily stops updating Homestuck, this time is known as the gigapause
2014,dashcon takes place it becomes widely known as the worst convention in fandom history, as well as the closest thing to a homestuck convention to ever happen.Theres many pictures of homestuck cosplayers in the famous urine-soaked ball pit at dashcon
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Homestuck goes on its final pause in 2015, this pause doesn’t end until 2016 when the final pages of homestuck are released
2016,The worlds greatest literary mistake is almost over, homestuck is coming to a end.
Homestuck 2.0 is announced in 2016 and video games,a tv series books etc are promised None of these projects ever release, infact nothing EVER comes of ‘homestuck 2.0’.
2021,Andrew Hussie essentially abandons homestuck.
2023, homestuck is updated again in october.
non dated=>>>
snoop dog reposts homestuck fanart
Broadway karkat
violent attacks with buckets
grey facepaint, EVERYWHERE
the multiple homestuck websites and messaging platforms
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scoticus · 13 days
hello today (sep 14) is the 20th anniversary of when i started recording my music listens on last.fm and here are here top 20 artists and albums from that timeframe: [scrobbles in square brackets]
Radiohead [18707]
The Mars Volta* [16607]
Wolf Parade [14327]
Holy Fuck [11407]
The Smashing Pumpkins [9716]
The National [9391]
Sleep Research Facility [8497]
TV on the Radio [7274]
The Conet Project [6898]
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez* [6696]
Blanck Mass [6531]
Coheed and Cambria [5853]
Modest Mouse [5701]
Death Cab for Cutie [4867]
Tapes 'n Tapes [4491]
At the Drive-In* [4387]
The Sound of Animals Fighting [4122]
Fuck Buttons [4100]
Black Marble [4095]
Portugal. The Man [4079]
*ORL bands total [27690]
Recordings Of Shortwave Numbers Stations (The Conet Project, 1997) [6898]
Congrats (Holy Fuck, 2016) [5238]
At Mount Zoomer (Wolf Parade, 2008) [4704]
Apologies to the Queen Mary (Wolf Parade, 2001) [4672]
Expo 86 (Wolf Parade, 2010) [4153]
De‐Loused in the Comatorium (The Mars Volta, 2003) [3974]
Amputechture (The Mars Volta, 2006) [3550]
Frances the Mute (The Mars Volta, 2004) [3232]
High Violet (The National, 2010) [3025]
Dumb Flesh (Blanck Mass, 2015) [2962]
In Rainbows (Radiohead, 2007) [2897]
Dead Weather Machine (Sleep Research Facility, 2004) [2743]
La Barca, complete edition (Thomas Köner, 2014) [2738]
Slow Focus (Fuck Buttons, 2013) [2499]
Under the Iron Sea (Keane, 2006) [2488]
Boxer (The National, 2007) [2430]
Keep Color (The Republic Tigers, 2008) [2420]
Beak> (Beak>, 2009) [2399]
Walk It Off (Tapes 'n Tapes, 2008) [2334]
SimCity 4 (Jerry Martin, 2003) [2297]
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amethystsoda · 2 years
Araki Interviews/JoJo Exhibit Footage:
1980 -- Araki meeting Osamu Tezuka (author of Astro Boy)
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1993 -- Interview about the upcoming JoJo OVA
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1993 -- Araki Interview (without eng subtitles) JoJo OVA DVD--includes Araki drawing Josuke
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2003 -- French NoLife interview for Araki's exhibition in Paris
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2003 -- Les Dossiers Du Manga interview
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2006 "Special Interview with Hirohiko Araki" (around the time the Phantom Blood PS2 game came out) PART 1 PART 2 PART 3
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2006 -- Araki interviewed by Shoko Nakagawa with ENG captions: PART 1 PART 2 PART 3 (full interview without captions here)
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2008 upload date - in the video, Steel Ball Run was still being published -- Interview with Araki about JoJo in general
2009 -- 100 questions with Araki-sensei PART 1 PART 2 PART 3 PART 4 PART 5 (PART 6 missing)
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September 2011 -- fan footage of the JoJo/Rohan x Gucci collab store display
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October 2011 -- more footage of the JoJo Gucci Tokyo display
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July 2012 -- Q & A with Araki for the "Hirohiko Araki Original Art Exhibition Jojo Exhibition"
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July 2012 -- Araki teaches a college class how to draw and has them design characters, talks about the JoJo design process and some art history references. PART 1 PART 2
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September 2013 -- Jojoveller Disk 2 -- Short Video "Making of JoJo"
September 2013 -- Araki hour long timelapse of fully drawing and painting the Jojoveller illustration
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August 2014 -- Araki Official ALS ice bucket challenge video
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August 2014 -- SPUR Love Mode 100 -- Araki talking about his gucci ipad case and how he stores a sketchbook inside
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Nov 2014 -- fan video of the Jojolion Exhibition at Lucca Con
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July 2016 -- fan video of Araki's Anime Expo message
December 2016 -- Jump Ryu (1x speed, hour and a half, Araki drawing Jojolion) ( extremely sped up short version )
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Anime Expo 2017 Greeting from Araki-sensei
October 2017 -- VIZ: Araki's favorite fashion designers/the fashion of JoJo
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JoJo exhibition 2018 trailer
2018 Ripples of Adventure exhibition interview and tour
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September 2018 -- UOMO magazine "5 strange questions for Araki" and Bruno fashion drawing
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January 2020 -- VIZ: Araki on Diamond is Unbreakable
October 2020 -- VIZ: Araki on Golden Wind
April 2021 -- screen record of Araki's message from the Stone Ocean press conference livestream
June 2022 -- Popcult Japan Interview
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Summer 2022 -- VIZ: Summer Greeting from Araki Special Jolyne Illustration Special Anniversary Message
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Say it ain't so! Major Disney delays...
The biggest, for me, is Pixar's original sci-fi movie ELIO leaving March 2024...
Not for June 2024, where INSIDE OUT 2 is parked...
But June 2025... Yep... 2025...
For a movie that has teaser poster and a teaser trailer...
The actor's side of the strike is ongoing, yes, but the severity of this delay seems to imply something else is afoot...
This is the biggest delay for a Pixar movie since the time they delayed THE GOOD DINOSAUR, originally set for a late May 2014 debut, all the way to Thanksgiving 2015... Two movies that were to open after it, opened before it. The movie was, of course, delayed because John Lasseter was unsatisfied with director Bob Peterson's work on the movie and had him removed. The plan was to originally have some of the Brain Trust "shepherd" various sections of the incomplete movie and still possibly make the May 2014 release date (as a lot of assets had been rendered, possibly animated even), until it was decided to throw it all out and start over. Peter Sohn was handed the reins, and worked off of some basic core ideas of Peterson's movie/concept. Naturally, they needed about a year to not only turn it around, but make the movie.
I'm not sure if that's happening to ELIO, because it was but a few months away and has a teaser. GOOD DINOSAUR didn't have that before the director removal and subsequent delay, only the footage and concept art people saw at the 2013 D23 Expo.
Maybe some sections need work or need to be redone, without impacting much of the finished movie. Very possible. CG allows those kinds of fixes more so than a hand-drawn film does, so maybe...
Or this could be a dirty tactic on the studio's part. "You're gonna keep striking? Well then! No movies released in the first quarter of next year!" A scare tactic to make SAG-AFTRA cave, but we know SAG-AFTRA... They'll stand firm.
I'm thinking it could also have to do with INSIDE OUT 2 existing. That has the juicy mid-June slot for this year, typically a prime slot for a Pixar. At least, in pre-COVID times. And also, its a sequel to one of their biggest original movies... Which was also a June release in its respective release year (2015). Instead of pushing INSIDE OUT 2 back a full year, Disney figures... Nah, make people wait for the original alien movie, INSIDE OUT 2 is top priority! A surefire hit, too, after years of Pixars either going straight to Disney+ or not being massive at the box office. ELEMENTAL may have just eked out, but Disney probably wants a guaranteed big hit next from Pixar, not a riskier big-budget science fiction animated movie.
Weird coincidence. After INSIDE OUT in 2015 came GOOD DINOSAUR. We went from INSIDE OUT to a Peter Sohn-directed movie. Now, we go from the Peter Sohn-directed ELEMENTAL to an INSIDE OUT sequel. Rhythm and rhyme. Just me? Probably.
We know how those tend to do at the domestic box office... TITAN A.E., ATLANTIS, TREASURE PLANET, LIGHTYEAR, STRANGE WORLD-
So... Yeah... Pixar's slate is now INSIDE OUT 2 in June 2024, ELIO in June 2025... Then two movies set for 2026, one in March, one in June. I reckon TOY STORY 5 is going to be the June 2026 movie, and one of the originals for March.
In addition to these delays, Disney removed the Searchlight movie MAGAZINE DREAMS from the calendar entirely, like they did with THE BIKERIDERS a few weeks back. The live-action SNOW WHITE vacated March 2024 as well. Instead of booting the LION KING prequel MUFASA out of summer 2024, SNOW WHITE has instead been delayed all the way to March 2025...
So, Disney has no big tenptole-type movies - after WISH until the pending May release of DEADPOOL 3.
Outside of POOR THINGS, I don't think they really have anything else, period... Until DEADPOOL 3. Again, in May...
Ya know, if they just... Paid their actors...
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keliv1 · 10 months
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Vegfest 2023 - 1º de dezembro de 2023.
Comecei dezembro comendo, praticando yoga e o que AMO, degustando!
Fui ao Vegfest 2023, lá no Pavilhão Amarelo do Expo Center Norte (de 30/11 até 02/12 - feira gratuita), logo cedinho para aproveitar a feira, que, para o meu espanto, mesmo pequena tinha muita variedade (e os preços não tavam tão absurdos).
Segundo a Sociedade Vegetariana Brasileira (SVB), o número de pessoas veganas está próximo de 7 milhões de pessoas. No meu caso, sou flexitariana, ou seja, ainda consumo carne de porco e ovos, mas não como carne vermelha desde 2017 e frango desde 2014 e não consumo produtos de origem animal há mais de uma década.
Aliás, no stand da SBV, comprei uma camiseta, girei a roleta e ganhei uma ecobag linda.
Antes disso, ao chegar, fui fazer yoga com a profa. Patrícia Varela, do Vale da Rainha, MG, santuário que resgata animais. Bom, fiz o que pude, mas depois de um estiramento da panturrilha, tô me superando (as fotos são da organização do evento)!
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Por falar em bichinhos, também visitei (e comprei) um caderno lindo da Alianima, que articula inclusive com a indústria alimentícia para uma relação mais respeitosa com o meio ambiente.
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Além de yoga, arena show de culinária, congresso vegano (esse é pago) e uma exposição em homenagem à Rita Lee.
Bom, comprei uns produtinhos fofos, comi muita coisa gostosa e ainda consegui uns petiscos pros dogs do meu irmão.
Claro que mudar nossos hábitos é uma caminhada e só de diminuir o consumo desses itens já é uma vitória. E um aprendizado.
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0xxy4nxb3luxx0 · 1 year
Heyy! XD
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algunos dat0s sobre mi:
Signo: Virgo♍️
Cumpleaños: 28/8/2007
Color favorito: Violeta y Celeste 💜🩵
Tengo 16 años!
Vivo en Argentina🇦🇷 actualmente!!🩵🤍🩵
Comida favorita: sushi!🍱
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Primer manga que leí: Sailor moon🌙🌈
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Orientacion sexual: estoy en duda pero vamos a decir que soy b1sexual uwu🏳️‍🌈
Bandas favoritas: senses fail, rammstein, system of a down, korn y sleeping with sirens
Vocaloid favorito: Megurine Luka🩷
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Donde me gustaria vivir?: Japon!!! LoL🇯🇵
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Me gusta✅️✅️✅️
el awaaa💧, el anime y el manga📚, cantaaar🎤🎼, escuchar musicaa(j-pop, k-pop, vocaloid, metal, rock, pop punk, indie rock, alternative rock, y maaaaas)🎧🎶🎵 , tocar la guitarra🎸, dibujar ✏️📓, bailar y practicar coreografias de kpop y otros geneross, y actualmente estoy aprendiendo Jap0nés🍙🍚🥡.
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No me gusta❌️❌️❌️
Estar rodeada de gente(soy muy solitaria y un poco asocial), el contacto fisico, que me repitan lo mismo una y otra vez, que me traten de boluda o de que estoy delirando, que no me digan las cosas a la cara, que me hagan bullying solo por ser diferente, que me pongan apodos, que se hagan los buenos conmigo y despues hablen mierda de mi a mis espaldas, etc. Cosas malas Ajjdnsjdjsskdifjsgjjdvokafi
Nadamm eso, si quieren pueden hablarme y charlamos un ratoo! ^^
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meckelart · 2 years
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Who remembers VG Cats back in 2000’s? 🐱🐱🕹️🎮 I just randomly felt like drawing Leo. And yes I did hear that Scott Ramsoomair is no longer making comics anymore. I’ve met him once at Anime Expo 2014 and he’s a really nice guy. 😎 I like to wish him the best and hopefully will see his arts one day in the future.
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axylaj · 2 years
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Shes a red eared slider who was being sold as a “painted turtle” on Venice beach with Mikey (they’re the ‘twins’ in my au) and was born with blindness in one eye. she’s the second oldest and definitely the most skilled fighter out of her brothers. because of that she’s a bit full of herself lol. Leo wasn’t put into the position of being a leader but rather morphed into it as her and her brothers started fighting bad guys more and more.
While tactical, precise, and creative in her planning she sometimes panics or freaks out when something doesn’t go according to said plan. Leo has trouble thinking on her feet and flounders a little bit in situations that need immediate and unplanned responses. She can get a bit reckless in situations like this and often needs the help of her brothers to calm down and think (at the small price of her pride)
Regardless, Leo was the only one to step up to the plate to take on the role of ‘leader’. She slowly gets better at quieting her mind and learning how to respond to situations like that through meditation and activities she considers therapeutic like cooking or writing.
SPEAKING OF HER WRITING!! Leo is a MASSIVE nerd, and doesn’t really hide it. she is REALLY into fandom culture, like SUPER into it. Leo gets really into into anime and space stuff when she’s 12 and started to get involved in a lot of fan communities online. She’s a massive tumblr and newgrounds user and makes herself her own website at some point to share her thoughts and writing.
Leo ends up gaining a MASSIVE following for her fanfics, and ends up making a lot of online friends, one of which being Karai! (which I’ll expand on later) Leo is the type to leave authors notes like, “sorrey if itz kinda bad I’ve nevr written smthin liek this b4 :T critiquez are appreciated!!!! :33” and then proceed to write the most toe curling eye watering angst about Tokyo mewmew anyone has ever seen.
For her 14th birthday her brothers managed to get her a vip pass to anime expo and she almost cried. They insisted she just go as is because she wouldn’t look odd among cosplayers and fursuiters but NO, Leo insisted on going as sailor moon.
In my current AU cannon Leo’s favorite “surface activity” is going to conventions and fan meetups regardless of how niche it might be. It’s her way of escapism and she thinks it’s fun god damnit.
Moral of the story is Leo got invited to speak at dashcon in 2014
If you have any questions for me (or Leo Ig) FEEL FREE TO ASK AND YOU WILL BE ANSWERED ASAP! :D
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airmanisr · 2 years
Anime Expo 2014 - Jinx & Fishbones
Anime Expo 2014 - Jinx & Fishbones by rikioscamera Via Flickr: from League of Legends, Anime Expo 2014, Los Angeles Convention Center: Day 1
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1st time I ever met someone legitimately in the ‘hetalia fandom’ was around 2014 (18 at the time) when I snuck into anime expo in LA & the online friend I met up with (17) was tryna meet a 16 y/o prussia cosplayer who shattered an entire bottle of vodka from their hat upon meeting them on the hotel lobby floor and I legit just walked right the fuck away lol
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globalanimenews · 3 months
Anime Renaissance: Exploring the Golden Age from the 2000s Onwards
The turn of the millennium ushered in a new era for anime, marking a period of innovation, diversity, and global recognition. From groundbreaking series to transformative technological advancements, anime from the 2000s onwards has left an indelible mark on pop culture worldwide.
Technological Revolution: Digital Animation and Beyond One of the defining characteristics of anime in the 2000s was the shift towards digital animation. This technological leap allowed for greater artistic freedom, enhanced visual effects, and more efficient production processes. Titles like "Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood" (2009) exemplified this shift with its fluid animation and vibrant color palette, setting new standards for visual storytelling.
Genre Diversity and Artistic Experimentation The 2000s also witnessed an explosion of genre diversity and artistic experimentation in anime. While classics like "Naruto" (2002) and "Bleach" (2004) captivated audiences with their epic battles and intricate world-building, other series pushed boundaries with unconventional narratives and thematic depth. "Death Note" (2006) stands out for its psychological tension and moral ambiguity, challenging viewers to ponder the consequences of absolute power.
Global Impact and Cultural Exchange With the advent of streaming platforms and online communities, anime from the 2000s gained unprecedented global reach and influence. Shows like "Attack on Titan" (2013) and "One Punch Man" (2015) garnered massive international fandoms, contributing to a thriving global anime community. Conventions such as Anime Expo in Los Angeles and Japan Expo in Paris became hubs for fans to celebrate their passion for anime and cosplay.
Social Relevance and Contemporary Themes Anime from the 2000s onwards also reflected contemporary social issues and cultural trends. "Your Lie in April" (2014) explored themes of grief and redemption through the lens of music, while "Psycho-Pass" (2012) offered a dystopian critique of surveillance and justice. These series resonated with audiences by addressing complex themes with emotional resonance and intellectual depth.
Legacy and Future Prospects As we reflect on the impact of anime from the 2000s onwards, it becomes clear that this period marked a golden age of creativity and innovation. From the rise of studio giants like Madhouse and Bones to the proliferation of streaming platforms like Crunchyroll and Funimation, anime continues to evolve and thrive in the digital age.
Looking ahead, the future of anime appears bright, with promising new talents emerging and established creators continuing to push boundaries. As fans eagerly anticipate the next wave of groundbreaking series and films, one thing remains certain: anime's ability to captivate, inspire, and transcend cultural boundaries will continue to shape the entertainment of the global landscape for years to come.
In conclusion, anime from the 2000s onwards represents a golden age characterized by technological advancement, genre diversity, and global impact. Whether you're a longtime fan or discovering anime for the first time, this era offers a wealth of unforgettable stories and artistic achievements that continue to resonate with audiences worldwide.
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brookston · 6 months
Holidays 4.6
Act of Self Determination Day (Cocos Islands)
Animated Cartoon Day
Army Day (US)
Athletic Trainers and Physical Training and Sports Professionals Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Bohring-Optiz Syndrome Awareness Day
California Poppy Day
Castle Day (Japan)
Chakri Memorial Day (Thailand)
Circe Asteroid Day
Conor McGregor Day (UK)
Declaration of Arbroath Day (Scotland)
Drowsy Driver Awareness Day (California)
Feigenbaum Constant Day
406 Day
International Asexuality Day
International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (UN)
International Recruiters Day
International Search & Rescue Beacon/406 Day
International Whistler’s Day
Jump Over Things Day
King Rama I Memorial and Chakri Day (Thailand)
Knock Your Socks Off Day
Larch Day (French Republic)
Modern Olympics Day
Näfelser Fahrt (Battle of Näfels; Switzerland)
National Charlie Brown’s Insecurities Day
National Employee Benefits Day
National Fisherman Day (Indonesia)
National Gang Day
National Health Day (Kiribati)
National Jay Day
National Library Day
National Pajama Day
National Parker Day
National Robert Day
National Siamese Cat Day
National Student-Athlete Day
National Taylor Day
National Wildlife Week begins [until 4.10]
North Pole Day
Ntaryamira Day (Burgundi)
Patriot’s Victory Day (Ethiopia)
Phocaea Asteroid Day
Plan Your Epitaph Day
Post-It Notes Day
Richard the Lionheart Day
Roberto Clemente Day
Self Determination Day (Australia)
Semana Santa (Argentina)
Sorry Charlie Day (in honor of those who have been rejected and lived through it)
Stigtingsdag (a.k.a. Founders Day or Van Riebeeck’s Day; South Africa)
Tartan Day (Canada, US)
Teflon Day
Think About Spring Cleaning Day
Van Riebeeck Day (Capetown, South Africa)
Waltzing Mathilda Day (Australia)
World Day of Physical Activity
World Table Tennis Day
Yazidi New Year (Iraq)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Brew Year's Eve
Fresh Tomato Day
National Acai Bowl Day
National Caramel Popcorn Day
National Carbonara Day (Italy)
National Consider Drinking More Helles Day
National Food Faces Day
National Twinkie Day
National Viognier Day
New Beer's Eve
St. Sixtus' Day
Twinkie Day
1st Saturday in April
Belgian Beer Day ( website ) [1st Saturday]
Every Day is Tag Day [1st Saturday]
International Firewalk Day [1st Saturday]
International Pillow Fight Day [1st Saturday]
International Table Top Day [1st Saturday]
National DIY Day [1st Saturday]
National Birding Day [1st Saturday]
National Handmade Day [1st Saturday]
National Love Our Children Day [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
Satyr's Day (Silenus, Greek God of Beer Buddies and Drinking Companions) [1st Saturday of Each Month]
Tangible Karma Day [1st Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning April 6 (1st Week)
Just Pray No! Worldwide Weekend of Prayer and Fasting [thru 4.7]
National Robotics Week [thru 4.14]
National Window Safety Week [1st Full Week]
Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Week [1st Full Week]
Week of the Young Child [thru 4.14]
Independence & Related Days
Capetown, South Africa (Founded; 1652) [Orania]
Koya (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Republic of Venstral (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Self-Determination Day (Cocos Islands)
Vancouver (Founded by Canadian Pacific Railway Company; 1886)
New Year’s Days
British Income Tax Year (UK)
Festivals Beginning April 6, 2024
Armageddon Expo (Wellington, New Zealand) [thru 4.7]
The Bloody Mary Festival (Austin, Texas)
Daffodil Festival and Parade (Puyallup, Washington)
Dessert Wars (Raleigh, North Carolina)
Elmira Maple Syrup Festival (Elmira, Ontario, Canada)
FACTS (Ghent, Belgium) [thru 4.7]
Farmers’ Table Wine Trail (Hermann, Missouri)
Iowa Eats: Food & Drink festival (Waterloo, Iowa)
Lodi Wine Festoval (Lodi, California)
Maryland Chicken Wing Festoval (Annapolis, Maryland)
Renaissance Pleasure Faire of Southern California (Irwindale, California) [thru 5.19]
Scarborough Renaissance Festival (Waxahachie, Texas) [thru 12.22]
Southwest Chocolate & Coffee Fest (Albuquerque, New Mexico) [thru 4.7]
Supernova Pop Culture Expo (Melbourne, Australia) [thru 4.7]
Tequila & Taco Festival (San Diego, California) [thru 4.7]
Texas VegFest (Auston, texas)
Wales Comic Con (Wrexham, Wales) [thru 4.7]
WhiskyFest (Tampa, Florida)
World Catfish Festival (Belzoni, Mississippi)
Feast Days
Aequinoctium Vernum VIII (Pagan)
Albrecht Dürer and Lucas Cranach (Lutheran Church)
Baily (Muppetism)
Beware of Lizardmen Day (Pastafarian)
Birth of Jesus (Mormons)
Brychan (Christian; Saint)
Celestine I, Pope (Catholic Church)
Children’s Springtime Festival (France; Everyday Wicca)
Church of Latter Day Saints Day
Colsus, Archbishop of Armagh (Christian; Saint)
Crane Bag Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Ether Sunday (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Eutychius of Constantinople (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Feast of the 120 Martyrs of Persia (Christian; Martyrs)
Fête des Petits Bateaux (Fête  of the Little Boats; France)
Gudi Padwa (Birthday of Mother Earth; Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh people)
Gustave Moreau (Artology)
Impersonate a Frog Day (Pastafarian)
Jake Day (Discordian)
John William Waterhouse (Artology)
Kimbanguiste Church Founding Day (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Marcellinus of Carthage (Christian; Saint)
Pappus (Positivist; Saint)
Passover (a.k.a. Pesach; Judaism) [Nisan 16]
Prudentius, Bishop of Troyes (Christian; Saint)
Raphael (Artology)
Sixtus I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Sorting-Out of the Doggets Day (Shamanism)
William the Confessor, Abbot of Eskille (Christian; Saint)
Islamic Moveable Calendar Holidays
Lialat-Ul-Qadr (Gambia)
Lailatou-Kadr (Niger)
Lailatoul Qadr (Guinea)
Laylat al-Qadr (لیلة القدر) [a.k.a. …
Night of Decree
Night of Destiny
Night of Determination
Night of Power
Precious Night
Ramazan Bayramy (Turkey)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [13 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [20 of 71]
Nēmontēmi, Day 2 (of 5) [Aztec unlucky or fasting days, taking place between 4.5-4.18]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [14 of 32]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Along Flirtation Walk (WB MM Cartoon; 1935)
Attack on Titan (Anime TV Series; 2013)
Barney & Friends (Children’s TV Series; 1992)
Beef (TV Series; 2023)
Blockers (Film; 2018)
The Boys from Brazil, by Ira Levin (Novel; 1976)
Buddy of the Legion (WB LT Cartoon; 1935)
The Bum Bandit (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1931)
The Castaway (Disney Cartoon; 1931)
Cry-Baby (Film; 1990)
The Dancing Fool (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1932)
Death Proof (Film; 2007)
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime TV Series; 2019)
Diva, by Annie Lennox (Album; 1992)
The Double Helix, by James D. Watson (Science Book; 1968)
The Dragons of Eden, by Carl Sagan (Science Essays; 1977)
The Flintstones: Little Big League (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Special; 1978)
The Gods Must Be Crazy (Film; 1984)
Grifters, by Jim Thompson (Novel; 1963)
Grindhouse (Film; 2007)
Haikyu! (Anime TV Series; 2014)
Harbor Lights, by Bruce Hornsby (Album; 1993)
Humorous Phases of Funny Phases (Animated TV Show;1906) [1st Animated Cartoon]
I Love You to Death (Film; 1990)
Indian Pudding (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1930)
In Harm’s Way (Film; 1965)
Joe’s Lunch Wagon (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1934)
Just Visiting (Film; 2001)
Kodak Flexible Rolled Film (Photography Film; 1889)
The Lost Weekend, by Charles R. Jackson (Novel; 1944)
Mamma Mia! (UK Musical Play; 1999)
The Millionaire Hare (WB LT Cartoon; 1963)
Moscow on the Hudson (Film; 1984)
Nine Stories, by J.D. Salinger (Short Stories; 1953)
Outbreak, by Robin Cook (Novel; 1987)
Planet Terror (Film; 2007)
A Quiet Place (Film; 2018)
Robot Chicken DC Comics Special 2: Villains in Paradise (WB Animated TV Special; 2014)
Silicon Valley (TV Series; 2014)
Tannhäuser, by Richard Wagner (Opera; 1870)
Teachers Are People (Disney Cartoon; 1952)
The Thorn Birds, by Colleen McCullough (Novel; 1977)
Trust the Saint, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories 1962) [Saint #36]
Undertow, by Tool (Album; 1993)
Vitamin Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1966)
Where the Boys Are (Film; 1984)
Wild Bill Hiccup (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1970)
Workaholics (TV Series; 2011)
Today’s Name Days
Notker, Wilhelm (Austria)
Irenej, Petar, Prudencije (Croatia)
Vendula (Czech Republic)
Sixtus (Denmark)
Ville, Villem, Villi, Villo, Villu (Estonia)
Jami, Vilhelm, Vilho, Vili, Viljami, Ville (Finland)
Marcellin (France)
Sixtus, William (Germany)
Efthios, Evtychios (Greece)
Bíborka, Vilmos (Hungary)
Celestina, Diogene, Filarete, Guglielmo (Italy)
Filips, Vilips, Zinta (Latvia)
Celestinas, Daugirutis, Genardas, Žintautė (Lithuania)
Aasmund, Asmund, Åsmund (Norway)
Ada, Adam, Adamina, Celestyn, Celestyna, Diogenes, Ireneusz, Katarzyna, Świętobor, Sykstus, Wilhelm, Zachariasz (Poland)
Eutihie (Romania)
Irena (Slovakia)
Celestino, Gala, Guillermo, Prudencio (Spain)
Vilhelm, William (Sweden)
Celesta, Celeste, Celestina, Celestine, Tyra (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 97 of 2024; 269 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 14 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 21 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 28 (Geng-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 27 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 27 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 7 Cyan; Sevenday [6 of 30]
Julian: 24 March 2024
Moon: 7%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 13 Archimedes (4th Month) [Diophantus]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 19 of 92)
Week: 2nd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 17 of 31)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Holidays 4.6
Act of Self Determination Day (Cocos Islands)
Animated Cartoon Day
Army Day (US)
Athletic Trainers and Physical Training and Sports Professionals Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Bohring-Optiz Syndrome Awareness Day
California Poppy Day
Castle Day (Japan)
Chakri Memorial Day (Thailand)
Circe Asteroid Day
Conor McGregor Day (UK)
Declaration of Arbroath Day (Scotland)
Drowsy Driver Awareness Day (California)
Feigenbaum Constant Day
406 Day
International Asexuality Day
International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (UN)
International Recruiters Day
International Search & Rescue Beacon/406 Day
International Whistler’s Day
Jump Over Things Day
King Rama I Memorial and Chakri Day (Thailand)
Knock Your Socks Off Day
Larch Day (French Republic)
Modern Olympics Day
Näfelser Fahrt (Battle of Näfels; Switzerland)
National Charlie Brown’s Insecurities Day
National Employee Benefits Day
National Fisherman Day (Indonesia)
National Gang Day
National Health Day (Kiribati)
National Jay Day
National Library Day
National Pajama Day
National Parker Day
National Robert Day
National Siamese Cat Day
National Student-Athlete Day
National Taylor Day
National Wildlife Week begins [until 4.10]
North Pole Day
Ntaryamira Day (Burgundi)
Patriot’s Victory Day (Ethiopia)
Phocaea Asteroid Day
Plan Your Epitaph Day
Post-It Notes Day
Richard the Lionheart Day
Roberto Clemente Day
Self Determination Day (Australia)
Semana Santa (Argentina)
Sorry Charlie Day (in honor of those who have been rejected and lived through it)
Stigtingsdag (a.k.a. Founders Day or Van Riebeeck’s Day; South Africa)
Tartan Day (Canada, US)
Teflon Day
Think About Spring Cleaning Day
Van Riebeeck Day (Capetown, South Africa)
Waltzing Mathilda Day (Australia)
World Day of Physical Activity
World Table Tennis Day
Yazidi New Year (Iraq)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Brew Year's Eve
Fresh Tomato Day
National Acai Bowl Day
National Caramel Popcorn Day
National Carbonara Day (Italy)
National Consider Drinking More Helles Day
National Food Faces Day
National Twinkie Day
National Viognier Day
New Beer's Eve
St. Sixtus' Day
Twinkie Day
1st Saturday in April
Belgian Beer Day ( website ) [1st Saturday]
Every Day is Tag Day [1st Saturday]
International Firewalk Day [1st Saturday]
International Pillow Fight Day [1st Saturday]
International Table Top Day [1st Saturday]
National DIY Day [1st Saturday]
National Birding Day [1st Saturday]
National Handmade Day [1st Saturday]
National Love Our Children Day [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
Satyr's Day (Silenus, Greek God of Beer Buddies and Drinking Companions) [1st Saturday of Each Month]
Tangible Karma Day [1st Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning April 6 (1st Week)
Just Pray No! Worldwide Weekend of Prayer and Fasting [thru 4.7]
National Robotics Week [thru 4.14]
National Window Safety Week [1st Full Week]
Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Week [1st Full Week]
Week of the Young Child [thru 4.14]
Independence & Related Days
Capetown, South Africa (Founded; 1652) [Orania]
Koya (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Republic of Venstral (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Self-Determination Day (Cocos Islands)
Vancouver (Founded by Canadian Pacific Railway Company; 1886)
New Year’s Days
British Income Tax Year (UK)
Festivals Beginning April 6, 2024
Armageddon Expo (Wellington, New Zealand) [thru 4.7]
The Bloody Mary Festival (Austin, Texas)
Daffodil Festival and Parade (Puyallup, Washington)
Dessert Wars (Raleigh, North Carolina)
Elmira Maple Syrup Festival (Elmira, Ontario, Canada)
FACTS (Ghent, Belgium) [thru 4.7]
Farmers’ Table Wine Trail (Hermann, Missouri)
Iowa Eats: Food & Drink festival (Waterloo, Iowa)
Lodi Wine Festoval (Lodi, California)
Maryland Chicken Wing Festoval (Annapolis, Maryland)
Renaissance Pleasure Faire of Southern California (Irwindale, California) [thru 5.19]
Scarborough Renaissance Festival (Waxahachie, Texas) [thru 12.22]
Southwest Chocolate & Coffee Fest (Albuquerque, New Mexico) [thru 4.7]
Supernova Pop Culture Expo (Melbourne, Australia) [thru 4.7]
Tequila & Taco Festival (San Diego, California) [thru 4.7]
Texas VegFest (Auston, texas)
Wales Comic Con (Wrexham, Wales) [thru 4.7]
WhiskyFest (Tampa, Florida)
World Catfish Festival (Belzoni, Mississippi)
Feast Days
Aequinoctium Vernum VIII (Pagan)
Albrecht Dürer and Lucas Cranach (Lutheran Church)
Baily (Muppetism)
Beware of Lizardmen Day (Pastafarian)
Birth of Jesus (Mormons)
Brychan (Christian; Saint)
Celestine I, Pope (Catholic Church)
Children’s Springtime Festival (France; Everyday Wicca)
Church of Latter Day Saints Day
Colsus, Archbishop of Armagh (Christian; Saint)
Crane Bag Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Ether Sunday (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Eutychius of Constantinople (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Feast of the 120 Martyrs of Persia (Christian; Martyrs)
Fête des Petits Bateaux (Fête  of the Little Boats; France)
Gudi Padwa (Birthday of Mother Earth; Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh people)
Gustave Moreau (Artology)
Impersonate a Frog Day (Pastafarian)
Jake Day (Discordian)
John William Waterhouse (Artology)
Kimbanguiste Church Founding Day (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Marcellinus of Carthage (Christian; Saint)
Pappus (Positivist; Saint)
Passover (a.k.a. Pesach; Judaism) [Nisan 16]
Prudentius, Bishop of Troyes (Christian; Saint)
Raphael (Artology)
Sixtus I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Sorting-Out of the Doggets Day (Shamanism)
William the Confessor, Abbot of Eskille (Christian; Saint)
Islamic Moveable Calendar Holidays
Lialat-Ul-Qadr (Gambia)
Lailatou-Kadr (Niger)
Lailatoul Qadr (Guinea)
Laylat al-Qadr (لیلة القدر) [a.k.a. …
Night of Decree
Night of Destiny
Night of Determination
Night of Power
Precious Night
Ramazan Bayramy (Turkey)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [13 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [20 of 71]
Nēmontēmi, Day 2 (of 5) [Aztec unlucky or fasting days, taking place between 4.5-4.18]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [14 of 32]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Along Flirtation Walk (WB MM Cartoon; 1935)
Attack on Titan (Anime TV Series; 2013)
Barney & Friends (Children’s TV Series; 1992)
Beef (TV Series; 2023)
Blockers (Film; 2018)
The Boys from Brazil, by Ira Levin (Novel; 1976)
Buddy of the Legion (WB LT Cartoon; 1935)
The Bum Bandit (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1931)
The Castaway (Disney Cartoon; 1931)
Cry-Baby (Film; 1990)
The Dancing Fool (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1932)
Death Proof (Film; 2007)
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime TV Series; 2019)
Diva, by Annie Lennox (Album; 1992)
The Double Helix, by James D. Watson (Science Book; 1968)
The Dragons of Eden, by Carl Sagan (Science Essays; 1977)
The Flintstones: Little Big League (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Special; 1978)
The Gods Must Be Crazy (Film; 1984)
Grifters, by Jim Thompson (Novel; 1963)
Grindhouse (Film; 2007)
Haikyu! (Anime TV Series; 2014)
Harbor Lights, by Bruce Hornsby (Album; 1993)
Humorous Phases of Funny Phases (Animated TV Show;1906) [1st Animated Cartoon]
I Love You to Death (Film; 1990)
Indian Pudding (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1930)
In Harm’s Way (Film; 1965)
Joe’s Lunch Wagon (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1934)
Just Visiting (Film; 2001)
Kodak Flexible Rolled Film (Photography Film; 1889)
The Lost Weekend, by Charles R. Jackson (Novel; 1944)
Mamma Mia! (UK Musical Play; 1999)
The Millionaire Hare (WB LT Cartoon; 1963)
Moscow on the Hudson (Film; 1984)
Nine Stories, by J.D. Salinger (Short Stories; 1953)
Outbreak, by Robin Cook (Novel; 1987)
Planet Terror (Film; 2007)
A Quiet Place (Film; 2018)
Robot Chicken DC Comics Special 2: Villains in Paradise (WB Animated TV Special; 2014)
Silicon Valley (TV Series; 2014)
Tannhäuser, by Richard Wagner (Opera; 1870)
Teachers Are People (Disney Cartoon; 1952)
The Thorn Birds, by Colleen McCullough (Novel; 1977)
Trust the Saint, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories 1962) [Saint #36]
Undertow, by Tool (Album; 1993)
Vitamin Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1966)
Where the Boys Are (Film; 1984)
Wild Bill Hiccup (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1970)
Workaholics (TV Series; 2011)
Today’s Name Days
Notker, Wilhelm (Austria)
Irenej, Petar, Prudencije (Croatia)
Vendula (Czech Republic)
Sixtus (Denmark)
Ville, Villem, Villi, Villo, Villu (Estonia)
Jami, Vilhelm, Vilho, Vili, Viljami, Ville (Finland)
Marcellin (France)
Sixtus, William (Germany)
Efthios, Evtychios (Greece)
Bíborka, Vilmos (Hungary)
Celestina, Diogene, Filarete, Guglielmo (Italy)
Filips, Vilips, Zinta (Latvia)
Celestinas, Daugirutis, Genardas, Žintautė (Lithuania)
Aasmund, Asmund, Åsmund (Norway)
Ada, Adam, Adamina, Celestyn, Celestyna, Diogenes, Ireneusz, Katarzyna, Świętobor, Sykstus, Wilhelm, Zachariasz (Poland)
Eutihie (Romania)
Irena (Slovakia)
Celestino, Gala, Guillermo, Prudencio (Spain)
Vilhelm, William (Sweden)
Celesta, Celeste, Celestina, Celestine, Tyra (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 97 of 2024; 269 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 14 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 21 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 28 (Geng-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 27 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 27 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 7 Cyan; Sevenday [6 of 30]
Julian: 24 March 2024
Moon: 7%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 13 Archimedes (4th Month) [Diophantus]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 19 of 92)
Week: 2nd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 17 of 31)
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photos-car · 10 months
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